How To Use Varied In A Sentence

  • His life was one of varied and significant achievements - an advocate at the Scottish bar, a sound if impatient and pugnacious judge of the Court of Session, and a politically active Whig.
  • The Irish actor was as famous for his varied movie roles as his drinking and womanising.
  • With a wide and varied selection of events, displays and performances, the festival captures the spirit of Yeats's works and the imagination of Sligo audiences.
  • Since the takeover bid started the loss on any given day has varied from close to €1 to €1.30.
  • The contrast or brightness of the image can be varied to emphasise areas or tissues of interest. Times, Sunday Times
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  • However, there is a potential for increased tourism because of the natural beauty and varied topography and because the country is unspoiled and inexpensive.
  • Masked, they were dynamic, varied, and hilarious, so that their masks actually seemed to become their faces, despite their grotesqueness; unmasked, they were slow, hesitant, and awkward, as if ashamed of the material.
  • Her longings grew more varied and virulent with each passing year: raw pig meat, Hawaiian pineapples infeasible to procure in revolutionary Cuba, chewing tobacco, cockscomb stew. The Lady Matador’s Hotel
  • The recipe for theriac varied but usually included vipers' flesh, parts of lizards, honey, plants, and herbs or spices (even ginger, cinnamon, and myrrh).
  • The artistic elements are rich and varied, reflecting changing aesthetics as well as technological advances.
  • Many people with varied expertise could be invited to discuss the issue. Christianity Today
  • They were not very varied in design and the emphasis was on good luck charms such as four-leaf clovers, horseshoes and wishbones, again set with tiny diamonds.
  • Linear perspective is not a major concern for these painters, but the some paintings do achieve a sense of aerial depth through the mixture of brush strokes and the varied diluteness of ink. Stories from The Sun
  • These days, the rasher is spreading beyond the borders of breakfast and into dishes as varied as bacon martinis and bacon ice cream. Friday Open Thread (Blog for Democracy)
  • The effect of predator, parasitoid, insect pest and neutral insect groups in the arthropod community in the weed habitat on the corresponding groups in the paddy habitat were varied.
  • Detection rates and wet weight concentrations varied widely for organochlorine pesticides and PCB congeners.
  • Why is it so diverse, so varied in its character?
  • The contrast between runaways and filial daughters in family composition and financial conditions indicates a likelihood that the girls' motives for entering prostitution varied according to family conditions.
  • Indeed, it is the different styles and varied voices that are the strength of this book.
  • The saithe/pollock is an excellent food fish and, as with the cod and the haddock, processing methods are varied.
  • The entire sequence was like a well-practised ritual that never varied. LOST SUMMER
  • This reminds us how al-Qaida was always only one of scores of radical groups that together constituted the dynamic, varied and evolving phenomenon of Sunni Muslim violent extremism.
  • His tone tended to be hard and harsh and lacked the varied coloration of the bop innovator Charlie Parker.
  • No one came round the cells except to push dry bread and water through twice a day and even that varied.
  • The mineralization, consisting mainly of smithsonite (zinc carbonate), iron oxides and galena varied in true width from 2 to 5 metres. Marketwire - Breaking News Releases
  • Because of their varied backgrounds, these teachers and professionals often use different theoretical and applied didactic and pedagogic practices.
  • No Arab state wanted to naturalise the newcomers, but their level of rights has varied from place to place.
  • At different slope direction and slope position the total monoterpene contents were also varied, on the top and shade slope were highest and in the middle and sunny slope were lowest.
  • We need an online forum where young men with varied interests and different backgrounds can discuss and learn from each other's lives.
  • As Woods and other image-conscious corporate pinups fade from the leaderboards, a more varied and relaxed cast of characters has been winning tournaments. Golf's Yearlong Happy Hour
  • Over the same period, the number of similarly offending innkeepers who were amerced the higher sum of 3s. 4d. varied between eight in 1631 and 1637 and four in 1632 and every year between 1639 and 1642. Wrong Side of the River: London's disreputable South Bank in the sixteenth and seventeenth century. Jessica A. Browner
  • They gain wide experience of different types of hardware and many varied programming languages.
  • A varied assemblage of birds was probing the mud for food.
  • A varied subgroup of purple stripe, this type also has characteristics of both rocambole and porcelain types and is possibly the garlic from which rocambole evolved.
  • And a varied collection of sofas and chairs is infinitely more interesting than matching sets. Times, Sunday Times
  • But angiosperm life forms and niches are so varied, with much of their organismic machinery being cells where size matters, that a vast spectrum of cell-size has been favoured by selection.
