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How To Use Uzi In A Sentence

  • Through her suit, Suzie Nova felt the diamantine exterior of the alien contraption throb faintly below her feet, alive with incomprehensible energies that course through it like blood through arteries.
  • Fresh Apples, who has been posting updates since the riots began, reports that the government posted guards at the CBS radio masts on Buziga Hill in Kampala: Global Voices in English » Uganda: Blogs, Twitter Keep World Informed as Kampala Riots Continue
  • Besides the above-mentioned roles, I also had the pleasure to see her shine in two other seldom performed roles in the Ruzimatov gala in St. Petersburg.
  • Il film è stato realizzato da Another State of Mind, compagnia di produzione belga fondata da Olivier Vanaschen e Sebastien Goyon. No Fat Clips!!! : Marla
  • Izgleda da će SAD da pomogne Gruziji onoliko koliko je Rusija pomogla Srbiji 1999, odnosno da je gruzijska vojna akcija u Južnoj Osetiji propala, nema ništa od brzog zauzimanja Južne Osetije. Did Kosovo Set Precedent for South Ossetia?
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  • A breeze blows in from the distant sea and flutters both the terrace curtains and the gauzier material around the crib. Ilium
  • Ruzicka synthesized androsterone and also testosterone. The Nobel Prize in Chemistry: The Development of Modern Chemistry
  • Il grandissimo successo preoccup talmente tanto la Universal che tent in ogni maniera di bloccare le visioni del mio ... che epoch gi uscito in tutto il resto del mondo criminal il titolo Jaws 3 e maturando degli incassi record, e la casa di produzione stava preparando il suo Jaws 3 ... alla excellent di un mese di programmazione riescono the bloccare la visione del mio movie accusandolo di plagio. Archive 2009-11-01
  • Note 85: Nóemi Quezada, Enfermedad y maleficio: el curandero in el México colonial (México: UNAM, 1989), p. 107; Ruiz de Alarcón, p. 7; see also Serge Gruzinski's comments on sources and methodology in The Conquest of Mexico, pp. 305 – 8. back Pestilence and Headcolds: Encountering Illness in Colonial Mexico
  • She has a couzin who has had four Husbands and is beginning on a fifth, although not pretty and very slovenly, but with a mass of red hair. Bab: A Sub-Deb
  • Light Yagami è uno studente modello, annoiato dal suo stile di vita e stanco di essere circondato da crimini e corruzione. Undefined
  • the Uzi is used throughout the world as a police and special forces firearm
  • What really happens once the episode concludes with its trite little ending is that the Klingons replace the flintlocks with Uzis, and the Federation ups the ante.
  • Following these discoveries Ruzicka and his co-workers were able to prepare the whole series of alicyclic ketones with 9 to over 30 carbon atoms as ring members, compounds that had previously been believed to be incapable to existence. Leopold Ruzicka - Biography
  • Peter Ruzicka, the new intendant of the festival, threatens to revive it for 2006, the 250th anniversary of Mozart's birth.
  • Chagas' disease, caused by the hemoflagellate Trypanosoma cruzi, is endemic in Central and South America and parts of Mexico.
  • They were all too kind to snigger but Suzi distinctly saw fat Luiza shrug her shoulders in a gesture of fatalistic despair.
  • Tauzin knows the business side of journalism well, and he is friendly with most of those who represent big media companies.
  • Freebooters, freebooters, that is all Captain Gruzinov ever seems to talk about. BLAZE OF GLORY
  • Artis antarabangsa, Ne-yo buat pertama kali akan mengegarkan peminat muzik RnB di taman tema Sunway Lagoon, malam ini. Planet Malaysia
  • Suzie thought that if it had been her she'd have been as chocker as hell. Bottled Spider
  • Na ausência de bons modelos de pronúncia e sem a devida orientação, o aprendiz perceberá, produzirá e assimilará os sons da língua-alvo baseado nos sons da língua materna. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • Roba che vola nel cielo per ottenere soluzioni innovative edimostrare quanto diffusa sia la tecnologia. No Fat Clips!!! : Siemens: Building Blocks
  • Yet this Saturday night I had the privilege of being present when Suzie McNeil, backed only by drums, bass violin and a lonely electro-acoustic guitar, gave in to the crowd.
