How To Use Veritable In A Sentence

  • My garden had become a veritable jungle by the time I came back from holiday.
  • Birding could produce a veritable spring of teal.
  • He can turn the state of lonely self-loathing into a veritable inferno of seething threats, fans, mockers, competitors.
  • Once Bob would have been a veritable fund of info about goings-on around the club.
  • The two men followed as the warden led them through a veritable maze of stone passages and metal walkways.
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  • On those occasions the CHAzn presents a veritable concert of liturgical selections, often with a choir to assist him.
  • What with ripened berries, snails, slugs and insects, there was a veritable feast on offer.
  • Blogs are full of opposing views on presses -- what has been perfect for one reloader is a veritable piece of junk to another ... I Love Hornady!
  • Even this small house was a veritable palace compared to his tent.
  • If diving for wrecks turns you on, Bermuda is a veritable treasure trove of maritime disaster, with a wreck collection including 16th century Spanish galleons, warships and a luxury transatlantic liner.
  • With Horace the body of criticism is a veritable totem pole whose foundation goes back to ancient times.
  • Paris Celestine ... une bloggeuse qui ne révèlera jamais sa véritable identité, des conseils, des photos, des tenues ... ... and more later
  • This weekend the Cinémathèque québécoise will be presenting a veritable orgy of animation for three days solid.
  • This contains a veritable outpouring of medieval art; frescoes cover most of the interior walls and porch.
  • The melon festival will kick off here with a veritable mishmash of melon-based menu, complete with cocktails and mocktails.
  • It holds a veritable goldmine of information, a lot of trade secrets. Times, Sunday Times
  • This veritable king of the Himal --" (here follows a pageful of regulation guide-book gush). A Holiday in the Happy Valley with Pen and Pencil
  • Not just because I do know the inverse square law (the difference between perigee and apogee, between catalepsy and cataplexy, distal and proxal, etc, etc, etc) and they maybe dont ... but because I can only consider anyone who "looks down on" anyone, regardless of what they do or dont know as a veritable "mousehole". On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
  • No one had failed to see the awe-inspiring sight: it was so bright that it outshone the sun and turned the night into a veritable midnight afternoon.
  • Man Singh, also a vassal to the Mughal Empire, had nonetheless managed to live with the extravagance of a king, with sixteen hundred wives populating his zenana, a veritable swarm of children, so many sons he could not remember all of their names. Shadow Princess
  • The show is a veritable reservoir of new talent.
  • I mean, the sht flinging Baboon is a veritable luminary in the field of politics. Think Progress » ThinkFast: January 20, 2010
  • It would be a veritable babel here if it weren't so damn quiet!
  • Your gallant battle-hosts and work-hosts, as the others did, will need to be made loyally yours; they must and will be regulated, methodically secured in their just share of conquest under you; -- joined with you in veritable brotherhood, sonhood, by quite other and deeper ties than those of temporary day's wages! Past and Present
  • I was speaking with a veritable banshee of a woman: red-headed, a writer and a boxer.
  • Another hormone reputed to be a veritable fountain of youth is dehydroepiandrosterone, which is naturally produced in the adrenal glands.
  • The church of the house, constructed in such a manner as to separate the Great Convent from the Boarding-school like a veritable intrenchment, was, of course, common to the Boarding-school, the Great Convent, and the Les Miserables
  • It holds a veritable goldmine of information, a lot of trade secrets. Times, Sunday Times
  • Much of this has been concerned with the production of automobiles, and alongside a veritable library of antiquarian books about specific marques there are a handful of excellent scholarly histories of individual manufacturers.
  • He slept throughout the entire journey and woke only toward the end of the afternoon as we jolted down the narrow lane to Misenum, where Lucullus had his—well, I was going to call it a house, but the word hardly fits that veritable palace of pleasure, the Villa Cornelia, which he had bought and extended on the coast. CONSPIRATA
  • In this regard, the resolution of the parliamentary faction treads a veritable tightrope.
  • N'importe quel représentant du peuple, individuellement, à quelque parti politique qu'il appartienne, s'il veut véritablement la promotion du bien commun, ne devrait pas hésiter à réclamer une répartition adéquate de la richesse, respectant la liberté personnelle, la propriété et l'entreprise privées. Qu'est-ce que le vrai Crédit Social? Au-dessus des partis politiques
  • In the 1860s a veritable explosion of major scientific publications took place.
