How To Use Venter In A Sentence

  • PolyShield regular graffiti preventer forms an invisible barrier on interior and exterior surfaces that acts as a shield to prevent the absorption of vandalistic harm into the substrate.
  • It was soon ready, the boom topped up, preventer guys rove, and the idlers called up to man the halyards; yet such was still the force of the gale, that we were nearly an hour setting the sail; carried away the outhaul in doing it, and came very near snapping off the swinging boom. Chapter XXXIII. Cracking on-Progress Homeward-A Pleasant Sunday-A Fine Sight-By-Play
  • Make sure to install a drain and backflow preventer.
  • A modern blow out preventer for an undersea well consists of a series or "stack" of several different valves, with different methods of actuation, and a control system. Dr. Philip Neches: Gulf Oil Spill: Meet the Blow Out Preventer
  • That Jack's is somewhat of a gnathonic and parasitic soul, or stomach, all Bideford apple-women know; but I suspect more than Deus Venter has brought him hither. Westward Ho!, or, the voyages and adventures of Sir Amyas Leigh, Knight, of Burrough, in the county of Devon, in the reign of her most glorious majesty Queen Elizabeth
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  • When breeding, some Scutiger males exude nuptial excrescences on their venters.
  • They are in demand for cross-breeding with Thoroughbreds to produce 3-day eventers (dressage, field jumping, show jumping), jumpers and dressage horses.
  • Stretching does not live up to its reputation as an injury preventer, a study has found.
  • A prime target for innovation is called a blowout preventer, a massive stack of valves that fits around drill pipe that extends into the earth's crust. Gulf Disaster Fuels New Safety Gear
  • Children began taking more reliever medication on average 1 day before increasing preventer, although there was sporadic extra reliever use 4-6 days earlier.
  • Another option reportedly under consideration would deploy quick-setting cement to clog the blowout preventer. Gulf oil spill gushes on; Jindal wants to build up barrier islands to stop slick
  • The new material permits a more complete description of the organism, including more details concerning the margins, the dorsal carapace, the venter, and the chelae.
  • Women are problem preventers; men are problem solvers.
  • If this (as it ought) bee granted, then how venterous are those women that dare venter to doe otherwise, and so to refuse, and by refusing to dispise that order, which the most wise and allmighty God hath appointed, and in steed thereof to chuse their owne pleasures? The Countesse of Lincolnes Nurserie
  • We were not very long in getting our preventers rigged, after which we not only set our royal and flying-jib, but also shifted our gaff-topsail, hauling down Number 3, a jib-headed affair, and setting Number 2 in its place, a sail nearly twice as big as the other, with its lofty, tapering head laced to a yard very nearly as long as the topmast. A Middy of the Slave Squadron A West African Story
  • One practical point of importance with regard to the scapula was the frequency with which bullets lodged in the venter, or the firmly bound-down muscles of the supra - and infra-spinous fossæ. Surgical Experiences in South Africa, 1899-1900 Being Mainly a Clinical Study of the Nature and Effects of Injuries Produced by Bullets of Small Calibre
  • Cum gurgiie enim n6n male compd* nitUr venter, qai tot iatn liberos faausit. P. Ovidii Nasonis Fastorum libri VI.
  • The locations of insertions and deletions, respectively, in the isochore families of Venter's chromosomes 17 to 22 are summarized in PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • In conclusion he said: 'Or, comment voulez-vous que quiconque puisse inventer quelque chose de nouveau, moi Spontini declarant ne pouvoir en aucune facon surpasser mes oeuvres precedentes, d'autre part etant avise que depuis la Vestale il n'a point ete ecrit une note qui ne fut volee de mes partitions.' My Life — Volume 1
  • _Afin que les entreprises honorables et les nobles aventures et faicts d'armes soyent noblement enregistrés et conservés, je vais traiter et raconter et inventer ung galimatias_. Chivalry
  • The only game changer I see is algae, as you can get a lot of fuel in a desert environment, he said, noting Exxon Mobil's large investment in algal biofuels and biology pioneer Craig Venter's aim to bioengineer more productive algae. Tequila gives new biofuel crops a shot
  • Reduced pressure backflow preventers are more expensive, used mostly in commercial irrigation installations.
