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How To Use Ussr In A Sentence

  • The talks between the USA and the USSR were very significant for the relationship between the two countries.
  • In the USSR, most anarchists turned into Communists after the Russian Revolution.
  • When the USSR finally pulled out of Afghanistan in 1989, the US was presented with a great opportunity to help the Afghan people and to gain some long-term goodwill towards the US. David Wallechinsky: Why Do They Hate Us?
  • the first major milestone in space exploration was in 1957, when the USSR's Sputnik 1 orbited the Earth
  • At the same time, an extraordinary and plenipotentiary agency was formed in the USSR - the State Defense Committee.
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  • Several decades ago, the USSR developed nuclear weapons and strategic missiles.
  • The USSR covered a huge land mass and was a police state whose reach extended into every Soviet home as well as various places around the world.
  • He steered a neutral course between the USA and the USSR, which became all the more difficult after the outbreak of the Vietnam War.
  • It always bemuses me when people get upset about supercilious piffle like good manners but dont get upset about important things like radical islam, Neathergate, EUSSR, the mps expenses scandal. Tony Blair: The Next Labour Prime Minister?
  • To the Afghans south of the Hindu Kush anything connected with the USSR was a mystery, in spite of their shared border to the north. KARA KUSH
  • As 2011 begins, what could be eerier than reading secret Soviet documents from the USSR's Afghan debacle of the 1980s? Tom Engelhardt: The Urge to Surge: Washington's 30-Year High
  • The USSR's main Black Sea naval base was one of the world's strongest fortresses.
  • Then, in the mid-1930s, the People's Commissariat for the Defense Industry was established which was subsequently, under the January 11, 1939 decree of the USSR Supreme Soviet Presidium, divided up into five separate commissariats.
  • He concluded non-aggression pacts with the USSR and Germany, rather than allying Poland with one of these powers against the other.
  • He showed a growing distaste for surrealism because of its perceived irrationalism and its criticism of the USSR.
  • Criticising the very existence of the EU is of course beyond the pale, as it was I imagine for the state in the former USSR. teledu John Terry’s sacking as England captain tells us something interesting...
  • But if the American people don't ever notice and realize how our governmental "cogs" and structures are now arranged and operating in ways that are eerily similar, in certain key respects, to that of the USSR, then there will be no need for a Revolution. W.C. Varones
  • The first part of this dominant Western reading is true enough, for the late unlamented USSR was the converse of paradise, if you were a dissident, that is, someone with an inexplicable desire for freedom of expression.
  • Its sole purpose was to bleed the USSR in a debilitating conflict.
  • The commies in the former USSR and present day China wanted to communize America, and put a sinister plan in place decades ago that consisted of promoting pornography and excessive video game playing to corrupt our youth and make us all beholden to "Big Brother" government. You said it | RELIGION Blog |
  • The presentation started to focus on the process of disintegration of the former USSR.
  • Nor does the former mayor address the secondary point that the putatively omnipotent USSR 17 years later lost the Cold War to the apparently "enervated" USA. Stephen Schlesinger: Giuliani: Worse Than Bush
  • The currency is subdivided into 100 tiyin, and was introduced in November 1993 after the fall of the USSR to replace the Russian ruble.
  • After all, the Soviet nuclear rocket program may have been more advanced than the American efforts at the time of the USSR's collapse.
  • Sementsev was rather good at the tango and foxtrot: the latest dances in his circle in the USSR of the eighties. KARA KUSH
  • There's an immediate freeze on all anti-USSR activities, retroactive to 2400 hours last night.
  • During the 1960s he experimented with various avant-garde ideas and techniques formerly forbidden in the USSR.
  • His parents had escaped from the USSR at the time of the Bolshevik Revolution and settled here. KARA KUSH
  • The old USSR was run by men who did not see the abject and instantaneous murder of civilians as a reason to celebrate.
  • The three species of Middle-Asian shovel-nosed sturgeons (Pseudoscaphirhynchus kaufmanni, P. hermanni and P. fedtschenkoi) have been included in the Red Data Book of the USSR and the problem of their conservation is acute in all Central Asian countries. Central Asian riparian woodlands
  • We environmentalists are happily switching to bicycles anyway, with or without any orders from a tyrranical EUSSR or from the renegade UN communists. by hommedespoir (0 articles, 0 quicklinks, 0 diaries, 99 comments [66 recommended, 1 rejected]) on Tuesday, Dec 22, 2009 at 6: 10: 55 AM hommedespoir Holocaust Deniers, Global Warming Deniers, Chris Wallace: Any Difference?
  • In this photo, a poster purporting to lay out the true size of the USSR's collection of SS-20s, a type of ICBM, is displayed during testimony before the US Senate Foreign Relations Committee.
