How To Use Verner In A Sentence

  • Bakers, victuallers, taverners, hostelers, and sometimes attorneys were disqualified from election as mayor or bailiff in the fifteenth century.
  • A young justice, the Governer of the town, saw the young maid and fell in love with her.
  • No. Only, "That no merchant, cooper or any other person whatever, shall, after the first day of the first month, sell any wine under one-quarter of a cask, neither by quart, gallon or any other measure, _but only such taverners as are licensed to sell by the gallon_. Grappling with the Monster The Curse and the Cure of Strong Drink
  • The evidence has warranted the inclusion - along with men specifically designated merchants - of vintners, mercers, grocers, spicers, and taverners (but not, generally, brewers).
  • `On the orders of the Archbishop, I had already ordered every taverner in the city to inform me of any sudden deaths. A SHRINE OF MURDERS
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  • MORS, _m. _, levier de la bride qui passe dans la bouche d'un cheval et sert à le gouverner. French Conversation and Composition
  • The application was endorsed by the governers' board.
  • VERNER, P.H. and BARTOS, J. (1989) The comparative effectiveness of two biopreparations based on the entomogenous fungus Beauveria bassiana, especially their effects on storage pests. Chapter 10
  • Bakers, victuallers, taverners, hostelers, and sometimes attorneys were disqualified from election as mayor or bailiff in the fifteenth century.
  • Again no suspicions fell upon his companions, so questions were asked of the taverner. A SHRINE OF MURDERS
  • The application was endorsed by the governers' board.
  • The Muslim Governer of Hydrabad in southern India rebelled and established a separate Shi'a state, he also reintroduced religious toleration.
  • “Tandis, ” says Mably, “que presque toutes les nations de l’Europe ignorent les principes constitutifs de la société et ne regardent les citoyens que comme les bestiaux d’une ferme qu’on gouverne pour l’avantage particulier du propriétaire, on est étonné, on est édifié que vos treize Républiques ayent connu à la fois la dignité de l’homme et soient allé puiser dans les sources de la plus sage philosophie les principes humains par lesquels elles veulent se gouverner. Washington and the French. III. III
  • Colum insisted on paying the taverner 's fee, drained the dregs from his cup and gestured at Kathryn to remain seated. A SHRINE OF MURDERS
  • Hence, the voiced alternants induced by Verner's Law may be expected in both subjunctive pret. singular and plural.
  • He notes the use of services to indicate a single service (this is common throughout the United States); the decay of reverend to revernor, reverner, revenor or revener; the use of confirmand to designate a candidate for confirmation; the use of to announce to indicate notifying a pastor of an intention to partake of communion (Ger. sich anmelden); and the use of confessional-address (beichtrede.) Chapter 4. American and English Today. 2. Differences in Usage
  • It may be wrong to say there was a holy expression pervading the face; but it certainly gave that impression to Lionel Verner. Verner's Pride
  • You see, the Governer of Jamaica lived just up the road at King's House, and his wife, a white woman from England, took umbrage at this impudence.
  • What further amazes Verner, a macro-economist, is the deftness with which the indigenous people navigate the modern world while retaining fidelity to their traditions and customs.

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