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How To Use Venn In A Sentence

  • For example, in proofs about sets, Venn diagrams provided a useful part of a concept image in some cases.
  • I'll get Venner to brew some tea.
  • However, our findings indicate that evenness is relatively uniform for all vegetative layers along the elevation gradient.
  • Their cravenness on immigration is deeply disturbing.
  • It is in Ravenna that the earliest mosaics are preserved, in temple after temple, in museums, presbyteries, baptistries and churches.
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  • Godolphin secretly resented the very evenness of temper he had once almost overprized. Godolphin, Complete
  • This unevenness of the yarn is explored through layering and fraying of raw edges.
  • We sought to measure the psychic state of freedom, relaxation, and comfort versus that of anxiety, drivenness, and beleaguerment.
  • There was a third option, unrevealed until now, the Lazio manager Svenn Goran Eriksson.
  • The testers have a checklist which includes sear evenness, juiciness and chewiness. The Sun
  • Scrounging time for faith nourishment can press a doubter into drivenness—so that in our wild attempts to make the most of every minute of our time, we may lose eternity. If I Really Believe, Why Do I Have These Doubts?
  • Plutarch speaks of Ravenna as in Gaul, which he calls Galatia; but though Ravenna was within the limits of Cisalpine Plutarch's Lives, Volume II
  • Species richness is one component of the concept of species diversity, which also incorporates evenness, that is, the relative abundance of species. Species richness
  • So I drove to Whole Foods in Ravenna and found a fresh batch right as I came into the store. In Newsstands: Seattle Metropolitan Magazine
  • From time-to-time, an unevenness in tone is evident, as the movie swerves between bawdy farce and melodrama.
  • The surface profile of joints can be characterized by the waviness and unevenness components.
  • It calls for ‘responsibility,’ then shirks it with surreal cravenness.
  • The pope at Rome (Gregory II) likewise declared against the emperor's iconoclasm, and the population of the exarchate of Ravenna rose in revolt and made an alliance with the Lombards. 692
  • Characters thus afflicted may be realistic but they are also tiresomely predictable in their cravenness.
  • The researchers focus on the concept of "evenness" -- the relative abundance of different species, including predators and pests, in a farm's ecosystem. Grist - the latest from Grist
  • The ansated cross is found on many and various monuments of Egypt (Prisse d'Avennes, L'art Egyptien, 404). The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 4: Clandestinity-Diocesan Chancery
  • Southern hemisphere ships and non-Venn ships of the north were all fore-and-aft rigged, though many had square foretopsails; raffees had square foresails with triangular foretopsails.
  • The actual truth lies midway between the "evenness" of Evelyn and the "great hills" of Pepys, and to the man of Wilts that word "Plain" will ever summon up a vision of rolling downs, a short, crisp, elastic turf dotted with flocks, and broken here and there by some crested earthwork or barrow, which rears itself from the undulating Down, and breaks the skyline with its sharp outline. Stonehenge Today and Yesterday
  • He gart ilk juge redres the skaithis that come to the party be his wrang sentence; throw quhilk, he decorit his realm with mony nobil actis, and ejeckit the vennomus custome of riotus cheir, quhilk wes inducit afore be Chronicles of the Canongate
  • Vennligst merk at ønsket dato for opphentingen kan variere. Archive 2009-07-01
  • French had just succeeded in taking across the last piece of artillery, a long "culverin" [1] (cannon), named _Madame de Forli_, [2] which had been re-taken from the Spaniards at Ravenna, was so heavy that it sank the first boat, and the poor soldiers, seeing they were lost, escaped as best they could, but many were killed and others drowned. Bayard: the Good Knight Without Fear and Without Reproach
  • Emperor Justinian reconquered North Africa and part of Italy, making Ravenna the western capital, but his success was shortlived.
  • Then her own lips lost their evenness, and she struggled long before she could pluck up courage to contemplate this new disaster.
  • R - R interval series is an unevenly sampled series , the unevenness which result in some problems.
