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How To Use Utilitarianism In A Sentence

  • So utilitarianism, despite its traditional ties to welfare hedonism, is compatible with any of the four accounts of utility.
  • For in constricting the notion of "value" to mean solely a given thing or notion's ability to accommodate an end forever deferred to a hypostatized future, utilitarianism's strictly instrumental concept of rationality treats a given thing as something pure and absolute, to be sure — albeit only as "absolute for an other. The Melancholic Gift: Freedom in Nineteenth-Century Philosophy and Fiction
  • After all, moral theories such as Kantianism, utilitarianism, and common-sense morality require that an agent give weight to the interests of others.
  • The primary flaw in libertarianism is that it is rooted in an ethic of utilitarianism rather than virtue ethics.
  • Which form of utilitarianism is particularly relevant to the Chinese context?
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  • And once happiness is itself moralized, the credentials of utilitarianism as an overall theory of ethics are compromised.
  • The circle has come right back around to the most vile kind of profiteering utilitarianism. THE DISPOSSESSED
  • Mill famously advanced a nuanced utilitarianism, in which the principle of greatest happiness included the caveat that there were qualitatively distinct kinds of happiness.
  • Controversially, he holds that the universalizability principle is merely formal and lacks content, being consistent with both egoism and utilitarianism, and that temporal neutrality translates into a form of prudence. Henry Sidgwick
  • A word containing many syllables is a polysyllable or polysyllabic word, such as selectivity and utilitarianism.
  • Jeremy Bentham is the founder of the British utilitarianism in the second half of 18~ ( th ) century.
  • (Rawls 1971) has been instrumental in making economic analysis of redistributive policies pay some attention to the maximin criterion, which puts absolute priority on the worst-off, and not only to sum-utilitarianism. Economics and Economic Justice
  • First, it was common among the Philosophical Radicals to formulate utilitarianism, as the Proportionality Doctrine does, in terms of the felicific tendencies of actions. Mill's Moral and Political Philosophy
  • It is indeed a corollary of utilitarianism that an action is to be praised if the consequences of prais - ing it are good, not if the consequences of doing it are good. UTILITARIANISM
  • One might be called pragmatic utilitarianism or instrumentalism.
  • He argued that Kantianism and utilitarianism, the two major traditions in western moral philosophy, mistakenly placed the foundation for morality in legalistic notions such as duty and obligation.
  • Distinguish act utilitarianism from rule utilitarianism. Which is more important?
  • The most influential example of consequential moral reasoning is Utilitarianism, a doctrine invented by Jeremy Bentham, the 18th century English political philosopher.
  • Contemporary ethicians assume that duty ethics, which focuses on right and wrong (like utilitarianism and deontology), cannot adequately delineate the importance of virtues among all moral judgments.
  • This critique of utilitarianism would seem to support Gandhi's contention that in comparison with sarvodaya utilitarianism shows a lack of dignity and humanity.
  • Utilitarianism in moral philosophy is the view that morality should be aimed at promoting wellbeing.
  • This points to a worldly, finite, lived morality - to an ethos in its sense of abode and dwelling place - and away from the abstract and systematic utilitarianism so common in Australia.
  • We further distinguish between act utilitarianism and rule utilitarianism.
  • A less restrictive approach is that of critical-level utilitarianism, which disvalues only individuals whose utility level is below some fixed, low but positive threshold.
  • This critique of utilitarianism would seem to support Gandhi's contention that in comparison with sarvodaya utilitarianism shows a lack of dignity and humanity.
  • And Bernard Williams (1973) has argued that the demandingness of utilitarianism threatens the sort of personal projects and partial relationships that help give our lives meaning. Mill's Moral and Political Philosophy
  • In either its narrow or comprehensive version, utilitarianism has both devoted adherents and fierce opponents.
  • Industrial society brought new problems: soulless individualism, economic egoism, utilitarianism, materialism and the cash nexus.
  • Historically, utilitarianism has been the best-known form of consequentialism.
  • In my research, I will argue that utilitarianism, contrary to its critics' (mis)conception, has theoretical resources to take full account of commonsensical moral rules.
