
How To Use Vendetta In A Sentence

  • The family was forced to leave their homes after a bloody vendetta.
  • Unfortunately, his vendetta against us will only serve to ruin football for the masses. The Sun
  • Indeed, the vendetta seems aimed at the community also, for it has seen a deer fence cut and boats set adrift.
  • There have been personal vendettas pursued that way, though they are rare.
  • That deadly combination has let loose a wave of vengeance killings, tribal vendettas, mercenary kidnappings and thievery.
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  • One Word, Fanboys, they have compiled a list containing every comic book movie even remotely considered good, batman begins, 300, vfor vendetta, x-men and The dark knight is understandable, they should by all means be in a great movies list but spider-man and superman returns, come on. Empire Magazine’s 500 Greatest Movies Of All Time | /Film
  • If it is true, as alleged, that Mr Sgarbi bedded Ms Klatten in posh hotels in Monte Carlo, Munich and elsewhere, he was sleeping with the enemy, with a cruel vendetta in mind. RNB QuickLinks: Heidi Klum, a noisy church burglar, and ‘Christian’ gossip
  • THE anarchists' plans sound like a personal vendetta. The Sun
  • And I hurt for his family because there's personal vendettas against him, and they're going to drag him through the dirt big-time.
  • The international vendetta that allegedly led to his death was obscured by a complex web of gang warfare and money laundering. Times, Sunday Times
  • A personal vendetta has no role in politics. Times, Sunday Times
  • The vendetta is still the custom in Sardinia, and a person is respected if he takes blood revenge on the killer of a kinsman. Nobel Prize in Literature 1926 - Presentation Speech
  • Everyone now knows that Bush came into office with a vendetta itch to "whup" Saddam Hussein and looking for any excuse to do it. Sound Off: Afghanistan war tax?
  • He accused the British media of pursuing a vendetta against him.
  • He has described the charges as part of a political vendetta by Mr. Maliki and for the past four weeks has taken shelter in the northern semiautonomous Kurdistan region, which is a state-within-a-state out of Baghdad's control. Iraqi Forces Battle Insurgents
  • ‘There can be no vendettas in Harnham,’ he said.
  • A vendetta soon removes the young pretender, but the next maid the family hire is not so easy to dislodge. Times, Sunday Times
  • He accused the British media of pursuing a vendetta against him.
  • With the right access, a cheap thumb drive and a vendetta are the only ingredients an insider needs to obtain and leak secrets. SFGate: Top News Stories
  • The tendency to take summary vengeance, called vendetta, still exists in the villages; where the people having no social amusements, nothing to read, nor any other resource than cards during the winter nights, are apt to quarrel over trifles; which, fanned by their local petty jealousies, assisted often by the generous nature of their wine, ripen into deadly feuds. Itinerary through Corsica by its Rail, Carriage & Forest Roads
  • If ministers and their minions will just stop pursuing their petty vendettas through their proxies in the press, then the successes of this government should get through.
  • “The only thing I’d like to respond to is your choice of the word vendetta.” Vince Flynn Collectors’ Edition #2
  • The recent events are nothing but reflections of a sick society where rampant corruption, political vendetta and laxity in criminal justice are the order of the day.
  • To reveal the offense would mean dragging his family into an obligatory vendetta.
  • Choyin relishes the hold she has over the other bondmaids, and grows to use her authority to serve her own personal vendetta against Han.
  • I suspect that apart from violent incidents and perhaps occasional vendettas between individuals or clans, modern humans and Neanderthals coexisted and to some extent mixed, traded, and interbred.
  • He journeyed hither and thither in an attempt to find an ally in this unwavering and unnecessary vendetta. 1066: and the Hidden History of the Bayeux Tapestry
  • He is most notably known as Agent Smith in the Matrix films, and for a go-gillion other roles, from Elrond in The Lord of the Rings, to V in V for Vendetta. THE ADVENTURES OF PRISCILLA, QUEEN OF THE DESERT « FranksFilms
  • Up-rooted and frustrated, the exiled resort to their worst traditions, vendetta and fratricidal war.
  • He has accused the British media of pursuing a vendetta against him.
  • The two sides have been engaged in a bitter private vendetta .
