How To Use Variability In A Sentence
This apparently inefficient system gives us the ability to deal with the natural variability of the diurnal rhythms of light and temperature.
Quantitative growth ring analysis of fossil woods may be used only in well-constrained paleoecological studies where taxonomic and climatic sources of variability can be controlled, and additionally, of course, as a qualitative tool in paleoclimatic and paleoecological analyses.
Supplementary Comments to NAS Panel « Climate Audit
The NMI matrix was partitioned into orthogonal patterns of amino acid variability by factor analysis.
The most common measure of variability is variance and the corresponding measure of correlation between two variables is covariance.
Brooks and colleagues also found variability in the number of latent infections among contacts of 21 patients with TB.

Using $5/mmbtu natural gas, the costs of meeting wind variability is around $45-50/MWH which is expensive relative to coal but is very competitive relative to the market in California.
Coyote Blog » Blog Archive » More on Wind
In his early years, Linnaeus believed that the species was not only real, but unchangeable — as he wrote, Unitas in omni specie ordinem ducit (The invariability of species is the condition for order [in nature]).
At What Level did this Evolve?
Temporal and spatial changes in bubble densities were highly heterogeneous, suggesting strong variability in factors affecting the gas ebullition.
The variability in mean arterial pressure within and between subjects was 4% and 6% respectively.
This situation is far from ideal, but the alternative … would invariability produce earlier estimates of past temperature that, to some extent, too warm.
Bristlecones and Sagebrush « Climate Audit
In fact, the new Lockwood and Frolich paper on solar variability would probably have been supported by PPARC money awarded precisely because it addressed these questions.
Pain in Maine, but they can measure rain « Climate Audit
Meanwhile, the short-term variability in U.S. surface temperatures has been decreasing since 1800, suggesting a more stable climate.
The Case Against Global-Warming Skepticism
On the best game animals for eating: There’s a lot of variability in caribou, but a great piece of caribou backstrap is better than anything in the world.
Words, wine, American Buffalo & Nina Planck
They've seen variability in corn yields of up to 50 bushels per acre across a single irrigated field.
On the nightside, fluctuating F-region winds from geomagnetic activity are a likely source of variability.
More Evidence That Hurricanes Are The Result Of A Poisson Process « Climate Audit
Speaking of the highly-coloured males, especially among birds, the same writer states that "the _normal colour_ (italics ours) is that of the young and the female, and the colour of the male is the result of his excessive variability.
Taboo and Genetics A Study of the Biological, Sociological and Psychological Foundation of the Family
It is now evident that El Niño teleconnections (atmospheric and oceanic responses away from the equatorial Pacific) indicate that the El Niño phenomenon is the largest source of interannual climatic variability on the global scale.
Therefore, any conclusions about infraspecific length and repeat variability, possibly also detected in a heteroplasmic state in one individual, have to await further infraspecific studies.
Swanson's research path will now move toward optimizing and reducing variability in the perimetry testing that is used to find certain patterns of vision loss, especially early changes in vision caused by nerve damage from glaucoma.
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A taxonomic philosophy embodying a wider species concept based on recognition of the extraordinary variability within single stromatoporoid skeletons requires many described taxa to be placed in synonymy.
As one measure to do this, quality control tests should be performed to determine the degree of variability for each test.
Morphological comparisons between The canal and valley and channel landforms show many broad similarities in planform, sinuosity, lengths, widths and variability along length.
Using common guidelines for data analysis (particularly focused on preventing false-positive MRD results), independent analysis of electronic data files showed good agreement between both the centers (intraclass correlation coefficient: 0.71), which was comparable with the intraobserver variability (intraclass correlation coefficient: 0.90).
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The standard error of estimate, on the other hand, measures the variability, or scatter, of the observed values around the regression line.
Only after the first several million generations has mutation added enough variability to reach the equilibrium.
These results point to potential problems that may be encountered in this type of phylogenetic analysis due to substitution rate variability between different gene segments leading to incongruent phylogenies.
After abandoning his ligature of the anterior choroidal artery on account of the variability of the area supplied by this artery, Cooper inserted a cannula directed by a simplified guiding device in order to inject fluids into the pallidum; in other words, he employed a stereotactic technique.
Superimposed over this long term trend is short term variability.
Later On
Separating extratropical zonal wind variability and mean change.
