How To Use Valuate In A Sentence
By contrast, when Procter & Gamble, the makers of Olestra, asked the FDA for permission to add its artificial fat substitute to potato chips, the controversial product was evaluated under food-additive laws.
The state has anted up $40 million for salary increases, but, in a program similar to Cincinnati's, Iowa will now evaluate teachers thoroughly to make sure the extra dough goes only to the good classroom performers, not the duds.
It s impossible today to evaluate Putin's exact role in Spag.
The interesting element of the game was that it required one to evaluate not films but people; that is, to sift through the prejudices of one’s movie-freak friends and the peccadilloes and quirks of the major reviewers, and by graphing, as it were, what each could be expected to overpraise, underpraise, revile, not notice, or deliberately ignore, one could acquire a very nice sense of the film.
Film flam
Please urge all ultralight owners with BRS units (or even hand-deploy parachutes) to re-evaluate the series of attachments that connect the pilot to the airplane, to the parachute, and to both.

For example, some professionals are evaluated according to amounts billed to clients.
We have evaluated selected molecular interactions of nucleobases in the simulated structures to obtain further insight in similarities and differences between the ability of guanine and inosine to form quadruplexes.
An effective and exact method was developed to evaluate intramuscular fat content.
Objective To evaluate the role of gene CCR5 on donor cells in models where intensive preconditioning of the recipient occurs, thus provide the scientific evidence for clinical experience of allo-HSCT.
Written tests and performance in one's courses are no longer the only route to higher education or the only index by which students are evaluated.
It introduces, maintains, characterizes, and evaluates germplasm collections of banana, plantain, sapodilla, mamey sapote, cacao, Garcinia, Annona, and bamboo.
The total protein content of the tube was evaluated by the Bradford protein method.
Objective To evaluate the effects of meglumine diatrizoate mucilage ( MDC ) used as contrast medium in bronchography.
The student's observation of a patient will be tested, and she can be guided to evaluate her work.
Oesophageal radionuclide transit was evaluated in 15 patients and a barium meal was performed in five cases to confirm endoscopical findings.
We can now evaluate the effects of this change in terms of the alteration in surplus.
Objective To evaluate Test-retest reliability of Mandarin monosyllable lists with equivalency in audibility in hearing loss group.
Objective To evaluate the effect of nasobiliary drainage ( ENBD ) on acute pancreatitis.
Objective To evaluate the clinical use of acellular dermal matrix ( ADM ) in the repair of pharynx.
The completeness of the 1989-90 material is more difficult to evaluate because the drugs in this period were available over the counter.
It is against this backdrop of an already emerging consensus that we must evaluate the famous anecdote retailed by Jefferson about the dinner bargain that set the capital on the Potomac.
In a related test, the Florida Solar Energy Center also evaluated the influence of different photometric control sensors.
The Pentagon is currently drawing up a new list of project proposals, to be evaluated by a scientific advisory committee.
So, they were asked to evaluate the candidates based on nothing else except their appearance, and the more attractive candidates were deemed... wait for it.... *more attractive*!
One reason you might vote for Sarah Palin
His clinical experiences taken together provided the basis for, as well as continuing opportunity to re-evaluate, his theory of early emotional development.
OBJECTIVE: To evaluate medinal safety of oil of spine date seed .
Mortgage Back Securities are valuated on whether or not they being PAID not the value of the property they written on.
Wonk Room » TARP Oversight Panel: Treasury May Not Be Acknowledging ‘The Depth Of The Current Downturn’
This is part of an emerging science called neuromarketing, which uses the techniques of cognitive neuroscience to try and evaluate and design better product promotions.
Mind Hacks: February 2006 Archives
Both the power and the phase are discussed to evaluate the injection locking of LD.
Other tests are performed to evaluate the degree of clot dissolution by the fibrinolytic system.
CPA can evaluate blood supply of hepatic carcinomas, quantitate the tumor vessels preoperatively and provide effective blood information for clinic diagnosis and treatment.
The reassessment is the latest signal that the Obama administration is willing to re-evaluate the health impacts of chemicals that have been in widespread use.
