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How To Use Validate In A Sentence

  • Part B (to be completed during the appraisal by the appraiser - where appropriate and safe to do so, certain items can completed by the appraiser before the appraisal, and then discussed and validated or amended in discussion with the appraisee during the appraisal.) name of appraiser: position: time managing appraisee: B1 Describe the purpose of the appraisee's job. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • Failure to have the service done may invalidate some extended warranties or service contracts.
  • validate a ticket
  • In public, they had to speak of suspects, of allegations and beliefs and evidence, then wait for juries and judges to validate their work. EVERY SECRET THING
  • And more recently, the company further validated its belief in this technology when it announced it will be used for mass production on MY2001 Jeep Wrangler hardtops.
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  • The dichotomy between “forwardness” and “backwardness” is a scale constructed and enforced by the civilizer to validate his civilizing/colonial project. Hartzell and Lin lose on appeal
  • Stanford will develop new megavoltage X-ray detection hardware and image reconstruction software, and will validate the new technology in a clinical trial to be conducted by Varian Medical Systems and Stanford University Win $3.6 Million Five-Year NIH/NCI Research Grant to Develop Advanced Imaging Technology - Yahoo! Finance
  • And the assumption the defenses were based on was only invalidated when the Fleet Air Arm successfully attacked Taranto. Making Light: In the navy, between the wars
  • Everything is good - I don't need Robbie to validate my life.
  • She represents the other model of feminism, a feminism that the movie does not validate, that is about political power. Enchanted
  • Contractors will fabricate and test advanced structural components to failure to validate performance relative to predicted performance.
  • The code was validated by comparing the computed forces and torques with the analytic solutions for a hemisphere and sphere in point contact with the wall and also computations for axisymmetric spherical caps and spheroids.
  • Also important was whether the instruments used for temperature measurement were tested for accuracy to validate the data.
  • Brooks managed to squeeze 'peripatetic', 'equanimity', 'homeostasis', 'sojourner', 'grandiloquent' and 'didactic' into the brief 850 word article on the inner workings of Obama's mind, exposing a fragile psyche of his own, and a desperate need to validate his position as a national talking head. Ben Cohen: David Brooks and Big Words
  • This possibilist view validates the Converse Barcan Formula. Possible Objects
  • The effects of shiatsu, acupuncture, moxa, and herbal medicine are still questioned in Japan because they seem to depend upon the individual and are very difficult to replicate or to validate scientifically.
  • I did so, and Bailie Jarvie was looking anxiously around for another, the Scottish law requiring the subscription of two witnesses to validate either a bond or acquittance. Rob Roy
  • The elements of Christianity that come from older beliefs do not necessarily invalidate the religion.
  • By applying the set of arc, the key role the transitive closure played in contractual relationship model was proved, and the recursive and reflective roles in virtual enterprise system were validated.
  • The assay was validated directly by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry.
  • To be eligible for the assistance, the projects had to be validated and certified by authorized bodies.
  • This need not invalidate the argument for a continuing bridge between cultures.
  • (I suspect this paper was really meant to validate that stylometric method rather than to solve the "mystery.") Stylometry for Fun and Profit
  • I'd walked away from one possibility because of my insistence that I needed to follow another to validate my life. THE MANANA MAN
  • This adds to the comorbidity, meaning they have more mental health issues, because they can't figure out why they are being invalidated. The Bilerico Project
  • We believe there is fraud, but Quality Insurance doesn't have to prove that much to invalidate the policy. A KING'S RANSOM
  • Not only was this the first manned flight to and from the Moon, Apollo 8 served to validate many of the technical procedures necessary to support upcoming lunar missions.
  • He knew there were other aspects to the problem, but these didn't invalidate his picture, they deepened it. PROSPECT HILL
  • A higher education institute provides courses that are validated by the Higher Education Training and Awards Council.
  • This kind of disingenuousness validates dangerous nonsense as legitimate opinion and sets the table for extremism. Ian Gurvitz: Put Hate Speech in the Crosshairs
  • So in the unlikely event that this nutjob is on the level, the only thing it validates is … what opponents of the war were saying in 2002. Strange Vindication
  • The Ministry of Foreign Affairs may authorize other agencies to revoke or invalidate a visa.
  • They were able to validate iridology by finding many correlations that in fact were not established as causal relationships by rigorously defined controlled studies.