Potential impacts of indirect mechanisms of climate change on human health in the Arctic
Variability at optical wavelengths and the brightness in the F606W passband suggest additional sources of luminosity such as starlight reflected from a circumplanetary ring system.
SpaceRef Top Stories
Nevertheless, studying the extreme case of vestigial teeth clearly confirms that natural selection affects patterns of variability.
The spectral variability is generally characterized by a hardening of the source spectra as their luminosities increase.
Taking The Pulse Of A Supernova – NGC 4490 | Universe Today
Cross species comparison reveals a strong variability of gene expression along the oral-aboral axis and during the life cycle among cnidarian lineages.
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Utilizing feature analysis techniques to depict the variability of similar service resources and user requirements, a domain-oriented and customizable business-level service model is proposed.
The scatter seen on the graph is the normal biological variability of plant material.
Associated standard deviations include a variance correction factor to account for variability as a result of the imputation process.
Simplistic analyses of changes in vegetation cover probably confused natural temporal variability with long-term degradation.
Excessive variability in myofiber size was evident with a pattern of degeneration (multifocal groups of necrotic fibers with variable phagocytosis) and regeneration (multifocal groups of small calibre fibers with a basophilic appearance and of histochemical type 2C).
PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
Conversely, environmental variability that affects only adult survival is predicted to lead to an increase in reproductive output.
The variability of the margin of appreciation has sometimes provoked strong reactions from judges frustrated by its imprecision.
Among the phenomena that permanent observatories can study are climate variability and volcanic activity.
Ancient tree rings from pinyon pines have been used as sensitive "listening posts" to determine climate variability and in particular drought.
Dr. Reese Halter: Global Warming, Drought and the Grim Reaper
It is well known that the term variability is commonly employed in the broadest possible sense.
Species and Varieties, Their Origin by Mutation
In view of all this intraspecific variability, Shine & Shetty (2001a) noted how Yellow-lipped sea kraits might ‘offer exceptional opportunities to study phylogenetic shift in locomotor ability’ because they ‘display considerable intraspecific and interspecific diversity in terms of the degree to which they use terrestrial vs. aquatic habits’ (p. 338).
Archive 2006-07-01
Several studies have shown a tremendous variability of allergen levels, even within breeds, Woods says.
Choice of First Dog Is Narrowed to 2 Breeds - The Caucus Blog -
It's difficult to separate natural variability from greenhouse gasses.
The combination of high rainfall, edaphic, and topographic variability, and historical biogeographical patterns renders these forests some of the most diverse species in the world.
Solimões-Japurá moist forest
Certainly some errors are predictable based on transference from the L1, but in my experience variability is common and often unpredictable even with groups of learners from the same L1 background with pretty much the same level of exposure to the L2, and this variability often appears to have nothing to do with negative (or even positive, for that matter) transfer.
E is for Error « An A-Z of ELT
Sex-dependent effects of schizophrenia: an MRI study of gyral folding, and cortical and white matter Hemispheric Shape of European and Japanese Brains: 3-D MRI Analysis of Intersubject Variability, Ethnical, and Gender Differences
Citizendium, the Citizens' Compendium - Recent changes [en]
He developed statistical techniques to study the variability of wild populations and to measure changes in the range of variability over time.
A speaker cluster model is used to manage recognition problems caused by between - speaker variability.
Qualitative changes in behaviour depend upon the concepts of behavioural variability and selective reinforcement.
As I pointed out above, keyboarding itself lacks the expressiveness and variability of handwriting.
Moreover, we present data on the variability of the first six equine Y-chromosomal microsatellite markers in the domestic horse and other equine species.
rates rate of change in star rotation rate star magnetic field variability stellar wind strength and variability short period variation in parent star diameter star's carbon to oxygen ratio star's space velocity relative to Local Standard of Rest star's short term luminosity variability star's long term luminosity variability amplitude and duration of star spot cycle number
Reasons To Believe -
We also and chose 4 stations to analyze the decadal variability of rainfall.
A related aspect of sophisticated architectures is that actuator signals (e.g. from intermediate fluxes and concentrations in core metabolism to cardiopulmonary rates and renal concentrating effects) have extremely high variability in order to keep other critical signals (e.g. from key metabolic products to blood oxygenation and pH, to core body temperature,) tightly regulated despite fluctuating supplies and demands.