Denver Post: News: Breaking: Local
When examining the world through the lens of multiple perspectives, students learned to think critically and to evaluate sources carefully to construct theories of their own.
As you use this chart to evaluate the character of your organization, be aware of two important points.
The anterior compartment is thoroughly evaluated for loose bodies; evidence of chondral damage to the coronoid process, capitellum, or radial head; or osteophyte formation in the coronoid fossa.
Objective To evaluate and generalize the application of intermaxillary fixation screw in the jaw fracture.
The geomorphology of the sabkha setting can be evaluated with reference to the cross-section of the Black Reef Formation.
To evaluate the mouthwashes for compatibility with the DNA purification chemistry, the protein precipitation step was examined.
We desperately need a budget process in which respected, nonpartisan experts have real standing to publicly evaluate budget numbers, with less focus on meeting immediate spending or deficits and greater focus on long-term accrued obligations. - News
Our approach to training was vindicated by the results achieved when the dogs were formally evaluated.
It's now essential to create an innovation management system that evaluates new ideas, culling and implementing the keepers and discarding the rest.
The trial's goal is to evaluate the safety and effectiveness of inhaled cyclosporine in improving post-lung transplant survival that is free of a condition called bronchiolitis obliterans syndrome.
San Francisco Business News - Local San Francisco News | The San Francisco Business Times
It is difficult to evaluate different systems because they are traditionally idiosyncratic depending on their particular area of specialisation.
The quality of the computed structures has been evaluated by several techniques borrowed from crystallography.
This is the first reported attempt to evaluate the mucosal availability of 5-ASA after different oral preparations.
The current crop of middle to late 20th Century ‘Period Dramas’, all re-evaluate the past through a filter of modern-day attitudes.
Objective To evaluate visual impairment by visual function and quality of life assessment in elderly population.
Little detail is provided, however, and it is thus difficult to evaluate his work fully.
Hazen called on officers to pay careful attention to the superior Prussian system and urged the United States to adopt policies that evaluated and promoted officers meritoriously and to create military schools to train them better.
Between War and Peace
To evaluate this parameter independently the mean stool frequency was calculated for each group at entry and during the study.
Or should the "greenlight" go to the ultra-competent actor and his artist wife who seem to have storyboarded every single budget item in advance for a film about a woman who leaves her big cool job in New York, comes home to Pittsburgh, and reevaluates her life? - News
These workers are the most mobile and have the greatest incentive to evaluate carefully the relative and absolute risks.
The need to evaluate the impact of particular innovations is now well recognized.
A venogram of the blood supply might be necessary to fully evaluate the condition of vessels in the hoof. News
Last week, the US Food and Drug Administration said it will re-evaluate the safety of triclosan, which is added to plastics, soaps and toothpastes to kill bacteria and fungi.
New Scientist - Online News
The present investigation has been undertaken to evaluate the spasmolytic and other pharmacological activities of the extract of this plant, in order to establish an ethnopharmacological basis for its use in traditional medicine.
Chapter 7
These groups meet quarterly to set policy and evaluate progress.
We then evaluated the effect of T1D and ESRD on protein expression and the effect of KP transplantation with restoration of normoglycemia and the withdrawal of uremia.
PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
A beatific substance module activity you a rattling combative evaluate of welfare with cushy and pliant defrayal options.
Mr Jake Swinson is from the armaments centre, which develops, tests, evaluates and acquires non-nuclear, air-dropped munitions.
Although having first coitus in a noncommitted relationship or at a young age had a negative effect on how both males and females were evaluated, the negative effect was greater for females.
Most critical studies evaluate Campions place in and contribution to the movement to create English quantitative verse.
Yet epidemiologists in many countries have independently evaluated possible methods of transmission and have reached the same conclusions.
Corporately teachers can plan and develop strategies, translate them into practice and monitor and evaluate their effect.
We should be careful to avoid introducing change for change's sake and should carefully evaluate potential disadvantages as well as advantages.
