How To Use Vegetate In A Sentence
Unless the damaged areas are quickly revegetated, the eroded soils sink below sea level and the area becomes open water.
Not that I read any more or make music or write - I just vegetate in front of the myriad digital channels we now have.
The fields vegetate vigorously
The Chinese, Japanese, and South Korean governments have launched a program to revegetate dust-generating lands in China, and researchers from around the Pacific Rim have begun intensive studies of Chinese dust and its impacts.
This area is lightly vegetated with juniper, pine, sage, and grasses.
I didn't want to sit and vegetate in front of the TV so I started the course.
In the semi-arid context, dunes can revegetate quite naturally and quickly once the initial disturbance has been removed.
In keeping with a project goal to make greening strategies visible to the public, the rainwater not retained by the vegetated roof is directed via surface runnels to water storage.
White fir is used to revegetate disturbed forest sites where it naturally occurs.
White fir
The jet device can measure the erosion potential of a soil in vegetated channels, road embankments, dams, spillways, and construction sites.
warts and polyps can vegetate if not removed
In tropical vegetated seabird colonies such as Aride, predatory ants may feed on tick eggs and larvae thereby reducing tick levels.
During the construction process, Forrest estimated they disturbed another 70 acres that had to be revegetated to its original pristine condition.
Are to be gathered after the new bulb is perfected, and before it has begun to vegetate, which is at the time the leaves decay.
General directions for collecting and drying medicinal substances of the vegetable kingdom : list and description of indigenous plants, etc., their medicinal properties, forms of administration, and doses,
We try to revegetate the saline or alkaline lands near the seashore.
However, nourished by dew, the eastern Jidda 'is relatively well vegetated with a very open acacia woodland of small Acacia tortilis and Prosopis cineraria trees with shrubby A. ehrenbergiana growing in shallow sandy depressions, rock fissures and in drainage swales on the gravel plains.
Arabian Oryx Sanctuary, Oman
He said he did not intend to "vegetate" after his retirement and had been approached to do consulting work in the fields of water affairs, telecommunications, mining, the liquid fuels industry and the public service.
ANC Daily News Briefing
It was his first competitive action since Royal St George's, following a much-needed break in which he vegetated on the sofa and reacquainted himself with his Rangers season-ticket.
I've drunk myself stupid at university, I've smoked, and I've vegetated.
The 1,260-acre Homewood Mountain Resort, for example, has been working since 2006 to revegetate old roads and ski trails, coat forest floors with chipped wood and pump runoff back up the mountain.
Lake Tahoe's Moment of Clarity:
The dried, hardened remains of the lahar persist today, a streak of barren rock on a landscape that is otherwise richly vegetated.
The island is approximately 54 km long and 1.2 km wide, with vegetated sand dunes along its length and both wide and narrow beaches around its perimeter.
In the Kynuna-Winton area of Queensland, mesas formed by resistant tertiary duricrusts are vegetated by stands of lancewood (Acacia shirleyi) and low eucalypt communities with a spinifex (Triodia spp.) groundcover.
Mitchell grass downs
Inland, a high central plateau drops eastward towards the vegetated dunes of the Kalahari Desert.
By last Thursday gusty conditions had fanned fires on the top of the ranges into raging walls of flame which raced down gullies and through the heavily vegetated plains along the road to the resort.
The mobile outer dunes are sparsely vegetated with marram grass Ammophila arenaria, and camarina Corema album, with buckthorn-juniper Rhamno-Juniperetum macrocarpas communities The dry dunes inland have Rhamno-Juniperetum sophora communities.
Doñana National Park, Spain
Although there were abundant lakes and ponds on the islands, they would have been vegetated chiefly by bulrushes.
It is sparsely vegetated with mat saltbush, bud sagebrush, galleta and desert trumpet.
Ecoregions of Utah (EPA)
In a meeting with high level U.S. officials in advance of the May 2010 election, Zenawi told them in plain words what he will do to his opposition if they try to "discredit the election": "If opposition groups resort to violence in an attempt to discredit the election, we will crush them with our full force; they will all vegetate like Birtukan Midekssa in jail forever.
Alemayehu G. Mariam: Thugtatorship: The Highest Stage of African Dictatorship
Under such circumstances their wagons frequently became stuck and they had to cut open new roadways on higher and thicker vegetated ground.
