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How To Use Venom In A Sentence

  • A number of dead venomous snakes were also found in the property. Times, Sunday Times
  • He's now milking tarantulas for their venom, and has recently been granted a licence to export that venom.
  • I then knew, by the black cross which I observed on its neck, that it was of the species called aquis, one of the boldest and most venomous of the serpents of that region. In New Granada Heroes and Patriots
  • Even if you get to a hospital for antivenom, three out of four people will still die. The Sun
  • I slowly sat up and faced my venomous brother and Will who seemed very unhappy.
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  • The stinger of the Japanese giant hornet is about a quarter-inch long and can inject venom containing a strong enzyme, which can dissolve human tissue.
  • Mr. Jackson converted a rustic red barn into a herpetarium with displays for a dozen exotic and venomous snakes, including a Burmese python and a monocled cobra.
  • The scorpions hereabouts are known for the potency of their venom. Somewhere East of Life
  • At the end of the abdomen is the telson, which bears a bulb-shaped structure containing the venom glands and a sharp, curved aculeus to deliver the venom.
  • Venom, it seems, is also a basic nutrient of politics.
  • The ill-natured Marx, the venomous Lenin, the murderous Stalin all had a deep-seated loathing of all those who disagreed with them.
  • The source of the trouble lies to the north, where it spews its venom throughout the Great Kingdom, breeding dissension as rotten meat breeds maggots.
  • Chief among those experts is Lyn Abra, who milked funnel-webs for their venom for three decades, first for Sutherland's research and then for commercial antivenin production.
  • It is curious, too, to note that echidnas also possess spurs but their venom gland is non-functional.
  • And for President Bushmaster — a bushmaster is a highly venomous snake, extraordinarily dangerous to humans, that inhabits the Southern tropics (See, I can match ‘em bam-for-BAM!) — to suggest it was “disgusting” is so like a hog calling a wallowing pig filthy. Roll Call of the Cowed and the Sameful-Shameful
  • The dragon has wounded him, and his poisonous venom is killing the brave Beowulf.
  • Venomous fish should not be confused with poisonous species, such as the infamous puffer fish, which harbor colonies of toxin-producing bacteria.
  • Roll Call of the Cowed and the Sameful-Shameful yahooBuzzArticleHeadline = 'Roll Call of the Cowed and the Sameful-Shameful'; yahooBuzzArticleSummary = 'Article: For President Bushmaster - a bushmaster is a highly venomous snake, extraordinarily dangerous to humans, that inhabits the Southern tropics (See, I can match \'em bam-for-BAM!) - to suggest it was "disgusting" is so like a hog calling a wallowing pig filthy.' Roll Call of the Cowed and the Sameful-Shameful
  • Bee venom induced persistent spontaneous nociception was used to reflect spinal cord mediated nociceptive flexor reflect.
  • But before anyone heads to the nearest hive, bewarned-scientific tests show that apian venom is not the bees' knees. Times, Sunday Times
  • He added that while the majority of snakes in our area are non-venomous, the ones people should worry about are the boomslangs, puffadders and night adders.
  • The final line, transferred here from Frankford to Susan with venomous impact, makes us ponder the title anew. Evening Standard - Home
  • Although a king cobra can grow to 15ft and has enough venom to knock out an elephant, its first instinct is always to run away from humans. Times, Sunday Times
  • Know that thou shalt not escape unstung, after trampling on the head of a venomous snake, licking the corners of its mouth with its tongue, and who hath been hurt by thy foot. The Mahabharata of Krishna-Dwaipayana Vyasa, Volume 1 Books 1, 2 and 3
  • Do they spit venom or emit noxious smells? Times, Sunday Times
  • Males have hollow spurs connected to venom glands on the ankle of each hind leg.
  • The venom consists of proteins, polypeptides, and enzymes that cause necrosis and hemolysis.
  • Other causes of death included bullet wounds and venomous animal bites.
  • Forest Goblin shamans are prone to run off dizzily, or just blunder about, unable to distinguish fact from venom-induced fiction.
  • The startling result was a marked increase in the density of the fibrillar halo around the ganglia incubated in the presence of the tumoral fraction treated with snake venom. Nobel Lecture The Nerve Growth Factor: Thirty-Five Years Later
  • Pythons are constrictors, meaning they rely on strength, not venom, to kill their prey.
