How To Use Utilized In A Sentence
The difference in the power of the system to absorb different substances, appropriate whatever can be utilized, and throw off whatever can not be used, is sometimes called idiosyncrasy, but more properly it may be called vital resistance, and upon the integrity of this power rests the ability to combat disease in all its forms, whether it be the absorption of any animal virus or the poison resulting from undigested food.
Alcohol: A Dangerous and Unnecessary Medicine, How and Why What Medical Writers Say
Therefore, in the case of acute overdose, gastric lavage or induced emesis should be utilized to remove unabsorbed lithium.
Non-selective NSAID therapy may be appropriate for chronic pain management in aspirin users given that suitable GI prophylactic measures are utilized in high-risk patients.
Although, the protein utilized a number of fatty acids as substrate such as propionic acid, hexanoic acid, decanoic acid, lauric acid, palmitic acid, stearic acid and oleic acid (data not shown) as is the case with many other known Fatty Acyl-CoA Synthetases
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The U.S. economy is operating with a massive amount of slack" or unutilized resources such as workers and manufacturing capacity says Sal Guatieri, an economist at Toronto-based BMO Capital Markets.
Canada Bank Shift Signals Strong Recovery

I am pretty certain that during his actual practice lifetime Dr. Egnor utilized these studies and never counted on the brains of his patients to be so intelligently designed that they would all be optimally perfectly identical. coturnix
Egnorance Overload - The Panda's Thumb
The majority of the oxygen supplied to the cell is utilized by the mitochondria to make a chemical known as adenosine triphosphate, or ATP.
Forever Young
Photosensitive materials are also utilized in vidicons, which are devices used to convert images to electrical signals.
Most data sets utilized in the study of hereditary diseases are constructed around probands, making correction for ascertainment bias necessary; this set of data is no exception.
Was there not some case law regarding message boards and comments that we utilized at nancies. org in order to avoid the assumption of responsibility for third party content (board posts, comments, etc)?
Waldo Jaquith - “Motion to Compel” in Garrett subpoena
Various potassium silicates -- leucite, feldspar, sericite, and glauconite -- and the potassium sulphate, alunite, have received attention and certain of them have been utilized to a small extent, but none of them are normally able to compete on the market.
The Economic Aspect of Geology
Immunohistochemical detection by, for example, alkaline phosphatase or peroxidase has been utilized in some papers.
As plates and films became more sensitive (orthochromatic emulsions are sensitive to green as well as blue light), ruby safelight filters became necessary, but the old manipulation techniques could still be utilized.
As Diana Archibald has argued, station houses in the bush utilized spatial patterns unlike those found in a British town house or country home, thus necessitating new cultural practices and domestic routines.
This was an exciting period in the molecular biology of adenovirus with the discoveries (a) that only one specific fragment of the genome, the E1 region, was responsible for oncogenic transformation; (b) that restriction endonuclease length polymorphism could be utilized to generate genetic maps; (c) the mapping of specific genes on the viral genome; and (d) generation of a viral map of sequences expressed as stable RNAs.
Phillip A. Sharp - Autobiography
Certain antibiotics have been utilized in inflammatory bowel disease for treating intestinal inflammation, healing fistulas and treating infection.
Infinit is also your store if you are interested in selling your actual assets: thanks to the infinit AssetsPLUS™ program, you can easily "re-marketing" under utilized assets in order to save money...and to invest them in more useful products, like, for example, new Network Security solutions.
Archive 2008-06-01
Lethal injection is utilized in 35 states and the gas chamber is used in 5 states.
Potential must be realized, energy must be utilized, wealth must not be hoarded.
Other utilized techniques were scent stations using cougar urine, catnip, or other scents, and recorded sounds such as cougar screams, predator calls, and deer bleats.
(SCC9) and immortalized prostate basaloid epithelial cells (iPrEC) were utilized to investigate the molecular pathways that mediate p63 function in epithelial cells.
PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
A triangle or square, while requiring the minimum number of vantages for sight lines, enclosed too much unutilized space in its corners and presented too large a perimeter.
a product of China and the East Indies, best known as Myrabolams and must have been utilized solely for the tannin they contain, which Loewe estimates to be identical with ellago-tannic acid, later discovered in the divi-divi, a fruit grown in South America, and bablah which is also a fruit of a species of Acacia, well known also for its gum.
Forty Centuries of Ink
This work exemplifies the analytical power of critical discourse analysis by illustrating how language is utilized as a tool for political ends.
Automated replenishment of parts offered by jobbers is utilized by 61 percent of repair shops; 25 percent work with WDs.
Alternative therapies such as osteopathic manipulative medicine, massage, trigger-point therapy, chiropractic and acupuncture may be utilized to control pain.
Health News from Medical News Today
Four main strategies have been utilized to provide the data for analysis via a sequence such as that indicated in Figure 3.1.
These features were utilized as taxonomic discriminators because usually their structures are well preserved in fossilized coralla and they are relatively easy to study in thin section.
Such representations of women, defined and utilized by men for the ideological naturalization of their colonial/countercolonial agendas, also function to contain and neuter female agency.
CHICO - New drugstores in Chico won't need to provide as much customer parking - a change planners believe may provide more opportunity for businesses to build on underutilized sites and cut back on pavement.
Local News
The directional effects here are utilized fully when the songs and dance numbers come into play.
Again the dual HLV - one manned, one unmanned - architecture is utilized, with the second launch of the EDS launching after the crew, to minimize boiloff effects on this large cyro stage.
In the 19 th century waterpower was widely utilized to generate electricity.
This means that every sampling_rate, the kernel will check the processor utilization and if it is below 20 percent utilized, the governor will decrease the frequency.
"We must ensure that we do not let this unprecedented moment in time go unutilized for the dream of a strong, robust and prosperous India", affirmed the President.
As plates and films became more sensitive (orthochromatic emulsions are sensitive to green as well as blue light), ruby safelight filters became necessary, but the old manipulation techniques could still be utilized.
This commonly available equipment is perhaps underutilized.
Miller also virtually invented musical special effects: He made pop records more like a film soundtrack, and utilized extramusical noises, such as dog barks and hoof beats, he said, "to paint a picture in the listener's mind.
They Sang Along With Mitch
Once again, they have found some of America's great underutilized actors and given them good roles.
Squared Euclidean distances were utilized in order to maximize the dissimilarity of unlike clusters.
Also, MTA will reinstate service reductions, such as discontinue under-utilized subway routes and eliminate low-performing weekend express bus service which will result in cost savings valued at $62 million in 2010 and $129 million each year thereafter.
The Earth Times Online Newspaper
Euclid and Archimedes utilized two important techniques to prove theorems from their axioms: reductio ad absurdum arguments, and a method of exhaustion.
Following a two-week placebo or vitamin capsule lead-in period, a randomized crossover treatment paradigm was utilized.
Conclusion : Utilized the dialectical philosophy thought to instruct neonate HIE treating could obtain good curative effect.
Alvin Plantinga defines "fideism" as "the exclusive or basic reliance upon faith alone, accompanied by a consequent disparagement of reason and utilized especially in the pursuit of philosophical or religious truth.
Drugs such as clonazepam, hydralazine, may also vary. sulphonamides, isoniazide, nitrazepam and procai - The mephenytoin metabolic pathway is utilized namide undergo acetylation in the liver.
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The altered Eve-Mary typology, ironically, may not have been utilized by the symposium, if the previous relational Orthodox Trinitarian model were reflected upon more seriously.
Fluorescence has been utilized for many purposes, the most obvious being fluorescent lamps.
Methods: The present study utilized mice forced swimming test , tail suspension test and reserpine reversal test.
