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How To Use Useless In A Sentence

  • I'’m bored" is a useless thing to say. I mean, you live in a great, big, vast world that you’ve seen none percent of. Even the inside of your own mind is endless; it goes on forever, inwardly, do you understand? The fact that you’re alive is amazing, so you don’t get to say "I’m bored.". Louis C.K. 
  • Speed ramps along College Road, put in to try and dissuade boy racers who use the road to cut from one side of the town to the other, have been branded useless.
  • I astound myself with my memory for useless childhood trivia.
  • I shrugged uselessly, before I turned to hear Alex's laugh vibrating in the room.
  • The next posts are often about useless slimming products and they might be tempted to buy them without seeking proper advice. The Sun
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  • Unless these conditions are fulfilled, we consider any assistance given to the artels and the co-operatives not only useless, but definitely harmful.
  • Unless a member of the Vanguard or the Scarlet Scholars (both groups paying attention to what most consider obscure and nigh-useless knowledge), even most paranormal agents active today have only heard of the Bleak Baron Frederick or his granduncle Wolfgang and their works on fighting monsters. The Codex Continual » The Von Baurs
  • It suited a society that wanted a select few to pursue the life of the mind, through immersing themselves in such fusty subjects as Classics or philosophy, while everybody else did something less useless instead.
  • You have to be fast on your feet and adaptive or else a strategy is useless. Charles De Gaulle 
  • Using her pole as a staff, her temporarily lamed left hand useless at her side, she turned, beginning her hunt for the tricky sorceress and a place to camp once more.
  • In fact, even today, I doubt my parents would spend money on items they would consider frivolous and useless.
  • Our woodcut is taken from the improved model produced by Mr. Stokey; no doubt Mr. Rarey took the idea of his gag-bit from the wooden gag, which has been in use among country farriers from time immemorial, to keep a horse's mouth while they are performing the cruel and useless operation of firing for lampas. A New Illustrated Edition of J. S. Rarey's Art of Taming Horses With the Substance of the Lectures at the Round House, and Additional Chapters on Horsemanship and Hunting, for the Young and Timid
  • I was roped to Jim, but it was of no use; my feet were paralyzed and slipped on the bare rock, and he said it was useless to try to go that way, and we retraced our steps.
  • It is now a useless exercise to bicker over who is at fault, but the immediate task is to help rebuild damaged infrastructure and help affected residents recover from the floods.
  • Along with this, the arena's main concourse is narrow and crammed with useless kiosks selling everything from caramel apples to nachos to kettle corn, making the walk to the one smoking area something of a slow death march for the nicotine needy. From the Floor: A Happy Slab of Sandwich Meat
  • This is a waste and useless tyre.
  • We understand that this equipment should never be used by people without Medical training and was therefore dangerous and totally useless in punts and small boats.
  • At the end, he argues that a good progressive conservative government could cut useless measures like corporate subsidies, farm subsidies, and needless tariffs.
  • According to Damascene (De Fide Orth. iii, 24), "to pray is to ask becoming things of God"; wherefore it is useless to pray for what is inexpedient, according to James 4: 3, "You ask, and receive not: because you ask amiss. Summa Theologica, Part II-II (Secunda Secundae) Translated by Fathers of the English Dominican Province
  • A key reason was that predictions of fossil fuel use rely heavily on economic predictions, which have been shown to be almost useless. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Church, concludes the ecumenical patriarch, which by its educational activities instructed the people of God in revealed truth through the centuries, owes much to these schools of human thought, which contributed to man's intellectual and spiritual development, drawing him away from useless preservationism. Spero News
  • Astronauts will make a final attempt today to rescue a communications satellite from its useless orbit.
  • So, while online petitions are useless, as everyone says, surely they can do no harm.