  • April 30th, 2010 5: 53 pm ET bp is the one slow to react. they should have had equipment ready to take to any rig in the gulf. was the blow out preventer checked befor it was put in place. i have seen them full of concrete that would not close. this is not Obamas fault any more than it is mine. when you are drilling in 5000 feet of water you had better get ready for any thing. the fault lays with bp and bp only. as for rush he needs to be run out of the country. Political fallout for Obama amid oil spill disaster?
  • I wus about to paradventer to proposal to your onnur that, if thinks might behappen to come to pass in the manner of mercifool lovin kindness and gracious condysension, the wherewithalls should a be forth cummin to the tune of fifty thousand pounds: that is with the betokenin of all proper securities of parchments and deeds and doosoors to be first signed and stipilated, as heretofore have bin on like future occasions. Anna St. Ives
  • Unlike relievers, preventers aren't meant to have an immediate effect and should be used as prescribed, whether or not there are symptoms.
  • But their final resting place is under the waves, where they are being used to create artificial reefs, marine habitats, breakwaters, erosion preventers and some very cool diving destinations.
  • ‘Success,’ Hall believes, ‘is one of the biggest preventers of growth.’
  • There are two main kinds of asthma medicine, both of which involve inhalers - relievers and preventers.
  • _Afin que les entreprises honorables et les nobles aventures et faicts d'armes soyent noblement enregistres et conserves, je vais traiter et raconter et inventer ung galimatias. _ Chivalry
  • Ratio enim est: quod nullius animalis lac nisi cuius fetet venter non inuenitur coagulum. The iournal of frier William de Rubruquis a French man of the order of the minorite friers, vnto the East parts of the worlde. An. Dom. 1253.
  • The crystals, known as hydrates, are a combination of frozen water and hydrocarbons that blocked the path of submarine cameras and a drill designed to recover pieces of drilling pipe from the blowout preventer. Crystals Set Back Work at Gulf Well Site
  • When I spoke with Venter, as an early-autumn rain churned up the ponds on his campus, he was already looking beyond ethanol. The God of Small Things
  • Survivors testified that they tried to activate the preventer but it did not respond. Times, Sunday Times
  • It comes from two words - venter, which means tummy, and loqui, which means to speak - in other words a ventriloquist was supposed to be a man who could speak by using his tummy in some way. The Mystery of the Strange Bundle
  • In the brief but interesting accounts of this singular man, which we meet with in the ancient Chronicles of Italy, it is mentioned that he was the inventer of a new species of casque or steel basnet, denominated The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction Volume 17, No. 492, June 4, 1831
  • Captain James Cook is widely renowned as an explorer, pioneering navigator and preventer of scurvy.
  • The trick is to take your preventer inhalers regularly. The Sun
  • The backflow preventer must be installed upstream of the regulator.
  • It was quite a dramatic moment… quite frightening… and then the blow-out preventer was shut in, and it calmed down.
  • If so, treatment should be simple with reliever and preventer inhalers. The Sun
  • His studs caught Venter and caused a gash above his right eye.
