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How To Use Venomous In A Sentence

  • A number of dead venomous snakes were also found in the property. Times, Sunday Times
  • I then knew, by the black cross which I observed on its neck, that it was of the species called aquis, one of the boldest and most venomous of the serpents of that region. In New Granada Heroes and Patriots
  • I slowly sat up and faced my venomous brother and Will who seemed very unhappy.
  • Mr. Jackson converted a rustic red barn into a herpetarium with displays for a dozen exotic and venomous snakes, including a Burmese python and a monocled cobra.
  • The ill-natured Marx, the venomous Lenin, the murderous Stalin all had a deep-seated loathing of all those who disagreed with them.
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  • And for President Bushmaster — a bushmaster is a highly venomous snake, extraordinarily dangerous to humans, that inhabits the Southern tropics (See, I can match ‘em bam-for-BAM!) — to suggest it was “disgusting” is so like a hog calling a wallowing pig filthy. Roll Call of the Cowed and the Sameful-Shameful
  • Venomous fish should not be confused with poisonous species, such as the infamous puffer fish, which harbor colonies of toxin-producing bacteria.
  • Roll Call of the Cowed and the Sameful-Shameful yahooBuzzArticleHeadline = 'Roll Call of the Cowed and the Sameful-Shameful'; yahooBuzzArticleSummary = 'Article: For President Bushmaster - a bushmaster is a highly venomous snake, extraordinarily dangerous to humans, that inhabits the Southern tropics (See, I can match \'em bam-for-BAM!) - to suggest it was "disgusting" is so like a hog calling a wallowing pig filthy.' Roll Call of the Cowed and the Sameful-Shameful
  • He added that while the majority of snakes in our area are non-venomous, the ones people should worry about are the boomslangs, puffadders and night adders.
  • The final line, transferred here from Frankford to Susan with venomous impact, makes us ponder the title anew. Evening Standard - Home
  • Know that thou shalt not escape unstung, after trampling on the head of a venomous snake, licking the corners of its mouth with its tongue, and who hath been hurt by thy foot. The Mahabharata of Krishna-Dwaipayana Vyasa, Volume 1 Books 1, 2 and 3
  • Other causes of death included bullet wounds and venomous animal bites.
  • The sensitive plant is too vulgar an allusion; but if the truth of modern naturalists may be depended upon, there is a plant which, instead of receding timidly from the intrusive touch, angrily protrudes its venomous juices upon all who presume to meddle with it: – do not you think this plant would be your fittest emblem? Letters for Literary Ladies: To Which is Added, An Essay on the Noble Science of Self-Justification
  • Casting one last almost venomous glance back over her shoulder at him, she headed back toward her dorm room.
  • Presumably the title is designed to suggest the swift and deadly strike of the venomous snake.
  • Since the days of President Zia these are full of venomous references to Hindus and Indians.
  • It is a black six-limbed panther from Hell, the size of a tractor trailer, with an armored head, a venomous striking tail, and massive distensible armored jaws.
  • Venomous fish should not be confused with poisonous species, such as the infamous puffer fish, which harbor colonies of toxin-producing bacteria.
  • In the scuffle, they exchange rapiers and Hamlet slices Laertes with the venomous weapon.
  • Mr. Jackson converted a rustic red barn into a herpetarium with displays for a dozen exotic and venomous snakes, including a Burmese python and a monocled cobra.
  • This is generally agreed to be the most venomous spider in Britain. Times, Sunday Times
  • Beyond their venomous tendencies lie complex behavioural patterns and intricate lifestyles.
  • Snakebite Orks always carry a selection of venomous serpents with them when they migrate to new planets, just in case the indigenous lifeforms prove to be unsuitably inoffensive .
  • To try to open one of these monstrosities is an exercise in masochism — hurriedly I discard them with the dispatch with which one would thrust away a venomous snake. I Am Sorry to Inform You
  • The lectures offered include one about reptiles and amphibians native to Kentucky, which includes a chance for the children to handle live, non-venomous snakes, lizards, salamanders, toads and frogs.
  • Originally formulated to counteract the bites of venomous creatures, theriacs became general antidotes for poisons, venoms or ailments.
