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How To Use Valet In A Sentence

  • There's a photo shoot going on in the poolside bar as I arrive, and the parking valets are even more surly than downtown.
  • The gentleman had a valet to wait on him hand and foot.
  • Cleopatra _Cleopatra_ compatriot _compatriot_ gratis _gratis_ or _grahtis_ harem _harem_ or _hahrem_ heinous _hanous_ hiatus _hiatus_ implacable _implakable_ nape _nap_ née _na_ négligé _naglezha'_ patron _patron_ protégé _protazha'_ résumé _razuma'_ tenacious _tenashus_ tomato _tomato_ or _tomahto_ valet _va'la_ or _val'et_ vase _vas, vahz_, or _vaz_ veracious _verashus_ vivacious _vivashus_ Practical Grammar and Composition
  • Just then his valet helps him into his ninth change of clothes that day.
  • Personal valets glide silently past, afternoon tea is served at exorbitant prices, and trinkets of the previous visitors are left in some of the rooms - Joseph Conrad, Somerset Maugham, Noël Coward.
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  • By the way, Domaine Valette is on a real hot streak.
  • J Fibiger, Cle (hooking), 10: 01; C Valette, Cle (roughing), 12: 47; R
  • He supported himself in between gigs with odd jobs, such as a car valet at a hotel. Times, Sunday Times
  • You know, probably the most powerful people within a household are valets, dressers and butlers.
  • You know, probably the most powerful people within a household are valets, dressers and butlers.
  • This is as it should be, for the _Misses_ ought to have an equal chance with the _Masters_ -- at least so say we, -- _plaudite_, clap your little hands, and _valete_, good bye! The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction Volume 12, No. 338, November 1, 1828
  • The valet learns all the little tricks necessary to keep the royals happy. AT HOME WITH THE QUEEN: The Inside Story of the Royal Household
  • I replied by giving him a full, complete, and accurate history of my ailments, after the manner of valetudinarians.
  • We recently used the official Stansted airport valet parking service. Times, Sunday Times
  • She did the fine laundry, and looked after 'his' clothes, and valeted him.
  • Christian contemporaries, and that their knowledge was mainly confined to mere commercial notation, an anonymous writer has shown how the modifications of form could be naturally made, in vol.ii. of the _Bath and Bristol Magazine_, pp. 393-412.; the motto being _valent quanti valet_, as well as the title professing it to be wholly "conjectural. Notes and Queries, Number 18, March 2, 1850
  • Upon a wooden rest or chevalet the cylinder was now laid and detached from the pipe by placing a bit of cold steel against the part of the glass that still clung to the blow-pipe. The Story of Glass
  • Pull into an upscale shopping mall and the pampered car gets parked just outside the door by the valet.
  • Below stairs, their maids and valets work in tandem with the house staff, a subterranean world with its own strict hierarchy.
  • The building will include an auction hall, valeting and inspection areas, a wash bay and entry control.
  • Less forward-looking ones had slipped into a more valetudinarian mode, forgetting to shave or apply make-up. SOMEWHERE EAST OF LIFE
  • By the time Ally handed the keys over to the valet at the hotel, Trent had regained his strength.
  • The English people are a nation of valetudinarians, but there is not sufficient nutriment in their food, which seems to consist mainly of chilled meat.
  • Valetine Zuber Paris: Honoré Champion, 2007, 185–204. Bloodlust
  • In the early mornings he would stand in his dressing gown at the window, sipping a cup of milky coffee, while his valet ran his bath.
  • No man is a hero to his valet, so the saying goes. The Sun
  • Deum rogat, non pro salute mariti, filii, cognati vota suscipit, sed pro reditu moechi si abest, pro valetudine lenonis si aegrotet. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • She affected to be spunky about her ailments and afflictions, but she was in fact an utterly self - centered valetudinarian.
  • In 1810 he survived a frenzied attack by his valet, though scandal insisted that Cumberland had been the aggressor.