Methods Lipofectin was utilized to transfer the RAMP1 ORF vector into rat thoracic aortas VSMC, stable transfection cell colony of express RAMP1 was obtained by G418 screening.
The alternative to exports is to leave gas undeveloped in the ground and electrical generating capacity underutilized on virtually a permanent basis.
Regulation in the Canadian Petroleum Industry
The two other types of glottal action determine the nature of the voice, voice being a convenient term for breath as utilized in speech.
Chapter 3. The Sounds of Language
Although the presence of gluten in wheat flour has been utilized to create a variety of pasta shapes, such as noodles, spaghetti, and tagliatelle, gluten is not an essential human nutrient.
She utilized her resources to the best of her ability.
It is not surprising because of the stimulant properties that procaine is utilized as counterfeit stimulant in street-drug products although only having 10% of the potency of cocaine.
Although acute appendicitis is usually diagnosed clinically, plain abdominal radiographs and contrast enema may be utilized.
Minerals can be absorbed and utilized by the body in a variety of different forms.
Fine or folk art created or utilized specifically for protection, intercession, or votive offering.
The empty building can be utilized for city storage.
A second drug that is widely utilized in chelonian medicine is Baytril.
The more games are utilized, the more likely it is that staff will enjoy orientation and realize that they can implement those same games as lessons for their campers.
There is however an upside to packing more into the small, unutilized spaces of our day.
Yes, there may be underutilized workforces globally, but there is notably less available supply of copper, platinum, and crude oil.
And I just started seeing the impact of our existence as human beings being here and the way we utilized the resources - I started seeing that we were flawing that system.
Marianne Schnall: Talking Green with Cameron Diaz
A mere fraction of available wind energy is currently utilized.
Edible grade lactose is utilized in fine chemical applications, production of infant formulae, confectionery and food products.
Lactose Is a Booming Market
Socially they live in loose communities comprising a set of juxtaposed home ranges utilized by females and their dependent young.
In the paper, the fuzzy likelihood function is utilized to cluster sample data.
Hemangioendothelioma is the term utilized to describe a varied group of vascular tumors that usually appear as red or blue nodules and tend to behave biologically in a manner that can be classified as falling between a benign hemangioma and malignant angiosarcoma.
However, the fodder is not utilized in Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia.
Chapter 37
Cappiello is the Italian-born father of the Modern Poster, whose technique utilized strong, flat and sometimes dissonant colors against dark backgrounds.
From the toy bears on wheels, they expanded to the production of stuffed toy animals for which they utilized mohair plush, a new fabric woven from the wool of angora goats.
Drugs such as clonazepam, hydralazine, may also vary. sulphonamides, isoniazide, nitrazepam and procai - The mephenytoin metabolic pathway is utilized namide undergo acetylation in the liver.
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The larger the nitrogen resorption efficiency is, the more nitrogen is reutilized by the plant.
Glycerol esters are utilized in cakes, breads and other bakery products as lubricants and softening agents.
The fibroblast line grows adherently to glass and plastic in culture and is generally utilized as a transfection host for virus genomes and recombinant plasmids.
Her lecture examines the various plants utilized by early Floridians as well as some of the "meatier" issues of early diet in South Florida. Stories
Consulting psychiatrists were utilized in conjunction with the in-home treatment.
Never in my life have I been called a Christianophobe, nor have I ever heard this term utilized. - Home Page
A mere fraction of available wind energy is currently utilized.
A mere fraction of available wind energy is currently utilized.
Moreover, through further analysis research to practice exploring content, the penman obtained some beneficial enlightenment, and utilized it in chemistry teaching.
The sticky nature of gluten has been utilized as a paper and fabric glue, as in making papier-mâché and wallpaper paste.
DCX's underutilized Belvidere, Ill., facility that builds the Neon couldn't integrate production of its PT Cruiser platform stablemate due to paint shop issues.
The empty building can be utilized for city storage.
