
How To Use Vagina In A Sentence

  • This indicates a level of plasma membrane invagination comparable with mammalian skeletal muscle.
  • So if the squid is associated with females and vaginae, and Doctor Manhattan is associated with penises, Watchmen Ending Changed? | /Film
  • A thin sheet of tissue with 1 or more holes in it called the hymen partially covers the opening of the vagina.
  • For the use of men they have the "merkin," [FN#410] a heart-shaped article of thin skin stuffed with cotton and slit with an artificial vagina: two tapes at the top and one below lash it to the back of a chair. Arabian nights. English
  • Threatened abortion The term threatened abortion is used  when a pregnancy is complicated by vaginal bleeding before the 20th week. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
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  • It seemed to be locked on to some invisible beam that was projecting from out of June's vagina.
  • Transvaginal echography is employed not only for diagnosing the pregnancy, but also for identifying abnormalities. CreationWiki - Recent changes [en]
  • During labour, the bag of water surrounding the baby in the womb often tears, and the water escapes through the vagina in a "gush". Chapter 12
  • Anaesthetists routinely provide epidurals for both vaginal and caesarean deliveries.
  • The vagina and its neighbors, including the following: vagina, hymen, urethral sponge, fornix (part of the vagina), cervix, os (part of the cervix), and pubococcygeus (PC) muscle. OUR BODIES, OURSELVES
  • You may notice a discharge from your vagina.
  • Indeed, it is a sad comment about the world in which we live that most women in the so called 'Third World do not have access to even the most rudimentary gynaecological or obstetric healthcare and that vaginal fistulae are so common. The Invention of the Sims Speculum - Surgical Improvisation
  • As physical stress increases the body's needs for many vitamins and minerals, intercurrent infections also induce a relative nutrient deficiency, especially in chronic (long-term) grumbling types of infection e.g. acute cystitis, vaginal bacterial imbalance. Miscarriage
  • Usually this occurs during regular vaginal sex with the woman on top, but it can happen in the missionary position or during sexual acrobatics.
  • Eye development in zebrafish first becomes morphologically obvious at the 6 somite stage, the time at which the optic lobes evaginate from the diencephalon.
  • Well, the idea of pushing a tampon into your vagina to soak up the flow seems totally gross at first.
  • It is caused by the single-celled protozoan parasite, Trichomonas vaginalis.
  • See, when liberals take over the schools and make everyone read Rigoberta Menchu and the Vagina Monologues, basic astroengineering goes out the window! Nick Mamatas' Journal
  • I realized that one of the ways we can truly understand the agony and several abuses on the Vagina by men and women alike is to see through the eyes of a Vagina. Archive 2009-02-01
  • It has continuations cranially along the uterus and caudally along the vagina. In Defense of the Hysterectomy
  • My art has been commended as being strongly vaginal, which bothers some men.
  • Fever, fatigue, aches and pains, and a urethral or vaginal discharge often occur.
  • It is covered by and adherent to a fold of pia mater, named the tela chorioidea of the third ventricle, from the under surface of which a pair of vascular fringed processes, the choroid plexuses of the third ventricle, project downward, one on either side of the middle line, and invaginate the epithelial roof into the ventricular cavity. IX. Neurology. 4c. The Fore-brain or Prosencephalon
  • Specimens collected during invasive speculum examination have long been necessary for the conventional laboratory diagnosis of vaginal discharge diseases.
  • I regularly prescribe the bioidentical hormone estriol vaginally with great results in my practice. Marcelle Pick, OB-GYN N.P.: Can Hormones Keep You Young?
  • Or use nystatin vaginal tablets or any other vaginal inserts for moniliasis or Candida. Chapter 25
  • Tims as to the male organs, the filaments are the fpermatic veffels, the anthera the tefticles, and the duft of the anthera correfponds to the fperm and feminal animalcules; and as to the female, the ftigma is the internal part of the female organ which receives the duft, the ftyle anfwers to the vagina, the germ to the ovarv, and the perlcarpium, or fecundated ovary, to the womb. A treatise on the culture of the cucumber; shewing a new and advantageous method of cultivating that plant, with full directions for the management thereof, and the degree of heat it requires on every day of the year; and a meteorological journal of the w
  • She proudly showed off the condoms, lubricant and standard paraphernalia before producing ‘the most important thing’ - a vaginal douche.
  • While performing the bimanual examination, levator ani muscle function can be evaluated by asking the patient to tighten her ‘vaginal muscles’ and hold the contraction as long as possible.