  • No man is a hero to his valet
  • The present invention has good taste and health care effect, and may be used as the excellent nutrient source for athlete, valetudinarian and other special people.
  • At this moment, the stranger who had put the coachman and groom right about the word valetudinarian, rose from the seat he had occupied in the corner of the room, and uttering a deep, hollow groan, walked towards the door. Varney the vampire; or, The feast of blood. Volume 3
  • I never write 'valetudinarian' at all, for not even hunger and wretchedness can humble me to the point where I will do a word like that for seven cents; Mark Twain's Speeches
  • Most had sea duty as personal valets, cabin boys, and dishwashers.
  • His staff includes three butlers, four valets, four chefs, 10 gardeners, and more.
  • The position of the candelabrum displeased me, and outreaching my hand with difficulty, rather than disturb my slumbering valet, I placed it so as to throw its rays more fully upon the book.
  • The gentleman had a valet to wait on him hand and foot.
  • Their duties include acting as valets for male guests.
  • The number of valetudinarians continued to decrease and the Spa House became in time the headquarters of the roistering Rakes of Mallow.
  • The valet learns all the little tricks necessary to keep the royals happy. AT HOME WITH THE QUEEN: The Inside Story of the Royal Household
  • Nota, quilibet ignis soluit quolibet anno vnum balis pro tributo, quod valet vnum florenum cum dimidio, sed omnes famuli de domo vna pro vno igne computantur: summa ignium tributalium, octies centum millia. The Voyages and Travels of Sir John Mandeville
  • However, in Los Angeles, even the most ordinary mid-range restaurant will happily employ a valet service to park your car and bring it back round to the front door for you, to coincide with your departure.
  • Like spoiled children, they can demand, stamp their feet, refuse to vote, be fickle and whimsical, expecting MPs to act as obsequious valets, while distrusting them all along.
  • I am persuaded that all valetudinarians are too sedentary, too regular, and too cautious — We should sometimes increase the motion of the machine, to unclog the wheels of life; and now and then take a plunge amidst the waves of excess, in order to caseharden the constitution. The Expedition of Humphry Clinker
  • I used to get my car valeted down by the docks and when I got it back it would stink of fish.
  • Car valeting companies across the country claim business is still booming, although some companies in the crowded Dublin market are starting to feel the pinch.
  • Even James, the valet, looked tired and somewhat tatty in a threadbare jacket and fraying neckscarf.
  • The previous Transporter films have had Martin dabble with romance before (once with Asian actress Shu Qi and a brief flirtation in the last film with Amber Valetta). Movie Review: Transporter 3 | /Film
  • I mean, why were there all of those valets in front of hotels if no one ever used a car?
  • The valet opened up my door, escorting me out of the car.
  • Here are always to be seen a great number of valetudinarians from the West Indies, seeking for the renovation of health, exhausted by the debilitating nature of their sun, air, and modes of living.
  • Upon arrival, they leave their smoking, wrecked rental cars with the valet and proceed inside. Christianity Today
  • It is pretty bad that a once youthful cop bar now offers services such as denture cleaning, a Depends Underwear Diapers vending machine, retired police badge cleaning services, free Dr. Schol's shoe pads on Tuesdays, Grecian 44 hair dye Thrusday, mixed drinks that contain Red Bull & Geritol mixers and free valet parking for men with walkers. Second City Cop
  • We recently used the official Stansted airport valet parking service. Times, Sunday Times
  • The fruit of long ages of confirmed Valethood, entirely confirmed as into a Law of Nature; cloth-worship and quack-worship: entirely _confirmed_ Valethood, -- which will have to unconfirm itself again; God knows, with difficulty enough! Past and Present
  • Everyone from his secretary to his valet was expected to help, and the artillery regiment plus hundreds of Chinese labourers were roped in when required for heavy work, such as the movement of large trees.
  • Below stairs, their maids and valets work in tandem with the house staff, a subterranean world with its own strict hierarchy.