Visual contrast sensitivity reflects and evaluates visual function more sensitively and actually than visual acuity.
The conventional image of Paracelsus himself as the ultimate mystic who sought to transmute base metals into gold and to create homunculi must be re-evaluated.
visualise" the forthcoming position and evaluate it due to some well-known considerations
The Chess Mind
We must continually evaluate the impact of each change on the product as a whole.
Don't evaluate a person on the basis of appearance.
As responsible stewards of the resources entrusted to us, we constantly re-evaluate our programs.
While performing the bimanual examination, levator ani muscle function can be evaluated by asking the patient to tighten her ‘vaginal muscles’ and hold the contraction as long as possible.
In this situation it is vital to keep an open mind and consider any possibilities and evaluate them carefully.
Although the agency must evaluate studies submitted by manufacturers, it is free to ignore studies by independent researchers.
Objective: To evaluate the clinical effect of the hydrocolloid impression used in PFM crown and bridge.
An additional year of age of a house lowers the estimated sales price by $1,230 evaluated at the observed mean values.
Most important, it has forced scientists to re-evaluate their methodologies, as even Wager's rebuttal concedes that the nonindependence error Vul discusses can in fact inflate correlations (much of the argument is over how much).
Objectives:To evaluate the nursing diagnostic items in perioperative patients, its indication and clinical directive effect.
Our primary goals are to characterize patterns of morphological variation within and between geminate arks and evaluate the utility of shell shape for distinguishing between recent geminate species.
They will evaluate the woman's need on the basis of their talks over the telephone and, if needed, put them across to legal experts.
The short-term test, involving a very limited percentage of Yahoo's Web search queries, is designed for the two sides to evaluate the revenue potential of a broader search ad outsourcing arrangement.
Several other drugs have been evaluated, including tetracycline, primaquine, sulfadiazine and pyrimethamine (Fansidar).
We need to evaluate the success of the campaign.
Pregnant women should be evaluated for cavities, poor oral hygiene, inflamed gingiva, and loose teeth, as well as frequency of sugar consumption.
A partly degenerate consensus sequence was created from the Aspergillus and Penicillium sequences to evaluate the statistical significance of this alignment.
Our research attempts to evaluate the effectiveness of the different drugs.
This gives suppliers a constant means to evaluate their own performance against that of rivals, and a tool to use when contracts come up for renewal.
Co. for financial advice and to evaluate previous inquiries regarding the company.
In my opinion, they, like recent historical events, are too new to be meaningfully evaluated.
Although he lacks the historical context to articulate Kant's Categorical Moral Imperative, he describes a Supreme Being for whom something akin to this axiom is the ultimate measure of a man, a God who believes that one's ethical duty is to acquire and exercise wisdom, to evaluate and constantly re-evaluate one's beliefs -- including what one's ethical duty is -- by applying the utmost objectivity to one's own preconceptions and prejudices.
Objective To evaluate the role of gene CCR5 on donor cells in models where intensive preconditioning of the recipient occurs, thus provide the scientific evidence for clinical experience of allo-HSCT.
The point is that we really don't know how to evaluate him when matched with a top tier heavyweight.
Objective To evaluate the effect of dental operating microscope(DOM)and ultrasonic root canal technique(URA)in the management of calcified root-canal.
Inter-project comparison Once the appraisal has been evaluated the project should be selected and submitted for approval.
He takes the old material, looks at it anew, re-evaluates it and puts it into a theatrical context.
Thus do we transvaluate all values, translating the common speech of men into the vocabulary of madmen, calling "clean" a mechanism which, in a split second, can incinerate millions and transform God's handiwork, "all created equal," into cinders all cremated equal.
Wide, Wide World
Questions designed to evaluate the educational objectives of the projects were derived from other studies assessing self esteem and locus of control.
The double demerit point system is going to be evaluated by the Office of Road Safety not too far down the track.
ColdFusion will note the lack of quotes, evaluate the variable and create a variable x with a type of "numeric" - all hidden from you. full roast blend
It seems that in pundit-land, what you say is never evaluated for what it means on its face.