  • In his million-acred temple, he stood -- cold, white and useless -- leaning upon his broken staff; while timorous leadership gaped at his still majesty -- Four Years in Rebel Capitals An Inside View of Life in the Southern Confederacy from Birth to Death
  • Up until 10 o'clock, Audrey and I enjoyed sitting and watching the spectacles, drumming our fingers to the impeccable music, and chit-chatting about absolutely useless girl talk.
  • But few people with the specialised knowledge I have would give up their jobs and join the police when the prospect is a minimum of 4 years in a job where that experience is useless. OSPRE Selecta! « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
  • I have found myself pacing around trying but failing to find things to do to keep my mind occupied, occasionally popping into the nursery in a fatherly manner to make sure that the useless door hinge has not failed on the tallboy.
  • Up until 10 o'clock, Audrey and I enjoyed sitting and watching the spectacles, drumming our fingers to the impeccable music, and chit-chatting about absolutely useless girl talk.
  • He screamed, he shouted, complaining about the players("bloody, bloody, bloody useless" was about the most repeatable description).
  • I am useless when it comes to subterfuge or breaking rules and I botched the entire mission right royally.
  • We are dropouts from society, useless dregs who make no contribution, so it is inevitable that people will look at us strangely and with contempt.
  • She had an ideal of fatherhood, had gentle, silent, useless Lydia -- formed upon the genial, sunshiny type of parent popular in books, and she cast a romantic veil over disappointed, selfish, crossgrained Malcolm Martie, the Unconquered
  • But the tops are useless without a launcher, costing another £3.99, which spins the tops into each other at high speed.
  • It puts the grip too much in the fingers of the left hand stretching the muscles at the front of the forearm, thus rendering them rather useless. Winning Golf for Women
  • Prayer and worship and singing hymns - all silly and useless.
  • Great God! Forgive an injury so wanton, so excuseless! To-morrow?
  • You mean with the approach of the season when everyone wants to blow a huge chunk of their cash on useless junk in an irresponsibly frenzied consumeristic orgasm ... and they're finding themselves without credit or as much spare cash as usual ... they're feeling a little extra down about the economy? CNN Poll: Optimism on economy fading
  • Naturally is an all latent Nue Yin first crazy, this be the undisputable fact, you denial also useless.
  • He could stop by Tinton, maybe Yolanda was around... nah, Yolanda was a fish, man, useless, she just lies there like some slab. SPIDERTOWN
  • The writer's body finds itself dismantled, brutalised, shook up, helpless, useless puppet, prey to disorganised ideas.
  • The fact that he was willing to do damage to the country with useless concessions to a party that has proven itself a moral and intellectual failure to them on his side was extremely disturbing, and the fact that he succeeded not at all in unsurprising. Matthew Yglesias » Yglesias on Maddow
  • Well, it was right in the sense that it was a numerical string that contained the numbers 7 and 9, but otherwise it was useless.
  • I performed a parody of running as I struggled to escape with my useless left ankle.
  • They were pretty useless when confronted with the high-pitched whine of the rotor's gears directly above our heads.
  • A prominent historian at the time described it as the most monumentally useless book ever written.
  • Hay is of less value than wood . Stubble is useless and worthless.
  • “Come now,” replied the mujik, recognizing the fact that it was useless to struggle against the will of his guest, Michael Strogoff
  • I'’m bored" is a useless thing to say. I mean, you live in a great, big, vast world that you’ve seen none percent of. Even the inside of your own mind is endless; it goes on forever, inwardly, do you understand? The fact that you’re alive is amazing, so you don’t get to say "I’m bored.". Louis C.K. 
  • You tell me in the same breath that it is useless to investigate the matter, and that you desire me to do it.
  • The minister in one sense is a useless person, useless in that he or she can be used at anytime by anyone for anything. Christianity Today
  • So a few weeks ago, the two astronauts who live there tossed out some useless junk, like so many old hubcaps for the trash heap.
