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valence electron

  1. an electron in the outer shell of an atom which can combine with other atoms to form molecules

How To Use valence electron In A Sentence

  • Cesium and rubidium lose their valence electrons especially easily when light strikes their polished surfaces and are photosensitive over the full visible spectrum.
  • In a metal, the valence electrons exist in a delocalized state - that is, an electron has a high probability of being found anywhere inside the metal.
  • Similar patterns are seen in small atomic systems, such as the closed shells of valence electrons in metal clusters.
  • The formation mechanism of Al-based amorphous alloy was summarized and it has the characteristic of valence electron concentration and the principle of similarity.
  • two shared valence electrons forming a bond between adjacent nuclei
  • To excite an electron across a direct bandgap, the valence electron and a photon, bundles of a large amount of energy with a small amount of momentum that come from the sun, must have an energy and momentum equal to or greater than that of the empty conduction band state. Photovoltaics
  • Colors of light are related to the effects exerted on the valence electron of an excited atom.
  • We have to account for that in some way because we know that they don't have identical average valence electron energies.
  • Cl We know that because the sulfur and the chlorine in the oxygen have different average valence electron energies, they'll have different electron affinities.
  • Nonmetals with eight valence electrons are chemically unreactive.
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