Beasts, which are destitute of our mental powers and acquirements; plants, which merely vegetate; stones, which are unendowed with sensation, are, in many respects, beings far more favored than man.
A Philosophical Dictionary
The bacterial growth vegetated along
Densely vegetated ditches with temporary standing water can be an important habitat for freshwater molluscs.
And we'll work with the legislator and we'll work with the city officials and with the city of Los Angeles and the people of Los Angeles to find resources from our recently passed bonds and other sources to prevent flooding, revegetate the hillside and restore this great, great nursery.
CNN Transcript May 11, 2007
So I'm going to just vegetate a bit and collapse.
Initially, Utah restorationists revegetated with plants useful to livestock; eventually, they revegetated with any plants that might survive, turning to native species found locally.
They vegetated the hills behind their house
I'm going to vegetate tonight, and then tomorrow I shall transform myself into a super efficient research machine.
He said he believed that un-vegetated peat and mineral soil, especially at such an exposed location, was subject to elemental erosion.
These islands are vegetated by aggregations of Cladium spp.,
Sian Ka'an Biosphere Reserve, Mexico
One of the best of these sparsely vegetated, shrubby habitats is found on the western slopes of BlackJack Mountain.
They live in nearshore coastal waters in vegetated areas, usually over mud or sand.
But some of it may be revegetated for biomass production for shrubs and trees to make biomass fuels out of possibly.
He vegetated, superfluous and demoded, in a society which insisted that for its amusement the holy place be turned into a concert hall.
We are showcasing our commitment to sustainability with an aeroponic garden, vegetated roofs, and an apiary of 28 beehives.
I scarcely know a greater injury that can be inflicted than the advice too often given to the first class to "vegetate" – or than the admiration too often bestowed on the latter class for "pluck.
Notes on Nursing: What It Is, and What It Is Not
An hour later, having roped up and topped out on it, we're standing on the main crest of the Cuillin, a startlingly sheer, unvegetated massif and the only true alpine landscape in Britain.
The European serin inhabits wooded and shrubby hillsides, and also utilizes well-vegetated agricultural areas, such as vineyards, orchards, and plantations.
Hardy and well-adapted, these plants help hold soil in place and revegetate lands denuded by wildfire or disturbed by mining.
Its natural habitat offers water that is on the soft side, slightly acidic and heavily vegetated.
I work long days, and then tend to vegetate when I'm not working, so I'm always at one of extremes, activity-wise.
Shade is vegetated surfaces' primary service to the ecosystem.
The key in this region is to revegetate corridors between remnant stands of native trees and shrubs, such as acacias, cacti, Texas ebony, and guayacan.
His father develops depression and petit mal seizures, his mother takes up ballroom dancing; one vegetates on a locked ward while the other bespangles taffeta with sequins.
The vegetables in the garden vegetate vigorously.
As with his attempts to revegetate, his attempt to replace soils mostly failed.
Fields are usually left idle after short periods of cultivation to revegetate (usually 1-2 years).
Water profile of Ethiopia
Densely vegetated ditches with temporary standing water can be an important habitat for freshwater molluscs.
I'm feeling slightly calmer now, although rather exhausted - I wish I could have a weekend when I didn't actually have anything on and could just...vegetate instead of running around like a headless chicken a common pass time for me completing chores.
Back From The Fray...
These include sand and gravel deposits which are poorly vegetated, sandy entisols which support marshes and bottomland hardwood forests, and mollisols with scattered Bur oaks with prairie grasses and forbs.
To be effective, a vegetative infiltration area must be designed, constructed, vegetated, and adequately maintained.
Why vegetate in stale conditions, when you can drench in glorious sunlight?
Joseph prefers to vegetate on a sofa and read his books.
Permanent unvegetated salt pans with hypersaline soils are typical of upper marsh habitats.
This area is lightly vegetated with juniper, pine, sage, and grasses.
So while Sampson hoped to revegetate the Wasatch Plateau more like nature ordinarily revegetated it, he still sought to improve the land to a condition that was better than the original.
Because the plants were at the base of the major terrestrial radiation, they evolved increasing tolerances to demanding physical conditions and expanded the extent of the vegetated land surface.