Matthew Yglesias » Conservatives Don’t Care About the Deficit
some future historian will evaluate him
One independent experienced radiologist evaluated all the MRI examinations.
Following feedback from regulatory authorities indicating the need for further analysis and the potential for additional studies, the company plans to evaluate next steps for briakinumab, including resubmission at a later date," Abbott said a filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission.
Abbott Withdraws Applications for Psoriasis Drug
One major counterargument is that by forcing people to act differently, there may have been essentially forced opportunities to re-evaluate stereotypes.
The Volokh Conspiracy » Public Opinion, Anti-Discrimination Law, and the Civil Rights Act of 1964
The barogram is evaluated by comparison with a calibration curve that must not be more than one year old.
In 1928, four years after Keynes had begun his lumpectomies in London, two statisticians, Jerzy Neyman and Egon Pearson, provided a systematic method to evaluate a negative statistical claim.
The Emperor of All Maladies
He evaluated rotational stocking, in which large numbers of cattle were moved through a series of small paddocks at short intervals to prevent overgrazing.
To write stories that they intend to evaluate, learn from, improve, or toss out as a failed experiment.
X ray, self - sensation, clinical functional evaluation, functional recovery of nerve were evaluated during follow - up postoperatively.
Indeed, arguably there are non-negotiable demands of human reason that apply universally in international attempts to understand and evaluate any particular political tradition or cultural way of life.
To evaluate the quality of automobile surfaces precisely, on the basis of considering both of precision and smoothness, a factor set of evaluation was determined.
This multidirectional form of crisis communication allowed the audience to compare and evaluate different sources and to understand better the biases of official information.
Don't evaluate a person on the basis of appearance.
Intelligence production also involves an integration function in which the analyst attempts to form a pattern by selecting, synthesizing, and combining evaluated information and previously developed intelligence.
The overall goal of our current research efforts is to develop methods to evaluate and assess the causal or contributing factors of anergia in order to develop interventions to decrease morbidity and mortality due to this syndrome," Dr. Maurer says. - latest science and technology news stories
In this study we evaluated the findings of follow up gastroscopies performed three years after primary gastroscopic screening of pernicious anaemia patients.
Similar studies need to be done to evaluate the role of the cholinergic nerves in the gastric response to intragastric ethanol.
This tribometer evaluates the tribological characteristics of liquid lubricants for space applications.
Because these lesions are clinically silent, chest CT scans to evaluate for lung cancer should include cuts through the adrenals.
It's impossible to evaluate these results without knowing more about the research methods employed.
Roubein etal evaluated endosonography in eight patients with resectable carcinoma after pre-operative chemotherapy, and accurately predicted histopathological findings.
Objective To evaluate the clinical value of prosthetic disc nucleus (PDN-solo) replacement for lumbar disc herniation by comparing it with traditional solely discectomy.
He also believes it was written by people "who are obviously completely ignorant of basic endocrinology, which is required to evaluate a chemical that acts like the sex hormone estradiol.
The Bellingham Herald: Sports News
I have no idea how to evaluate this claim, and with all due respect to the Kelly family I have no particular interest in it.
Three such mechanisms are evaluated: community policing arrangements, police complaints procedures and formal systems of accountability.
Objective To evaluate the impact of standing time of the peripheral blood on corpuscle determination.
That idea was anathema to many art historians, who believe that creativity is fragile and unquantifiable, that using the marketplace to evaluate art would sully the field…
Such procedures include magnetic resonance imaging, which is often used to evaluate internal organs, and extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy, which uses shock waves to break up large kidney stones.
By ensemble average method, the concentration distribution and error threshold of quasispecies on single peak Gaussian distributed fitness landscapes were evaluated.
The aim of this study was to evaluate the impact of a dietary supplementation in n-3 fatty acids in female rats during gestation and lactation on fatty acid pattern in brain glial cells phosphatidylethanolamine (PE) and phosphatidylserine (PS) in the neonates.