  • If you can validate spending three times the cash for something a bit less wieldy in situations where you are constantly on the go, need it to be able to be used as a palmtop, etc, go ahead -- but for those of us using these, and able to enjoy them, the validationisn't there, and neither is it there for Apple's excuses as to why they won't create one of these beauties themselves. The Problems With A Hackintosh Netbook, Six Months Out | Lifehacker Australia
  • In Florida, the way incomplete or otherwise invalidated ballots are "rectified" is that AFTER the election, the Boards of Elections mail back the ballots & tell the (non) voters what they did wrong. Franken Camp: Don't Start The Recount Yet!
  • Depth of anaesthesia monitoring: what's available, what's validated and what's next?
  • Are method arguments validated and rejected with an exception are invalid?
  • To facilitate comparison between Messina and limma results, the rank of Messina's reported probeset classifier margin (a measure of the robustness of the trained classifier) was compared to the log To validate Messina's results, we measured expression of S100A2 protein by immunohistochemistry upon a separate patient cohort from that used in the microarray data PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • A purchasing agent validates the line items on a paper request form, verifying that the part number and price matches the internal catalog.
  • Be sure to validate your child's feelings - don't minimize them.
  • These artists need a national institution to support and validate them and to facilitate contact with the global arena.
  • Gossip helps validate feelings.
  • The reverse also holds, that failure to live morally betrays and invalidates religious devotion unless there is genuine penitence.
  • By passing the U.S. Army's rigorous ruggedization requirements, he thinks the company's display technology has been validated for use in consumer applications as well.
  • It should also be noted that the presence of proteins in cell membranes in no way invalidates these arguments, which are quite general.
  • For example, in 1941, the Supreme Court invalidated a California criminal statute aimed at excluding indigent sharecroppers and tenant farmers during the Depression.
  • Failure to disclose all relevant changes may invalidate your policy.
  • invalidate a contract
  • An alternation, which is not invalidated by exceptions here and there, has been observed in the criminality of different countries, in the periodic movement of crimes and offences against property and those against the person, of such a kind that years of increase in the former usually answer to a diminution in the latter, and vice versâ. Criminal Sociology
  • To get over the embarrassment of the "fizzle," Kim's technicians had to detonate another device to validate their designs and demonstrate the power of their weapon. North Korea Advertises Its Nukes
  • So Physicist Husband is helping to work out the airflow issues, perhaps by installing a small fan or upgrading to a better colander, which would kind of invalidate the point of using stuff we already had around the house. MAKE Magazine
  • These results invalidate the current concept of cell proliferation and offer a unified view of tumor development.
  • I'd walked away from one possibility because of my insistence that I needed to follow another to validate my life. THE MANANA MAN
  • File, Validate Date Formats, Sort data, deduplicate it and load it into the database, run stored procedure or Sql script. Softpedia - Windows - All
  • No particular behavioral technique has been validated or proven to be superior than others in the substance user.
  • Perhaps then you will need to validate parameter values, or assign defaults to missing parameters.
  • Henry explained that consumers now need to validate websites before inputting their personal data.
  • Doesn't this invalidate people that are feeling other things such as grief, sadness, loss, anger right now?
  • The tone of your critique seems to say that conceptual poetics is not enough and in some way needs to move outside of its own discourse in order to validate your own sense of worth, which is something that conceptual poetics may never do: might be a case of round pegs in square holes. To Be (Un)Real : Kenneth Goldsmith : Harriet the Blog : The Poetry Foundation
  • If the disability is psychologically based diagnostic systems based on the use of multiple and unvalidated skin tests may reinforce the delusion.
  • Today's informed consumers are demanding that the competence of licensed professionals be validated throughout their career.
  • Like patients who told their therapists what they wanted to hear, research subjects validated experimenters' hypotheses.
  • If the disability is psychologically based diagnostic systems based on the use of multiple and unvalidated skin tests may reinforce the delusion.
  • Using this approach, the fragile mapping definitions in the XML files are validated and made to safe code during compilation time.
  • On the basis of constructing laser microbeam system we manipulate hollow dielectric spheres in suspension with optical trap, it validates the kinetic performance of the laser trap.