  • Although it is not at all uncommon for such lovers, who have fully learned this art, to go to sleep thus, in each other's arms, their sex organs united; and, in this position, have the organs detumesce, the penis grow limp and slip out of the vagina of its own accord, while the vagina also grows small and the clitoris subsides. Sane Sex Life and Sane Sex Living Some Things That All Sane People Ought to Know About Sex Nature and Sex Functioning; Its Place in the Economy of Life, Its Proper Training and Righteous Exercise
  • This medicine may be a cream or a suppository that you put into your vagina with a special applicator.
  • Sia, “Rates of caesarean section and instrumental vaginal delivery in nulliparous women after low concentration epidural infusions or opioid analgesia: systematic review” BMJ 328: 1410 2004; L.J. Mayberry, D. Pregnancy, Childbirth, and the Newborn
  • In the repair of such a case after a vaginal hysterectomy Mayo 13.15 reports a successful reimplantation of the ureter into the bladder. Anomalies and Curiosities of Medicine
  • Other causes in women include vaginal infections, cystitis or urethritis, orthopedic problems, and chronic constipation.
  • They distinguished in the middle layer two quite distinct elements, the mesoblast proper, formed by the evagination of the walls of the archenteron, and the mesenchyme, formed by free cells budded off from the germ-layers. Form and Function A Contribution to the History of Animal Morphology
  • Intravaginal nystatin or boric acid pessaries are alternative treatments
  • (vagina), in these cases, are not only irritable and itching, but are sometimes hot and inflamed, and are covered either with small pimples, or with a whitish exudation of the nature of aphtha (thrush), somewhat similar to the thrush on the mouth of an infant; then, the addition of glycerine to the lotion is a great improvement and usually gives much relief. Searchlights on Health: Light on Dark Corners A Complete Sexual Science and a Guide to Purity and Physical Manhood, Advice To Maiden, Wife, And Mother, Love, Courtship, And Marriage
  • In addition, there are different edaphic communities such as the woods of Prosopis scrubs of Baccharis salicifolia (chilca) and Tessaria dodonaefolia (pájaro bobo) in humid places, Atriplex in clayish soils and Suaeda divaricata and Allenrolfea vaginata in salty soils. Argentine Monte
  • While the chance of a cesarean delivery is higher in twin than in singleton births, about half of women expecting twins can have a normal vaginal delivery.
  • Indeed, once an STD microorganism is allowed to pass from your vagina into your reproductive tract, an acute inflammation of your cervix a condition called cervicitis can result almost immediately. Getting Pregnant
  • There were two vaginae and two well-developed vulvae, both having equally developed sensations. Anomalies and Curiosities of Medicine
  • Objective To improve the level of understanding in angioleiomyoma of epididymis and tunica vaginalis.
  • The spread featured a photo of herself nude with tan lines and sporting a giant, double-ended dildo that was inserted in her vagina. A Traditional Sculpture (VIDEO)
  • In the chick embryo, for example, the ectoderm initially expresses L-CAM; during neural plate invagination, however, L-CAM expression is replaced by that of N-cadherin.
  • When they wheel and dance like miniature starlings, the consequence is that three-dimensional shapes are formed, as tissues invaginate in response to the movements of cells;* or swell or shrink due to local patterns of growth and cell death. THE GREATEST SHOW ON EARTH
  • This invagination is termed the proctodeum, and it meets with the entoderm of the hind-gut and forms with it the anal membrane. XI. Splanchnology. 2. The Digestive Apparatus
  • Examination of the labia, vagina and cervix is greatly enhanced with the use of a colposcope.
  • Women who had a planned section (not having had one before) will have less perineal pain (the perineum is the area between your legs) and less risk of vaginal bleeding after the baby is born. Dr Dillner's health dilemmas: should I have a caesarean section?
  • The humiliating injury is called obstetric fistula, a tear in the tissue between the vagina and adjoining organs, caused by prolonged labor in small, undernourished women-and now almost unknown outside the poorest countries of Africa and Asia. NCBlogs
  • Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) assay and transvaginal ultrasound evaluating basal antral follicle number, mean ovarian diameter, and ovarian stromal blood flow velocity at day 3 of menstrual cycles 1, 3, 6, and 12 after surgery. - Articles related to Crack and cocaine use a significant HIV risk factor for teens
  • Controls on seed production and seed germinability in Eriophorum vaginatum. General characteristics of arctic species and their adaptations in the context of changes in climate and ultraviolet-B radiation levels
  • For example, a small number of women who were exposed prenatally to diethylstilbestrol, a synthetic estrogenic drug, developed vaginal cancer as young girls.
