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How To Use Vary In A Sentence

  • As precise definitions of words do not translate well from one language to another, words connoting latria and dulia vary from one language to another.
  • Part of the problem in making extrapolations from these patterns to build a theory is that the relationship between language and social structure may vary considerably, both synchronically and diachronically.
  • The authors of the second paper admit that “other variables … influence the binding avidity (preference), such as type of SA (sialic acid of the receptor site) and glycosylation and sialylation of the hemagglutinin close to the receptor binding site. ” These factors all vary obviously and there are other variables in the equation as well including the status of specific areas of the immune system. Think Progress » An Inconvenient Truth and An Intolerable Summer
  • Therefore to convert Lanchow cash into Tientsin cash you must divide the Lanchow cash by 3, count 975 as 1000, and consider this equal to a certain percentage of a theoretical amount of silver known as a tael, which is always varying of itself as well as by the fluctuations in the market value of silver, and which is not alike in any two places, and may widely vary in different portions of the same place. AN AUSTRALIAN IN CHINA
  • Application forms vary greatly in layout and length.
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  • Prices may vary so it's well worth shopping around before you buy.
  • Within the context of modernity, the autonomous artist, as a creative being, explores varying moods, passion, sentiments and emotions.
  • It is now widely recognised that there are uncertainties in determining both R and D. Uncertainties in D (loads/demand) are due to the fact that they may vary depending on location and time (eg. there are no snow loads in summer, change of use). 2009 January - Telic Thoughts
  • What I've generally de-duced is that men in their twenties are ignorant of the relevance of most feminist issues and think feminists are in varying degrees: full of hot air, lesbians, killjoys. Feminist blogs in english » 2008 » July
  • We all vary but ten times a day is going it some. The Sun
  • Of course what is small will inevitably vary greatly according to the circumstances and to say that a curtilage is a small area is obviously not to provide any precise test of identification.
  • Masterful with machinery, he patented several mechanical inventions which had varying degrees of viability.
  • Talia's room, when we reach it and I actually take the time to observe it, is decorated in varying shades of pastel blue, more or less coordinating the curtains and the bed sheets.
  • Hence statements vary insomuch as the clips themselves vary.
  • In ‘Amphibians,’ the tortoises arranged around the shell-like form vary in size gradually.
  • Early settlement discounts will vary from one supplier to another, but you can usually expect to obtain a maximum of 5 per cent off the total purchasing price.
  • Over the years, charted by his self-portraits, Rembrandt evokes varying aspects of character and the process of ageing itself.
  • Her poetic styles vary from haiku to streetwise dramatic monologue, using the conventions of ‘standard’ English, as well as the defiance of Ebonics.
  • Whether you have 1 or 10 pounds to lose, vary your intensity daily to avoid burnout and overfatigue.
  • Again, is it true that the fixed or the unvarying is the last revelation of science? The Secret Beyond Science
  • Salary scales vary between states/from state to state/according to state/with each state.
  • People vary tremendously in their individual dietary requirements.
  • Squamous cell carcinoma lesions vary in appearance and usually appear as dull, red lesions with scaling and induration.
  • The cases of the nouns do not vary in form, adjectives are seldom inflected, and only two tenses of the verbs remain, the present and the perfect, e.g., ich geh and ich bin gange. Chapter 2. Non-English Dialects in America. 1. German
  • It said the flood walls and embankments being proposed would vary in height between one and 1.8 metres and protect most of the village, including the A166, against a one in 100-year flooding event.
  • Vary the story to take in the white collar worker, the ice man let out with the coming of the frigidaire, the clerk displaced for the young graduate, vary it to include, if you will, the "chiseller" and the exploiter, but remembering that suffering, need, idleness and despair play their own part in turning the man who cannot work into the man who will not work. Canada's Problems in Relief and Assistance
  • The differences are small, varying between 32,000 jobs a year being the lowest estimate, to 38,000 being the highest estimate.