  • Found this nifty trick when I caught the nightrider home at 3am expired at 6am, then validated to go to work the same/next day at 10am – expired 3am the next day. Saving Money With Off-Peak Travel | Lifehacker Australia
  • The myths and rites will be given different interpretations, different rational applications, different social customs to validate and enforce.
  • But if you go to the police, you'll necessarily expose him in order to validate your story. CORMORANT
  • If the court is satisfied that the alleged declarant had the requisite intention it will strive to validate it.
  • A civil partnership invalidates any existing wills.
  • Tuning fork technology validated by customers in diversity of applications.
  • The collective experience of achieving this success validates the beliefs on which productive courses of action are based.
  • This assumption is validated by observations of borehole breakout, the formation of margin-parallel normal growth faults and structural analogue modelling.
  • While the lien should not be invalidated, the Plaintiff should not be entitled to rely upon the statement of claim which claims an amount greater than the lien claims.
  • Stay-at-home pops like me enthusiastically welcome this affirmation; it validates the decision to let our salaried lives fall by the wayside in favor of raising our kids.
  • This passport has to be signed before the official can validate it.
  • Failure to disclose all relevant changes may invalidate your policy.
  • It is more likely that he would have applauded the Fed for its swift action, and then argued that the fiscal stimulus validated his notion of government as an economic stabilizer.
  • For the most part, these questions should be held in abeyance until other researchers either validate or disprove the hypothesis outlined in the present study.
  • You need an official signature to validate the order.
  • Microsatellite instability was assessed using the 5-marker panel proposed by the National Cancer Institute and/or the pentaplex of mononucleotide repeats, as described elsewhere Comparison of methylation degree between multiple and solitary CRC patients was performed qualitatively where methylation positivity was set as PMR ≥ 4, as previously validated PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • In 1994 Bradley sued Chiron, seeking to invalidate the patent, have himself included as a co-inventor, and receive damages and royalty income.
  • The data is validated automatically by the computer after it has been entered.
  • Needless to say, recalling this episode in the historiography of German Renaissance studies is not to validate it.
  • It is therefore important that researchers both describe their methodology accurately and validate it using independent data.
  • -- (BUSINESS WIRE) -- Auspex Pharmaceuticals, a clinical stage company developing next-generation medicines with improved safety and performance through the targeted deuteration of clinically validated drugs, today announced the appointment of Michael Grey as President and Chief Executive Officer and R. Gary Gilmore as Chief Financial Officer. Featured News and Stories
  • An appeal was lodged against his system of proxy voting - previously validated by the JCR Executive - by the Returning Officer five minutes before the referendum was due to close, nullifying the vote.
  • Those parts can be used to validate the accuracy of other test results and to explain any abnormal or unexpected results.
  • This procedure made SEHEM one of the first validated models for predicting growth of rangeland grasses over a very broad area.
  • That's completely absurd and there's no proof to validate that statement.
  • And we, his children, simply by being his disciples and spreading the word, had became the first generation of kids to validate and popularize a comedy genius.
  • While independent sources validate building inventory of now obsolesced Prescott x86 units to increasingly noticeable channel levels, the same sources indicate minimal if any channel inventory developing over this period for Advanced Micro Devices, Whittington noted. Intel May See More Downside
  • At least in democracies, they will increasingly become the credible, neutral parties that monitor compliance with fiscal norms, cost out initiatives, evaluate impact, and validate forecasts -- credit rating agencies do some of this, but lost credibility during the crisis. Otaviano Canuto: The Day After Tomorrow: Fiscal Quality
  • The Department of Agriculture unveiled controversial plans to again approve genetically modified sugar beets in time for planting next year, a move that would nullify a federal court ruling in August that invalidated the original approval issued by the USDA five years ago. World Watch
  • It is possible that the Parliament could pass a law, having extraterritorial effect, which might invalidate a contrary law.
  • You need an official signature to validate the order.
  • These days the travelers validate their purple tickets or season ticket coupons at automatic turnstiles.
  • And the judiciary is given the power to strike down legislation, invalidate legislation that it considers is inconsistent with those rights.
  • We say we know exactly what "moral" is: it is your unprincipled conscience in subjugation to irrational prejudice, in servitude to the mob, validated only by appeals to authority. Archive 2007-01-01
  • Conventional cytogenetics is a validated technique to study the acquired gross chromosomal aberrations associated with human cancer.