BioMed Central - Latest articles
: A project from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention that is supposed to evaluate the role of various genetic tests. www4. htm
Which Genetic Tests
Researchers working in the tissue culture laboratory were to evaluate a variety of plant hormones and phytochemicals to determine rapid growth conditions.
We need a thoughtful approach to determining how new life-changing therapies are valuated and paid for.
Even if there are not third-party witnesses to this statement, this is the sort of testimony that the trial system is designed to evaluate.
Then you can experiment, try a variety of functions, alter the structures, and evaluate the differing results.
Most of his Famennian species are probably valid taxa, but their generic assignments need to be re-evaluated.
In this section we'll evaluate the architecture of the application as it relates to application management and support services.
Although relicensing of doctors is well established in the US, systems to evaluate competence rigorously are still some way off
On the first postoperative day, the sonographer and the perinatologist evaluate the status of the fetuses by ultrasound.
The ‘Goldwater’ rule already proscribes specific comments about public figures or others who have not actually been evaluated.
Objective To evaluate the efficacy of Jinsang Sanjie Pill integrative therapy for vocal polypus and vocal nodules.
Objectives : To evaluate the therapeutic effects of acute superficial phlebitis with ultraviolet Irradiation and ultrashort wave therapy.
However, fluorescence has also been used to evaluate new storage practices, such as hydrocooling of cucumber and treatment of green bell pepper with the antioxidant diphenylamine to decrease chill-induced pitting.
Our research attempts to evaluate the effectiveness of the different drugs.
Most practitioners are aware of and use traditional methods, such as tracings and rulers, to evaluate wound surface area.
Furthermore, patients will undergo rhinometric examinations and spirometric tests at baseline and during the assessment period to further evaluate WF10's efficacy.
Medindia Health News
A 51-year-old white female was evaluated for multiple nevi.
In this study, three factors affecting the distribution of fixed mutational effects are evaluated: pleiotropy, drift, and stabilizing selection.
In this paper, a novel method so-called bioluminescence inhibition assay with luminous bacteria (Photobacterium phosphoreum) was introduced to evaluate the toxicity of quantum dots.
We wished to evaluate the efficacy of Pul8 photosensitizer in the induction of apoptosis because its anhydride group may provide the possibility of coupling this photosensitizer to cell-targeting agents like antibodies.
Lactic acid (LA) is the main metabolite product of muscle exercise; it is an important sign to evaluate the fatigability of an organism.
Your goal is to collect and evaluate ‘strategic data’ across divergent constituent groups that directly shed light on strategic decision making.
But she had too many crucial driving challenges before her now to evaluate why the word bothered her.
Under a Maui Moon
If your child has ascariasis, she should be evaluated for other intestinal parasites, such as pinworm.
The group supports this bill and is glad to see that it will go the Law and Order Committee, where there are many fine members who can well evaluate the merit and the disbenefits of the bill.
Stating your target audience is mainly important so that the publisher/agent can evaluate whether you have a realistic idea of who your main audience is.
Superhero Nation: how to write superhero novels and comic books » How to Communicate with Agents and Editors
I do think the way the site evaluates films is a little reductionist.
The researchers ran a test commonly used to evaluate children for neurodevelopmental disorders such as autism called a chromosomal microarray.
RedOrbit News - Technology
Disparate sides may well use the same word or concept to evaluate and characterise beliefs and ideas, yet load them with different notions and values.
It's enjoyable to evaluate how well each image fools the eye, and every time a scene coalesces there is a kind of "ta-da" moment.
The city as artifice, created as you watch
Such procedures include magnetic resonance imaging, which is often used to evaluate internal organs, and extracorporeal shock-wave lithotripsy, which uses shock waves to break up large kidney stones.
Molecular methods have been developed to monitor these mutations in the field isolates so as to evaluate the efficacy of sulpha drugs to treat malaria.
Irish salmon fishermen are calling on the Minister to at least freeze quotas at the 2002 level whilst the current stock position is evaluated.
This test evaluates the cones of the retina and the visual cortex.
Once the bleeding has been evaluated its management may remain with general practitioners or midwives.
