How To Use Utterly In A Sentence
Have you then seen the same old coffin dodger like ten years later and been utterly gobsmacked to see them still alive and kicking?
We failed utterly to convince them.
The geography was utterly alien to Patrick, although his unfamiliarity with the picture could have been attributed to the gaps.
“Yes, of course, the whole idea is utterly inane, but to let its predictable inanities blind you to its truly fabulous and breathtaking aspects is to do both oneself and the genre a disservice.” —
The Codex Continual. Official Website of Steven E. Schend
Delvile, by which her own goodness proved the source of her defamation: and though something still hung upon her mind that destroyed that firm confidence she had hitherto felt in the friendship of Mr Monckton, she held it utterly unjust to condemn him without proof, which she was not more unable to procure, than to satisfy herself with any reason why so perfidiously he should calumniate her.

Federal Government is the exclusive judge of the extent as well as the limitations of its power, it seems to me to be utterly perversive of the sovereignty and independence of the States.
Southern Literature From 1579-1895 A comprehensive review, with copious extracts and criticisms for the use of schools and the general reader
The gowns were grand and formal, but still utterly feminine.
She finally knew what it was like to be totally and utterly in love with one person.
He would therefore be utterly unamazed to read some of the reviews currently being written of this movie.
I am so utterly embarassed to call myself an american with this awful congress and president we have, I mean seriously this is like amatuer night at the oasis!
Senate vote to kick off Wall Street reform push
Overseas aidJohn Arne Riise, or "mummy's boy", finally joined this summer having been utterly unwooed by the club's fluttering eyelashes before he signed for Liverpool in 2001, supposedly on the advice of his representative – his mother.
Fulham Premier League 2011-12 team guide
At ten to four I was awoken by a blackcap hopping along the tin roof, then striking up the most exquisite warbling, at first utterly solo in the half-light, soon joined by other birds.
It creates a startling atmosphere of intensity and highly unusual inwardness - sometimes disturbing - and makes it utterly distinct from anything in Western dance and theatre.
He turned up at the swish hotel suite to meet us all by himself, with no fuss and no entourage, and was utterly charming.
The Sun
The result: a spare, jagged, supremely efficient novel (183 pages) that, although utterly lacking in exposition, lays bare an entire world of workaday lowlifes trying to get by on the fringes of organized crime.
New Fiction
As well as obscene and disgusting, it is utterly baffling.
The Sun
Miró himself was an artist whose utterly distinctive early work had great beauty of form and color, and whose fecund imagery delights and amuses.
But it had me utterly involved from the very start, and that's down to the mind-bogglingly superb animation that, for me, had a human and psychologically acute element to add to the expected dimension of hallucinatory fantasy.
Now, a former professor of Communism is utterly unemployable.
To Slegge's annoyance, he very soon found that if the prestige of the school was to be kept up Glyn and Singh must be in the eleven, for the former in a very short time was acknowledged to be the sharpest bowler in the school, while, from long practice together, Singh was an admirable wicket-keeper -- one who laughed at gloves and pads, was utterly without fear, and had, as Wrench said -- he being a great admirer of a game in which he never had a chance to play -- "a nye like a nork.
Glyn Severn's Schooldays
I am utterly and completely besotted by opera.
Times, Sunday Times
It is a conceit altogether void of reason, but it is so wilful and pertinacious, that it is almost utterly inconvincible, and so it puts souls in the most desperate forlorn estate that can be imagined.
The Works of the Rev. Hugh Binning
A great many women have gone on record saying that they find him utterly adorable and wouldn't, as the saying goes, kick him out of bed, whether he turned up for the event wearing boxer shorts or a flowing beribboned peignoir.
They can be counted on to enthusiastically endorse any Democratic Party idea, regardless of how utterly void of common sense or careful forethought.
The utterly unremarkable Agriculture Minister of Canada's Brand Spankin' New North Star Ultra-Government has debagged the cat.