  • The sensitive plant is too vulgar an allusion; but if the truth of modern naturalists may be depended upon, there is a plant which, instead of receding timidly from the intrusive touch, angrily protrudes its venomous juices upon all who presume to meddle with it: – do not you think this plant would be your fittest emblem? Letters for Literary Ladies: To Which is Added, An Essay on the Noble Science of Self-Justification
  • Casting one last almost venomous glance back over her shoulder at him, she headed back toward her dorm room.
  • But the debates were good ones and, on the whole, discussions were held without rancour or venom.
  • Providence from the venom by which the finest form in others is empoisoned. Memoirs of the Courts of Louis XV and XVI. Being secret memoirs of Madame Du Hausset, lady's maid to Madame de Pompadour, and of the Princess Lamballe — Complete
  • Sting that kills cancer: tiny 'nanobee' particles full of venom target diseased cells - Articles related to Ecija loss in rice harvest massive
  • Pity to waste good viper venom on an audience of one.
  • It reported that bee products such as royal icily, propolis and venom might help prevent cancer by inhibiting tumor growth; the study was done on mice.
  • Presumably the title is designed to suggest the swift and deadly strike of the venomous snake.
  • Since the days of President Zia these are full of venomous references to Hindus and Indians.
  • He provided the Commonwealth Serum Laboratory with snake venom, including that of the taipan, for antivenom production.
  • It is a black six-limbed panther from Hell, the size of a tractor trailer, with an armored head, a venomous striking tail, and massive distensible armored jaws.
  • Once again Grace spoke quietly, with absolutely no venom or malice, or any emotion at all.
  • Stingrays have a spine at the base of their tail that contains a venom gland.
  • Venomous fish should not be confused with poisonous species, such as the infamous puffer fish, which harbor colonies of toxin-producing bacteria.
  • In the scuffle, they exchange rapiers and Hamlet slices Laertes with the venomous weapon.
  • Mr. Jackson converted a rustic red barn into a herpetarium with displays for a dozen exotic and venomous snakes, including a Burmese python and a monocled cobra.
  • This is generally agreed to be the most venomous spider in Britain. Times, Sunday Times
  • The woman glared up at Natasha with pure venom and hatred in her dark green eyes.
  • Some types of snake venom prevent blood from clotting.
  • Beyond their venomous tendencies lie complex behavioural patterns and intricate lifestyles.
  • Snakebite Orks always carry a selection of venomous serpents with them when they migrate to new planets, just in case the indigenous lifeforms prove to be unsuitably inoffensive .
  • To try to open one of these monstrosities is an exercise in masochism — hurriedly I discard them with the dispatch with which one would thrust away a venomous snake. I Am Sorry to Inform You
  • The lectures offered include one about reptiles and amphibians native to Kentucky, which includes a chance for the children to handle live, non-venomous snakes, lizards, salamanders, toads and frogs.
  • Originally formulated to counteract the bites of venomous creatures, theriacs became general antidotes for poisons, venoms or ailments.
  • They are regarded as having the most painful bite of all Australia's venomous spiders and a bite can kill a person. Times, Sunday Times
  • Patients with bites from snakes with neurotoxic venom should be observed for at least 24 hours.
  • The advantages of being venomous are less clear for ticks, which are obligate, hematophagous parasites that depend on their host for a blood meal.
  • The infolded grooves served to produce a strong tooth attachment, and it is unlikely that they functioned in venom conduction.
  • Adrianne spat, venom dripping from her words.
  • I have love love loved addictive Lip Venom, and Nordie’s for years and I am bleedin dismayed that they have betrayed me and crossed over to the Crap Side. 'Twilight'-inspired fashion hits Nordstrom |
  • The snakes that evolved venom no longer had to rely solely on constriction or other ways of physically subduing their prey.
  • The venom of the snake, like the "curari" poison of the South-American Indians, is only effective when coming in contact with the blood. The Hunters' Feast Conversations Around the Camp Fire
  • Huge crowds gathered to witness a host of snakes on St Patrick's Day, not all of them were non-venomous.
  • The venomous exchanges between deputies from the two republics in the Kremlin yesterday offered little hope that reason would prevail.
