How To Use Vegetation In A Sentence
Brigalow vegetation is found to the east, and gidgee (A. cambagei) woodlands or shrublands are scattered across the region on alluvium or other more fertile clay soils.
Eastern Australia mulga shrublands
Before this ugly edifice, and between it and the wheel-track of the street, was a grass-plot, much overgrown with burdock, pig-weed, apple-pern, and such unsightly vegetation, which evidently found something congenial in the soil that had so early borne the black flower of civilised society, a prison.
The Scarlet Letter
Dense vegetation may conceal the nests and reduce the risk of predation.
The natural vegetation on most of it is tall lowland forest, with shorter montane forests at higher elevations.
The department would also help people who had suffered the consequences of fire, resulting from uncleared invasive alien vegetation, to take civil action against those responsible.
Although Mitchell grasses (Astrebla spp.) may be common along drainage lines in adjacent lowland ecoregions (Gulf Plains and Channel Country), it is only in the downs that Mitchell grasses dominate regional vegetation.
Mitchell grass downs
Some parts of the country are almost bare of vegetation.
As there were no crushing teeth in the mouth, vegetation must have been swallowed and then crushed in a gizzard similar to that found in many birds.
He wanted to work on the vegetation inventory for a pitcher plant bog he had going.
Where vegetation composition is altered and floral richness threatened, the results will ultimately be felt by us all.
The vegetation consists of coastal sage scrub, chaparral and groves of Englemann oak and live oak.
In New Jersey, native vegetation is mixed oak forest on well-drained upland sites over sandstone, shale, diabase, and basalt.
Ecoregions of New Jersey (EPA)
Most of Romsey's foliate heads are closer to animal than to human form: this one is very cat-like, and is the source of copious vegetation.
The land loses its protective cover of vegetation and soon turns into desert.
Phase change causes the locusts to swarm over vegetation, behavior that has wreaked havoc on crops in Africa and the Middle East for centuries.
Water snails don't eat living plants, just decaying vegetation and algae.
The ankylosaurs were heavily armoured dinosaurs, 2 to 10 meters long, quadrupedal, slow moving, and fed on swampy soft vegetation.
Fertile soils and spontaneous vegetation, reeking with miasma and overpowering from their odour, we had exchanged for a drouthy wilderness of aloetic and cactaceous plants, where the kolquall and several thorn bushes grew paramount.
How I Found Livingstone
Liphschitz N (1986) The vegetational landscape and the macroclimate of Israel during prehistoric and protohistoric periods.
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Xerophytic and in some places halophytic plant communities of the desert and semi-desert are dominant, with azonal vegetation in the larger river-valleys and around the lakes.
Great Lakes Basin desert steppe
The actual vegetation may not be identical owing to varying local conditions but there is sufficient affinity to make correlations reasonably certain.
The boundary line for private properties is usually where the sandy area ends and the vegetation begins.
We've had glaciations and we've had warmer periods, and vegetation would creep back as the glaciers were retreating.
The interior is lush and mountainous with sharp and jagged peaks made soft on the eye by endless vegetation.
Times, Sunday Times
So the pack-rat middens are time capsules of local vegetation allowing us to reconstruct what happened.
The wildfire quickly spreads, consuming the thick, dried-out vegetation and almost everything else in its path.
They hacked away at the dense vegetation.
When he looked around all he could see was just greenish vegetation from which he spotted some kind of a familiar plant where he plucked a few leaves and quickly crushed them using a stone.
Coastal heath vegetation is particularly colourful this wildflower season.
Mountain beavers live in small colonies, occupying areas with plentiful green vegetation and cover.
Effective shading can be provided by trees and other vegetation and exterior or interior shades.
Cliff and ravine vegetation is often very diverse and dense; the chasmophytic flora includes Cissus quadrangularis, Ficus lecardii, Boscia angustifolia, Euphorbia sudanica, Lannea microcarpa and Combretum lecardii.
Cliffs of Bandiagara (Land of the Dogons), Mali
Cautiously he looked forth over flat landscape of building site, of brickfield, of the huge tanks and lush vegetation of sewage farms.