The researchers wanted to evaluate clopidogrel as a potential treatment for dogs with hypercoagulability due to excessive platelet activation.
EurekAlert! - Breaking News
Their website allows people to valuate your car for free and get results in just 45 seconds.
They determine computer hardware requirements, evaluate equipment options, and make purchasing decisions.
We work with children with severe to profound sensorineural hearing loss who are being evaluated for cochlear implantation and children who already use cochlear implants.
Cochlear Implant Program
Children with VUR who are toilet-trained should be evaluated for voiding dysfunction.
This quantum calculation evaluates certain mathematical functions in one operation, although a conventional computer would require two.
Japan denies any wrongdoing, and says allegations of vote-buying are meant to "devaluate
Yahoo! News: Top Stories
An infant born to a seroreactive mother should be evaluated with a quantitative non-treponemal serologic test (e.g., rapid plasma reagin or VDRL).
Error tolerance criteria were used to evaluate the accuracy of the glucose meter measurements.
Looking at the microstructure of metals can lead to the identification of techniques and postcasting working methods, and help evaluate alloys.
This is especially true as it is re-valuated upon sale or death of the owner with some provisions made for spouses.
The Volokh Conspiracy » California’s Woes and Prop 13
The Air Force test, called Glory Trip 195, was part of a continuing program to evaluate and demonstrate the operational readiness of our ground-based strategic deterrent force.
Objective To study the functional rehabilitation of the paralytic hands caused by peripheral nerve injury, and evaluate the clinical use of electrodiagnosis for the disorders.
Objective To evaluate diagnostic value of CT Virtual Bronc ho scopy (CTVB) on deviant substance in trachea and bronchia of children.
Final returns are still being evaluated, but the haul includes hand guns, rifles, shotguns, air guns and imitation firearms.
Objective To evaluate the diagnostic significance of automated biopsy gun for lung tumor.
Trying to sell your home in this economy is hard enough but when the village allows someone to cause your property to devaluate, that is unacceptable.
News -
Both the power and the phase are discussed to evaluate the injection locking of LD.
We don't know for sure at this point, but the fact that the prosecutor took two weeks to evaluate the evidence, to look it over and consider it, indicates, I think, that there's more to it than just the young woman's story.
Objective : To evaluate the mandibular movement after vertical dimension increasing.
He insisted that Rahman merely said it was time to "reevaluate" the cease fire because of the Egyptian government's oppression and recalcitrance.
Lynne Stewart's Long Struggle for Justice
Does your business have the tools to evaluate and implement change?
The width of bilateral palpebral fissures and exophthalmus were measured respectively for the patients wearing two types of prosthesis, the horizontal excursions were evaluated meanwhile.
Objective:To evaluate the diagnostic value and clinical meaning of high-frequency ultrasound for plunge ranula.
Methods The taste threshold, magnitude matching and the number of the fungiform papillae on tongue were evaluated and compared between the menopause females and younger females.
Objective: To evaluate the effects of flurbiprofen axetil combined with propofol in induced abortion anaesthesia and postoperative analgesia.
The most direct way to assess chromosomal aneuploidy is to evaluate chromosome numbers in metaphase cells.
Mr Jake Swinson is from the armaments centre, which develops, tests, evaluates and acquires non-nuclear, air-dropped munitions.
Purpose : To evaluate transvaginal color Doppler sonography ( TVCDS ) in the diagnosis of adenomyosis.
Arcaro evaluated breast milk samples from the biopsied and non-biopsied breasts.
Breast milk cells may someday predict cancer
The reassessment is the latest signal that the Obama administration is willing to reevaluate the possible health impacts of chemicals that have been in widespread use.
We're heading toward government devaluing its currency to devaluate its debt in order to survive.
Six months is not a long time in which to evaluate the most radical overhaul of the civil justice system since 1875.
We need to evaluate how well the policy is working.
The strained tendon is Arenas's right ankle will be reevaluated "on Sunday or Monday," he said, adding that he remains optimistic that Arenas can return for the home opener next Tuesday.
John Wall: "I'm just ready to see where I stand"