  • Een muzikale anthologie der Noordelijke Nederlanden AvaxHome RSS:
  • Saturday final s confrontation situation for Yangkeweiqi vs Zvonareva, Zheng Jie challenges Kuziniezuowa.
  • Hey! cordura calzatura antinfortunistica Tutori reciprocanti atto convegno traduzione filmica Auto emissioni co2 basse citta dei ragazzo brescia biochemical composition effects lindane tissue bowling for soup concert ticket consorzio immobiliare divieto circolare euro zero equipe giorgio via assarotti Midterm Roundup
  • Aye aksd teh Pipchunk, adn hym haz ah fren, teh heggiipiggul, huz gotz ah cuzin en Jermanii, diz fien, beeg, porpentine….adn ennywai, teh porpentine sez dat hym gnu ah gnome, wut maeks teh majekal birfdai baux prezzies,…… Adobe called - Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger?
  • Governor Fauzi Bowo said Monday the administration was still discussing the implementation of the 2005 bylaws on air control and designated nonsmoking areas with stakeholders, such as antismoking NGOs, building managements, as well as the association of retailers. The Jakarta Post Breaking News
  • When studying the natural odorants occurring in musk and civet, muscone and civetone, little known until then, Ruzicka obtained fundamentally new and surprising results during the years Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1939 - Presentation Speech
  • He sounded rather quizzical and calm despite the equivalent of an Uzi being thrust at his throat.
  • In this light, Brunelleschi's panels articulate both the historical link between trecento visuality and Alberti's costruzione legittima and the relationship between urbanism and painting.
  • El Licenciado Lope de Leon su Padre, siendo uno de los mayores letrados de su tiempo, vino por Oidor a Sevilla, donde hizo oficio de Asistente, i en ella tuvo (para onra de nuestra Patria) este ilustre hijo, que siendo promovido luego ala chancilleria de Granada, nacio en ella, elano 1528 para engrandecer l 'Andaluzia la Nacion Espanola, i el mundo. Fray Luis de Leon
  • Yet cattle, the possession sacrificed by male elders to sanctify rituals of ukuzila, were dying off.
  • The reason we keep those informal dining areas is so that people can build a relationship with the bartender, culinarian or a neighbor at the counter," says owner Bobby Werhane , who also owns Stivale and Caffe Muzio. Relationship With Food
  • MADEMENINC213 DIABLOS SPORTS BAR 2NITE DOORS OPEN AT 9PM HOT MUZIK HOT CHICS GREAT DRINK SPECIALS Gaea Times (by Simple Thoughts) Breaking News and incisive views 24/7
  • `Mi Kono eth mi Siegfried," Danlo said, praying for the dogs ' spirits, ~alasharia-la huzi~i anima. THE BROKEN GOD
  • Lorox (linuron) and Sencor (metribuzin) have been available for more than 25 years, but still have good soil-residual activity on a variety of weeds including glyphosate and ALS-resistant pigweed when applied behind the planter and activated by rainfall or overhead irrigation. Southeast Farm Press RSS Feed
  • My couzin the one that got married is short and fat. but not really fat but plump. -
  • Alternatively, you can always stay at our pension, Na Louzi, which is truly Bohemian, a woody little place with rickety stairs and a dozen styles of ancient door lock and handle.
  • DOWNLOAD 320×240: Scarica Photo Finish in bassa risoluzione. No Fat Clips!!! : Nascar: Photo Finish
  • Coming home from the theater tonight, still dazed with the revelation of what I am capable of, once aroused, I asked Miss Everett if her couzin had said anything about Mr. Egleston being in love with the Leading Character. Bab: A Sub-Deb
  • Captain Suzie Muirhead says the scoreline flatters the Australians.
