
How To Use Velvet In A Sentence

  • The brightly colored outfits may be made of either cotton or such dressy fabrics as velvet, satin, and lamé.
  • Besides that, there flourished some tufts of velvety grass, some scattered reeds, two plants of the yellow herb called tansy, four of a red flower, and a pretty white one; but the treasures of the rock consisted of three roots of garlic, which Maie had put in a cleft. The Lilac Fairy Book
  • Nutty sweetbreads, bitter greens, gently brash shallots, and velvety chanterelles suffuse farfalle in well-oiled repertory.
  • He had chasubles, also, of amber-coloured silk, and blue silk and gold brocade, and yellow silk damask and cloth of gold, figured with representations of the Passion and Crucifixion of Christ, and embroidered with lions and peacocks and other emblems; dalmatics of white satin and pink silk damask, decorated with tulips and dolphins and fleurs-de-lis; altar frontals of crimson velvet and blue linen; and many corporals, chalice-veils, and sudaria. The Picture of Dorian Gray
  • As Hayden recalled the velvety softness of her breast against his palm, a pang of guilt stabbed him. One Night Of Scandal
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  • Cook the cauliflower until almost melting - if it is slightly crunchy, it won't liquidise to a velvety consistency.
  • There was no help for it, he had to be left there, and I went away with an anxious mind as to what his busy teeth would be employed upon all night; and, sure enough, next morning a velvet curtain was found nibbled and tattered, and being converted into a nest for the enterprising gerbille! Wild Nature Won By Kindness
  • At the end of an hour, the ascent becoming every moment more abrupt, we had passed the belt of trees and bushes, and reached the smooth and scoriaceous cone, which, during the rainy season, appears from the bay to be covered with a velvety mantle of green. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 05, No. 30, April, 1860
  • Spectacular silver panne velvet roses on black chiffon.
  • A female puppet with a fine, domed forehead entered, swishing black velvet.
  • When the sudden silence had enfolded the room in its velvet cloak, he had known that he was nothing, absolutely nothing compared to the wielder of such power.
  • The coffin was palled with a square of rusty black velvet, whence all the pile had long been worn, and which the soaking rain now helped age to embrown and make flabby; a standard cross was borne by an ecclesiastical official, who had on a quadrangular cap surmounted by a centre tuft; two priests followed, sheltered by umbrellas, their sacerdotal garments dabbled and draggled with mud, and showing thick-shod feet beneath the dingy serge and lawn that flapped above them, as they came along at a smart pace, suggestive of anything but solemnity. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 18, No. 107, September, 1866
  • The album is supplied with 3 velvet covered pages and 3 heavy, fully transparent interleaves.
  • In a large tent tribal elders sat on faux velvet sofas. Times, Sunday Times
  • The same rates should control annual broadleaves (velvetleaf, lambs-quarters, pigweeds, mustards) less than 6 inches tall.
  • Her gown was made of silk, and the slip was made of crushed velvet in a shade of purple that was darker yet.
  • Consider earth tones of all kinds, and different kinds of fabrics like cotton flannel, faux leather, warm chenille, and luxurious velvet.
  • `Maybe my mother will make me a dress of green velvet," went on the even-tempered Violet. NOBLE BEGINNNINGS
  • Both Ms. Rahm and Mr. Collins remarked on the high quality of the Target garments 'construction, particularly in the pleated Thakoon cotton dress, with very detailed stitching in its full skirt, and a velveteen Sarafpour skirt that had trapunto stitching along the satin waistband. Do Discount Designer Duds Make The Grade?
  • In addition the hall has been soundproofed and reinforced and new comfortable seating replaces the old-style red velvet covered models of yesteryear.
  • At the sound he snorted with a sudden start that jerked him through the air from water to meadow, and his feet sank into the young velvet, while he pricked his ears and again scented the air. All Gold Cañon
  • For those who like the darkest of red roses, Raven is always abloom with small, velvety red roses that grow in large clusters.
