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How To Use Usage In A Sentence

  • The mancipable (conveyable or movable) possessions of a woman who is under tutelage of [her] agnates [18] shall not be acquired rightfully by usucapion (long usage or long possession), save if these The Twelve Tables
  • In present-day usage, despite Fowler's strictures, concern for classical and linguistic purity is minimal and the coining of etymological hybrids is casual and massive.
  • What I really liked, from my white boy point-of-view, was Eddie taking a brief second to explain his continual usage of the N-word: because its power is lessened the more it's used.
  • Such a usage is ethically unacceptable, politically manipulative and decidedly unhistorical.
  • Machines soon wear out under rough usage.
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  • Nevertheless, CNN has talked to a "language analyst" who gets paid to "[analyze and catalogue] trends in word usage and word choice and their impact on culture," and they report that Obama was too "professorial," and now America is at grave risk of not passing its midterm exams on the oil spill. Obama Oil Spill Speech Criticized By CNN's Language Analyst For Not Being Moronic Enough [UPDATE]
  • The fresh sausage most widely eaten is fresh pork sausage.
  • To solve the low quality of pork sausage, HACCP system was introduced.
  • Like sausages, bacon tends to be very salty and may also be preserved with the chemical sodium nitrite, which has been linked to an increased risk of stomach cancer.
  • And Bob and uh others … I was pointing a usage of the word enjoy in a specific way … made possible by todays culture of "enjoy" that is distinctly different from the way the Westminster catechesim uses the word. Reclaiming the Mission
  • This usage proceeded, in part, from the notion of consanguinity between every member of a clan, even of the lowest degree, to his chieftain, and the affability and courtesy with which the head was in the habit of treating those over whom he ruled. Memoirs of the Jacobites of 1715 and 1745. Volume I.
  • Let us adopt then words sanctioned by usage, and give the distinction between intelligence and instinct this more precise formula: _Intelligence, in so far as it is innate, is the knowledge of a_ form; _instinct implies the knowledge of a_ matter. Evolution créatrice. English
  • I'd rather have a sliver of prosciutto or a wheel of spicy sausage than neutral, inoffensive chicken any day.
  • The OED always gives the earliest known usage of the word and in this case it's, wait for it, Lord Lyttelton, 1760, Dialogues of the Dead. CASCADES - THE DAY OF THE DEAD
  • The pub now has two restaurants serving anything from sausages to shark steaks.
  • By that time, the patterns of usage - still being developed as far as mathematics is concerned - will have become fairly clear.
  • Optus blamed "lower usage and rates for international inpayment traffic. ITnews Australia
  • I'd like to have a shrimp cocktail and the tomato sausage soup first.
  • The Jolly Bottle, the Jolly Bottle, "cried Habershaw, pronouncing this word according to ancient usage, with the accent on the last syllable, as if spelt" bottel; "" give us the Jolly Bottle, we all know the chorus of that song. Horse-Shoe Robinson: A Tale of the Tory Ascendency.
  • My students became really interested in what all these idioms meant, so I developed an art/language unit on the usage of idioms, that would be appropriate for nearly any grade level.
  • Uncle Sam is a national personification of the United States (US), and sometimes more specifically of the American government, with the first usage of the term dating from the War of 1812 and the first illustration dating from 1852. The Big Apple
  • The gamberi sausage linguine, clearly a house specialty, was served on one of those cast iron hot plates you see in Chinese restaurants.
  • Add sausage meat back to gravy and season with salt and white pepper to taste.
  • When the shovelers come by, they shovel the bread, rats and spoiled meat into the sausage vats.
  • A lovely baguette with sausages and bacon in true Dublin style was handed to everyone.
  • attributive: -s/-l directive: -is locative: -eBy renaming the genitive case as "attributive", we make it clearer that these endings are not just restricted to mere "possessives" or "ablatives" but rather we recognize their many other usages. Liber Linteus and religious formulae, part 2
  • The proposal conveniently ignored that fact that the usage of crop protection products falls year by year in this country anyway.