It is likely that a larger percentage of these blades were utilized, but without microscopic wear analysis, that percentage could not be determined.
The dark meat may be cooked at once and utilized for boudins, croquettes, salad, cecils, creamed hash, or served on toast with sauce Bordelaise, or used in chafing dish next day.
Made-Over Dishes
In this prudent way every portion of the Castle Gorka hogs was utilized: the good cuts for the banquet, the tougher ones in Pani Danusia's pierogi, the haslet in
We are aware that syrup of ipecac has been utilized; however, its safety and efficacy in this situation remains to be documented.
Fish poisonings and envenomations
Each of the dedicated servers are often underutilized, but cannot be used for additional operations.
The BHK-21 line has been utilized as a host for transformation with expression vectors containing selectable and amplifiable marker DNAs and is also useful for transfections.
Positioning function of the PLC and servo positioning module was utilized to control valve position and regulate glycerol flow rate in real-time, according to the tow speed.
The vitamins come in a form that is easily utilized by the body.
In some cases, families are electing to utilized the services of a nurse practitioner for more routine health related issues.
Despite their clear benefit, these drugs are underutilized and either not given when appropriate or used at substandard doses.
Subsequent owners utilized the property as a "superette" and a piano studio. Local News
This suggests that the H-type LDH is utilized for oxidizing lactate to pyruvate and the M-type the reverse.
If we were perfect all the way, as regards ordnance available, fuzing utilized, intelligence, weather, tactics, targeting and delivery, this would be possible.
Thud Ridge
Mammals are considered to be more tolerant of canavanine than are birds and the productive potential of C. ensiformis could be utilized to feed pigs, provided that the meal is subjected to heat treatment to deactivate the lectins that are also present in the beans (D'Mello, 1992).
Chapter 4
In addition to cross-channel promotions, ad insertions and mailings will be utilized to lure potential customers.
The small difference being that the world economy, and the U.S. and Europe in particular ,doesn't have massive unutilized domestic consumption potential, which China can bring on or cool down at its will.
Fortescue's Forrest Exits as CEO at Pivotal Time
The new computer system is not being fully utilized yet.
The trainings I have been involved in had used instruments such as the Strength Deployment Inventory and Kiersey "Type-Sorter Personality Inventory, and also utilized journal writing.
Certain of the fissures and sulci are utilized for the purpose of dividing the hemisphere into lobes, and are therefore termed interlobular; included under this category are the lateral cerebral, parietoöccipital, calcarine, and collateral fissures, the central and cingulate sulci, and the sulcus circularis.
IX. Neurology. 4c. The Fore-brain or Prosencephalon
The process-oriented suppliers such as metal stampers and plastic molders are especially plagued by underutilized equipment capacity.
Certain antibiotics have been utilized in inflammatory bowel disease for treating intestinal inflammation, healing fistulas and treating infection.
Only $500 million remains unutilized under this limit.
Foreign Investors Near Limit on Bond Buys
We utilized these starships to travel the galaxy and encounter new species, which became either one of our adversaries or one of our allies.
Yet, the first definition is “A modern day mystifier who utilized SKILLS BEYOND THE CATEGORY OF MAGIC.”
Criss Angel ‘Phenomenon’ Fight Video
We all say that the witch hazel is under-utilized, but the wintersweet is nowhere to be found.
Instructions for rework, including re - inspection requirements, shall be accessible to and utilized by the appropriate personnel.
He invented a mix of natural and synthetic fibers that was able to produce harder but flexible particle board, that now is being utilized as the inner filling of the door panel.
In 2005 a nearby police department utilized the bomb squad for a suspicious item later determined to be a geocache.
How can mass media be effectively utilized to propagate and promote a culture of peace?
My rescue loan plan (RLP), as presented, accessed unutilized TARP funds set aside for the PPIP (Public Private Investment Program) Legacy Securities Program.