  • The furniture was dark blue velvet, bulkheads were oak panelled, the lamps were ornately old fashioned. SEIZE THE RECKLESS WIND
  • Around my forehead was a thin blood red band of velvet material.
  • He gestured elegantly at the door, his velvet coat rippling out behind him.
  • A chaier of crimson velvet, the seate and backe partlie embrothered, with R.L. in cloth of goulde, the beare and ragged staffe in clothe of silver, garnished with lace and fringe of goulde, silver, and crimson silck. Kenilworth
  • The fashion pack has also got the art of layering velvet down pat, which is important when temperatures are plummeting. Times, Sunday Times
  • And this impression is greatly helped by the fantastical finery of his dress: sky-blue satin cravat, yards of gold chain, white French gloves, light drab great-coat lined with velvet of the same colour, invisible inexpressibles, skin-coloured and fitting like a glove, etc., etc. New Letters and Memorials of Jane Welsh Carlyle
  • We observe the Admiral, dressed in a cinnamon coloured velvet coat trimmed with elaborate gold clasps.
  • Her eyes, velvet-black in the shadow upcast by the lamp, opened slowly. O. Henry Memorial Award Prize Stories of 1921
  • Opposite the fireplace, a bulky dark wood bed was draped in dark blue velvet covers and snowy white fur pelts, its sheets thrust to one side.
  • Throughout the pavilion, the most costly materials were used: precious wood veneers and lacquer for furniture, silk damasks and velvets for upholstery, furs for coverlets and throws.
  • Buy a dark purple suede bag or a plum velvet blazer for a luxe look.
  • Textures included silk velvets, velveteen and devorés, and satins.
  • The grandeur is tempered by contemporary touches: sofas are vibrant velvet and walls are decked with modern artworks. Times, Sunday Times
  • Every surface was covered with satin, velvet, crinoline and net.
  • Unhooked a smart black overcoat with a velvet collar.
  • Then there were silk gowns, and velvet and satin ones added to these; laces, too, and embroideries; bonnets and gloves; for the corbeille had been of rare quality. The Awakening
  • This is very similar to the detailed, ornate, velvety and yet touchingly naive backdrops of those medieval scenes, that can be glimpsed through narrow windows in front of which wimpled ladies exchange devotional books with chivalrous gentlemen. Archive 2008-06-01
  • The researchers rubbed roughly the same number of cowhage spicules the itch-inducing spiky bits of that plant, also known as velvet bean on three locations: the front of the ankle; on the underside of the forearm; and under the shoulder blade on the back. A Dip in the Pool Does an Aging Body Good
  • The ground was a velvety black dropcloth that went on forever in all directions. THE FORBIDDEN GAME
  • Again, if it is to be left to the parent's taste, and pecuniary means to clothe their children as they please and as they can, the one in braided broad-cloth and velvet cap, and the other in thread-bare homespun, will they meet as friends and equals? Advocating The Man: Masculinity, Organized Labor, and the Household in New York, 1800-1840
  • Bulls and cows in the Tsaatan herd grow velvety racks of antlers.
  • The men wore velvet jackets that featured lapels like a fighter jet's wings. Times, Sunday Times
  • A spot check on the rice produced exemplary grains, glossy and lustrous with the requisite stickiness, deliciously impregnated with the velvety richness of coconut milk.
  • It's hard to resist the lucious, velvety chocolate cascading down in a stream of utter blissful heaven.
  • She was arrayed in purple velvet.
  • It occurs on conchoidal fracture surfaces developed in clay and tuffaceous sandstone on the Green Velvet claims, Inyo County, and as ‘specimens’ on the Wakefield property near Pozo, San Luis Obispo County.
