How To Use Valise In A Sentence

  • He stopped abruptly and gestured at a small valise next to the doorway.
  • Abraham Lincoln" stepped from the gray Toyota minivan outside the Baltimore train station Wednesday, grabbed his carpetbag and leather valise and put on his stovepipe hat. Abraham Lincoln rides to Washington, 150 years later
  • She moved back towards the carriage, pausing to smile at Nicholas, and asked Jeanette for something in her valise.
  • Sans cesse sollicité pour revêtir à nouveau l'imperméable du célèbre inspecteur, Peter Falk, dont les apparitions au cinéma dans l'intervalle ont, à l'exception de celle dans Der Himmel über Berlin, été plutôt décevantes, finit par accepter avec, à la clé, un traitement revu à la hausse six millions de dollars par épisode et un statut de producteur lui permettant d'avaliser le choix des scénaristes, réalisateurs et acteurs. Archive 2009-07-12
  • Philipson, “is the loan of a mule to carry my valise, which is packed up with your baggage.” Anne of Geierstein
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  • Dusty and seedy somewhat, as men are after a journey, I chatted with Mark and the noble peer for a few minutes at the door, while my valise and et ceteras were lifted in and hurried up the stairs to my room, whither I followed them. Wylder's Hand
  • Suddenly Diaz dismounted, and picked up off the sand a dark object; it was a kind of valise, which Diaz at once recognised as belonging to Wood Rangers The Trappers of Sonora
  • He put his valise on his lap, beneath his waxed greatcoat, tied his hat under his chin, propped his cane between his legs and settled down.
  • You can almost picture a stern lady in a hoop skirt being helped down from the train, while a porter scurries to take her valise.
  • Adam dropped the valise on the floor.
  • The next morning, he knocked on her door, just as she burst out of it, followed by a train of servants carrying cases and valises.
  • The evening before my surgery, I packed a small valise with a robe, slippers, toothbrush, toothpaste, two books, and bottled water, and set off to the hospital with my husband.
  • With the first warm day ye have your windows wide open; and next your beds are into a draught fit to blaw ye from between the sheets; and then ye're up in the morning, aff on a hoorse scouring the hills as tho 'ye were gyte; and at the end your valise's packed, the coach stopped, and ye aff amang the heathen, Gude alane kens wheer! Nancy Stair A Novel
  • I could even listen with fair good humour to the harassed excuses of the Cockney porter carrying my valise as he protested that he didn't knaow nuffink abaht the trunk, guv ',' cos 'Erbert' ad gorn ter the guard's van for it, and where the 'ell' e'd got ter, Gawd ownly knew. Watershed
  • He put his valise on his lap, beneath his waxed greatcoat, tied his hat under his chin, propped his cane between his legs and settled down.
  • Abraham Lincoln" stepped from the gray Toyota minivan outside the Baltimore train station Wednesday, grabbed his carpetbag and leather valise and put on his stovepipe hat. Abraham Lincoln rides to Washington, 150 years later
  • The former was carrying a square black "valise," inadequately described by Anderson Crow, Detective
  • The next morning, he knocked on her door, just as she burst out of it, followed by a train of servants carrying cases and valises.
  • His pockets were filled with silver quarters, half-dollars, and dollars almost to a burdensome point, and in his valise was a bag full of smaller change, including many rolls of copper cents which Alice always counted and packed up on Mondays. The Damnation of Theron Ware
  • You brought a valise with a change of clothes.
  • I came, you know, with just a little valise, meaning to stay for a fortnight, and yet I've now been here for nearly three months, and am no more advanced than I was on the morning of my arrival. The Three Cities Trilogy, Complete Lourdes, Rome and Paris
  • Theodora swung her leather valise from the car boot into the dimly lit entrance hall.
  • His companion's attention, however, was devoted so earnestly to the big black "valise," that he couldn't have told, for the life of him, whether the customers were young or old, black or white. Anderson Crow, Detective
  • As the bell ceases its clanging on reaching the platform, he seems to pull his cap down purposely, and otherwise to gather himself into the plushy depths of his warm furs, he hires the first cabman that accosts him, shoves in his heavy valise, which is all the baggage he has, and in a gruff sort of voice, orders to be driven to the "Albion Hotel. Honor Edgeworth Ottawa's Present Tense
  • We walked in silence and stood together, before the carriage door, as one of the footmen loaded my valise into the storage compartment.
