
How To Use Vegetable In A Sentence

  • Combine the corn with steamed green vegetables like asparagus and offer baked potatoes to ensure the children don't go hungry.
  • Once the coals are covered in a fur of white ash, start by barbecuing a few vegetables.
  • For the stock, start by sweating all the vegetables and herbs in a little extra-virgin olive oil, seasoning with salt at the start to help them sweat without colouring.
  • If you salt the vegetables with a little onion salt, they will taste better.
  • No matter that there were no green beans or zucchinies or that bok choy is Asian not Mediterranean, minestrone is primarily a vegetable soup and so long as you have a couple of primary flavours right, the rest will take care of itself. At My Table
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  • There are two course menus and an a la carte menu with plentiful seafood in season, fresh vegetables and fruits.
  • Although these vegetables adapt well to our temperate climate, they tend to crop poorly.
  • Remove the meat and vegetables from the pan and serve together. Times, Sunday Times
  • After just the right wait, they arrived, each accompanied by a side dish of steamed vegetables.
  • The adults' menu may feature grilled shrimp, charbroiled chicken, sautéed vegetables, and salads galore.
  • Allow the soup to sit for at least half an hour and then strain out all the vegetables to leave a clear broth. Times, Sunday Times
  • Ravel sacrificed something for form, for a vegetable that people must digest before bed.
  • Brown bags of pasta stand ready to be combined with cans of Italian tuna, homemade pickled vegetables, home-canned tomato sauce, and jars of his favorite imported red peppers.
  • The most important of the salts, formed by the combinations of the sulphuric acid, are, first, _sulphat of potash_, formerly called _sal polychrest_: this is a very bitter salt, much used in medicine; it is found in the ashes of most vegetables, but it may be prepared artificially by the immediate combination of sulphuric acid and potash. Conversations on Chemistry, V. 1-2 In Which the Elements of that Science Are Familiarly Explained and Illustrated by Experiments
  • At street-side stalls that are sometimes nothing more than a bowl on the ground, fish are gutted and sold and vegetables haggled over.
  • At my cousin's wedding some five years back, the most popular dish was a mixed vegetable fry prepared entirely on the 'tawa' griddle. Musical Cooking - Paneer Tawa Masala
  • These elements - lithium, sodium, potassium, rubidium, cesium and francium - all react with water to give solutions that change the color of a vegetable dye from red to blue.
  • There is no sign of a supermarket in the villages which dot the land, but home-grown vegetables are pulled directly from the kitchen garden.
  • The best-known dressing-up dish is kimchee, vegetables pickled in sweetish but mostly hot red chili paste touched with garlic and ginger.
  • Nopalitos also fare well in stews with other vegetables, and, in lieu of the celebration of Lent, with red meats. Nopales, tunas and pitayas
  • I cooked stir-fried vegetables with noodles (I'm told that's chow mein) and beef in a black bean sauce.
  • Without wishing to be unkind, it was student vegetable gloop (carrot, courgette, mushroom, turnip and barley in tomato sauce) with little herby scone things on the top.
  • Five 80 gram servings of fruits and vegetables each day seems to be the amount needed for optimum protection.
  • However once the technology becomes available it will also be used for kitchen waste, such as vegetable peelings, and cardboard.
  • Farm shops go from strength to strength and growing vegetables in allotments is fashionable. Times, Sunday Times
  • Instead, they are trying to demonstrate that potatoes, peanuts, tomatoes, peppers and other vegetables can be grown in only water-a process known as hydroponic growth. Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion
  • Its simple to grow and is closely related to wild dock and sorrel, is classed as a vegetable but treated as a fruit.
  • Also add chopped, raw vegetables such as carrot sticks and cherry tomatoes to munch on. The Sun
  • Sauntering over, he saw that they were inspecting the wares of a very nervous jerboa vegetable seller. The Lives of Felix Gunderson
  • My patio hung over a medium sized street that was lined with shops and booths that sold fresh fruits, vegetables and flowers.
  • You've probably ingested large quantities of it yourself, if you've ever eaten vegetables straight out of a garden without washing them thoroughly, or if you've ever eaten unfiltered honey.