  • What the little waking dream revealed to me was that INSTEAD of the little allice in wonderland dress I had been planning to go under the FABULOUS crushed red velvet cape edged in wide satin red ribbon and lined with red moire silk; [Did I mention I'm a bit of a seamstress?} Madrigle Diary Entry
  • But then the flames drowned out the rest, and Raspa was engulfed in flames that stretched up and spluttered sparks like shooting stars into the velvety black, strangely beautiful night sky. Bubble in the Bathtub
  • Organza makes a great splash along with tulle, lace, elegant luxury fabrics combined with glittering Chantilly, crushed velvet, jersey with lurex and iridescent cady.
  • Blue - and - white eyespots adorn the velvety black wings of a butterfly on a Polynesian island.
  • This vision gave rise to slender black suede and velvet sandals embellished with soaring plumes of vulture feathers, based upon a "Mohican" haircut, with a little 'pochette' to match. - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
  • For dressier occasions there were jewelled lace-up boots and velvet smocks. Times, Sunday Times
  • Better to be early and wait for perfect velvet rather than make a sweaty climb just to turn around and ski crud.
  • It is the pressure which releases the coffee oils; these emulsify and give the coffee its rich, velvety texture.
  • Around the bend in the path came a soft, pale, velvety nose, attached to a large, prancing, silky brown body bearing a well-filled udder between the hind legs.
  • Freddy speaks very quietly and pads around in soft velvet slippers.
  • And a devilish mustard-oil-red-pepper coulis allows seared scallops to start velvety, then bite back.
  • Her body emerged from the darkness like a shimmer of light playing across a velvet curtain.
  • They had velvet ropes and attendants to keep us waiting. Times, Sunday Times
  • They were thick velvet, lined with an extra insulating layer, and when drawn, as effective as the blackout. TIME OF THE WOLF
  • Naked bone, such as antlers become after velvet is shed, cannot function in heat transmission because their blood supply is lost.
  • [Banjarmassen] one of the towns of this island, is the chief trade for these articles; and at this place the following commodities are in principal request: Coromandel cloths of all kinds, China silks, damasks, taffetas, velvets of all colours but black, stammel broad-cloths, and Spanish dollars. A General History and Collection of Voyages and Travels — Volume 08
  • The collection of deer antler velvet is reportedly quite cruel by western standards.
  • An ancient Russian icon in nielloed silver and one of these Christs in carved wood, executed in the seventeenth century by Bogard de Nancy, in an antique frame of gilded wood backed with velvet, were the only things that slightly relieved the banality of the decoration. Là-bas
  • She designs velvet burnout dresses from fabric she finds at the Oregon Country Fair.
  • For a casual night out for the society girl-on-the-go, his red mohair plaid strapless dress with peek-a-boo velvet bow and mini pouf hem detailing of pleated lace and tulle sets the right tone for the evening.
  • But along came Tom, with his low-cut velvet hipsters and his slinky jersey dresses, and grunge was sent scurrying off back to Seattle.
  • And what would you think of a wealth of gentians, large and small; great yellow arnicas; beautiful Martagon lilies; and St. - Bruno lilies; of every variety of daphne; of androsace, with its rose-coloured clusters; of the flame-coloured orchis; of saxifrage; of great, velvety campanulas; of pretty violet asters, wrapped in little, cravat-like tufting, to protect them from the cold? Samuel Brohl and Company
  • Concentrated, full, rich and velvety, this nicely structured, complex red has cherry, cloves, vanilla, pepper and aniseed in abundance.
  • They were dressed like pages with black breeches, a doublet and a flet hat trimmed with black velvet. — 80s movie pitch of the day
  • According to TMZ. com, the casket, called a Promethean, will feature a blue velvet interior and a hand-polished, mirror finish. Gaea Times (by Simple Thoughts) Breaking News and incisive views 24/7
  • She had a short cape in her hands, white velvet banded with miniver. The Dressmaker
  • She certainly changed her apparel and came forth in a ‘rich mantle and surcoat of purple velvet furred with ermines’.
  • saw the moon like a shiny dime on a deep blue velvet carpet
  • The iron hand in the velvet glove approach seems to work best with this age group.