  • Two or three sutures are placed between the paravaginal fascia on either side of the bladder neck and the base of the bladder and attached to the ipsilateral iliopectineal ligament.
  • For years she had been dogged by rumors that Crandon had surgically altered her vaginal opening to allow for the production of bigger apports in the séance room. The Secret Life of Houdini
  • The elders also inspect the girls' vaginas to determine if their hymens are still intact.
  • By contrast, nonyl-phenoxy polyethoxy ethanol, the spermicide in a popular vaginal contraceptive cream, produced obvious irritation. 7 Medicinals
  • A microbicide is a product used vaginally to prevent infection by ANC Daily News Briefing
  • The opening to the vagina is called the introitus. Our Bodies, Ourselves: Menopause
  • A case was formerly published by Tardieu, in which servant-maids in conjunction with their lovers carried out with the children under their care all sorts of perverse acts: cunnilinctus, masturbation, the introduction of various objects into the vagina and the anus. The Sexual Life of the Child
  • While it is difficult to measure pregnancy-related injuries and disabilities, estimates of maternal morbidity vary from 16 to 50 million annually and include such profoundly disabling conditions as vesico-vaginal fistulae, a condition many consider a fate akin to living death. Jodi Jacobson: Human Rights Council Declares Maternal Death, Illness a Rights Violation
  • Women with vaginismus may seek sexual contact and sexual play as long as vaginal penetration is avoided.
  • During the visits to S. vaginatum flowers, portions of pollen, identified by its bright orange color, adhered to the head and on the ventral thorax of the syrphids, as well as (but to a lesser extent) to their legs and ventral abdomen.
  • Flat or invaginated basalia are rare in genera in either family.
  • In addition, the cervix and upper vaginal walls should be palpated carefully during the bimanual examination to feel for thickening that might indicate adenosis or clear cell adenocarcinoma.
  • And the challenges arrived: Stories with titles like “She Killed Me Twice”, “The Brain That Exploded”, “The Pachyderm Wore Pink” and “Single White Fee Male” with words like ranunculus, vaginate and carronade. 300 stories later, here for the first time in print are 180 of the best. Srs Book Lnx - I mean, for real — check these out for lo, they contain much awesomeness
  • A spiky design that looks like teeth (I don't know if you knew this, but vagina dentata is Latin for "sexypants.") TheGloss
  • Cadiot and Almy recommend vaginal douches of cold water and counterirritation of the region of the inner thigh in these cases. Lameness of the Horse Veterinary Practitioners' Series, No. 1
  • While "slattern" and "French letter" are dated, they made me think of those cute nicknames parents give the vagina, labia, penis, and scrotum when talking to their kids. Feminist blogs
  • But the new report found a decline in preterm births for all modes of delivery — induced and non-induced vaginal deliveries and C-sections. Premature birth rate drops 2nd year in a row, CDC finds
  • ® Technology can be applied to the oral route of administration as well other delivery pathways, such as buccal, rectal, inhalation, intra-vaginal or transdermal. News
  • Purpose : To evaluate transvaginal color Doppler sonography ( TVCDS ) in the diagnosis of adenomyosis.
  • Such a gastrula, formed mainly by overgrowth of the epiblast, is called an epibolic gastrula, as distinguished from the invaginate gastrula of amphioxus. Text Book of Biology, Part 1: Vertebrata
  • Cervical insufficiency, which is what we call it when the cervix inexplicably shortens early in pregnancy, is a silent problem without symptoms rarely women report an increase in vaginal discharge. The Full Feed from
  • This is also the area that often sustains tears during childbirth, and any scars will benefit from perineal and vaginal massage. Wild Feminine
  • London, May 12: Amanda Seyfried is excited about her new tattoo-'minge '- which means vagina. News Feed
  • For treatment of yeast infection (Candida, moniliasis) and other infections of the vulva and vagina. Chapter 31
  • Conducted over a period of four years, the research involved 600 men aged 23 to 54 who exclusively identify as heterosexual and enjoy penetrative vaginal sex with women.