  • Finally somebody spoke; some imbecilic remark about how valets were getting slower every day. COLDHEART CANYON
  • Under the name valet underground, it was posted on YouTube, got rubber? CNN Transcript Dec 16, 2009
  • Dietetic recommendations aimed at the cultivation of mind were replaced around the middle of the century by characterisations of polite urban eaters as valetudinarians and the creation of a market for health advice and products.
  • Imperatoris Barones adornati nobilissimè pro cuiusque decentia balteis, et indumentis, quorum primus cum resonante symphonia præmittit ad oblationem quotquot valet de dextrarijs albis, et inclinans ante thronum pertransit, atque per eundem modum singuli The Voyages and Travels of Sir John Mandeville
  • He did not disturb his _valet de chambre_, who was sleeping soundly at some distance; he dressed himself, and the valet, in a great fright, sprang up, thinking he had been deficient in his duty; but the king sent him back again, commanding him to preserve the most absolute silence. The Vicomte De Bragelonne
  • Then try the car valet trade. The Sun
  • English public was set down as composed of sham heroes, and a valet or 'flunkey' world. On the Choice of Books
  • He called his poem a "romaunt," and his valet, poor Fletcher, a "stanch yeomán," and peppered his stanzas thinly with _sooths_ and _wights_ and_ whiloms_, but he gave over this affectation in the later cantos and made no further excursions into the Middle Ages. A History of English Romanticism in the Eighteenth Century
  • Emma, a clever, pretty, and self-satisfied young woman, is the daughter, and mistress of the house, of Mr Woodhouse, an amiable old valetudinarian.
  • Cleopatra _Cleopatra_ compatriot _compatriot_ gratis _gratis_ or _grahtis_ harem _harem_ or _hahrem_ heinous _hanous_ hiatus _hiatus_ implacable _implakable_ nape _nap_ née _na_ négligé _naglezha'_ patron _patron_ protégé _protazha'_ résumé _razuma'_ tenacious _tenashus_ tomato _tomato_ or _tomahto_ valet _va'la_ or _val'et_ vase _vas, vahz_, or _vaz_ veracious _verashus_ vivacious _vivashus_ Practical Grammar and Composition
  • To undertake foreign trade order, and provide to map custom, Valet processing.
  • This time he was permitted to take with him a group of courtiers and a dozen servants - his Mameluke bodyguard, a butler, a cook, three valets, three footmen, an accountant, a pantryman, and a lamp cleaner.
  • My father had brought up a young person, who had been his footman, valet, secretary, and in short successively all in all. Autobiography: Truth and Fiction Relating to My Life
  • Shakespeare to glorify the name of Cranmer or to deify the names of the queen then dead and the king yet living, it is but natural that he should be induced by an unconscious bias or prepossession of the will to depreciate the worth of the verse sent on work fitter for ushers and embalmers and the general valetry or varletry of Church and State. A Study of Shakespeare
  • Cleopatra _Cleopatra_ compatriot _compatriot_ gratis _gratis_ or _grahtis_ harem _harem_ or _hahrem_ heinous _hanous_ hiatus _hiatus_ implacable _implakable_ nape _nap_ née _na_ négligé _naglezha'_ patron _patron_ protégé _protazha'_ résumé _razuma'_ tenacious _tenashus_ tomato _tomato_ or _tomahto_ valet _va'la_ or _val'et_ vase _vas, vahz_, or _vaz_ veracious _verashus_ vivacious _vivashus_ Practical Grammar and Composition
  • Personal staff costs - for two butlers, a valet, four chefs, two chauffeurs, eight housekeepers, eight gardeners and a secretariat - are probably another £1m.
  • The valet boys met us eagerly and called for a bellboy to retrieve our luggage.
  • The wonder is that valetudinarians have not more frequently availed themselves of the advantages it offers, instead of having recourse to watering-places.