  • One was of pretty pink glazed calico and of some other shiny stuff called 'chintz' -- white, with tiny lines of different colours; she also bought some red cotton velvet and neat-looking white spotted muslin, and several yards of very narrow lace of a very small and dainty pattern, and other things, all of which interested Alie very much indeed, though after a while Biddy got tired of looking on, and went and stood at the doorway of the shop. The Rectory Children
  • Ellen entered a dress shop housed in a blue velvet capsule adorned by odd lights and displays while Henry strayed purposelessly into the bookstore.
  • The voice is always in evidence, of course, but it's in public that it becomes shaped, like a piece of music, and one almost consciously listens for all the gilded glissandoes, the curlicues of wit, the velvet pauses.
  • Popular character actor with a velvety voice, best remembered as the bull-headed, homophobic oil baron Blake Carrington on Dynasty. Tallulah Morehead: Dead Folks 2010: Everyone's Pushing Up Roses
  • The men wore velvet jackets that featured lapels like a fighter jet's wings. Times, Sunday Times
  • His high-crowned grey hat lay on the floor, covered with dust, but encircled by a carcanet of large balas rubies; and he wore a blue velvet nightcap, in the front of which was placed the plume of a heron, which had been struck down by a favourite hawk in some critical moment of the flight, in remembrance of which the king wore this highly honoured feather. The Fortunes of Nigel
  • But it is a classy vessel with wooden decks and sumptuous velvet interiors. The Sun
  • The inside was lined with red velvet and something that looked like saran wrap.
  • The fashionable overcoat in winter is a Chesterfield or single-breasted frock of kersey or like material in brown, blue, or black, with velvet collar. The Complete Bachelor Manners for Men
  • I'm not, mother; only think" -- Nancy's eyes glistened -- "no more velveteen masquerading as velvet, no more bargain-counter shoes and gloves, no more percaline petticoats with silk flounces, no more Ainslee's, Vol. 15, No. 6, July 1905
  • It can be hard to find that perfect Elvis-style shirt - something in pink and black with a tall collar, say, or a velvet number with puffed sleeves.
  • In the picture, Ford is dressed in a white turtleneck and a white velvet jacket with huge lapels, and he is wearing aviator glasses.
  • She took off the offending dark green velvet dress and changed me into my beautiful white muslin dress with its pale blue sash.
  • Non-vintage blends change slightly from season to season as older vintages are replaced, which explains why this ripe, soft, velvety, blackcurranty Cabernet is gentler and creamier than previous batches.
  • Think luxe fabrics like velvet and brocade teamed with sumptuous bows and frills. The Sun
  • Silk is also available in other weaves such as velvet and corduroy.
  • Mistress Betty promised to send her young friends sets of silk for their embroidery (and kept her word); she presented Prissy with her enamel snuff-box, bearing an exact representation of that ugly building of St. James's; and Fiddy with her "equipage" -- scissors, tablets, and all, chased and wreathed with tiny pastorals, shepherds reclining and piping on sylvan banks, and shepherds and shepherdesses dancing on velvet lawns. Girlhood and Womanhood The Story of some Fortunes and Misfortunes
  • They cleared the crest and emerged from the pool as if into another world, for now they were in the thicket of velvet-trunked young madronos and looking down the open, sun-washed hillside, across the nodding grasses, to the drifts of blue and white nemophilae that carpeted the tiny meadow on either side the tiny stream. Chapter XXIV
  • Walter Pater "gambolling," in the moonlight, on the velvet lawn of his own secluded Oxford garden, like a satin-pawed Wombat! Visions and Revisions A Book of Literary Devotions
  • The young bucks in the herd had been rubbing their velvety antlers clean on the blueberry canes.
  • Finally, while Tash and Marcia explored an interesting box of hats, the three boys appeared in front of them in the costumes of 19th century French counts; breeches, high-necked shirts and velvet tailcoats.