Lynn Tilton: Dark Days Ahead
This method is also utilized in a tandoor and in old-fashioned bread ovens, whose linings take up heat from fires lit inside, and radiate it back to the food being cooked.
These anecdotes are, perhaps, what judges would call obiter dicta, yet the coroner's court has more than once been utilized as a field in the actual preparation of a criminal case.
Courts and Criminals
However, in some instances students are not aware of these services and as a result, many of these programs are underutilized.
Mozilla has done a great job trying to diversify it's product lines, but I don't think prism is being explain or utilized properly. jamescoleuk
Prism 1.0 Brings Dock/System Tray Integration To Your Webapps | Lifehacker Australia
A counterfeit or fraudulent cashier's check or corporate check is utilized to pay for merchandise.
Concrete had long been utilized as a bonding and covering material.
It is the lake cusk or freshwater ling and could be utilized on our tables; but the wolffish, the rock blenny, the angler or goosefish, the skate, and twenty other kinds, are of great value as food.
Canada's Fishery Resources
The film utilized animation to fantastically weave between past and present, reality and film.
The inner bark of the mulberry was a favorite material, but other fibrous barks were utilized.
Prehistoric Textile Art of Eastern United States Thirteenth Annual Report of the Beaurau of American Ethnology to the Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution 1891-1892, Government Printing Office, Washington, 1896 pages 3-46
Fortunately, WebSphere DataPower has a very powerful capability called service level monitoring (SLM) that can be utilized to define and enforce behavior boundaries.
The facility with which it reduces alkaline cupric, argentic, bismuthous, ferric, mercuric salts, indigo and potassic picrate and chromate solutions has been utilized for the preparation of several ready methods for its determination.
Scientific American Supplement, No. 611, September 17, 1887
These agents could be used in a pure form but are best utilized in concoctions, plasters, poultices, packs, washes or fumigants.
In Maori land tenure, tribal boundaries were defined by the putative area settled and utilized by the ancestors, modified by wars and invasions.
The process-oriented suppliers such as metal stampers and plastic molders are especially plagued by underutilized equipment capacity.
Drugs such as clonazepam, hydralazine, may also vary. sulphonamides, isoniazide, nitrazepam and procai - The mephenytoin metabolic pathway is utilized namide undergo acetylation in the liver.
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Tirien knew that the woad plant could give a blue dye, but she didn't know it could be utilized for other purposes.
Rear channels go largely unutilized, and bass response is average at best.
These NAND Flash intensive Apple (NASDAQ: AAPL) offerings carry over many attractive features from fast selling phones and pads and could over time absorb the unutilized DRAM capacity crushing pricing of this ubiquitous commodity, while sustaining relative price stability bolstering SanDisks (NASDAQ: SNDK) results.
Semiconductors Are Halfway Through A Correction
Also gone were all the writings in Hebrew (except medical texts) and all objects utilized in Jewish rituals, such as menorahs, mezuzahs, mizrahs, shofars, ceremonial knives used for circumcision, Torah covers and talliths.
Line supervisors were charged with keeping each piece of equipment and each worker fully utilized.
It is not affected by diet, reutilized, nor degraded further.
The basis of acupuncture and acupressure has been understood and utilized for over 2,000 years.
All of the melodic and rhythmic activity is in the first and second parts; the third and fourth clarinets are underutilized and have little to do.
Carved from a solid piece of wood, it is clear that the sculptor utilized and perhaps exploited a section of the tree that branched into two areas for the splayed legs.
This is, in effect, how British literature was utilized in India and elsewhere to interpellate Indian subjects with a uniquely British sensibility, and thus produce compliant colonial subjects under the ruse of spreading civilization.
The Ruins of Empire: Nationalism, Art, and Empire in Hemans's Modern Greece
The new computer system is not being fully utilized yet.
As historians are apt to do, symphonic classical music is chronologically subdivided in an effort to differentiate the dominant style utilized at that time.