  • Shakspeare, inspired, as it might seem, with all knowledge, here uses the word 'causeless' in its strict philosophical sense; -- cause being truly predicable only of 'phenomena', that is, things natural, and not of 'noumena', or things supernatural. Literary Remains, Volume 2
  • Besides, as often remarked, it is a human figment which is not commanded, and is unnecessary and useless; for the holy The Smalcald Articles
  • Governor-aspirer asks why that is, in the tone that this is one of those stupid, useless regulations he's going to get off the books if elected. Grouse Diary Entry
  • In the evening, he felt useless and frustrated in helping Mark complete spelling and math assignments.
  • As for the first part, it's a useless overgeneralization.
  • a senseless, causeless murder
  • Once the documents were released and proved to be useless for that purpose, the issue was dropped.
  • Most pre-prepared weight loss products are next to useless.
  • He was uneasy, real uneasy, tugging uselessly on the bottom of his jacket, and fussing with the cummerbund for the umpteenth time; yet he was looking forward to seeing her.
  • Exactly; it all seems to come down to semantics to me, which isn't a compelling argument for existence or non-existence, and therefore epistemologically interesting, but useless in practice. Against Darwinism
  • Often, the driver forgets to disengage the flasher after it has served its purpose, resulting in further confusion since turning indicators are rendered useless.
  • Cracked screens, broken casings and malfunctioning operating systems short-circuited by moisture damage or dust infiltration can cause massive headaches and turn an expensive device into a useless brick.
  • Those scruples and that refinement against which he warned her, she herself thought might be overstrained, and to gratify unnecessary punctilio, the short period of existence be rendered causelessly unhappy. Cecilia
  • Without the kiln, which is designed to reach the perfect temperature to cause the clay to harden, the piece of clay would remain useless. Babes with a Beatitude
  • Working like beavers, Montcalm's men dragged twenty cannon to a hill commanding the fort, known as "Fort Rascal" because the outfort there was useless to the English. Canada: the Empire of the North Being the Romantic Story of the New Dominion's Growth from Colony to Kingdom
  • Orat.xxix. 490, ean ten apo chronon noes archen kai anarchos ho hui& 232; s, ouk archetai gar apo chronou ho chronon despotes. (ii) In the sense of anaitios, "causeless," "originis principio carens," it is applied to the Father alone, and not to the NPNF2-08. Basil: Letters and Select Works
  • A key reason was that predictions of fossil fuel use rely heavily on economic predictions, which have been shown to be almost useless. Times, Sunday Times
  • October 27th, 2006 at 12: 39 am paris hiton is ugly skinny and useless her eyes are too squinty and those boobs are fake shes soo vain and whoever said she was beautiful must be blind now catherine zeta jones is beautiful liv tyler is beauyiful lots of actresses are beautiful mbut paris not much of a looker at all elliosh Says: David Letterman Interviews Paris Hilton
  • Not much -- any list of the Thirteen Best Books is pretty random and thus useless and I have to wonder whether, in including the Hardy Boys, he means the ones he read as a lad (nostalgia time) or the ones currently published (out-and-out lame). Speaking as one old fart to another
  • Dio's mind flitted uselessly, trying to come up with an idea, a plan, an escape, but without hope.
  • In Satre's philosophy, being is prior to "nothing" but would be meaningless without "nothing"; however, man pursues the being in the unstable state, which causes useless warmth of life.
  • I am pretty useless at everything except music.
  • I have, I believe, at last succeeded in arranging the proper proportions, and in substituting, for the worse than useless crude alum, the alum ustum or burnt alum, which is not affected by moisture Practical Taxidermy A manual of instruction to the amateur in collecting, preserving, and setting up natural history specimens of all kinds. To which is added a chapter upon the pictorial arrangement of museums. With additional instructions in modelling a
  • And I'm far from the only one who has been flimflammed by articulate, accomplished candidates who turned out to be psychotic, fascist, or just plain useless even before the ink was dry on their personnel forms.