  • The best of those five wins the car parking space closest to the building, as well as a full car valet. Times, Sunday Times
  • His last valet was a big, foundered, short-winded fellow of fifty-five, who was incapable of running twenty paces; but, as he had been born at Bayonne, M. Gillenormand called him Les Miserables
  • It is a sweeping assessment of the backroom boys - and they are usually male - the valets, the footmen, the butlers who make up the backbone of the royal retinue, but it is one that many with experience of the system recognise.
  • Imperatoris Barones adornati nobilissim� pro cuiusque decentia balteis, et indumentis, quorum primus cum resonante symphonia pr鎚ittit ad oblationem quotquot valet de dextrarijs albis, et inclinans ante thronum pertransit, atque per eundem modum singuli The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
  • Three valets scrambled to eagerly open my door; they took my hand and assisted me in getting out of a car I successfully got out of unassisted everyday.
  • Valet and perruquier followed the retreating guests, and Lord Claud drew a breath of relief. Tom Tufton's Travels
  • There are classical comedies in verse, too, wherein the knavish valets, rakish heroes, stolid old guardians, and smart, free-spoken serving-women, discourse in Alexandrines, as loud as the Horaces or the Cid. The Paris Sketch Book
  • She opened it and found a young hotel valet standing outside with their baggage.
  • Hector suddenly turned to his former valet and grabbed his arm.
  • You can use the valet, the concierge or the maid services.
  • A man in good health may put up with any thing; but I would advise every valetudinarian who travels this way, to provide his own chaise, mattrass, and bedlinnen, otherwise he will pass his time very uncomfortably. Travels through France and Italy
  • A valet whisks a car away for arriving patrons, while down at the corner, a Metro bus wheezes and clanks to a stop.
  • When you want to create a real big impression it is useful to have your own personal valet.
  • Braintree Council has leased about 20 parking spaces in Braintree's George Yard car park to Car Valet UK to wash and valet cars.
  • A bespoke service may mean a valet to take bags and parcels to your apartment. Times, Sunday Times
  • Legrand, letting the negro go, and executing a series of curvets and caracols, much to the astonishment of his valet, who, arising from his knees, looked, mutely, from his master to myself, and then from myself to his master. The Gold-Bug
  • With the park and fly package a courteous and efficient valet service takes care of it until you return. The Sun
  • He valeted Lord Oldcastle when he went on the special mission to Berlin.
  • The valets at the Argyle wear boxy grey uniforms that look like overwashed costumes from a 30s musical.
  • And first to begin of politicians, it hath ever been a principal axiom with them to maintain religion or superstition, which they determine of, alter and vary upon all occasions, as to them seems best, they make religion mere policy, a cloak, a human invention, nihil aeque valet ad regendos vulgi animos ac superstitio, as [6386] Tacitus and [6387] Tully hold. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • These butlers, footmen, valets, drivers, personal assistants, and bodyguards knew where the bodies lay.
  • They valeted it and the next renter picked it up and drove off.
  • No man is a hero to his valet
  • As my husband, the county highway commissioner, was driving to the hospital for treatment of his painful leg(sentence dictionary), he decided to use the valet parking service so he wouldn't have to walk far.
  • They share adjectives that apply only to Hollywood -- they dine, valet, copulate, vacation, litigate and rehab together. Rick Schwartz: It's Easy to Win an Oscar!
  • You, who have nothing to fear on that score, might wish to play the valetudinarian as a novelty. The Scandal of the Season
  • BThe valet parkers are now in high gear.
  • They have a valet called Charlie, and perfect manners.
  • With the park and fly package a courteous and efficient valet service takes care of it until you return. The Sun
  • The group highly recommended with the vaccination include citizens above 60 years old, people with chronic diseases, valetudinarians, medical workers, primary school students and kindergartners.
  • She tipped the valet and followed James into the lobby.
  • These butlers, footmen, valets, drivers, personal assistants, and bodyguards knew where the bodies lay.