  • She waited to tell him of her decision until the main doors of the school opened, as if to greet them, and the girls streamed through in varying degrees of sullenness and exultation and prettiness and slouching disarray.
  • Over the past number of years the parade has been of mixed quality with varying degrees of participation from all sectors.
  • Stopping distances for cars vary with the speed they are travelling at.
  • The adult ovary may present marked deviations from its typical form, sometimes being unusually long, spheroidal, flattened, triangular, crescentric, or otherwise irregular.
  • None the less the Bristol computer managed to simulate different effects of varying wrist torques.
  • The bands - flat and wide or thin and round, with varying degrees of resistance - can be knotted and looped around furniture.
  • The ratio of dependent clauses to sentences will vary from writer to writer. A Short Guide to Writing About History
  • First, we have in the bottom from which the mere structure of an ovary is deduced, the normal dicarpellary structure, and there is in addition a tendency in excess toward a parietal placentation. Journals of Travels in Assam, Burma, Bhootan, Afghanistan and the Neighbouring Countries
  • The expenses you claim can vary enormously, depending on travel distances involved.
  • Treatment may vary from rest and splints for acutely inflamed joints, to medications that can reduce inflammation.
  • From time to time the pace of change will vary. Times, Sunday Times
  • The law is this: The creedalism and immoderateness of Socialism, other things being equal, vary inversely with its age and responsibility. Socialism As It Is A Survey of The World-Wide Revolutionary Movement
  • It allows horses to work at varying speeds, from trot to canter on an all-weather track. Times, Sunday Times
  • The amethyst is a brilliant transparent stone of a purple colour resembling that of diluted wine and varying in shade from the violet purple to rose. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 14: Simony-Tournon
  • Indeed, one fashion stylist friend tells me that she likes to vary her phone cases according to the colour and style of her manicure. Times, Sunday Times
  • Symptoms include near vision image blur, abnormal color perception, monocular diplopia, glare, and impaired visual acuity, and may vary depending on location of the cataract.
  • Besides, a later age is accustomed to having actors vary their birth name somewhat.
  • This was caused by clashes between partners with varying standards of cleanliness. Times, Sunday Times
  • Reference checks vary in nature according to the kinds of questions asked and the persons to whom they are directed. Human Resource Management in Government
  • The lower limits of normal for serum uric acid are arbitrarily defined and may vary from one lab to another.
  • Dancers may want to vary their physical experience in order to prevent overuse injuries such as tendinitis.
  • The quartzite shows granoblastic and blastopsammitic texture, with grain sizes varying from coarse sand to very fine pebble and with minor microcrystals of sericite, fuchsite, andalusite and iron oxide, besides detrital tourmaline, rutile, and zircon." link Archive 2008-03-01
  • Some of these songs have a varying beat and indications of some intelligent musicianship, not like the penetrating bass that thunders out from cars and flats wherever you go.
  • Rooms vary in size and come equipped with hairdryers, television and telephone.
  • While Buddhism is deemed nontheistic, the Vedas are regarded as polytheistic, and the Bible is monotheistic, we have seen that the cosmogonies of Vajrayana Buddhism, Vedanta, and Neoplatonic Christianity have so much in common that they could almost be regarded as varying interpretations of a single theory. C for Confusion!
  • The costs can vary depending on how many times your portfolio is adjusted and its size. Times, Sunday Times
  • However, though intuitions can vary here, there is a powerful case for answering ‘No’.
  • These devices can vary enormously in nature and scope: from the overall presentation of narrative structure down to linguistic play.
  • Unconformities vary in type from disconformities related to subaerial exposure to stratigraphic gaps of variable extent and their correlative paraconformities, followed by deepening surfaces.
  • The importance of being an Olympian will vary from athlete to athlete.