Convergence of Intelligent Engineering
The same ranging of, or variability in, Piagetian developmental levels is found at any chronological age group.
The genetic variability commonly observed in these cultures includes variation in phenotypic expression, yield variability and loss of organic potential, and is generally the result of chromosome abnormalities and/or ploidy changes in chromosome number.
1. Household gardening projects in asia: past experience and future directions
Sex-dependent effects of schizophrenia: an MRI study of gyral folding, and cortical and white matter Genetic variability of human brain size and cortical gyral patterns Regulation of Cerebral Cortical Size by Control of Cell Cycle Exit in Neural Precursors
Citizendium, the Citizens' Compendium - Recent changes [en]
Examination of the table indicates that there was wide variability on all measures, suggesting a fair amount of heterogeneity in this sample of adolescents.
But the fact of the rapidly increasing difficulty found in producing by ever such careful selection, any further extreme in some charge already carried very far (such as the tail of the "fan-tailed pigeon" or the crop of the "pouter"), is certainly, so far as it goes, on the side of the {117} existence of definite limits to variability.
On the Genesis of Species
By taking variability skewness and curtosis values into account the non-parametric and parametric test options were evaluated.
Safety stock is used for the same reason as lead time - to provide a buffer of inventory to reduce the chance of a back order in the face of variability.
overestimation of future CO2 sink saturation overestimation of historic aerosol cooling underestimation of solar forcing neglection of unforced internal variability of the climate system overestimation of historic volcanic cooling
SPM released « Climate Audit
The disadvantage of adventitious plantlet formation is that genetic variability often increases, especially when the plantlets are derived from callus.
1. Household gardening projects in asia: past experience and future directions
Because of the large inter-individual variability in indomethacin pharmacokinetic in neonates, it is to be established to what degree the patient characteristics influence the pharmacokinetics of drugs.
In some cases, service offers have been simplified, jobs have been deskilled, and personnel replaced with machines in order to reduce human variability.
Mr. Lynas explains that the chaotic nature of the planetary atmosphere expresses a great deal of interannual variability.
2008 February 07 « Unambiguously Ambidextrous
The Transboundary Diagnostic Analysis (TDA) examines the socioeconomic consequences of non-optimal harvesting of living resources, mining and drilling impacts, a hampered mariculture industry, harmful algal blooms, and the variability of the LME.
Benguela Current large marine ecosystem
A noteworthy feature was the wide variability in execution of the studies.
His key observations of abundant epistatic effects among mutations is just another way of observing that the genetic variability of a trait is under genetic control.
Darwin and neutrality - The Panda's Thumb
Significantly, the adult populations in Pembrokeshire and Somerset showed similar ranges of variability.
Because of the greater variability in the consumers, research plays a big role.
Albedo-related effects were strongest at Sodankylä during the month of May, accounting for a maximum of 21% and an average of 7% of the short-term irradiance variability.
Long-term change and variability in surface UV irradiance in the Arctic
Increased climate variability from AD 250 to 600 coincided with the demise of the Western Roman Empire and the turmoil of the Migration Period.
Although foraminiferans are known for certain since the earliest Cambrian, their diversity and variability during the Cambrian is limited to a few agglutinated unilocular genera.
She has her eye on a like void when she describes Shakespeare's fascination with ‘human variability,’ how he could ‘create all kinds of human grotesques out of quiddities of speech and mannerism.’
Initially sympathetic commentators lose patience with him when they view his work in its cumulative invariability.
Prospective information on cycle variability during treatment would have led to potential selection bias.
Barley is an important energy supplement but there is a large amount of variability in nutritive value among barley varieties.
Not all this attention to sexual and gender variability is confined to North America.
In this situation, the system can handle substantial variability without descending into crisis.
Among vertebrate classes, fishes exhibit by far the greatest variability in competitive and cooperative behaviors in male reproduction.
So the fact of variability of desire is not on its own enough to cast doubt on the natural law universal goods thesis: as the good is not defined fundamentally by reference to desire, the fact of variation in desire is not enough to raise questions about universal goods.
Carry-Over Thread
Style is nothing if not a celebration of individuality, of individual variability.
It turns out you don't know them at all because orang-utans show incredible invariability across their range.
Science does not rest for us on sure foundations unless the invariability of the laws of nature is admitted.