  • His velvety brown eyes had been his passport to fame.
  • Team lace with silk, leather with wool or velvet with cotton for an instant on-trend outfit. The Sun
  • His magnificent grey velvet suit seemed to be floating aimlessly in a raging sea, as if petrified in the expectation of waking.
  • Die Hard 2" makes "The Wild Bunch," a stomach-churner back in 1969, look, in retrospect, like "National Velvet. Violence In Our Culture
  • It was My Lady -- formerly My Lady -- clad in embroidered short Spanish jacket, tightish velvet pantaloons, booted to the knees, pulled down upon her yellow hair a black soft hat, and hanging from the just-revealed belt around her slender waist, a revolver trifle. Desert Dust
  • The basic designs of the bags are simple and seemingly artless - a clutch is a rectangle and a pink velvet holdall the simplest container with the handles made of knotted lengths of fabric.
  • Its leaves are slightly wrinkled, velvety and grey-green in colour, the flowers are pale lavender, boldly veined with deep violet.
  • For a moment I thought it must be an exclusive brothel, for we were in a great salon all plush and gilt and mirrors, with thick carpet and velvet divans and curtains looped back by silver cords, and Junoesque females of perfect complexion drifting about. THE NUMBERS
  • It's materials include red velvet, cloth of silver and cloth of gold, semi-precious stones and brass crocketing. Details: AWN Pugin's Wiseman Mitre
  • Some damp spots near the river are covered with a carpet of a beautiful variegated, velvety-leaved plant (Cyrtodeira chontalensis) with a flower like an achimenes, whilst the dryer slopes bear melastomae and a great variety of dwarf palms, amongst which the Sweetie (Geonoma sp.), used for thatching houses, is the most abundant. The Naturalist in Nicaragua
  • Allow the food to dispel your chills - the thick, soothing lobster bisque, the aromatic fennel soup, or a terrine of foie gras that glides down your throat like velvet across a smooth back.
  • It is the pressure which releases the coffee oils; these emulsify and give the coffee its rich, velvety texture.
  • Do I need to buy those patent leather loafers or a pair of velvet bedroom slippers?
  • A critical taste might have objected that the plush curtains which shaded the windows were too heavy for summer; that the begilded wallpaper "swore" a little at its own dado and frieze, as well as deadened the effect of the pictures which hung against it; and that the drapery of lace and velvet which veiled the fireplace made a fire inconvenient and almost impossible, however cold the weather might be. A Little Country Girl
  • Her arms were around his neck, and her hands lay on the velvet collar of his coat.
  • Outside the villages, the fields and mountainsides are awash with jasmine, wild lupins, broom, poppies, cornflowers and white wistaria, leading the eye to gentle slopes cloaked in velvety green grass and pockets of dark green forest.
  • Its luscious velvety fruit will make you and your guests feel that it costs a lot, lot more. Times, Sunday Times
  • Bessie, resplendent in royal blue velvet, was hovering beside the table.
  • I add fennel to mine, which provides a meaty counterpoint to the velvety potatoes. Times, Sunday Times
  • I remembered that my father wore velvet coats in the winter and cool shirts in the summer.
  • Warm, dark, the maroon velvet seats remind me of the womb, and then there's the spermatic smell of popcorn.
  • _fleurs de lys_; altar frontals of crimson velvet and blue linen; and many corporals, chalice-veils, and sudaria. The Picture of Dorian Gray
  • The cream formula gives a soft, velvety finish which feels light and natural. The Sun
  • Ethan, Mary, and Emy sat on one side of the carriage upon plush seats covered in crimson velvet.
  • His velvety-voiced villainy sent pleasurable shivers up the spine.
  • Once I opened the box I see a small black velvet jewelry box.
  • Lounge on inviting velvet banquettes, leather easy chairs or oversized ottomans and sip their divine cocktails.