  • So saying, the Colonel leaped to the ground, directing his servant to cover the horses and then get out his valise; while the host, thus defeated, assumed the best grace he could to say that he would see what could be done “for the _horses_.” A Stable for Nightmares or Weird Tales
  • She removed her makeup kit, then a blue dress from the larger of their two valises.
  • After ransacking his valise, they discover he is French.
  • He grabbed his stuff, already packed into a large valise, and made a quick exit onto a neighboring roof through his window.
  • The priest officiated from a table in the center of the room, on which he placed two candles, an Arabic Bible, and a sacred picture, all of which he took out of a brown valise. Tish
  • stogy" boots included; and into the valise we crowded a few white shirts, some under-clothing and such things. Roughing It
  • I found him in the cabin, sitting on his valise, trying to fasten it. MR STARLIGHT
  • Having come into possession of a little valise which is not mine, I am getting rid of it in the following manner. Crooked Trails and Straight
  • The dopey-looking monkey on Strange Adventures is rather underwhelming, between the "medicated" look on his face and the dry dialogue "You will now put those books inside this valise! Apes on Covers (seen at KEVIN GEEKS OUT ABOUT MONKEYS)
  • For two days I sought for my 'audiencia' with Valise, my Internet connection, via the two phone numbers that he had given me. Walking the walk, talking the talk - Atlantis in Mexico part 2
  • Sara gazed up at the house in dazed wonder, not noticing Mr. Lake's retrieval of her valise from the carriage or his offer of hand to steady her step down to the sidewalk.
  • Out they come, first Bryan daintily carrying one small red-lacquered box, followed by Moshe struggling with two big old valises and the phonograph, instantly walking into a tree.
  • So, while I was wondering what to do about it, she headed right in, leaving me with the valise and the umberella, and a kind of qualmy feeling that the old lady might strike a snag. Love, the Fiddler
  • Brent Bozell is a busted valise, and the PTC is a card table, but the report has already been covered, and taken seriously, by ABC News, the Los Angeles Times, and the New York Daily News. Chris Kelly: TV Is Smutty, but the Parents Television Council Is a Disgrace
  • Important papers should not be left in the outside pouches of valises that are thrown unceremoniously into the boot of a taxi.
  • She was dressed in a grey business-type suit and skirt, and clutched a leather valise to her chest.
  • He was wearing a white short-sleeved shirt and a string tie, and his valise sat at his feet. OFF THE CHART
  • SEAFURY Aircraft were not on line till much much later, SEAFIRES, which were the navalised version of the Spitfire were but not Till 1942, which means the poxy arsed Fulmar Aircraft were on deck of the British carriers at the time. Cheeseburger Gothic » A Sweet Jane alt-hist challenge!
  • She dressed in her warmest clothes, as the Spanish nights were terribly cold, and grabbed her valise.
  • At the camp at Kokinia, outside Athens, 'lorries were being hurriedly packed, stores and equipment were flung about anyhow, officers' valises and suitcases were lying open with their contents scattered around as if the owners had made a hasty choice of their more valuable belongings at the last moment.
  • He looked at her raffia hat and her small leather valise and said, `He's over there. THE MAIN CAGES
  • Each of us put on a rough, heavy suit of clothing, woolen army shirt and "stogy" boots included; and into the valise we crowded a few white shirts, some under-clothing and such things. Roughing It
  • After ransacking his valise, they discover he is French.
  • She had cooked up yet another plot, and she packed her valise carefully making sure to take only those things that she would need.
  • When he retired and returned to the UK, all he took with him were two valises and deep affection for Taiwan.
  • The porter who seized my valise in the station, inferred from some very polyglottic Italian of mine the nature of my wish, and ran out and threw that slender piece of luggage into a gondola. Venetian Life
  • Take the type 45 for example the sea viper is a navalised version of the French Astor which is in service. Cheeseburger Gothic » Anyone been following the build up to next falklands war?
  • Sara gazed up at the house in dazed wonder, not noticing Mr. Lake's retrieval of her valise from the carriage or his offer of hand to steady her step down to the sidewalk.
  • Dr Barbara's black valise rested on the stool, a hypodermic syringe in a kidney dish beside it. RUSHING TO PARADISE
  • Carrying a cream valise and dressed in a white linen suit, his entrance, while not exactly grand, has a graceful style all its own.
  • These men were observed to be of various statures, considerably variegated, and carried their worldly possessions in bundles, boxes, trunks, valises, and suitcases.
  • She opened it and pulled out a few pairs of trousers and gowns and stuffed them into a valise under her bed.
  • Theodora swung her leather valise from the car boot into the dimly lit entrance hall.

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