  • He was short for a Tran, almost Ethan's size, and wore a strange coat of archil and argent done in diamond patterns, the diamond shapes varying in size. Mission to Moulokin
  • The land- or cityscapes in the blown-up photos introduce varying degrees of spatial recession, the depth depending on the scenes.
  • Zionist program and pay the annual contribution, known as a shekel, varying from 15 cents to 25 cents in different countries. The Menorah Journal, Volume 1, 1915
  • Lastly, there has to be some recognition that the ‘laws of nature’ are unvarying and not subject to the whims and fancies of the gods or of other supernatural entities.
  • In terms of the analysis of the previous section, the imperfect industry shares become free to vary.
  • If that doesn't cause the ovary to die, it can be untwisted surgically to save the organ.
  • The actual vegetation may not be identical owing to varying local conditions but there is sufficient affinity to make correlations reasonably certain.
  • Carapace width does not vary within a molt and is proportional to the length of the males' raptorial forelimbs, which they use in attacking other males.
  • The textures of thunder eggs can vary from distinctly radiating fibrous textures to cryptocrystalline aggregates that preserve the structure of the original rhyolite.
  • The burial history of the sediments can be ascertained by the study of their varying thickness; and the petrography of the sediments reveals their diagenetic history and the movement of meteoric and pore waters through the basin.
  • Sea temperatures are measured in a variety of ways and to varying degrees of accuracy.
  • The disc is subjected to varying mechanical forces at all times.
  • Prof. of Zoology: Kiss is the interchange of unisexual salivary bacteria.
  • According to Martin, daily technical trainer contract rates vary depending on individual areas of specialisation.
  • Then you can vary it with cocoa or nutmeg or cinammon. Make Your Own Mix For Inexpensive Flavoured Coffee | Lifehacker Australia
  • These vary in tightness: some are hairpin turns, while others swoop down the mountain and are faster. Times, Sunday Times
  • A 62-year-old white woman underwent right ovary resection that had a pathologic diagnosis of struma ovarii.
  • His experiments with rockets led him to conclude that when approaching supersonic speeds aerodynamic forces vary as the velocity cubed rather then squared, which was the operative rule at slower speeds.
  • A savings plan that gives you the option to vary your monthly payments.
  • And each, to varying degrees, is a stereotype.
  • _drops of water_ -- colours vary with size of drops, the smaller the drop the lighter the colours and nearer to the violet end of the spectrum -- hence white rainbow as seen on the Barrier, very small drops. Scott's Last Expedition Volume I
  • Nurse practitioners practice in a variety of settings, ranging from intensive care units to ambulatory care units, with varying degrees of acuity.
  • As with any postponement, opinions vary as to whether or not the game could have gone ahead.
  • The notion of relative autonomy raises the question of the limits within which the state's autonomy may vary.
  • He got the eggs from bits of ovary that had been removed from women undergoing hysterectomies.
  • Test scores vary from school to school .
  • Pathfinder_ and T.oreau; the scent of the soil, once again, in rain and in shine, is it not conveyed to us with an astonishing distinctness, that is the product of a literary endowment of the rarest order, by such writers as Izaak Walton and Robert Burns, and among recent writers in varying degrees by Richard Jefferies and by Barnes, by T. E. Isopel Berners The History of certain doings in a Staffordshire Dingle, July, 1825
  • It contains a fluorescent tube and can be set at different angles and at varying distances from the working surface.
  • Each day, they consumed varying doses of curcumin-containing extracts. The Scientist
  • The method used will vary with the soil texture and climate.
  • The quartzite shows granoblastic and blastopsammitic texture, with grain sizes varying from coarse sand to very fine pebble and with minor microcrystals of sericite, fuchsite, andalusite and iron oxide, besides detrital tourmaline, rutile, and zircon." link Archive 2008-03-01
  • They sit precariously on top of one another on a square of unpainted plywood around which are scattered little metal balls of varying sizes.
  • Just as we all vary in height and body habitus, everyone has their own personal maximum heart rate genetically ‘hardwired’.