  • During the period of destalinization Stalin Peak in the Pamirs, the highest point in the USSR, was renamed Communism Peak. VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol XIX No 3
  • MUJAHEDIN: Different groups of mujahedin - Muslim guerrilla fighters - were supported by among others the United States, Saudi Arabia and Pakistan to fight against the USSR in Afghanistan The Cutting Edge
  • MUJAHEDIN: Different groups of mujahedin - Muslim guerrilla fighters - were supported by among others the United States, Saudi Arabia and Pakistan to fight against the USSR in Afghanistan (1979-89). - Paying Attention to 9/11 Related Alternative News
  • Despite their unpalatability, most of Gorbachev's proposals were included in the final resolution and a day later, in a move unprecedented in the USSR, Gorbachev's final address to the plenum was televised.
  • He concluded non-aggression pacts with the USSR and Germany, rather than allying Poland with one of these powers against the other.
  • Messina is more granular in his vision of the future, and recently wrote a great post on Facebook, the USSR, communism and train racks. Facebook, the USSR, communism, and train tracks | FactoryCity
  • So the small nuclear arsenals of France and China did deter the USSR.
  • The Beatles replied in 1968 with their own pop hit “Back in the USSR,” impishly reminding audiences that sexy girls could also be found in enemy territory, and that snuggling up in the Soviet snow may be just as delightful as frolicking half-naked in the Orange County surf. The English Is Coming!
  • German aggression against Poland, the USSR, France, and Britain caused him to link the survival of democracy with preserving religious liberty.
  • He eventually became the only inmate in Berlin's Spandau prison, but the USSR rejected appeals for his release.
  • In 1957, he barnstormed across the USSR to proclaim his new decentralisation plan for ‘regional economic councils’.
  • That is what our obligations to the workers and peasants of the USSR dictate to us.
  • At the end of the war, the Truman administration required payment for non-military supplies to the USSR, especially a large number of ships.
  • Following the armistice of 1944, Finland was obliged to pay reparations of 300 million gold dollars to the USSR, mostly in ships and other metal products.
  • In 1926, it became the Kirghiz Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic and on 5 December 1936, the Kirghiz Soviet Socialist Republic (SSR) was established as a full Union Republic of the USSR.
  • The popular newspaper has made public the content of the so-called ‘Blue Folder ‘, which KGB of the USSR had once forwarded to Russian ufologists.’
  • Real connoisseurs of Cold War sporting tussles treasure the memory of the USSR beating the USA in the 1972 basketball final.
  • So, the USSR bought dells for their space program? Think Progress » Fox News Scolds WellPoint Rate Hike, Not For Hurting Consumers, But For Energizing Health Reform Advocates
  • When the USSR was invaded in June 1941, many anguished Christians serving in the Wehrmacht began to feel a little more comfortable about supporting a war that now included the overthrow of godless communism.
  • Uzbekistan is the scene of the fourth revolt against authority in countries that used to be part of the USSR.
  • Boris Nemtsov, the reformist governor of Nizhny Novgorod, was certain that for Yeltsin the collapse of the USSR was “a personal tragedy.” The Return
  • Hanson at every turn cheapened the past by turning it into a little America, complete with a ridiculous parody of al Qaeda and the USSR mixed together in generous portions, putting in the mouths of people who were so short on words we continue to call succinct speakers by their name grand speeches in favor of Truth, Justice, and the American Way. Sadly, No!
  • This analysis of incarceration in the Soviet Union, including the author's own experiences as a zek, called into question the moral foundations of the USSR Foucault examines the development of modern society's systems of incarceration The Guardian World News
  • (Editor's Note -- While Castro gave no details, Ciudad Trujillo and Caracas broadcasts asserted that Cuba is now the most powerfully armed nation in the world for its size, with tanks, artillery, and jets from the USSR and GRADUATION CEREMONY OIF CADET SCHOOL
  • At some point during that week, the city became cut off from the rest of the USSR, as the link via Lake Ladoga became an operational possibility only in late November when the lake froze over. Deathride
  • Sementsev was rather good at the tango and foxtrot: the latest dances in his circle in the USSR of the eighties. KARA KUSH
  • The countryside provided both the capital and labor to create an industrial working class in the USSR at geat human cost. The Volokh Conspiracy » Competing Explanations for the Oppressive Nature of Socialism
  • Gulko, who is one of the few players with a plus score against Garry Kasparov, spent most of his life in the former Soviet Union and is the only player to have won both the USSR and US titles.