  • The café is smart and clean with a varied range of dishes suitable for vegetarians. Sarah Brown's Vegetarian London
  • For convenience, we consider only the case of two alleles at each of the three loci and the notation in this case is varied to reduce the superscripts and subscripts.
  • He rallied an amazingly varied collection of personalities to his cause in the last month, ranging from hard-faced businessmen to radical artists and intellectuals.
  • It is not a totally unprincipled choice since the degree of foreseeability required may be varied with the kind and extent of the damage, and the nature of the relationship between the parties.
  • If Billie Holiday tends to root us to one spot, (the place from which her painful joy issues forth into the world), Yannatou carries us on a voyage into different musical dialects with varied textures and inscapes.
  • One explanation for these differences is confounding by poorly measured or unmeasured risk factors that varied between communities.
  • The metacentric height can be selectively varied by varying the relationship of center of gravity to that of the dipole mass system with respect to the metacenter of the gravity gradiometer.
  • They admired the varied vistas of the narrow, crooked streets, and noticed how convenient it was to have shops and residences and even small factories mixed up together.
  • The use of layered hand-made paper of different quality gives varied texture to the painting.
  • Contestants come from all over the country, from many and varied backgrounds.
  • People move around, gain more varied and different experience and bring a larger range of skills to a job. Times, Sunday Times
  • As The New York Timesnotes, Gingrich's go-slow approach gives him time to wrap up scheduled paid speeches and extract himself from his varied business interests before launching a campaign. Newt Gingrich starts testing waters for White House bid
  • The dim sum was contained in small bamboo food steamers, tiny but delightful, so that you could order varied dishes.
  • Menado, and stayed a month in the town in a small house which I hired for the sake of assorting and packing up a large and varied collection which I had brought with me from North Celebes, Ternate, and Gilolo. The Malay Archipelago
  • The proportion of bromine to other chemically similar elements, like chlorine, varied by a factor of 10 from place to place.
  • The actual privilege and social status of members of the retainer class varied considerably. Macrosociology: An Introduction to Human Societies
  • The Castle Gallery in Castle St. has an interesting and varied selection of exhibits in a wide range of media formats and concentrates solely on artists resident in the north-west.
  • Varied mythical figures have been conjured up as saviours of a people in decline or bondage.
  • Molluscs Molluscs belong to the largest phylum in the animal kingdom and are a very varied group of animals.
  • These unstable phenotypes that varied between siblings included widely variable flower morphology, stem fasciation, variation in rosette leaves, and anthocyanin variegation of the stem.
  • Although the external decoration varied from garland to garland, similarities did exist consisting of ‘printed paper rosettes, cockades, and silk hangings’.
  • Opener Derrick Hodge is best known as a bassist who's supported artists as varied as Terence Blanchard, Common, Mulgrew Miller and Kanye West. Brooders, Crooners and Belters
  • Or, perchance, mystery and importance have been found, during his long and varied experience with the unsophisticated tourist, excellent things to increase the volume of importance attached to the exhibited articles, and the volume of "pice" in his exchequer. Around the World on a Bicycle - Volume II From Teheran To Yokohama
  • The coble, so called because it was clinker-built in the manner of a Scotch fishing dinghy, very flat-bottomed, glided across the reef without grazing itself and stroked the mere 150 yards across the lagoon to the straight beach, where some of the surviving members of the community stood waiting: six women, one—the oldest—big with child, and five men whose ages, if their faces reflected their years, varied between shaveling young and grizzled old. Morgan’s Run
  • In the phase processing circuit 200, a phaser 214 varies the phase of the signal in accordance with its frequency, and a phase inverter 218 inverts the phase of the phase-varied signal by 90°.
  • Conditions varied from steady 10-12 knot south-westerlies to almost dead calm, interspersed with vicious rain-squalls out of the south - typical Monsoon weather in the northern Gulf at this time of the year.
  • The school offers an exciting and varied programme of social events.
  • The sources of these recessions varied, but all were mercifully brief, thanks in some measure to government policy.
  • His material is leather, and his specialty is fitting a saddle to the infinitely varied human pelvis.
  • Influenced by such varied traditions as Japanese manga, anime, and classical nihonga painting and Western Pop art, The Photoshop Blog
  • The picture which emerges is that there was no formal procedure for dealing with blockages, practices varied.
  • A very moderate pacifism was, in fact, the common denominator of the demonstrators and the varied organisations.