A Sheaf of Corn
Results showed that the herbaceous vegetation could weaken kinetic energy of raindrops, and had a significant diffluent function during rainfall events to reduce effective precipitation on the slope.
The insight achieved by carpological investigation is of primary importance in reconstructing the vegetation, forest, and steppes around the Hârzova tell.
They are only doing what is necessary to prevent wholesale destruction of vegetation.
A prairie fire had swept away all traces of vegetation and there was a black, funereal mantle as far as the eye could reach in every direction.
Giant club moss trees vanished overnight to be replaced by rather weedy fern vegetation.
Times, Sunday Times
The vegetation types of the mid-montane subzone are mixed mid-montane forest, Castanopsis forest, Nothofagus forest, coniferous forest, mid-montane swamp forest, mid-montane sedge-grass swamp, mid-montane Phragmites grass swamps, mid-montane Miscanthus grassland and succession on abandoned gardens.
Lorentz National Park, Indonesia
The variety of substrates and climates leads to a diverse mix of vegetation including holm oak forests, cork oak forests, wild olive and carob woodlands, as well as extensive Berber thuya forest.
Mediterranean woodlands and forests
Vegetation patterns changed when goats were introduced to the island.
Vegetation associations of the alluvia of the Silice Plateau.
Caves of Aggtelek and Slovak Karst, Hungary and Slovakia
Beyond the strip of level ground there is a ‘short steep preparatory slope’ (a one-in-three incline, as we later learn), slaty and with only the sparsest vegetation.
In Germany huge swathes of the Black Forest died, leaving the stark outlines of leafless conifers in place of the formerly rich vegetation.
A vegetation study was conducted within central Pennsylvania's Ridge and Valley Province at the Mohn Mill natural area, an area that harbors the federally endangered northeastern bulrush, Scirpus ancistrochaetus.
Here vegetation tends towards dark and spiky lushness.
Native vegetation on South Georgia is limited to lichenes, fernes, and a few other small flowering plants.
South Georgia
Likewise, trunks for foraging woodpeckers and vegetational structures for dead-leaf foraging antbirds are found throughout the midstory, often extending into the understory and canopy.
High temperatures combined with lots of rainfall result in luxuriant vegetation and boundless wildlife.
Did you know? An enchanted lake in Veracruz rises every dry season, but falls again during the wet season
She said the continued revegetation efforts of community groups had prompted Active Community Environmentalist members to launch the nursery.
Apart from the structure of the pelvis they characteristically had an additional bone at the front of the upper jaw, the predentary, which bore no teeth but acted like a beak for cropping vegetation.
Medium and high coverage of vegetation in the landscape tend to simplify and stabilize, the complexity of the overall shape is reducing small, the degree of the boundary trace complex fold.
If your seedlings lose their growth momentum, fast growing vegetation will overtake them.
Robinia pseudoacacia is a perfect hybrid tree and a pioneer tree species in vegetation restoration, which is high valuable to forest restoration and ecological building of temperate zone of China.
Lefkas has golden sandy beaches, mountainous scenery and lush vegetation.
He was pictured as black and green, the colors of Nile mud and vegetation.
The land loses its protective cover of vegetation and soon turns into desert.
These attractive tetras make a good, peaceful community fish if the aquarium has dense vegetation with open water for swimming.
Native upland vegetation is probably mixed oak forests and beech-oak forests; white and black oaks along with American beech, pignut and mockernut hickories, black walnut, tulip tree, and red maple once occurred.
Ecoregions of New Jersey (EPA)
Exploring the island by minibus, he finds a blasted landscape of rock and dust and minimal vegetation.
They are often found in Japanese temple precincts and are so tough that a few specimens survived the Hiroshima blast when all other vegetation was wiped out.
Times, Sunday Times
If this is the case, then the new vegetation is at least partly the result of local farmers seizing the moment to reclaim the land.
The approach is via steep steps through lush Mediterranean vegetation.
Times, Sunday Times
The cerrado is a vegetation formation of great antiquity, that may have existed in "prototypic form in the Cretaceous, before the final separation of the South American and African continents.