  • In some cases where the word has extensive normal usages, as in the case of 'lux' this is true of the English 'light' as well, depending on how one takes the word the same sentence can be treated as figurative or literal and mean basically the same thing. Archive 2005-05-01
  • It is widely recognized that agriculture, wherein crops can grow again and no serious effect is made on the soil or the land, is an appropriate usage of the right of usufruct.
  • Note 9: Derepression carries its own specialized meanings in Jungian psychology and genetics, but my usage will be readily distinguishable from that employed by those other specialties. Manhood in the Age of Aquarius: Masculinity in Two Countercultural Communities, 1965–83
  • I've had a poached egg and a sausage roll and four meringues.
  • But he was not to enjoy himself long, for the duck was telling all her neighbours about the ill-usage her little one had received; and the mischief-making little wagtail thought as he had seen the lanky bird eating what he called the kingfisher's fishes, he would go and tell, and then sit on the bank and see the quarrel there would be; for he considered that the heron had no more business to take the fish out of the pond than the toad had to catch flies. Featherland How the Birds lived at Greenlawn
  • Even the provisions of the formal document, the United States Constitution, may be amended by judicial decisions and custom usage.
  • Food shops line the outer edges (selling, for a Brit, remarkably reassuring grub like sausage rolls, meat pies and fish and chips).
  • The most curious usage, because it seems to have spread furthest from its origins, whatever they are, is snail.
  • The Méditerranéen couscous plate was equivalent to its vegetarian cousin, with the addition of a chicken brochette, lamb brochette and a merguez sausage.
  • Lengeling provides tables of the frequency of readings from both Testaments in fourteen Western liturgical books but without indicating where there might be only one such usage on the vigil of a feast not celebrated widely.
  • There we all were, craning our white-hatted heads in close to watch while our teacher explained the mysteries of making sausages.
  • Another example of a disputed usage is whether it's permissible to use they as a singular pronoun. Times, Sunday Times
  • You can experiment with all kinds of sausage, vegetables, cheese dishes, fish and meat.
  • The term rapidly acquired a more general usage and is sometimes used to describe any non-specific unrealistic genre scene by English 18th-century artists.
  • Had a huge brunch (kumara latkes, venison and whiskey sausages, liver and onions, poached egg and apple juice) and now I'm digesting in the sunshine.
  • None of the unruly activities in themselves would be regarded as seriously criminal, but their accumulative effect is having a real impact on the usage of the community building, and may even threaten its future survival.
  • While the sausages are simmering, remove the grapes from their stems, wash, and place in a bowl.
  • It is less a history than a survey of the usage of photojournalism as practiced by the famous and the obscure.
  • Correct usage is like driving on the left or the right. Times, Sunday Times
  • Part of the German family of smooth, mild pork or pork-and-beef sausages, frankfurters have always been the food of the people, served with grated horseradish or mustard and eaten at street stalls throughout Germany and Austria.
  • Baskerville gave his name to the roman typefaces based on his designs in current usage.
  • Do you know the usage of a diamond milled microprism?
  • The knife for cutting sausage was sitting in the sink.
  • They'd organised some skody sausage sizzle.
  • Smoke was rising from the barbecue and the special mustard for the frying sausage was really hot and spicy.
  • With all their profundity and gravitas, they have striven hard to sanitize all abusage in application yet, pitiably, they seemed to have been overwhelmed by the brutality of the crisis Undefined
  • She looked with approval into her lunch sack: a large baked-brie-and-roasted-garlic sandwich on pumpernickel, two of her appetizer-sized pork & plum sausage rolls, and an apple tart.
  • My portion of braised veal trotters seemed to have been overbraised by a week or two, and the lamb sausages tasted faintly of gas, as if they'd been blasted with a blowtorch.
  • Remember your international visitors by avoiding regional word usage or technical jargon that could alienate.
  • Who dictates that rashers, eggs, sausages, milk and cornflakes are what we should eat for breakfast?
  • A chef was stationed at one end to cook omelettes and serve bacon, sausages and black pudding.
