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  1. a short verse said or sung by a priest or minister in public worship and followed by a response from the congregation

How To Use versicle In A Sentence

  • On semi-doubles and those of a lesser rite the suffrages are now reduced to a single antiphon and orison which is common to all the saints heretofore commemorated, whilst the preces ( "Miserere" and versicles) formerly imposed on the greater feriæ are now suppressed. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 15: Tournely-Zwirner
  • The Hour of Matins is divided into three nocturns, as on the greater feasts, each of which consists of three psalms with their antiphons, a versicle, and three readings with their responsories. Compendium of the 1955 Holy Week Revisions of Pius XII: Part 5 - Tenebrae and the Divine Office of the Triduum
  • The word ‘antiphon’ refers to versicles or sentences sung by two voices in response to each other; an antiphonary is a collection of such sentences.
  • This is reflected in the choice of prayers, psalms, versicles, and antiphons.
  • Each of the three nocturns includes three sets of antiphons and psalms; a versicle and response; a time for silent prayer; and three lessons, each followed by a responsory.
  • Each folio has the incipits of the hours of the Virgin on the recto, and the lessons, responsories and versicles from the office of the dead on the verso.
  • As soon as the deacon has finished his versicle the celebrant turns back to the altar and waits; the deacon and subdeacon kneel on the suppedaneum. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 8: Infamy-Lapparent
  • Some were satirical epics in the manner of Pope, on the state of British society; others more enigmatic little versicles.
  • 48The final type of liturgical manuscript from these houses are collectars, which contained the collects or prayers for the different hours of the Divine Office. 124 According to Humbert's prototype, the collectar starts with a calendar and then describes "the manner of singing all the capitula, the blessings before the lessons in matins, the versicles before lauds, all the antiphons, all the prayers (or orationes). Sensual Encounters: Monastic Women and Spirituality in Medieval Germany
  • a short poem about the feast, the stichos a versicle, generally from The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 4: Clandestinity-Diocesan Chancery
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