  • They are regarded as having the most painful bite of all Australia's venomous spiders and a bite can kill a person. Times, Sunday Times
  • The advantages of being venomous are less clear for ticks, which are obligate, hematophagous parasites that depend on their host for a blood meal.
  • Huge crowds gathered to witness a host of snakes on St Patrick's Day, not all of them were non-venomous.
  • The venomous exchanges between deputies from the two republics in the Kremlin yesterday offered little hope that reason would prevail.
  • But experts said photographs of the reptiles appeared to show nonvenomous pythons. The Sun
  • However, no one had yet been bitten by a venomous serpent, a scorpion, or a centiped, although we had killed all of the three within camp limits. IX. Down an Unknown River into the Equatorial Forest
  • They are on the Top 5 list of most venomous spiders along with the redback spider and the tree-dwellling funnel-web spider, both from Australia, and the Brazilian wandering spider found on jungle floors. Chronicle
  • Police caught the highly venomous 3ft cobra outside the Delhi complex as competitors trained. The Sun
  • This thing is a venomous bird for all intents and purposes. Times, Sunday Times
  • However, some of the opposition to the bill outside the parliamentary process has been venomous and nasty.
  • She hadn't meant any harm by the question, but he seemed to think so as he glared venomously at her, before replying.
  • Back at the hospital, Dyan's venomous account of what it meant to be Dare Ransom had torn the blinds from his eyes.
  • FAMILIES are on alert for Britain's most venomous spider after thousands infested a street. The Sun
  • A triffid is a highly venomous fictional plant species. ... A Triffid Is Winging Its Way from New Zealand
  • Many venomous snakes in Iran are being collected for the production of antivenin.
  • Similarly, the light gun called _áspide_ or aspic, meaning "asp-like," was named after the venomous asp. Artillery Through the Ages A Short Illustrated History of Cannon, Emphasizing Types Used in America
  • He had lots of just-so stories ready to go, beginning with how Eden's snakes transformed their salivary glands into venomous fangs, and how roaches in Hawaiian caves evolved eyelessness in 8 months. Ideas from a creationist
  • The advantages of being venomous are less clear for ticks, which are obligate, hematophagous parasites that depend on their host for a blood meal.
  • The mambas are relatives of the cobras and belong to the venomous group of snakes known as Elapids.
  • The adder is Britain's only venomous snake.
  • ‘People mostly mistake this snake for a krait and kill it immediately, even though it is non-venomous and cannot do much harm,’ says Ataaz.
  • Reid reserved his most venomous attack for the Rail Authority.
  • When we visited this centre I pointed out the possibility of dry bites by venomous snakes.
  • Much maligned, the adder is our only venomous snake, feeding on other reptiles and small mammals.
  • Anytime you receive a bite from a venomous snake, it's a very dangerous encounter.
  • But I can tell you what it feels like to be attacked by a grizzly bear, gored by a bull, bitten by a venomous snake or attacked by African killer bees.
  • Don't touch anything in the rainforest - you never know when the tiny but venomous eyelash viper might strike.
  • BRITAIN'S most venomous spider has been added to a council's pest control list in a city dubbed the false widow capital of the UK. The Sun
  • The galliwasp is also killed by dogs, cats and mongooses, and by people who mistakenly consider it to be venomous.
  • In people's minds, Shylock is a cunning, cruel and venomous Jewish usurer.
  • Her voice was bitter and venomous, which shocked Chunia even more.
  • venomous criticism
  • But if it be stopped, and cannot have his way, it becometh adust, and thereby malign and venomous. The Essays
  • Until I dived off the beach at Criccieth in north Wales, I had never seen more than a fleeting glimpse of a lesser weever, the most common venomous fish around Britain.
  • The dad of two quickly slammed a takeaway box over the venomous creature to stop it scuttling away. The Sun
  • Only about 50% of bites by exotic venomous snakes inject sufficient venom to cause clinical envenoming.
  • A similar species is the stargazer, which has two venomous spines, one each side behind the gill covers.
  • Fen raft spiders are, sad to say, no more venomous than the spiders in your potting shed. Times, Sunday Times
  • To those who left the new church he had established he was persistently venomous.