  • Notwithstanding this weak invention, Italy was still afflicted, Rome was again besieged, and the suburb of Classe, only three miles from Ravenna, was pillaged and occupied by the troops of a simple duke of Spoleto. The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
  • An as he skellied intae the white bleeze, a troop o droid surveillance puggies advanced in heelstergowdie formation alang the corridor roof, skited by owre his heid an wi a clatter o mettalic cleuks, skittered awa eastwards doon the shadowy vennel. Archive 2004-09-01
  • High efficiency light reflecting system and diffusion foil assure 95 % or more light evenness.
  • There has been considerable unevenness in the quality of the reports produced by different experts.
  • One is of the Miracle of the loaves and fishes from the top register of the nave wall (above the clerestory windows) of Sant 'Apollinare Nuovo, Ravenna, ca. 504. A Reader Question About Symbols on Christian Mosaics
  • “The markedly driven patient who studies constantly and voices dissatisfaction with anything but perfect grades often distresses the parents who recognize the drivenness and hopelessly attempt to persuade the patient to work less and enjoy herself more” Mintz, 1983, p. Clinical Work with Adolescents
  • It operates with all the cravenness of the fabled Mexican jail. Stephen Herrington: Goldman Sachs Robbed the EU By Way of Greece
  • Over the past 11 years, I've lived in Ravenna/Roosevelt, Ballard/Phinney Ridge, Beacon Hill, and Greenwood. The New Ballard « PubliCola
  • No, what I like about this plan is it's complete cravenness.
  • He gart ilk juge redres the skaithis that come to the party be his wrang sentence; throw quhilk, he decorit his realm with mony nobil actis, and ejeckit the vennomus custome of riotus cheir, quhilk wes inducit afore be Chronicles of the Canongate
  • So, I think Bush will be -- this is not a status quo vote, despite the evenness or the equalness in the vote outcome. CNN Transcript - Special Event: Election 2000: Bush, Gore Locked in Unprecedented Fight for Control of the White House - November 8, 2000
  • Deur middel van 'n duisend projekte dwarsoor die land, word daar in hierdie week gevier en erkenning gegee aan die krag van vennootskap en selfopheffing, aan bemagting en selfverantwoordelikheid - dit alles in diens van die verandering en verbetering van mense se lewens, en die bou van' n nuwe Suid ANC Daily News Briefing
  • Desperately poor health conditions are distributed with a wretched evenness across the land.
  • It is in Ravenna that the earliest mosaics are preserved, in temple after temple, in museums, presbyteries, baptistries and churches.
  • Indeed, it turns out to be precisely this kind of instinctive drivenness that Nietzsche has partly in mind when he praises Nietzsche's Moral and Political Philosophy
  • Venn extended Boole's mathematical logic and is best known to mathematicians and logicians for his diagrammatic way of representing sets, and their unions and intersections.
  • Besides avoiding the small amino acids, from your Venn diagram, they look to cover most options to me (the only obvious ommision would be glutamate, E, for an example of a anionic (negative) amino acid). An Interesting Pattern
  • ‘Das Ereignis ‘and ‘die Kehre im Ereignis ‘were only two in a long line of titles for what must always already be the case if givenness and its dative are to come together at all.’
  • Cassiodorus, the Praetorian praefect, is addressed to the maritime tribunes; and he exhorts them, in a mild tone of authority, to animate the zeal of their countrymen for the public service, which required their assistance to transport the magazines of wine and oil from the province of Istria to the royal city of Ravenna. The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
  • He was walking that day head down, abstracted in his notecards, noticing neither the fineness of the weather, the unevenness of the pavement, or the breeze riffling the surface of the river beneath the bridge.
  • The real problem seems to be unevenness and an apparently uncritical acceptance of it.
  • Arriving in Italy (489) the Ostrogoths triumphed over Odovacar, but did not reduce Ravenna until 493. D. The Ostrogoths in Italy
  • Venn diagrams deal with sets, their union and intersection.
  • Why did people behave as they did - whether with cruelty or kindness, cravenness or courage?
  • H (oward) ever since Monday sevennight, and not one single word have you received from your humble slave and beadsman .... George Selwyn: His Letters and His Life
  • He's a series of contradictory characteristics - valor/cowardice, nobility/cravenness, promiscuity / uxoriousness, selfishness/camaraderie, and every one of them is genuine, as the situation demands.