  • After I had the car valet parked, I took her hand once again, and escorted her into the building.
  • Check with your dealer about how it plans to valet the car and if it includes a mechanical wash, decline. Times, Sunday Times
  • Caep. de mania lib. de morbis cerebri; Daemones, quum sint tenues et incomprehensibiles spiritus, se insinuare corporibus humanis possunt, et occulte in viscerribus operti, valetudinem vitiare, somniis animas terrere et mentes furoribus quatere. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • The valet car park looks like a Park Lane showroom; if you don't have a Mercedes, BMW, or Porsche, you come with someone who does.
  • Does he not lie there as a perpetual lesson of despair, and type of bedrid valetudinarian impotence? Paras. 1-19
  • These "responsions" were a tax levied on the "Languages" exclusively for the purpose of combatting the infidel, and La Valette brought all the firmness of his high character to bear, in order to induce these Knights to do what, he reminded them, was their simple and obvious duty. Sea-Wolves of the Mediterranean
  • It is nature's valet service. Times, Sunday Times
  • Climbing on board the Rattler were the men and the Huahine women who had been hidden in the Valetta's cabin and who had swum for it under the protecting fire. THE DEVILS OF FUATINO
  • _ Cp. the well-known epitaph: -- 'iam mea peracta, mox vestra agetur fabula: valete et plaudite.' The Apologia and Florida of Apuleius of Madaura
  • On that very morning had they come for the first time under the valet's depurating hand, so little soiled, indeed, from the turfy ride of the preceding day, that a less scrupulous domestic might, perhaps, have considered the application of "Warren's Matchless," or oxalic acid, altogether superfluous. Humorous Ghost Stories
  • It was a massive stone building, a good twenty-five stories, columns marking the sides of the entrance where four massive wooden doors stood, marked by bellhops and valet parking signs.
  • In their fascinating and eloquent valetudinarian correspondence, Adams and Jefferson had a great deal to say about religion.
  • With you as my brave valet, I can test all my inventions.
  • Revolving around a large weekend hunting party in the 1930s, upper class guests, and their personal valets, arrive in droves.
  • Corporate clients staying in one of the 80 higher-end suites can use the services of a personal valet.
  • No man is a hero to his valet
  • So if anyone is looking for a battle scene, let him pick a quarrel: if he gets a good strong opponent, I promise him a glimpse of a battle scene so unpleasant that hereafter he will hate the very sight of one.abeo. valete, iudices iustissimi domi duellique duellatores optumi. Amphitryo, Asinaria, Aulularia, Bacchides, Captivi Amphitryon, The Comedy of Asses, The Pot of Gold, The Two Bacchises, The Captives
  • Example – The valet is inside the driveway, and the car is parked on a parking lot without leaving the street. Dallas Blog, Daily News, Dallas Politics, Opinion, and Commentary FrontBurner Blog D Magazine » Blog Archive » Let Me Say This About Valet Parking
  • At three and twenty he thought himself a valetudinarian, and passed his life in inspecting his tongue in the mirror. Les Miserables
  • So great was the influence of La Valette that he succeeded in making the "Languages" (or confederations of Knights) of Germany and Venice pay their "responsions," which had been allowed to get into arrear. Sea-Wolves of the Mediterranean
  • Ronan Jones - my former valet - is to play my doctor.
  • Mutule Scalled Tellurite Markaz-ud-Dawa-wal-Irshad systematic desensitization Actuate aoudad rememberance dreaminess 7la0 test-market pyrolatry airlock genus Cystophora discharge successive side chain king salmon Psalmodic disconfirmation Platystemon openhandedness traffic circle infect ls61 egyptians, the Dead Sea Apple Languishment Pertinentness Mesitylol boundlessness 26mt Ruling elder nonalcoholic malaxator implemented setting hen Scraggy piquet gordon holster pitsaw splenetic christella Heptaglot phase I Kattegatt Culver approximately divisively virtu forebear Glide disheartened argument sonny Painted Wasteboard oxidation state centred rutile Brattleboro Able snakelike anionic detergent spiccato wholeness bench duffle bag Burmese connecter Amidships Meadow sage family Thelephoraceae stereomicroscopically hk eton jacket sign up valet de chambre Quercus lobata lumina black and tan Catchweight Genette Craigslist | all for sale / wanted in san diego
  • On 18 May 1565 130 galleys and 50 transports carrying 30,000 troops hove in sight of what is now Valetta.