  • One day they had Pekin Duck Wild Rice Soup, an unspeakably rich, velvety concoction of little pearls of curled wild rice swimming through nut-brown luxury.
  • Henry VIII was fond of wearing a velvet, gold-embroidered purple doublet encrusted with diamonds, rubies and pearls.
  • Gloria Sáez's attractive costumes for the solo singers were designed to flatter the figure, with flowing velvet for the nobility and homespun for the commoners.
  • In France, they're a vital component of ratatouille, along with peppers and tomatoes; they play a starring role in Sicilian caponata, that combination of aubergine, celery, tomatoes and capers; and they are at their velvety best in southern Italian melanzane parmigiana, the meltingly delicious dish of layered aubergine, tomato and cheese; and, of course, Greeks love moussaka (see today's recipe). Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall's aubergine recipes
  • She wore an underskirt of pink poplin, trimmed in velvet ribbon and over it a dress of pale blue wool. HIDING FROM THE LIGHT
  • She was wearing a pair of black pants with a purple velvet shirt under her letter jacket.
  • [Footnote 125: Formerly noticed as a species of velvet; but the words marsine and versine were inexplicable in the days of Hakluyt, and must so remain. A General History and Collection of Voyages and Travels — Volume 07
  • Instead, its darkness interpenetrates the figure; their contest is fought out through brushy, blurred and sharp lines, and through the quiet waves of energy rippling along the velvet, planed-down blackness.
  • The shelves and fissures which bisect these rocks are home to edible crabs, velvet swimming crabs, prawns, squat lobsters and the occasional large common lobster, which will march out boldly to meet your intrusion.
  • Growing up in Boston, Charlie had met any number of these short, plucky, velvet-eyed ladies; they were as common in these parts as pachysandra and chrysanthemums. Three Stages of Amazement
  • 'May the foul fiend, booted and spurred, ride down his bawling throat with a scythe at his girdle,' quoth Albert Drawslot; 'here have I been telling him that all the marks were those of a buck of the first head, and he has hallooed the hounds upon a velvet-headed knobbler! Waverley — Volume 1
  • Choose a variety of coordinating prints and solids in fabrics like crinkled and/or patterned velvet or velveteen, lightweight brocade, satin, wool, rayon challis and mediumweight silk.
  • It was velvety, intensely savoury, beautifully rich and beefy. Times, Sunday Times
  • His celebrated portrait of Charles William Lambton in scarlet velveteens was sometimes assumed to be an imaginary portrait of the dreaming, youthful Byron, the very soul of English romanticism, and was reproduced across Europe as such, and is still instantly recognisable today. Thomas Lawrence: The new romantic – review
  • Blessed with masses of ripe, velvety, cedary fruit and that classic tannic finish, this is bang on the money. Times, Sunday Times
  • Another method is to cut off the bottom edge of the skirt a quarter of an inch from the turning line; apply the wrong side of the velveteen to the right side of the skirt, baste carefully close to the edge and stitch on the machine through velveteen, cloth, and lining (or facing) just inside the basting which is left in. Textiles and Clothing
  • We were immobile on the velvet cushions, my legs sticking out, jacket and skirt velvet enveloped by soft fabric.
  • Large checks, iridescent fabrics and decadent velvet are all worn with attitude.
  • He is one of those men who have an iron hand in a velvet glove.
  • The list of weed species includes: morninglory, bindweed, buckwheat, Pennsylvania smartweed, Venice mallow, sweet clover, velvetleaf, lamb's quarters, and nightshade.
  • Fabrics offer luxurious style in rich velvets, sheer chiffon, shiny satin and slinky jerseys.
  • It controls black nightshade, kochia, lambsquarters, pigweed, sunflower, velvetleaf, waterhemp (including ALS-resistant types), foxtail and crabgrass.
  • This hot black halter top enhances your bustline with silk chiffon layered over silk charmeuse for a diaphanous effect with velvet trim.