  • In the late 1960s, clear cell cancer (CCA, a rare cancer of the vagina) was diagnosed in teenage girls - an age group never before found to develop it. Diana Bianchini: One of America's Deepest Darkest Family Secrets: The DES Drug Disaster
  • The play is tidily constructed around the absurd situation, in which Margot's deranged student, Molly (played with winning gawkiness by Anna Maxwell Martin), blames Margot for the suicide of her mother, who jumped under a train, Anna Karenina style, holding a copy of Margot's feminist bible, "The Cerebral Vagina. Wyndham Lewis's Unusual Angle on Art
  • After the preliminaries of love-play, the stimulated penis, erect, enlarged and stiffened, is pressed into the woman's vagina. Married Love: or, Love in Marriage
  • Cervical eversion also called ectropion means that the kind of tissue lining the cervical canal also grows on the outer vaginal part of the cervix, making it red, with a bumpy-looking texture that is smooth to the touch. OUR BODIES, OURSELVES
  • How does darling rib have bit of evaginate to do? Essential?
  • 'minge' - a British expression for vagina - on her foot. Gaea Times (by Simple Thoughts) Breaking News and incisive views 24/7
  • An endoscope is a probe with a tiny camera and bright light that is inserted into natural body openings such as the anus, urethra or vagina. Minimally Invasive Surgery for Urologic Conditions in Children
  • They talked vaginas, more vaginas, the radicalness of mommyblogging (from a dad’s perspective), the reasons why the road more medicated is sometimes the road best travelled, corpses in bathrooms, team building and swallowing cameras, how to be almost sort-of always sometimes Canadian, and – because it wouldn’t be a well-rounded week of guest posts if it didn’t come full circle back to genitalia – balls and porn. Getting Back To Business | Her Bad Mother
  • You are Gaga, barmy vagina dentata on legs with really very orthodox tunes. Beyoncé, Gaga and Adele: why these three girls rule the world (of pop)
  • Excision: partial or total removal of the clitoris and the labia minora, with or without excision of the labia majora (the labia are "the lips" that surround the vagina).
  • Irritation can be caused by douches, vaginal sprays, contraceptives, tampons and pads, soap, or detergent and fabric softeners.
  • The hepatitis B antigen is found in blood, saliva, urine, semen, vaginal secretions and possibly other body fluids.
  • With the rectal exam, I was taught that a rectovaginal exam is mandatory in postmenopausal ladies because sometimes it can detect ovarian cancer. Performing the Pelvic Exam
  • Pelvic organ prolapse (cystocele, rectocele, and uterine prolapse) and anal incontinence are also troublesome sequelae of vaginal delivery.
  • The acid was introduced into her vagina on September 8 during a laparoscopy and the possible cauterisation of lesions in the cervix. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • The word rejuvenation is a very misleading one, as it supposedly makes your vagina look “younger”, or as Roseanne puts it, like a “va-junior.” What! Does! Roseanne’s! Vagina! Look Like!! | Best Week Ever
  • Two major brands of douches were used by 87 percent of the women, and the odds ratios relating each brand to bacterial vaginosis or change in vaginal flora were similar for each brand.
  • The portions which lie in the genital core fuse to form the uterus and vagina; the parts in front of this cord remain separate, and each forms the corresponding uterine tube—the abdominal ostium of which is developed from the anterior extremity of the original tubular invagination from the celom (Fig. 1110, B). XI. Splanchnology. 3. The Urogenital Apparatus
  • A post box is a public container for the deposit of outgoing mail, and a vagina is the passage leading from the opening of the vulva to the cervix of the uterus in female mammals.
  • Its area therefore increases and, having nowhere else to go, it has little choice but to buckle or invaginate. THE GREATEST SHOW ON EARTH
  • The anti-HIV gel called PRO 2000 contains a polymer of naphthalene sulphonate designed to physically prevent HIV from binding to cells lining the vagina. Gaea Times (by Simple Thoughts) Breaking News and incisive views 24/7
  • Taking a simple blood sample or vaginal smear will probably involve only minimal discomfort.
  • The innermost parts of these ducts remain separate, and become the Fallopian tubes, or oviducts; the lower parts fuse, and develop into the uterus and vagina.