  • Add the vermouth, garlic and cayenne, boil the liquid away and start adding ladlefuls of the seaweed and saffron-flavoured vegetable stock, stirring vigorously all the while to aid absorption and prevent sticking.
  • Then there are the inevitable rice and noodles dishes such as steamed rice, vegetable fried rice and dragon fried noodles and Chinese chopsuey.
  • Upon all vegetable lakes, except those of madder, they have a destructive effect; and are injurious to gamboge, as well as to those almost obsolete pigments, red and orange leads, king's and patent yellow, massicot, and orpiment. Field's Chromatography or Treatise on Colours and Pigments as Used by Artists
  • I've also established my share of vegetable and perennial flower gardens.
  • The vegetable is normally cooked and eaten with ugali or it may be cooked together with flour to a stuff known as ngunzakutu (Kamba) or atap Chapter 7
  • Roast them in a hot oven with vegetables such as carrots, celery and onion. Times, Sunday Times
  • This led to a substantial reduction in the sowing of traditional crops such as alfalfa and plants grown for vegetable oil.
  • Lunch was a feast of meat and vegetables, cheese, yoghurt and fruit, with unlimited wine.
  • We simply do not have the space for well-organised drills of vegetables that lead to a wicker gate opening out onto a woodland meadow.
  • Broccoli, along with cauliflower and cabbage, belongs to the family of plants known as cruciferous vegetables, which are rich with antioxidants.
  • At dinner, they ate as they had before, although in time Bittman found that even his evening meals came to include more "vegetables, fruits, legumes and whole grains and less meat, sugar, junk food, and overrefined carbohydrates. Thoughts on the minimalist and "vegan until six"
  • Among the other foods used as a garnish are certain vegetables that give a contrast in color, such as pimiento, green peppers, radishes, and olives. Woman's Institute Library of Cookery Volume 4: Salads and Sandwiches; Cold and Frozen Desserts; Cakes, Cookies and Puddings; Pastries and Pies
  • It is particularly by the mucilage, which is found in greater or less quantity in all vegetables, that the purity of oil is affected. Resources of the Southern Fields and Forests, Medical, Economical, and Agricultural. Being also a Medical Botany of the Confederate States; with Practical Information on the Useful Properties of the Trees, Plants, and Shrubs
  • Cardamine tangutorum wild vegetable planted artificially could markedly improve the biomass of degraded ecosystem, and this kind of wild vegetable is more suitable for growing in the forest.
  • It is a strange fact that Dionaea, which is one of the most beautifully adapted plants in the vegetable kingdom, should apparently be on the high-road to extinction. Insectivorous Plants
  • No. (2) The term spice means any aromatic vegetable substance in the whole, broken, or ground form, except for those substances which have been traditionally regarded as foods, such as onions, garlic and celery; whose significant function in food is seasoning rather than nutritional; that is true to name; and from which no portion of any volatile oil or other flavoring principle has been removed. Home Ec 101
  • Green, leafy vegetables are especially high in minerals and fiber, so should be eaten often.
  • Other high-energy foods include fresh vegetables, which should constitute forty percent of the meal.
  • The food eaten may be oysters, fresh fruit or vegetables, water, ice, or bakery products.
  • The beet armyworm, Spodoptera exigua (Hubner), is a polyphagous noctuid of worldwide importance that feeds on various agricultural crops, including vegetable, cotton and ornamental.
  • Frozen vegetables also benefit from the addition of herbs during cooking. Planning the Organic Herb Garden
  • The two fish were paired with fresh vegetables and tiny fried potato globes, which were all brought nicely together by a rich cream sauce and punctuated with a brilliant red burst of caviar.
  • It is these seeds that will ultimately be crushed to produce the vegetable oil that the crop is grown for.
  • The castle stood on the point of a hill and sloping down on all sides were verdant hayfields, olive groves, vegetable gardens, fruit orchards, and vineyards.
  • There are a number of cool-season vegetables to plant, along with flowers such as dianthus, petunias, snapdragons and violas.
  • They had a cinnamon-like herb called bog myrtle, but it was the Romans who introduced many of the herbs and vegetables that we now know and love.
