How To Use Value judgment In A Sentence

  • Sometimes, deattributing an artwork does make it look a good deal worse - does entail serious value judgments as an essential critical role - and that can be good, too.
  • As regards value judgments this requirement is impossible of fulfillment and it infringes freedom of opinion itself, which is a fundamental part of the right secured by Article 10 of the Convention…
  • In light of value judgment, government's benefit is smaller than cost.
  • # The word critic comes from the Greek κριτικός (kritikós), "able to discern", which in turn derives from the word κριτής (krités), meaning a person who offers reasoned judgment or analysis, value judgment, interpretation, or observation. ... UP Pompeii
  • Thereinto, student's negative value judgment of ideology and politics lesson is deep prime matter.
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  • You are making a value judgment based on reputation and trust. Times, Sunday Times
  • The addressor educes its own value judgment through referring to anchoring value.
  • Social scientists have grown extremely unwilling to make value judgments about cultures.
  • Thus it can be the grounds for greater tolerance and wiser value judgments about normative political issues.
  • And the value judgment is not factual judgment, which is lack the sense and false.
  • They argue that the various theories of society are based, at least inpart, on value judgments and ideological positions.
  • The fifth chapter mainly discusses the verification on value judgment and language logic.
  • Since absolute value judgments are necessarily arational, anything can be called absolutely good and anything can be seen as a cause of guilt.
  • When a court makes this value judgment the facts will often speak for themselves.
  • Student's value judgment of ideology politics lessons is positive correlation to student's study - achievement.
  • A prescription is a value judgment that indicates what should occur and should be done.
  • Art is a selective re-creation of reality according to an artists metaphysical value judgments. Ayn Rand 
  • For you the word good has such a sense, because you were taught in fine Foucauldian fashion that all value judgments are assertions of power, but it follows neither that I share the same ineffable sense—my goal is to make the ineffable effable—nor that your Foucauldianism is correct about value judgments without further argument. Good, better, best
  • You are making a value judgment based on reputation and trust. Times, Sunday Times
  • First of all, it has proven difficult if not impossible to establish a definition of intelligence, as a biological property of an organism, that is free of value judgment.
  • How to make a shape and value judgment of it?
  • The fifth chapter mainly discusses the verification on value judgment and language logic.
  • Factual judgment and value judgment respectively involve two kinds of domains of educational research.
  • Here again, we confront the two problems of social-historical change and of the need to make value judgments.
  • Always a lively forum for esthetic debate and value judgments, the Museum's biennial exhibition surveys the latest trends in American art.
  • The position that you select is an element of your normative political knowledge-your value judgments.
  • It is not a scientific, neutral, descriptive term, but a positive religious value judgment.
  • The nature of the appraisal is value judgment.
  • Social scientists have grown extremely unwilling to make value judgments about cultures.
  • In the war of ancient bourgeon shape, there is no justice and injustice moral judgment. The war hero's act is not only the standard of social rational value judgment but also the norm of ethic moral.
  • It integrates the system factor the value judgment and the cultural influence the economic analysis frame.
  • Such value judgments cannot be trusted at all if they're not supported by a clear "perception" of what the work under review actually does, what, to the extent it can be gleaned from the text itself, the aesthetic intention of the work seems to be. Book Reviewing
  • Putting value judgments aside for a moment, generally blaxploitation employs stereotypes regarding black people, exploiting these stereotypes for entertainment purposes.
  • We will then consider the instrumental function of value judgments and their experimental verification.
  • Davenport also sought to rid economic theory of any dependence on ethical value judgments, and the entire character of his major works is infused with the attempt to make economics as value-free as possible.
  • Neither question is analytically resolvable: the answers turn on value judgments, not analytical findings.
  • The fifth chapter mainly discusses the verification on value judgment and language logic.
  • You are making a value judgment based on reputation and trust. Times, Sunday Times
  • All these exotic visitors, whose stories are perhaps too briefly told here, were the subject of obscene civilisational value judgments. Times, Sunday Times
  • The curriculum assessment studies the process and the activity of the curriculum value judgment.
  • Negative value judgment is an important origin to bring on some student's study badness.
  • The old principle that economists as economists would not recommend the value judgments used to choose altern... Majority Fools, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • You are making a value judgment based on reputation and trust. Times, Sunday Times
  • That is not a value judgment, but a statistical one.
  • In a multi-racial, multi-cultural society such as our own it seems anachronistic and discriminatory to make value judgments about rhythmic (or arhythmic) movements. Serendip's Exchange -
  • Machiavelli drew a similar contrast between himself and his predecessors, although he, unlike Sophocles and Raphael, added a value judgment.
  • While it's easy to anthropomorphize the behavior of wild animals and make value judgments based on our own human sense of morality, the reality is that such notions are completely irrelevant to the natural world. David Mizejewski: Newt Kills Frog With Chemical Warfare
  • What's more, we can also the outline thethe transformation of ideology and social value judgment.
  • The first we may call the constitutive function of value judgments.
  • Social scientists have grown extremely unwilling to make value judgments about cultures.
  • So, this little twit is making a value judgment about two performers based on hearing only one song that one of them performed? Adam Lambert Responds To Clay Aiken Controversy — “He Can Ride My Coattails”
  • What an amoralist expresses when she makes a moral claim that she is disinclined to honor involves using the moral predicate in an “inverted commas sense” ” a sense which alludes to the value judgments of others without itself expressing such a judgment (Hare 1952, 145 “ 6). Boys in White Suits
  • The first proposition is easier to defend than the second, as it rests on inexorable logic rather than vexed value judgments.
  • Dewey held that value judgments express propositions that are subject to empirical testing and verification.
  • Marxist position (like equality between the sexes, self - determination for national minorities, the desirability of trade unions and cooperatives) that are easily deriv - able from the above propositions and some implicit value judgments about the desirability of human dig - nity, freedom, and creative self-fulfillment, even though they are obviously not uniquely entailed by them. MARXISM
  • Whether one knowledge and skill set had equal value to another was in itself a value judgment. Times, Sunday Times
  • To make a value judgment by calling something good or bad is to classify it in terms of its reinforcing effects.
  • Whether one knowledge and skill set had equal value to another was in itself a value judgment. Times, Sunday Times
  • Thesis's core concept is negative value judgment of ideology politics lessons.
  • Thereinto, student's negative value judgment of ideology and politics lesson is deep prime matter.
  • You are making a value judgment based on reputation and trust. Times, Sunday Times

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