  • If all of us punish the new usage with ridicule and opprobrium, maybe we can reverse this loss to language.
  • The last one is the judicial practice of trade usage. It can affect to distribute the right and duty between the parties of the contract and to administer the adjudication of the court.
  • If you are the faster key-code pusher, you will eject the Mech pilot and be able to claim the Mech for your own usage.
  • He returned a few minutes later with my sausage patties on another plate.
  • The Second Testament Judean writers used the Greek term eirene for shalom, possessing much the same meaning and usage to apply to the gospel.
  • Blog optimization is both a one time event with the templates but is also an ongoing process involving keyword glossaries that help determine post level keyword usage, internal anchor text and off site anchor text. WebProNews Feed
  • A cassoulet Toulousain is a stew of white beans, sausage, smoked ham, white wine, duck-leg confit and vegetables.
  • I could imagine the garlicked sausages to have been a remnant left in a mouldy cupboard by some impoverished hidalgo of a hundred years back. The Romance of Isabel Lady Burton
  • The recent tourism season aggravated the problem because of the huge influx of people and increased water usage.
  • Full appreciation of its many other medical uses requires understanding of both historical usage as well as modern scientific studies.
  • Firstly, we analyse the relationship of the usage of Chenwei with opinions on legitimism, the mandate of heaven and the predestination.
  • You can select battered sausages, battered onion rings, battered mushroom and more.
  • An increasing amount of telephone numbers are unlisted, and television viewership and Internet usage are at all-time highs.
  • But honestly, I think a higher emphasis should be placed on the instituting of green practices energy usage reduction, etc rather than the development of green technologies and the necessitation of a stronger regulatory environment for the green movement to succeed. Both candidates tout "Clean Coal" -- but it doesn't exist! | The Greenwash Brigade | Marketplace from American Public Media
  • Then you literally cut the sausage down the middle.
  • Make one a free-range chicken, another a good piece of ham or pancetta and the third some kind of garlicky sausage, then everyone will have something they like. Travel news, travel guides and reviews |
  • You can add additional carrot cubes and chorizo sausage cubes into the chicken for more flavor.
  • A keen cook, she was happy to allow Joe to pile his dinner plate with extra Yorkshire puddings or the scones and sausage rolls she enjoyed making.
  • Whatever the historical provenance of the Cumberland sausage, it soon became a well established feature on the household menu in Cumbria.
  • Finally Parker raises, but unfortunately has not space to pursue, the important issue of the light changes in patterns of theophoric name usage may shed on changes in religious attitudes.
  • The sausage had a taste that was very ‘central European,’ resembling a knackwurst, though there were some elements of chorizo flavour in there as well.
  • We must change, on a societal level, our dependence and usage of fossil fuels.
  • They've lit a braai, or barbecue, and they're brewing tea and frying boerewors, spicy Afrikaner sausage.
  • We turn to hamburgers, sausage pizza, french fries, candy bars and other foods high in fat, sugar and calories.
  • Lunch from the on-board snack bar (I'm not sure it's quite worthy of the term buffet) was quite a decent ham, cheese and salad sandwich for me, and sausage rolls for the kids, as we watched the countryside pass by. Diary of an Average Australian
  • You might remember me from such televisual classics as Funny-Shaped Vegetables, The Dog That Said Sausages and, of course, Get Britain Singing, with the late but not overly lamented Doc Cox.
  • The only drawback is the lack of sausage and pepperoni, but pork isn't very healthy anyway.
  • And when I say breakfast, I don't mean just cereal and a bagel; I mean pancakes, omelets, sausage, bacon, the works.
  • Thus in articulating an interpretation, or set of interpretations of the term adequate to frame theoretical issues, we cannot simply describe how it is currently employed ” we must assign it a more definite and coherent meaning than extant in common usage (Block 1995, 2002). Consciousness and Intentionality
  • The term rapidly acquired a more general usage and is sometimes used to describe any non-specific unrealistic genre scene by English 18th-century artists.
  • The prime mover behind Tawa's auction is a village party secretary, Zhang Yuwang, who happens to own, he claims, the usage rights to most of the land in question.