  • This was Gerard's account of the Cucumber, while of the Cucumber Pompion, which was evidently our Vegetable Marrow, and of which he has described and figured the variety which we now call the Custard Marrow, he says, "it maketh a man apt and ready to fall into the disease called the colericke passion, and of some the felonie. The plant-lore & garden-craft of Shakespeare
  • She cleared out the sugary snacks and stocked up on fruit and vegetables. The Sun
  • It is good with couscous, drizzled over char-grilled vegetables, thinned out with extra virgin olive oil for a spicy, rose-scented marinade or dressing, or stirred into mayonnaise and dolloped on to grilled fish or chicken.
  • The vegetable dumplings, in contrast, were almost inedible, with a slimy exterior and no discernible flavour.
  • You can also use bran products as a crunchy topping for casseroles, salads or cooked vegetables.
  • Make a huge open-faced vegetable omelet, for example, or try a quick chicken stir-fry and fold in a few eggs during the last two minutes of cooking.
  • The toro, for me, was wasted a little on the grill, but all sorts of vegetable things did well. Times, Sunday Times
  • Include lots of green leafy vegetables and sweet juicy fruits.
  • Lunch was a feast of meat and vegetables, cheese, yoghurt and fruit, with unlimited wine.
  • But when the time came to strike out on his own, instead of livestock farming he plumped for growing and selling organic fruit and vegetables. Times, Sunday Times
  • Simply fry off a diced onion in butter until soft, add some chopped red cabbage, some vegetable stock and a glug of brandy.
  • There was a chinese place not far from where I lived that I could get very tasty but not high quality chicken and vegetable lomein for under $4 that would last me two meals. Accidental Hedonist
  • BRUSSELS—Russia's failure to rescind a ban on European Union fruit and vegetable imports, agreed at a summit last week, has riled the European Commission, which is requesting the ban be removed immediately. EU: 'No Justification' for Russia Vegetable Ban
  • How can I stop powdery mildew ruining my soft fruits and vegetables? Times, Sunday Times
  • His food demands included seedless watermelon, yogurt, pretzels and an assorted vegetable tray with ranch dip. The Sun
  • On average, we consumed more fruit and less vegetables last year, with the potato seeing the biggest plunge in terms of demand.
  • All the vegetables we sell are Class A.
  • Britain is importing nearly half the fruit and vegetables it consumes each year, according to previously unreported government figures. Times, Sunday Times
  • Meat cooks more slowly than vegetables.
  • Growing heritage vegetables to use in period recipes is also a gardening interest of Sue's.
  • I cooked the chicken, put it aside and stir-fried the vegetables.
  • The kanda batata shaak (onion potato vegetable) was practically a daily feature and was occasionally replaced by reengan batata kanda shaak.
  • Vegetables and bread, when they indulged in such luxuries, and even fresh water, was to be procured from the main land, which was about five miles distant. Chapter 19
  • Store fresh fruit and vegetables somewhere cool and dark. Survive the Nine to Five - a woman's guide to working well
  • Neem oil is nondrying, and it resists degradation better than most vegetable oils. 8 Industrial Products
  • The other districts have hammer mills, piggeries, oil extracting machines and vegetable gardens and are also involved in other agricultural projects.
  • Vitamin C increases the absorption of iron from vegetables but reduces it from meat and decreases copper absorption. The Dictionary of Nutritional Health
  • The Romans were usually not big meat eaters and a lot of their normal meals involved vegetables, herbs and spices together with a wheat meal that looked like porridge.
  • In the traditional menu maize dishes, goat meat, fish, and stewpots of local vegetables (peas, beans) dominate.
  • Or the slithers of beef sirloin marinated in chilli and lime, stir-fried with vegetables and noodles.
  • Jute is a vegetable fiber cultivated in China, India, Pakistan, and other south Asia countries.
  • It came with seasonal vegetables including cauliflower, carrots, new potatoes and sliced courgettes.
  • You will be able to enjoy fresh vegetables, fruits, or sweets accompanied with a light soda or sparking water.
  • Put the lamb in the centre of the dish, with the vegetables and herbs around the edge.
  • Dinner is a large meal typically including soup and a main dish consisting of meat and vegetables.
  • Pork braised with dried vegetable is a traditional ShaoXing dish.