Archive 2008-02-01
The apartment block in which the contestants live looks utterly out of keeping with straitened times.
Times, Sunday Times
Feeling utterly stupid I gathered myself up from under the rubble and hobbled inelegantly to find a first aider.
One of the final panels proffers Der Führer's personal opinion of his adversary: ‘He is an utterly amoral, repulsive creature.’
As such, he was utterly made for the job, as his combination of physical clumsiness, verbal ineptitude and unwaveringly glaikit expression must have made even the most gauche and pallid code-cruncher feel like a cocksure sophisticate.
Be My Enemy
Further, it may be believed that saleswomen will not forever acquiesce in pursuing their trade in utterly machinal activity, without any common expression of their common position.
Making Both Ends Meet The income and outlay of New York working girls
But some people get a thrill from peering into the void and acknowledging that life is utterly meaningless.
Times, Sunday Times
Unfortunately it's weighted down with accretion upon accretion of utterly self-indulgent pomposity.
Some find themselves utterly transformed by their longing for each other, and they dwell in a sort of blissful paradox, imprisoned, yet unmoored from the structure of their outside lives, so that their mutual captivity becomes a new kind of freedom.
Best of 2009
But both are tyrannies, utterly unaccountable to the people they rule.
The Sun
The recent historical record shows this view to be utterly without foundation however.
With its full stealth, supersonic cruise capability, and electronics that make the Starship Enterprise look like a birchbark canoe, it is utterly unmatched as a fighter aircraft.
Matthew Yglesias » Government for Sale
Of particular beauty here, of course, is the use of utterly inappropriate terms to maintain the rhyme, which saw ‘gloat’ used as a noun directly above this unlearned and unlovely deformed child of a verse.
I absolutely, totally and utterly fell in love with the place.
Even Western governments are still utterly incapable of properly distinguishing true incitation to violence and hate from ethnic pride, mild but nonviolent rebellion, and counterculture.
Kicking them out « BuzzMachine
Forgive me sounding preachy but the character in our neighbourhoods, heritage and iconic landscape will be utterly lost.
But it doesn't really matter in the particulars, because it's all totally, utterly subjective.
I abjure them, I abhor them, I turn my back upon them forever and utterly.
If blind eyes are turned to some drug use, such as cannabis, on the (utterly mistaken) assumption that it is relatively unharmful, this destroys the consistency that is the absolute requirement to hold a moral and behavioural line.
An utterly gorgeous album, it paints an evocative portrait of a Scottish coastal village.
Times, Sunday Times
It was moist and meaty and utterly delicious when wrapped in the paper-light pancakes alongside threads of spring onion and cucumber and lashings of sweet plum sauce.
This is technically accomplished stuff, but more importantly, it is utterly engrossing.
Times, Sunday Times
Considering that we were completely and utterly untrained at this stage of the war, this was no mean achievement.
He's a completely loathsome and utterly shallow creep and I look forward to a swift garotting moment in the very near future.
On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
It felt classy and utterly imperturbable - the sort of place where the band might play Stormy Weather in a raging typhoon.
Quite why people need to be able to drink in licensed premises at four o’clock in the morning midweek is utterly beyond me.
Outbreak of Clerical Common Sense
It is utterly false and cruelly arbitrary to put all the play and learning into childhood, all the work into middle age, and all the regrets into old age. Margaret Mead
But Statham's delivery is strictly grim and stoic, utterly without humour.
What do you mean, it all sounds utterly implausible?
Times, Sunday Times
Some are touchingly intimate: my sister-in-law received a set of pastel-colored cotton panties from her middle-school homeroom students, and to my utter amazement was utterly unamazed.
For me, this is the most stunning discovery in the field of herpetology during my lifetime. It's so utterly unexpected, so completely unexpected.
Any suggestion that his appointment was due to an improper relationship between us is utterly false.
Times, Sunday Times
The documentary was utterly unsensational and all the more effective for it.