  • Over dinner in Simferopol with my adopted Crimean Tatar family last week, Ayder, a veteran of the Crimean Tatar human rights war against the USSR, used the term “genocide” to describe the present Ukrainian non-policy towards Crimean Tatars. Global Voices in English » Ukraine: 65th Anniversary of the Crimean Tatar Deportations
  • Indeed, the rise and fall of the USSR is a complex and difficult subject itself, justly deserving of a name Sovietology. Deathride
  • If it cut off all contact with the Cambridge ring and it later turned out that its agents were genuinely loyal to the USSR, then the KGB would be blamed.
  • The Republic of Turkmenistan disjointed from USSR.
  • Under it, only the USSR and USA were permitted to continue sealing and in return undertook each to deliver 15 per cent of the sealskins taken by them to Canada and Japan.
  • There were some designs from an old USSR program that used a eutectic mix of lead and bismuth for a similar purpose, heated to liquefy the metal. Archive 2008-02-01
  • After the break-up of the USSR, he inexorably gravitated toward the US-Israeli axis.
  • [I] f the Red Army attacked Japan’s Manchurian colony within three months of the Nazis’ final defeat, the USSR would get permanent occupation of Sakhalin Island, a big long streak of icy forest north of Hokkaido, and the Kuril Islands, a string of fog-bound rocks looping from the North end of Hokkaido to the Southern tip of the Kamchatka Peninsula. Russia’s Other Great Victory « Isegoria
  • This also holds entirely for the party that wields the state power within the boundaries of the USSR.
  • Steele is right about one thing - the likes of the Hungarian government, made up of former communist aparatchiks were well-used to being yes-men to a great power, when it was the USSR.
  • US would have a good sense and the cleverness and the ability to enter the black market and engage is what we used to call preclusive purchase...if NK thinks it can sell a nuclear weapon for $1bn, we ought to be in there offering $5bn" - Schelling quoted the outbidding of natural resources in WWII, I would add the successful control of balck market in ex-USSR states, and that it is cheaper to buy out North Korea today than tomorrow Schelling on North Korea
  • In the Cold War, geostrategic asymmetries meant that the USSR did not need to match the American navy in order to win.
  • Unlike the U.S., the USSR classified all hard information on their space program as state secrets.
  • To offset these dangers, the UN brought together three basic forces - the imperialist powers, led by the US; the Stalinist bureaucracy in the USSR; and the national bourgeoisies in the colonial and economically backward countries.
  • That, Asimov knew, was the common expression for the areas the Commonwealth had annexed from the USSR after the war: the former Byelorussian and Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republics. DBTL 62: Road Trip
  • Castro has lived through everything from the Cuban revolution to the fall of the USSR, and decades of confrontation with the US.
  • According to him, Operation Barbarossa was a preemptive strike against the USSR. The Volokh Conspiracy » Why the Neglect of Communist Crimes Matters
  • I felt like I was explaining free enterprise to the Politburo in the old USSR.
  • We environmentalists are happily switching to bicycles anyway, with or without any orders from a tyrranical EUSSR or from the renegade UN communists. by hommedespoir (0 articles, 0 quicklinks, 0 diaries, 99 comments [66 recommended, 1 rejected]) on Tuesday, Dec 22, 2009 at 6: 13: 27 AM Holocaust Deniers, Global Warming Deniers, Chris Wallace: Any Difference?
  • However, Stalin introduced it into the USSR in the 1930s, as an unpublicized part of the industrial revolution he conducted there; and once the Pacific war had started the Japanese used slave labour to build the Burma - Thailand railway.
  • Hitler's Polish campaign, and then the attack on the USSR, were launched without formal declarations of war.
  • Certainly, North Korean trade and production has collapsed since the fall of the USSR.
  • Chinese attempts at indigenous SAMs were somewhat poor even after an injection of Western technologies during the 1970s and 80s when China was an awkward bedfellow of the West against the USSR.
  • Several hundred were manufactured under licence in the USSR.
  • During the cold war even the most extreme hawks were chastened in their aggressive impulses by fear of escalation into a full-blown conflict with the USSR.
  • Clinton was embarrassing and yet perversly entertaining at times. 0bama is a clear and present danger not only to the United States, but to free people around the world and those who want to be free people. people are too stupid to realize obama has fallen for the "contain the usa" trap. we are now going to be RETRAPPED in endless "talks" with the Russians ala USA vs USSR. look for treaty signing ceremonies. Latest Articles
  • One decade after the dismantling of the USSR and the restoration of capitalism, the death rate of Russia exceeds its birth rate.
  • The FCO message had said `Experts agree world oil and natural gas may last no more than forty years but USSR's only twenty years. KARA KUSH
  • Such a movement has far more in common with the vision of Marx and Engels than the exploitative postcapitalist regime that rules the USSR and has been replicated in its client states. What the Doctor Ordered
  • In that year, however, the break-up of the USSR implied the break-up of the forces.