To take a walk is to vegetate; to saunter is to live.
The Physiology of Marriage, Complete
But during the last 200 years, exotic annual grasses from Europe started taking over, and now only 2 percent of the state's grasslands are vegetated by native perennial grasses.
I had a brief hope that I would be allowed to vegetate in the yellow light with a hamburger, lemon mineral water and my low tar cigarettes.
Within these units, the proposal addresses areas of open, sparsely vegetated sandy habitats, such as sand spits or beaches associated with wide, unforested systems of dunes and inter-dune wetlands.
The dried, hardened remains of the lahar persist today, a streak of barren rock on a landscape that is otherwise richly vegetated.
BULBS are to be gathered after the new bulb is perfected, and before it has begun to vegetate, which is at the time the leaves decay.
Resources of the Southern Fields and Forests, Medical, Economical, and Agricultural. Being also a Medical Botany of the Confederate States; with Practical Information on the Useful Properties of the Trees, Plants, and Shrubs
The company claims that the work is necessary to revegetate the bogs but angered locals say that the flooded bogs are a death trap and loss of life is inevitable is something is not done.
Coastal plains of the Northern Territory below the Gulf Fall and Uplands are vegetated by woodlands of Darwin stringybark (Eucalyptus tetrodonta), while the Fall is covered by open eucalypt woodlands including Darwin box (E. tectifica) and long-fruited bloodwood (Corymbia polycarpa).
Carpentaria tropical savanna
It can be locally common in clear lakes and impoundments, usually in vegetated areas.
They decided to revegetate in the backyard.
Two rings of islands and reefs lie adjacent to each other, with reefs and coral islands at all stages of growth, from vegetated islands to sand banks to reefs still submerged and growing toward the light.
The validity of this thesis was reinforced when the balds began disappearing as they revegetated under National Park Service management.
Its site is a former naval dumping ground, so the project aims to revegetate the site, and enable it to utilize all stormwater.
“What Makes it Green?” 2008 Winners
Although most of the abundant species were found in several habitat types, species richness and habitat use appeared to be highest for vegetated habitats.
An emergency rehabilitation team is working to revegetate some of the 1.6 million western acres that burned last summer.
Make sure the manure is stored in a location away from wells and any waterways, and that any runoff is confined or slowly released into a vegetated area.
Inland, a high central plateau drops eastward towards the vegetated dunes of the Kalahari Desert.
While stabilized and vegetated, the dune fields are often degraded, since in some cases it has been many thousands of years since they were last active.
The thin mantle of soil and quartzitic gravel is vegetated with ubiquitous sagebrush typical of the high desert in northeastern Nevada.
The Board plans to vegetate Waterfall Gully with more native trees and plants.
Prominent conglomerate crags occur at two locations, the faces well-vegetated with navelwort, common polypody, other herbs, ferns, and mosses.
Prior to his investigations, it was unknown whether the oceans and vegetated areas on land would absorb any significant excess carbon dioxide from the atmosphere produced by the burning of fossil fuels and other industrial activities.
Desert dunes shift as winds pick up sand grains and dump them elsewhere, potentially turning vegetated land into desert.
Groundhogs prefer to live where timbered areas are bordered by open land or along fence rows and heavily vegetated gullies or stream banks.
If I don't help him along, he will sit there and vegetate.
We still want to see good management over that bushland, but the fundamentally critical work is to get the cleared bits that separate the important bushland areas and revegetate them like this.
Numerous river channels in the great southern delta were diverted again and again creating ever-increasing land masses and vegetated marshes interspersed with myriads of channels, potholes, and shallow lakes.
The clergy here are, it may be said, admirable, composed of good and saintly priests; but they vegetate, torpid with inaction; they neither read nor work; their joints become ankylose; they die of weariness in this provincial spot.
The Cathedral
Within-island genetic uniformity decreased significantly with increasing population size, as approximated by total island area and vegetated area.
Yet refuge personnel have been tirelessly working to revegetate the remaining islands.
Jamie Rappaport Clark: Gulf Disaster Shows Drilling Is Too Dangerous
Accordingly, we may speculate that even the small members of the clade must prefer a habitat near the edge of the vegetated zone, with adequate light.