  • But arguments from the best of all worlds are always worse than useless. Times, Sunday Times
  • In many quarters there was a clamour for "practical" studies, and the old classical course was decried as useless, or merely ornamental; its very foundation, the theory of mental or formal discipline, well expressed in the term gymnasium for classical schools in Germany, has been vigorously assailed, but not disproved. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 4: Clandestinity-Diocesan Chancery
  • The Opposition might like to recognise that the system it has modelled its approach on - that of England - was dumped last week by the Brits because it is useless.
  • He had tried to commiserate, assuring her she wasn't alone or useless or hateful or shallow or selfish. RIOT
  • It was useless to try to'stabilize the dying reactionary situation.
  • Safety hooks are often fitted to winding ropes, and although the damage to life and property is greatly reduced by the use of them, they do not protect a descending cage from injury in a case of overwinding; besides which, they are almost useless when a wild run takes place, an accident which, strange to say, has already occurred many times after engines and boilers have been laid off for repairs. Scientific American Supplement, No. 520, December 19, 1885
  • I understood that 'Open Office FTW' comments and the like would result in bans from commenting - please get rid of these useless tosspots asap. Beware Of Viruses In Office 2010 BitTorrent Builds | Lifehacker Australia
  • I felt so bad, so ashamed of the person I am today, so worthless, so empty, so useless.
  • But in the Senate of the United States, both of these formalities are dispensed with; the breviate presenting but an imperfect view of the bill, and being capable of being made to present a false one; and the full statement being a useless waste of time, immediately after a full reading by the clerk; and especially as every member has a printed copy in his hand. A MANUAL OF PARLIAMENTARY PRACTICE
  • So do not DARE presume to bray at me about “real science,” you snivelling, useless, infantile jacka$$ puke. Think Progress » Obama explains climate science to global warming deniers.
  • These bare questions at once satisfied and silenced the greater number; some, however like a few in England who are a century behindhand, thought that all such inquiries were useless and impious; and that it was quite sufficient that God had thus made the mountains. A brief essay on the general attitude of common folks towards the natural world inspired by a passage in a book by Charles Darwin, Esq.
  • All the faltering, paltering and useless procrastinating by Hillary and her ilk have worked to delay any effective Democratic-backed change in the Iraq War, and, by extension, the reining-in of Cheney plans against Iran. Hillary Joining Webb For Measure Opposing War With Iran
  • The quality ranged from acceptable to worse than useless.
  • - or, like the mastodon 's huge tusks: a heavy, useless and ultimately self-destructive burden? THE DICE MAN
  • It'll mean that if a fraudster nicks your credit or debit card, it'll be useless practising the signature on it as he'll need to read your mind for the PIN to get anywhere with it.
  • I had rejections, a string of unrequited loves that I laid awake at night uselessly pining over, and once I even got caught in a bear trap.
  • In my opinion, the "miscellany" approach practiced by most literary magazines -- by which the "best fiction available" is printed, with little or no indication of what makes it the "best" -- makes all too many of them useless; I can only make my way through a few of them, trying to find the "best" in a scattershot fashion, before I put them aside and conclude it just isn't worth my time (and sometimes money) to prospect for fiction in this way. Writing and Publishing
  • The open-air market is pumping an assortment of useless bric-a-brac out to its furthermost reaches.
  • It puts the grip too much in the fingers of the left hand stretching the muscles at the front of the forearm, thus rendering them rather useless. Winning Golf for Women
  • The UN however did not authorize or agree to the UK attempting to take over Libya or kill their leader - neither did the UN agree to foreign forces in Libya - Gaddafi was right all along - this war is all about foreigners in Libya destablizing the country -ie, the UK and their useless SAS. The Independent - Frontpage RSS Feed
  • Beware packaged accounts, as you may waste money on useless perks. Times, Sunday Times
  • YOU had six years to do what you thought right about healthcare reform, and all we got was some ideologic-driven drivel about social security and a useless, stupid war. GOP unveils new health care ad campaign
  • The arachnid’s carapace is too tough, however, and his weapon glances off uselessly. Session 1: Every New Beginning « Love | Peace | Ohana
  • I had to prove residence, provide my Passport, my FM3, a birth certificate, proof of graduation from a high school (in my case the Oregon University card was accepted) and a CURP number -- that useless number which all students MUST have. Going to a Mexican University?
