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[ US /ˈvæɫənt/ ]
  1. (chemistry) having valence; usually used in combination

How To Use valent In A Sentence

  • Following that, you will need a level 3 (‘A’ level equivalent) in numeracy & literacy. and go on to achieve a level 4 teaching qualification. How To Get Into Teaching Literacy And Numeracy.? « Teaching Literacy « Literacy Help « Literacy News
  • A couple of coats of new antifouling paint may cost the equivalent of a couple tanks of gas, but you will keep saving money on fuel all season long.
  • The authors concluded that creativity and psychotic symptomatology do indeed reflect equivalent forms of cognitive processing.
  • I overheard two fifteen year old girls behind me at the ATM planning to get together tomorrow night and eat ice cream and comfort each other when they didn't get any valentines.
  • Some concepts in Chinese medicine have no exact equivalent in Western medicine.
  • Our nearest relatives, the chimps tend towards matrilinear, while patrilinear seems more prevalent in a majority of the different aboriginity groups in more modern times. Discovered: the basis of human civilization.
  • If we posit a voiceless spirant value for Uralic *x by this stage anyway, over in PFP the closest equivalent would be śexćim. Update of my "Diachrony of Pre-IE" document
  • Calculate the equivalent 35mm film focal length from the AOV AOV = arctan (28.62/72) * 2 Netvouz - new bookmarks
  • She's doing the equivalent job in the new company but for more money.
  • Be genuine and conceal noting.I write every wiod I wand to say on this small card.I wish my honey a happy Valentine's day.
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