  • Over the centuries the techniques of making all forms of metal ware: pewter, copper, brass and bronze, iron and steel, have varied.
  • Styles as varied as Pop art, minimalism and even performance art embrace the still life style.
  • This thumb claw varied in size, shape and orientation among the sauropod groups: it was particularly big in diplodocoids, where it was also laterally compressed and notably deep, and clearly separated from the rest of the metacarpus. Archive 2006-04-01
  • Using an organized approach to the varied aspects of geriatric health, primary care physicians can improve the care that they provide for their older patients.
  • Since men from feudalistic societies tended to be unaccustomed to using their own initiative and there were political objections to giving them too much liberty, the success of these experiments varied considerably.
  • Using primarily wools and specialty yarns varied in texture and color, the couple creates fine-art wall hangings.
  • The reasons they invent businesses and make sacrifices are much more varied and complex. Times, Sunday Times
  • I love reading on websites, where else can you ingest all the varied means of visually conveying information simultaneously?
  • But there are no controls on charges and they can also be varied by the bank with immediate effect.
  • Consider him: at slow or fast-medium, his approach never varied; two short walking paces, six running strides and a four-foot leap.
  • I elegantly e-mailed the company, who sent back a ‘dear occupant’ type response assuring it's ‘aware of the varied taste preferences and dietary needs of our consumers,’ but not specifically addressing any point, plaint or plea.
  • Serious difficulties can arise when a contract is varied without proper consideration of the effect of the variation on the expert clause.
  • One of the book's most compelling sections weaves together the varied auction history of Claude Monet's "Le Pont du chemin de fer à Argenteuil," an exemplary Impressionist landscape. An Auction Life, Self-Appraised
  • Birds ordinarily mute are vociferous, and the rowdy ones -- the varied honey-eater as an example -- losing all control of their tongues, call and whistle in ecstasy. Confessions of a Beachcomber
  • Then the valley was filled with high-explosive shells, varied by occasional shrapnel. Times, Sunday Times
  • Live music thumps out of the bars and clubs, a music scene that has produced artists as varied as The Undertones and Dana.
  • This versatile book combines communicative activities with information on topics as varied as national customs, food, and the generation gap.
  • This paper puts forward General Scan-Line Polygon Fill Algorithm. This algorithm can use scan-lines of varied interval and varied slope to fill a polygon.
  • In addition, most Rangers had one or more single-shot flintlock pistols of varied design and manufacture.
  • In the quarter century since that evening of enlightenment, what Russell, one of the most popular and affable members of the professional fraternity, has done with his life has varied.
  • While going through such varied sources, it is a great joy when one finds an autobiography or a biography or an unpublished piece of writing.
  • a varied class of thoughts, active, although repressed as out of harmony with the selected life of consciousness; layer after layer, new sets of motives underlying motives were laid bare, and each patient's interest was strongly enlisted in the task of learning to know himself in order more truly and wisely to "sublimate" himself. Three Contributions to the Theory of Sex
  • The character of these nationalist movements varied widely in terms of local conditions.
  • In general, vocalizations are varied and include: trumpeting, whistles, twitters, honks, barks, grunts, quacks, croaks and growls.
  • Vía: Elevator Floor Illusion – Hemmy. net, A source of varied interests – Escrito en General/Varios by Shoking [...] dr. udo z Says: Cardiff Bay Illusion
  • As regards weapon effects, they are distinct and varied, with each individual pistol, shotgun and automatic rifle having its own recognizable report.
  • In practice, what counted as an emergency was left up to local officials of the TGWU to determine, and practice across the country varied according to the views of the local shop stewards who established 'Dispensation committees' to decide. 'Life on Mars' for real
  • The terrain is very varied from the great expanse of Dartmoor to the gentler stretch of Exmoor.
  • He also showed that the toxin-antitoxin reaction is, as chemical reactions are, accelerated by heat and retarded by cold and that the content of antitoxin in antitoxic sera varied so much for various reasons that it was necessary to establish a standard by which their antitoxin content could be exactly measured. Paul Ehrlich - Biography
  • Distinctive and varied, it has a broad form known as joual.
  • Hurtling through the air, it seemed, with a sense of fierce speed, the varied clangors of the train, the ringing of the rails, the frequent hoarse blasts of the whistle, the jangling of the metallic fixtures, the jarring of the window-panes, all were keenly differentiated by her exacerbated and sensitive perceptions, and each had its own peculiar irritation. The Ordeal A Mountain Romance of Tennessee
  • A condition for the varied and rich use of book content is therefore a separation of the semantic content structure of the book from formatting information for typography and layout.