  • Not the wealth of excess and drivenness to prove or to power. The Full Feed from
  • Hot and dry in summer, bitterly cold and exposed in winter, the Cevennes may be a harsh and unforgiving land but it possesses a raw, savage and inspiring beauty.
  • He had himself proclaimed king at Ravenna in 494 after taking back Italy from Odoacer.
  • Orthographia, laun-fsnvenny - dhixth; Argraf adeiladaeth xuedi i thynny kynn adeilad. Archaeologia Britannica, giving some account additional to what has been hitherto publish'd, of the languages, histories and customs of the original inhabitants of Great Britain: : from collections and observations in travels through Wales, Cornwal, B
  • Microbial inoculum could enhance microbial community functional diversity and evenness degree.
  • Guidobaldo (1472 – 1508), the legitimate heir to the dukedom, was born months before Bessarion died in Ravenna, en route to France. back Architecture and Memory: The Renaissance Studioli of Federico da Montefeltro
  • His voice retains its evenness in all registers, and he cleanly articulates Vivaldi's most difficult runs and fioriture.
  • On the other side of the spectrum are diagrams like organizational charts, Venn diagrams, or interlocking gears that connote a very specific meaning for the information they portray.
  • I'd love to see what would be in the middle of a Venn diagraph of Boycott and Gaga fans. England v Bangladesh - as it happened
  • Italy having come into the hands of the French, a change of form and order took place, the popes acquiring greater temporal power, and the new authorities adopting the titles of count and marquis, as that of duke had been introduced by Longinus, exarch of Ravenna. The History of Florence
  • The poles' rotation unevenness and movement judder are caused by several processes.
  • And there is the intellectual unevenness between the different portions, often sealed off like the compartments in a ship's hold, of each individual's brain and soul.
  • I think that there's no way of understanding the complexity of this person, the magnetism he had, the drivenness of his life, the frenetic quality of the pace he lived, the politics he practiced. Never Stop Running: Allard Lowenstein and the Struggle to Save American Liberalism
  • Venn was loth to depart, for all on earth that interested him lay under this roof.
  • Here we propose a simple but effective web application creating Venn diagrams from two or three gene lists.
  • By 1602 it appears to have been operating again: the hoaxer Richard Vennar circulated a playbill describing an entertainment called England's Joy, ‘to be Played at the Swan this 6 of November, 1602’.
  • Vitruvius tells us, that the morasses about Ravenna in Italy, were pil’d with this timber, to superstruct upon, and highly commends it. Sylva, Vol. 1 (of 2) Or A Discourse of Forest Trees
  • These aren't mutually exclusive, of course - they're intersecting areas of a Venn diagram.
  • And here, enveloped in the power and aura that Skybury exuded, Ravenna understood how true that was.
  • To depict the synergism of those ingredients I use the Venn diagram below.
  • A little set theory to start your day. indexed is a blog that has fun with Venn diagrams. Archive 2008-07-01
  • Just opposite to this vennel, there is another that leads north-west, from the chiefe street to the green, which is a pleasant plott of ground, enclosed round with an earthen wall, wherein they were wont to play football, but now at the Gowff and byasse-bowls. Essays of Travel
  • Ravenna hurried to the cupboard and got in, wrinkling her nose at the musty smell of old, dry paper that was pervading the cupboard.
  • Balanced sonorities and evenness of metre direct listeners on a course of undiminishing grandeur that leads naturally to calmness in repose.
  • This trompe l'œuil style is derived ultimately from late antique decoration exemplified in both the orthodox baptistry in Ravenna and St George, Thessaloniki.
  • I think we both saw young Mr Venn in new lights, and they were neither favorable nor unfavorable, just new.
  • Charlemagne too fitted out his new capital with monuments constructed with spolia from Rome and Ravenna; his own tomb was an ancient sarcophagus.
