
  1. (law) a group of people summoned for jury service (from whom a jury will be chosen)
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How To Use venire In A Sentence

  • Multimodis meditatus egomet mecum sum, et ita esse arbitror homini amico, qui est amicus ita uti nomen possidet, nisi deos ei nil praestare, id opera expertus sum esse ita nam ut in Ephesum hinc abii -- hoc factumst ferme abhinc biennium -- ex Epheso huc ad Pistoclerum meum sodalem litteras misi, amicam ut mi inveniret Bacchidem. illum intellego 390 invenisse, ut servos meus mi nuntiavit Chrysalus. Amphitryo, Asinaria, Aulularia, Bacchides, Captivi Amphitryon, The Comedy of Asses, The Pot of Gold, The Two Bacchises, The Captives
  • But what he cannot endure, and what impresses him as a loss of time is a tension of the nerves, a moment of self-control, an interval of waiting without an immediate result There is, indeed, a popular Italian proverb: _aspettare e non venire è una cosa da morire_ (to wait for what does not come is a killing business). Spontaneous Activity in Education
  • Pars ista ostendit pericula navicule Sancti Petri et primo sic: Inter Christians sunt forte multa secreta de quibus secretis poterit orribilis revelatio sicut de Templariis evenire…hoc etiam dico de quibusdam palam turipissimus et sensibus manifestis, proper quepericlitatur navicula Santi Petri. The Templar Revelation
  • The venireman has obviously disqualified himself by giving evidence of prejudice. Lone Star Planet
  • Nam aliqui victi vltrà modum diabolica deuotione proijciunt se sub rotis currus præcedentis, vt frangantur sibi crura, brachia, latera, dorsa, nec non et colla in reuerentiam Dei sui (vt dicunt) a quo remunerationem sperant, venire ad Paradisum terrestrem. The Voyages and Travels of Sir John Mandeville
  • Erilis patria, salve, quam ego biennio, 170 postquam hinc in Ephesum abii conspicio lubens. saluto te, vicine Apollo, qui aedibus propinquos nostris accolis, veneroque te, ne Nicobulum me sinas nostrum senem prius convenire quam sodalem viderim Amphitryo, Asinaria, Aulularia, Bacchides, Captivi Amphitryon, The Comedy of Asses, The Pot of Gold, The Two Bacchises, The Captives
  • I souvenired the offending CD from the floor of the carriage.
  • Il principale lato negativo riguardante il lavoro, al momento, e' che sono ancora dipendente dalla gentilezza altrui per andare e venire. A working woman
  • Multimodis meditatus egomet mecum sum, et ita esse arbitror homini amico, qui est amicus ita uti nomen possidet, nisi deos ei nil praestare, id opera expertus sum esse ita nam ut in Ephesum hinc abii -- hoc factumst ferme abhinc biennium -- ex Epheso huc ad Pistoclerum meum sodalem litteras misi, amicam ut mi inveniret Bacchidem. illum intellego 390 invenisse, ut servos meus mi nuntiavit Chrysalus. Amphitryo, Asinaria, Aulularia, Bacchides, Captivi Amphitryon, The Comedy of Asses, The Pot of Gold, The Two Bacchises, The Captives
  • After Whitman obtained her excuse from having to serve as a juror, fortunately -- for the people of the state who want to see state laws protecting children from child molesters enforced in courtrooms that require jurors for their function -- there were still some "little people" left in the venire from which a jury could be empanelled. David Coleman: Is Meg Whitman California's Version of Leona Helmsley?
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