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vanity fair

  1. a vain and frivolous lifestyle especially in large cities

How To Use vanity fair In A Sentence

  • Here, the accomplished clotheshorse, whose oversight includes Vanity Fair's best-dressed list, discusses the world of style and beyond. Graydon Carter
  • That's like the sun rising for you," said his friend and colleague, Alex Ives , who sometimes disc jockeys under the name DJ Vanity Fair. Crawfish and Pandas at Palm Beach Bash
  • And former vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin called the sexiest and riskiest brand in the Republican Party in a new "Vanity Fair" article. CNN Transcript Jun 30, 2009
  • Lang had also appeared on the cover of Vanity Fair, with her face pressed into the bosom of a scantily-clad Cindy Crawford in what has become an iconic shot.
  • Charles Churchwood, the author of the new book, is the former design director of Vogue and Vanity Fair magazines, two of the photographer's most important showcases. David Schonauer: How Herb Ritts Created the Idols We Deserved
  • Several of the magazines were also going through identity crises, with new editors trying to redefine Vanity Fair and Mademoiselle.
  • Frank Deford is a contributing editor for Vanity Fair magazine.
  • They should remember, what they uniformly and universally forget, that we are not invited, upon the rising of the curtain, to behold a cosmorama, or picture of the world, but a representation of that part of it called Vanity Fair. The Wit and Humor of America, Volume II. (of X.)
  • To observe this year’s twin anniversaries, Vanity Fair set out to do something that has never been done: to compile an oral history, speaking with scores of people involved in every stage of the Internet’s development, from the 1950s onward. Internet News: History of the Internet
  • Becky, too, knew some ladies here and there — French widows, dubious Italian countesses, whose husbands had treated them ill — faugh — what shall we say, we who have moved among some of the finest company of Vanity Fair, of this refuse and sediment of rascals? Vanity Fair
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