  • As ever, it's our pastimes' deepest virtues that incite the most venomous evangelical slander.
  • Other finds include: two highly venomous snakes -- a puff adder and a gaboon viper -- in a parcel from Tanzania; 1,000 live spiders, individually boxed, in a suitcase; and 26 rare birds of prey stuffed into plastic pipes flown in from Thailand. Yahoo! News: Latest news headlines News Headlines | Top Stories
  • Oval in shape, with a transparent float and distinctive crest, the organism has venomous trailing tentacles many yards long. Times, Sunday Times
  • One woman reported a venomous western brown snake in her fridge. Times, Sunday Times
  • Many other Queensland creatures - including various species of fishes and mollusks - hold the distinction of being the most venomous of their kind.
  • They do have a sting in their tail - one venomous spike - but this is only used when under attack.
  • This ecoregion also forms the main distribution for numerous other reptiles, including many large venomous elapid snakes (Pseudonaja guttata, P. ingrami, and Pseudechis colletti). Mitchell grass downs
  • Their long, whip-like tail has a small dorsal fin near its base and up to five venomous spines.
  • Brecht's words, juxtaposed against Weill's music, with its atonal harmonies and angular lines, venomously satirized the state of affairs.
  • Martin said he and Burnham began to look through published descriptions of the animal and noticed noticed unique grooves in a bone in the upper-jaw called the maxillary, a bone often found in venomous animals. stories
  • Grass snakes are not venomous. Times, Sunday Times
  • The dad of two quickly slammed a takeaway box over the venomous creature to stop it scuttling away. The Sun
  • Elisabeth watched a snake glide venomously across her path.
  • She had a distaste for the world and she showed it with a general lack of emotion and sharp tongue laced with venomous words.
  • It may be mentioned here that the effects of the venomous alkaloid spigeline present in pinkroot is similar to those of nicotine, coniine and lobeline. Find Me A Cure
  • The bite was not venomous, just a pinch, and so to dinner, cat and beetle not invited.
  • ‘So,’ he spoke with a venomous tinge in his sweet honeyed accent, ‘You're going with Frank now?’
  • When disturbed, weevers erect a dark-colored and highly venomous dorsal spine.
  • We moved around the rest of the morning, catching hardhead catfish (which Willcox unhooked with a long disgorger, to avoid the venomous spines in its dorsal and pectoral fins) and even a young goliath grouper, or jewfish (a protected species). A Keys Report: Fishing the Backcountry with Executive Editor Mike Toth
  • Extending into The Gila the Chihuahuan and Sonoran deserts offer the desert element complete with yucca, mesquite, cactus, lizards, snakes, scorpions and the venomous Gila Monster.
  • He settled onto it unsurely, bounced a few times, and deemed it sufficient - it was not his old bed, some part of him muttered venomously, but it would currently be better than sleeping in the stables with the horses.
  • His shot was so venomous and expertly delivered that he did not even move as the ball sped over him, flattened and clouted the netting.
  • She tried twice last summer, halting after an asthma attack and again after an encounter with a venomous box jellyfish. Times, Sunday Times
  • Such abuse of language is possible only to the drivelling desperation of venomous or fangless duncery: it is in higher and graver matters, of wider bearing and of deeper import, that we find it necessary to dispute the apparently serious propositions or assertions of Mr. Whistler. The Gentle Art of Making Enemies
  • He was trapped, a small mice faced with a hungry cat on one side and a venomous snake on another.
  • The copperhead, a venomous snake, is dangerous, but its bite is rarely life-threatening to healthy adult humans.
  • Although venomous snakes can sometimes deliver a ‘dry’ bite without releasing their poison, all bites require immediate hospital treatment.
  • So snakes are venomous, while pokeberries are poisonous... Don’t Laugh; They’re "Special"
  • No one has died from a spider bite in Australia since 1979, though 2,000 are bitten by venomous arachnids each year.
  • Even middle class is these days often used as a venomous synonym for smug, unadventurous or selfish.