  • Valette (she probably had no right to the "nobiliary" _de_ although she signed her name thus) was the daughter of Pierre Valette, Women in the Life of Balzac
  • Trudy tipped the valet, got into the driver's seat and closed the door.
  • The alleged victim, George Smith, is a former valet.
  • I quickly connected with the waiters, bellmen, and valets who have the pulse on the street. Jacqueline Kravette: Celebrity Tipping (and Stiffing) in the City
  • She dispatched her Jeep from the valet, tipping him with her last three dollars until pay day, and headed home.
  • It is nature's valet service. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is, if I may say so, more than a pleasure — it is an education, to valet and buttle your lordship. Whose Body?
  • Customers can now drive up to the terminal building, drop their vehicle curbside, and a valet will park their vehicle in a secure lot.
  • Invest in a valet if your car has not had a proper clean for some time. The Sun
  • The gentlemen received the communication with stoical indifference, and Mrs. Tibbs devoted all her energies to prepare for the reception of the valetudinarian. Sketches by Boz
  • The new location provides guests with improved parking and valet service, and better ingress / egress including improved access from Interstate 70.
  • I hand my keys to the valet and follow and exquisitely dressed couple through the house to the backyard.
  • Her valetudinarian but masterful father, son of a wool merchant, became sufficiently well-to-do to retire from business. Ada Leverson.
  • Most convenient: Valet parking, $30/day, on the departure level across from the new American Airlines area at Concourse D. Short-term parking is also $30/day. Miami International Airport Guide
  • Now an American parking company with a difference is planning to bring its valet service to London. Times, Sunday Times
  • Vance was a busboy, waiter, captain, valet, and a limo driver before joining middle management in the '70s.
  • Then go to a place where parking valet is a courtesy. Dallas Blog, Daily News, Dallas Politics, Opinion, and Commentary FrontBurner Blog D Magazine » Blog Archive » Let Me Say This About Valet Parking
  • At the end of the day, thoughtful valets unbuckle your boots, toss them onto a warmer, stash your skis, and hand you a cup of cocoa.
  • In the western part of the parish is a valley encircled with hills, celebrated for goats’ milk, which is in much request by valetudinarians, who resort hither during the summer months.
  • Waited on by servants and valets, doted on by his parents, the young prince could not have had a more cosseted start to life.
  • It doesn't hurt my pride to valet him.
  • No man is a hero to his valet
  • A scientist-explorer Langdon St. Ives and his valet, Hasbro, pursue their arch-nemesis, the hunchback Dr. Ignacio Narbondo, across Norway, contesting Narbondo's plot to destroy the earth and, later, efforts to revivify Narbondo's apparently frozen corpse. "Steampunk" Anthology, Edited by Ann and Jeff VanderMeer
  • He supported himself in between gigs with odd jobs, such as a car valet at a hotel. Times, Sunday Times
  • For each member of the family there exists a personal servant (a ladies maid for the ladies and a valet for the gentlemen), each taking on the name of their master or mistress, so as to avoid confusion.
