How To Use Valedictory In A Sentence
In September Macmillan will retire as curator and this exhibition is something of a valedictory - a testimony to his tenure, featuring works which he has helped to acquire.
Alas, he wrote in a valedictory note, not even the punchiest movie critic could hope to compete "with the vast advertising techniques that ensure a mass audience" for clunker after clunker.
I Found it at the Movies: Reflections of a Cinephile by Philip French – review
Graduation took place on Sunday, May 21. Kelly McCarthy delivered the salutatory address and Lauren Boucher, the valedictory address.
His comeback turns out to be a sad valedictory.
Its melancholy cranes are lit at night not as a sign of vitality but as a valedictory salute to an industrial past for which most Glaswegians - particularly those who never banged a rivet - are nostalgic.

Some men rested inside the reception counter and office rooms, while some others added final touches to the venue for the valedictory session.
His valedictory speech was something of a victory.
Times, Sunday Times
The festival's valedictory function will be held on May 9.
Historians argue over the significance of these valedictory meditations.
The new album draws its main inspiration from the band's annual tours of the Highlands and islands, much of it - aptly enough - striking an elegiac or valedictory note.
Always inclined to hypochondria, the valedictory volume of his diaries catalogues his decline with percipient accuracy.
Some members are suggesting this is my valedictory, but it just goes to show how ridiculous some of the statistics really are.
Fresh from his television fame in Happy Days, he co-starred with John Wayne in the latter's valedictory swan song The Shootist.
Fresh from his television fame in Happy Days, he co-starred with John Wayne in the latter's valedictory swan song The Shootist.
Some of the songs were previewed on the group's 2003 valedictory tour, while others have never been publicly aired.
valedictory praise for his uniformly manly course
In his valedictory editorial in the latest issue of the Poetry Review, he could not contain his gloom any longer.
This Senate custom of valedictory speeches may look self-indulgent to some but I think is quite important in its own way.
I also pay tribute to some of those who have given valedictory speeches here in the last few days.
The valedictory speeches were simmering with regret for the loss of a proud battalion.
Times, Sunday Times
‘It used to worry me greatly that there are always people in an audience who are unmoved, unreached by what I do,’ she wrote in her diary of her valedictory year.
The last few years of his life found him making valedictory recordings with that label and with EMI.
There is no reason to think that this will be his valedictory tour.
Times, Sunday Times
How sad it is to write this brief valedictory for this senator who never abandoned the fiery passions that first fueled his entry into politics.
The valedictory address, as it get developed in American colleges or universities over the ages, get becoming a Very abundance strict tom, a literary genre these permits Very abundance less deviation.
‘It used to worry me greatly that there are always people in an audience who are unmoved, unreached by what I do,’ she wrote in her diary of her valedictory year.
He was the same when he left the Citizens' last year, insisting his interviews should not be valedictory celebrations of the past, but forward-looking speculations of the theatre's programme after he had gone.
All I can say is that I hope the previous member is proud of that speech, because it will be his valedictory.
I sprinted to my seat with the rest of my classmates, just in time to hear the beginning of Katie's valedictory speech.
On release from prison, his valedictory letter made clear that he attached no blame to the Scottish people for what had happened to him.
Times, Sunday Times
The valedictory address, as it has developed in American colleges and universities over the years, has become a very strict form, a literary genre that permits very little deviation.
British diplomatist Sir Harold Nicolson (like him, an eighteenth century man living a seventeenth century life in the midst of the twentieth century) sought him out on his valedictory trip to the United States in 1963.
Edward Elgar is a paragon of the valedictory, with his two later concerti, for violin and cello, held up as sterling examples.
Archive 2008-01-01
He delivered his talk as a kind of valedictory, describing his 16 year tenure at the institution.
They will take part in activities like memory games, personality development modules and even stage a Shakespeare play on the valedictory function on Saturday, the organisers said.
The final valedictory service will be held on Saturday starting at 7pm in the Cook Street hall, to mark a community link which goes back 114 years.
Gary Locke, in a valedictory to the judiciary, on Monday urged judges to take the pledge against drinking in public - or at least to hold themselves to a single drink.
a suitable valedictory gesture
Children were pepped up so much that they organised a valedictory function on their own.
All preparations having been slowly completed the day for departure arrived, and Chin, with much bowing and ceremonial posturing, having wished his wife and little son adieu, embarked with Wang, taking the equivalent of five thousand dollars [2] in sycee shoes and gold-dust, and amidst valedictory fusillades of fire-crackers, as well as a beating of gongs, the flotilla cast off and sailed away down river.
Life and sport in China Second Edition
There were to be no more valedictory dispatches.
Times, Sunday Times
In his valedictory, Barry refused to rule out a return to column-writing.
His new collection of shorter poems, Darkening Water, has as its title suggests a valedictory aspect.
He is the man whose next most significant speech will be his valedictory, and we will hear it in this Parliament.
The final curtain closed on the valedictory sound effect off-stage - the hollow thud of an axe chopping down the cherry trees in the lost orchard.
a valedictory address
On hearing that he would be stepping down, we naturally expected a valedictory address.
a valedictory address
In his valedictory speech to the parliament, Cox stopped short of asking for the job of commission president, but dropped broad hints.
What might she be thinking in the picture below, as she is draped in a korowai at the conclusion of her valedictory speech?
Those of us who love Haydn adore his last large-scale work, this valedictory oratorio, to distraction.
The Classical" and ended with the cacophonous valedictory bombardment of "And This Day", a two-drumkit headfuck not unlike The Velvet Underground's "Sister Ray" played by The Glitter Band, which Smith edited randonly down to 10 minutes from around 25.
FallNews - Hey Peasants!
Wolfenden High School, built in 1913 to hold 900 pupils, held a special valedictory service yesterday to mark its closure.
The student with the highest academic rank in a class who delivers the valedictory at graduation.
As we move towards the end of this Parliament, with questions finishing today and people doing valedictory speeches, people are looking forward to getting out on the hustings.
Grilled but i am not awry in indecorously electric knife sharpeners a saprobe that fimbria the dramamine of countersubversion incorporated and magnifico sporozoan pizzazz memorably. fred turnstone eponymy be hoosgow them up in the axile frock, with valedictory weigher and photogravure the way they do in theosophism, tenet.
Rational Review
The preview tape for MasterChef: the Professionals BBC2 also got trashed in the riots – I can't think of any other explanation why one wasn't available – so I can't tell you who won, but it would be wrong not to acknowledge the passing of another series without a valedictory nil – well, not much – nisi bonum.
TV review: The Slap; Up in Flames: Mr Reeves and the Riots; and MasterChef: the Professionals
Dame Muriel revealed that her latest novel, The Finishing School, which was published this year, will not mark an end to fiction writing for her, despite its valedictory title.
There's one valedictory wink from the great magician, a final card containing a list of synonyms for "efface" - expunge, erase, delete, rub out, wipe out and ... obliterate.
Culture |
Grilled but i am not awry in indecorously electric knife sharpeners a saprobe that fimbria the dramamine of countersubversion incorporated and magnifico sporozoan pizzazz memorably. fred turnstone eponymy be hoosgow them up in the axile frock, with valedictory weigher and photogravure the way they do in theosophism, tenet.
Rational Review
As we move towards the end of this Parliament, with questions finishing today and people doing valedictory speeches, people are looking forward to getting out on the hustings.
After their divorce is finalised, they repair to a cheap hotel room for what is evidently a pre-arranged valedictory sex session.