  • Soviet experts were confident the USSR could outwit any missile defense system the Americans built at a fraction of the cost. The Return
  • TO THE U.N.: Do you, Ambassador Zorin, deny that the USSR has faced and is facing medium and intermediate range missies and sites in Cuba? CNN Transcript Dec 7, 2002
  • In the post-USSR era he had a late night TV show called "Drema" - they would play music videos by Aphex Twin, Laibach, Diamanda Dalas and like and in between the vlips they'd read and reenact some really messed up stories often written by him, really messed up dark humor with a lot of fake blood - Dario Argento style stuff. Worth Watching - Oct 8: Russia's Action Hero in Man of East «
  • Under Stalin, Politburo member Anastas Mikoyan had said that: “Every citizen of the USSR is a collaborator of the NKVD,” the acronym then used for the secret police. The Return
  • Its huge agricultural lands became a breadbasket for the USSR.
  • Simply run your eye round its borders to the east - 2 unstable sunni polities with the likelihood of taliban influenced or dominated governments, one of which has nuclear bombs and irridentist claims on Iran's provinces; look north at increasing Russian influence in the successor state to the USSR; north west are the caucusus republics where Russia and the USA are playng great power games and there is a wish to get Georgia into NATO; Iraq is unstable but the USA has indulged the Kurds to de-stabilise the minorities in Turkey and Iran. John Terry’s sacking as England captain tells us something interesting...
  • Yes, the point of the Cold War was that Russia (USSR) was not a country fanatical and mad enough to risk annhiliation by starting a nuclear war (MAD, indeed, deterred it; had western European countries such as Britain ever been mad enough to unilaterally disarm (as many wanted) the tanks would surely have rolled in ...) On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
  • Report Abuse not this Mistake with Afghanistan remember taliban and the others was working side bty side with Americans destroying USSR so they are aware of democracy and freedom and they builded some resistance Yahoo! News: Top Stories
  • Among the economic élite the fear spread that the USSR would interpose between the defeat of Germany and the Anglo-Saxon victory with consequences which would be felt both inside and outside Italy.
  • They concluded that creating a conventional military force as large as the USSR's risked beggaring the U.S. economy.
  • We environmentalists are happily switching to bicycles anyway, with or without any orders from a tyrranical EUSSR or from the renegade UN communists. by hommedespoir (0 articles, 0 quicklinks, 0 diaries, 99 comments [66 recommended, 1 rejected]) on Tuesday, Dec 22, 2009 at 6: 10: 35 AM Holocaust Deniers, Global Warming Deniers, Chris Wallace: Any Difference?
  • Previous claims that the restoration of capitalism in the former USSR would bring democracy in its wake now look increasingly threadbare.
  • The demise of the USSR, they declared, created for the United States the opportunity to establish an unchallengeable global hegemony.
  • Castro has lived through everything from the Cuban revolution to the fall of the USSR, and decades of confrontation with the US.
  • Defence against the threat to the system posed by the USSR was one of the essential functions of the hegemonic power.
  • They were expelled from the postwar coalition government, subjected to frenzied propaganda Pope Pius XI declared that voting communist would condemn one to eternal damnation, and held responsible for repressive acts in the USSR which they felt compelled to justify. The Tailor of Ulm: A Possible History of Communism in the Twentieth Century by Lucio Magri – review
  • Chess' popularity was boosted in the 1980s by championship duels between Gary Kasparov and Anatoly Karpov (both from the former USSR).
  • His parents had escaped from the USSR at the time of the Bolshevik Revolution and settled here. KARA KUSH
  • Empires don't hold together – the British, French etc, and latterly the USSR, broke down. Letters: Breaking up may be best for Libya
  • In 1957, the USSR launched the Sputnik, the first artificial earth satellite.
  • And with the advent of that sea-change at the head of the GOP, accommodation was out and "rollback" -- i.e., the goal of undermining the USSR -- was in. ChronWatch - Articles
  • Legislative power, for its part, was vested in the USSR Supreme Soviet and in the constituent soviets of the republics.
  • As the struggle began, these pilots were the pathfinders who flew into the unknown, seeking information on how the USSR might be preparing an attack on the West.
  • Armenia is not successful, in part, because of decades of Communism and the fact that corruption and authoritarian power structures are the norm in business and political relations throughout most of the former USSR. Demographics of the Oligarchs, Bryan Caplan | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • Stalin Peak and then Communism Peak, which at nearly 7,500 meters is the highest mountain in the former USSR. Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty
  • Stalinist reaction in the USSR had profound implications for the international communist movement.
  • Russia's own national identity has been in flux since the collapse of the USSR, along with its ideology and multi-ethnic empire.
  • The dissolution of the USSR, however, prompted the Air Force to build a small B-2 force and retain untransformed, nonstealthy manned bombers.

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