
  1. the state of a serf
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How To Use vassalage In A Sentence

  • It meant disgrace, defeat; and this fire was as a seal of vassalage affixed to my arms by those I called clodhoppers and serfs. Mauprat
  • Before then personal vassalage was common, but a considerable proportion of peasants were slaves.
  • The fief overshadowed fealty, the benefice became more important than vassalage, and freemen began to swear allegiance to the highest bidder only.
  • The fief overshadowed fealty, the benefice became more important than vassalage, and freemen began to swear allegiance to the highest bidder only.
  • They look upon sending an ambassy, as a mark of vassalage and submission, and therefore make it a general rule not to send any themselves to other courts. Hau Kiou Choaan
  • I am glad to learn of your humility and pleased to know that I need not call your vassalage to your memory, but I fear that in the darkness you have less regard for either than you now pretend in the light of day. The Strong Arm
  • Lords based their authority over other freeholders on two types of vassalage.
  • The absorption of the Danelaw by Wessex left the Celtic fringe in Scotland and Wales independent under a vague kind of vassalage to the king. 616-80
  • He understood the practice of European vassalage and the importance attached to an oath taken to an lord.
  • This sphere of influence was expanded by the practice of vassalage/clientage. From Heads of Household to Heads of State: The Preaccession Households of Mary and Elizabeth Tudor, 1516-1558
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