  • But experts said photographs of the reptiles appeared to show nonvenomous pythons. The Sun
  • They rub stinging insects against their perch to remove the venom, but often eat the sting. Times, Sunday Times
  • Hamlet," so far is he from any idea of blood revenge, that he doubts and disobeys the message from the other world, doubts indeed the existence of any other world, and dies at last not a bloody death, but by a foil "unbated and envenomed. The Critics Versus Shakspere A Brief for the Defendant
  • He must've envenomed them or something like that, since I saw some green liquid besides blood on his shirt.
  • However, no one had yet been bitten by a venomous serpent, a scorpion, or a centiped, although we had killed all of the three within camp limits. IX. Down an Unknown River into the Equatorial Forest
  • They are on the Top 5 list of most venomous spiders along with the redback spider and the tree-dwellling funnel-web spider, both from Australia, and the Brazilian wandering spider found on jungle floors. Chronicle
  • He reserves his venom for the real enemy. Times, Sunday Times
  • Police caught the highly venomous 3ft cobra outside the Delhi complex as competitors trained. The Sun
  • Toxic treasure: poisons and venoms from deadly animals could become tomorrow's miracle drugs.
  • Just this February, Dr. Fry and his colleagues filed a patent for a molecule found in the venom of the inland taipan that may help treat congestive heart failure.
  • This thing is a venomous bird for all intents and purposes. Times, Sunday Times
  • He was shocked at the sheer venom of her reply.
  • The venom of this snake coagulates the blood.
  • Unlike bees they have an unlimited ability to sting, although the venom rarely proves fatal in humans.
  • There is nothing in these data to indicate that a full-grown man in normal health, and with proper treatment, will succumb to crotaline poisoning unless the venom enters a vein, direct. The Poison Bugaboo
  • However, some of the opposition to the bill outside the parliamentary process has been venomous and nasty.
  • She hadn't meant any harm by the question, but he seemed to think so as he glared venomously at her, before replying.
  • The snake's venom induces instant paralysis.
  • The Irula Snake Catchers' Industrial Co-operative Society Ltd. have now been licenced to extract venom, supply it to various institutions for preparing antivenin or anti-snake venom serum, and research.
  • And even if it was it never got the pecker long enough to get a good envenomation. Woodpecker vs. Snake
  • Because so little is known about the tiny creature, a relative of the notorious box jellyfish, no antidote for its venom is available. Times, Sunday Times
  • It's not like how they killed off VENOM in spiderman 3 and made that idiot Eddie Brock … morons. Sound Off: The Dark Knight - What Did You Think?! «
  • Back at the hospital, Dyan's venomous account of what it meant to be Dare Ransom had torn the blinds from his eyes.
  • FAMILIES are on alert for Britain's most venomous spider after thousands infested a street. The Sun
  • The music is suitably speedy and moderately complex, a la Venom, but with unvaried dynamics and hairball-in-the-throat ‘singing’ pasted over every song, it becomes an undifferentiated mass of miserabilism.
  • A triffid is a highly venomous fictional plant species. ... A Triffid Is Winging Its Way from New Zealand
  • Many venomous snakes in Iran are being collected for the production of antivenin.
  • Similarly, the light gun called _áspide_ or aspic, meaning "asp-like," was named after the venomous asp. Artillery Through the Ages A Short Illustrated History of Cannon, Emphasizing Types Used in America
  • For example, Australian snakes such as the taipan and the brown snake use two active enzymes in their venom that are also present in human blood: factor X and factor V.
  • But merely that they can act as a kind of antivenom to each other. Original Signal - Transmitting Buzz
  • He had lots of just-so stories ready to go, beginning with how Eden's snakes transformed their salivary glands into venomous fangs, and how roaches in Hawaiian caves evolved eyelessness in 8 months. Ideas from a creationist
  • VenomFangX, unable to actually outargue and outreason Thunderf00t, made a series of legal accusations, that Thunderf00t was violating copyright, and convinced Youtube to briefly yank his account. Pharyngula
  • People are bitten by exotic snakes while handling or feeding them, cleaning out their cages, milking them of their venoms, or attempting to steal them.
  • The advantages of being venomous are less clear for ticks, which are obligate, hematophagous parasites that depend on their host for a blood meal.