  • _Item_, the Custome ys in every of the sayd manors that if eny manner of person or persons be seased of eny manner of land or tenements, rents or premises of the yonger holdyng liying withyn eny of the seid manors or liberties in fee symple or in fe tayle, in demeane or in usu, and have divers sonnys by dyvers venters, viz. by dyvers wyvys, or women by divers men, and dye, that then the yonger son of them shall inherite the seid lands and tenements with other the premyses in fe symple as in fe tayle that so descendith in the seid yonger holdyng in demeane or in use, except ther be any other estate made & proved to the contrary by wryting & if the [y] have no yssue butt all doughters that then the seid inheritance [is] to be parted betwene theym except any lawful wryting or state made to the contrary after the custom. The Customs of Old England
  • The new species is distinguished from all congeners by having a melanistic color pattern, with head and dorsum of the body mostly dark-brown to black; absence of postocular stripe; venter grayish-brown, with dark rounded blotches outlining two lateral stripes which become gradually paler towards the posterior region of the belly, disappearing after midbody. Archive 2008-02-01
  • During the most violent shocks of the Typhoon, the man at the Pequod's jaw-bone tiller had several times been reelingly hurled to the deck by its spasmodic motions even though preventer tackles had been attached to it -- for they were slack -- because some play to the tiller was indispensable. Moby Dick: or, the White Whale
  • He interlaced his fingers and cracked his knuckles, obviously enjoying venter stage. CORMORANT
  • And having my roots originally in dressage and then moving onto eventing, I was a little embarrassed for our upper-level eventers. The World Equestrian Games: Olympics For Horses
  • De sad der, de to, i saa lunt et hus ved host og i venterdage, The Master Builder
  • On such an occasion the preventer breeching is invaluable, and will be the best safeguard, if fitted so that when well stretched it will not permit the fore trucks to ascend on the curve of the Fore-hurter, for it is this which strains the strap of the Compressor. Ordnance Instructions for the United States Navy. 1866. Fourth edition.
  • As Dr George Venters explains ‘We're making our children criminals because they prefer a safer euphoriant substance to that chosen by middle-aged men.’
  • One pioneer of genetic deconstruction Dr. J. Craig Venter agrees with Dr. Raven.
  • Preventive war rests on the premise that the preventer has accurate and reliable knowledge about the evil enemy's capabilities and intentions.
  • On the other hand, birth control pills are an effective preventer of pregnancy, which is in turn a powerful risk factor for thrombosis.
  • Sultex reports the L 5500's chronologically controlled, freely programmable starting mark preventer helps ensure faultless fabric quality.
  • The conch is thickly discoidal, with broadly convex sides and rounded venter with rounded ventral shoulders.
  • Anyone using a reliever inhaler - for when an attack strikes - more than three times a week should also be using the preventer.
  • Che abbiate un enorme ego o un enorme schwanzstuck, col nuovo concorso tenuto da Police, Be Younique, magari diventerete molto molto popolari. No Fat Clips!!! : Police: Be Younique
  • It was going to be very hot today, and the fair-skinned Jazmine Venter did not like the heat. THREE KINDS OF KISSING - SCOTTISH SHORT STORIES
  • I got this call around the time I learned why red clover has an age-old reputation as a cancer preventer.
  • Britain's three-day eventers are strong favourites for Olympic gold this summer.
  • The blowout preventer, designed to cut off leaks with a series of valves and pipe shears, is still partially open. BP pursues short-term ways to stop leak
  • Glass frogs are so named for the transparent skin on their venters, which allows for the observation of their viscera.
  • The South African team consists of two other boxers - featherweight Mathebula and Venter, a light heavyweight.
  • `in venter' is legal terminology for `conceived but not yet born'
  • Also, if you find that you regularly need the reliever medication many times a day you should definitely be on a preventer medication such as an inhaled steroid.
  • The preventer, in particular, won't do the job unless you use it regularly. The Sun
  • The trust's Bernard Venter said this included large numbers of largemouth and smallmouth yellow fish (Labiobarbus kimberleyensis and Labiobarbus aeneus respectively). ANC Daily News Briefing
  • A digital phase-shifted trigger circuit based on FPGA is introduced in this paper, which can be used for three-phase supply power of thyristor rectification and inventer circuit.
  • Britain's three-day eventers are strong favourites for Olympic gold this summer.
  • When breeding, some Scutiger males exude nuptial excrescences on their venters.
  • Here again, the only way to remain weed free is to apply a weed preventer.
  • Reticulate ornamentation extends from venter to umbilical wall.
  • Likewise if Venter should intelligently design a synthetic organism it does not "disprove" the puddle theory. Better Bubbles
  • In scientific terms, Dr Venter has made two main contributions to gene discovery.
