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How To Use Vehemently In A Sentence

  • These verbs mean to reprimand or criticize angrily or vehemently.
  • Now that's change for a man who in the past has been vehemently antitechnology. The Sun
  • Dace claimed it was in the hope of catching sight of his brother --- a charge Mikel vehemently denied. TREASON KEEP
  • The play balances characters that vehemently oppose mutilation with vigorous proponents of a practice that they see as enhancing their culture.
  • The late Senator Kennedy also vehemently opposed the Cape Wind project, in part because the Kennedys, known as avid sailors, own a family compound that looks onto the project sight. Ben Carmichael: Congratulations, America. You Passed Wind.
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  • Jim (Ranger) is a retired Army Special Forces officer and terrorism counteraction (T/CA) subject matter expert who vehemently opposes this administration's WOT. I'm guessing Jim is talking about the previous administration's WOT, but you never know. Blogroll Update
  • Regarding the myth that "corporativism" represented rule by corporations: "The programme of the Fascists, as drafted in 1919, was vehemently anti-capitalistic," wrote Ludwig von Mises. Conservapedia - Recent changes [en]
  • A Federalist, he vehemently opposed the War of 1812.
  • On July 12, U.S. authorities reimposed a deepwater drilling moratorium, which has been vehemently opposed by the oil industry since it was first imposed in May but which the government says is necessary to ensure safe drilling practices. Oil Majors Building Disaster-Response System
  • The surround sound was not working so I complained to the manager of the theater only for him to vehemently try to convince me that the "Hulk" was NOT produced in surround sound! grock The /Filmcast: After Dark - Ep. 93 - Theater Disasters and The Business of Hollywood | /Film
  • Burrows vehemently denies being anywhere near here, and swears he didn't commit the murder.
  • This Olympian view of custodianship was vehemently rejected by Mercouri, who in 1981 became her country's minister of culture (a post she held, save a four-year interregnum, until her death in 1994). Grading the New Acropolis
  • I would like to know therefore why she hates and despises these unfortunates so vehemently.
  • The pharmaceutical industry vehemently opposes reimporting drugs, a practice that undercuts their US sales.
  • Hébert (1757-94) supported the dechristianization movement, the atheism of which Robespierre vehemently opposed. Annotations
  • Of course the Supervisor vehemently denied any possibility of a fix.
  • Daniel offered me a drink of complimentary champagne, but I shook my head vehemently.
  • Moscow is vehemently opposed to the U.S. proposed missile defense system, which would put a radar system in the Czech Republic and missile interceptors in Poland.
  • Unsurprisingly, he was attacked vehemently by the church before his ideas gained common currency and became the new orthodoxy.
  • I could complain vehemently to my perfectly nice roommate about the annoyances that pile up over years of living with him and know that he will happily re-sign the lease come summer.
  • Some writers vehemently objected to the proposition that the public should bear the expense of restoring the currency; some urged the government to take this opportunity of assimilating the money of England to the money of neighbouring nations; one projector was for coining guilders; another for coining dollars. The History of England, from the Accession of James II — Volume 4
  • I vehemently reject the equation of articulateness with intelligence.
  • Campaign finance reform will also be high on the list, although the two parties disagree vehemently on how it should proceed.
  • Of course one accusation constantly leveled at animal rights activists (and vehemently denied by same) is that they care more about animals than human beings or are even outright misanthropes.
  • Apparently the whole idea of human priesthood was proved, once and for ever, to be baseless; human mediation, in every possible form, was vehemently controverted; men were referred back to God as the sole absolver. Sermons Preached at Brighton Third Series
  • The vainglorious presence of Marilyn Monroe is placed alongside the subdued countenance of Mother Theresa, Che Guevara glares vehemently in opposition to the pacifistic visage of Mahatma Gandhi.
  • And, once again, traditionalists are reacting against globalization just as vehemently, if not more so, as they did against modernity.
  • Daniel offered me a drink of complimentary champagne, but I shook my head vehemently.
  • He vehemently denies the allegations of theft and is now threatening to sue White for libel.