  • Bites from snakes can also contain venom, causing the symptoms of diarrhoea and sickness.
  • If the venom is potent (such as from certain spiders and scorpions) or if you are hypersensitive to the venom, the entire body may react.
  • The mambas are relatives of the cobras and belong to the venomous group of snakes known as Elapids.
  • The adder is Britain's only venomous snake.
  • Father Malachi spoke with venom in his voice that Judy would be jealous of.
  • ‘People mostly mistake this snake for a krait and kill it immediately, even though it is non-venomous and cannot do much harm,’ says Ataaz.
  • Reid reserved his most venomous attack for the Rail Authority.
  • Do they spit venom or emit noxious smells? Times, Sunday Times
  • She hurls out coloratura like spattered drops of venom. Lucrezia Borgia - review
  • When we visited this centre I pointed out the possibility of dry bites by venomous snakes.
  • Much maligned, the adder is our only venomous snake, feeding on other reptiles and small mammals.
  • There is a huge demand for venom, which is used to produce antivenin, the only known cure for the effects of snake venom.
  • Anytime you receive a bite from a venomous snake, it's a very dangerous encounter.
  • Scientists are now making use of the black widow spider's venom to help them understand disabling human diseases.
  • But I can tell you what it feels like to be attacked by a grizzly bear, gored by a bull, bitten by a venomous snake or attacked by African killer bees.
  • Don't touch anything in the rainforest - you never know when the tiny but venomous eyelash viper might strike.
  • Centipedes' modified front legs are poison claws, which they use to inject a highly toxic venom.
  • Nicotine and the snake venom also bind these receptors with agonistic and antagonistic effects, respectively.
  • A single drop of its venom is enough to kill 100 people. Times, Sunday Times
  • BRITAIN'S most venomous spider has been added to a council's pest control list in a city dubbed the false widow capital of the UK. The Sun
  • The galliwasp is also killed by dogs, cats and mongooses, and by people who mistakenly consider it to be venomous.
  • Snake venoms have different effects, some simply weakening or disorienting, others paralysing or killing the prey.
  • In people's minds, Shylock is a cunning, cruel and venomous Jewish usurer.
  • Her voice was bitter and venomous, which shocked Chunia even more.
  • Stocks of the antivenom used to counter the effects of the spider's lethal bite have run down. Times, Sunday Times
  • This I learnt doing thousands of venom extractions.
  • It contains venom in the spines on its back and so a person can be stung by inadvertently stepping on it.
  • Venom began to glow an unnatural green color as the room seemed to darken and time slowed as Bloodlust joined her sister with her own inhuman red illumination.
  • Almost all the major fins possess spines and venom glands.
  • venomous criticism
  • Her voice was full of venom, and there was a very large hint that she did not like her job.
  • The poison theme is admirably heightened so that we see David Rubin's fine Claudius miming the insertion of the "leperous distilment" into old ­Hamlet's ear even as the Ghost describes it, and later Rubin whips a toxic bottle out of his pocket to envenom Laertes's sword. Culture |
  • But if it be stopped, and cannot have his way, it becometh adust, and thereby malign and venomous. The Essays
  • Until I dived off the beach at Criccieth in north Wales, I had never seen more than a fleeting glimpse of a lesser weever, the most common venomous fish around Britain.
  • No, Sybil is a troll who posts nothing but venom and bile. Think Progress » Progressives Leading on Iraq: Sound Policy Ideas vs. Political Spin
  • The dad of two quickly slammed a takeaway box over the venomous creature to stop it scuttling away. The Sun
  • He has enough venom to unsettle any top batsman. The Sun
  • The most cruelly-worded, cold-blooded, data - backed denunciation, using every needlesharp descriptive usage in the book (you more than most will recognize that sense of a job well done as 'publish' is pressed), is delivered with so much more ooomph when delivered with good nature, (despite the rage and contempt experienced while concocting the venom-tipped arrows). Farewell Bill Deedes
  • Only about 50% of bites by exotic venomous snakes inject sufficient venom to cause clinical envenoming.
  • The man needed antivenom treatment and was kept in for observation. The Sun
  • The use of antivenom was rarely necessary. Times, Sunday Times
  • A similar species is the stargazer, which has two venomous spines, one each side behind the gill covers.