  • Handvo" is a cherished gujarati recipe which can be called a savoury steamed vegetable cornmeal cake, and is filled with several nutritious ingredients. Handvo - Healthy Vegetable Cornmeal Cake
  • Serve over grains or roasted vegetables. Times, Sunday Times
  • Fructose, aka levulose, found naturally in fruits and, to a lesser extent, vegetables, is the sweetest of all sugars.
  • Do you sometimes go to Cristiano Ronaldo's house to pick some vegetables to make a soup from his vegetable patch? Explain that a little bit.
  • You can experiment with all kinds of sausage, vegetables, cheese dishes, fish and meat.
  • Steam the vegetables lightly.
  • Macadamia nut oil contains about 80% of monounsaturated fatty acids and a higher percentage of Palmitoleic acid than any other vegetable oils.
  • A perfectly braised shank on buttery mash surrounded by vegetables set the tastebuds going before the plate was even put down on the table.
  • Because fruit and vegetable waste goes in the brown bin and sits there for up to two weeks, maggots and fruit flies end up in it.
  • Keep the basics on hand: frozen marinara and pesto for quick pasta meals, and a simple vegetable or chicken stock for fast soups.
  • You can very well get enough proteins by eating nuts, seeds and oils with your vegetables as well as leguminous plants. Veggie Guts | My[confined]Space
  • Baked Scottish Salmon with Seashore Vegetables, Broad Beans, Herb Garden Salad, Mayonnaise and Wild Garlic-scented Irish Soda bread.
  • The side orders were very moreish - lovely thin chips and roasted vegetables.
  • Belly part of deep fish together with mixed vegetable, roasted with Parmesan cheese.
  • Concentrate on eating vegetables, fruits and whole grains, and choose chicken rather than red meat.
  • Add tomato juice and wine to the vegetables, simmer for a few minutes then add the tomato and capers. Times, Sunday Times
  • Other fields and cottage gardens grow grapevines on overhead trellises, the soil beneath the arches being densely planted with cabbages and other vegetables.
  • It's Hokkaido's vast potato, corn and mountain vegetable farms that economic planners are looking to now.
  • In contrast to soba, which tastes distinctly of buckwheat, the flavour of udon is neutral, allowing any number of variations in the additional ingredients, such as vegetables, seaweeds, eggs, fish, shellfish, poultry.
  • The pickled mustard tuber, which is produced by pickling the stem mustard (Brassica juncea coss var tnmida Tsen et Lee) in salt solution, is an indigenous Chinese fermented vegetable product.
  • The vegetable wax is biodegradable, and no synthetic fragrances are added to the essential oils.
  • Eat a variety of colorful fruits and vegetables and whole grains like millet, quinoa, and whole wheat.
  • You can work most of the magic the day before, prepping the ingredients and assembling the dish, alternating bread, vegetables or meat and cheese "strata" is Latin for "layers" before pouring in the milk and eggs that will mortar it all together. - News
  • Indian food (such as chapattis, a flat bread; samosas, vegetable or meat-filled pastries; and masala, a spiced rice dish), is widely available in all urban areas.
  • I thought figure-conscious girlbands were meant to eat only fresh fruit, vegetables and sushi. The Sun
  • After that came the famous Valenti pork shank, an imposing haunch of meat, braised in whole flagons of wine, supported by garden vegetables and a mound of polenta.
  • Indian groceries also carry many prepared ingredients, such as paneer cheese and the chutneys, curries and vegetable condiments called pickles that can be used to spice up grilled chicken or fish.
  • Overcooking vegetables saps them of flavour and texture and makes them far less healthy to eat, as the vitamins and minerals become lost in the cooking water.
  • The items rejected most often included raw vegetables and leftovers. Times, Sunday Times
  • Their vegetable cellar caved suddenly yesterday.
  • Buy: Tomato paste, Bean products, Tomato, Frozen vegetables, Canned fruit.
  • The supermarket has also seen more root vegetables such as parsnips, potatoes and carrots being sold.
  • Stripped of their tough skins with a vegetable peeler or paring knife, broccoli stems make a delicious, slightly crunchy addition to any broccoli dish.
  • Foods that contain insoluble fibers are wheat bran, whole grain products and vegetables.
  • Faces of demons were cut into the vegetables, then a glowing coal was placed inside.