  • BRITAIN'S most venomous spider has been added to a council's pest control list in a city dubbed the false widow capital of the UK. The Sun
  • The snakes are not venomous, but there is one drawback. The Sun
  • Some attacks were extraordinarily venomous. The Times Literary Supplement
  • Today, the cerastes survives as a genus of small, venomous vipers, like this crazy-ass Sidewinder Desert Viper, AKA the crotalus cerastes. Archive 2008-06-01
  • The book is a hallucinatory drug, its words venomous mushrooms sprouting in dark armies on the soft fibres of paper.
  • One woman reported a venomous western brown snake in her fridge. Times, Sunday Times
  • There are two types of mollusk that are actively venomous.
  • a cantankerous and venomous-tongued old lady
  • No venomous spider will charge or jump at you to bite, as they do in horror movies. The Sun
  • Unlike stingrays, manta rays do not have venomous tail barbs.
  • Would you be able to release yourself from this person's venomous grip?
  • He once turned up for a scheduled lunch in a burger bar in the Philippines carrying a venomous sea snake in a tank. Times, Sunday Times
  • The guard's hard, dangerous eyes, pierced Griffith with venomous hostility from over Shanza's shoulder.
  • They were no other than venomous snakes, which have found the uncleared backyard of the hospital a safe place to live in.
  • This thing is a venomous bird for all intents and purposes. Times, Sunday Times
  • Walterinnesia aegyptia is a species of venomous elapid snake, also known as the Desert Black Snake or Desert Cobra - Articles related to Japan ready to finance second phase of Rajasthan forestry project
  • The Huxley was made from the life chains of medusae— jellyfish and other venomous sea creatures—and was practically as dangerous. LEVIATHAN
  • This snake was doubtless an aboma, a species of serpent of large size and great beauty, which is not venomous. Jack in the Forecastle or, Incidents in the Early Life of Hawser Martingale
  • Men also include their own fears, anxieties and fantasies, which in their case translate into the figure of the venomous woman.
  • The first episode focuses on a Tennessee farmer left fighting for his life after being bitten by venomous spiders. The Sun
  • The Cerastes, or the Naia haje, or any other venomous species frequenting Arabia, may denote the "serpent of the burning bite" which destroyed the children of Israel. Smith's Bible Dictionary
  • The dad of two quickly slammed a takeaway box over the venomous creature to stop it scuttling away. The Sun
  • Their staple diet comprises rodents and snakes including the highly venomous Cape cobra and puff adder.
  • He dropped his knife hand from his face and flailed at the spirits around him, loosing as he did so a venomous yell. GALILEE
  • Even though he knows better, he has no qualms or reservations about putting his face two inches away from some of the most venomous snakes on the planet.
  • Their outlook towards a venomous German attempt to do something "frightfully" nasty, is very similar to a large and powerful nurse dealing with a fractious child -- sort of: "Now, then, Master Frankie, you mustn't kick and scream like that. Bullets & Billets
  • As Barbara passed, a tiny woman, spiderlike and venomous, spat at him. THE SCAR
  • King Cobras are the world's largest venomous snakes, growing to an average length of nearly 6m.
  • Non-venomous snakes like boas and pythons grab their prey and squeeze them to death.
  • What redeemed his venomous ferocity was the gusto with which he wrote about the shows he did like—and there were plenty of them—as well as the judiciousness with which he weighed the merits of serious plays about which he had mixed feelings. He Knew What He Liked—Not Much
  • Shut up, Mulligan!" was Bert Rhine's command, in receipt of which he received a venomous stare from the cripple. CHAPTER XLII
  • Fen raft spiders are, sad to say, no more venomous than the spiders in your potting shed. Times, Sunday Times
  • The first-aid guidelines (which were last revised in 2005 and will appear in the AHA's journal Circulation) reaffirm that applying vinegar is the best way to treat jellyfish stings; they also call for "applying a pressure immobilization bandage to any venomous snake bite, with pressure being applied around the entire length of the bitten extremity. First aid and CPR guidelines revisited
  • I hope the government would not shirk its responsibility and discharge its moral and legal duty by taking stringent action against such venomous statement.