  • Fen raft spiders are, sad to say, no more venomous than the spiders in your potting shed. Times, Sunday Times
  • To those who left the new church he had established he was persistently venomous.
  • Immediately life-threatening conditions such as hypotension or shock occur in only about 7 percent of envenomations.
  • He noted that bee venom could be poisonous to both animals and humans.
  • As ever, it's our pastimes' deepest virtues that incite the most venomous evangelical slander.
  • What a missed opportunity in my childhood: I remember a teacher or two whose venom deserved reciprocation.
  • He wins turnovers, hits rucks with real venom, and he is a wonderful link between forwards and backs. The Sun
  • Not coincidentally, this is the group most likely to become the target of the contempt and thus the very public venom of extremists on the far-right and the far-left, working in unacknowledged but full concert, keen to neutralize people they see as spineless, bloodless sell-outs. Bradley Burston: Leftists Who Love Israel -- A Self-Help Guide
  • For any eastern coral snake bite with possible envenomation, three to five vials of Antivenin should be administered immediately.
  • Bites from snakes can also contain venom, causing the symptoms of diarrhoea and sickness.
  • Ricin is twice as deadly as cobra venom and there is no known antidote.
  • These studies suggest that vipers are more responsive to chemical stimuli from envenomated mammalian tissue than they are to chemical cues produced by the prey itself.
  • Other finds include: two highly venomous snakes -- a puff adder and a gaboon viper -- in a parcel from Tanzania; 1,000 live spiders, individually boxed, in a suitcase; and 26 rare birds of prey stuffed into plastic pipes flown in from Thailand. Yahoo! News: Latest news headlines News Headlines | Top Stories
  • Privately she didn't know if she hadj the temperament the patience or the compassion to deal with Clarissa's dangerous and neurotic behaviour, and then even if she was prepared to do so, to make herself tolerate and accept Clarissa's role in James 'life, how could she even think of allowing Lucy to be exposed to her venom a second time? Payment Due
  • A certain plant in China , for instance , has prickly leaves, and each prickle contains poisonous venom.
  • Oval in shape, with a transparent float and distinctive crest, the organism has venomous trailing tentacles many yards long. Times, Sunday Times
  • One woman reported a venomous western brown snake in her fridge. Times, Sunday Times
  • They narrowed at Adam, but they didn't contain their previous venom, and Adam glared right back at her, and she turned away, shamefaced.
  • Many other Queensland creatures - including various species of fishes and mollusks - hold the distinction of being the most venomous of their kind.
  • They do have a sting in their tail - one venomous spike - but this is only used when under attack.
  • This ecoregion also forms the main distribution for numerous other reptiles, including many large venomous elapid snakes (Pseudonaja guttata, P. ingrami, and Pseudechis colletti). Mitchell grass downs
  • Because I'm supposed to be studying venoms, peptdies, and antifeedants in gorgonian corals at the moment, and I am finding it rather difficult to concentrate, I ask all of you this burning question: Coffee. Sigh
  • Their long, whip-like tail has a small dorsal fin near its base and up to five venomous spines.
  • Brecht's words, juxtaposed against Weill's music, with its atonal harmonies and angular lines, venomously satirized the state of affairs.
  • Martin said he and Burnham began to look through published descriptions of the animal and noticed noticed unique grooves in a bone in the upper-jaw called the maxillary, a bone often found in venomous animals. stories
  • Grass snakes are not venomous. Times, Sunday Times
  • Inceoglu collected venom - carefully - by permitting scorpions to sting vials covered with a film.
  • The dad of two quickly slammed a takeaway box over the venomous creature to stop it scuttling away. The Sun
  • Many species feed on elongated fish, such as eels, which they paralyze with their venom.
  • Elisabeth watched a snake glide venomously across her path.
  • And when someone is so envenomed, poisoned in thought and in deed, his every discovery is poisoned as well. Virginity
  • The scene where the venom symbiote comes to earth was just "hammy". Has Christopher Nolan Signed On For Dark Knight Sequel? | /Film
  • Blood tests showed that he died of spider venom poisoning.
  • She had a distaste for the world and she showed it with a general lack of emotion and sharp tongue laced with venomous words.