  • The spa and yoga pavilions are set in a veritable Eden of exotic foliage. Times, Sunday Times
  • The contemporary wealthy employ a veritable army to look after their brand, to wash away inconvenient facts about their past. Times, Sunday Times
  • With Horace the body of criticism is a veritable totem pole whose foundation goes back to ancient times.
  • With her "Open Archives: A Fifteen-Year History", she provides, not of a mere a constipated chronology, but a veritable "Survival Manual" for the librarian or documentalist wishing either to get involved in projects based on these concepts or merely to keep informed. Hélène Bosc
  • The older generation is played by a veritable Spotlight casting directory of well-loved performers.
  • The reader will meet a veritable galaxy of rakes, atheistic clergy, philanthropic snobs, scholars, apothecaries and antiquarians in this elegant, witty, informative and, in true Horatian style, entertaining book.
  • The following afternoon they encountered not a herd of the achivar but a veritable spiny army, sweeping toward them from the south. The Deluge Drivers
  • But it promises to be a veritable feast of goodies if you're a big fan of the series. The Sun
  • Set to a soundtrack of pounding tribal drums, Proenza Schouler's Jack McCollough and Lazaro Hernandez's spring show was a veritable luau of pareu skirts, hibiscus blooms and tiki imagery. Endless Summer
  • Spectacularly set atop a Tennessee mountain, it's a veritable factory of what Tennessee Williams might have referred to -- drawlingly, with a cigarette dangling -- as "gentlemen and women of substance. Southern Charm
  • His shop, a veritable Aladdin's cave of antiques, is for sale.
  • Janvier 2001: ouverture d'un nouveau site, Gloupsy. com, qui fonctionnera selon le même principe que la Grenouille Bleue, mais avec plus de "services" pour les jeunes auteurs; o) Le but étant de mettre en place une véritable plate-forme pour "lancer" les auteurs. Entretiens / Interviews / Entrevistas
  • The school going children can expect a veritable literary blitz to descend on their schools.
  • Gordon Ramsay suggests chestnut mushrooms, Simon and Lindsey, and James Martin flat black mushrooms, Delia a mixture of dried porcini, soaked before use, and chestnut, and Madelene a veritable melange of oyster, chestnut, shitake and girolles. How to cook perfect beef wellington
  • The next time his cell door opened Abramov greeted him with unaccustomed friendliness -- a veritable hail-fellow-well-met. THE ENDLESS GAME
  • The noodle dish was a veritable treasure trove of fish, chicken meat, tempura prawn and soft noodles.
  • Anyone walking through the doors of the company premises should prepare themselves for a veritable banquet of glass.
  • February 25, 2010 at 10:32 pm i may be in the veritable minority but i can easily name all 4 members of coldplay, guitarist jonny buckland, bass guy berryman and drummer will champion so get it up ye Britain’s Got Talent: Susan Boyle To Win?
  • He shows us La Fuente with its maze of shops and its indigenous market, a veritable carpet of embroidered and woven textiles laid out in the courtyard sun around the fountain.
  • The soft acid rain that has fallen this summer has the countryside a veritable patchwork quilt of colour.
  • Another research group aimed to allow a pilot to steer the rocket and eject just before it reached its target — a veritable suicide mission.
  • This particular race of monkey, being a veritable anthropoidal Don Juan among his fellows, when turned loose in a village commences making violent love to the wives and sweethearts of the resident monkeys. Around the World on a Bicycle - Volume II From Teheran To Yokohama
  • A feature of especial interest is that, while the youngest Triassic ammonites are quite rare, the oldest Jurassic ammonites are extremely abundant, entering the succession in a veritable flood.
  • Intriguing and engaging, this is a ‘must’ for Roscommon folk, a veritable gold mine of rich nuggets.
  • He slept throughout the entire journey and woke only toward the end of the afternoon as we jolted down the narrow lane to Misenum, where Lucullus had his—well, I was going to call it a house, but the word hardly fits that veritable palace of pleasure, the Villa Cornelia, which he had bought and extended on the coast. CONSPIRATA
  • Planudes may have invented some few fables, or have inserted some that were current in his day; but there is an abundance of unanswerable internal evidence to prove that he had an acquaintance with the veritable fables of Aesop, although the versions he had access to were probably corrupt, as contained in the various translations and disquisitional exercises of the rhetoricians and philosophers. Fables
  • Talk to teachers today, and you'll hear about their struggle to cope with a veritable tsunami of students pouring into school each year.
