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How To Use Verandah In A Sentence

  • A beggar woman and her child took shelter on the verandah at night and left behind disquieting odours.
  • The masseuse applied fragrant medicated oils on the head and body in plentiful measure as one lay on a high wooden plank on the secluded verandah of an open walled courtyard.
  • My … brother had quite a hand in brokering the accords, she said nodding across the room to a skinny bloke in a well-fitted tuxedo who was making his way onto the verandah Rose had disappeared onto. The Boundaries of Consent (1/3)
  • The khansamah would appear to be the only functionary in residence until the hour of departure draws near, when a whole party of underlings -- chowkidars, bheesties, and sweepers -- appear from nowhere in particular; and the lordly traveller, having presented them with about twopence apiece, rolls off along the dusty white road, leaving the khansamah and his myrmidons salaaming on the verandah. A Holiday in the Happy Valley with Pen and Pencil
  • Part of the verandah had lately been washed away in a storm, so close was the datcha to the waves. A Tramp's Sketches
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  • The long avenue is still lined with the iron-laced pubs of the gold rush days, with their wooden verandahs.
  • When living at the hotel on Thursday Island in 1891 he installed a cage of parrots and cockatoos on the verandah.
  • With only one room at our disposal it would seem to the uninitiated that the accommodation of the homestead must have been strained to bursting point; but "out-bush" every man carries a "bluey" and a mosquito net in his swag, and as the hosts slept under the verandah, and the guests on the garden paths, or in their camps among the forest trees, spare rooms would only have been superfluous. We of the Never-Never
  • There is desultory chitchat on the verandah as evening slides into pitch-dark night.
  • Such a tiger-lily on my table, and the pretty delicate achimenes, and the stephanotis climbing up the verandah, and a bignonia by its side, with honeysuckle all over the steps, and jessamine all over the two water-tanks at the angle of the verandah. Life of John Coleridge Patteson
  • The attachment of the lower edge of the roofing sheets is reinforced at the level of the eaves purlin, which lays on the top of the verandah posts 'at the end of the ring-beam, by 6 mm diameter rods laid during the pouring of the ring-beam concrete which are then bent round the eaves purlin. Chapter 7
  • A prolonged har-r-r-rouche from Kaluna brought out a man with a female horde behind him, all shuffling into clothes as we approached, and we stiffly dismounted from the wet saddles in which we had sat for ten hours, and stiffly hobbled up into the littered verandah, the water dripping from our clothes, and squeezing out of our boots at every step. The Hawaiian Archipelago
  • He wrote sketches of the fashionable crowds on ‘the Block’ and the sharebrokers under ‘the Verandah’ as well as the cabmen in Bourke Street and the larrikins outside Wright's Gin Palace.
  • The outdoor verandah and roof overhangs provide welcome shade for both levels in the summer.
  • The airy rooms had high ceilings; windows and doors opened onto shady verandahs.
  • Harvest the garlic (usually just after Christmas) lay them out on a path or verandah for a week or two until dry, brush them off, plait them together and hang them up.
  • The French doors opening onto the meadow were hanging open, with lamplight spilling out across the verandah flagstones.
  • On the way back, I almost slid down the hill, past mansions behind old red-brick walls overgrown with wisteria, hedges of this and that, little verandahed weatherboard cottages and stark new houses with vertical slit windows, pre-rusted metal doors and plantings of cordyline and dianella. Archive 2006-12-01
  • There was a verandah out the front where we sipped our milkshakes and watched the utes driving past.
  • At the front, the master bedroom includes a wardrobe with overhead presses as well as sliding doors opening out to a verandah with decked floor.
  • The windows of his new room were fitted with green venetians; round the verandah-posts twined respectively a banksia and a Japanese honey-suckle, which further damped the glare; while on the patch of buffalo-grass in front stood a spreading fig-tree, that leafed well and threw a fine shade. Australia Felix
  • There you will be able to patronise the verandah café, enjoy the gardens, and visit the mini vineyard.
  • The yellow ochre stippled walls inside and the cream with green accents outside on the verandah all help to produce a warm and inviting ambience.
  • Today one is greeted by the triangulated portico, supported on one column and aligned with the railway verandah columns.
  • The front of the house is true Baker - stone walls, palladian windows, a tall oriel window, an Italian staircase leading onto a three-arched verandah with the balcony above.
  • I didn't remember much except her being tall with big brown eyes, and there were scones and red jam for afternoon tea in a big grey house with a bullnose verandah.
  • The bungalow was tiny, consisting of one bedroom, a living room, bathroom, a small cubbyhole where the kitchen crockery and utensils were kept, and an airy verandah which went round two sides of the building.
  • House and garden had lost their air of well-groomed smartness: the gate stood ajar, the gravel was unraked, the verandah-flooring black with footmarks. Australia Felix
  • She had to share her cousin's bed on a verandah and use an outside privy across a cowfield.