  • The time-varying and incommutable character of the coefficient matrix of periodically time-varying linear systems are the bottleneck of the design for high precision direct integration methods.
  • These vary in width from a few millimetres to a few hundred metres.
  • Understanding of religious freedom may vary from one social system to another.
  • Mesons are sensitive to the strong force, have integral spin, and vary widely in mass.
  • The precise authority and structure of an audit committee will vary depending on the company's circumstances.
  • Teaching methodologies vary according to the topic.
  • M. Bernard, who is well known as a physiologist and anatomist, after a careful study of the salivary glands, finds that each of the three, common to nearly all animals, furnishes a different secretion. Chambers's Edinburgh Journal, No. 452 Volume 18, New Series, August 28, 1852
  • Besides losing both world wars in spectacular fashion, near total destruction in the thirty years war, being Napoleons personal chess board, and spending half of this past century partitioned and garrisoned by the competing superpowers, Germany has spent most of its history as a collection of small principalities under varying degrees of rule by Hapsburgs. Matthew Yglesias » 18th Century Polish Strategic Dilemmas
  • Commercial thromboplastins vary widely in their sensitivities to warfarin.
  • A passel of kids of varying ages, the cousins love playing baseball in the front yard, romping on the beach just two blocks away, or exploring what's left of the Fort Tilden gun emplacements that overlook the Atlantic Ocean.
  • The metacentric height can be selectively varied by varying the relationship of center of gravity to that of the dipole mass system with respect to the metacenter of the gravity gradiometer.
  • As for the Last Supper, some of us see no reason for Jesus eating the paschal lamb because HE WAS THEPASCHAL LAMB - soon to be slaughtered on the hill of Calvary. by The Ecological Impacts of Animal Agriculture
  • The varying reactions to the women's health initiative findings can be viewed in many lights.
  • When any anovulatory state exists for any period of time, the ‘polycystic ovary’ emerges.
  • First, we have in the bottom from which the mere structure of an ovary is deduced, the normal dicarpellary structure, and there is in addition a tendency in excess toward a parietal placentation. Journals of Travels in Assam, Burma, Bhootan, Afghanistan and the Neighbouring Countries
  • Asthma symptoms vary widely and may mimic other childhood diseases.
  • Unilateral ovariectomy in rabbits doubles the ovulation rate in the remaining ovary and the adjacent uterine horn is crowded with embryos.
  • Application forms vary greatly in layout and length.
  • Prices may vary so it's well worth shopping around before you buy.
  • Credit and debit cards provide varying degrees of protection against fraud.
  • We assayed in vitro survival patterns in eight tumor cell lines that vary in cellular radiosensitivity and genotype. BioMed Central - Latest articles
  • Each case held a gem or jewelry of varying loveliness.
  • All plants display this ability to tolerate environmental stress to varying degrees.
  • In tissues that have rapidly varying energy requirements, such as muscles and neurons, phosphocreatine serves as a crucial source for high-energy phosphate groups.
  • Cards may vary from store to store. The Sun
  • Designed to bring women of varying skill levels together in the field, the Women on Target program has organized a variety of women-only hunts for 2002, including pursuing turkey, antelope, ducks, pheasants, chukars and whitetail deer.
  • Credit and debit cards provide varying degrees of protection against fraud.
  • The flowers are purplish-pink, with five petals, and the ovary usually has three styles.
  • Answer ithica model 37 featherlite depending on what guage can vary in price by condition gun blue book has the 16 g at 150 to 450 depending on condition. the ultra lite is the one that has increased in value due to the low production numbers word diamonds visualization words Bible www. Ithaca 37 value?
  • It is a reality, and the reason why you often find people saying "YMMV" (Your Milage May Vary). Discussion Forum - TuDiabetes
  • Prices vary according to the quantity ordered.
  • The orchestral textures vary subtly and the music is alive with incident-written and improvised.