  • But, for God's sake, don't let my cravenness stop you! Ben H. Winters: How to Combat Distracted Walking
  • Ravenna, with barbaric pride, built her round-cinctured towers to the glory of the Exarchate. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 05, No. 27, January, 1860
  • Worn since the 6th century by Priests and Deacons in Ravenna, the maniple was incorporated throughout Wesern Europe within 400 years.
  • The design of the coin should be clear and precise with unevenness or blurring a sign of counterfeiting.
  • For Clinton, except for his inexplicable publicness and apparent drivenness, too, is far from being the first of our leaders to fall into this trap. Rim Shots At History
  • His voice retains its evenness in all registers, and he cleanly articulates Vivaldi's most difficult runs and fioriture.
  • So, let's call it preaching if you will, but it is wonderful preaching, and it is a wonderful setting of a message of the old stoic, that a man should be independent of his environment, neither unduly exalted nor elated by success, nor unduly depressed by failure, but preserving an evenness of spirit through all the changes of his outward fortune. Kipling, The Poet of Empire
  • You do the things that a person must do, but you are free from that obsessive, compulsive drivenness of your own desires.
  • I thought to mysel ',' Ye are owre mony for me to mell with; but let me catch ye in Barford's Park, or at the fit of the vennel, I could gar some of ye sing another sang. ' On the Old Road, Vol. 2 (of 2) A Collection of Miscellaneous Essays and Articles on Art and Literature
  • Cobb's Corner would be redeveloped to give priority to pedestrians, a public space would be created at Venner Road and a bus interchange would be created close to the station.
  • McAvennie's second spell at West Ham was in marked contrast to his first.
  • It is this kind of cravenness and moral inversion that makes people despair of mainstream politicians and sends them towards the BNP. The clash of uncivilisations
  • Turn system of water release has been introduced for the Cauvery and Vennar from the grand anicut from September 9, according to a press release issued here by M. Moorthy, Chief Engineer, Public Works Department on Monday. The Hindu - Home
  • Yet keeper Craig Nelson's most anxious moments came from Frank McAvennie efforts one in each half.
  • Aistulf, king of the Lombards, had taken Ravenna (751), the seat of the exarch, besieged Rome, and exacted tribute. G. The Empire of Charlemagne and Its Disintegration
  • Bank-vennel, and next in a small house in a humble street, since called by his name. The Complete Works of Robert Burns: Containing his Poems, Songs, and Correspondence. With a New Life of the Poet, and Notices, Critical and Biographical by Allan Cunningham
  • Pueraria Thunbergiana pumpkin pumps pyracantha pyrethrum pyrus, species quereus species quince, culture of rabbit injury radish railroad-worm rainfall, saving raspberry, culture of raspberry diseases raspberry insects ravenna grass records of plantation red-bud red pepper red spider red-top removing large trees repairing trees retinosporas rhamnus species rhododendron rhododendron species Manual of Gardening (Second Edition)
  • Only in death could Kennedy's ` star image ' completely slough off the documented unevenness of his national popularity.
  • It was my drivenness that caused my break-up with Nadezda. Once upon a life: Toby Litt
  • His hair was cropped close, and the unevennesses of his cranium, thus laid bare, would have struck a phrenologist by reason of the strange intertexture of contradictory propensities. A Hero of Our Time
  • Shavenness, featurelessness, emptiness, clamminess scurfiness, formed the outward expression of a town to which people were reasonably glad to come from London in summer-time, for there was nothing in Crikswich to distract the naked pursuit of health. Complete Short Works of George Meredith
  • Simon King, of restaurant 1861 near Abergavenny, is advocating that we eat fish such as dabs and flounder that have a fantastic flavour but are much cheaper than better known species such as sole. WalesOnline - Home
  • Francesca, daughter of Giovanni da Polenta, count of Ravenna, was given in marriage by him to Giovanni (Sciancato, the Lame) Malatesta, of Rimini, an ill-favoured man, in return for his military services.
  • But the research by Crowder, an insect ecologist at Washington State University in Pullman, and his colleagues, shows the importance of 'evenness' - the relative abundance of different species. Scientific American
  • There is a mosaic in Ravenna portraying saints, martyrs, hierarchs, and faithful laity, each of them holding a crown that they will place at the feet of Christ.