  • Latif sat on the verandah and puffed away at his hookah.
  • Judy, an elegant woman in her early 40s with a peaceful demeanour, bids us sit down in the verandah.
  • His own house was very quiet; he could not hear his wife's voice, nor the sound of Nina's footsteps in the big room, opening on the verandah, which he called his sitting-room, whenever, in the company of white men, he wished to assert his claims to the commonplace decencies of civilisation. Almayer's Folly: a story of an Eastern river
  • Later in the night as I dropped off to sleep, I could hear more rain pelting down on the verandah, and I grumbled to myself about the washing that had been on the line since Wednesday.
  • As the lands falls away from the street, the verandah forms a raised entrance terrace behind the cottage, overlooking a sunken court neatly and intimately defined by the new timber and metal three-storey extension.
  • It is further supported by ‘front-of-house’ outdoor living spaces such as porches, verandahs, and courtyards.
  • The point is brilliantly grasped in Bob Crowley's design, which offers a side-on view of a porticoed verandah with rotting pillars and a peeling ceiling inscribed with the Union flag.
  • The pretty _désas_ of plaited palm and bamboo, hiding in depths of tropical woodland, with blue thunbergia clambering over every verandah, and the Through the Malay Archipelago
  • Men in straw boaters and waxed mustaches crowded the verandah.
  • Flowers fill huge vases on the main verandah where you can sit sipping tea and eating delicious home made cake.
  • Your gaze falls on a small farmstead across the bushveld, with green trees, tin roof and a verandah. Times, Sunday Times
  • Their rambling villa once a model of gracious elegance was now a paradise of dry rot and borer, with its skeletal verandah, rickety walls and warped weatherboards.
  • She planted pencil pines around the fence and lobbied for the verandah roof to be removed from our Victorian house so she could place cumquats in tubs on the tessellated terrace.
  • The cottage has a verandah on its front, enclosed by a small railing, tastefully painted, and ornamented with a few running plants, which intwine its posts; and, while charming the eye, lend the delicacy of their fragrance to render to this spot the enchantment of an Fern Vale (Volume 1) or the Queensland Squatter
  • men in straw boaters and waxed mustaches crowded the verandah
  • Their rambling villa, once a model of gracious elegance, was now a paradise of dry rot, with its skeletal verandah, rickety walls and warped weatherboards.
  • On one occasion the Archdeacon conducted a service on the verandah and the neighbours arrived for this in gigs, on horseback and in cars.
  • Another anonymous donor regularly left a sugar bag full of food on the Burrows' front verandah.
  • In typical Islamic style, scalloped arches access encircling verandahs, stretch in cool symmetry down corridors leading to the actual tombs.
  • On one side was the semul tree, the branches of the chameli adorned the verandah, the kachnar and mango trees in front, an all-season lemon tree and of course, the neem.
  • There were sleigh tracks gouged into the earth, coming very close to the house… it looked like the sleigh had very nearly plowed into the verandah, said Martin.
  • Type B - up to four people one twin bedroom, living-room with double divan bed, verandah, kitchenette, private facilities.
  • And from our breakfast perch on the windowless hotel verandah high above a rainswept gorge almost overrun with verdant, luxuriant jungle dotted with palms, frangipani, hibiscus and pink orchids, the rain was positively uplifting.
  • I remember the ice melting on the front verandah.
  • Rows of leopards with bared teeth and hammered spots decorate shop verandahs.
  • Up the road in High Street is a set of old semi-detached houses, with attractive moulded pillars supporting the tin roofs over the verandah, with a gable at the end.
  • He ushered her through the louvred doors of the verandah into the salon. YELLOW BIRD
  • Sitting in the verandah, the separate smells of tomatoes, lemons and gourd reach me, and I know I will smell them again in my memory.
  • Nan went troppo, picked him up and threw him across the verandah.
  • The shop also does teas and you sit outside, in the garden, and the lady of the house brings everything out on a large anodised aluminium tray, circa 1955, stepping onto a timber verandah and down three steps to the lawn, where the tables are set. Archive 2006-09-01
  • Projecting eaves and bamboo verandahs shaped views of gardens with ponds, streams and artificial hills.
  • A wraparound verandah, and arbored patio, complete with an inviting hot tub, are on site for guests to enjoy.
  • She would drop a recent kill on the back verandah outside our kitchen door.
  • It had a pillared and netted verandah out the front overlooking a garden with mature palms and plenty of building detritus. A DARKENING STAIN
  • Wrought iron, often in ornate patterns, decorated many public buildings, bridges, and the verandahs of many homes.
  • Built in 1935, it has eight-foot wide verandahs on three sides of both storeys.