Chris McGowan: Biofuel Could Eat Brazil's Savannas & Deforest the Amazon
Fire was used as the great manipulator of the land and its vegetation, a well-known fact to Native Americans, who made use of fire to improve hunting for centuries before the westward migration began.
The relatively dense vegetation cover provided by the lancewood-bullwaddy canopy results in a sparse grass cover, while the extensive canopy cover and infrequency of fire provides an environment which supports forbs, small shrubs and vines with rainforest affinities.
Victoria Plains tropical savanna
Influxes of saltwater can ‘burn’ and destroy aquatic vegetation such as pondweed, najas and other freshwater and brackish water plants that serve as prime duck fodder.
It's nice to have a few yards of paracord in your pocket, but all kinds of vegetation can be pressed into service to make ropes and cordage.
In general, the river basins that drain into this ecoregion are of high relief, therefore seasonally intense rainfall and highly erodable soils make them prone to erosion caused the removal of vegetation for agricultural practices, timber, fuelwood, and livestock grazing.
Southern Dry Pacific Coast mangroves
To one side is flowering vegetation and to the other an alert exotic bird shrieks from a ball finial beside a potted berried bush and a teapot, insects and butterflies whirl above.
He conjured up a vision of this strange forgotten kink in the world's littoral, of the long meandering channels that spread and divaricate and spend their burden of mud and silt within the thunderbelt of Atlantic surf, of the dense tangled vegetation that creeps into the shimmering water with root and sucker.
Tono Bungay
The lack of knowledge stemmed from the fact that cats are active mainly at night and almost impossible to see in the dense vegetation where they usually live.
Two or three years 'growth will raise these plants above all grass and low vegetation, and a sprinkling of laurel, rhododendron, hardy ferns and a few intermingling colonies of native wild flowers such as bloodroot, false Solomon's seal and columbines for the East, as
Studies of Trees
The habitat of S. lineatus can be divided into microhabitats differing in vegetation structure, which determines the amount of solar radiation penetrating the vegetation.
Variable exposure to wind and penetration of salt spray appear to be the main determinants of vegetation occurrence, structure and floristics.
Lord Howe Island Group, Australia
However the return of dry conditions over the inland in the late spring (earlier in northern areas) allowed this abundant vegetation to dry out.
Like the Himalaya, alpine elevations support shrubbier vegetation on northern exposures because these hold a protective blanket of winter snow.
Tian Shan montane steppe and meadows
Within Tanzania the area is important for retaining uncultivated lowland vegetation, for the arid and semi-arid plant communities below 1,300 m, for its abundant shortgrass grazing and for the water catchment highland forests.
Ngorongoro Conservation Area, Tanzania
They are only doing what is necessary to prevent wholesale destruction of vegetation.
These results indicate that the halophytic vegetation in the study area was in a transition from zonal to azonal vegetation.
Understory vegetation varies with elevation; at lower elevations, antelope bitterbrush is important winter browse for deer.
Ecoregions of Oregon (EPA)
Peat is an accumulation of partially decayed vegetation matter, formed over hundreds of thousands of years.
Times, Sunday Times
Even with her vegetation obsession, she was unyielding and did not back down from ridicule or teasing.
Similarly in the ´13C record, humate-induced changes in colour and growth rate correspond to changes in vegetation cover and temperature that indicate, in general, that drier periods were cooler, whereas wetter times were warmer Holmgren et al., 1999.
The MWP and LIA in Kenya and South Africa « Climate Audit
Turkeys are one of nature's opportunists, eating everything available including bits of vegetation, weed seeds, waste grain, and even the seeds hidden in the center of burdocks.
The upland natural vegetation in this dry-subhumid area is mostly mixed grass prairie, but mesquite – buffalograss and shinnery are native, respectively, to the south and to sandy areas; potential natural vegetation is distinct from the short grass prairie of the semiarid High Plains (25), the tall grass prairie of Ecoregions 28 and 40, and the oak savanna of the Cross Timbers (29).
Ecoregions of Oklahoma (EPA)
Commonly known as a revetment, the mini seawall would be made of concrete and rocks covered with vegetation.