  • Contrast that with the cravenness of so many of today's conservatives, whose first rhetorical instinct is to seize the mantle of victimhood. Conservatives and the Cult of Victimhood
  • Goths had their own Arian churches (as can still be seen in Ravenna), and surviving documents written by clerics show that Gothic was spoken there.
  • There is, as so often with this company, a distinct unevenness in the casting.
  • He gart ilk juge redres the skaithis that come to the party be his wrang sentence; throw quhilk, he decorit his realm with mony nobil actis, and ejeckit the vennomus custome of riotus cheir, quhilk wes inducit afore be Chronicles of the Canongate
  • Now cut potato into 12 mm slices, thence into the same width to produce chips of an approximate square section for evenness of cooking.
  • Shavenness, featurelessness, emptiness, clamminess scurfiness, formed the outward expression of a town to which people were reasonably glad to come from Complete Project Gutenberg Works of George Meredith
  • The Arvennese Princess walked confidently towards a cove of black stone, all of it covered in the most delicate incisions imaginable.
  • Venner was only slightly less admonitory.
  • We may accept as certain that Aquileia had from the time of the formation of separate rites (fourth century) its own use, that this use was not the same as that of Rome, that probably it was one more variant of the large group of Western Rites, connected by (Eastern?) origin, which we call Gallican, that it was probably really related to the old Milanese Rite and perhaps still more to that of Ravenna. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 16 [Supplement]
  • Dudley Venner had a kind of superstition, too, that, if Elsie could only outlive three septenaries, twenty-one years, so that, according to the prevalent idea, her whole frame would have been thrice made over, counting from her birth, she would revert to the natural standard of health of mind and feelings from which she had been so long perverted. Elsie Venner
  • Garden building Saturday, 10 am to 3 pm, at locations in Ravenna, the Central District, and Delridge; more info available here. Awesome-Sounding If Weirdly Named « PubliCola
  • Hair color: His hair lives in that area where the Venn diagramm for blonde and brown overlaps, a goldy-browny colour Meme and Misterpie
  • But it smacks of cravenness and hardly serves the interests of truth-telling, much less any hopes of reconciliation between Ankara and Jerusalem. Cameron Joins the Gaza Flotilla
  • In our house, genetics rears its twisty DNA head in the differences between my two boys, who could easily be described in terms of nonintersecting circles in a Venn diagram, the nonintersection being the important part. Sugar and Spice | Her Bad Mother
  • Bad stuff was creeping north from the U-District (i.e., drug paraphenalia and dead bodies in Ravenna Park, bums roaming the neighborhoods) and the public schools were appalling. Sound Politics: Let's Help Nicole Brodeur
  • Eventually she cried herself to sleep again and he held her as she slumbered, the evenness and peacefulness of her breathing seeming to keep his own mind and heart from fear and despair and sorrow.
  • CHIAVENNA, Italy (AP) Edvald Boasson Hagen of Norway won the seventh stage of the Giro d'Italia on Friday, beating four other riders in a sprint finish on a rain-slicked road. Boasson Hagen takes stage win; Di Luca keeps Giro lead
  • The texture and slight unevenness of the paint adds a remarkable three-dimensional quality to these wallpapers.
  • If not treated, wryneck may lead to permanent facial deformity or unevenness and to restricted head movement.
  • A city of north-central Italy southwest of Ravenna. It is noted for its richly colored pottery, produced here since the 2th century. Population, 39,700.
  • At the head of three hundred followers, that fearless Barbarian immediately sallied from the gates of Ravenna; surprised, and cut in pieces, a considerable body of Goths; reentered the city in triumph; and was permitted to insult his adversary, by the voice of a herald, who publicly declared that the guilt of Alaric had forever excluded him from the friendship and alliance of the emperor. The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
  • Newcomer (and another bagel-welcher) Jeff Patterson also revealed his disgust for all things that occupy the intersection in the Venn diagram of cute and Star Wars. Happy Birthday to Us, Part 6
  • The design of the coin should be clear and precise with unevenness or blurring a sign of counterfeiting.