  • Antipsychiatric personality disorder: persons who believe and vehemently argue that modern psychiatry is all wrong and use very selective examination of evidence to support that view. The COA Club, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • Duberman extenuatingly suggests that the gesture was “all that he could have done without directly threatening Feffer's life,” but that life was doomed anyway; more telling is that on his return to the United States, Robeson vehemently denied the existence of Soviet anti-Semitism. A story about George Galloway...
  • Yet each declared his intense hatred for another most vehemently. 23 Steps to Successful Achievement
  • We must take into account the fact that Joan of Arc vehemently rejected marriage.
  • Throughout the 1992 election campaign, it became quite clear just how vehemently abortion opponents feared the coming of a pro-choice president.
  • TODD (on camera): An attorney for Roger Clemens says his client vehemently denies the allegations in the Mitchell report and is outranged his name is in it. CNN Transcript Dec 15, 2007
  • Others have vehemently disagreed with the ruling as an audacious attempt to redefine marriage. Christianity Today
  • Isakson vehemently opposes the House and Senate health care bills and he played no role in drafting language added to the House bill by House Democrats calling for the government to incentivize doctors by offering them money to conduct “end-of-life counseling” with Medicare patients every five years. Props to Jonny. (Blog for Democracy)
  • Exhortation, and dehortation is counsel, accompanied with signs in him that giveth it of vehement desire to have it followed; or, to say it more briefly, counsel vehemently pressed. Leviathan
  • Even the etiology of amphotericin toxicity was vehemently disputed by these nephrologists; my husband's renal disease was considered to be a result of his diabetes, in spite of his history and a kidney biopsy. 'Complications': An Exchange
  • In a nearby lake a horse slakes its innocuous thirst as vehemently as the peasants.
  • Such a perfect, artificial cosmos of art is like an antipode to the life on the streets here, where everything is totally contradictory - where old and new, traditional and modern, poor and rich vehemently clash all day.
  • ` ` I was successively afflicted by lethargies and fevers, by opposite tendencies to a consumptive and dropsical habit, by a contraction of my nerves, a fistula in my eye, and the bite of a dog, most vehemently suspected of madness. Through the Magic Door
  • Just days after the troubled rapper checked into a rehab clinic for a sleeping pill addiction, the pop diva has vehemently denied he bedded her.
  • He was vague about both, but vehemently denied travelling via Cross Street.
  • When it was proposed to make Members of Parliament stipendiaries of the State, they at first protested vehemently against the application of this principle to the Irish representatives, and therein they were right. Ireland Since Parnell
  • Pakistan's ambassador in Washington, Husain Haqqani, vehemently denied claims the country's intelligence agency, the ISI, had backed the Taliban.
  • Others have vehemently disagreed with the ruling as an audacious attempt to redefine marriage. Christianity Today
  • There cannot be a person alive who resisted technology more vehemently than I.
  • Her passport was seized for using the internet to fundraise, which she vehemently denies. Times, Sunday Times
  • Upon this, Annette would vehemently maintain that fed they were, and amply, as she had seen Elliott cut up their meat; whilst the friendly newsmonger would charitably hint, that her intended knew as well as most men how to turn an _honest_ penny, by cheating the dogs of their food, and selling it elsewhere. The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction Volume 20, No. 560, August 4, 1832
  • He protested vehemently that he could keep fighting, and many ringsiders thought he would have beaten Lewis if the fight continued.
  • Sources say he has vehemently denied any suggestion of improper conduct.
  • Regardless of the labels foisted upon the blogs and news outlets outside of the mainstream, McClellan has now confirmed what these outlets already reported and he consistently and vehemently denied. Did McClellan Pave the Way for a Renewed Call for Impeachment?
  • But there are others who vehemently oppose changing the general plan designation in either area.
  • And unfortunately, she's well aware that some readers disagree vehemently with articles I've written.
  • Craxi vehemently denied the allegations and refused to resign at a closed meeting of the party executive on Dec. 17.
  • Not only that, but it can vehemently divide people who otherwise agree on most issues.
  • Uneven development provided a fertile ground for burgeoning localism and regionalism, leading the bureaucratic elites to defend vehemently their narrow regional interests.
  • The serial and atonal composers vehemently brought this issue forward in mid-century.