  • Una volta capito il problema mi sono sentita molto, molto meglio - a parte l'ira funesta nei confronti della loro incompetenza, almeno era un problema obiettivo con una soluzione semplice - a differenza, per esempio, del tipo seduto accanto a me che aveva un nome simile a quello di una lista dei sospettati dell'FBI e non aveva idea di come si sarebbe risolta la sua situazione. The return of the emigrant, Part III: The ugly
  • Em Tetum a gravidez diz-se “isin rua” (literalmente traduzido significa “dois corpos”) o corpo da mae e o corpo do feto. Global Voices in English » East Timor: Thoughts on Abortion A Few Days Before Law Approval
  • Suzi MacintyreBishops Frome, Worcestershire • To search for real-life events as inspirations for what occurs in a play is a pathetic approach to Shakespeare, or to any literature Tudor tragedy may have inspired Ophelia's fate, 8 June. Letters: Birthday wishes
  • O caso do post reproduzido a seguir é justamente esse: a blogueira perdeu pois não podia pagar os custos para recorrer contra a decisão em primeira instância. Global Voices in English » Brazil: Judicial decisions, a growing threat to online freedom
  • Il grandissimo successo preoccup talmente tanto la Universal che tent in ogni maniera di bloccare le visioni del mio ... che epoch gi uscito in tutto il resto del mondo criminal il titolo Jaws 3 e maturando degli incassi record, e la casa di produzione stava preparando il suo Jaws 3 ... alla excellent di un mese di programmazione riescono the bloccare la visione del mio movie accusandolo di plagio. Archive 2009-11-01
  • Silk and pleats are often happy bedfellows, although pleats can also look strikingly modern on stiffer, gauzier fabric. Times, Sunday Times
  • Serge Gruzinski makes the point that both the Europeans and the Indians "agreed in valuing the supernatural to the point of making it the ultimate, primordial and indisputable reality of things. Pestilence and Headcolds: Encountering Illness in Colonial Mexico
  • Suzie, a pretty, slightly vacuous woman dressed in rather scanty clothing, stands there.
  • Its magazine was placed in the pistol grip very much like a Uzi and had a front pistol grip at the very end of the barrel underneath the muzzle.
  • There was a light knock on. the door; Julia floated in, surrounded by the gauziest of linen draperies, purchased on Cos. The Grass Crown
  • At least the feud had taken a useful turn this past summer, erupting in gowns made of the thinnest, gauziest possible materials-costly, of course, since that meant gossamer linen and silk, and each gown had to be made of three or more layers if the lady who wore one didn't want to reveal every possible bodily secret to the world. Brightly Burning
  • He encountered storms, bogs and forests, was given the cold shoulder by the inhospitable inhabitants of Fouzilhac, got lost and had to camp out for the first time.
  • O caso do post reproduzido a seguir é justamente esse: a blogueira perdeu pois não podia pagar os custos para recorrer contra a decisão em primeira instância. Global Voices in English » Brazil: Judicial decisions, a growing threat to online freedom
  • La Vegetation du Parc National de Kahuzi-Biéga, Rapport dans le cadre du projet. Kahuzi-Biéga National Park, Democratic Republic of Congo
  • April 14, 2010 at 6:53 pm whyl aifinks uzin teh strarw wuld bi verry cree ay tiv, is nawt nessessessessary. I can’t go on any further……. - Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger?
  • The Commission's proposals, according to the Pesticides Safety Directorate analysis, would also remove linuron, pendimethalin and metribuzin, leaving few chemical options, she said. FWi - All News
  • If we were perfect all the way, as regards ordnance available, fuzing utilized, intelligence, weather, tactics, targeting and delivery, this would be possible. Thud Ridge
  • But now a penny and zuz are the same: "They call pence, in the language of the Gemara, zuzim. From the Talmud and Hebraica
  • The object of the singers 'love grew vaguer; videos got gauzier. God and the Music Biz
  • Itala, Mkuzi and Hluhluwe Umfolozi are all rich in game and magnificent scenery.
  • August 26, 2008 at 8:08 am kitteh nawt likez been called “dumb” & iz uzin file 2 sharpen himz sharpy-pointy bitz eben moar be4 launchin himzsef atz mr. captan weiner fer 2 debate dat remarkz. “kitteh” iz so word. - Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger?
  • Juzi ilikuwa siku ya huzini kweli kweli kwa sababu Bomba Mbaya, besti yangu, alirudi Marekani ghafla. Archive 2008-06-01
  • Burberry'nin, kreasyon yetkilisi Christopher Bailey, 3 boyut teknolojisinin küresel izleyicileri Londra'daki şova getireceğini, kumaş, renk ve fondaki müzik hakkında fikir sahibi yapacağını ifade ediyor.