  • You are absolutely not going to believe this, which takes us here, where irredeemably useless CPoC shill and Stephen Harper fluffer Sandy Crux has added the re-patriation of Suaad Hagi Mohamud as an official Harper Government "accomplishment" and part of his "record. You have GOT to be fucking kidding.
  • It told me I had very lovely eyes, and it was sure they were all the prettier because they were useless. EVERVILLE
  • Margret had always hated thimbles; useless things, they never stayed on the finger long enough to serve their purpose.
  • So couple all these faults to a car with a pointless turn of speed and you're left with something more useless than a bright green spy. Times, Sunday Times
  • His sinewy arms flailed around uselessly, his legs kicked furiously, but the ocean's grip on him only got stronger as it pulled him further down.
  • Lets face it, we are all as mad as hell about these useless, power hungry oiks.
  • Less addicted to the study of cartography, the following generations comprehended that this dilated map was useless and, not without impiety, delivered it to the inclemencies of the sun and of the winters.
  • It is unarguable that environmental conditions that existed in the past did exist, and that they did result in the world as it is, but this, frankly, is useless information when deciding what had to happen.
  • Experience tells me, though, that learners certainly opt out of various media when they're poorly chosen (inappropriate for the learning), poorly implemented (talking down, lecturing, fatuous), or poorly administered (mindless administrivia, useless recordkeeping, or mandatory sheep-dip). Same old story
  • In Thailand three of the most common antimalarial drugs are now useless because of resistance.
  • Therefore, I reiterate, literary criticism is useless.
  • In surrendering to the global capitalists, governments are themselves debasing democracy, making it quite useless for people to vote.
  • Many people retire and age quickly and feel useless. The Sun
  • But suffice it here to offer a non-lawyer's view that a law that is almost never enforced is either unneeded or useless.
  • He had tried to commiserate, assuring her she wasn't alone or useless or hateful or shallow or selfish. RIOT
  • They sent us a multitude of useless video tapes, books and other assorted junk that we did not want.
  • But thats precisely why you're definition of irreducible is useless, and why IC is relevant. Confirmation Bias and ID
  • The Canaries were the nearest bits of dry land to us, but Mr Jellicoe, the third mate, reckoned that they were a good hundred and fifty miles away, and dead to wind'ard; so it was useless for us to think of reaching them in a boat with her gunnels awash, and not a scrap of food or a drop of fresh water in her. Harry Escombe A Tale of Adventure in Peru
  • Although there's not a trace left on the outside, boas, pythons, and blind snakes all have completely useless vestigial hipbones buried in their bodies.
  • And now units of this vagrom and unstable street throng, which was forever shifting and changing about them, seemed to sense the psychologic error of all this in so far as these children were concerned, for they would nudge one another, the more sophisticated and indifferent lifting an eyebrow and smiling contemptuously, the more sympathetic or experienced commenting on the useless presence of these children. An American Tragedy
  • It recalled so vividly Clare's early experiences of houselessness, that beasts and caravans, his mother and Glum Gunn, grew hazy and distant, and the old time drew so near that he seemed to have waked into it out of a long dream. A Rough Shaking
  • I don't know what sort of intellectual disasters leads a person -- especially a lawyer or law student -- to write such know-nothingisms as Any legal paper titled with any of the words "universe", "neo", or "towards" is prima facia useless but you have my sympathy. Patricia D. White to Be Dean of University of Miami School of Law
  • They claim short sentences are useless as there is not enough time to get lags back on the straight and narrow. The Sun
  • Yet somehow I possess a drawerful of new, unopened examples of these useless items of male apparel. Forced Merriment: The True Spirit of Christmas
  • They kept very proudly together, though they were of different lengths: the outermost, the thumbling, was short and fat; he walked out in front of the ranks, and only had one joint in his back, and could only make a single bow; but he said that if he were hacked off a man, that man was useless for service in war. The Darning-needle
  • If you have any hopes of preserving your useless lives, and you have any kind of influence over what you call Izmir, you should consider showing us how to utilize this. Glory Lane
  • He is proof that autism is a spectrum disorder of huge diversity and that the individual idiosyncrasies of each child reveal the utter uselessness of the label.