  • I always consider that the vulgar aims people pursuit vehemently - property, vainglory and extravagance - are despicable.
  • he vehemently denied the accusations against him
  • Thus, the reform of the electoral system had become a top priority for all those who wanted the renewal of the Italian political system and was vehemently opposed by all those who wanted to retain the system as it was.
  • When asked about the 92% that are vehemently opposed to the proposition, she declares them all to be trouble makers, Luddites, townies, misty eyed liberals - or suffering from Mad Cow disease.
  • In these short few weeks the coach must re-shape - he vehemently contests the description ‘rebuild’ - Rangers, with a new midfield, attack, and a defensive buttress or two.
  • We must vehemently reject the attempt to localise and provincialise collective bargaining. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • The teens, agitated by their restriction, were randomly leaving their living quarters and vehemently hurling obscenities and spitting at staff.
  • However, the antiscientific attitudes of the Christian right are being exploited to prevent the government of the United States from taking actions that might be essential for everyone's welfare, including the grandchildren of those industrialists, preachers, politicians, and scientists who now so vehemently oppose any action. Victor Stenger: Global Warming and Religion
  • Osyth is a passionate and vengeful protectress who vehemently defends the material interests of herself and her faithful, holding out to the audience the prospect of celestial help in the redress of terrestrial wrongs.
  • I'll go back and read it again, but if I'm right, and you only gave a harsh polemic opinion, why react so vehemently to the opposing polemic viewpoint?
  • Waterford Against Racism vehemently refutes the outrageous accusations made by Minister of Justice, John O'Donoghue in the past week.
  • First came a scolding note like that of an oriole, then the "chack" of a blackbird, and next a sweet, clear whistle, one following the other rapidly and vehemently, as if the performer intended to display all his accomplishments in a breath. A Bird-Lover in the West
  • Reynolds insists vehemently that the money will be repaid soon - in 14 days, he insisted on one occasion.
  • He was also dubbed a sulker for staging a sit-in following a defeat at Birmingham two and a half years ago, while he quit Chelsea in 2006 with the club accusing him of threatening to score an own goal if he was not allowed to leave, something he vehemently denied. IcSolihull
  • Werner is adamant no matter how challenging Liverpool's stadium issues, Fenway Sports Group will vehemently resist groundshare negotiations. - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
  • They agreed with biologists and outfitters that predation and harassment were factors in the decline, but they vehemently disagreed with them about the role of weather and human hunting.
  • Welfare feminists vociferously supported protective legislation, and equality feminists vehemently opposed it.
  • Notice how the two groups that opposed partition most vehemently make one think in hindsight (though only momentarily) that it was perhaps a good decision after all?
  • Cicero, who declaimed so vehemently at the notion of crucifying a Roman citizen, had not a word to say against these horrible abuses of victory. Democracy in America, volume 2
  • He vehemently denied testimony that he struck his wife outside a veterinary clinic or on a beach in Laguna in 1986.
  • Eventually, he himself may find his organization and their remarkable efforts the subject of boycott by narrow-minded individuals - emboldened by this climate tolerant of boycott - who either do not believe Israelis and Palestinians can collaborate, or believe (because of their vehemently anti-Israeli stance) Barenboim's do-gooding must be strangled in its infancy Qanta Ahmed, MD: Collateral Damage: The Hidden Costs of the Ariel Boycott
  • Several of his less talented colleagues, I'm told, protested vehemently when they heard the glad tidings.
  • And some have us’d the leaves instead of cloves, imparting its relish in sauce, especially of fish; and the very dry sticks of the tree, strew’d over with a little powder or dust of sulphur, and vehemently rub’d against one another, will immediately take fire; as will likewise the wood of an old ivy; nay, without any intentive addition, by friction only. Sylva, Vol. 1 (of 2) Or A Discourse of Forest Trees
  • He vehemently denies that season-ticket sales are down, and hopes that their financial predicament can be eased by a run in Europe.
  • The governor of the garrison was suspected of being a Jacobite traitor; an allegation he vehemently denied.
  • The residents of this lush, tropical paradise vehemently denied they had returned to anthropophagy, until the term was explained to them.