  • It is further supported by ‘front-of-house’ outdoor living spaces such as porches, verandahs, and courtyards.
  • You should have seen us; the verandah was like an Irish bog; our hands and faces were bedaubed with soil; and Faauma was supposed to have struck the right note when she remarked (a Propos of nothing), Vailima Letters
  • I had lunch on the verandah of the Hacienda Mamacona horse ranch outside the city and watched Peru's top horsemen put sepia thoroughbreds through their paces.
  • Another anonymous donor regularly left a sugar bag full of food on the Burrows' front verandah.
  • Another anonymous donor regularly left a sugar bag full of food on the Burrows' front verandah.
  • After returning from the airport, having said goodbye, I sat on the verandah and looked out at the night, fumbling a cigarette, its fire the only bright spot.
  • Her good name had plainly died in the late '20s, for she said it was a capital lark, and presently we were slipping through the bushes of Sale's garden, keeping clear of the dinner guests' jampan* (* A kind of sedan chair.) bearers, who were squatting by the front verandah. Flashman and the Mountain of Light
  • A rufous fly-catcher is hunting for his breakfast under the verandah roof because there are no insects out in the rain. Australian floods: Why were we so surprised?
  • So I obediently drew two leaves, belonging to a palm tree just beyond the verandah.
  • Inside, the leaks were stopped, the floors retiled, and the beautiful stained glass was cleaned and outside you can now look up to fine white verandahs and pretty cupolas.
  • In summer, drinkers take gin and tonic on the lawn or recline on the armchairs on the wooden verandah, while two great restaurants inside specialise in tasty Thai and Indian cuisine.
  • It had a small shady verandah with weather-beaten wooden benches round the edge, and I sank on to one with an ice-cold beer in my hand and my toes digging into the cool sand.
  • Father Norris had sat me on his verandah once a week and drilled me in the Latin responses.
  • It is arranged in traditional courtyard format with verandahs for residential and administrative buildings.
  • Malone looked out to the wide verandah, where a frieze of five gulls stared in at the three men. YESTERDAY'S SHADOW
  • On the verandah I wolfed dinner as hungry walkers do.
  • I clung onto a verandah post with a guy with a beard and while the water was raging all around us we clung onto each other.
  • From verandah sculptures made of galvo to ceramic teapots you never know what you'll find at KI Artworks.
  • Inside, the leaks were stopped, the floors retiled, and the beautiful stained glass was cleaned and outside you can now look up to fine white verandahs and pretty cupolas.
  • She planted pencil pines around the fence and lobbied for the verandah roof to be removed from our Victorian house so she could place cumquats in tubs on the tessellated terrace.
  • After school hours, a large room that opened on to a verandah was converted into a makeshift screening centre for tuberculosis patients.
  • Where I slept did not warrant the term “bedroom” – it was just “the sleepout”, an unlined, partly enclosed area on the farmhouse verandah. Grinding along ...
  • On summer evenings we would sit on the verandah and watch the sun go down.
  • Tents and tarps and swags were scattered, and under the verandah of the homestead the Townsends gathered with many of their friends.
  • - be full of; "The old cheese was crawling with maggots" swarm - move in large numbers; "people were pouring out of the theater"; "beggars pullulated in the plaza" crowd - to gather together in large numbers; "men in straw boaters and waxed mustaches crowded the verandah Word of the Day
  • Beyond him up the shady driveway is a three-story country house, a wide verandah all the way around it.
  • You could see it beyond the brick windscreen, through rows of tropical fruit trees, behind a sundeck, a palapa, and a tile-roofed verandah.
  • There is desultory chitchat on the verandah as evening slides into pitch-dark night.
  • From our breakfast perch on the verandah high above a rainswept gorge dotted with palms, frangipani, hibiscus and pink orchids, the rain was positively uplifting.
  • There was a verandah out the front where we sipped our milkshakes and watched the utes driving past.
  • Oh, and I forgot refrigeration, which we in aust developed as far back as the 1850's to allow for our meat and dairy to be exporte back to Britain; yes, you heard correctly; the 1850's!! icechests were commonplace from the 1890's out here and Federation + pre-Federation designed for the heat; double brick, high ceilings, wrap-around verandahs, coolgardie meatsafe etc. Alfred Augustus Glendening 1861-1903
  • Hanging baskets are a great way of maximising space on a small verandah or patio and provide opportunities for injecting a splash of colour around the house.
  • On summer evenings we would sit on the verandah and watch the sun go down.
  • The broken flyscreen door shut slowly behind her as she let go of the rusted handle, scraping across the dusty fly filled verandah.
  • Sitting in the verandah, the separate smells of tomatoes, lemons and gourd reach me, and I know I will smell them again in my memory.
  • Mrs Gaspar grabbed at her arm as she ran past her and out onto the back verandah.

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