  • For yeast infection (Candida, moniliasis) of the vagina. Chapter 31
  • The Eligen (r) Technology can be applied to the oral route of administration as well as other delivery pathways, such as buccal, rectal, inhalation, intra-vaginal or transdermal. News
  • In neurulation, as in gastrulation, invagination is much in evidence. THE GREATEST SHOW ON EARTH
  • Like an unacknowledged friend, the mouthiest part of the root, the vagina, feels unappreciated and rageful—particularly when she observes a woman selling herself short. Wild Feminine
  • Recent studies show that DES daughters have a greater risk for a more common vaginal cancer, squamous cell carcinoma.14 You may also have adenosis—columnar cells where the usual squamous cells should be—around the cervix. OUR BODIES, OURSELVES
  • When the problems caused by exposure in the womb became known, DES daughters were advised to have annual exams with smears taken from the vagina and cervix, and those women with vaginal tissue abnormalities, such as adenosis, were found to have nearly 50% more auto-immune diseases than DES daughters without such abnormalities. DES Miscarriage Drug Linked to More Cancer
  • In neurulation, as in gastrulation, invagination is much in evidence. THE GREATEST SHOW ON EARTH
  • The IUD is inserted through the cervix and into the womb, while the vagina is held open as in a cervical smear test.
  • On examination, she had vulvar erythema and a curdy vaginal discharge.
  • Antibacterial vaginal douches, spermicides, and certain oral antibiotics may cause changes in vaginal bacteria.
  • Similarly, the male urethra can be Trichomonas women with the semen into the vagina.
  • The internodes have invaginations that are termed cupules.
  • Given the proper conditions, the yeast increase in number and cause a new clinical episode of vulvovaginal candidiasis.
  • But I had one post-menopausal patient in her 60s whom I put on a slightly higher dose of vaginal estriol and shortly after she began getting periods again. Marcelle Pick, OB-GYN N.P.: Can Hormones Keep You Young?
  • For microscopic examination of the vaginal discharge, warming the slide and decreasing the intensity of substage lighting are ways to increase sensitivity for trichomonads.
  • Natal women with vaginal dysgenesis or having had reconstruction after radical sugery have the same problem. Archive 2006-11-01
  • The rate and amount of vaginal lubrication does decrease with age.
  • Any vaginal bleeding before the fifty-sixth day after birth is almost always anovulatory meaning that no egg has been released and can be ignored. Our Bodies, Ourselves: Pregnancy and Birth
  • All urine collections must avoid contamination with menstrual blood, vaginal secretions and feces.
  • Following visual inspection, the physician next performs a vaginal evaluation with one finger before performing the bimanual evaluation to minimize confusion arising from abdominal tenderness.
  • Clinical evaluation of tinidazole-nystatin vaginal suppository in monilial vaginitis Xml's
  • L" war, except she sees it as Misa vs. the World or at least the vaginated parts of the world to hold on to Light, who doesn't really love her. Finished Death Note: Reporting Back. | Comics Should Be Good! @ Comic Book Resources
  • The article details how studies are conducted with an apparatus connected to (ouch) penises or in the vagina to rate "engorgement" while the subjects use keypads to punch in their feelings. Greg Mitchell: Coming Attraction: New York Times Magazine Spotlights Female Orgasms This Sunday
  • Common infectious forms of vaginitis include bacterial vaginosis, vulvovaginal candidiasis, and trichomoniasis.
  • Rectovaginal fistula, an abnormal epithelium-lined communication between the rectum and vagina, poses a great impact emotionally, socially, and sexually in all affected women.
  • This isn't reality TV!" they splutter, settling in for 60 solid minutes watching a woman fake-tanned the shade of a third-degree burn glueing diamante craft beads on to her vagina. Grace Dent's TV OD
  • Once well together, and the organs perfectly settled and adapted to each other, the _third_ act begins, namely, _the motion of the organs_ -- the sliding of the penis back and forth, partly in and out of the vagina, though this is not really the best way of describing just what should take place. Sane Sex Life and Sane Sex Living Some Things That All Sane People Ought to Know About Sex Nature and Sex Functioning; Its Place in the Economy of Life, Its Proper Training and Righteous Exercise
  • You can easily see how this invagination could be a useful move in inflating origami, and it does indeed play a major role in both gastrulation and neurulation. THE GREATEST SHOW ON EARTH
  • In the repair of such a case after a vaginal hysterectomy Mayo reports a successful reimplantation of the ureter into the bladder. Anomalies and Curiosities of Medicine
  • He denied that the invagination opening (which he named the blastopore) represented the primitive mouth, [443] holding that this was typically formed by an "inruptive" process at the anterior end of the planula, which led to the formation of a "stomodæum. Form and Function A Contribution to the History of Animal Morphology
  • But in the monotremes the formation of the cenogenetic entoderm does not precede the invagination; hence in this case the construction of the germinal layers is less modified than in the other amniota. The Evolution of Man — Volume 1
  • With her hands behind Myra's neck, she looked down into the space between them and carefully maneuvered herself until the tip of the dildo was at the opening to her own vagina. MORE FROM GINNY BATES: MYRA THE WRITER
  • Ro felt her vagina begin to mist and seize as she watched the two women fondle, kiss and rub up on each other. I.O.U.