  • The principle of legality doesn't clash with the power of judicial review when the courts must invalidate criminal laws.
  • Customers identify and validate the requirements to be addressed and evaluate the contractor's performance, and ensure that the contract is used in economical and efficient ways. David Isenberg: This Waste Really Hurts
  • A golden couple is always worth more than the sum of its parts and Mr and Mrs Jopling's presence seemed to validate the "nowness" of any event. Jay Jopling: portrait of the perfect gallerist | profile
  • However, none of this invalidates the general theory that stock aligns CEO incentives with those of the shareholders better than does cash salary; it does.
  • And from an interactionist labling perspective, does labeling the lone actor a terrorist mean that we are creating a label that can be used/misused by others that might be disturbed, lonely and/or newly radicalized seeking a fantasy in which to validate themselves. Is That Legal?: In Defense of Worrying About The Word "Terrorist"
  • Secondhand smoke exposure was validated further using a short-term biomarker of exposure-the Level of cot nine in the umbilical cord blood at the time of delivery. Effects of Secondhand Smoke on Children's Health
  • Each technique has been validated against laboratory standards and has been tested throughout the tropics in a variety of ecological contexts.
  • An official decree invalidated the vote in the capital.
  • A public-key user needs to obtain and validate a certificate containing the required public key.
  • The physical activity tests were validated using electronic accelerometers to measure levels of activity minute by minute.
  • But not really, for at the same time Judge Tauro also claimed that the Equal Protection Clause, which in 1967 was used to strike down state antimiscegenation laws in Loving v. Virginia, invalidated any state ban on same-sex marriage. Judicial Offensive Against Defense Of Marriage Act
  • FARRELL: I'm afraid I have to say that I think if the west started getting into the game of asking Muslim clerics to issue fatwas then it would put the clerics in a very difficult situation and it would kind of invalidate the fatwa if they did it because they would look like they're doing it at the behest of the west. CNN Transcript Jan 20, 2006
  • Auspex Pharmaceuticals, a developer of next-generation medicines with improved safety and performance through the targeted deuteration of clinically validated drugs, today announced positive results from its Phase 1 clinical trial evaluating SD-254, a Selective Serotinin-Norepinephrine Reuptake Inhibitor (SNRI). Medlogs - Recent stories
  • The plans, which were drawn up by John F. Santry Architects of Waterford, were validated by council officials last week.
  • His view of a mighty power fighting a lost cause for all the wrong reasons would be validated by the succeeding decade.
  • That ‘debt deflation dynamics’ have not manifested themselves thus far in the US does not invalidate the theory.
  • For an individual there are always unmeasured and unknown factors and the outcome anyway can be only yes or no, so predictions cannot be individually validated.
  • Measurement of wound surface area was obtained by using an acetate tracing and planimeter, a method that has been validated in all common etiologies of ulcers.
  • As if it wasn’t enough that I was validating my own seclusion from my friends, having some cute young thing validate your singledom was a little bit more than I could handle. Moschikat Diary Entry
  • It should be made mandatory that all authorities should get their project plan vetted by at least two or three civic bodies that will validate the plan and programme.
  • Hashing is used in many applications, from passwords and other authentication schemes, to digital signatures and certificates, to creating checksums used to validate files.
  • This was attributed to the formation of elevated amounts of vesicular structures in the cytosol after exposure to LEF, which was also validated microscopically.
  • Six months later, Target Corp. filed a challenge with the Canadian Registrar of Trademarks, arguing that the trademark should be invalidated for nonuse. Target Goes to Canadian Court
  • If the assessment is subjective, the level of agreement between markers must be tested in order to validate the process of marking.
  • Together with her colleagues, she created a degree course in movement studies validated by London University.
  • The equation needed to adjust for practice demography will be difficult to validate.
  • Creating life is one way to validate your existence.
  • However, while trial courts have invalidated the statute, the intermediate appellate courts that issued both Hertz and an earlier decision have both found the statute constitutional.
  • He therefore validated Yaakov's blessings, and recognized Yaakov as the sole spiritual inheritor of the blessings.
  • Periodic remeasures can validate the effectiveness of the intervention plan.
  • The Supreme Court has validated the lower court's interpretation of the law.
  • Many scientists plan to wait until the results of the study are validated by future research.
  • Ordinarily you shouldn't open these units as there is the chance of electric shock, as well as the fact this will invalidate your warranty.