  • Ghan and many of the natives neglected the conflict as a vendetta, but used it more often as a prize in their history.
  • He will later this year be seen in a car-chase caper called V for Vendetta, a British ‘bonfire night’ action thriller by the makers of The Matrix.
  • This seems strange given Private Eye's long enduring vendettas.
  • Police surmise the man was led to the area and was killed there by rivals over a business conflict or a personal vendetta.
  • Moore is the creator of such classics as The Watchmen, V is for Vendetta and From Hell, all but one of which has, as of yet, proven unfilmable.
  • He said his family had suffered for years from a vendetta, which resulted in a catalogue of damage to his home and garden, including graffiti, firebombs, ballbearings fired through patio windows and his caravan being set on fire
  • Vendettas between rival gangs are common.
  • If you are in the public eye, you are in the public eye, but sometimes there are personal vendettas that I find depressing.
  • It's a misallocation of government resources in what appears to be a vendetta against homeless people.
  • Mr Obeid blamed a vendetta by two family members for the malicious stories circulating in the media.
  • She is more compartmental & can save her vendettas for a rainy day. Peggy Drexler: Should Obama Have Picked Hillary As His Running Mate?
  • The official machinery was blatantly misused to wreak vengeance and carry out vendetta.
  • The possibilities ranged from a personal grudge to a religious or political vendetta. Times, Sunday Times
  • He said: 'I think the judge felt it was almost a personal vendetta. Times, Sunday Times
  • The murderous vendetta lasted years and involved disputes over a razorback hog and various other affronts to family dignity.
  • Furthermore the claimant was not motivated by a desire for vindication, but was pursuing a vendetta.
  • The two sides have been engaged in a bitter private vendetta .
  • The result is Say No to the Vendettas, a hearty offering from the band's trademark palette of punk, rockabilly, reggae and dub.
  • The vice president said the cartoonist has a personal vendetta against him.
  • During Easter Sunday Mass, a prayer, read in German, expressed hope that ‘soldiers, on all fronts, nourish in their mind and heart thoughts of peace and not of vendetta’.
  • Bolt successfully argued I was conducting a private vendetta over the public airwaves and he deserved another go.
  • The game was knees-on-pavement brutal; vendettas and grudges of every kind were enacted in the scrum.
  • The criticism he got for being where he was from was more a personal vendetta than based on his skills as a manager. Times, Sunday Times
  • Acquittal on all counts was the only fair outcome from a prosecution case cobbled together by one man with a vendetta and a family of liars and defrauders.
  • With the exception of Marxist classics and the works of Stalin, Mao, and the late Lu Xun, whose name Mme Mao was using for her personal vendettas, books were burning all across China. WILD SWANS THREE DAUGHTERS OF CHINA
  • How many wars have been started over ancient animosities and vendettas?
  • Most ongoing vendettas stem from disputes over land and water rights.
  • Principle is being used as the excuse for jettisoning wisdom, squaring the odds and winning vendettas.
  • This vendetta was so absurd that many mainstream newspapers ran editorials in our defense.
  • Vendettas and clan warfare are part of the culture in Corsica, where political and criminal violence often interact.
  • He journeyed hither and thither in an attempt to find an ally in this unwavering and unnecessary vendetta. 1066: and the Hidden History of the Bayeux Tapestry
  • All three Myran, Fabolous and Loon have hit back at Mase with their own diss songs, Myran raps "whose Mason Betha? wernt he the one kissing Diddy's ass for more chedder Betha can preach to my bretta this is what they call a rap vendetta", Loon raps saying "how you go from general to number 1 soldier" While Fabolous calls Mase "confused". Hip Hop News from
  • The Corsican Vendetta has been taken as the basis of more than one romantic story, but, handled by M. M.rimée, it has acquired new and fascinating interest; and he has enriched his little romance with a profusion of those small traits and artistical touches which exhibit the character and peculiarities of a people better than folios of dry description. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, Volume 61, No. 380, June, 1847
  • I believe that historical forces push us into conflict and without the law as a buffer between people, we would have a world of vendetta, a world of violence, a world of chaos.