  • This cravenness represents one of American journalism's darkest hours -- as dark as the depth of the McCarthy era. Naomi Wolf: WikiLeaks, Revolution, and the Lost Cojones of American Journalism
  • Here we propose a simple but effective web application creating Venn diagrams from two or three gene lists.
  • Thus, nine groups were created in a factorial design, consisting of three levels of evenness and three levels of species identity, with five replicates.
  • Sometimes I try to force God's hand in my "drivenness", wanting to be more like Him. Tree Story
  • On the other side of the spectrum are diagrams like organizational charts, Venn diagrams, or interlocking gears that connote a very specific meaning for the information they portray.
  • In an article Saturday in L'Avvennire, the official newspaper of the Italian Bishops Conference, Msgr. Charles J. Scicluna said accusations that the pope had failed to respond quickly to sex-abuse allegations were "calumnious. Catholic Officials Defend Benedict XVI
  • Yet despite his fierce appearance and the barbarous glint in his eyes, the Chief bore himself with a dignity no less than regal - so much so that Ravenna found her own father paling in comparison.
  • No single measure of evenness remains constant over all statistical distributions, so if constancy as a type of independence is required, the appropriate distribution must first be determined.
  • Luckily not a single judder or unevenness of movement occurred and the next day the ‘rushes’ indicated that the job had been completed successfully - and not before time.
  • So we fried eggs using just a wipe of oil to check for sticking and burning, then assessed evenness of browning by cooking pancakes with no oil at all.
  • Desiderius kept faith at first, and proceeded to resign the districts to the pope, according to the agreement made with Pepin, so that an exarch was no longer sent from Constantinople to Ravenna, but it was governed according to the will of the pope. The History of Florence
  • Despite the unevenness of quality, however, this comes across as one smart little show.
  • Mistress Kenawee's face, puir thing, was as white as a cloot; but Sandy's was as black as the man More o 'Vennis, the bleckie that smored his wife i' the theatre for carryin 'on wi' a sodger. My Man Sandy
  • Och ut drogo svenner med buller och bång, 14 med guld och böner, och skalderna följde, en rad så lång, med hjältesång, och ställde sig fram för kung Beles söner. Fritiofs Saga
  • If you think instead of a Venn diagram metric, then you will understand that not all metrics permit averages.
  • Nid oeb in vim mryd i, ag ni abauej - pan beA; rcicj - deicio, gruydro nag mor vanul, na cruy'r hoA uledyb a bym incynt, nag m agof gihyd amj-er: Na zuaic vi mebul nam habeuid skrivenny guaic kyn helaeced ag a byb hun bruy euyAy) - ir Argluyb kyn i biueb; na A; ymefyd degum 1 dravel a gimerej - urc y Silvaen ne'r Aivyr kinta imma. Archaeologia Britannica, giving some account additional to what has been hitherto publish'd, of the languages, histories and customs of the original inhabitants of Great Britain: : from collections and observations in travels through Wales, Cornwal, B
  • Marcellinus spits the venom of a Greek subject — perjuriis illectus, interfectusque est, (in Chron.)] 23 The sonorous and servile oration of Ennodius was pronounced at Milan or Ravenna in the years The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
  • The laptop is equipped with a specially programmed GPS system that displays what looks like a Venn diagram: overlapping, color-coded circles — purple for schools, yellow for day-care centers, and green for parks — marking areas where sex offenders cannot live. Sex-Offender City
  • An as he skellied intae the white bleeze, a troop o droid surveillance puggies advanced in heelstergowdie formation alang the corridor roof, skited by owre his heid an wi a clatter o mettalic cleuks, skittered awa eastwards doon the shadowy vennel. Archive 2004-09-01
  • I don't have the data, but an interesting test would be to collect some measure of 'legislative independence' (initiatives, vetos, who-knows-what-else?) across several policy areas in one country to estimate the 'evenness' of legislative independence. La Profesora Abstraida
  • Next comes the scooping stage, which requires the most skill, because the amount of pulp scooped and the evenness of its spread on the frame decides the quality of the paper.