  • There is often tinnitus at the same time, which can vary in severity.
  • Ovary inserted on an hypogynous disk, with 2 biovulate compartments. The Medicinal Plants of the Philippines
  • Does the label vary from the prescription or look different than what you expect? What’s in your medicine bottle? Your prescription may not be what the doctor ordered!
  • The wind turbine drives the pump at varying speeds, pumping more in high winds than in low winds.
  • Excuses vary from difficulties in obtaining payment to the daunting prospect of completing export documentation.
  • The houses vary in size, with a choice of one to four bedrooms, sleeping up to eight.
  • Estimates of the amount of money saved by the taxpayer over the five-year period vary widely.
  • Imperialism is a term often used as a rhetorical flourish and definitions vary especially in academic discourse and social discussion tracts.
  • Turning dreams into reality is something all entrepreneurs attempt to do with varying degrees of success. Times, Sunday Times
  • As a result, the species that most frequently depredate nests vary among studies.
  • Now pubs stock a wide range of soft drinks varying from the traditional fizzy drinks to exotic fruit juices like cranberry, mango and passion-fruit.
  • Seen nearer at hand, the dun-coloured desert resolved itself into uncountable pimpling clay and mud-heaps, of divers shade and varying sizes: some consisted of but a few bucketfuls of mullock, others were taller than the tallest man. Australia Felix
  • The crystal is actually a mixture of carnallite and salt with the proportions varying according to evaporation conditions and the stage of the evaporation process.
  • UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We found varying levels of nicotine, carcinogens, which are cancer-causing chemicals, and even a poison, and it's ethylene glycol, which is found in antifreeze. CNN Transcript Jul 23, 2009
  • By varying the angle of reflected light, an illusion is created that the ocellar scales are intermittently emitting light, thus providing an explanation of Sanderson’s original account of the lizard 'switch [ing] on its portholes.' Archive 2006-11-01
  • The GI values of potatoes vary according to the structure of their starch grains. Times, Sunday Times
  • Playing with the dreidel is a traditional Hanukkah game played in Jewish homes all over the world, and rules may vary. Librarians' Internet Index: New This Week
  • Although there are other genistas suitable for the rock garden, the species vary in hardiness and habit.
  • If the oligopolistic competition has power-law falloff and there is increased local competition among agents, then the model has a rich phase diagram with an antiferromagnetic checkerboard state, striped states and maze-like states with varying widths, and finally a paramagnetic state. Strange Science
  • Tims as to the male organs, the filaments are the fpermatic veffels, the anthera the tefticles, and the duft of the anthera correfponds to the fperm and feminal animalcules; and as to the female, the ftigma is the internal part of the female organ which receives the duft, the ftyle anfwers to the vagina, the germ to the ovarv, and the perlcarpium, or fecundated ovary, to the womb. A treatise on the culture of the cucumber; shewing a new and advantageous method of cultivating that plant, with full directions for the management thereof, and the degree of heat it requires on every day of the year; and a meteorological journal of the w
  • Our brain sends out chemical messages to our ovaries, which in turn produce estrogen and progesterone on a fluctuating basis—estrogen governs the first half of the cycle, and then, after an egg has ripened and pushed its way out of the ovary in the process known as ovulation, progesterone governs the second half. Healing the Female Heart
  • Scattered between the sleeping cats were several cubs of varying ages and both sexes from small unweaned kittens to half-grown yearlings.
  • Even among red wines the concentration of resveratrol can vary by more than an order of magnitude.
  • The impact of the work is enhanced by its unvarying cogency spiced with wit.
  • Symptoms vary with the species, age of plants when infected, and the climate, but usually include chlorotic striping of the leaves and leaf sheaths, stunting, excessive tillering, and deformities of the ears and tassels. Chapter 10
  • A handful of other paintings and monotypes were on hand, but their greater sizes and varying approaches seemed to dilute the exhibition.