An older, commonly used egg-supply marker known as follicle-stimulating hormone, or FSH, also measured through a blood test, can be taken only on days two, three or four of a menstrual cycle, may be affected by birth-control pills, and has greater variability.
A New Measure in Fertility Testing
On the dayside, E-region winds tends to dominate the wind-driven electrodynamic variability due to the high conductivities; on the nightside, F-region winds become significant as E-region plasma decays.
More Evidence That Hurricanes Are The Result Of A Poisson Process « Climate Audit
As outlined above, we assumed that both environmentally induced variability and colony growth rates were relatively invariant within a population.
On the dayside, E-region winds tends to dominate the wind-driven electrodynamic variability due to the high conductivities; on the nightside, F-region winds become significant as E-region plasma decays.
More Evidence That Hurricanes Are The Result Of A Poisson Process « Climate Audit
This favorable overall result conceals some variability.
There was a strong relationship between this individual invariability in suppressing memory and the degree of brain activation.
The effects of clouds were smaller, accounting for a maximum of 40% and an average of 12% of the short-term irradiance variability.
Long-term change and variability in surface UV irradiance in the Arctic
As with K60, the semi-variogram of the cross-hair samples is essentially flat over all lags - and here we note an excellent correspondence with the level of incoherent variability exhibited downhole.
For instance, introgressive events, even when rare, may be more important than mutations as a source of novel genetic variability within taxa.
The initial comparison with spectral photometry at Tsukuba Aerological Observatory showed that these two types of the measurement were remarkably concordant in general, but there existed some variability and divergence.
The main difficulties came from the variability between cylinders, which was amplified during lean-burn operation.
The variability of behaviors in natural settings may be a result of several factors.
It again enumerated the difficulties with attribution, but again the report was preceded by a front end that ambiguously claimed that “The changes observed over the last several decades are likely mostly due to human activities, but we cannot rule out that some significant part of these changes is also a reflection of natural variability.”
Think Progress » Bush Brags He Kept Campaign Promise on Global Warming, Forgets Pledge To Regulate CO2
Pollen migration provides a mechanism for maintenance of genetic variability, particularly in wind-pollinated, long-lived forest trees.
Variability in 24 hour urinary albumin excretion within and between subjects was 35% and 66% respectively.
It is becoming increasingly difficult for a doctor to justify modern treatments because the high variability of human response coupled with the depersonalisation of mass medicine as it is practiced in large hospitals has created an atmosphere of fierce opposition to it in many people.
Some researchers suggest that a paleoclimatic reconstruction of the Eemian provides a means of establishing the mode and tempo of natural climate variability with no anthropogenic influence.
Arctic climate variability prior to 100 years BP
My recent experiences suggest there remains a baffling variability in how knowledgeable and helpful staff are.
Times, Sunday Times
Further complicating matters are factors such as range-wide variability in habitat conditions that can affect survival.
Several factors, not the least of which being the variability in expression of proinsulin I and II between mice and rats, makes the ALPCO species-specific assay kits the most attractive option for researchers expecting to quantify total proinsulin in their pre-clinical models.
Press Releases
To approach this question, we bear in mind the principle that variability in language is socially functional.
The three-spine stickleback is a fish known for its tremendous variability in size, physiology, and behavior.
Heart Rate Variability is a marker of performance of the excitability of Sympathetic Nervous System and Parasympathetic Nervous System.
This situation is far from ideal, but the alternative, using data after 1960 and thus incorporating non-temperature- related bias when fitting regression equations as a function of density variability,would invariability produce earlier estimates of past temperature that, to some extent, too warm. esceptico
What is "Consensus Science" for Proxies? « Climate Audit
Plants of this group, that may be grown from seed and which do show a limited variability, are distinguished from botanical varieties by placing them in a new category called cultivar (a name coined long ago by L.H. Bailey and meaning, a variety from cultivation).
Northern Nut Growers Association Report of the Proceedings at the 44th Annual Meeting Rochester, N.Y. August 31 and September 1, 1953
Researchers are reporting on the role of excessive glycemic variability in pro inflammatory processes, such as oxidated stress resulting in cell and vascular damage. Home Page
The researchers concluded that their samples were: "an important genetic reservoir of variability for useful characters such as earliness, short stem, high number of fertile tillers [see picture overpage], long spikes, dense spikes, high number of seeds per spike 'weight of kernels per spike, and protein content.