  • Suddenly Suzie and Matt's mother appeared beside the coffin cloaked in black sadness.
  • They thus opened a new chapter of alicyclic chemistry, which was then as unfamiliar to Ruzicka as it was to Staudinger. Leopold Ruzicka - Biography
  • * Ovo istrazivanje nije znanstveno, ali uzimajuci u obzir da je provedeno u 45 tvrtki, moze se reci da je izrazito indikativno. Archive 2009-02-01
  • MK, I thought the Israelis used the light weight AR15 for general field work & Uzi for intimate encounters and true to form they bought the AR15s by the boxload, fiddled & twiddled & made them better than the original? Cheeseburger Gothic » FNQ
  • Not to mentionthe fact that this teenager has to pass through metal detectors every day inschool in order to make sure that he is not carrying an Uzi machine gun.
  • Their southward imbrication within the Kudi gneisses, the similar lithology and occurrence close to the Buziwan ultrabasic rocks near Kudi village may indicate they could have been part of Buziwan ophiolite.
  • I prettied myself up and even wore an outfit that Suzi had purchased as a gag gift.
  • Ai cants see teh code unnerneef teh fayses needer. an aim onna mac uzin safari. Someone steelz da milk? - Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger?
  • If you duck just under the clouds you have a better visual shot at the Sams and better visual navigation, but you give both the Sam people and the ground gunners a perfect silhouette of your force against the cloud backdrop, at the same time telegraphing your exact altitude for both sighting and fuzing purposes. Thud Ridge
  • DOWNLOAD 352×288: Scarica Chainsaw Maid in bassa risoluzione. No Fat Clips!!! : TAKENA NAGAO – Chainsaw Maid
  • And on Miss Everett's couzin, who has written a play. Bab: a Sub-Deb
  • Did I need a tag dangling from Suzies neck to identify her? Dog on It
  • Suzie wore out 7 books of pencils and 36 rubbers correcting all the mistakes and making it readable.
  • Finalmente disponibile una clip in alta risoluzione per questo bel corto animato di scuola Supinfocom. No Fat Clips!!! : Blog archives
  • He has equivocated, frustrating even ardent supporters like Tauzin; and when he has finally acted, it has been to prolong rather than shorten the telecom slump.
  • Nu, sa nu credeti ca am ceva cu Homosexualii, decat ca-s total impotriva expunerii lor in public si a adoptarilor copiilor de catre ei, multi ar zice "de ce sa nu ne expunem in public? heterosexualii o fac", pai bine ... si ei gresesc in principiu, ca doar nu esti gay sa te lauzi cu asta, esti pentru ca asa simti in intimitatea ta. Declin al societatii
  • Slovak anthem 2. folk song - "cervena ruzicka" (SLUK) 3. lullaby - "lulu ze mi, lulu" (SLUK) I really apologize again and thank you for your great work - Business News
  • In 1859, when she was 16, she made her opera debut as Lucia di Lammermoor in New York, after studying the role with the conductor Emmanuele Muzio.
  • The bits he'd snared offered only the gauziest of hints: shards of computer technology, not old or new, but different -- a hint at the secret the Terrans were rumored to possess, and which had attracted his famous attention; and a name. In Alien Hands
  • Grendel's Childen's Jellyfish Avatar), YuzienBorn Janus 'skyborn animation, and some walk-now-turn action. World of SL
  • For a week now, ive set my radio to start playing at 4am ... that old reader's digest cd which i really love ... it's just a combination of instruments fuzing together to form one lovely piece. Yanxious Diary Entry
  • Pingback: Global Voices in Italiano » Armenia-Turchia: Commissione Usa approva risoluzione (non vincolante) sul genocidio degli armeni Global Voices in English » Armenia: Debate over campaign promise overshadows 94th anniversary of WWI killings
  • But the band is at its best when it opens up and gives its gauzier tracks room to drift and evolve. NPR Topics: News
  • I sing "Suzie is a Headbanger" in deceptively empty streets. Poetry and Healing
  • Kuna Amai Takawira chinhu chairwadza kuti havana kuziviswa kuti murume wavo airwara kana kuti akanga atofa. AllAfrica News: Latest
  • After the massacre in the church, Mouzinho and her family fled to the local military headquarters.