  • “crying vehemently Zelmane help me, O Zelmane have pity on me”; and the old King, in whom the beautiful strange Amazon has awakened a senile amorosity, shows himself old and foolish, looking “very curiously upon himself, sometimes fetching a little skip, as if he had said his strength had not yet forsaken him”. The Common Reader, Second Series
  • With respect to compelled speech, the court found that recruiting qualifies as expression and that the schools disagree vehemently with the content of the military recruiters' speech.
  • Some become intent on destroying Gulliver for making such a bold statement, while others support him vehemently.
  • Craxi vehemently denied the allegations and refused to resign at a closed meeting of the party executive on Dec. 17.
  • With all the seriousness naturally to be elicited by a responsible mission, I mounted Chaos, and started at a speed that beplastered the skeleton houses on each side of the way with mud, heaving a delectable morsel, as I passed the "doggery," full in the mouth of a picayune demagogue, who, viewing the political sky with open mouth, was vociferating vehemently on the merits of his side. Odd Leaves from the Life of a Louisiana "Swamp Doctor"
  • Unfortunately for the U-boat force, as with all other naval officers at that time, the German Naval High Command believed vehemently in the unsinkable battleship.
  • The Islamic Republic of Pakistan, the Islamic Republic of Iran, and the Arab Republic of Egypt vehemently criticized this attempted NGO message, interrupting it via ‘16 points of order’, for an hour and twenty-five minutes per the IEHU. The jihad of the word
  • Dace claimed it was in the hope of catching sight of his brother --- a charge Mikel vehemently denied. TREASON KEEP
  • It will determine if Lieutenant General Ricardo Sanchez, who was the top commander in Iraq, authorized the use of unmuzzled dogs to intimidate naked prisoners, something he vehemently denies.
  • Free marketeers are vehemently opposed to the new safety regulations which they say will increase employers' costs.
  • He is vehemently opposed to abortion, gay rights and many aspirations of the Third World.
  • At four in the morning, when for once you're not in a feverous delerium, the sound of cat body flying agaist the window pain, and then sliding off after trying vehemently to scratch his way up the glass, is not a nice sound to wake up to. Hamletwildie Diary Entry
  • Nancy, tossing her head with a characteristic motion to get the grey curls away from her fearless blue eyes; whereupon the tucking comb slipped down and had to be replaced, "You ain't a-goin 'out thar," she whispered vehemently from under her raised arm, as she redded back the straying locks with it. Judith of the Cumberlands
  • I was also less than impressed with her showing the class the needle used to guide the epidural - yes, it does look scary, but so do forceps and she didn't seem quite so vehemently negative about them.
  • Dace claimed it was in the hope of catching sight of his brother --- a charge Mikel vehemently denied. TREASON KEEP
  • I rubbed it vehemently, but did not scratch it: then it grew into three or four great sores like blisters, and run; at last I advised the doctor to use it like a blister, so I did with melilot [2] plasters, which still run: and am now in pain enough, but am daily mending. The Journal to Stella
  • I have been crusading vehemently but vainly in the professional and national press to prod artisans to bake to finish, without which the bread cannot attain its sensorial apogee. The Rise of Nations
  • She fell into a bitter argument with her husband, who vehemently chastised Goneril for her mistreatment of Lear.
  • Perhaps if DeMint were not fighting so vehemently and hostilely against Obama's domestic agenda, the president might not have DeMint as one of those distractions ... DeMint: Obama 'distracted' from protecting the country
  • Yesterday he vehemently denied deliberately hatching the elaborate scheme to trick Mrs Fretwell out of her home.
  • For if one examine it carefully, against the king that trophy was set up, and the victress was vanquished, and the beheaded was crowned, and proclaimed victor, even after his death shaking more vehemently the hearts of the offenders. NPNF1-12. Saint Chrysostom: Homilies on the Epistles of Paul to the Corinthians
  • Being accompanied by the span-new silken affair with the golden head, which, as I have narrated _supra_, I was so lucky to obtain promiscuously after witnessing the Adelphi of the Westminster college boys, I naturally protested vehemently against such arbitrary and tyrannical regulations, urging the risk of my unprotected umbrella being feloniously abducted during unavoidable absence by some unprincipled and illegitimate claimant. Baboo Jabberjee, B.A.