Times, Sunday Times
Owen Wilson has a smarmy-cool, utterly natural screen persona of smiles, cheeky ad-libs and ironically understated wisecracks.
There they were confined in an utterly alien climate, with a resulting death toll of some forty percent, until the winter of 1913-14.
When a cow assumes the appearance of what we term a regular buller -- when she is running every day, or every second or third day, or when one or more retire from the herd and assume the habits of the male -- then, and not till then, does the case become utterly hopeless.
Cattle and Cattle-breeders
It is utterly important to govern the falsity of accounting information.
Take Alizée Jacotey for instance, I utterly refuse to believe that a gorgeous little crumpet like that could squeeze a 14 inch stonker out her delicate ricker.
Army Rumour Service
'mess,' and utterly refused to let his aunts be 'fashed' with; while
Beechcroft at Rockstone
The script is utterly banal. It is incredible that human minds can put such muck on to paper.
There are times and things concerning which words utterly fail and must fail to give utterance to the feelings of the heart, and this, let me say, is one of those times -- a day that I can never forget, a day for which -- though most unworthy of what has been given me -- I must always feel the devoutest thankfulness to
Report of Commemorative Services with the Sermons and Addresses at the Seabury Centenary, 1883-1885.
We utterly refute any allegation to the contrary.
Times, Sunday Times
This jumbled exercise by Bulareyaung Pagarlava amounts to a shapeless sampler of miscellaneous moods and shticks, from the cloyingly cute to the utterly arbitrary.
A Cautionary Tale in Dance
No, as usual, my ire is reserved for the utterly inhuman nerks who work in marketing.
Neely's cartooning is light and breezy one panel (deftly evoking a cartoon-strip nostalgic past) and utterly terrifying the next, as the Blot and the unnamed character come to terms with one another.
What Are You Reading? | Robot 6 @ Comic Book Resources – Covering Comic Book News and Entertainment
The decision had been made utterly without conscious thought or volition on her part.
He felt utterly daunted by the prospect of moving to another country.
It was an utterly pointless waste of his life.
Times, Sunday Times
(which were all utterly against all the rules of nature) it would breed no monster, but onely such a naturall of-spring, as would haue cummed betuixt that man or woman and that other abused person, in-case they both being aliue had had a doe with other.
Why is the middle class so stodgy , so utterly without a sense of humor?
The walls were utterly bare, the grey paint slightly peeling.
BLACK KNIGHTS: On the Bloody Road to Baghdad
The concept of stamp duty is utterly ridiculous.
Times, Sunday Times
But Frederick utterly rejected the idea of decreeing on his own authority innovations which would constitute a deviation from the great Christian Catholic Church, more especially as opinions were not agreed on them even at Wittenberg.
Life of Luther
He had a moonish face, which is to say round and pale and utterly featureless from a distance.
Fasting to a Comfortable Death
Macy is bound and determined to make Frank utterly unlovable, which is to say an actual drunk - despite what - News
'Jesu,' he groaned and, feeling utterly wretched, pressed his forehead against the cold stone of the merlon.
The Falcons of Montabard
The fundamental argument for its existence was the immediate appeal to self-consciousness; and it was further defined as indestructible on the ground of its being utterly discontinuous and incommensurable with its material environment.
The Approach to Philosophy
To the broody hen the notion would probably seem monstrous that there should be a creature in the world to whom a nestful of eggs was not the utterly fascinating and precious and never-to-be-too-much-sat-upon object which it is to her.
On Scientific Explorations of Human Nature
High-flying oratory proved utterly inefficacious in winning any major foreign-policy result he set himself to bring home in triumph.
Terry Krepel: John L. Perry's Greatest Obama-Hating Hits
This pact is utterly one-sided-in Mexico's favor.
So lonesome that there were times when life looked absolutely worthless; when the blue devils made him their plaything, and he saw Billy Louise looking scornfully upon him and loving some other man better; when he saw his name blackened by the suspicion that he was a rustler -- preying upon his neighbors 'cattle; when he saw Buck Olney laughing in derision of his mercy and fixing fresh evidence against him to confound him utterly.