  • Christie's Africa sale on September 24, which is a veritable Aladdin's cave of Stanley's effects allows us to enter into the realms of fantasy.
  • There was the old cellaret with nothing in it, lined with lead, like a sort of coffin in compartments; there was the old dark closet, also with nothing in it, of which he had been many a time the sole contents, in days of punishment, when he had regarded it as the veritable entrance to that bourne to which the tract had found him galloping. Little Dorrit
  • A veritable love triangle, so it was. Times, Sunday Times
  • And here were bones: femurs, ulnae, sacra, ribs, scapulae; he was standing in "a veritable graveyard. The Kaisho
  • Whether we're aware of it or not, our homes are veritable wildlife parks, from the obvious predators such as rats and mice to the more discreet dust mite or the mendicant bluebottle.
  • A veritable forest of knock-off Awards have sprung up around and about I see.
  • In particular we must attract, recruit, inspire and train a veritable army of entry-level tradespeople and professionals to ensure that we can meet the demands upon us.
  • His is a veritable Horatio Alger story with a tragic finish.
  • Two, dramatic points are made far more strongly here; in the studio, Callas was imposing, but here she was terrifying, a veritable tigress.
  • J'en doute, je vous l'avouerai, que l'aristocratie anglaise s'en trouve bien, et quoique A B ait entonné l'autre jour une véritable hymne en l'honneur de celle ci, je ne crois pas que ce qui passe soit de nature à rendre ces chances plus grandes dans l'avenir '-- _A de Tocqueville_. Correspondence & Conversations of Alexis de Tocqueville with Nassau William Senior from 1834 to 1859, Volume 2
  • a veritable smorgasbord of religions
  • Moreover, there was the seclusion of the island, and the sense - from this almost hyperborean perspective - of Edinburgh and London being distant, southern cities, veritable tropical hotbeds of steamy licentiousness. Jura Duty
  • This painting has become a veritable obsession and he has returned to it repeatedly over the past thirty years.
  • Drawings and ephemera throughout the room make it a veritable collector's cabinet of curiosities.
  • There was a veritable rash of young white guys, running confusedly around the electorate brandishing postcards.
  • Midfield offers a veritable embarrassment of riches. Times, Sunday Times
  • This, he explained, kept farming from being developed peacefully, and it was amidst what he called a veritable civil war stirred up from abroad that so many errors were committed. SANTA CRUZ RALLY
  • I have a number of those guidelines and one could literally drive the veritable bus through any of them.
  • Critics, especially the press, both local and foreign, have descended like veritable vultures.
  • I started to look on the ground around the tree for fallen bark and branches, and what I saw was a veritable goldmine of wood that would be just the thing for the huts.
  • Why wouldn't my attention be attracted by that man, since he was a beggar or a tramp, a veritable rainbow of dark-colored rags?
  • Old water cisterns and a Victorian toilet spill over with a veritable mass of plants and bulbs.
  • Women's presence in civil and political society is a veritable moral reproach.
  • Having settled into your pile of soft furnishings, be prepared to be served a veritable banquet of the finest Moroccan cuisine.
  • Inspired by this veritable bouleversement, H. Feigl impudently defined philoso - phy as “the disease of which it should be the cure.” Dictionary of the History of Ideas
  • Anti-Trinitarians, moreover, were considered to be particularly abhorrent, veritable "blasphemers" who had wholly abandoned Christianity. Poland's Past
  • In the intervals of pandemonium, each chattered, cut up, hooted, screeched, and danced, himself sufficient unto himself, filled with his own ideas and volitions to the exclusion of all others, a veritable centre of the universe, divorced for the time being from any unanimity with the other universe-centres leaping and yelling around him. CHAPTER XIV
  • During the past three years of his fur-tuitous career, Cooper has churned out a veritable cat-alogue raisonné of photos taken on weekly jaunts around the neighborhood, during which he pussyfoots through brambles, along fence-tops, and under cars armed with a camera collar that snaps shots every two minutes. ARTINFO: Is This Cat a Great Photographer? The Seattle Art Scene's Feline Phenomenon
  • SEC is not my favorite regulator and their fines on the big Wall Street banks have not been commensurate with the crimes, but compared to the U.S. Justice Department, SEC regulators have been veritable energizer bunnies, extracting billions in fines. Mary Bottari: As Zuccotti Park Is Cleared, Congress Moves to Gut Financial Reform
  • In the Upanishads, the veritable storehouse of Indian philosophy, the sublime and the mundane, occasionally even the ludicrous, co-exist.