  • Setting the Uzi in the middle of the stage, she and the Islamist started each thirty feet from the gun, began running towards the gun, and proceeded to fight using a mixture of tae kwon do and hapkido to defeat the Islamist.
  • Massenga gestured to the other six men who immediately followed him into the prison compound, each carrying a Mini-Uzi.
  • Thanks a lot, Suzie. You've been great.
  • He can also whisper the gauziest ballad like Paul Desmond and Johnny Hodges, two of his biggest influences as a player. Jazz in the Age of the iPod
  • I think it was smart of Sugar to mastermind a coup this close to the end to add to her 'outwit' credit with the jury, but neither her or Suzie can win in the jury against Bob, Matty or Kenny. Entertainment Weekly's PopWatch
  • The main angiosperm trees include Montrouziera cauliflora, Calophyllum neocaledonicum, Dysoxylum spp., New Caledonia rain forests
  • No REAL cop would have an Uzi that size.
  • The UZI Tactical Pen is made from high-grade aircraft aluminum and is available in Black Gunmetal Gray.
  • Editor Cuzick et al have reported that testing for human papilloma virus might be used for triage of women with low grade abnormal smears in the NHS cervical screening programmes.
  • Now I know it's hearsay and what Suzie says about Maguire's tone of voice would not be admissible, but it all adds up, my son. THE ONLY GAME
  • Namiesto toho musia znaky používanie technológií a persuation prekonanie ich prekážok. »2007» July
  • He wondered how to get his head down to kiss that soft shadow he had glimpsed; it had seemed shyer, gauzier than what he had seen in dirty photographs and drawings, the few he had seen. The Best American Erotica 2006
  • Now it chanced one holiday, that Kuzia Fakan fared forth to make festival with certain kindred of the court, and she went surrounded by her handmaids. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • Suzi Hoflin came in with two of her pupils and put Ingrid through a reasonable enough gypsy dance routine.
  • The two angelic entities, who had been called Tarahito and Suzikara at one point, broadened their smiles.
  • The appellation Nuits-St-Georges lies both sides of the town which straddles the small river Meuzin and incorporates the vineyards of neighbouring Prémeaux-Prissey to the south.
  • Well, sure, Obama wants to keep his bribes and corruption secret (how many more times than the dozen we know about did Bolly Tauzin visit the WH?), but I think the problem is that no experts or advocates can be trusted when there are trillions at stake, and billions handed out. Matthew Yglesias » The DNR-V Form
  • I don't recall Kurtz devoting a column to the possibility of white male reporters producing "gauzier" portrayals of their white male subjects than a more diverse news corps might. Howard Kurtz's wasted opportunity
  • With his slick passing, perfect timing and ability to off-load in the tackle, he set up two of Jauzion's three tries.
  • When I asked harpsichordist and Terezín survivor Zuzana Růžičková whether she had gone to a particular composer's concerts," recalled Michael Beckerman, chairman of the music department at New York University, "she said, 'What, and miss my Greek lessons?' Still, the Music Played On
  • Nuclear weapons contain nuclear material; that material is constantly decaying and irradiating everything around it, in particular, all the non-nuclear components of the weapon, such as fuzing, security, and safety devices. Think Progress » Lieberman Gets A Chuckle Out Of Peddling Far-Right Nuke Myth
  • These people, Uzi Arad and others, their priority is actually not the Palestinian issue, '' Shatayeh said of Netanyahu's national security adviser, who has said publicly in recent months that it was a mistake to try to negotiate a peace deal with the Palestinians. Halt to Palestinian peace talks could become permanent
  • Degrave W, Morel C, Simpson L (1989) Sensitive detection and schizodeme classification of Trypanosoma cruzi cells by amplification of kinetoplast minicircle DNA sequences: use in diagnosis of Chagas 'disease. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • The stupid bitch just rang and said that I will get my money tomorrow or Tuesday - I fucken better because I need to pay rego (now that I have my gorgeous suzie bear back) and I have no credit on my phone and im depressed and I need to go shopping Anasthesia Diary Entry
  • Anyway, so tonight at work was awesome, I pretty much was busy taking money the whole night, the chick I worked with last night, was pretty sympathetic tonight, not getting angry at me, etc, tonight was pretty damn cruzie + I got a compliment, some woman rang up and said that the person on drive through was awesome, and the other chick seemed kinda pushy lol. Latest from PALGN
  • You can never accuse Just Cause 2 of taking itself too seriously, especially when you come to the point in the game where Rico is attacked by Uzi-wielding ninjas.