The Daily News - News
The land was denuded of vegetation.
They not only provide evidence for ancient vegetation and ecosystems, but also contain signals of palaeoclimates that are independent of evidence from other associated sediments and fossils.
It is true that sandy uplands have forests of loblolly and slash pine, and that baldcypress is a dominant tree in swamps; but such vegetation represents either xerophytic and hydrophytic forms in excessively dry or wet habitats, or second-growth forest following fire and deforestation.
Outer Coastal Plain Mixed Forest Province (Bailey)
The vegetation consisted of low scrub.
These attractive tetras make a good, peaceful community fish if the aquarium has dense vegetation with open water for swimming.
In some areas of Argentina, the Andean degraded caespitose (growing in dense tufts) herbaceous vegetation with open stands of dwarf shrubs includes Acantholippia hastulata, Adesmia horridiuscula, Baccharis incanum, Ephedra breana, Fabiana densa, Junellia seriphioides, Psila boliviensis, Senicio viridis, and Tetraglochin cristatum.
Central Andean dry puna
Vegetation dominated by low density stands of podocarp and taxodiod conifers grew on mobile braided alluvial plains where it was subject to regular catastrophic flooding events.
When vegetation is light, the right hand can release the shaft when maximally extended, allowing the slasher to pivot at the left shoulder.
Those which still have peat-forming vegetation are known as mires, and can be divided into fens (minerotrophic) and bogs (ombrotrophic) on the basis of nutrient status, which is closely related to the quality of the water supply.
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Greenbrier vines and a vine known as supplejack climb over some of the vegetation.
The heights of Pindus towered above us; the castle of Yanina rose white and angular from the blue waters of the lake, and the immense masses of black vegetation which, viewed in the distance, gave the idea of lichens clinging to the rocks, were in reality gigantic fir-trees and myrtles.
The Count of Monte Cristo
At the highest altitudes (c. 3,000 m) the forests become shrubby, with the vegetation consisting of Hypericum patulum and Rhododendron burmanicum, and the herbaceous plants include Aconitum, Lactuca, Pedicularis, and Veronica.
Chin Hills-Arakan Yoma montane forests
But the botanist that is desirous of wiping off this aspersion should be by no means content with a list of names; he should study plants philosophically, should investigate the laws of vegetation, should examine the powers and virtues of efficacious herbs, should promote their cultivation; and graft the gardener, the planter, and the husbandman, on the phytologist.
The Natural History of Selborne, Vol. 2
Mexican mesic forest survives as one of the world's rarest and most endangered vegetation types.
Wildflower hunting in Durango
This vegetation, particularly on the continental islands, shares many similarities with the bush of the Australian mainland.
The vegetation in the marsh shows clear zonation with different species dominating different zones.
Hence, as vegetation shifts from mosses and lichens to grasses and woody species, runoff is very likely to contain increasing concentrations of DOC and particulate detrital material.
Effects of climate change on hydro-ecology of contributing basins in the Arctic
On a shelf or cup of the declivity was a little clump of vegetation, and in the midst of it welled up a thin stream of water.
The Golden Fleece
Most of it is grazed by flocks of sheep, goats, camels and cattle, often causing severe damage to vegetation.
Definitive hosts eating uncooked aquatic plants and vegetation with encysted metacercariae are infected, starting the cycle over again.
Chapter 2
Nonuse quadrats were the 413 vegetation quadrats that fell outside of territories.
This is owing to the growth of a minute confervoid vegetation, which must be kept down.
The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 08, No. 47, September, 1861
Why all this profuse vegetation and the anomaly of tempting fruits and nuts cram-full of meat and yet no real food — that is, food for man?
The Confessions of a Beachcomber
She chased the spider from its web onto adjoining vegetation to which the lead threads of the web were attached.
The steep, descending sides are very soft and sodden, supporting a scanty growth of vegetation, including the small burr known as the "biddy-bid.
The Home of the Blizzard Being the Story of the Australasian Antarctic Expedition, 1911-1914
We saw the ponies, here to eat the rank vegetation.