  • He is a suspect in two other vendetta killings and officials fear he will resurface. Times, Sunday Times
  • Police blamed seven murders on gang clashes, six on domestic violence, four on robbery and two on mob vendettas, while the motives behind the other 28 were undetermined.
  • But marine experts cautioned against conducting a vendetta. Times, Sunday Times
  • And the duels, ambushes, and firefights were more than personal vendettas.
  • Let's not turn this into a personal vendetta. Christianity Today
  • Some had relatives killed or humiliated and are pursuing a clan vendetta.
  • Although he hadn't exactly changed the subject, I knew we were no longer speaking of my vendetta and my family.
  • Ninja AssAssin a disappointment, VforVendetta was okay, but too much lesbo storyline detracted from the core principles of the story. Jesse Ventura Also Filmed Role in The Wachowskis’ Secret Futuristic War Movie | /Film
  • The vendetta was the chief law of Corsican society up to comparatively recent times; and its effects are still visible in the life of the stern islanders. The Life of Napoleon I 01
  • I am determined to show that these claims are the result of a vendetta being waged because of a personal grudge.
  • The judge who made them has a personal vendetta against me and my family.
  • As everywhere, political labels were stuck on innumerable long-standing local antagonisms and vendettas and provided new justifications for pursuing them.
  • Rebus comes under attack when the death of his cousin's son sends him on a personal vendetta. The Sun
  • She told several New York newspapers that her fiancé has been falsely accused, calling it a, quote, ‘personal vendetta,’ adding that the two had a falling-out at work.
  • I fault those who claim vendetta without seeking peaceful means first.
  • Though the vendetta is a natural outgrowth of Italian soil, yet masses of men are seldom, like individuals, animated solely by the spirit of revenge. A History of Rome During the Later Republic and Early Principate
  • Massive fraud or a political vendetta? Times, Sunday Times
  • It's been forever since you last saw the sun, you have no idea what the idea of "suppertime" is anymore, and you have a personal vendetta against all banking institutions which are open only in the narrow window during it is imperative that you sleep. I'm not mental, I'm mentally hilarious.
  • Mr Temple said Khan was more interested in ‘pursuing a vendetta against the family’ than calling an ambulance for his wife.
  • It was a personal vendetta. Times, Sunday Times
  • I did one shortish scene in Insilico last night, in which Fifth and Victoria (Xiang 1.5) discussed her future, vendettas, and the place of droids in a droid-hating world. Howard Hughes Forgets How to Sleep
  • The interviewer, Bob Wayne, tries to kill some time in conversation with Scott Nyback; during which we learn that there's going to be a new hardcover edition of V for Vendetta published in September.
  • This was a major offense, punishable by death, and his life and domain were therefore forfeit, leading to the famous vendetta.
  • It was already alleged that I was pursuing a vendetta against him.
  • Jackson insisted he was the victim of a family of con artists and a prosecutor with a vendetta.
  • The action of aiming a rifle can have many reasons and a vendetta is only one of many possibilities.
  • The way young people sort out vendettas nowadays is absolutely horrendous.
  • He saw himself as the victim of a personal vendetta being waged by his political enemies.
  • On the Shomali plains north of Kabul, the families of two commanders have been pursuing a vendetta for years.
  • That is typical of a party which dissimulates about its secret policy plans, evades all public debate of policy, and wastes some of its greatest talents in petty personal vendettas.
  • The international vendetta that allegedly led to his death was obscured by a complex web of gang warfare and money laundering. Times, Sunday Times
  • As a DEM you don't carry a big stick nor believe in vendetta. Bush-era distractions may weigh down Obama's agenda
  • Vendettas and character assassination have wrecked the last three Conservative leaderships.
  • Every family cultivates its vendetta; every clan, its feud.
  • The claimant was not motivated by a desire for vindication, but was pursuing a vendetta.
  • If you can't threaten someone with a vendetta, then you have very little leverage in negotiations.
  • Too much space is devoted to accounts of Bajaj's family life and personal vendettas.
  • He said the women had a personal vendetta against him. Times, Sunday Times
  • The international vendetta that allegedly led to his death was obscured by a complex web of gang warfare and money laundering. Times, Sunday Times

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