13. Other Cultivated Grains
This aspect of the model permits quite rigorous treatment of two crucial features: ionic repulsion and dielectric variability.
In a more sophisticated manner than cap Dave cap A. 27 February 2009 at 2: 31 PM david_a (291) - Rather than the term noise, the phrase internal variability is sometimes used to describe the effects of ocean oscillations and so forth.
Given the large variability in water chemistry of the studied systems, we suggest that these photoproducts are universally produced in sunlight exposed lake water.
There is considerable variability in all the test scores.
One has to assume, for example, that a word will mean tomorrow what it means today and what it meant yesterday, just as the scientist has to assume the invariability of natural law, which could never be proven, in order to apply the laws of physics at all.
"It is better to receive than to give... at least when the subject is guns."
Interannual - to - decadal variability of the North Atlantic from an ocean data assimilation system.
His statement about the lack of an adequate observational network to diagnose the climate's response to interannual variability was decontextualized and thus trumped up as has been done in the past to make it appear it's an admission that global warming has ceased.
Bill Chameides: Wall Street Journal's Portrait of the Young Climate Scientist
Charlesworth D, Mayer SS (1995) Genetic variability of plant characters in the partial inbreeder
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John Christy, a climatologist at the University of Alabama in Huntsville, said natural long-term variability in climate, rather than greenhouse-gas emissions, could play a greater role in warming.
Last Year Tied 2005 for Hottest on Record
The shared roll-tilt dependent modulation of trial-to-trial variability for both SVV and SHV, on the other hand, indicates that the perception of earth-verticality is dominated by the same sensory signal, i.e. the otolith signal, independent of whether the line/rod setting is under visual or tactile control.
BioMed Central - Latest articles
This equips the researchers to design studies in vitro that will allow them to improve animal welfare and reduce variability.
Attempts to introduce variability from wild diploid species into polyploids have taken several paths and have frequently met with difficulty.
Reduction of the lumenal larvae and adult cyathostomes was in the high 90\% to 100\% range, but the variability against the mucosal stages would not make moxidectin the ideal drug to use for prevention of larval cyathostomosis in equines. News
Moreover, it has appeared that different species show a tendency to variability in special directions, and probably in different degrees, and that at any rate Mr. Darwin himself concedes the existence of an internal barrier to change when he credits the goose with "a singularly inflexible organization;" also, that he admits the presence of an _internal_ proclivity to change when he speaks of "a whole organization seeming to have become plastic, and tending to depart from the parental type.
On the Genesis of Species
Variability in hydrographic properties and currents
Arctic Climate Impact Assessment (full report)
It is shown that a large part of the variability of overall “hurricane activity” — which depends on the number of storms in a season, their duration, and their intensity — can be explained by systematic shifts in the cyclogenesis regions.
Bill Gray and the Atlantic Meridional Mode « Climate Audit
The Cartesian philosophy posited two fundamental axioms—the supremacy of reason and the invariability of the laws of nature.
Sands of Empire
Prospective information on cycle variability during treatment would have led to potential selection bias.
The Irish industry is currently contending with variability and scarcity of supplies, partly due to catch restrictions and pressure on fish stocks along with a somewhat fragmented industry structure.
Sedimentary variability and deformation within the ridge suggests that the ice was advancing into its own outwash at a time of high relative sea level.
Approximately 200 budgets demonstrate the extreme heterogeneity of the coastal zone, with most of the variability towards both autotrophy and heterotrophy being in smaller systems.
Coastal zone
Equating the week with a seven-day rhythm is a result of an ethnocentric bias that is challenged through an examination of the surprisingly wide variability of the week's length in different parts of the world.
Identifying a biotype that can overcome Rag1 and Rag2 resistance, even before soybean varieties with these resistance genes were deployed in production, suggests high variability in virulence within soybean aphid populations," said Curt Hill, U of I principal research specialist. - latest science and technology news stories
Another limitation is the natural variability of blood pressure and its likelihood of being transiently elevated for example, by alcohol intake, other drugs, or fluctuations in body weight.
First, people living in the Arctic, particularly indigenous peoples with subsistence livelihoods, have historically experienced a high degree of climate variability, and their ability to adapt to varying climate, from seasonal to interannual, is part of their culture.