  • But to Paula Ladies' Fashions was a veritable Aladdin's cave of delights.
  • The old-fashioned rocker, with spindles or horizontal slats and a caned or wooden seat is a veritable icon of all that is good, patriotic, and reliable in American culture.
  • The movie is a veritable mine of in-jokes, strange gags, and funny one-liners.
  • Many of the Niçois villas are veritable palaces, and what adds to their sumptuousness is the indoor greenery, dwarf palms, india-rubber trees, and other handsome evergreens decorating corridor and landing-places. In the Heart of the Vosges And Other Sketches by a "Devious Traveller"
  • We are well on the return path to savagery, to a society void of values, a veritable jungle in which only the strong survive and thrive.
  • _ We see him much the same as he was when he delighted the Parisians in 1830, -- "_Avec sa grand casaque à gros boutons, son large pantalon flottant, ses souliers blancs comme le rests, son visage enfariné, sa tête couverte d'un serre-tête noir ... le véritable Pierrot avec sa bonhomie naïve ... ses joies d'enfant, et ses chagrins d'un effet si comique_" -- and also so pathetic. Punch, or the London Charivari, Volume 100, April 11, 1891
  • Then there is the minimum wage, the assault on child poverty and a veritable revolution in constitutional affairs.
  • But it promises to be a veritable feast of goodies if you're a big fan of the series. The Sun
  • The nose of this off-dry Riesling is a veritable floral cloud while the wine itself is fairly delicate, almost filigreed, with a long, stony finish. Drink, Memory: How to Remember That Wine
  • This area of the law is a veritable mare's nest.
  • Each drawing, a veritable webbing of wispy white lines that merge, plait, and even throb across their surfaces of coal-black paper, offers a new and semiopaque supernatural vision of worlds -- of creatures, of material, of flora -- that only our imaginations can rightly access. ArtScene: Catch Them Before They Close: Top Current Exhibitions in the Northwest
  • India with its vast variety of races and cultures is a veritable storehouse of folk dances.
  • And for you lazy, er, low-maintenance ladies -- the unplucked brow is a veritable gift! Verena von Pfetten: Brow-O-Wow: Bushy Eyebrows Make A Comeback (PHOTOS, POLL)
  • There is a veritable treasure trover here, from her securing earmarks for Wasilla to the tune of $30mil, her Troopergate lawyering-up, her one time support for Sen. Stevens, the Bridge to Nowhere, and on and on. Associated Press To The Rescue! Palin Was Thoroughly Vetted, After All!
  • He who desires properly to appreciate the profound wisdom of the institution of which he is the disciple, must not be content, with uninquiring credulity, to accept all the traditions that are imparted to him as veritable histories; nor yet, with unphilosophic incredulity, to reject them in a mass, as fabulous inventions. The Symbolism of Freemasonry
  • A veritable army is expected to troop in again to inspect the parade. Times, Sunday Times
  • Pioneer women were veritable amazons performing heavy house-hold chores in addition to toiling in the fields beside their menfolk.
  • Despite Berlin's prompt denials and attempts at mollification, he has opened up a veritable Pandora's box that cannot be closed again.
  • We will now return to what we call the South, but what was known for many years as the "Main" Building, the old plan of grand structures to face the East, just as the capitols at Washington and Raleigh, were faced under the influence of orientalization was soon abandoned, and the European plan of a quadrangle -- in old times a veritable prison in which the students were locked at night, giving rise to the expression "being in quad," was adopted, probably at the suggestion of Dr. Caldwell and Prof. Harris, who were educated at Princeton. Reminiscences and Memoirs of North Carolina and Eminent North Carolinians
  • There was here a veritable consecration, hopeful and animating, of the earth's gifts, of old dead and dark matter itself, now in some way redeemed at last, of all that we can touch or see, in the midst of a jaded world that had lost the true sense of such things, and in strong contrast to the wise emperor's renunciant and impassive attitude towards them. Marius the Epicurean — Volume 2
  • Full of tips, ideal for anyone who wants their table to be home to a veritable feast. The Sun
  • Look at the party itself -- a veritable omnium-gatherum of political odds and ends, huddled together under the party blanket like household gods and barn-yard refuse after a hurricane. The Complete Works of Brann the Iconoclast, Volume 12
  • He's that veritable boob with the upturned duckbill hat.