  • In royal households where a whole retinue of courtiers was employed, more and more varied dishes in total, and dishes of higher status, were offered to those of higher rank and standing in the household.
  • Varied with a few whitish cross bands; last series of scales and beneath whitish ventral shield black in front; subcaudal plates, one-rowed; throat scaly; chin shields two pairs; eyes lateral, pupil round; front pair of frontal plates short; nostrils lateral, in two small shields, loreal shields none; one large anterior, and two moderate posterior ocular shields; lower temporal shield in the labial ones. Journals of Two Expeditions of Discovery in North-West and Western Australia, Volume 2
  • The answers varied from about a tenth of a large page to a thin line three inches long. Times, Sunday Times
  • The window size is varied from a minimum of 5 bp up to half the sequence length.
  • Fabrics varied, and included calendared or glazed fabrics of wool, plain or floral printed calicos and muslins, and glazed chintz monochrome or polychrome prints.
  • Serious difficulties can arise when a contract is varied without proper consideration of the effect of the variation on the expert clause.
  • While delivery of immunology courses varied, almost 70% of all programs offered a combination course including both serology and principles of immunology.
  • Estimates of his own financial losses varied, but the three-crew vessel often carried just a few sacks of coal to remote locations on a daily basis.
  • The theme, an eight-bar structure of stentorian semibreve piano chords, receives six doggedly unvaried statements.
  • Sweet fillings can be equally varied and may include apples, plums, cherries, pumpkin, bilberries, walnuts, poppyseed, or millet.
  • Worn out after a day of breakout sessions and adventure excursions, which include mountain biking, horseback riding, and sea kayaking, conferees can retire to the spa to partake of a varied menu of massage therapies.
  • The teacher placement organiser has a varied role within the partnership.
  • Here, under labyrinthine covered arches, one can buy items as varied as ceramics, carpets, silver, brass, miniatures, tiles, saffron, pistachio nuts and henna.
  • The rural imagery is varied: the rising sap, meadows, individual plants, birds, a bedewed rose among its thorns, storm, flood, and fair weather.
  • The weapons of the natives are simple and rudimental in character, but varied in their kind and make, according to the purposes for which they may be required, or the local circumstances of the district in which they are used. An account of the manners and customs of the Aborigines and the state of their relations with Europeans, by Edward John Eyre
  • I’d add support for a Jewish cultural, religious, academic, and educational reneaissance: supported as central to the idea of what it means to be a people with a faith and a homeland, and enacted in a pluralistic way that encourages the development of new and varied forms of Jewish-&/Israeli civilization, without being ignorant of its histories. Towards a New Pro-Israel Left | Jewschool
  • The bipartisan grumbling varied: Some Democrats griped that the Jewish New Year took up otherwise prolific fundraising days in September, and one Republican operative complained that Hurricane Irene slowed down fundraising in August. HUFFPOST HILL - Tricorne Hat-less Grassroots Movement Growing On Wall Street
  • The standing sward of rye, clovers, and fescues is increasingly varied with herbs like dock and comfrey, which help pull nutrients up from the subsoil.
  • Such variation in the transition temperatures allows the salient energy scales for antiferromagnetic order and superconductivity to be varied over a wide range and examined in two very different limits.
  • The programme itself is very varied with theatrical performances, classical concerts, lectures, workshops, masterclasses and opera.
  • Their varied and imaginative tactics grew out of a strong collective identity developed in the face of the hostility they encountered from management.
  • The silver coin assayed by Sir Isaac Newton, varied from 1 1/2 to 76 pennyweights alloy, in the pound troy of mixed metal. Memoir Correspondence And Miscellanies
  • He varied his point of delivery and had deceptive changes of pace. Times, Sunday Times
  • Home decorating and colour scheming advertorials might be offered by paint and wallpaper companies; indeed the opportunities are many and varied.
  • The average length of a turnpike road was 30 miles, and the number of trustees varied from 15 to 237.
  • And a varied collection of sofas and chairs is infinitely more interesting than matching sets. Times, Sunday Times
  • In Brazil I have often admired the contrast of varied beauty in the banana, palm, and orange tree; here we have in addition the breadfruit tree, conspicuous from its large, glossy, and deeply digitated leaf. The Beauties of Nature and the Wonders of the World We Live In
  • The pianist gave a long and varied recital, with a couple of encores for good measure.