  • To try to open one of these monstrosities is an exercise in masochism — hurriedly I discard them with the dispatch with which one would thrust away a venomous snake. I Am Sorry to Inform You
  • The press release for Professor Andy Meharg's book Venomous Earth, "scientific, cultural and political history of arsenic", mentions further arsenical anecdotes such as the Madeleine Smith case, William Morris wallpapers, and the origin of a long-standing Scottish prejudice against green sweets (a fondness of traders in 19th century Greenock for the toxic Scheele's Green - copper arsenite - as a food dye in confectionery). Arsenic
  • Information in the Intelligence Community's possession since the late 1990s indicated that al-Qa'ida's members had trained in crude methods for producing biological agents such as botulinum toxin and toxins obtained from venomous animals. Interesting Findings on Al-Qa'ida
  • It actually belongs to the python family, boa constrictor, which is non-venomous.
  • Lisa shot him a venomous glance.
  • For far too many people associated with the music, the venomous and slanderous verbal assaults on other artists that is a staple of rap - and which seems to feed its gunplay - is proof of the genre's authenticity.
  • Ms Brown has launched a venomous attack against the newspaper.
  • When disturbed, weevers erect a dark-colored and highly venomous dorsal spine, while pufferfishes, also poisonous, puff up into a ball of spikes.
  • King Cobras are the world's largest venomous snakes, growing to an average length of nearly 6m.
  • In the depths of Australian waters another venomous creature lurks - the sea snake.
  • Zookeepers in Cincinnati, Ohio helped police search the home of a woman who died after being bitten by a venomous pet snake.
  • Both victims' symptoms point to some sort of venomous reaction, possibly from a snake or spider bite.
  • Ms Brown has launched a venomous attack against the newspaper.
  • Male platypuses are venomous, courtesy of their crural glands. Archive 2006-09-01
  • The many crevices once hid hundreds of the venomous snake indigenous to the Central Maryland region.
  • They were, he admits, 'probably overanalytical and possibly slightly venomous' - but their obsession paid off. Times, Sunday Times
  • Though not venomous in the strict sense of the word, the 'goanna's bite generally causes a festering wound on account of the loathsome habits of the creature. Peeps At Many Lands: Australia
  • He heaped abuse on Waite and made venomous personal attacks.
  • The ruse works so successfully that some 30 other non-venomous snakes have mimicked the coral snake and share similar color patterns.
  • The birdshot loads have already accounted for a respectable number of venomous Mississippi snakes and I even bagged a beaver with a well-placed charge of buckshot.
  • In people's minds, Shylock is a cunning, cruel and venomous Jewish usurer.
  • Reid reserved his most venomous attack for the Rail Authority.
  • Each year, about 8,000 Americans are bitten by venomous snakes; only about a dozen die.
  • The book was venomous, and, indeed, venereous, and its narrative must be untrue, for no man could sustain all those "amours."
  • Scott is the Roger Dodger of the film's title, a shark, a venomous, unpleasant, conniving, self-consciously chauvinistic pig.
  • You'll wear diving helmets and come face to fins with venomous lionfish and sharks. The Sun
  • One woman reported a venomous western brown snake in her fridge. Times, Sunday Times
  • nonvenomous snakes
  • Adaela flashed James a venomous smile and began walking at a faster pace.
  • It felt much smaller with 41 venomous snakes in there. The Sun
  • When I am ill (and consequently venomous), nothing satisfies me but gnawing at theology; it's a sort of crib-biting. Life and Letters of Thomas Henry Huxley — Volume 2
  • venomous snakes
  • Even middle class is these days often used as a venomous synonym for smug, unadventurous or selfish.
  • Here they are covering the most venomous song written.
  • As well as snake logos, this is the home of real and venomous serpents: the tiger snake and the dugite. Times, Sunday Times
  • Non-venomous snakes like boas and pythons grab their prey and squeeze them to death.
  • Inimicus didactylus is feared by those who come in contact with it due to its painful, venomous spines and resemblance to more deadly stonefishes.
  • In this kind we commend the wisdom and goodness of Galen, who would not leave unto the world too subtle a theory of poisons; unarming thereby the malice of venomous spirits, whose ignorance must be contented with sublimate and arsenic. Library of the World's Best Literature, Ancient and Modern — Volume 6
  • The south African ringhal cobra is the most venomous snake living in the world which could cause the death of the victim within 15 seconds of the attack.
  • Only about 50% of bites by exotic venomous snakes inject sufficient venom to cause clinical envenoming.