  • Yes, I did go through the obligatory "UNICORNS ARE MY WORLD" phase of prepubescence, a phase which culminated in a veritable stable of "My Little Pony" toys. Cat mornings. of doom. and mucus.
  • Though small, this museum is a veritable treasure trove of history.
  • Cavorting among the alphabet characters are tiny human figures, veritable Tom Thumbs, populating a world of extravagantly scaled objects.
  • Let your imagination run with that and we're a veritable banquet.
  • I suppose the tendency is to feel that we're sneering at some valuable archaeologic work, and that Mr. Holder did make a veritable identification. The Book of the Damned
  • The film is a veritable catalog of trashy design motifs from the period - the leopard-lined salon wouldn't be out of place in a John Waters movie, and the couture runs to elephant bells, gold lamé, and K-Mart striped wallpaper.
  • As we now know, thanks to his current trial on charges of paying for sex with a minor, he regularly assembles veritable harems of young women for bacchanals with a dress code that could be described as whimsical. NYT > Home Page
  • There was a veritable fountain of barf, cascading over everything in a ten feet radius.
  • From daily culinary delights served during Teddy Bear Tea and visits with Santa in a giant gingerbread house made of real gingerbread, to a non-pollutionary, anti-institutionary, pro-confectionery Willie Wonka and the Chocolate Factory filled with more than 1,000 pounds of candy - in addition to oh-so-much chocolate - the hotel offers a veritable wonderland of holiday activities for youngsters and the young-at-heart, during December. Stories
  • A veritable feast for the senses, the offerings here include the finest selections of bread, fish, meat and delicatessen products at the in-house boulangerie, poissonnerie, boucherie, charcuterie and épicerie.
  • All feasts should be veritable. Times, Sunday Times
  • At the prisoner of war camp at Springvale there is a certain Captain Waterston who is a veritable Nero.
  • “In a region plagued by veritable orgies of violence, this kind of apostolate can truly save human lives,” Miss du Coudray insisted. ACN News - Ending sexual violence in the Democratic Republic of Congo
  • Brown has created the veritable page-turner, a book that moves at a breakneck speed along the edge of a cliff.
  • I do have a veritable entourage of people cheering me on. Times, Sunday Times
  • It's a veritable hardware store of saw blades, pickaxe blades, trowels and awls.
  • In the 1860s a veritable explosion of major scientific publications took place.
  • _C'est drole! c'est ma maison_ -- _ma maison veritable_! The Quadroon Adventures in the Far West
  • Luminara was not alone in taking a couple of surprised steps backward as a veritable deluge of noisy, jabbering, furry bipeds spewed from the concealed crawlway. The Cat is a Metaphor
  • The beautiful gardens and crystal-clear sea make this place a veritable oasis. Times, Sunday Times
  • The film was released just prior to the enforcement of the Hays Code and thus escaped censorship despite a veritable tsunami of erotic images and motifs.
  • Of the gradual development of such mastery of natural detail, a veritable counterfeit of nature, the veritable rhythmus of the runner, for example -- twinkling heel and ivory shoulder -- we have hints and traces in the historians of art. Greek Studies: a Series of Essays
  • A veritable army is expected to troop in again to inspect the parade. Times, Sunday Times
  • It faces to the south, so that the little court between the gables is a veritable sun-trap, wherein grow magnolia and jessamine; while roses, Dutch honeysuckle, clematis and wistaria cover the whole front of the house and almost hide the mullioned windows. The Drummer's Coat
  • This contains a veritable outpouring of medieval art; frescoes cover most of the interior walls and porch.
  • Another part of it is that consciousness CREATES space-time and from that creation comes particularity and from that ability of particularity to exist gradually emerge both inanimate and inanimate life forms all of which dwell within the larger context of the space-time continuum which itself is a veritable ocean, if you will, of 'consciousness' in which the whole kit and caboodle continuously swims. Another Look
  • Culture or romance, history or fun on a budget - Rome is a veritable antipasto platter of weekend choices.