  • But then it's a word unlike any other in current usage. Vajazzled! Carole Cadwalladr examines how chavs have replaced working class people on Britain's TV
  • But others "amplidyne," for example seem to get added to dictionaries even as their usage is plummeting. Ars Technica
  • So my veggie stovies in the pressure cooker is a process of frying the sausages and burgers then cutting into pieces, chopping potatoes into cubes and chopping some onion. Archive 2008-10-01
  • If you see sausages in the meat counter that are bright red they have been treated with a preservative known as saltpeter, Westphalia, or nitrates. THE TANTE MARIE’S COOKING SCHOOL COOKBOOK
  • In the bungalow next to ours was a farm family from the KwaZulu-Natal region near Swaziland, who invited us over one night for a braai, a barbecue of steak and sausages.
  • Sausages often have bread in them to bulk them out.
  • Improvements over existing methods include cell migration in a defined, stable gradient of chemoattractant, a completely automated assay format, and a 10-fold reduction in cell usage. All - WTN News
  • The orzo pasta it rested on was dressed in a simple, clinging sauce of spicy andouille sausage and bits of green and red bell peppers, the heartiness of which only served to emphasize the lightness of the fish - truly amazing.
  • English usage, especially when he substitutes congregation for church, and insists that the people understand by _church_ what they ought to understand. Early Theories of Translation
  • The quest for usage does not begin in the pub or on the bus, but in libraries.
  • Cut the dough in two and roll it into sausage shapes, tapering at each end.
  • This function of informal language will generate terms and labels that differ from official usage in several ways.
  • Soy foods like hot dogs, soy sausage, tempeh, and even soy pastrami are also great substitutes because they contain no saturated fat.
  • Still, the quantity of the predicate is often an important consideration; and though in ordinary usage the predicate is seldom predesignate, Logicians agree that in every Negative Proposition (see § 2) the predicate is Logic Deductive and Inductive
  • Houses in Ireland are performing very badly in terms of energy usage; wastage is very high, and homes are badly insulated.
  • She defiantly speared the last sausage on her plate and began to cut it up when a black, hairy nose appeared in her lap from under the tablecloth.
  • What originally practical new patent involve is the product of our living medium widespread usage, since electric outlet charger.
  • Was there a custom or usage of the ports in Chile that cargo could be delivered without presentation of a bill of landing?
  • I bought a delicious palmier, brioche, a jam pastry, sausage puffs, an éclair, a dozen cookies, a bag of shortbread for my mom and a bag of pastry cheese twists. Bon Ton Pastry, Sun Sui Wah & Tojo’s « I HEART BACON
  • So he bore with his injurious usage, saying to himself, Verily insolence and evil-speaking are causes of perdition and cast into confusion, and it is said, ‘The insolent is shent and the ignorant doth repent; and whose feareth, to him safety is sent’: moderation marketh the noble and gentle manners are of gains the grandest. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • For professional usage, when time is money, using a dual core CPU for 3D rendering is a must.
  • We are going directly to the source of consciousness from which such usage derives. Music and the Elemental Psyche: A Practical Guide to Music and Changing Consciousness
  • POOLMON and POOLTAG in the DDK tools directory report on memory usage by tag value.
  • She sliced off a piece of sausage.
  • Labneh, hummous and falafel are all popular choices and are usually served alongside olive oil, lamb sausage, jam and butter, turkey or beef mortadella.
  • You've got crusty Italian bread slices topped with pepper jelly and andouille sausage in the middle.
  • Ingredient: fibroin, HA, collagen, vitamin B3, B5, E. Usage: after skin cleaning in the evening, apply proper amount onto palm, then evenly extend onto face, gently massage till absorbed.
  • In those days, mainframe computers were coming into usage and electronic calculators were also just appearing.
  • The good news is that, in the US, usage has stabilized; for instance, argon, which is one percent of the Earth's atmosphere and is equally cheap, has started displacing it in applications like welding. Ars Technica
  • It is a pudding in the old sense of something enclosed in a sausage skin.