  • Eustace smiled meekly, but answered somewhat venomously nevertheless — “I, at least, am certain that I speak the truth, when I call my patroness a virgin undefiled.” Westward Ho!
  • Police caught the highly venomous 3ft cobra outside the Delhi complex as competitors trained. The Sun
  • Borrow’s “Jeremiad,” to the effect that he had been beslavered by the venomous foam of every sycophantic lacquey and unscrupulous renegade in the three kingdoms. Travels through France and Italy
  • It used to protect listeners and viewers from the venomous verbal assaults of right wing commentators.
  • It is a black six-limbed panther from Hell, the size of a tractor trailer, with an armored head, a venomous striking tail, and massive distensible armored jaws. First Avatar Clip and New Image | /Film
  • It was believed that the juice of the dittany would drive away venomous beasts.
  • Many venomous snakes in Iran are being collected for the production of antivenin.
  • Each year, 7,000 venomous snakebites are reported in the United States.
  • Enduring repeated scrapes with venomous snakes, violent death and horrific jungle-borne diseases, he emerged after weeks of toil with 70,000 hevea seeds, which he carefully dried and packed "between banana leaves to soak up excess oil," Mr. Jackson reports. He Hit the Road, Found Rubber
  • Evelyn shot a venomous glance up at Will as she began to climb back down the ladder.
  • Some are harmless, like the colubers; others are venomous, such as the soy tale, the cerastes, the haje viper, and the asp. History Of Egypt, Chaldæa, Syria, Babylonia, and Assyria, Volume 1 (of 12)
  • At dinner parties during the rest of the year, they vie to one-up each other with stories of malaria, harrowing airplane flights and close calls with venomous snakes in what most of their compatriots would regard as Third World hell-holes. For Italians, Summer Starts at the Beach
  • Jacamars prefer to eat large, showy, flying insects such as blue morpho butterflies, hawk moths, and venomous insects such as wasps, ants, and sawflies.
  • Primitive humans would have needed to avoid certain species of animals, as we do now, such as venomous snakes, poisonous frogs, tarantulas and wolves.
  • Welding punked-out, ska, psycho-rap backfilled with wailing metal dirges, Bad Acid Trip surge pedantically from whimsical to venomous in one foul breath.
  • Thy tongue is as venomous as that of the she-banth O-Tar sent to The Towers of Jetan," he said. The Chessmen of Mars
  • There are two types of mollusc that are actively venomous.
  • TWO schools have been forced to close after becoming infested with venomous spiders. The Sun
  • A sharp, piercing organ or part, often ejecting a venomous secretion, as the modified ovipositor of a bee or wasp or the spine of certain fishes.
  • When the door banged open to the conservatorium, Laura shut off her dark reminiscing and swallowed the rest of her drink, feeling particularly venomous as she eyed the four olives stacked on the glass pick that rested in the empty glass.
  • Oval in shape, with a transparent float and distinctive crest, the organism has venomous trailing tentacles many yards long. Times, Sunday Times
  • The south African ringhal cobra is the most venomous snake living in the world which could cause the death of the victim within 15 seconds of the attack.
  • This particular snake is said to have the largest fangs of all the venomous snakes in the world.
  • After talking about four types of venomous snakes in the country, he faced a volley of questions from child participants.
  • Amazingly, more deaths in Tasmania are due to ant bite allergies than encounters with any other venomous creature.
  • For a moment, he seemed close to the edge, his expression contorting into a snarl of venomous hatred and barely-contained rage; but he made no physical move.
  • Inside was a great bushmaster, the king of the venomous snakes of Northern South America.
  • She is perpetually and dangerously angry, bluntly refusing - although employed in a factotum capacity - to perform many of the chores she is given, often colouring her refusal with some venomous invective.
  • She tried twice last summer, halting after an asthma attack and again after an encounter with a venomous box jellyfish. Times, Sunday Times
  • For those who may be unaware, a "bushmaster" is a dangerous, venomous snake that lies in the grass, to amBush it's victims. An important read for everyone who feels a conscience counts
  • You'll wear diving helmets and come face to fins with venomous lionfish and sharks. The Sun

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