The Ranch at the Wolverine
He shrugged, utterly nonchalant, and it was then she realised he hadn't touched a drop of rum all evening.
It turned out that keeping hens was utterly simple and rewarding.
Times, Sunday Times
That's an utterly inaccurate reading of the great documents of the founding of this nation.
utterly miserable
Today will mostly be spent tidying my flat, which is an utterly disgraceful mess.
Instead we have a government that seems determined to be re-elected by scaremongering and it's utterly contemptible.
But those New Zealanders not utterly transfixed by the imperial glare of London or Washington have sensed that our national interests lie in a wider kind of collective security than is offered by simple colonial obeisance.
My hands didn't want to work, my fingers utterly senseless, and when someone started to haul the line in the wet hemp simply started slipping through my fingers.
Incredible, utterly, sputteringly incredible. sit; stand; jump; d. l.
Oatcake Diary Entry
I think a more important discussion would be on the word "nonplussed" which sounds like it should mean "meh" but actually means "utterly perplexed.
John Hodgman on "meh" -
The vicar remained, his son said, utterly uncompassionate.
It's the tale of two contemporary literary academics sleuthing their way into a long lost love affair, and is utterly laden with coincidence.
That is a tired, sexist and, for eight years at least, utterly unsupportable argument.
Times, Sunday Times
She had a sickening feeling of true flying for a moment before the shocking cold and utterly claustrophobic feeling of submersion in water enveloped her.
Your utterly bewildered and terrified but loving Ma.
Spitfire Women of World War II
There was one aspect of successful kingship, however, that John had always utterly lacked -- luck.
They are publicly branded with the degrading suspicion of being utterly unworthy of the name of citizens, and their business arrangements interrupted without warning.
Times, Sunday Times
My research tells me that "plonking" may be defined as the art of making the utterly obvious stupefyingly clear!
Recession, Inflation and Energy
Without what little and lukewarm intervention we have had, the economy could have collapsed utterly.
The Times Literary Supplement
Like so many Scandinavian creatives of his epoch, he seems utterly insensitive to any of the colours or possibilities of the new century.
Times, Sunday Times
Hundreds of residents fighting proposals to build a warehouse next to their homes told planners they utterly oppose the plans.
The frustrating thing is that this multisided, Darwinian foodkampf is utterly necessary; nobody has the option of resigning his or her commission.
Colby Cosh
You want them to shout back, not to smile delphically and look utterly unmoved.
The Independent - Frontpage RSS Feed
He shall find nothing remaining but those sorrows which grow up after our fast-springing youth, overtake it when it is at a stand, and overtop it utterly when it begins to wither; insomuch as, looking back from the very instant time, and from our now being, the poor, diseased, and captive creature hath as little sense of all his former miseries and pains as he that is most blest, in common opinion, hath of his forepast pleasures and delights.
The Best of the World's Classics, Restricted to prose. Volume III (of X) - Great Britain and Ireland I
I utterly agree with Inouye's example of responding ignorantly within five minutes.
Inouye Calls Cheney Attack
His Iliad is powerful, almost overwhelming, his Odyssey utterly charming, and I recommend them to anyone who wishes to read — or reread — Homer's two great epics.
The Best Epic Translations: Lattimore (Iliad), Fagles (Odyssey), Fitzgerald (Aeneid), Pinsky (Inferno), Merwin (Purgatorio), Mandelbaum (Paradiso)
They became "invincible" - natural-born jungle - and night-fighters, as well as "utterly ruthless, utterly cruel and utterly blind to any of the values which make up our civilization.
This was unforgivable form - but I was hot, sweating, badly sunburnt, my feet were freezing, wet and blistered, I was frantic with thirst, hungry and utterly dispirited.