  • It is supported by certain ligaments, the chief of which are the broad ligaments; but, on account of general weakness, too hard physical labor, or lifting heavy weights, the ligaments may stretch, and the uterus may sink down low in the vagina, and we then have the condition known as prolapse of the womb. Woman Her Sex and Love Life
  • Part3 Infertility gynecology obstetrics assisted fertility sexual dysfunction ovulation pap smears TV interview Egypt Cairo ISCI IVF IUI oligospermia azospermia gender selection baby sex selection menopause PCO ploysyctic ovaries baby blues myomas uterus vagina vaginal infections ectopic pregnancy high risk pregnancy hormons circumssion dysparunia HSG folleculomtery post coital test hypoplastic premarital early diagnosis antenatal care osteoprosis family planning delivery labor health education cervix labaroscope habitual abortion woman - Articles related to Adult kids feel sting when mom picks favorites
  • These pits invaginate and pinch off to form coated vesicles (3). Physiology or Medicine 1985 - Press Release
  • The nineteenth century also saw the commercial development of chemical contraceptives, usually in the form of pessaries for insertion into the vagina.
  • Invaginations account for 2/3 of small bowel occlusion caused by up to 80% of tumors and the lipoma is the most frequent benign tumor that causes invagination in its submucous polypoid and it is in more or less scissile form. Medlogs - Recent stories
  • Planula" theory, according to which the ancestral form of the Metazoa was a two-layered closed sac formed typically by delamination, less often by invagination. Form and Function A Contribution to the History of Animal Morphology
  • Groups were: (i) multiparous, prior vaginal delivery (VD), and Naturejobs - All Jobs
  • Local estrogen therapy is available in vaginal creams and other preparations, such as a silastic vaginal ring that requires replacement every three months.
  • Researchers have used surveys, imaging scans and biopsies of women, all trying to locate and define the presumably orgasmic area on the vaginal wall known as the G-spot. Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion
  • Physicians rely on digital examination to diagnose and assess prolapse of the vaginal vault.
  • And the challenges arrived: Stories with titles like “She Killed Me Twice”, “The Brain That Exploded”, “The Pachyderm Wore Pink” and “Single White Fee Male” with words like ranunculus, vaginate and carronade. 300 stories later, here for the first time in print are 180 of the best. Srs Book Lnx - I mean, for real — check these out for lo, they contain much awesomeness
  • Semen, vaginal fluid and menstrual blood transmit STDs, so use one specific hand to pleasure one specific woman and use the other hand on the other woman -- and keep it that way.
  • Under normal circumstances it will be found that laminar venation is most common in gamosepalous and vaginal venation in polysepalous calyces. Vegetable Teratology An Account of the Principal Deviations from the Usual Construction of Plants
  • The New Cooperative Medical Scheme was associated with lower out-of-pocket expenditure on Caesarean delivery but not on vaginal delivery.
  • Recurrent oral and vaginal yeast infections occurred in two patients receiving cyclosporin and oral thrush occurred in one patient receiving placebo.
  • Women acuteness wet wart in the clitoris, the size of the labia minora and perianal, perineum, vagina, and cervical also can emerge.
  • A sunken vagina also increases the likelihood of ‘wind-sucking’ (drawing of air into the vagina) and urine pooling, which further predispose the mare to infection.
  • Ahh look, Pink's growing a bump where an ickle wickle lickle babbie is getting big and strong, ready to push its head through her strained vagina. WalesOnline - Home
  • Male pantalong yari sa kambas may fantastically kumplikadong genitalia, na mayroon nagbago sa pagtawid ang mga komplikadong vaginal canals ng babae pantalong yari sa kambas, na nagbago hugis tribuson bilang tugon sa lalaki pantalong yari sa kambas na makatawag pansin sa sapilitang pagsasama. »2,009» Disyembre
  • This procedure uses a colposcope a lighted magnifying instrument resembling a small mounted pair of binoculars to examine the vaginal walls and cervix for abnormalities. OUR BODIES, OURSELVES
  • With the publication of "Human Sexual Response" in 1966 and "Human Sexual Inadequacy" four years later, however, the nation finally had a chance to learn the fundamentals of fornication: women can be multiorgasmic; intercourse may continue well into one's 80s; clitoral orgasms are hardly inferior to their vaginal counterparts; and so forth. Sexual Masters of the Universe
  • On the other hand, if the wife comes to the orgasm first, her vulva and vagina detumesce but little and that very slowly, so that it is perfectly possible for the husband to continue his action, and come to the climax, even if his partner has already "spent. Sane Sex Life and Sane Sex Living Some Things That All Sane People Ought to Know About Sex Nature and Sex Functioning; Its Place in the Economy of Life, Its Proper Training and Righteous Exercise
  • Gonorrhea, caused by a bacterium called gonococcus that thrives in warm/moist body tissues, can infect the throat, urethra, vagina/cervix, and anus.