  • This is very flexible and would allow him to vary contributions or put in lump sums. Times, Sunday Times
  • The output from a single handset can vary enormously, ranging from a minimum of two milliwatts to a maximum of about a watt, depending on whether the phone is in use and how good the signal is.
  • Recovery in Europe poses a dilemma zz Varying pace mars progress By Emma Ross-Thomas and Gabi Thesing by Aoife White The Associated PressUpdated: 09/14/2009 07: 17: 53 AM PDT European Union Commissioner for Economic and Monetary Affairs Joaquin Almunia speaks during a media conference at EU headquarters in ... - Business News
  • Quantities will vary according to how many servings of soup you want to prepare.
  • The tracking filter incorporating the radial velocity and varying sampling interval concept should have a practical application in engineering.
  • The availability of good medical care tends to vary inversely with the need for it.
  • An ACOG expert committee said that although many people engage in noncoital sexual activities, such as oral sex, mutual masturbation and anal sex, in an attempt to prevent pregnancy and reduce the risk of STIs, these sex acts still come with varying degrees of STI risk, and it is important for people to protect themselves. Study Reveals Other Sexual Activities That Promote Spread Of HIV, STIs
  • Films also vary according to their ISO number or film speed: their sensitivity to light.
  • For example, pilot whales had smaller group sizes when they fed more on mesopelagic fish and less on mesopelagic cephalopods, and common dolphins had larger groups if they fed on varying types of fish.
  • Her remains were interred in the family burial ground in Calvary Cemetery.
  • Prices may vary so it's well worth shopping around before you buy.
  • The flowers are variable in color, and produced in loose clusters; the seeds are produced in long, flattened, or cylindrical, bivalved pods, and vary, in The Field and Garden Vegetables of America Containing Full Descriptions of Nearly Eleven Hundred Species and Varietes; With Directions for Propagation, Culture and Use.
  • Moreover, it has been observed that within this group the diameter of such perforations on the inner wall vary amongst species, thus allowing for the distinction of three separate subgroups.
  • But the clashes between mutants of varying capabilities make for excellent fight scenes, the climactic one occurring, both photogenically and symbolically, atop the Statue of Liberty.
  • Depending on the histologic type and tumor grade, the morbidity and mortality can vary greatly.
  • They consist of particulate rocks that vary in size from sand to pebbles and cobbles.
  • The two middle feathers of the tail have no webs, except a very small one at the base and at the extreme tip, forming wire-like cirrhi, which spread out in an elegant double curve, and vary from twenty-four to thirty-four inches long. The Malay Archipelago
  • All aluminum has an oxide of some varying thickness. Anodizing is a very heavy controlled oxide.
  • Late-period circles are generally small rings of varying shapes and sizes although ovals predominate.
  • The notion of relative autonomy raises the question of the limits within which the state's autonomy may vary.
  • While students experience Dutch society's acceptance of varying sexualities, they also find out that the Netherlands is not always the tolerant Utopia it is perceived by many to be.
  • It was proved by Oppolzer [1286] that if the comet of 1843 had entered our system from stellar space with parabolic velocity it would, by the action of a medium such as Encke postulated (varying in density inversely as the square of the distance from the sun), have been brought down, by its first perihelion passage, to elliptic movement in a period of twenty-four years, with such rapid diminution that its next return would be in about ten. A Popular History of Astronomy During the Nineteenth Century Fourth Edition
  • York Racecourse has applied to vary its alcohol licence, which will allow drinks to be sold and consumed on the new lawn.
  • It is likely that future recommendations on mode of delivery will vary depending on the patient's viral load and prior antiretroviral therapy.
  • It copes well with varying road surfaces, making it equally suitable for city jaunts or cross-country drives.
  • One process is the coordination of the ovary and hepatopancreas in their capacity for yolk protein production.
  • Account holders vary as well, from individuals through to multinational enterprises and governments.