  • It grows even more vigorously than the jackbean under less harsh conditions (in Yucatan, where droughtiness is always a problem the jackbean does better in years of low rainfall, whereas the velvetbean does better when rain fall is higher than normal, but still scarce). 28 additional technical notes about tropical agriculture
  • Samara was wearing an ensemble of a black velvet tube & chiffon dress with a huge light pink ribbon around her waist.
  • Rioja wines are associated with a lush, velvety appeal and the sweet scent of vanilla, largely the result of long ageing in American oak barrels.
  • A roast seems right somehow, be it a piece of velvety beef or a joint of golden pork with its glistening coat of crackling.
  • A clothesbrush and a tin cup were the only foreign objects on the overwrought, gilded table to the other side of a red velvet chair beside the fringed canopy bed. Temple of the Winds
  • Photographers often placed finished daguerreotypes in a custom velvet case with glass over the image.
  • They had velvet ropes and attendants to keep us waiting. Times, Sunday Times
  • Another herb—red velvet bean plant—is used widely in Indian Ayurvedic medicine and contains L-dopa, which is converted to dopamine once it crosses the blood-brain barrier and might be used to treat Parkinson’s disease in higher doses. You Staying Young
  • In 1939, leather was scarce so Magli introduced cork, fabric, velvet, fiber and wood to his shoes.
  • Old gallica rose with velvety deep-crimson flowers and yellow centres. Times, Sunday Times
  • He watched in silence as the aficionado sniffed the paprika bouquet and stirred the velvety stew with his spoon.
  • He was dressed in burgundy velvet breeches, waistcoat and frock, with a silk and lace white shirt.
  • He took it down, and opened the case to find a stringless fiddle resting under a square of green velvet. FALSE MERMAID
  • It was a deep peacock turquoise velvet cheongsam, with a tiny, hairy-trimmed angora cardigan to go over the top.
  • The next day she was dressed from head to foot in silk and velvet. Andersen's Fairy Tales
  • Men sported with flair velvet sherwanis and Anarkali-style kurtas rich in thread work over churidars. The Times of India
  • With her fierce guttural Rs and her velvety vibrato tone, she has you from the very first line. Times, Sunday Times
  • Aislinn found she could halt the group only when it came to the yellow velvet she had spread on the bed. THE WOLF AND THE DOVE
  • The soft brown plumage has a texture like velvet; they have insuppressible crests and a face pattern to inspire a make-up artist.
  • Furnished in much red velvet plush, it's dark and decadent with a stunning choice of whiskies and bourbon.
  • She kept the 60s ceiling cornice white and injected mustard, cerise and aubergine shades into the room with velvet and satin fabrics. Anatomy of style: Vintage
  • For some years afterwards, our tatty red velvet curtains were still hanging in the upstairs window. Times, Sunday Times
  • Consider earth tones of all kinds, and different kinds of fabrics like cotton flannel, faux leather, warm chenille, and luxurious velvet.
  • The top of the snooker table - always exciting, soft velvet and can be risky. Ideal for raunchy , daring sex.
  • One day, we had glorious sunshine and the velvet hills blazed with purple heather. Times, Sunday Times
  • Though lighter to wear, silk is not as durable as velvet, particularly when confronted with thousands of embroidery stitches.
  • She is dressed in a tight-fitting black velvet bodice. square-cut at the neck and partly filled in with a gay handkerchief, coloured rose-pink, blue, and golden, like the alpen-rose, the gentian, and the mountain dandelion; alabaster beads, pale as edelweiss, are round her throat; her stiffened. white linen sleeves finish at the elbow; and her full well-worn skirt is of gentian blue. Plays : Second Series
  • Velveteen is an all cotton pile fabric with short pile resembling velvet.
  • To my left I saw a huge blue velvet banner fringed in yellow bearing the letters "JWB". Jewish Women in the Military - Navy - Bernice Sains Freid
  • Bodywrappers offers lightweight crushed (panne) velvet jazz pants and, if your school doesn't specify ‘black only,’ you may want to check out the hand-dyed jazz pants in lilac, royal, and white swirls from Watercolours.