  • But the particular kind of consequentialism in utilitarianism is, I think, unattractive.
  • Analytic ethics has been very fairly impoverished given the postivist legacy of emotivism, the formalism of Kantian ethics and the technicalism of utilitarianism.
  • In Rawls 'view, when deliberating about these matters, appealing solely to secular comprehensive accounts of the good such as Aristotelianism or utilitarianism is no more legitimate than appealing solely to religious reasons. Religion and Political Theory
  • Rule utilitarianism holds that a behavioral code or rule is morally right if the consequences of adopting that rule are more favorable than unfavorable to everyone.
  • Generally speaking, moral decision-making is based on two ethical theories: utilitarianism and deontology.
  • These may not be the only possible combinations of utilitarianism and maximin, but they are given an axiomatic justification which suggests that they are indeed salient, in Ooghe, Economics and Economic Justice
  • Which from of utilitarianism is particularly relevant to the Chinese context?
  • Classic utilitarianism is consequentialist as opposed to deontological because of what it denies.
  • Thus, if the operating principle of utilitarianism is to achieve the greatest happiness for the greatest number, it would be impossible to realize because there is no way to know what constitutes that happiness.
  • Unconstrained by, indeed necessarily opposed to, any normative set of ends or social frameworks, classical liberalism's model of individual, competitive agency understands its flourishing to be premised on the absence of external constraints and obligations and on its positively merging utilitarianism's notions of "instrumentality" and "efficiency. The Melancholic Gift: Freedom in Nineteenth-Century Philosophy and Fiction
  • In this connection Hume propounds a kind of utilitarianism for which the good is essentially the useful, in terms of promoting human happiness.
  • In the British system of local government, gradually evolved from the experience of the past and carefully upbuilt in accordance with modern democratic institutions to suit every local condition, we have a system which contains all the wisdom of the old with all the utilitarianism and democratic vigour of the young, combined with a remarkable adaptability to local conditions and even local prejudices. Britain's Experience of Public Ownership
  • The role equality plays in motivating a special concern for the worst off is just the idea of equal consideration that will be a feature of every plausible moral system, including aggregative views like pure utilitarianism. Inequality: Does Anyone Really Care?
  • Second, I think the most plausible versions of utilitarianism frame themselves as theories of how to treat people (or sentients) equally, and this conception is a big part of their intuitive appeal. Vegan Envy
  • One of Mr. Echenoz's most unorthodox and playful novels, "Piano" 2004, extends this puckish futilitarianism to the realm of the afterlife. A Window Onto Comic Tedium
  • Unfortunately, much of the drab utilitarianism of urban existence has come to be associated with the design philosophy of functionalism.
  • Since Mill's utilitarian is liberal, Mill has little patience for views, which he considers caricatures, in which utilitarianism doesn't care about distribution -- Mill reiterates, over and over, the importance of what he calls impartiality, and one soon realizes that this is in fact a principle governing distribution of benefits, one that he thinks is built into the principle of utility itself. Siris
  • For in constricting the notion of "value" to mean solely a given thing or notion's ability to accommodate an end forever deferred to a hypostatized future, utilitarianism's strictly instrumental concept of rationality treats a given thing as something pure and absolute, to be sure — albeit only as "absolute for an other. The Melancholic Gift: Freedom in Nineteenth-Century Philosophy and Fiction
  • Van de gaer (1993) proposes to apply average utilitarianism within each subgroup of the second partition, and to apply the maximin criterion to the vector of average utilities obtained in this way. Economics and Economic Justice
  • We need them to safeguard us against drabness and drudgery, against a mechanistic and wearisome utilitarianism.
  • Based on this, this article attempts to launch the concrete research from Mocius and Jeremy Bentham utilitarianism thought in order to instruct the modern market economy development.
  • Analytic ethics has been very fairly impoverished given the postivist legacy of emotivism, the formalism of Kantian ethics and the technicalism of utilitarianism.
  • According to the circumstance of the act, utilitarianism and deontology can be integrated together in two modes, thus two frameworks for moral decision-making can be formed.