  • The radishes, beets, turnips, carrots and other root vegetables grown at the Student Organic Farm are direct seeded.
  • Needless to say, you can add other vegetables you like or take out any that you don't.
  • I had shrimp and vegetable tempura.
  • Today we have advice about growing another root vegetable, carrots.
  • A vegetable is technically derived from any other part of the plant - the vegetative parts, including the roots, stem, and leaves.
  • Vegetable oil or another type of fat is often added to bread dough to improve crumb softness, loaf volume, and texture.
  • The restaurant in this small hotel uses home-grown organic vegetables and herbs, local seafood and organic meats.
  • Plantations of brackens and garlic are the main source of vegetable income for islanders.
  • The carvery is situated in the ‘new’ section of the pub, adjacent to the bar area and has one glassed in section with the roast meats and the bain marie hot boxes for the vegetables and the soup.
  • Macadamia nut oil contains about 80% of monounsaturated fatty acids and a higher percentage of Palmitoleic acid than any other vegetable oils.
  • The accompanying vegetables, peas, carrots and broccoli disappointed a little because they seemed to be overcooked.
  • A navarin d'agneau is a delicate dish, a celebration of spring's tender, milk-fed lambs and the first sweet crop of vegetables. Stew's Spring Awakening
  • This is a specialized type of juicer since normal fruit and vegetable juicers will not juice wheatgrass.
  • Spread the vegetables out to cover the bottom of the roasting dish.
  • The report stresses the necessity of eating plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables.
  • Meanwhile the only advice it could give people was to carry on as normal - although it looks more important than ever to eat a fair ration of raw fruit and vegetables.
  • Similar vegetable gums, with the same possible adverse effects, are carrageenan, gum tragacanth, and carob or locust bean gum.
  • A better than average, and reasonably thick saag is filled with big chunks of paneer (Indian cheese), and counts as a vegetable. Indus Express is Like an Indian Version of a Midtown Deli | Midtown Lunch - Finding Lunch in the Food Wasteland of NYC's Midtown Manhattan
  • My wife, Jayne, enjoyed the mini savoury selection which consisted of crunchy onion bhajis, aloo tikkas, spinach pakoras and vegetable samosas all deep fried and served with two dips.
  • Heat vegetable oil in a hot wok until the surface seems to shimmer slightly.
  • A wander around any market will reveal stalls piled high with vegetables.
  • But who shall do justice to the dinner, and describe the turkey, and chickens, and chicken pies, with all that endless variety of vegetables which the American soil and climate have contributed to the table, and which, without regard to the French doctrine of courses, were all piled together in jovial abundance upon the smoking board? Oldtown Folks
  • You can buy fresh fruit and vegetables in the market.
  • Lunch on the likes of roast English lamb rump and summer vegetables. Times, Sunday Times
  • Had he not always been swathed in white robes, you could have imagined him in a cardie, pottering round his vegetable patch with his little grandson.
  • Indian days over; "nester" days with frame houses and vegetable patches not yet here. The Killer
  • A cassoulet Toulousain is a stew of white beans, sausage, smoked ham, white wine, duck-leg confit and vegetables.
  • She wraps her finger in a clean paper towel, checks her steak and turns off the flame beneath the beef and vegetable flavored soup she's preparing for Sarah.
  • We've fenced off the vegetable patch to stop the rabbits from getting in.
  • When I had a look, the vegetable tempura looked very nice indeed.
  • If you do fry, use a non-stick pan with a light coating of a vegetable oil such as sunflower or olive oil.
  • Fruits and vegetables that love long, warm summers - melons, gourds, and corn - typically do well here.
  • Local vegetables are eaten readily and include chokos, red pumpkins, squash, and greens.
  • Every day, the pupils would have milk or milk pottage for breakfast, a vegetable-based dinner at midday, and broth with a piece of bread for supper.
  • We buy our fruit and vegetables at the market.
  • Thread the cubes of meat and vegetables onto metal skewers.
  • These fish are particularly fond of vegetable foods, and will usually eat tender aquatic plants.
  • A group of urban youngsters has turned a vacant piece of ground into a viable vegetable farm using hydroponics.
  • We must dig over the vegetable garden to grow this new improved strain of vegetable.