  • If evidence is to be called on factual issues, it is likely to be mainly about the usual industry practice relating to installation of blow-out preventers.
  • When I walked into the front room Cynthia was standing in the venter with her back to me. ICED
  • These work in the same way as inhaled preventers, by reducing inflammation.
  • There are two main kinds of asthma medicine, both of which involve inhalers - relievers and preventers.
  • No lawn means there's no lawn mower, no bags of crabgrass preventer or grub control.
  • Down near the seabed is the blowout preventer, or BOP. Army Rumour Service
  • They are in demand for cross-breeding with Thoroughbreds to produce 3-day eventers (dressage, field jumping, show jumping), jumpers and dressage horses.
  • Nasionale Pers chief executive Hennie van Deventer said the term monopoly had always been loosely used. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • The new species is distinguished from all congeners by having a melanistic color pattern, with head and dorsum of the body mostly dark-brown to black; absence of postocular stripe; venter grayish-brown, with dark rounded blotches outlining two lateral stripes which become gradually paler towards the posterior region of the belly, disappearing after midbody. Archive 2008-02-01
  • Steven Chu, America's energy secretary, was reportedly shocked to find that the only source of information from the Deepwater Horizon's blowout preventer was a single gauge.
  • The conch is thickly discoidal, with broadly convex sides and rounded venter with rounded ventral shoulders.
  • It commented: ‘It turns out that for all his braggadocio, Dr. Venter was right.’
  • She was prescribed reliever and preventer drugs.
  • La Mancha as the knight's country and scene of his chivalries is of a piece with the pasteboard helmet, the farm – labourer on ass-back for a squire, knighthood conferred by a rascally ventero, convicts taken for victims of oppression, and the rest of the incongruities between Don Quixote's world and the world he lived in, between things as he saw them and things as they were. Don Quixote
  • Aestuans venter cito despuit in libidinem, Hieronymus ait. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • Ironically it was Saracens 'Brendan Venter who last week highlighted the current disparity in refereeing interpretations across the Channel and the game today fully underlined his point. Leicester turn air blue against Saracens in rage at referee exchange
  • The auxiliary line shall consist of an approved backflow preventer and water meter.
  • Captain James Cook is widely renowned as an explorer, pioneering navigator and preventer of scurvy.
  • The slightly different amounts of DNA in isochore families between (A) and (B) are related to the fact that deletions in Venter's chromosomes are seen as insertions in the reference chromosomes, and the latter are slightly different from Venter's chromosomes because of insertions and deletions. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • Now General Crerar's outlined plan was for the 2nd Canadian Corps, which was under the command of General Simonds, to cross the Rhine at Emmerick, and cover the left flank of 30 Corps and then capture Zutphen, Hengelo and Deventer. The Last Canadian Battle and the Surrender of the Germany Army
  • The inner membrane of the first three venters is fibrous (like the gustatory papillæ of the tongue) and not glandulous; the fourth only being glandulous, as in a man. Delineations of the Ox Tribe The Natural History of Bulls, Bisons, and Buffaloes. Exhibiting all the Known Species and the More Remarkable Varieties of the Genus Bos.
  • During the most violent shocks of the Typhoon, the man at the Pequod's jaw-bone tiller had several times been reelingly hurled to the deck by its spasmodic motions, even though preventer tackles had been attached to it -- for they were slack -- because some play to the tiller was indispensable. Moby Dick, or, the whale
  • Venter denied that a concept such as solitary confinement existed in South African jails.
  • Body colors are mostly gray or brown; pink fairy armadillos have a pinkish shell and pure white, dense fur on their sides and venters.
  • An equally erudite body of experts has argued that fluoride can trigger bone deformities and stain tooth enamel, and has poured scorn and doubt on its worth as a preventer of tooth rot.
  • Pequod’s jaw-bone tiller had several times been reelingly hurled to the deck by its spasmodic motions even though preventer tackles had been attached to it — for they were slack — because some play to the tiller was indispensable. Moby Dick; or the Whale

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