  • Critics have traditionally attacked utilitarianism for focusing too heavily on happiness, and not enough on other intrinsic goods, such as justice and rights.
  • As we survey these beauties and discuss their medicinal virtues, please do not get too carried away with notions of utilitarianism.
  • One version of utilitarianism holds that a good way of increasing total happiness is to bring into the world more happy people.
  • And what standards of evaluation are appropriate for comparing the strengths and weaknesses of different ethical theories Kantianism, Aristotelianism, utilitarianism, ... Sociological knowledge
  • The first development is related to the application of theories of equality of opportunity, and involves the construction of mixed social welfare functions which combine utilitarianism and maximin. Economics and Economic Justice
  • In the twentieth century, most of those sympathetic to utilitarianism replaced hedonism with the desire-fulfilment theory.
  • BRINKLEY: The one thing that I think transcends all the other things they have in common between FDR and Ronald Reagan is both of them distained utilitarianism in guise. CNN Transcript Jul 5, 2007
  • While both deontologists and rule - utilitarians are rule-followers, deontology explicitly stresses duty and intention rather than outcome, whereas the ultimate focus of rule-utilitarianism is on consequences.
  • Another problem for virtue ethics, which is shared by both utilitarianism and deontology, is ‘the justification problem.’
  • And you don't get points for utilitarianism or literalism.
  • Mill criticizes Kant's categorical imperative noting that it is essentially the same as utilitarianism since it involves calculating the good or bad consequences of an action to determine the morality of that action.
  • The report identified social justice and economic-rationalist utilitarianism as the major competing educational philosophies or ideologies.
  • A word containing many syllables is a polysyllable or polysyllabic word, such as selectivity and utilitarianism.
  • Utilitarianism, held that self-interest ” understood as pleasure or happiness ” should be "maximized" and pain "minimized James Mill
  • Of course, Williams also opposes utilitarianism because of the particular kind of systematisation that it is ” namely, a manifestation of the morality system. Bernard Williams
  • And critics of utilitarianism have treated the demandingness of utilitarianism as one of its principal flaws. Mill's Moral and Political Philosophy
  • Classic utilitarianism is consequentialist as opposed to deontological because of what it denies.
  • And I had been grieved by the loss of Star, troubled by Hugi's futilitarianism. The Courts of Chaos
  • Utilitarianism in Victorian England was often misconstructed as essentially anti-art, indeed as the doctrine of cultural philistines.
  • Here and there in this report attention has been called to the evils of departmentalism, to the emphasis upon specialization in the undergraduate work, and to the apparent fact that the College of Arts has been forced to surrender to the demands of individualism and utilitarianism that have been sweeping the country. Undergraduate Work and the University of North Carolina
  • The liberalism of Mill was influenced by earlier utilitarianism , which he constantly amended afterwards.
  • In the meantime, here PDF; hat-tip: Legal Theory Blog is a discussion of rule consequentialism, which is the form of utilitarianism that I think most obviously shows similarities to natural law. Archive 2005-02-01
  • With dullness and utilitarianism, they whore themselves out to men who no longer find the Batman and Robin relationship satisfying.
  • There are in fact two distinct arguments, but I will argue that neither works on its own, and that the plausibility of utilitarianism depends on conflating the two.
  • He rejected the codification of ethics into moral theories that views such as Kantianism and (above all) utilitarianism see as essential to philosophical thinking about ethics, arguing that our ethical life is too untidy to be captured by any systematic moral theory. Bernard Williams
  • After all, moral theories such as Kantianism, utilitarianism, and common-sense morality require that an agent give weight to the interests of others. Egoism
  • Professor Mossoff argues that Jefferson's views have been misused by the courts and legal historians, and that if we understand the use of the word "privilege" in historical context, we see that the "patent privilege" was influenced by a philosophy of natural rights as well as the antimonopolist utilitarianism described here. The Public Domain Enclosing the Commons of the Mind
  • While utilitarianism may have unequal effects on people, it can nonetheless claim to be motivated by a concern for treating people as equals.

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