  • Put the chopped vegetables into a large roasting tray with the thyme and garlic. Times, Sunday Times
  • Dinner is usually on the early side and consisting of a meat subsitute like "Quorn" or seitan plus vegetables and a sauce. Lauren Cahn: "Eating Clean": the Latest Evil Diet Craze
  • I get the impression that it is not the type of place for a kaffee-klatsch that others have described here, nor a good place to find fresh fruit and vegetables. Page 2
  • stands selling homegrown fruits and vegetables
  • All the produce is sourced locally and rather than using heavy gravies, the restaurant uses low-fat infused oils and vegetable purée.
  • These vegetables contain a number of sulfur-containing compounds, especially allicin and diallyl sulfate, that may fight cancer. Eat, Drink, and Be Healthy
  • The vegetable gardens spread out from the house, laced with marigolds and a purple ground cover that looks like shamrocks: trebol, in Spanish.
  • They may only be carving fruit and vegetables, but these precision instruments need sharpening every week and the useful life of the knives in his hands is only six weeks.
  • I just love the texture and lightness of tempura batter and was delighted our prawns also came with a few bite-size servings of tempura vegetables.
  • Main course was fillet of beef with a wild mushroom mousse, wasabi and potato rosti, wilted pak-choi and tempura vegetables and hoi-sin jus.
  • Food Matching: Grilled sardines, moulds, prawns, oyster, little frying, vegetable terrine, goujeonnettes sole, fresh goat cheese.
  • The promotion will apply to fish, meat, bread, precooked meals, eggs, vegetables and cheeses and will start immediately. Times, Sunday Times
  • He treated his scorbutic patients with a mixture of plant and vegetable juices made from water cress, brooklime, scurvy grass, all herbs rich in ascorbic acid.
  • These are heated by bark and horse manure and grow up to 300 exotic vegetables and fruit.
  • There were the vegetable poisons known on Earth, such as hellebore, setterwort, deadly nightshade, and the yew tree. The Status Civilization
  • These can be found in fruits, dark leafy green vegetables and seafood. The Sun
  • My wife, Jayne, enjoyed the mini savoury selection which consisted of crunchy onion bhajis, aloo tikkas, spinach pakoras and vegetable samosas all deep fried and served with two dips.
  • The vegetables are stirred into the rice while it is hot.
  • Change your diet to include more wholegrain foods, vegetables, fruit and remove as much fat from it as possible.
  • The vegetable garden is doing quite well, with spuds, broccoli, onions, cabbage and garlic all starting to grow.
  • The species Brassica oleracea includes the vegetable crops cauliflower, cabbage, calabrese, and Brussels sprouts.
  • I plant heirloom vegetables in my garden because I'm partial to the complex flavors of such things as black tomatoes, purple carrots and candy-striped beets.
  • Try to resist the temptation to top up your blood sugar levels with chocolate and keep your diet light, choosing lightly-cooked or steamed vegetables and fish, nuts, seeds, pulses and brown rice.
  • The large selection of vegetarian entrées starts at $7.95 for red lentils cooked with onions, tomatoes and cumin, and runs up to $12.95 for the vegetable biryani.
  • Fruits and vegetables are expensive crops to grow.
  • The World Food Programme has enough cereals to last until April, but will run out of the less important vegetable oil and pulses by the month's end, said programme spokesman Peter Smerdon.
  • Why, this is nothing but common vegetable soup!"— 'So it is. madam.'.
  • Apart from the potatoes and in this case the Cavolo Nero, all the other vegetables will be roasted in the oven first, to soften and develop a little caramelisation. Archive 2006-08-01
  • That's margarine, vegetable shortening, partially hydrogenated oils, polyunsaturated vegetable oils.
  • A variety of foods can provide your family with nutritious sources of iron: lean meats, eggs, green leafy vegetables, dried peas and beans, blackstrap molasses, raisins, and whole-grain bread.
  • Most of Ecolution's fabrics are vegetable dyed with such botanicals as oregano, oak bark, bilberry and pansy to create a vivid palate of colors.
  • Serve with green vegetables and rice or noodles. BE YOUR BEST: How Anyone can become Fit, Healthy and Confident
  • Witch hazel is a cooling astringent, and vegetable glycerin moisturizes your skin.

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