  • This is a useless knife — the handle has broken!
  • Unfortunately, the figures are useless and show nothing either way, whether this figure is bad or not.
  • Natural amiableness is too often seen in company with sloth, with uselessness, with the vanity of fashionable life.
  • An @reply for facebook is rendered useless by the fact that you can already comment on status updates. reply Prepare For The Facebook Vanity URL Landrush
  • While depression can inspire some people to greatness, the vast majority are knocked into useless turpitude, so it's no wonder that the left has been so bloody useless this year.
  • He deals more in exhortations, because those intent on useless questions needed chiefly to be recalled to the study of a holy, moral life; for nothing so effectually allays men's wandering curiosity, as the being brought to recognize those duties in which they ought to exercise themselves" [Calvin]. speak -- without restraint: contrast Tit 1: 11, "mouths ... stopped." doctrine -- "instruction" or "teaching. Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • The next posts are often about useless slimming products and they might be tempted to buy them without seeking proper advice. The Sun
  • It seemed useless to pursue this line of questioning.
  • The ‘splint bones,’ far from being useless vestiges of evolution, play an important role in the horse's leg.
  • If the elliptical arch be equally strong with the semicircular; that is, if an arch, by approaching to a straight line, loses none of its stability, it will follow, that all arcuation is useless, and that the bridge may at last, without any inconvenience, consist of stone laid in straight lines from pillar to pillar. The Works of Samuel Johnson, Volume 05 Miscellaneous Pieces
  • These are the men and women who remain on the job long after the special forces have made their largely useless swoops and patrols, and who remain on the firing line when the criminals return from their lairs.
  • It is useless, said he to us, to again attempt conciliation; there is too much animosity on both sides.
  • The entire nation passes the useless time watching the coloured balls wheek round each Saturday lottery evening.
  • As an example of such useless lands , the court referred to a prior case salt marsh.
  • Jack's plan is working - to prove she's useless and then she won't be a threat.
  • To such an individual, everything is important - the little tidbits of information, news, gossip, and useless facts all are.
  • I hate this weak whingy little piece of useless nothing I'm turning into.
  • I beg your pardon for being useless. Times, Sunday Times
  • Her throat muscles useless, she was unable to breathe, cough, or swallow on her own.
  • However, a dock leaf is useless against wasp stings, which contain an alkali.
  • That makes any introduction I could write for him useless and redundant.
  • Many a young person was troubled by a sense of uselessness.
  • What could I, helpless, houseless, fortuneless, be but a weight upon that buoyancy and ambition of eminence which marks superior natures for the superior honours of life. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, Volume 57, No. 357, June, 1845
  • Round the outer coast only a few houseless gaps marked the spots where 'long lines of cliff, breaking, had left a chasm '-- the gaps that afterwards bore the familiar names of Ramsgate, that is to say Ruim's Gate, or' the Door of Thanet; 'Margate, that is to say, Mere Gate, the gap of the mere (Kentish for a brook), Science in Arcady
  • Doctors in what I like to call the ‘lifestyle professions’, such as dermatology or podiatry, are also quite vocal about the uselessness of free samples.
  • I packed quickly, not expecting her to return for another round of useless discussion, but not willing to take the chance.
  • The eyes need one to two seconds for accommodation before they can focus, so a continuous sweep is useless for identifying targets.