The law of sexuality in plants leads to the intermarriage of the vigorous with the decaying and the intermixture of blossoms; nor can human plants long vegetate together without intermarriages, which ingraft the vigorous constitutions with the virus of the old and decaying.
Mexico and its Religion With Incidents of Travel in That Country During Parts of the Years 1851-52-53-54, and Historical Notices of Events Connected With Places Visited
The revegetated section already has attracted the Louisiana water thrush, a species never before seen in the area.
Breeding birds are found both near the coast and farther inland on sparsely vegetated, dry Arctic tundra.
The heliconia, costus, maranta, and other plants of the family of the balisiers (Canna indica), which near the coasts vegetate only in damp and low places, flourish in the American Alps at considerable height.
Travels to the Equinoctial Regions of America
The replacement of vegetated areas with concrete cover in high-density urban areas has a number of environmental drawbacks.
Yet refuge personnel have been unrelentingly doing all they can to help revegetate the remaining islands, with good results: brown pelicans and other birds have returned to nest successfully in recent years.
Jamie Rappaport Clark: Coastal Refuges Face Destruction
I was determined when I retired that I wasn't just going to vegetate.
The vegetated area may be either a long, grassed, gently sloping channel or a broad, flat area with a slight slope away from the inlet surrounded by a berm or dike.
I should take a night or a day to just stop and vegetate - take a bubble bath or watch a movie - but I haven't been able to bring myself to do so yet.
In fact, the only activity allowed will be the ethical collection of seeds to help strategically revegetate nearby degraded areas.
When predators are present, small sunfish forgo achieving high growth rates and reside in safer, vegetated habitats.
Many people wonder whether a vegetated rooftop will cause water, and possibly dangling roots, to drop through their ceiling.
And while tar sands miners are required to completely restore and revegetate sites, little has been done.
Bob Dinneen: When It Comes to Land Use Change -- Look at Oil
After a hard day's work, I vegetate in front of the television
Infrequent, sometimes of high intensity, rainstorms in arid and semi-arid areas can generate large volumes of run-off from the poorly vegetated land surfaces that characterize such regions.
The species is found more or less continuously throughout the vegetated area included in this study, though not over the bare ground of the Sahara Desert,.
This fungus usually vegetates vigorously
Trees, which would take 30 or more years to revegetate, have been conserved to help adapt the new design to its environment.
Concrete bunds turn the water sterile and leave no room for natural, vegetated spawning banks.
Deposited wrack may decompose in place or may be removed by subsequent tides leaving an unvegetated patch of bare soil.
The edge of a town wrapped around into view off in the near-distance, small rough-hewn huts scattered about on the sparsely vegetated plain.
All you do is vegetate and count the milliseconds until you can go home.
Densely vegetated ditches with temporary standing water can be an important habitat for freshwater molluscs.
For adventurers who want to immerse themselves completely in the Club's mission, there are service trips, in which participants build trails, revegetate overused areas, or map archaeological sites in splendid surroundings.
Hydrologic disturbances may occur on Reserve lands in the following forms, and may require listed action for restoration; four wheel drive, or woods roads; removal and restoration; removal of fill from stabilized or improved roads; closing unnecessary footpaths; filling and revegetating unnecessary ponds, or managing those ponds as natural waterbodies where beneficial; remove and allow drainage ditches to revegetate and restore old fire plowlines; and filling and replanting borrow pits.
Apalachicola National Estuarine Research Reserve, Florida
Coastal plains of the Northern Territory below the Gulf Fall and Uplands are vegetated by woodlands of Darwin stringybark (Eucalyptus tetrodonta), while the Fall is covered by open eucalypt woodlands including Darwin box (E. tectifica) and long-fruited bloodwood (Corymbia polycarpa).
Carpentaria tropical savanna
In response to this the Ord River Regeneration Reserve was established to limit stock numbers and revegetate bare land.
Purnululu National Park, Australia
Slow-worms are nocturnal and semi-fossorial and mostly occur in well-vegetated places with thick ground cover and loose soils.
Archive 2006-05-01
At first I was thinking why is there so many people on the sofa … but great play on the word vegetate.
Not lookin’ good.
A few land managers even considered exotic reseeding to be a ‘natural’ way to revegetate the mountains.