  • Beyond our hero and his faithful squeeze, though, we're offered a supporting cast comprised of the veritable cream of British comedy.
  • I hope you will not visit the very learned Herr Nicolai, the insipid prosaist, the puffed-up rationalist, who believes that his knowledge permits him to penetrate every thing, and who is a veritable ass. Old Fritz and the New Era
  • She was a devoted slave, just a bit unreasonable -- a veritable housedog who in the zeal of guardianship barks more than is necessary at the stranger who passes. Saint Augustin
  • To this day, Strauss's magnificent waltz is the veritable anthem of Vienna. The Waltz That Defines Vienna
  • As its publicity rightly says, ‘Kate's Kitchen’ is a ‘veritable treasury of gourmet delights’.
  • It triggered a veritable tidal wave of imitators, parodists, and artists wishing to capitalize on its success.
  • The beautiful gardens and crystal-clear sea make this place a veritable oasis. Times, Sunday Times
  • In the veritable fashion parade, which goes on, teachers are jokers and the butt of all pranks.
  • Mixed in with the towering mansion blocks are a veritable bevy of posh cafés and delicatessens with plenty of pavement for sitting outside even in these autumn months.
  • John Muir was a veritable botanical kleptomaniac and meticulous documentarian, which is handy considering the Muir exhibition, "Nature's Beloved Son," running through Sept. 25. SFGate: Top News Stories
  • Several smaller regions in the South and Midwest are veritable working class enclaves with 40 to 50 percent or more of their workforce in the traditional industrial occupations.
  • Earlier yesterday, Jasper Conran injected a little love into his show which proved a veritable kaleidoscope of summery colours.
  • State claims management - a veritable honeypot for lawyers and opportunists and a massive drain on the taxpayer - is now in NTMA's hands.
  • But it happened about this time that a grave was dug, a grave of unusual depth, to be ready, in that fiery plaguesome weather, the first heat of veritable summer come suddenly, for the body of an ancient villager then at the point of death. Miscellaneous Studies; a series of essays
  • HINOJOSA (on camera): D.A. is a man on a mission trying to stop what he calls a veritable modern day invasion. CNN Transcript Apr 28, 2006
  • The interior of Port Rand was a veritable rat race of peasants and merchant peddlers, who constantly roamed the streets.
  • Even this small house was a veritable palace compared to his tent.
  • During the past three years of his fur-tuitous career, Cooper has churned out a veritable cat-alogue raisonné of photos taken on weekly jaunts around the neighborhood, during which he pussyfoots through brambles, along fence-tops, and under cars armed with a camera collar that snaps shots every two minutes. ARTINFO: Is This Cat a Great Photographer? The Seattle Art Scene's Feline Phenomenon
  • So in "The Freedom of Suzanne," while _Suzanne_ danced a veritable Ainslee's, Vol. 15, No. 6, July 1905
  • Suva in Fiji was a veritable metropolis compared with some of the ports the frigate reached in the following weeks - in one case there was no port, just an anchorage outside a reef.
  • There the sexual excitement increased to a veritable satyriasis, which lasted until he died. 06 « November « 2007 « Jahsonic
  • The road outside the jail was turned into a veritable fortress since last night with both ends barricaded.
  • The local action of iodoform (_iodoform dermatitis_) in some individuals is that of a decided irritant, bringing about a dermatitis, which often spreads much beyond the parts of application, and which in those eczematously inclined may result in a veritable and persistent eczema. Essentials of Diseases of the Skin Including the Syphilodermata Arranged in the Form of Questions and Answers Prepared Especially for Students of Medicine
  • No wonder _Runeberg_ the poet loved to linger here -- a veritable enchanted spot. Through Finland in Carts
  • For the last few years Howard's entire political program has been based on the premise that Australia's sovereignty is not only absolute but inviolate, untouchable, a veritable law of nature.
  • Bam provided a veritable encyclopaedia of such historic structural elements: varieties of sun-dried mud brick squinches and vaults, many with the inclined arched technique recently used by Hassan Fathy.
  • This man-made labyrinth, constructed on a variety of levels, combines intimately with the rock's own vast natural system of fissures, tunnels and caverns to form a veritable honeycomb inside it.