You can, if you make up your mind to it, prevent yourself from either wriggling, pulling your foot away, or giggling, when the sole of your foot is tickled; but if you happen to be at all "ticklish," it will take all the determination you have to do it, and some children are utterly unable to resist this impulse to squirm when tickled.
A Handbook of Health
The man, with a rust-colored mustache, was utterly unsmiling and miserable-looking.
It was grievous to see such a young spirit so blanched, -- so utterly unelastic.
The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 17, No. 104, June, 1866
When confronted with the reality of a shabby and hostile England unlike the England of her dreams, she is utterly horrified.
While we were stuffed full of learning about other parts of the world, the school system left us utterly clueless about our won history.
When she went to that lady with the ring, she was most glad to find that Silvia utterly rejected the suit of Proteus; and Julia, or the page Sebastian as she was called, entered into conversation with Silvia about Proteus first love, the forsaken lady Julia.
The Two Gentlemen of Verona
She affected to be spunky about her ailments and afflictions, but she was in fact an utterly self - centered valetudinarian.
Three utterly madcap men in tights and sneakers take the theatre by storm as they gallop through the tragedies, histories and comedies at a speed that will leave you gasping.
I've seen people come here and be utterly destroyed because they didn't know what they wanted to do.
The practice of killing animals for food is utterly abhorrent to me.
The English subtitles, on the other hand, are utterly inept - full of awkwardness and solecisms.
Well, he has, and he was completely and utterly destroyed by it.
It is, of course, utterly presumptuous to declare the race over before a single vote has been cast.
This turnkey had given him to understand that he was lodged, like some few others in the jail, apart from the mass of prisoners; because he was not supposed to be utterly depraved and irreclaimable, and had never occupied apartments in that mansion before.
The Old Curiosity Shop
In some places hummus is topped with cooked lamb mince, which is utterly delicious - though mutton is often used instead, and to the uninitiated this can be a rather strong flavour.
The sum which it was required Congress should appropriate to the purchase was forty thousand dollars; and considering how that assembly is constituted, how little most of its members know or care about pictures, or of their intrinsic value, and how utterly unimbued they are with any conception of the moral worth of art to a young nation, I conceive it very creditable to the body that the motion was negatived by only two votes.
Impressions of America During The Years 1833, 1834, and 1835. In Two Volumes, Volume II.
I ought to make him feel that I can do without his riches, that I cannot be bought, neither by comfort, neither by pride, and though I be utterly penniless, and receiving bread from him, that he is the poor man beside me.
III. Essays. Man the Reformer. A Lecture Read before the Mechanics Apprentices Library Association, Boston, January 25, 1841
It seemed as if a sudden flash of anger went over him, like the flash that glides along the glutinous stem of the fraxinella, when you touch it with a candle; the next moment it had utterly vanished, and was forgotten as if it had never been.
Malbone: an Oldport romance
Their sporting achievements at the very highest level are being utterly ignored.
Did Mr Djindjic truly believe that Mr Karadzic deserved his support, or was the gesture utterly cynical?
But Joanna merely smiled, and then startled Enid by giving her an utterly inappropriate hug.
Behold thoroughly dimensional characters, quirky and flawed and utterly believable whether human or nonhuman.
It really doesn't get down to Scandinavian lows here, but the humidity caused by our maritime climate makes a zero degrees day feel utterly bitter.
It was an utterly pointless waste of his life.
Times, Sunday Times
But now, when I appeared almost within grasp of my foe, my hopes were suddenly extinguished, and I lost all traces of him more utterly than I had ever done before.
Chapter 24
The new theatre looks utterly incongruous in its setting.
I have lived here for years and I still find myself utterly flummoxed by it on a regular basis.
Times, Sunday Times
After the death of this most verteous Prince, of whome the godless people of England, (for the most parte,) was nott worthy, Sathan intended nothing less then the light of Jesus Christ utterly to have bein extinguissed, within the hole Ile of Britannye; for after him was rased up, in Goddis hote displeasur, that idolatress Jesabel, mischevous
The Works of John Knox, Vol. 1 (of 6)
But he gets paid to do this day in and day out, so I sort of understand why he continues being utterly noisome.