  • Another favorite shrub, a spirea called ‘Bridal Wreath’ or ‘Shoe Button’ plant, has a completely different appeal, providing varied styles of attractiveness throughout most of the year.
  • her quickly varied answers indicated uncertainty
  • In a miscellaneous company, Mrs. Pryor rarely opened her lips; or, if obliged to speak, she spoke under restraint, and consequently not well; in dialogue, she was a good converser: her language, always a little formal, was well chosen; her sentiments were just; her information was varied and correct. Shirley, by Charlotte Bronte
  • The selection is nicely varied but there is no historical through-line, and the treatment of individual authors is simplistic. The Times Literary Supplement
  • Paddle power-ups are just as varied: for example, one basic improvement increases the width of the paddle, another spawns a second AI-powered paddle, and others will mount a cannon or ultrapowerful laser that can cut through an entire column of bricks. GameSpot's News, Screenshots, Movies, Reviews, Previews, Downloads, and Features
  • His varied acquaintance included Boswell, Bentham, Godwin, Paine, and Coleridge.
  • He had a varied and successful career in public health, where a particular interest was preventive medicine.
  • All of them have been so varied and each one is always totally different form the last.
  • Passive modes of defence are as many and varied as are the active; one of the strangest and most inexplicable of these is that known as spontaneous amputation, technically termed autotomy. The Human Side of Animals
  • Nevertheless, varied combinations of ancient philosophical essentialism and nineteenth-century scientific racialism linger to this day in American folk concepts of race.
  • The assemblies were held in cabinets with temperature control that varied by less than 0.5°C. Temperature was monitored continuously by thermistors placed, like seeds, on moist paper.
  • The programme has a wide and varied list of entertainment, indoor and outdoor over the eight days.
  • The weather varied from blowing snow to clear skies and ensured all skiers were put through their paces.
  • This conversation has the effect of reviving my old questions not about the war itself — of which I disapproved from the first day, and of which my analysis hasn't varied at all — but about these strange characters whom we in France stubbornly persist in demonizing ( "princes of darkness") or ridiculing with simplistic epithets ( "neo-cons," which can also mean, in French, "neo-dummies"), but who aren't quite as uni-dimensional as they may seem. In the Footsteps of Tocqueville (Part IV)
  • The refined and leisured lifestyle from the 1920s and 1930s can be relived when viewers appreciate the varied designs of their mandarin gowns and the way they made themselves up.
  • This graph shows how crime has varied in relationship to unemployment over the last 20 years.
  • Salaries of assistant managers also varied because of differences in duties and responsibilities.
  • The distance be-tween us varied as each ship dodged occasional coconut trees and tall bushes.
  • An attempt was made to determine if fluid transport varied between days 6 and 9.
  • But the destruction of silvan beauty is great when the breadth of the road is more than proportioned to the vale through which it runs, and lowers, of course, the consequence of any objects of wood or water, or broken and varied ground, which might otherwise attract notice and give pleasure. Chronicles of the Canongate
  • He skilfully dissects the complex and varied forms of the labour process during periods of transition.
  • Zalts was someone of varied interests and during the 1920s, not only did he publish on mechanical calculators, statistics and nomography (graphic representation of data), but he also published on folklore, education, and philosophy.
  • The Africans were not a homogeneous group either, but themselves varied in beliefs and in their roles in society. The Collins History of the World in the 20th Century
  • The powdery blue kingfisher has a more varied diet than the name suggests.
  • A breathtaking display of flowers in their varied forms and colours was a delightful treat for the visitors who thronged the YWCA grounds throughout the day.
  • She offered a more varied needlework curriculum of plain work, marking, openwork, and embroidery along with reading and writing.
  • In this way Avalon luthiers can harness the power and vibrancy of soundbox acoustic dynamics into an ensemble of resonant voices to give the player a rich, expressive and varied tone palette.
  • Over the centuries the techniques of making all forms of metal ware: pewter, copper, brass and bronze, iron and steel, have varied.
  • We're fortunate that MoMA was from the start collecting richly from this new and diverse generation, comprised as it is of imagists whom in being less dissident and cliched than their forerunners, show and explorative aptitude for the more nuanced and varied aspects of queer life. G. Roger Denson: MoMA and AA Bronson Present "Queer Cinema: Today and Yesterday"
  • But progress has varied dramatically, as various demographic surveys clearly indicate.
  • The local committees varied greatly in their composition and operating procedures, some of which were highly unusual.