  • This study was undertaken to determine if the administration of the HPV vaccine reduced the risk of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN), a precursor of cervical cancer; external anogenital and vaginal lesions (or external genital lesions) of any grade severity; Pap test abnormalities; and procedures such as colposcopy and definitive therapy or excision of lesions. Medindia Health News
  • Because health officials and journalists used the phrase "bodily fluids" instead of specifying semen, blood and vaginal secretions, many people feared they could contract AIDS from toilet seats or drinking fountains. NYT > Global Home
  • One mechanism by which microorganisms might cause preterm labor is through ascension from the cervical/vaginal area and replication in the placenta, decidua and membranes.
  • She is allowed her personal opinions but it is doubtful that any comment she may offer has power or relevancy to the thousands of highly symptomatic women who are desperate to sleep through the night, think clearly again, enjoy sex without pain of vaginal dryness and maintain optimal lean body mass, lower risk of diabetes, osteoporotic fractures and dementia. Ricki Pollycove, M.D.: Estrogen During Menopause: To Take, Or Not To Take?
  • The vaginal portion (portio vaginalis [cervicis]) of the cervix projects free into the anterior wall of the vagina between the anterior and posterior fornices. XI. Splanchnology. 3d. 3. The Uterus
  • Purpose : To evaluate transvaginal color Doppler sonography ( TVCDS ) in the diagnosis of adenomyosis.
  • -- Fabricius Hildanus mentions a curious case of paraphimosis caused by violent coitus with a virgin who had an extremely narrow vagina. Anomalies and Curiosities of Medicine
  • A blastula, with wide embryonic cavity (blastocoel, bl), g incipient invagination. The Evolution of Man — Volume 1
  • Thrush, bacterial vaginosis, trichomoniasis, chlamydia and gonorrhoea are the most common causes of vaginal infection.
  • Vajazzling, for those still blissfully in the dark, is the application of glitter and crystal on to the waxed pubic area of a woman; vagina plus bedazzle, innit? How sexy are your underarms?
  • Typically, a douche has a plastic applicator to insert into the vagina for washing purposes.
  • The researchers said that, when compared to elective repeat Caesareans, women attempting a vaginal birth faced increased risks to their own health and complications with the birth.
  • the vagina is elastic enough to allow the passage of a fetus
  • The vagina is a stretchy, tube-like structure that extends from the vaginal opening (introitus) to the cervix (the opening of the uterus). Our Bodies, Ourselves: Menopause
  • If is the botryoidal sarcoma, may highlight in the cervical orifice or the vagina, is crisp and is soft.
  • Vaginal lifting can hold if you are formerly removing your doctor's levels carefully or if you nolvadex fotki of a lifetime, one in eight subtypes will happen intended with torsade cancer. Wii-volution
  • Safety was evaluated by measuring the effect on the viability of vaginal flora, PBMCs, epithelial cells, and ectocervical and colorectal explant tissues. Elites TV
  • In women, the bladder can herniate through the vaginal wall because of obstetrical injury, then the outlet tube is kinked.
  • The hypothesis that actinistians are the sister group of lungfishes is the most corroborated, based on five possible synapomorphies: presence of a superficial isthmal nucleus, a laminated dorsal thalamus with marked protrusion into the third ventricle, olfactory peduncles, evaginated cerebral hemispheres with pronounced septum ependymale, and electroreceptive rostral organs. Panderichthys rhombolepis - The Panda's Thumb
  • _Fellatio_ and _cunnilinctus_, while they are not strictly methods of coitus, in so far as they do not involve the penetration of the penis into the vagina, are very widespread as preliminaries, or as vicarious forms of coitus, alike among civilized and uncivilized peoples. Studies in the Psychology of Sex, Volume 6 Sex in Relation to Society
  • The internodes have invaginations that are termed cupules.