  • In painting it follows, and adds richness and depth to, gamboge in water, and goes well into varnish; but any lead used in rendering oils siccative, browns it, and for the same reason it is useless in tints. Field's Chromatography or Treatise on Colours and Pigments as Used by Artists
  • It would be useless and unkind to perplex you with my literary troubles. Letter 147
  • What's the single most useless piece of information you possess? The Sun
  • Thus, so much of every product as is rendered by excessive abundance inconsumable, becomes useless, valueless, unexchangeable, -- consequently, unfit to be given in payment for any thing whatever, and is no longer a product. What is Property? An Inquiry into the Principle of Right and of Government.
  • Can't you see by now that I can keep this up as long as you'd like, and you will never be able show that "athleticism" is any more subjective or useless or vacuous in the context of ID than "athleticism" is? Bunny and a Book
  • It is quicker to fly but the Tan airstrip is only usable by small unpressurised aircraft in clear weather; navigational equipment is useless in these high mountains and steep valleys.
  • Rekha complained like crazy, she gave him hell, she bawled him out and cursed him for a useless lafanga and haramzada and salah and even, in extremis, for being guilty of the impossible feat of fucking the sister he did not have. The Satanic Verses
  • There were several cans of Spaghettios but no can opener, rendering them useless except as thrown projectiles.
  • The land is useless for growing crops.
  • He sees you stressed and unhappy, cannot think how to make you feel better and so is feeling useless. The Sun
  • To what extent Mr. Berol's remarkable memory was natural and required only attention, for its development, seems impossible to determine with exactness, but the evidence clearly indicates that, however useless were many of his memory feats, a highly retentive memory was developed where before only "a good forgettery" existed. The Art of Public Speaking
  • Or how many cars can be stacked on top of each other before the bottom one becomes useless? The Sun
  • She had the whip hand and it was useless to resist.
  • I'd been expecting the coaches to be ruthless, overly competitive, blowing whistles and shouting: ‘No, you useless toerag, hit the deck and give me 20.’
  • You must obey the rule. It is useless for you to kick against the pricks.
  • The people of Virar-Mira Road blet believe that conducting surveys and useless studies like "Most Influencial Person"; "Most Sexiest Person" is useless and stupidity. 30 lakh people boycott trains on 10th December.
  • Reliability, stability, and calm—good reasons why, when Matthew turned sixty-five and his arthritis worsened enough to make his hands useless in the trade, he fitted the vessel with a new engine and tanks, rebuilt the pilothouse with permanent sides to keep out the wind, polished the mahogany to an even higher sheen, installed a defogger on the center window and seating for passengers in the stern, and relaunched the Amelia Celeste as a ferry. The Summer I Dared
  • They told me it was absolutely useless, riddled with gout. The Sun
  • No man is useless in this world who lightens the burden of someone else. 
  • And then low-calorie foods that are nutritionally useless and leave you hungry, such as popcorn. The Sun
  • They may be the most functionally useless clothing items ever devised by humankind.
  • The land of Canaan, which was once the glory of all lands for fruitfulness, is said to be, at this day, a fruitless, useless, worthless spot of ground, as was foretold, Deut. xxix. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume III (Job to Song of Solomon)
  • If they're useless but keep large numbers of outreach workers in gainful employment - they'll love them, call for more, and work assiduously at propagating a myth of 'success'. Archive 2005-05-15
  • The candles were useless in the dense smoke, and it was many minutes before we could see.
  • Is she saying she thinks more lefty kids think voting is useless?