  • Consider him: at slow or fast-medium, his approach never varied; two short walking paces, six running strides and a four-foot leap.
  • Children slept in dormitories, they ate together in silence, and they lived their days to a clockwork routine which never varied.
  • The array was as distinctive as varied - right from earthquake detectors, energy efficient stoves, to trenchers, water-harvesting machines, and corn-roasters.
  • This is a fabulous album. It's fresh, varied, fun.
  • An exciting and varied programme of forty-two special-interest holidays both overseas and within Britain has been designed exclusively for the National Trust.
  • The occurrence of torpor varied with both season and sex: it was observed only in breeding season birds, and only female todies became torpid.
  • The background of this group is varied and includes a number of health educators. An Introduction to Community Health
  • I 'm going to ask for a different kind of musicality than you may be used to," he told the group of about 20 students at varied levels. '
  • A legion varied in strength from four-thousand to six-thousand men, and was subdivided onto ten cohorts.
  • The reasons they invent businesses and make sacrifices are much more varied and complex. Times, Sunday Times
  • The contrast or brightness of the image can be varied to emphasise areas or tissues of interest. Times, Sunday Times
  • The album would have benefited from a more varied pace, which would have kept the faces of those twittering bird-like electronics seeming cute rather than overeager.
  • The speed of the craft varied, from a slow drift, to a speed so great that it is difficult to explain how this speed was achieved.
  • The magnitude of the associations between CSA and subsequent high-risk sexual behaviors in these studies varied from a twofold to a ninefold increase in risk.
  • The power of these technocracies has varied greatly.
  • The café is smart and clean with a varied range of dishes suitable for vegetarians. Sarah Brown's Vegetarian London
  • Taylor said the ship's draught varied between nine metres in the front and 12m at the stern.
  • Much of this story is familiar to specialists in the field, above all through the varied and often exhaustive archival research done in Germany over the years for each of the representative museums.
  • We frankly admit that where the evil of slavery is felt to a greater extent than in the states to which we have adverted, not only must _greater exertions_ be used, but even the plans of proceeding must be somewhat varied. The Journal of Negro History, Volume 6, 1921
  • The varied groupings of pairs, trios, and sixes massing together and flying apart proved timeless, however.
  • The music is suitably speedy and moderately complex, a la Venom, but with unvaried dynamics and hairball-in-the-throat ‘singing’ pasted over every song, it becomes an undifferentiated mass of miserabilism.
  • But for those still struggling to get kids chomping on carrots and feasting on fruit, there are a number of strategies to coax them into a healthier and more varied food regime.
  • The main crop was maize, and harvests varied with the weather and farming methods.
  • It has been a privilege to accompany those mentioned in this book on their journeys through their varied experiences of loss. Growing Through Loss and Grief
  • These sums can then be varied over time to reflect changes consequent upon the damage caused to the injured party.
  • For convenience, we consider only the case of two alleles at each of the three loci and the notation in this case is varied to reduce the superscripts and subscripts.
  • The sconces on the walls varied - they were both on display and currently in use.
  • Portfolios P 1a to P 5a are varied by making changes in the correlation coefficients.
  • What need is a good varied diet. Times, Sunday Times
  • The process of coming out can thus ambiguate -- in the core sense of producing multiple and more varied meanings. Balkinization
  • In turn, adults' choice of code varied by the language frame provided by the classroom teacher or school representative.
  • But progress has varied dramatically, as various demographic surveys clearly indicate.
  • I return to yesterday's telephone call which among your varied responsibilities you had forgotten earlier. MURKY SHALLOWS
  • In both cases, the musical ideas themselves remain essentially unvaried; they are never ‘developed’ in a traditional, symphonic sense.
  • With a very full sound and varied music mix the lads are sure to go from strength to strength.
  • The reflection pattern is parallel and slightly wavy in the lower part, and becomes increasingly varied in the upper part.
  • So far from being a single monolithic upsurge of rebellion on the part of an occupied people, the motives for resistance were hugely varied, and sometimes contradictory. Times, Sunday Times
  • The menu was varied and exciting, ranging from quiche to peppered steak.
  • Japan's military commanders varied as widely in character and competence as their Allied counterparts. Nemesis: The Battle for Japan, 194445
  • The sword hardly varied in form from the 12th to the 15th century.
  • In the Canaries, the lavas are much more compositionally varied in each of these stages, ranging from tholeiitic basalts to phonolites and trachytes.

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