- the United States intelligence agency that protects current and former presidents and vice presidents and their immediate families and protects distinguished foreign visitors; detects and apprehends counterfeiters; suppresses forgery of government securities and documents
How To Use USSS In A Sentence
- But what about how cretinous it seems when acquaintances overtype like that, just-becausssssssssse? Pitchfork: Latest News
- Wismer and Rostok, with certaine others of the Hans, tooke a crayer of one Peter Cole of Zeland, called the Bussship, which Alan Barret the seruant and factor of the foresaid Simon Durham had laden with mastes, sparres, and other marchandize, for the behalfe of the said The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
- Scratch a Russsian, and you('ll) find a Tartar.
- The comments and discusssion on this topic aptly describe your obtuseness and your ivory tower out of touch with reality circular theoretical esoterica to ad nauseum better than I could ever state on my own. The Economics of Wage Labor, Michael Munger | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
- But since I'm so late to the discusssion, I am reposting my disagreement here.
- : Good discusssions, but you all need to define your terms ande be consistant. Stand Firm
- He put a finger to his lips: Shusssshhh ... then removed the sock from her mouth.
- Scratch a Russsian, and you('ll) find a Tartar.
- So we got in, painfully "zoomed" up, and I engaged some girl in a footrace to acquire my precioussss tickets. Notes from the peanut gallery
- But somehow this respect for staying on topic this is about climate change, by the way doesn't apply to people like Crowell when he brings religion, Sarah Palin etc, the "pathologies" of the conservative mind into the discusssion. An Astronomical Perspective on Climate Change | Universe Today