  • But every once in a while, an elected representative elevates himself above “teh stoopid” and cravenness that makes our eyes glaze over, and really fights the good fight in a way that leads his waffling brethren to do the right damn thing. Archive 2008-01-01
  • Used for testing the evenness of sliver and roving.
  • The unevenness of the research permits the continued use of a fragmentary and inconsistent labelling system.
  • Here we propose a simple but effective web application creating Venn diagrams from two or three gene lists.
  • This bad system has survived due to congressional cravenness in the face of multinational corporations arguing that competitiveness depends on not paying taxes. Transfer Pricing As Tax Avoidance
  • The Roman bishop, elected by the people, craved protection for the bishop, of the exarch of Ravenna, who had the power of confirming or of cancelling the election. A Philosophical Dictionary
  • Both regions enjoy long hot summers and, apart from highland areas like the Cevennes and Pyrennees, mild winters.
  • In an article Saturday in L'Avvennire, the official newspaper of the Italian Bishops Conference, Msgr. Charles J. Scicluna said accusations that the pope had failed to respond quickly to sex-abuse allegations were "calumnious. Catholic Officials Defend Benedict XVI
  • Vane to "cozen" the Scottish Presbyterian Commissioners in the phraseology of the Solemn League and Covenant; with Samuel Vassall, whose name shares with those of Hampden and Lord Say and Sele the renown of the refusal to pay ship-money, and of courting the suit which might ruin them or emancipate England; with John Venn, who, at the head of six thousand citizens, beset the House of Lords during the trial of Lord Strafford, and whom, with three other Londoners, King Great Epochs in American History, Vol. II The Planting Of The First Colonies: 1562—1733
  • He turned his horse's head and retraced his path up the vennel. The Path of the King
  • The two chief districts were the country about Ravenna, the exarchate, where the exarch was the centre of the opposition, and the Duchy of Rome, which embraced the lands of Roman Tuscany north of the Tiber and to the south the The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 14: Simony-Tournon
  • The panning shot was spoilt by oncoming traffic and unevenness of the road surface, while the long-shot track never even got started. RIOT
  • Venn extended Boole's mathematical logic and is best known to mathematicians and logicians for his diagrammatic way of representing sets, and their unions and intersections.
  • Peirce aimed to extend Venn's system in expressive power with respect to the first two kinds of propositions, i.e., existential and disjunctive statements.
  • Owners Vivenne and Colin have chauffeured the canine connoisseurs to eight cottages in Pembrokeshire.
  • The Bishop of _Ravenna_, the Metropolis of _Flaminia_ and _Æmilia_, was also subject to the Pope: for _Zosimus_, A.C. 417, excommunicated some of the Presbyters of that Church, and wrote a commonitory Epistle about them to the Clergy of that Church as a branch of the _Roman_ Church: _In sua_, saith he, _hoc est, in Ecclesia nostra Romana_. Observations upon the Prophecies of Daniel, and the Apocalypse of St. John
  • This is an acceptable, even admirable, homage to the virtue of "evenness" as we seek to deter violence by a few, mostly Middle Eastern, young men. Nuestra Voice
  • After a three-year siege of Ravenna, Odovacar surrendered. 493, Feb. 27
  • The eastern influence entered the west primarily through the great trading cities of Venice, Ravenna, and Marseilles and appeared in these cities first.
  • One "tip" about Savennières is that they can have an aroma that is like wet concrete, similar to corkiness. CellarTracker Tasting Notes (all notes)
  • When I can cycle down the hill to my office in Abergavenny in a T-shirt, with sunshine on my forearms and warm air funnelling over the creases in my face, I feel the wheel of the year has turned. Spring's here: skylarks overhead, moles in the garden, moths in the bathroom
  • Jeremy VENNELL, (NZL) Bissell Pro Cycling Team, at 0: 17: 26 80. 2010 Tour of Utah results, stage 2
  • Ye chased him doon the street and through the lang vennel, and got him in Payne's field. Bog-Myrtle and Peat Tales Chiefly of Galloway Gathered from the Years 1889 to 1895
  • Retrieving torrent peers info from tracker, please wait ... holly e benji 111 - 112/Holly e Benji - 111 - E avvenne il miracolo. avi
  • Scarry asserts in Dreaming by the Book, — its faintness, two-dimensionality, fleetingness, and dependence on volitional labor — with the vivacity, solidity, persistence, and givenness of the perceptible world .... this comes about because we are given procedures for reproducing the deep structure of perception, and because the procedures themselves have an instructional character that duplicates the Seeing Is Reading
  • To them Bruce's genius was incontestably proved by the faultless evenness with which he parted his hair behind, the dapperness of his boots, and the merit of his spotless shirts. Julian Home
  • Balanced sonorities and evenness of metre direct listeners on a course of undiminishing grandeur that leads naturally to calmness in repose.