  • I was indifferent, I said, about what he could say of me; and I was sure it could not be to my disadvantage; and as he had no reason to impute to me the forwardness which my unkind friends had so causelessly taxed me with. Clarissa Harlowe
  • We can go further and look at synteny, or the conserved order of sequences in the genome, and see that there is an explicable pattern of change, one that is explained by common genetic and evolutionary processes, and does not fit the design hypothesis except in the sense that the design hypothesis is so uselessly vague that you can make any observation fit it. The circus is in town; the creationist calliope is wheezing away again - The Panda's Thumb
  • Any alliance whose purpose is not the intention to wage war is senseless and useless. Adolf Hitler 
  • Like at Club Med, cash is useless here; kids pay for all snacks and activities bowling, video games, jorkyball and a rooftop, all-season ice-skating rink with special cards purchased at the entrance. To Catch a View in Monaco
  • We are brilliant at inventing stuff but absolutely useless at making the necessary investment to keep our ideas fresh and relevant. The Sun
  • The God of the Decalogue is uniquely authoritative, cannot be fashioned after our own image (pace Feuerbach), and cannot be controlled: God is absolute, aniconic, and useless. 6 God does not exist for our use. AKMA’s Random Thoughts
  • Interestingly, the area south of Nantucket is one of the most useless patches of ocean off the US east coast, full of shoals that make it dangerous to transit. The Volokh Conspiracy » Cape Wind Approved
  • Such causelessness would bind the Soul under an even sterner compulsion, no longer master of itself, but at the mercy of movements apart from will and cause. The Six Enneads.
  • ‘It is useless,’ Dr. Johnson once remarked, ‘to criticize an unresisting imbecility.’
  • She lived, meanwhile, wholly shut up from all company, consigned to penitence for her indiscretions, to grief for the fate of her sister, and to wasting regret of her own causelessly lost felicity. Camilla
  • The median price information is essentially useless unless the ongoing trend towards apartment living and section subdivision is taken into account.
  • Here, on the 23d of June, 1314, was posted the Scottish army, awaiting the coming of the foe, the camp-followers, cart-drivers, and other useless material of the army being sent back behind a hill, -- afterwards known as the gillies 'or servants' hill, -- that they might be out of the way. Historical Tales, Vol. 4 (of 15) The Romance of Reality
  • For what happens nowadays in many cases is highly ridiculous: good slaves are made farmers, or sailors, or merchants, or stewards, or money-lenders; but if they find a winebibbing, greedy, and utterly useless slave, to him parents commit the charge of their sons, whereas the good tutor ought to be such a one as was Phoenix, the tutor of Achilles. Plutarch's Morals
  • For every useless mouth in a beleaguered place adds to the difficulties of the defenders and facilitates the task of the besiegers.
  • Obviously ski gizmos such as walkie-talkies, radio locators and GPS thingies - I can almost hear the older brother (bless him) groan - will be rendered useless.
  • I'’m bored" is a useless thing to say. I mean, you live in a great, big, vast world that you’ve seen none percent of. Even the inside of your own mind is endless; it goes on forever, inwardly, do you understand? The fact that you’re alive is amazing, so you don’t get to say "I’m bored.". Louis C.K. 
  • This needs fixing too and, at least, the Tories are addressing that by, effectively getting rid of the useless FSA and restoring the powers to the BoE frow where they should have never been wrested in the first place. Tony Blair: The Next Labour Prime Minister?
  • And it's especially confusing when, as Juan Cole rightly points out in his blog, the English version floating around the electronic ether is in some places "so untechnical as to be useless. Mark Levine: Iraq's Constitution: And the Winner is��� the United States?
  • 3 Useless Encryptions A ciphertext is a term with the encrypt operator at its root. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • However, I was surprised to hear her response when the receptionists had shouted that it was my partner's half day and that only I was available: ‘I don't want to see that bleeder Dr Crown, he's bloody useless.’
  • In the white noon among the rubble, let the snake warm itself on leaves of coltsfoot and in the silence let him coil in lustrous circles around useless gold. Powdered Sugar on Bare Skin
  • The miles upon miles of open gray-green country, treeless, hedgeless, houseless, swoop toward one another with the strangest sinuosities and rifts and knobs of volcanic earth, till at last they sink in faint mists, only to rise again in pink and blue distances, so far off, so pale and aërial, that they can scarcely be distinguished from the atmosphere itself. Lippincott's Magazine of Popular Literature and Science Volume 17, No. 102, June, 1876

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