  • Do you want sausage ou fucking peperoni?
  • Mineralogy _-alogy_, not _-ology_ nature _nature_, or _choor_ oleomargarine _g_ is hard, as in _get_ orchid _orkid_ oust _owst_, not _oost_ peculiar _peculyar_ pecuniary _pekun'yari_ perspiration not _prespiratian_ prestige _pres'tij_ or _prestezh'_ pronunciation _pronunzeashun_ or _pronunsheashun_ saucy not _sassy_ schedule _skedyul_ semi not _semi_ theater _the'ater_ not _thea'ter_ turgid _turjid_ usage _uzage_ usurp _uzurp_ vermilion _vermilyun_ wife's not _wives_ Practical Grammar and Composition
  • The food is good and cheap; I usually get a gyro or a slice of sausage pizza with a root beer.
  • In its ancient usage, weaving creates surfaces and volumes by the regular interlacing of pliable strands - the warp and the woof - passing over and under each other at right angles.
  • We're lucky to live next door to a large number of shops, restaurants and cafes, and - after we'd snarfed a triumphant breakfast of World Cup winning sausages, bacon and eggs - we made our way to search through the second-hand bookshops.
  • English usage
  • The customer would need to install a meter capable of recording usage by the hour.
  • A city directory would have been a surplusage, and we flattered the "garcon" by seeming to believe everything he said, exclaiming "Oh my! Shakspere, Personal Recollections
  • Lafferty's red herring usage of her favorite "paraphilia" or sexual deviation instead of sexual orientation or gender identity is a dead giveaway that she is attempting to feed off her readers 'fear and confusion. Bil Browning: TVC's Andrea Lafferty: A zombie queen in pastel
  • You will also have to adhere to your fair usage policy and download limits. Times, Sunday Times
  • The only way it at all bothers me in usage is when it is overused or redundant, as in, “These ONES are the shoes I want.” Singular “they” and the many reasons why it’s correct « Motivated Grammar
  • This sausage-like concoction is sliced into dainty rounds and served with sweet dipping sauce.
  • We should actually think of eating pig products as an honour - we should worship our porcine buddies for providing us with sausages and bacon.
  • One of the big differences is that in Colombian usage most swearing uses contractions, or slurred pronunciation. Humani nihil a me alienum puto « Unknowing
  • Having rushed around all day, we nipped out for a takeaway, mixed kebab meat, sausage and chips with garlic mayo and it was delicious.
  • It could also separate its heavily regulated wholesale networking business from its retail fixed line business, which is performing well thanks to rising Internet usage.
  • His sausages and rindless, unsmoked back bacon have proved a sizzling success in Cuba, where British meat products are banned.
  • Contrast-enhanced MRI revealed a hyperintense, sausage-shaped mass extending from C7 to T2. The lesion located anterolaterally on the left side, pushing the spinal cord to the right and posterior.
  • (no absolute rule about it, however,) sometimes suddenly bursting forth, or stealthily opening to me, perhaps after years of unwitting familiarity, unappreciation, usage. Complete Prose Works Specimen Days and Collect, November Boughs and Goodbye My Fancy
  • These complaints about usage are very common. Times, Sunday Times
  • The dog was groaking his master who was eating a sausage
  • And the sausage and mash was actually very good: a nice local venison banger and tweedy potato.
  • Unless it is desired to make the phrase emphatic, or to break the continuity of the thought, the growing usage among writers is not to set it off. Higher Lessons in English A work on english grammar and composition
  • This year they installed a wood burning stove to reduce their fossil fuel usage. Times, Sunday Times
  • Still, he has had to work hard to stave off competition from big retailers, and specialist sausages and oven-ready dishes like Irish stew and chicken with lemon and coriander sauce are a big part of the business.
  • And from the start of the next academic year new, although as yet unspecified, standards on the content of processed foods like beefburgers, sausages and cakes will be introduced with a view to reducing fat, salt and sugar consumption.