  • These problems have ranged from mismeasurement of the three key constructs to the use of an inappropriate experimental design to validate a within-subjects theory.
  • His second is that finding unpleasant - even horrible - application of a scientific theory or philosophical argument invalidates the theory.
  • In these situations I've always tried to validate the person's feelings while still pointing out that they aren't necessarily accurate.
  • The Galaxy deserved the victory after dominating the contest to secure a title victory that validates the franchise's lucrative investment in a star-studded roster. The Globe and Mail - Home RSS feed
  • I'd walked away from one possibility because of my insistence that I needed to follow another to validate my life. THE MANANA MAN
  • Once the parameters have been adjusted, the design is validated using the same type of test as those carried out on commercial orthosis. BioMed Central - Latest articles
  • In a better age, in the one we hope to bring about, that would of course legally invalidate the marriage. THE PRESIDENT'S CHILD
  • Stay-at-home Pops like me enthusiastically welcome this affirmation; it validates the decision to let our salaried lives fall by the wayside in favor of raising our kids.
  • While these are both interesting finds, there is nothing to invalidate the arguments already presented against evolution.
  • The performance of a mitsvah is not symbolic, but intrinsically meaningful; it does not require an extra layer of interpretive validity to validate it. The Passionate Torah
  • The kohen (member of the priestly class) was usually entrusted with the purification of individuals so afflicted, but Aaron was invalidated in this case, because he was a relative of Miriam. Miriam: Midrash and Aggadah.
  • Riegl was thus enabled to explore and validate the esthetic structures of periods and kinds of art which were not supposed to have any - which were dismissed as ‘decadent’ or simply as inartistic.
  • The observation data of rainfall, evapotranspiration and streamflow from 1979 to 1984 and 1985 to 1987 were used to calibrate and validate the modal, respectively.
  • In public, they had to speak of suspects, of allegations and beliefs and evidence, then wait for juries and judges to validate their work. EVERY SECRET THING
  • And had to get their papers validated by a Mexican vet when flying backout!! Bringing a dog to San Felipe for a week
  • She's gorgeous, she's talented, she has beautiful children, but she needs a man to feel validated.
  • TGR has been recently validated as a drug target for schistosomiasis and new drug leads targeting TGR have recently been identified for these platyhelminth infections that affect more than 200 million people and for which a single drug is currently available. BioMed Central - Latest articles
  • The survey measured the availability of preventive services and was validated by a third party, the Medstat Group.
  • Claims that the woman invoked a loa to curse him with insanity are invalidated by a complete lack of proof that he ever became insane.
  • They commiserate and validate each others' feelings and become confidantes.
  • With megastar Sunjay Dutt and Vidya Balan, Munnabhai was hailed as a film that, according to critics, “revalidate[s] the philosophy of non-violence in a strife-torn world and help[s] rediscover the Gandhi within the common man.” Buzzine » National Film Awards in New Delhi
  • Certain types of usage will invalidate the warranty entirely, such as amateur motorsport, driving tuition, and mini-cabbing.
  • On a discursive level, writers who utilize Taglish and Pidgin validate these languages as literary mediums of cultural expression.
  • The effects of shiatsu, acupuncture, moxa, and herbal medicine are still questioned in Japan because they seem to depend upon the individual and are very difficult to replicate or to validate scientifically.
  • They made similar findings that the ordinance was inadequate, but they sent them back [in BFN] for additional proofs," he added, "whereas here they actually invalidated the ordinances. Atlanticville
  • As i mentioned in my scenario, whn i will cleck on button2 it shud also validate button1 validation group. articles
  • Since the returned value is identical to the value of the "name" attribute, the only advantage of this query element is to validate the user ID.
  • The FDA also said an agreement it made with Cell Therapeutics that the company's trial would be sufficient for approval was "invalidated" because the trial was stopped early. News
  • Sounds cool enough, often involves reading in ethnobotany, but the main two bosses are just the sort of "whitist" types who get excited when there's a slight chance that the earliest people to come to the Americas might have been from Europe, probably because it might invalidate indigenous legal claims. $6.50
  • Theories do not become facts; theories explain facts, and a well validated theory does not turn into something else; it remains a theory forever.
