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  1. a small pouch into which the semicircular canals open

How To Use utricle In A Sentence

  • The shapes of utricle, saccule and crista ampullaris tended to mature at E15, and the shapes of supporting and hair cells also tended to mature. The vestibular organ was mature at P0.
  • With the head erect, the macula in each utricle is oriented horizontally, and in the saccule vertically.
  • The duct of the seminal vesicle joins the _vas deferens_ of the same side (both functionally and embryologically the seminal vesicle is no more than a diverticulum of the vas deferens); passing on under the name of the _common seminal_ or _ejaculatory duct_, the canal opens into the prostatic portion of the urethra (the orifices of the two common seminal ducts are in the folds of mucous membrane forming the right and left lateral margins of the _prostatic utricle_ or _uterus masculinus_). The Sexual Life of the Child
  • The Epley manoeuvre entails a sequence of movements of head and trunk to rotate the posterior semicircular canal in a plane that displaces the plug of debris from the canal into the utricle of the inner ear, where it is inactive.
  • The utricle can thus send signals to the brain representing a combination of fore - aft and lateral motion of the head, whereas the saccule principally conveys information about vertical motion.
  • The receptor organ of posture and equilibrium is a composite one located in the semicircular canals, the utricle, and the saccule of the inner ear.
  • Sauer consequently provided the name Amaranthus rudis for plants with a circumscissily dehiscent utricle and single, well developed sepal.
  • The cortical filaments are terminated by small swellings, called utricles, which form the external surface of the thallus.
  • In terrestrial vertebrates, otoconia are found in three inner-ear sensors, the saccule, the utricle, and the lagena.
  • The receptor organ of posture and equilibrium is a composite one located in the semicircular canals, the utricle, and the saccule of the inner ear.
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