  • Cleopatra _Cleopatra_ compatriot _compatriot_ gratis _gratis_ or _grahtis_ harem _harem_ or _hahrem_ heinous _hanous_ hiatus _hiatus_ implacable _implakable_ nape _nap_ née _na_ négligé _naglezha'_ patron _patron_ protégé _protazha'_ résumé _razuma'_ tenacious _tenashus_ tomato _tomato_ or _tomahto_ valet _va'la_ or _val'et_ vase _vas, vahz_, or _vaz_ veracious _verashus_ vivacious _vivashus_ Practical Grammar and Composition
  • _valet_ of a woman; who does not know that a man wears a shirt, and that a valet is male? Works of Lucian of Samosata — Volume 02
  • Now an American parking company with a difference is planning to bring its valet service to London. Times, Sunday Times
  • At check-in and check-out, the valet, doorman and bellman all line up for tips.
  • My valet," cried Lord St. George, -- "he has invented a new toasting-fork, is going to take out a patent, make his fortune, and leave me; that's what I call ingratitude, Sir Christopher; for I ordered his wages to be raised five pounds but last year. The Disowned — Complete
  • Decoctum radium Sonchi, si ante cibum sumatur, valet plurimum. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • The best of those five wins the car parking space closest to the building, as well as a full car valet. Times, Sunday Times
  • Imperatoris Barones adornati nobilissimè pro cuiusque decentia balteis, et indumentis, quorum primus cum resonante symphonia præmittit ad oblationem quotquot valet de dextrarijs albis, et inclinans ante thronum pertransit, atque per eundem modum singuli The Voyages and Travels of Sir John Mandeville
  • A varlet is a valet who has come down, and down, and down, and down again in the world, till, from once having been the servant and the trusty friend of the very best of masters, he has come to be the ally and accomplice of the very worst of masters. Bunyan Characters (3rd Series)
  • All in all being a parking valet is interesting, fun and full of surprises - I would recommend it to anyone with an adventuresome spirit.
  • A valet parking attendant was signaling with his penlight.
  • Is there no man brave enough to be my valet?
  • I never write 'valetudinarian' at all, for not even hunger and wretchedness can humble me to the point where I will do a word like that for seven cents; I wouldn't do it for fifteen. Mark Twain`s speeches; with an introduction by William Dean Howells.
  • Suetonius says: "Valetudine prosperrimâ usus est, -- quamvis a tricesimo ætatis anno arbitratu eam suo rexerit, sine adjumento consiliove medicorum. Notes and Queries, Number 50, October 12, 1850
  • A "valetudinarian" is a10-dollar word for someone who is sickly. - News
  • Invest in a valet if your car has not had a proper clean for some time. The Sun
  • Personal staff costs - for two butlers, a valet, four chefs, two chauffeurs, eight housekeepers, eight gardeners and a secretariat - are probably another £1m.
  • Also in the kit is information on the new valet unpack service, providing added assistance in the unpacking of boxes.
  • There are three types of cleaning equipment Hi-pressure cleaners, also known as steam cleaning, vacuums - carpet valet/cleaner, and finally sweepers.
  • No man is a hero to his valet
  • If you love to hate the superrich, The Valet, a delectable comedy in which the great French actor Daniel Auteuil portrays a piggy billionaire industrialist facing his comeuppance, is a sinfully delicious bonbon," writes Stephen Holden in the New York Times. GreenCine Daily: Interview. Francis Veber.
  • When the new security measures were imposed, the valet bags service facility had to be withdrawn. Times, Sunday Times
  • The general's valet - dechambre was dressing his hair at the moment when the stranger entered.
  • These butlers, footmen, valets, drivers, personal assistants, and bodyguards knew where the bodies lay.
  • Book ahead and you can get a room with valet parking in the short-stay from 79. The Sun
  • ONE hour more to dinner-time conversation, to be added or subtracted, as occasions offered, or the desire of her friends required: and yet found it difficult, as she often said, to keep this account even; especially if Dr. Lewen obliged them with his company at their table; which, however he seldom did; for, being a valetudinarian, and in a regimen, he generally made his visits in the afternoon. Clarissa Harlowe
  • Pulling up to the posh hotel in his old black Camaro, he grunted, handing his keys to the disapproving valet.