He is utterly convinced they are going to be killed.
The Sun
The reader will feel unread, uneducated, utterly exasperated with him or herself for missing the reference entirely.
I have described the member as having become utterly unhinged on the matter of immigration.
It begins with a statement that runs counter to the title followed by a second sentence that doesn't support the first one, and a third that appears to contradict the second while failing utterly at congruous analogies.
Las Vegas Sun Stories: All Sun Headlines
The only away game of this period is at Gloucester who are eighth and utterly unpredictable.
Times, Sunday Times
A part of the landscape is an interesting phenomenon; in amongst the endless fields, you will find the occasional lonely hill, rising abruptly from the earth and coming to a broad flat top ... utterly alien in that flat land, and upon reflection, very hard to explain.
Archive 2010-04-01
He's a modern artist of the old school: utterly fearless, profoundly confusing and completely bonkers.
To see a once-thriving city reduced to beggary and emptiness, to live one day at a time in point of food and medicine, to see an old European order brutally and efficiently overturned, to notice the utterly casual way in which human life can be snuffed out, and to see war machines wheeling and diving in the overcast sky: such an education!
The Catastrophist
I left eventually at six o'clock feeling utterly dispirited and depressed.
It was unthinkable that any one save a thief and an out-right scoundrel, such by the way as were all of his business rivals and the men who refused to tote and carry at his bidding, should make a threat like that; worse than unthinkable, utterly, depravedly disgraceful that one of the house of Packard should resort to such devious and damnable practices.
Man to Man
Yoj continued "Bath -- bathymetric" -- the words sounded utterly alien, and the children's faces were awed.
That crisp moon was so beautiful, so sublime, so utterly perfect, that it ordered my thoughts and gentled me into a deep rest till morning.
Awww ... can't handle it now that MSNBC is outfoxing Fox? the network had used "deceitful editing to further a media-manufactured story line is utterly misleading and irresponsible.
White House step up criticism of NBC
That would be a shame because about halfway through the book becomes utterly compelling.
Times, Sunday Times
Then it forgot its manners utterly and groaned when it made out that a sudden splash represented its favourite, while the indomitable Darrell still trod the quarter-deck as champion birler for the year.
Blazed Trail Stories and Stories of the Wild Life
It is an intensely nostalgic piece, yet utterly unsentimental.
Times, Sunday Times
As well as being erudite, witty and utterly shameless, his autobiography shows he was capable of great mercy.
Times, Sunday Times
And now he possessed her utterly , primitively - as a hunter does his quarry, a tiger his kill.
But in short order , scientists worldwide would be utterly depressed.
What if something we take for granted, something utterly predictable, suddenly became unpredictable and chaotic and disordered?
His subsequent dive is utterly preposterous, but the referee doesn't book him.
After installing all the geegaws for the graphics program, my invaluable drop-shadow-maker decided to go utterly mental - it would draw a rectangle around the selected object, and give it the drop shadow.
Utterly maintenance free, it's a warm natural finish, sometimes with salmon- or ochre-colored striations, and can be troweled smooth or scraped vertically for a rough finish.
The only areas where conditions are utterly unfavourable for it to grow are the poles and tropics.
Fats, Nutrition and Health
Impressed with this convergency of testimony from so many different quarters, they will be utterly at a loss to account for the unanimity of these early witnesses -- all sharing in the same delusion, all ignorant that a false Mark has been silently substituted for the true Mark during their own lifetime, and consequently assuming as an indisputable fact that the false Mark was received by the Church from the beginning.
Essays on the work entitled "Supernatural Religion"
When the firing broke out, it was like some utterly excessive fireworks display.
Now and then a man may arise among us who in any calling, whether it be in law, in physic, in religious teaching, in art, or literature, may in his professional enthusiasm utterly disregard money.