  • The initial usage of the term capitalism in its modern sense has been attributed to Louis Blanc in 1850 and Pierre-Joseph Proudhon in 1861. The Volokh Conspiracy » The Non-Contradiction of Rand’s Capitalism
  • She was willing to go into the black grave and remain in its blackness forever, to go into the salt vats and let the young men cut her dead flesh to sausage-meat, if -- if only she could get her small meed of happiness first. CHAPTER XV
  • First came the appetizers in form of thin slices of salami and of a peculiar Mexican sausage, so extremely hot with chili pepino as to immediately call for a drink of claret to assuage the burning. Bohemian San Francisco Its restaurants and their most famous recipes—The elegant art of dining.
  • (Potteries usage)Incidentally, in the lead-in to the Elmes quote, the word minging is used; for those who, like myself, were wondering how it's pronounced, it rhymes with singing and is Scots in origin, meaning (according to the OED) That smells bad, stinking; (more generally) unpleasant, foul. WORD 4 WORD.
  • The word "undertaker" had long been in common usage.
  • Apparently the "napa" (also "nappa") is a borrowed usage from Japanese, but I found no etymological data to support this. Report: "McCain Family Recipes" Cribbed From The Food Network
  • The store in the larger camps sold groceries, the baker brought bread twice a week, a truck called with fruit and vegetables for sale, and the butcher called bringing sausages galore and in one camp giving each child a saveloy.
  • For an informal barbie with the children, stick to simple food like burgers or sausages.
  • They are the size and shape of chipolata sausages but the most extraordinary colour, slaty metallic blue.
  • But such was not the usage of Budaeus; he employed the obelus merely to call attention to something that interested him. A Sixth-Century Fragment of the Letters of Pliny the Younger A Study of Six Leaves of an Uncial Manuscript Preserved in the Pierpont Morgan Library New York
  • The seafood is fresh, with that oceany salty-sweet flavor; the sausage is good (though underseasoned compared to what the rest of the world calls linguica); and the grilled potatoes, with their creamy insides and smoky finish, are a real treat. Operation Clambake « PubliCola
  • Ingredients 3 pounds small boiling potatoes or medium sweet potatoes, cut in half 8 quarts littleneck or cherrystone clams 12 ears corn, husks on 2 pounds red or yellow onions, peeled and cut in half 8 quarts mussels, well-rinsed and debearded 12 chicken thighs optional 3 pounds spicy sausage such as chorizo, linguica Happy as a Clambake
  • One occurrence each of "bazar" and "twelve-month" have been corrected to read "bazaar" and "twelvemonth", to be consistent both with other mentions in the text, and with the most common usage. Poems
  • Although the number of optimisations that the mapper carries out are limited, it can cluster logic in cells to improve overall usage and perform some power minimisation.
  • Definitions of addiction, on the other hand, dominated by all-or-none categories of the effects of drug usage, often ignore highly differential typologies and reasons for a problem with a specific drug.
  • On that front, molecular evolutionary biologist Aaron Avivi of the University of Haifa in Israel and his colleagues have focused on the Spalax genus of mole rat, which he describes as a "hairy sausage whose ends are hard to tell apart. Researchers try to understand naked mole rats' resistance to cancer
  • The tractor had been damaged by rough usage.
  • This is one of my favourite country soups, based on the classic French garbure, a rustic dish of cabbage, bacon and sliced sausage.
  • Mobile phone operators had expected monthly usage of up to 250 minutes. Actuals are very different, at 100 minutes.
  • How can planners guarantee flexibility of usage, determine the technical strategy and select from available systems accordingly?
  • The slices of deep red sausage had the pungent flavour of barbecued pork, quite similar to a sweet beef jerky.
  • While the combined use of Hypericum with orthodox medications has even shown an increased favorable response, it is advisable to exert some cautious watchfulness with the prolonged usage of St. Johnswort with serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRI) and monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOI). THE NATURAL REMEDY BIBLE
  • Among the hot dishes on their menu were seared loin of pork in honey and thyme, with Stilton and pistachio sausage.