Candidate vulnerability case studies for climate change in the Arctic
However the neighboring peaks can merge because of variability of quantal response.
The data from the planktonic protistan biodiversity (rDNA, rRNA, transcriptomes, imaging) will allow statistical analyses of populations and ecology on the basis of the nucleotidic sequences and their genetic variability.
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On fields with wide variability in growth and maturity, it may be advantageous to harvest it in sections, adjusting the combine to match the crop conditions in each section.
Indeed, increasingly, it is clear that the variability in phenotype and biological behavior of gliomas is a function of genomic and proteomic variability.
Her work in climatology focuses ontopicsconcerning climaticvariability and change across North America at interannual to decadal timescales, hydrology and hydroclimatologyof the Midwest, and the connection between Arctic sea ice changeand climates of the mid-latitudes.
Contributor: Dagmar Budikova
The study deals with the habitat, reproduction characteristics and population dynamic, the socio-economic importance of the francolin hunt, the external morphological variability of francolins, the behaviour follow up of francolins raised in captivity and the nutritional value of francolin meat.
Still, despite his concerns with Bush's abuses, he explained that he does not support impeachment, because of the timing, not enough time before the election and the regrettable invariability of the process becoming even further political.
Notes from the Non-Impeachment Hearings
Instead of looking at the consistency of test scores, this theory examines the causes of variability in test scores and the extent to which variability can be attributed to systematic or unsystematic sources.
The fast solar wind from the polar regions flowed uniformly to fill a large fraction of the heliosphere, and variability was confined to a narrow region around the solar equator.
So there is, as we might put it, a core of invariability surrounded by a variable periphery.
Moral Particularism
Annual variability in weather conditions may also affect timing of surveys.
Future research needs to more clearly delimit variability within broad-band categorizations of behavior problems.
The researchers concluded that their samples were: "an important genetic reservoir of variability for useful characters such as earliness, short stem, high number of fertile tillers [see picture overpage], long spikes, dense spikes, high number of seeds per spike 'weight of kernels per spike, and protein content.
13. Other Cultivated Grains
My recent experiences suggest there remains a baffling variability in how knowledgeable and helpful staff are.
Times, Sunday Times
Previous studies based on a qualitative analysis have shown a high degree of variability in the mode of expression of carpel/stamen in homeotic bisexual flowers.
The difference could be attributed to errors on cell counts, natural variability, gas diffusion through tissue of intact pears, and other factors.
Within a defined population, one may expect to find continuous character variation; thus, the adult variability is mainly dependent on allometry occurring at different moments during individual growth.
Significantly, the adult populations in Pembrokeshire and Somerset showed similar ranges of variability.
Siegel and Toole found that ultraviolet radiation explained almost 90 percent of the variability in the biological production of DMS.
This may stem from the variability in climatic conditions and the practice of naming a particular disease as it manifested.
Societies, Religion, and History: Central East Tanzanians and the World They Created, c. 200 BCE to 1800 CE
The combination of high rainfall, edaphic, and topographic variability, and historical biogeographical patterns renders these forests some of the most diverse species in the world.
Solimões-Japurá moist forest
Analysis of their results reveals that there is great deal of variability among neonates with regards to the disposition of mdomethacin.
These observations suggest that spatial variability in food web dynamics at the scale of tens of meters to several kilometers, should increase both with elevation and latitude.
But the variability of sales throughout the year, in what remains a soft market, is a perennial problem which he acknowledges publishers play a role in exacerbating.
The mutually related peculiarities may be termed correlative, and we therefore speak, in such cases, of correlative variability.
Species and Varieties, Their Origin by Mutation
The market discounts the price for this variability.
Healing Rhythms comes with the Iom biofeedback unit, which measures your skin conductance and heart rate variability.
Healing Rhythms Gathers the Wisdom of Chopra, Ornish, and Weil
The variability in milk supply is an ongoing obstacle for their operation.
On the best game animals for eating: There’s a lot of variability in caribou, but a great piece of caribou backstrap is better than anything in the world.
Words, wine, American Buffalo & Nina Planck
So just as numbering before and after in change produces the notion of time, so awareness of invariability in something altogether free from change produces the notion of eternity.
This sequence showed variability in pairs and triads of days without including three H or L consecutive days.