Alarm clocks may be either single, or, double train dependant upon the number of mainsprings utilized by the movement.
The result is a rather extensive inverse letterboxing that renders large portions of the screen unutilized.
In many areas of the world there are frequently underutilized sources of muscle proteins that could provide excellent starting materials for preservation by fermentation or acidulation.
17 Using Mixed Starter Cultures for Thai Nham
MethodsLUS was utilized in laparoscopic ureterolithotomy for 7 cases of ureterolith to locate the ureter and stone.
The treatment of the waste acid was discussed from sulfuric acid alkylation plant, and it was utilized to produce active clay.
C.1000 provides a potent dosage of this key vitamin and is blended with Bioflavonoids, which help promote the function of Vitamin C. Vitamin a reducing sugar (has a reactive ene-diol structure) that is involved in biochemical processes such as hydroxylation of proline and lysine utilized in the formation of collagen and healthy connective tissue.
Wil's Ebay E-Store
Incredibly, all six teams in the provincial tournament finished with 1-1 round robin records, as tie-breaking formulas were utilized to break the logjam.
Consequently, harm-reduction approaches are utilized only for the nonpracticing physician.
A huge amount of expenditure comes in Apprenticeships, a practice functionally unutilized in the United States.
Hours Worked In the U.S. vs. Europe, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
That means lower load could be utilized in hydroviscous dynamometer load testing power could be enlarged.
The vitamins come in a form that is easily utilized by the body.
Peter informed his readers that, within a week of his first encounter with this woefully underutilized deverbal noun, someone else used it in this very thread.
Open source theology - Comments
This method, which is utilized mainly in respect of overseas transactions and constitutes an important facet of banking business, is considered further below.
For some investors, an annuity can be an appropriate part of their financial plan if utilized properly.
In a traditional office most of the computing power will sit unutilized on desktops.
The production of potash from broad-leaved trees also utilized wood in combustion processes.
Concrete had long been utilized as a bonding and covering material.
This study utilized a selection of fresh fruiting bodies, infected plant tissues, and axenically-cultured fungi (
PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
By dividing the dimension of constraint system to some assembly elements the constraint system can be deminished, and the local character can be utilized.
Alternatively, in these cases NGF may subserve other functions which may somehow be linked with the poisonous action of snake venom, one can envisage the possibility that a highly specific neurotropic molecule such as NGF is utilized by reptiles as a carrier of other neurotoxins devoid of specific receptors in the central and peripheral nervous systems.
Nobel Lecture The Nerve Growth Factor: Thirty-Five Years Later
You utilized 3 producers on the new record; did you prefer working with any one of them over the other?
The upper level contained gear, strapped, buckled and secured for the flight, every inch of space utilized for the transport.
GUR model are utilized and tested in one of national "863" high-tech projects named "Water-Saving Agricultural Expert System ", the result of which is highly satisfactory.
Directional effects are utilized in multiple scenes while the dialogue is all clear of any excessive hiss or distortion.
Both airlines had large route structures where a pressurized airliner could be fully utilized.
Various potassium silicates -- leucite, feldspar, sericite, and glauconite -- and the potassium sulphate, alunite, have received attention and certain of them have been utilized to a small extent, but none of them are normally able to compete on the market.
The Economic Aspect of Geology
This phenomenon has been utilized for dating sedimentary deposits of quartz grains.
There are no standards that have been utilized statewide or even countywide.
Good microbiologic techniques must be utilized and should include wearing a laboratory coat and gloves.
Like grain farming dairying is a relatively scalable enterprise, especially if the cattle are fed upon unpalatable leavings or fallow land which would otherwise be underutilized.
Low Vitamin D Levels Put Healthy Children at Risk
Various potassium silicates -- leucite, feldspar, sericite, and glauconite -- and the potassium sulphate, alunite, have received attention and certain of them have been utilized to a small extent, but none of them are normally able to compete on the market.