  • Usually the term flat tax refers to household income (and sometimes corporate profits) being taxed at one marginal rate, in contrast with progressive taxes that vary according to parameters such as income or usage levels. Propeller Most Popular Stories
  • Perhaps this is strictly my own usage, but I think of careering as “moving swiftly and effectively”, and careening as “moving fast and uncontrolledly”. The meaning of “careening” « Motivated Grammar
  • This policy must encompass all aspects of waste management, including waste minimisation, recycling, re-usage and waste disposal.
  • She's complaining because I ordered pepperoni on one and sausage on the other.
  • Practice varies with regard to periods, with current usage increasingly in favor of omitting them, especially when the initialism consists entirely of capital letters.
  • On a whim, she would make pizza with Cantonese sausage, steak with hoisin sauce, and sushi with roast pork.
  • A second objection to levies is the lack of a means to fairly track usage and funnel funds to the artist in proportion to the use of their work. Copyright in a digital world
  • The best thinking in climatology tells us that the Earth is getting warmer, that warming results from the increased release of carbon into the atmosphere, and that we can, through drastic reductions in the usage of oil and coal, slow that increase. Natural Disasters
  • Pedants can decide whether that counts as usage or misusage. Times, Sunday Times
  • Common names for an octothorpe include number sign, hash (most common in the UK), or pound (US standard usage).
  • This kind of usage, common in journalism, is perfectly acceptable, despite the fact that inter-sentential cataphora is often ignored by grammarians.
  • The lengthy chrestomathy [5] (more than 40 pages in the recently released trade paper edition) is based on at least two actual reference works and provides not only an understanding of the words, but often their etymology and usages. A Progressive on the Prairie » Book Review: Sea of Poppies by Amitav Ghosh » Print
  • Some charcuteries also sell veal sausages and terrines of game.
  • With the growing popularity of Twitter, Facebook, iPhone, iGoogle, AIR and their distant cousins from the social media/Web 2.0 world, companies are embracing some of these tools and associated culture, driven by employees (for internal usage) and changing consumer behavior. How Internet Content Distribution & Discovery Are Changing
  • That phrase has come into usage.
  • The word has a slightly different meaning in popular usage.
  • Add the hot, drained pasta to the sausage and pancetta over medium heat, tossing until well-coated.
  • grill the sausages
  • Finally usage method of ESDSPLM is introduced, and a lot of examples are given to illustrate the efficiency and advantage of ESDSPLM.
  • Machines soon wear out under rough usage.
  • The lasagne came with chips and salad while the sausages were accompanied by roast spuds and mixed vegetables.
  • With an abstract data type we cleanly separate the programming tasks of implementation and usage: we are well on our way to decompose a large system into smaller modules.
  • I found gravy on my t-shirt next morning so I'm guessing chips, and possibly a battered sausage, were involved in the walk home.
  • To turn a compass bezel with fingers resembling a pound of pork sausages is not easy.
  • The dauntingly solid volumes also offer the reader an anthology of short extracts, specific illustrations of usage and enough etymological information to satisfy the more academic reader.
  • There's plenty of good stodge on the menu, including favourites such as scampi, macaroni cheese, sausages, lasagne, steak and hand-cut chips.
  • As a fashion historian and professor, usage of "duro" is still very new/unfamiliar to my peeps. Quick Fabric Update - A Dress A Day
  • USAGE: the bath milk to palm and foams up, massage the whole body, then rinse off.
  • On the Asbury Park boardwalk, dozens of people packed into a music-filled Langosta Lounge for a meal that featured traditional Thanksgiving offerings along with dishes such as codfish with provencal tomatoes and Italian sausage soup. Undefined
  • In the winter, the owners set up a German Christmas market, drawing people for mulled wine and sausage. German Breweries Have a Second Round
  • I can only think that, trapped between his automatic deference to prescriptive ukases and a cloudy realization that if everybody is using words in an illogical way usage must trump logic, he squares the circle by means of this oxymoron.
  • I mean, so what if I use stative verbs in the progressive form, or use Chinese language structure for my English in daily usage?

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