  • Great tenacity from Grant which saw him rob Devenney of the ball set up a point for Mickey Linden and Down kept their noses in front.
  • All of this suggests that it would be more helpful to redirect theoretical attention to the interplay between alpha (= ‘evenness’), beta, and gamma diversity.
  • At that point I returned to writing with a drivenness I had never known. Balance
  • We have noted that at Rome and Ravenna towers formed no part of the original basilican plan, but were added later as _campanili_. The Ground Plan of the English Parish Church
  • Until now the presumed equal balance between up and down costing just meant no real loss to consumers, business, or government; although some arguments have been put forward that the evenness is a myth and the actual cost of doing this weighs heavily on the spender. John Krifka: The Lincoln Plan
  • VILLUP.RAM: Cultivation of a medicinal plant termed gloriosa superba (kanvazhi kizhangu in Tamil) will be quite a rewarding proposition, according to P. David Raja Beula, Assistant Director of Horticulture Department, Thiruvennainallur. The Hindu - Front Page
  • Even though part of the beauty of straw bale houses is their handmade unevenness, build plumb and square.
  • The ideal colour is defined by personal taste, but evenness and consistency go straight to the goal of unhindered reading.
  • The documents of the early medieval period in Italy take the following shape: no more than about fifty documents survive from the sixth and seventh centuries, nearly all on papyrus, and nearly all from Ravenna.
  • One of the most charming features of Ravenna is that the English translations on the explanatory text in all the churches and museums seem to come from a single practiced hand, itself a blend of East and West: “The clothing was covered by rich coiffures, closed in silk hairnet with golden threads, and by precious footwear in black leather with baked golden decorations.” The Road from Ravenna
  • Ravenna had not long to ponder because footsteps, faint at first but steadily growing louder sounded from the corridor.
  • When the farmers who had wished to buy in a new stock of reddle during the last month had inquired where Venn was to be found, people replied, "On Egdon Heath. The Return of the Native
  • I gave up dealing in reddle last Christmas," said Venn. The Return of the Native
  • This evenness of meter creates the mood of impersonal curiosity characterizing the poem.
  • A spider's web effect, creating fine lines in silver, was inspired by the label created for Ferragamo in the 1930s by the futurist painter Luciano Venna; while the Vera line takes its name from the house's famous shoe buckle. NYT > Home Page
  • 103 His malady increased, and after a dysentery which continued three days, he expired in the palace of Ravenna, in the thirty-third, or, if we compute from the invasion of Italy, in the thirty-seventh year of his reign. The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
  • The species diversity indices and evenness were degraded to varying degrees.
  • Not sure who put this together first, but that Venn diagram is the same as the Hedgehog Concept in Jim Collin's Good to Great. The Road To Happiness In Your Work Lies In The Hooray! Zone | Lifehacker Australia
  • Sidorova O.V., & Naurzbaev, M. M. Reakzija na klimatitcheskie izmenemija listvennizi Kajandera na verchnei granitze lesa i v doline reki Indigirki Response of Larix Kajanderi to climatic changes at the upper timberline and in the Indigirka River valley. Juckes and the Indigirka River Alter Ego « Climate Audit
  • There is unevenness across the different companies.
  • That they might be led to respect the Roman name, he ordered all that part of Italy adjoining to them, which had been under the exarchate of Ravenna, to be called Romagna. The History of Florence
  • The horseman rode down the narrow vennel which led to the St. Denis gate of Paris, holding his nose like a fine lady. The Path of the King

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