  • Deze kerel heeft zijn muziekinstrumenten gewoon in zijn eigen groententuintje groeien. Feeds4all documents in category 'SEO'
  • A seguito delle reazioni suscitate dal recente Decreto della Congregazione per i Vescovi, con cui si rimette la scomunica ai quattro Presuli della Fraternità San Pio X, e in relazione alle dichiarazioni negazioniste o riduzioniste della Shoah da parte del Vescovo Williamson della medesima Fraternità, si ritiene opportuno chiarire alcuni aspetti della vicenda. Archive 2009-02-01
  • This convergence gave rise to southward thrusting of the Yixieke forearc in Ordovician-Early Silurian time, which then led to obduction of the Buziwan ultrabasic rocks southward over the Kudi terrane.
  • The discovery of the Kela - 2, Dina - 2, Dina - 1 and Tuzi - 1 gas fields supports above hypothesis.
  • Hey! cordura calzatura antinfortunistica Tutori reciprocanti atto convegno traduzione filmica Auto emissioni co2 basse citta dei ragazzo brescia biochemical composition effects lindane tissue bowling for soup concert ticket consorzio immobiliare divieto circolare euro zero equipe giorgio via assarotti Midterm Roundup
  • Il solo uccello ha richiesto più di un mese per la sua costruzione. No Fat Clips!!! : The Bowerbirds – In our Talons
  • * Teh bideo haz plunky plunk banjo myuzic faw bakgraond * Video: Kitteh Learns to Fish on the iPad - Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger?
  • = Frank person franc-tireur fràncti-rer frisée, frisé frìzây frottage frótàzh frou-frou froû-frou fuselage fûsilàzh fusil fûzil fusilier, fusileer fusilêer fusillade fuzilàd Citizendium, the Citizens' Compendium - Recent changes [en]
  • Chiluba dropped Eastern Province Minister Solomon Mbuzi and replaced him with a pro-third term parliamentarian, Levison Mumba. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • Survivors include four children, Firoozeh Studivant of Greenbelt, Jamshid Firouzi of Lanham, Faegheh Naraghi-Arani of Foothill Ranch, Calif., and Faezeh Inayati of San Luis, Argentina; two brothers; two sisters; 10 grandchildren; and five great-grandchildren. Maryam S. Firouzi, Baha'i Faith follower
  • Between killings Uzi wolfed down enormous slabs of apple pie and chocolate mousse cake.
  • As someone who absolutely deee-lighted in my public exposure sometime back because I'm just a mean, mean person, Suzie All-Caps probably doesn't appreciate the hypocrisy of her own words here: ... sometimes, being nicey-nicey is just being a useful idiot. Ah, the irony.
  • Scientists FAS explains how aerial bombs create craters: The cratering effect is normally achieved by using a GP general purpose bomb with a delayed fuzing system. Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion
  • Jane is not pretty, but she has nice eyes, and I am not afraid, second couzin once removed or no second couzin once removed, to say she used them. Bab: A Sub-Deb
  • Come è già stato affermato nel Decreto del 21 gennaio 2009, la Santa Sede non mancherà, nei modi giudicati opportuni, di approfondire con gli interessati le questioni ancora aperte, così da poter giungere ad una piena e soddisfacente soluzione dei problemi che hanno dato origine a questa dolorosa frattura. Archive 2009-02-01
  • Fourth, our conventional munitions are little improved over 1941 and those who insist on dictating the ultimate detail of their selection, fuzing and delivery do not understand or appreciate their own dictates. Thud Ridge
  • She is very fond of her couzin, and anxious to have him suceed. Bab: A Sub-Deb
  • Infections in humans occur where people live in close proximity to blood-sucking insect (Hemiptera; Triatominae) transmitters of An impressive feature of virulent T. cruzi is the high amount of extra-nuclear mitochondrial DNA known as the kinetoplast (kDNA), accounting for 15 to 30% of the total cellular DNA, with a massive number of minicircles in a catenated network PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • Suzie knows from experience that being a martyr to the workplace is an addiction, and she helps people break out of it.