The sublime transformed itself into feminine agency, the ability to occupy a space in an active way so as not to be utterly overwhelmed by the sublime effect of nature.
Guns and the gun culture are so intertwined with American culture that many Americans perceive guns as utterly, unremarkably normal.
Revels, it is ordered that the King of Cockneys, on Childermas Day, should sit and have due service, and "that Jack Straw, and all his adherents, should be thenceforth utterly banished, and no more to be used in this house, upon pain to forfeit for every time five pounds, to be levied on every fellow hapning to offend against this rule.
Christmas: Its Origin and Associations Together with Its Historical Events and Festive Celebrations During Nineteen Centuries
It is white, vast, apparently endless and utterly unnavigable, the setting for an anxiety dream.
Times, Sunday Times
Only my friends appreciate how utterly uncharacteristic this is, but I've long ceased worrying about public opprobrium.
He returned it with a high looping sidespin shot, the kind that could utterly befuddle a neophyte but would be a lost point against an experienced player.
Robot Adept
It can only be an insult if it's something utterly filthy which the guest is wanting to get rid of.
Blaikie's Guide to Modern Manners
To speak of them in those terms that he did represents a scurrilous attack on their dedication and professionalism and I condemn it utterly.
Yet, a close analysis of West Brom two summers ago and reveal that all has not changed utterly.
He describes a scene where the screams of the learner merged with his own self-loathing, a joint pain, and up he went, utterly without a centre, having spurted it all out in secret shames.
I abjure them, I abhor them, I turn my back upon them forever and utterly.
That I looked utterly hideous in all of these outfits entirely missed the point.
Times, Sunday Times
On now to the interface overhaul for the site itself, as part of the new, needless, and utterly unrequested change to a Monthly Magazine format.
There is no reason to suppose that the idea of sparing him was ever entertained; but, wherever the blame lay, he was led to believe that a recantation might save him; and he did now at last break down utterly, and recant in the most abject terms.
England under the Tudors
Courtenay played the role in an utterly convincing way.
And here was me, utterly enraptured.
ARE YOU TALKING TO ME?: A Life Through the Movies
It was absolutely delightful and utterly festive; like something from a dream or the movies.
Times, Sunday Times
For instance, history and intimate knowledge of a society are way outside the scope of his economic vision, even though they must feed the model in an utterly essential way.
The street, lined with retro wrought-iron lamp posts and redwood benches that speak of an earlier effort at revival, is utterly quiet.
He said: 'It is utterly ridiculous.
Times, Sunday Times
Shelob, Smaug, the Balrog ... in their astounding names, the fearful verve of their descriptions, their various undomesticated malevolence, these creatures are utterly embedded in our world-view.
Archive 2009-06-01
I left eventually at six o'clock feeling utterly dispirited and depressed.
The fact that he used cash, frankly, is in Africa, completely and utterly —
Think Progress » The ‘facts’ of the Christmas Day plot are ‘clear’ — to everyone except John McCain.
It was a brilliant bit of cooking: simple, restrained and utterly delicious.
Times, Sunday Times
Everything about the country seemed utterly different from what I'd experienced before.
She sat serenely in her throne, surveying her courtiers through utterly regal eyes, which hid the heavy pounding of her heart.
It was utterly, silent, too - no bird calls or insect chirrups disturbed the sandy desert.
Tony Jaa is an utterly brilliant fighter, whose resilience and finesse as a martial-arts master is put to the test in this funny and punch-packed feature.
It may not be comfortable reading but it is utterly absorbing and wildly funny.
And in a few years, they'll be utterly mundane, and it will seem ludicrous that anyone ever wrote articles about them, held conferences to discuss them.
In each instance, it is Erdrich's diction that gives the image its precision and intense life: "larded," "disorderly," "caterpillar" — each of these words surprises, and yet is utterly apt in its context.
Blood Relations