  • There is a risk of the rayon fibres from tampons depositing into the vaginal wall.
  • IUI oligospermia azospermia gender selection baby sex selection menopause PCO ploysyctic ovaries baby blues myomas uterus vagina vaginal infections ectopic pregnancy high risk pregnancy hormons circumssion dysparunia HSG folleculomtery post coital test hypoplastic premarital early diagnosis antenatal care osteoprosis family planning delivery labor health education cervix labaroscope habitual abortion woman - Articles related to Adult kids feel sting when mom picks favorites
  • The female part of the system is specialized into the gonopore (vagina), copulatory bursa and seminal receptacle for short and long-term sperm storage, respectively. Platyhelminthes
  • While doctors are often on the defensive about whether Caesarean sections, which carry all the risks of surgery, are justified, Dr. Howard L. Minkoff, the chairman of obstetrics at Maimonides, said doctors must weigh those concerns against the potential complications from vaginal delivery in obese women. Obesity is Becoming an Increasing Burden in the Maternity Ward | Impact Lab
  • Hofmokl also describes the case of a young girl with an undeveloped vagina, absence of the uterus and adnexa, who during a forcible and unsuccessful attempt at coitus, had her left labium majus torn from the vaginal wall. Anomalies and Curiosities of Medicine
  • To observe the effect of integrate with treatment leucorrhoea decoction and Jialikang effervescent vaginal tablets, i.
  • The risk for infection and other surgical complications appear to be greater in women undergoing repeat cesarean delivery compared to those who are successful with a vaginal birth after Cesarean delivery.
  • The book had to be written by Captain Kangaroo, what with his penis, vagina and dream planets conjunct in Leo with his cherry red chipper dapper coat to match. The Definitive Book of Love, Unabridged
  • Friend: speaking of murking, did you know that a "merkin" is a vaginal wig The Clog
  • In the present study, transversely fractured and thin-sectioned images indicate that the pigment granule membrane is invaginated.
  • Even as she protested, he continued to violate her vaginally and anally. Why did Polanski flee? : Law is Cool
  • Potential exists for abdominal obstruction and, depending on the type, spontaneous rupture of the packets. 4 Female body packers may transport the packets vaginally. 4 The syndrome of "bodystuffing" has arisen when individuals secretly ingest the illegal drugs they are carrying in an effort to escape police detection. 8 These are loosely wrapped packages such as cellophane, glassine, paper or foil, and usually release their contents into the GI tract. 8 Cocaine Toxicity
  • Your doctor can prescribe other medications to treat vaginal candidiasis or prevent recurrent infections.
  • Women with poor vaginal tone, a shallow vaginal shelf, rectocele, or cystocele may not be able to use the device effectively.
  • (The doctor who removed my sex organs, sent me a certified letter dismissing me as a patient and had me view graphic vaginal photos on a web site called, ourgyn, and told me I had Vulvodynia, and that the "klebsiella pneumonia", wound infection, was caused by sexual partners, or my partners, partners) In Defense of the Hysterectomy
  • Then along the line of invagination, i.e. the primitive orifice or blastopore, runs the outer layer of cells or ectoderm into the two invaginated layers, the mesoderm (originating from the marginal zone), and entoderm Hans Spemann - Nobel Lecture
  • As with many other body systems, pelvic care is typically offered only once a woman has developed significant physical symptoms, like urine leakage or a sensation of heaviness known as a prolapse as the uterus moves toward the vaginal opening. Wild Feminine
  • Mitigating Factor: Her succubine presence and presumed vagina dentata probably spared the country the hell of another Yankees World Series run. Chez Pazienza: One Last Look Back: The 10 Most Ridiculous, Shameful, or Generally Unfortunate People and Events of 2008
  • Pam Udy of the International Cesarean Awareness Network blames the continuing increase in surgical deliveries in part on the decline in vaginal births after C-sections. 2007 stork brings record 4.31M babies
  • And as he withdrew to plunge again into her willing vagina, she realised she didn't mind which orifice he filled.
  • Origami-like folding, Oster-style invagination and pinching off: these are just some of the simplest tricks for building embryos. THE GREATEST SHOW ON EARTH
  • Vaginal thrush can be passed on by having sexual intercourse with a partner who has a candida infection.
  • Anita Gates, in the NYT, reviews a play that seems to be hoping cash in on "Vagina Monologues"-style title titillation by calling itself "Orgasms. Oh, the pain of being a theater reviewer!

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