  • The concentration of methyclothiazide in blood plasma was measured by an validated LC-MS/MS method and were assessed with non-compartment model to obtain the pharmacokinetic parameters.
  • Outcome surrogates must be carefully validated to avoid misleading results.
  • In order to validate the agreement between yourself and your employer, you must both sign it.
  • In order to validate the agreement between yourself and your employer, you must both sign it.
  • Do these results validate his theory?
  • It seeks to revalidate critical work that develops a philosophy of culture and a culturally historical philosophy. About This Volume
  • People seem to believe hogwash if it validates some notion they cherish.
  • However, having your will reviewed by a good attorney guards against loopholes in the document that could invalidate the will in your state.
  • The Supreme Court has validated the lower court's interpretation of the law.
  • It validates the most basic human instinct to return to our primordial source of warmth, comfort, security.
  • After seeking to invalidate most of the charges, the Rabbis turned to the most important point, and acknowledged that the Talmud, contained slighting references to a certain Jesus.
  • The service validates the tokens as authentic and sends the reports to the consumer.
  • We believe there is fraud, but Quality Insurance doesn't have to prove that much to invalidate the policy. A KING'S RANSOM
  • If you don't inform your insurance company your policy could be invalidated.
  • It should not be surprising, then, that the bearer of the bad tidings that research in psychology does not validate ESP, is usually not greeted with enthusiasm.
  • Aim To validate spectrum analysis of oxalyl fluoride neutral molecule(FCO)2 and study vibrational mode of the two configuration.
  • Additionally, the statistical significance of these methods has not been rigorously validated using independent, biologically identical samples.
  • In that case, an administrator or quality manager would validate whether the guideline was properly followed for the specific entity and then would invoke the transition to the next state.
  • All analytical methods should be validated in respect of accuracy, precision, linearity and specificity.
  • Develop and validate cell based activity methods for protein analysis, glycosylation (glycan isoforms & sialic acid) and heterogeneity ( C & N terminal sequencing, peptide mapping and size exclusion chromatography). News -
  • Prior to completing the migration both Companies validated the implementation of Premium Voice services over managed IP interconnects in a series of extensive trials which proved that the SIP-I protocol could effectively guarantee advanced call features such as CLI, international roaming, ISDN Data, fax and ISUPv2. The Earth Times Online Newspaper
  • For another, it is obvious that much of the protestation is just token outrage, going through the motions to validate the charter of certain organisations.
  • Therefore, the present study is to validate the coadministration effects of a neuronal noncompetitive N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor (NMDAR) antagonist ketamine and astrocytic cytotoxin L-alpha-aminoadipate (LAA) on spinal nerve ligation (SNL) - induced neuropathic pain. BioMed Central - Latest articles
  • Have the guidelines for the electronic environment been validated, or are they like the ‘truism’ that a typeface with serifs is more readable than one without them?
  • If you have something to prove, aka validate you are making progress to your investors, you need to ensure you can give one well. Flex and Flash Developer - Jesse Warden dot Kizz-ohm
  • It helped validate that parental leave was for both men and women and helped change the ratio of use.
  • Failure to disclose all relevant changes may invalidate your policy.
  • Research validates or disconfirms theory, thereby leading to its refinement and modification.
  • I don't need your approval to validate my existence.
  • Such judicial power has been interpreted to include the power to review and invalidate, based on unconstitutionality, both federal and state actions.
  • Check that their courses have been validated by a reputable organization.
  • Either the explanation will be vindicated, or we will make discoveries that not only invalidate it, but that may lead to a new, less assumptive theory that is preferred to the others, some of which may also have been disproved in the process.
  • Also known as bearberry, uva ursi’s use as a folk remedy for urinary-tract infections has been validated by modern research, which shows that this herb is an effective treatment for bladder and kidney ailments. Earl Mindell’s New Herb Bible
  • From next year, doctors will be ‘revalidated’ every five years under a national appraisal system to prove their competence.
  • Now, to make sure that my FOAF is in order, I set up the regular XML/RDF toolchain, using xmllint to validate the XML and RDF syntax, and XSLT to convert the FOAF to human readable HTML. Archive 2008-03-01
  • The profitability analysis of this project using cost vs. revenue method validates that the investment of Ruby Tuesday in Shanghai should be a successful one.
  • Read the institutions' prospectuses carefully and note if a course is accredited or validated by a respected professional body.

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