  • Since Turkey vehemently rejects the term genocide, what judgment should then be passed, and by whom, that will not tarnish the present generation of Turks? Reassessing the Genocide Resolution
  • Hillary responded from the prism of her scars andmade the core issue about how AIPAC's members vehemently oppose any talks without pre-condition andnow I understand Hillary's answerit now makes sense in terms of her calling it a 'promise' and accusing Obama of having committed to such. John Edwards Doesn't Exist. Why? Because He Just Doesn't.
  • Violence of any type by anyone and anywhere should be vehemently condemned.
  • Next, why the nation's largest union is vehemently opposed to private accounts and Social Security reform, as annunciated so far by President Bush.
  • But he spake the more vehemently, If I should die with thee, I will not deny thee in any wise.
  • My black and white teachers alike would vehemently criticize and say I spoke "pigeon language" or broken English.
  • Others have vehemently disagreed with the ruling as an audacious attempt to redefine marriage. Christianity Today
  • Dada art was vehemently ephemeral posters, book jackets, calligrams, pamphlets, recitations - as we would expect from a movement made of poets as well as artists.
  • Don't talk that 'tosh' to me," cried Miss Toombs vehemently. Sparrows: the story of an unprotected girl
  • And he vehemently denied his face had been remoulded through plastic surgery - claiming he has undergone only two operations on his nose ‘to help me hit higher notes’.
  • But according to Mr. Narine his uncle, Pandit Chunelall Narine , vehemently denounced the film after watching it, objecting to some of the language, the appearance of a bosomy Sita—the wife of the Hindu god Rama—in some scenes, and the fact that two of the characters live in Brooklyn. Animated Debate Is Curtain-Raiser
  • The Religious zealot vehemently opposes curiosity or concern for anyone outside their circle.
  • ‘Sometimes it pays to listen to what the gossipmongers say,’ Thomas said vehemently.
  • He is a stingy businessman who vehemently wants to reclaim money lent to his wife.
  • The DC ordered the immediate arrest of the woman who vehemently denied keeping ghosts or bewitching the girl.
  • Participants can indicate if they agree, disagree, kind of agree or oppose vehemently -- all non-verbally.
  • Of the three main parties, it's the one vehemently opposed to the conflict.
  • He opined that it must a leopard, but was assailed by a chorus of voices vehemently proclaiming that it was most certainly a "stripey" tiger. Recent Updates
  • He had vehemently denied that syringes used in the hospital ended up in adjacent medical shops, and that bloodied cotton wads made good stuffing for mattresses.
  • ‘It was not a backward step,’ said the veteran, quite vehemently.
  • I vehemently opose smileys, textspeak and chatroom acronyms
  • When those within a community try to "excommunicate" and dishonor truth-tellers, it is our obligation and responsibility to speak out vehemently on their behalf and on behalf of the truth they bring.
  • Now the effect of the vice of lust is that the lower appetite, namely the concupiscible, is most vehemently intent on its object, to wit, the object of pleasure, on account of the vehemence of the pleasure. Summa Theologica, Part II-II (Secunda Secundae) Translated by Fathers of the English Dominican Province
  • He is vehemently opposed to abortion, gay rights and many aspirations of the Third World.
  • Vehemently antimodern, he devoted his considerable resources to preserving a tradition embraced by the 19th-century artists he adored, pompiers like William Bouguereau and Jean-Leon Gerome.
  • Both women vehemently deny the charges against them.
  • He had vehemently denied that syringes used in the hospital ended up in adjacent medical shops, and that bloodied cotton wads made good stuffing for mattresses.
  • GRAPO is vehemently opposed to the United States
  • Mr. Boudou's assertion that Argentina has bulletproofed its economy was vehemently attacked by economists for both of Mrs. Kirchner's chief primary rivals: Ricardo Alfonsín of the Radical Party and Eduardo Duhalde of a rival Peronist faction. Argentine Leader Runs on Strong Economy
  • The unions vehemently denied supporting acts of sabotage and rejected the idea that their members were behind the incidents.
  • Indeed, ironically, what all sociopathocracies have in common though is this: They are all vehemently, viciously, virulently anti-sociopathocracy.

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