  • According to the unvarying schedule of my life, the first weekend in May means I'm the master of ceremonies for the Minnesota Youth Symphonies concert at Orchestra Hall.
  • Site-specific increases were noted for cancers of the breast, stomach, lung/larynx, and ovary.
  • The first time I hang out with this girl she's having shots of soy sauce to stimulate her salivary glands so her cheeks swell and spit shoots out of her mouth.
  • Alpha-amylase is secreted into saliva by the parotid gland, the largest of the salivary glands. NIH Finds Stress May Delay Women Getting Pregnant
  • Above it - the phone-photo's mate - is a photograph that, with varying degrees of literalism, illustrates the borrowed tale's theme.
  • In the absence of a polymer cushion, the aqueous film thickness was found to vary between a few angstroms and more than 4 nm.
  • According to the manufacturer, the device helps to prevent repetitive strain injuries by varying work positions and reducing the load on wrists.
  • Several persons do try out hypnosis and speech therapy with varying degree of success but there hasn't been a clinching cure.
  • However, the courts can insist that payments vary over time as circumstances change.
  • All hair contains a mixture in varying concentration of both black-brown eumelanin and red-yellow phaeomelanin pigments, which are susceptible to differential chemical change under certain extreme burial conditions (for example wet reducing conditions, or dry oxidising conditions). Interactive Dig Hierakonpolis - Archaeological Hair
  • All follow a similar pattern, juxtaposing ‘free’ sections - in rhythms derived from operatic recitative that recurrently explode into whirligig scales and arpeggios - with fugato sections of varying degrees of formal rigidity.
  • How one deals with, and reacts to, personal tragedies will vary from person to person. Times, Sunday Times
  • Quantitatively, though, the vast majority of cases involve the interpretation of ordinary laws, many of them dauntingly convoluted, many others festooned with decades of glosses by judges of varying perceptiveness writing opinions of varying clarity. Current Affairs
  • In the liver, varying degrees of centrilobular necrosis and steatosis and a mild portal inflammatory infiltrate were seen in the SARS patients.
  • Just before curtain-up on the first night, with 2,000 people awaiting the start of the show in a specially erected auditorium in the Museum Gardens, Herod, a humorous head of English at a private school, said, "I might vary a bit from the script but let's just play it by ear and have fun, eh? The Independent - Frontpage RSS Feed
  • The long-term goal is to have a body of approximately 70 researchers with various degrees of affiliation to Perimeter working for terms of varying lengths.
  • Teams from the north traditionally have stronger forwards due to the way they play the game for various reasons! also Union forwards are built to accutally push in srums unlike your paramatta eels. varying refs interiptations of the srum laws dont help either Ireland played very well. and with like of sean o'brien in there side I am not surprised they gave the wallabies what for! | Top Stories
  • There will also be a bike park with tracks of varying difficulty, and a bungee trampoline to bounce you high into the air. Times, Sunday Times
  • This fine white powder called “flour” is, in fact, the ground endosperm, which is about 67 percent carbohydrate, 9 percent to 14 percent protein, and the rest water The amount of protein in flour can vary according to what kind of wheat is used. THE TANTE MARIE’S COOKING SCHOOL COOKBOOK
  • New York's Gay Activists Alliance, dedicated to nonviolent protest, has provided youthful leadership for homophiles of varying ideological persuasions.
  • Absolute majority oocytes consist in mammalian ovary in preantral follicles , antral follicles a small portion.
  • The administration of antihypertensive and anticholinergic medications also impairs salivary functions and promotes xerostomia.
  • Although individuals vary widely, the bones of the average female skeleton are smaller and lighter than the male.
  • The structural demands of the proposed surgery vary according to the specific type of synostosis. The Beauty of Love
  • Developments vary from apartment blocks and hotels to modern luxury complexes with swimming pools, solariums, restaurants and a host of other facilities.

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