  • Snake venoms are a complex mixture of proteins, polypeptides, biogenic amines, and other components that may have neurotoxic, hemostatic, and/or hemorrhagic effects on prey.
  • But the debates were good ones and, on the whole, discussions were held without rancour or venom.
  • They have blown this incident vastly out of proportion, and have made envenomed attacks on her for expressing a sober and conservative little c view about a scientific question. The Volokh Conspiracy » 1. Science, Faith, and Not Ruling Out Possibilities
  • He spoke of the long moonless night lyings-in - wait, the pestilential fens, the rivers envenomed by leaves of poison-plants, the deep snow-drifts, the scorching suns, the scorpions, and rains of grasshoppers; he also descanted on the peculiarities of the great lions of the Atlas, their way of fighting, their phenomenal vigour; and their ferocity in the mating season. Tartarin of Tarascon
  • West Africa: Polyvalent antivenom against Echis-Bitis-Naja (carpet viper, gaboon viper, and cobra) is usually provided by the government. Chapter 31
  • Even Australia's most dangerous snake, the taipan, carries enough venom to kill 30 adults, but its bite is not actually very painful, and it can take several hours for an untreated victim to die.
  • The snake injects the venom immediately after biting its prey.
  • It may be mentioned here that the effects of the venomous alkaloid spigeline present in pinkroot is similar to those of nicotine, coniine and lobeline. Find Me A Cure
  • The bite was not venomous, just a pinch, and so to dinner, cat and beetle not invited.
  • In conclusion, whole honeybee venom was found to suppress arthritic inflammation in the rat.
  • ‘So,’ he spoke with a venomous tinge in his sweet honeyed accent, ‘You're going with Frank now?’
  • As a member of The Jury, Sentry has used his battlesuit to combat Spider-Man as well as Venom's new group, The Thunderbolts. Archive 2009-02-01
  • Within hours of excoriating the gays in San Francisco for "defiling" his church, he was chortling with the queen of venom, Ann Coulter, on his TV show about her vile remarks that all Jews need to be "perfected," and we'd be better off without any Jews in this country. O'Reilly Rants At Catholic Bashers While Chortling With Coulter and Her Defaming Jews
  • When disturbed, weevers erect a dark-colored and highly venomous dorsal spine.
  • We moved around the rest of the morning, catching hardhead catfish (which Willcox unhooked with a long disgorger, to avoid the venomous spines in its dorsal and pectoral fins) and even a young goliath grouper, or jewfish (a protected species). A Keys Report: Fishing the Backcountry with Executive Editor Mike Toth
  • Since Australian funnel-web spiders, whose venom is fatal to humans, cannot be imported to the United States, Nitabach said Gui will not harvest toxins directly from the spiders. Yale Daily News - Latest Issue
  • Extending into The Gila the Chihuahuan and Sonoran deserts offer the desert element complete with yucca, mesquite, cactus, lizards, snakes, scorpions and the venomous Gila Monster.
  • The snake's venom poisoned the wolf and raven's blood.
  • He settled onto it unsurely, bounced a few times, and deemed it sufficient - it was not his old bed, some part of him muttered venomously, but it would currently be better than sleeping in the stables with the horses.
  • His shot was so venomous and expertly delivered that he did not even move as the ball sped over him, flattened and clouted the netting.
  • She tried twice last summer, halting after an asthma attack and again after an encounter with a venomous box jellyfish. Times, Sunday Times
  • This deadly species of jellyfish is only found in certain areas of the world, mainly in Australia. 6 There have been over 60 deaths from C. fleckeri in tropical Australia over the last century. 11 The early systemic symptoms of envenomation include dizziness, confusionand agitation and unconsciousness and can occur within minutes. Fish poisonings and envenomations
  • Such abuse of language is possible only to the drivelling desperation of venomous or fangless duncery: it is in higher and graver matters, of wider bearing and of deeper import, that we find it necessary to dispute the apparently serious propositions or assertions of Mr. Whistler. The Gentle Art of Making Enemies
  • AIM:To observe the effects of the further analgesic active component extracted from scorpion venom(SV-A) on the function rehabilitation and neurohistology of neuralgia animal model.
  • He may be exhausted, but the adrenaline, testosterone and venom coursing through his veins will see him through.

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