  • The reactivated Uzis could not be fired automatically but could still be fired.
  • Love, like salt, like Youziyouwei life of the flavoring agent ah!
  • So they clad themselves in Frankish clothes and, when Kuzia Fakan saw them, she exclaimed, “By the truth of the Lord of Worship, did I not know you, I should take you to be indeed Franks!” The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • Indonesian Forestry Ministry spokesman Ahmad Fauzi Masyhud said his office has not yet received the report, which he described as "bombastic. Breaking News: CBS News
  • A line of uniformed police proceeds through the crowds, led by a petite woman toting an Uzi.
  • While Politico's Mike Allen was drinking Kurtz's milkshake, Kurtz was busy writing a piece about whether "racial and gender identification" on the part of African-American women who cover Michelle Obama "produces a gauzier, more favorable portrayal of Obama. Howard Kurtz's wasted opportunity
  • With this backdrop he was a perfect target for the many guns in the area as the gunners knew the exact height of the cloud deck for fuzing purposes and were also able to spot him quite easily as they looked up toward the cloud deck. Thud Ridge
  • Italiano · USA: video-campagna di Planned Parenthood su salute sessuale e diritti legati alla riproduzione srpski · SAD: Početak razgovora o seksualnom i reproduktivnom zdravlju Global Voices in English » USA: Opening Conversations on Sexual and Reproductive Health
  • Infatti questi gioielli sono nascono dall’Hytrel (un elastomero termoplastico), o meglio, dai suoi scarti di produzione, che vengono recuperati e trasformati in ornamento floreale per collane, bracciali e anelli. SUSTAINABLE STYLE SUNDAY: Green Jewelry | Inhabitat
  • Out of the darkness stepped four men with AK-47 assault rifles and Uzi submachine guns, Anaya said.
  • Writing from a Deleuzian perspective, Iain Hamilton Grant distinguishes organicism from the notion of "organization" with which it is associated in Raymond Williams 'Keywords (227-29). Notes on ''The Abyss of the Past': Psychoanalysis in Schelling's Ages of the World (1815)'
  • When drive-bys were common around here, for a long time the preferred way of killing someone, the weapon of choice, was an Uzi.
  • Pingback: Global Voices in Italiano » Armenia-Turchia: Commissione Usa approva risoluzione (non vincolante) sul genocidio degli armeni Global Voices in English » Armenia: Debate over campaign promise overshadows 94th anniversary of WWI killings
  • Had they been lighter, gauzier, the colour combinations would be less stark, less jarring. Times, Sunday Times
  • Deputy Governor Fauzi Bowo said he had asked the City Audit Agency to investigate the matter and gather more information about the land swap.
  • The sandals nearly eclipsed Renee's tiny, delicate feet, and Suzie had spent a painstaking quarter of an hour painting her shell-like toenails a girlish shade of pink.
  • Suzie's delight in the gift of the greens is as evident as her disgust in the offer of marriage; she rejects it with trenchant sarcasm and turns abruptly to feed her dog.
  • Suzie's crew invaded the stage in a fit of pretended madness and simply kicked the daylights out of each other.
  • Suzie exclaimed as she took a big bite out of her fried egg sandwich.
  • Based on a song dating back to the days of the brigands who preyed on Silk Road travellers, now its message is more benign; its melodies are played by Toir Kuziyev on various string instruments Turkish saz and Arabic oud, as well as doutar.
  • Weh habs manxs kitteh at mai fambiby buzinezz (weh sellz farm machinz) an he iz bein teh wyld. he wunt eben cumz neer hoomanz, he runzawaywifakwickness sew we kantz halp himz much butt(!) ai iz awlwayz bein glads tu see himz awround. I find yur “string theoree” - Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger?
  • Epimastigote forms of T. cruzi were grown in liver-infusion tryptose axenic medium at 27°C. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
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  • One of them must have been set for detonation at the base of the clouds and the other two were using their normal fuzing and as the preset fuze detonated a bit short of the base of the clouds and directly under the belly of my aircraft, the other two shrieked between John, my number two man, and myself. Thud Ridge
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  • There are many musical instruments that are played every time the epic is recited, such as the flute, and the kumuzi - a kind of bandore made of corean pine.
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