Vegetation is mostly mid and tall grasses such as seacoast bluestem, switchgrass, gulfdune paspalum, fringeleaf paspalum, sandbur, purple threeawn, pricklypear, and catclaw with an overstory of southern live oak and honey mesquite trees.
Ecoregions of Texas (EPA)
The earth under the vibration exciter was cleared of vegetation and debris and the exciter was placed directly on the cleared earth.
That is where you've got grazing land largely, and it appears that the woody vegetation, trees, eucalypts and acacias, native pines and other shrubs, are becoming denser and denser.
The weeds and rampant vegetation seem to be dying off, as if the owner has run amok with a weedkiller can a few years too late.
Further, the dense vegetation and extensive root systems of intact scrub appear to limit invasion by most weedy native or introduced species.
Once the ground has lost its protective cover of vegetation it quickly turns to desert.
Except the dry leaves, they leave all vegetation to grow and perish in the field itself to enrich the soil.
The Cactaceae are among the flowering plants that dominate the vegetation of arid and semiarid zones of the New World.
Thus, downwind males could be located higher in the vegetation to increase their chances of intercepting a pheromone plume and locating a receptive female.
The approach is via steep steps through lush Mediterranean vegetation.
Times, Sunday Times
Over the course of time, landslides, rock movement, and vegetation hid the entrances to the other catacombs.
In almost all the houses, ancient frescoes and mosaics are at risk and the stability of the structures has been undermined by invading vegetation and periodic floods.
Times, Sunday Times
Again, if the shortening of the central axis in the successive stages of hypogynous, perigynous, and epigynous flowers were an indication of preponderant reproduction and diminished vegetation, we should find everywhere some clear indications of this fact.
Darwinism (1889)
Most vegetation occurs as emergents, or hydrophilic species along the river's edge.
In summer, especially lush vegetation, holly leaves shiny shiny, elm tree with luxuriant foliage, give people put up a thick green shade.
He scrambled up the hill with the vegetation catching and pulling at his clothes.
But Boase said they are seeing significant environmental impact, like soil and vegetation degradation, from people walking through the undesignated trail.
The cat fell into a tangle of leaves and vegetation growling in pain and anger.
Flying over vast areas of vegetation, the scale of the disaster caused by the floods begins to unfold.
Northern wetlands, especially peatlands, play a major role in global carbon cycles and climate change because they fix carbon from atmosphere in the biomass of the living vegetation.
A steep, wall as clean as a whistle, without a scrap of vegetation.
And once they have spotted you they suddenly disappear among rocks or melt into the vegetation.
Vegetation within the desert consists of a thin scrub of Anabasis brevifolia while the peripheral areas support a dwarf woodland dominated by saxaul bush (Haloxylon ammodendron) and the gymnosperm Ephedra przewalskii.
Junggar Basin semi-desert
the desert was edged with sere vegetation
The cysts thus formed may be unilocular or multilocular, and intra-cystic papillary vegetations frequently grow from their walls.
Manual of Surgery Volume Second: Extremities—Head—Neck. Sixth Edition.
Most of the bogs and fens of North America and Europe had seemed to begin accumulating vegetation about 1,500 years after atmospheric methane concentrations started to rise.
The Chennapatna taluk is also hilly, but the tree vegetation is smaller.
Vegetation indirectly created the protective ozone shield by pumping oxygen into the atmosphere.
Mr. Ellis observed by his microscope near the surface of all putrefying vegetable or animal matter, which is the mucor or mouldiness; the vegetation of which was amazingly quick so as to be almost seen, and soon became so large as to be visible to the naked eye.
Note I
Vegetation of the Telanca Plateau and central lowlands is a more open secondary forest, dominated by palms, such as Arenga pinnata, Caryota mitis and Arenga obtusifolia, which may occur in almost pure stands interspersed with taller canopy trees, such as Lagerstroemia flosreginae, Diospyros macrophylla, Vitex pubescens, Ficus sp., and Planchonia valida.
Ujung Kulon National Park and Krakatau Nature Reserve, Indonesia
She chased the spider from its web onto adjoining vegetation to which the lead threads of the web were attached.