  • It ` s called a Promethean (ph) and will feature a flame blue velvet interior and a hand-polished mirror finish. CNN Transcript Jul 2, 2009
  • He was a somewhat diminutive boy, clad in a velvet suit with a lace collar, both of which were plentifully bespattered with mud.
  • The stable man worked quickly, putting a velvet saddle blanket on, then the saddle, which he cinched securely.
  • The cowitch, as mentioned before, has a velvety brown covering of minute prickles, which, if touched, enter the pores of the skin and cause a painful tingling. A Popular Account of Dr. Livingstone's Expedition to the Zambesi and Its Tributaries
  • I, resplendent in my signature red velvet smoking jacket, silk paisley ascot, black lounge pants, and sneakers would be more than happy to answer a few questions from the crowd, while I smoked my pipe of course
  • I thought the combination of the big, oversized jackets with the kind of sexy little rouched velvet and chiffon was a lovely mixture, kind of Burberry outerwear with sex appeal that you'd want to lighten up. WTVM - 1- WTVM Home
  • Beware the velvet choker comeback: the cheap ones leave a dirty shadow. Times, Sunday Times
  • Silk and velvet fabrics were draped, swagged, or suspended from ceilings to achieve a graceful yet ordered effect.
  • I taped the base of the feather onto the velvet.
  • He no longer wore gay embroidered hacqueton; his tunic was black velvet, and all the rest of his garments accorded with the same mourning hue. The Scottish Chiefs
  • His breeches were an expensive black velvet, but his shirt was a common white cotton with a neat and fashionable ruffle.
  • There, with rich velvet Somerset ale, charcoal grilled steaks, and a spitting, crackling inglenook fiercely roasting away their dampness, they gradually returned to humanity.
  • Add the heavy cream and milk, stirring continuously until smooth and velvety in consistency.
  • Nuuk is rich with undertones, tidal washes, deep swathes of velvet mezzotint, patient soundings, submarinal echoes.
  • He threw open the blackout curtains of heavy, dark velvet, letting the rosy light of dawn seep into the room.
  • But, more to the point, do we really want the old blokes of the future to have cheeks as soft as babies' bottoms; to have foreheads as smooth as velvet and, overall, to appear as rugged as a sand dune?
  • Luvli velvetti furz adn oranj (nawt poysin) ais… *sigh*… *Tightens up new modified CHWG(wdoi)* I blows bubblez in ur milk - Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger?
  • I topped it off the look with a close-fitting black velvet cocktail hat that ended with a pompon of shiny blue-black cock feathers at my right temple. Dancing with Werewolves
  • Midnight Muse offer you enchantments for the senses and the spirit, with our selection of Pre-Raphaelite art prints, mystical jewellery, velvet pouches, books, tarot, notecards, candles, and bath and body luxuries.
  • For who would not thinke it a ridiculous thing to see a Lady in her milke-house with a velvet gowne, and at a bridal in her cassock of mockado: a Gentleman of the Countrey among the bushes and briers, goes in a pounced dublet and a paire of embroidered hosen, the the Cities to weare a fries Ierkin and a paire of leather breeches? yet some such phantasticals haue I knowen, and one a certaine knight, of all other the most vaine, who commonly would come to the The Arte of English Poesie
  • Velvet antler's relationship to recovery from traumatic injury could possibly explain its effectiveness against arthritis.
  • The two men sat on the front steps at "Elm Bluff", and as Prince's eyes wandered over the exceeding beauty of the "great greenery" of velvet lawn, the stately, venerable growth of forest trees, wearing the adolescent mask of tender young foliage, the outlying fields flanking the park, the sunny acres now awave with crinkling mantles of grain, he sighed very heavily at the realization of all that adverse fortune had snatched away. At the Mercy of Tiberius

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