Day-to-day changes in quiet-time electric fields at mid and low latitudes are a consequence of leakage of magnetospheric fields from high latitudes, variability in the thermospheric wind system, and solar-induced conductivity changes.
More Evidence That Hurricanes Are The Result Of A Poisson Process « Climate Audit
Studies in this field are difficult to interpret due to the inherent variability of the measurements of platelet function.
In the fall and in the winter the range of variability is narrowed, and at first sight the plants often seem to bear only quinquefoliolate leaves.
Species and Varieties, Their Origin by Mutation
It easily rejected both ontology and gnoseology, replacing the variability of cognition by the so called theory of reflection, according to which, on a certain level of thinking, all concepts engulf reality.
Eurozine articles
Global and zonally-averaged surface temperature trend assessments, besides having major difficulties in terms of how this metric is diagnosed and analyzed, do not provide significant information on climate change and variability on the regional and local scales.
Think Progress » FACT CHECK: National Review’s Cover Story Distorts Facts On Global Warming
It proceeds synchronously in both hemispheres by an expansion of gyral tissue, while the Hemispheric Shape of European and Japanese Brains: 3-D MRI Analysis of Intersubject Variability, Ethnical, and Gender Differences
Citizendium, the Citizens' Compendium - Recent changes [en]
There are divergent results with respect to the association between heart rate variability and arrhythmic events.
The genetic variability within the species, as well as the karyotypic differences with common pigs and other Sus species, should be defined.
11 The Bearded Pig
The texts show typical maps of the sensory strip and the motor strip, but patients exhibit a lot of variability.
Variability in surface proteins is advantageous in extending the range of specific cell-cell attachments for transfer of DNA and other macromolecules.
James A. Shapiro: DNA as Poetry: Multiple Messages in a Single Sequence
Variability of pelagic fish stocks off California in Proceedings of the expert consultation to examine changes in abundance and species composition of neritic fish resources.
California Current large marine ecosystem
Heart Rate Variability (HRV) is a marker of performance of the excitability of Sympathetic Nervous System (SNS) and Parasympathetic Nervous System (PNS).
It is my understanding that work is going on to put the results within bands, rather than having the extremes of variability that have occurred.
Because our quantitative analysis requires the comparison of behavior of many individual bacteria in different host cells, these sources of variability would make the results of such an experiment uninterpretable.
Genetic mutation is one of two main sources of genetic variability in populations of organisms.
Macrosociology: An Introduction to Human Societies
Many of the lentic environments are relatively shallow, and so the species within them have to be able to withstand considerable environmental variability, especially when the water bodies freeze.
Arctic freshwater environments
Somewhat ironically, Mayr, who considered himself a "gradualist" all his life, seems to have also provided a mechanism for variability in rates of evolution along evolutionary lineages.
Citizendium, the Citizens' Compendium - Recent changes [en]
To approach this question, we bear in mind the principle that variability in language is socially functional.
The variability of palaeocurrents, however, suggests that the fault zone was not a major topographic feature and may have been below sea-level.
Marketing decisions are critical to profitability due to the variability of prices monthly, annually, and cyclically.
Spatial-temporal variability in surface layer deepening and lateral advection in an embayment of Lake Victoria, East Africa
This situation is far from ideal, but the alternative, using dataafter 1960 and thus incorporating non-temperature- related bias when fitting regression equations as a function of density variability, would invariability produce earlier estimates of past temperature that, to some extent, too warm.
Bristlecones, Foxtails and Temperature « Climate Audit
I can't top Mark, but the notion of primitive societies being zero-sum is silly when so much of the bounty or scarcity originate in variability of nature.
Evolutionary Psychology and Economic Bias, Bryan Caplan | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
The spectral variability of natural materials has been known for a long time from laboratory studies.
Science has so far shown that genetics accounts for variability in human lifespan by a third.
The Sun
As he points out, because of the market's gradual appreciation through the years despite occasionally tanking as it did this spring the longer the time horizon lower the variability of return on investment.
The relationships between the genetic variability of complex agronomic traits and traits for these two enzymes are discussed.
Understanding the variability of the freshet as well as its sensitivity to climate change will be critical in the future in areas with a mining heritage, such as much of the Yukon, Alaska, and Russia.
This wide range of variability between definite limits is coupled with a high degree of sensibility and adequateness to the most diverging experiments.
Species and Varieties, Their Origin by Mutation