Self-patterning of vegetation has been identified in dryland ecosystems worldwide, such as the “tiger striped” savanna of the African Sahel and the banded shrublands of Australia. » Blog Archive » Vegetation Self-Patterning Presentation
Scale insects enjoy perennial plants and can devastate nut and fruit trees, greenhouse plants, forest vegetation, woody ornamentals, and house plants.
In summer, especially lush vegetation, holly leaves shiny shiny, elm tree with luxuriant foliage, give people put up a thick green shade.
Dragonfly time is marked by the psychedelically colored adults darting about and abandoned nymphal skins clinging to shoreline vegetation, though you won't find either in big numbers.
How to Catch Trout on a Fly Rod with Dragon- and Damselfly Imitations
With its European style cafes and restaurants, murmuring waterfalls, and lush semi-tropical vegetation, an evening stroll along its shores is a quintessential San Antonio experience.
Bearded passages of vegetation cling to steep rock, and the strong Yangtze current spills diagonally along the bottom of the frame.
Moisture is a limiting factor in the rainshadow of the Rocky Mountains; as a result, drought resistant shortgrass and some mixed-grass prairie dominate the plains vegetation.
Ecoregions of Wyoming (EPA)
Introduced Pigface (Carpobrotus edulis) is a threat to native vegetation.
The sightliest part is the vegetation, glorious ceibas (bombax) used for dug-outs; baobabs, tamarinds which supply cooling fruit and distilled waters; limes and bitter oranges.
Two Trips to Gorilla Land and the Cataracts of the Congo
In 1983, three pairs of permanent plots, each 5 x 5 m, were established in the study wood in sites with homogeneous vegetation.
The vegetation also provided splints from which the Indians wove baskets, which were considered vital for religious use.
It lives in arid and semi-arid areas with little vegetation, preferring highlands and rocky landscapes.
Global climate change and its impacts on terrestrial vegetation are of major international concern at present.
The cloud, which looks like an eruption column from a volcano, contains moisture from the burning trees and vegetation.
Times, Sunday Times
If the site is preserved this will be a valuable addition to preserving native vegetation and habitat for wildlife which are associated with the Pacific madrone trees.
Extra Fizz: State Budget Includes $15 Million to Buy Mine on Maury Island « PubliCola
If the predictions are correct residents can expect pollution levels to triple, vegetation to be destroyed and global warming to speed up.
They live in small parties, grazing on grasses, herbs and other vegetation usually at twilight or at night.
Animals of the World
The eleven of us were crouched amid the vegetation, laughing, exhilarated, wonderstruck.
Times, Sunday Times
All was one impenetrable desert; ... the vegetation on this part of the country was reduced to a few stunted gums, hakea bushes, and Triodia (spinifex), the whole extremely barren in appearance ...
Spinifex and Sand
In the most dark and dingy quarters of the city, the drawing-room window resembles frequently a bank of flowers; every spot capable of vegetation has its grassplot and flower-bed; and every square its mimic park, laid out with picturesque taste, and gleaming with refreshing verdure.
The Sketch Book of Geoffrey Crayon
The lake was almost solid with silt and vegetation.
Encroachment of woody vegetation into the grassy openings was assessed using belt transects and dendrochronology.
Residual vegetation forming a matted mulch was likewise a determinant of nest density and success in tame plant communities, with smooth brome demonstrating greatest nest density.
But the main barrier is the land itself, an expanse of sun-whitened, heat-hazed bajada telescoping the waist-high vegetation to nothing.
Moreover, GHI image could illustrate vegetation pattern, especially patch structure, better than other indices.
The low number of contacts with the surrounding vegetation may be important in reducing the probability that smaller arboreal predators will access the nest tree.
There are numerous mythologies in which the God is sacrificed as grain or as vegetation in general to feed the people.
Here vegetation tends towards dark and spiky lushness, though Darwin itself is trim, its greenery coiffed, its palm trees serried in wind-ruffled ranks around the shoreline.
At the base of the mountains, on the gentle rocky slopes called bajadas, the vegetation is dominated by paloverde, ocotillo, and saguaro, but bitterbrush is also a common shrub.