The Economic Aspect of Geology
In the 19 th century waterpower was widely utilized to generate electricity.
And then, quantization proportion analytic method and rate analytic method are utilized to analyze the every function area dividing, gross investment, and Caculate rent and sale situation.
Since this cost was not anticipated, the equipment is vastly underutilized and the students are underserved.
As far as dharana, dhyana and samadhi are concerned, they are similar to some meditational techniques such as transcendental meditation developed by Mahesh Yogi, Some studies are available on these, where electroencephalographic and electromyography techniques are utilized alongwith other methodologies; involving autoanalyzer, spectrophotometry etc.
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Eventually the central location within the volcano was again utilized for magma storage and a deep caldera was produced.
In short, while the approach to development in continuity is important, both practically and in principle, it is not as though this supercedes these long-utilized historical expressions, nor is it an absolute requirement it be approached in each and every instance.
Continuity, Beauty and Dignity within the Liturgical Arts and their Development
While expended flake cores were often transformed into a variety of tool types, such as chisels, wedges, and scrapers, blade cores, once expended, were never reutilized or modified into tools.
Two string quartets are utilized, as are a pair of French horns, piccolo, bassoon, basset horn, oboe and instruments usually associated with jazz.
However, when they studied procedural knowledge, the learners'rate of pass who utilized video of class were higher than the learners'rate of pass who utilized electronic textbook for study.
It is the lake cusk or freshwater ling and could be utilized on our tables; but the wolffish, the rock blenny, the angler or goosefish, the skate, and twenty other kinds, are of great value as food.
Canada's Fishery Resources
The new computer system is not being fully utilized yet.
For centuries native tribesmen in remote areas of Ghana, South Africa have utilized an assortment of herbs for their ability to amplify virility, heighten sexual potency and promote strength before battle.
The design was interesting in the fact it utilized steel tube spars in the tapered wings and a plywood - covered fuselage.
Prior to the 2009 stimulus act, very little external debt was utilized for wind power financing.
Various potassium silicates -- leucite, feldspar, sericite, and glauconite -- and the potassium sulphate, alunite, have received attention and certain of them have been utilized to a small extent, but none of them are normally able to compete on the market.
The Economic Aspect of Geology
The improved binary operation methods was utilized, and watermarks are embedded to the low frequency coefficients of deep wavelet domain.
Shemitah means to drop; it refers to the practice of letting fruit, vegetables, and stalks fall to the ground, unpicked and unutilized by people.
Full capacity of flow equalization zone can be utilized.
Kitchen garbage, like the parts of vegetables that are not eaten and discarded fruit skins, may be utilized as compost.
Nahari claimed that Shalit and his father should have utilized the first Saturday after he was freed from Hamas captivity to say the Gomel benediction of deliverance -- a Jewish prayer of thanks traditionally said by those who survived an adversity or were released from prison.
Rabbi Jason Miller: Gilad Shalit, Iran Hiker Josh Fattal And Freedom Of Religion
It was the Romans who first utilized the technique of blowing glass on a widespread scale and they perfected other facets of glass technology to a high degree.
Glycyrrhiza glabra, or licorice (not the candy), is one of the premier Chinese adaptogenic herbs, now utilized worldwide for a variety of conditions.
For example, the widely employed anthozoan red fluorescent protein drFP583 (commercially available as DsRed) can be utilized as an "optical highlighter" in live mammalian cells.
A mere fraction of available wind energy is currently utilized.
Yet, much of this resource is underutilized or improperly managed.
It is well known that in coal-tar is found a series of ammonia-like bases, aniline or amido-benzol, toluidine or amido-toluol, and xylidine or amido-xylol, which are utilized practically in the manufacture of the so-called aniline dye-colors.
Scientific American Supplement, No. 415, December 15, 1883
Socially they live in loose communities comprising a set of juxtaposed home ranges utilized by females and their dependent young.