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  1. a city in the central Netherlands

How To Use Utrecht In A Sentence

  • The Städel Museum's exhibition differs from past projects by emphatically focusing on the portraiture of musicians and brothel scenes and by directly confronting works by Caravaggio with paintings by the Utrecht artists Terbrugghen, Honthorst, and Baburen. Art Knowledge News
  • In 1931 the Bonn agreement established intercommunion between the Anglican Church and those Old Catholic Churches in the Union of Utrecht. Germany - Sermon at Thanksgiving Service
  • A pair of small, crowded biblical scenes, by ter Brugghen's Utrecht Mannerist contemporaries, Roland Savery and Joachim Antonisz. An Artist of Dual Allegiances
  • Three young artists, Hendrick ter Brugghen, Gerrit van Honthorst, and Dirck van Baburen, travelled to Rome from Utrecht which, being the seat of the Catholic archbishopric, had maintained strong links with the papal city.
  • The windows have very handsome gilt cornices, with tamboured muslin curtains, and others of a blue and gold coloured damask; there are two large sofas, and four small chairs of dark walnut wood, carved and covered with the same material as the curtains, and a smaller chair with a tapestry seat -- also a large rocking-chair covered with Utrecht velvet. First Impressions of the New World On Two Travellers from the Old in the Autumn of 1858
  • What this study shows is that it already happened in the past, said paleoecologist Micha Ruhl of Utrecht University, whose findings are published July 21 in Ars Technica
  • The subjects for this study were participating in a longitudinal research project, the Utrecht Study of Adolescent Development.
  • In Italy Fiorentina were strongly interested to the 22 old of Utrecht at the beginning summer.
  • Take Jeffrey Goldstein , a psychologist at Utrecht University in the Netherlands.
  • Düsseldorf: 1983 (Neuausgabe Frankfurt/Main 1994); De dertiende fee, Utrecht: 1985; Den trettonde feen, Stockholm 1985; La treizième fée, Paris: 1987; Von einem Ort zum andern. Katja Behrens.
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