American Semidesert and Desert Province (Bailey)
Dead, spiky thistles and small wild melons, which even sheep won't eat, are the only vegetation in Mr Grove's moonscape-like fields at Cowra, 250 km west of Sydney.
Mohammed is noted to have hated onions and garlic, and as he was purported to revamp the calendar to a lunar one, we remark that in the cultus of vegetation, worship was paid to onions and garlic, because of their shape, as emblems of the Sun.
Verlust watched expectantly, and was rewarded by a wriggle in the vegetation that didn't match the movement of the rest in the soft breeze.
Simplistic analyses of changes in vegetation cover probably confused natural temporal variability with long-term degradation.
The more extensive and largely cryptogamic vegetation on the central peak had a poor fauna probably composed mainly of micro-arthropods.
Ascension scrub and grasslands
Light brown ash covers the snow above the flow deposits, and a tiny plume rises from Shiveluch's growing lava dome. Vegetation surrounding the volcano is colored dark red.
Peat is an accumulation of partially decayed vegetation matter, formed over hundreds of thousands of years.
Times, Sunday Times
This demonstration exploits biophysical models of energy flux coupled with molar balance models of mass flux and GIS-based information on climate, topography, and vegetation.
This ability to live off poor vegetation is likely to have been crucial in the evolution of the mountain goat.
For from this point flow, as in opposite directions, the two streams of vegetation and animalization, the former characterised by the predominance of magnetism in its highest power, as reproduction, the other by electricity intensified — as irritability, in like manner.
Hints towards the formation of a more comprehensive theory of life.
In much of the North American literature, ‘polar desert’ refers to a vegetation type rather than a bioclimatic zone, i.e., to barren areas.
A clump of rank and tangled vegetation thus accumulates, seeds, and stimulates further growth.
The ecoregion does not include the upland vegetation of the Rhodope Mountains (Rhodope montane mixed forests ecoregion) or the sub-Mediterranean and meso-supra-Mediterranean downy oak forests and meso - to thermo-Mediterranean pine forests to the south of the Rhodopes (part of the Aegean & West Turkey sclerophyllous and mixed forest ecoregion).
Balkan mixed forests
The arguments centred on the ability of terrestrial vegetation to take up CO2, and retain it in the form of wood, roots and soil carbon.
Wild goats were seen picking their way down the shoulder of the Eagle's Rock; they play a vital role by browsing the hazel scrub which would swamp the natural vegetation.
He taught Gregory how to battle worms, whiteflies, slugs, ants, and other enemies of vegetation, and to fertilize, graft, and transplant.
Vegetation can also be attached to webbing to break up the straight lines of the pouches.
Vegetation is most affected by the lack of light, and secondarily by being drown.
I do have seen a general study on vegetation history of Europe based on palynological series.
IPCC 1995 [SAR] – An Extended Excerpt « Climate Audit
Babystars, fleabane, and the aptly name fireweed, post-fire denizens of the vegetation world, had already sprouted and were laying claim to the barren slopes.
News Review - Top Stories
They live in arid areas where they can survive for long periods without drinking, obtaining moisture from vegetation, including salty plants.
Animals of the World
Ensure that vegetation control is carried out, if rushes, grasses or weeds are competing with young trees.
Her house is bordered by vegetation of all types—ixoras, palm trees, cactus line her yard.
The vegetation in Niue is very lush – which we should have expected since part of the island is a rain forest.
The benefits of a managed spectrum « Baby is 60 – Tim Panton on voice and computers
A rain catchment system will irrigate the vegetation during much of the year, while grey and black water recycling systems will generate much of the centers’ own water supply.
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Waterbuck (Kobus ellipsiprymnus), puku (Kobus vardoni), southern reedbuck (Redunca arundinum), and sitatunga (Tragelaphus spekei) are also common inhabitants of the floodplains, although these species tend to prefer the reed beds or more wooded vegetation on the margins of the floodplains.
Zambezian flooded grasslands
Dust swirled up in the light winds, and the vegetation, from what grass there was to the leaves on the casaran trees, was tinged with brown or tan.
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