  • Ed Miliband, himself an ex-spad, called them "intellectual valets". For Gove, not forgotten
  • If the van is going to be valet parked for us, we can swivel that box upside down to drop all the coins in our hand and put them in a pocket. How do I deter the bottle brigade? What have you done?
  • Mutule Scalled Tellurite Markaz-ud-Dawa-wal-Irshad systematic desensitization Actuate aoudad rememberance dreaminess 7la0 test-market pyrolatry airlock genus Cystophora discharge successive side chain king salmon Psalmodic disconfirmation Platystemon openhandedness traffic circle infect ls61 egyptians, the Dead Sea Apple Languishment Pertinentness Mesitylol boundlessness 26mt Ruling elder nonalcoholic malaxator implemented setting hen Scraggy piquet gordon holster pitsaw splenetic christella Heptaglot phase I Kattegatt Culver approximately divisively virtu forebear Glide disheartened argument sonny Painted Wasteboard oxidation state centred rutile Brattleboro Able snakelike anionic detergent spiccato wholeness bench duffle bag Burmese connecter Amidships Meadow sage family Thelephoraceae stereomicroscopically hk eton jacket sign up valet de chambre Quercus lobata lumina black and tan Catchweight Genette Craigslist | all for sale / wanted in san diego
  • In the armoury is the very suit painted by Caravaggio, by the side of the armour of the noble old La Valette, whose heroism saved his island from the efforts of Mustapha and Dragut, and an army quite as fierce and numerous as that which was baffled before Notes of a Journey From Cornhill to Grand Cairo
  • He handed the keys to a valet who had appeared out of no where.
  • But, if the valet is the property of the man, is obliged to perform this service, and is not paid for it, he is not economically independent. Women and Economics: A Study of the Economic Relation Between Men and Women as a Factor in Social Evolution
  • Cleopatra _Cleopatra_ compatriot _compatriot_ gratis _gratis_ or _grahtis_ harem _harem_ or _hahrem_ heinous _hanous_ hiatus _hiatus_ implacable _implakable_ nape _nap_ née _na_ négligé _naglezha'_ patron _patron_ protégé _protazha'_ résumé _razuma'_ tenacious _tenashus_ tomato _tomato_ or _tomahto_ valet _va'la_ or _val'et_ vase _vas, vahz_, or _vaz_ veracious _verashus_ vivacious _vivashus_ Practical Grammar and Composition
  • I personally did not hear the shots being fired as I had the vacuum on valeting a car with the radio going full blast.
  • No man is a hero to his valet
  • It is especially suitable for the old and valetudinary people. It helps regulate human body's immunologic function.
  • But in Mirabeau (Kadhésch) a grand seigneur moderne, when his valet-de-chambre de confiance proposes to provide him with women instead of boys, exclaims, “Des femmes! eh! c’est comme si tu me servais un gigot sans manche.” The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • When the new security measures were imposed, the valet bags service facility had to be withdrawn. Times, Sunday Times
  • Turpe enim est homini ignorare sui corporis (ut ita dicam) aedificium, praesertim cum ad valetudinem et mores haec cognitio plurimum conducat. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • While waiting for his trial, Galileo was housed in a luxurious apartment overlooking the Vatican gardens and provided with a personal valet.
  • Stung to the quick by what he called the insulting remarks of his daughter, he had stimulated the zeal of his valet; and that artist had evidently surpassed himself in the arrangement of the hair, and especially in the complexion. The Clique of Gold
  • At the hotel, the bellman should get $2 per bag carried and a concierge or a valet should get at least $2 per service.
  • My valet," cried Lord St. George, -- "he has invented a new toasting - fork, is going to take out a patent, make his fortune, and leave me; that's what I call ingratitude, Sir Christopher; for I ordered his wages to be raised five pounds but last year. The Disowned — Volume 03
  • The valets in LA are kind of offended if you say you want to park your own car, and I never know how much to tip.

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