  • photographs taken in a veritable bull ring
  • Happily, the next decade will see a veritable slew of well-qualified candidates.
  • All feasts should be veritable. Times, Sunday Times
  • Wycliffe tried to concentrate on the Wheel and to ignore the veritable forest of giant rock pinnacles with which they were surrounded.
  • A happy-go-lucky soliloquy on the splendidness of breasts is illuminated with a veritable taxonomy of sweater puppets.
  • Even the waiters, prim and proper and offering excellent service during the day, turn into veritable fleet-footed dancers in the evening, even dragging guests on to the floor.
  • Not only is it a super read, it's a veritable doorstop of fun.
  • That taciturn man with the eyes of a kind wizard has brought about a veritable revolution in gymnastics.
  • A sweet shop then was a veritable Aladdin's Cave for children, for most sweets were sold loose.
  • Bien que la vie au Royaume des Morts s'avère beaucoup plus colorée et joyeuse que sa véritable existence, Victor apprend que rien au monde, pas même la mort, ne pourra briser son amour pour sa femme. Pinku-tk Diary Entry
  • A veritable Wild West show, the story had it all: miners, gamblers, outlaws, vigilantes, robber barons, and venal politicians.
  • Though something exceptional in the moral quality of Captain Vere made him, in earnest encounter with a fellow-man, a veritable touch-stone of that man's essential nature, yet now as to Claggart and what was really going on in him, his feeling partook less of intuitional conviction than of strong suspicion clogged by strange dubieties. Billy Budd
  • The normally sober menswear department is set to become a veritable kaleidoscope of colour this season.
  • We're talking six whole movies here that could provide a veritable dissertation on horror films.
  • Some of the time he could hardly see the narrow sidewalk path between the dusty meadowsweet and hardhack bushes, since those floating black threads wove together into a veritable veil before him. The Copy-Cat, & Other Stories
  • Aflame with the idea of conjugal bliss as a veritable religion, in the 1930s he tried to create a whole "" Hilda Chapel '' full of paintings on the joys of married life. Love Affair, With Paint
  • She knew all too well that the man with the bigger reach strives to avoid fighting in close like a veritable plague.
  • He leered at me, and grinned through a veritable jungle of bad facial hair.
  • How I envy my Other Half, who can not only boast a fine whistling technique, but who can summon up a veritable oompah band whenever he's got a tune on the brain.
  • A veritable patchwork of holes had already been punched into the leathery membranes, but it was still not enough.
  • Then there is the little library which is a veritable treasure trove on Kangra's rich heritage.
  • The movie is a veritable mine of in-jokes, strange gags, and funny one-liners.
  • A veritable army is expected to troop in again to inspect the parade. Times, Sunday Times
  • Such is his passion for the warp and weft, weave and print, and all things textile, that designer Mukesh is a veritable encyclopaedia of the rich and varied textile traditions of India.
  • he's a veritable swine
  • I had a look at the company's website and they were storing a veritable cornucopia of combustibles in that place including naptha, a substance used in dry cleaning.
  • There is a fraternity of legal professionals in the US who have set up a veritable minefield.
  • You can almost feel the charge of linking synaptic bursts as the trio generates a veritable Japanese garden of tinkles, clicks, rolls, and splashes.
  • Borderie, _Les véritables prophéties de Merlin; examen des poèmes bretons attribués à ce barde_, in _Revue de Bretagne_, vol. liii The Life of Joan of Arc, Vol. 1 and 2
  • He was received as an actual manitou, with cere monial feats, anointing the limbs of himself and his companions, and "a veritable sacrifice like that which they made to their false gods", being invoked at the same time to give them victory against their enemies, abundant crops, and immunity from disease and famine. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 9: Laprade-Mass Liturgy
  • The tables are all covered with thick starched linen tablecloths, the glasses are top quality and huge, and the normal veritable army of service personnel are in attendance to push the awaiting chair under the bottom.
  • A starved kitten, which shapes out of nothing and is there complete and instantaneous at your feet -- ginger stripes, and a mew which is weak, but a veritable voice of the living -- is first Old Junk
  • Under favourable climatic conditions, however, most prominently in tropical cloud forests, branches may be covered by a veritable soil layer, sometimes decimetres in depth.

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