
US Congress

  1. the legislature of the United States government

How To Use US Congress In A Sentence

  • The upper house of the US Congress is the Senate.
  • The Canadian dollar, commonly known as the "looney" has fallen to 71¢ US from parity last September, and the nation has lost 71 thousand jobs in November, rising the unemployment rate to 6.8%, and if there isn't an auto industry bailout by the US Congress, or so the US auto industry says, GM could collapse by the end of the month. Eric Lurio: Harper's "Time Out"
  • Vietnamese American member of the US Congress deplored Tuesday what he called worsening repression in his native country and appealed for pressure on - Business News
  • What questions does the US Congress want the Chinese Government to negotiate with the Dalai Lama?
  • The Susan B. Anthony Amendment, to grant women the vote, is first introduced in the US Congress.
  • Yet today, the same set of leaders in Israel, Palestine, Egypt, Jordan, the US Congress, State Department, Arab League and European Union are still trying to resuscitate these dead talks by suggesting itty-bitty, incremental steps that they hope will breathe some life into this cadaver. Sharmine Narwani: Kill the "Peace Game"
  • Warren Adelman, chief executive of Go Daddy, which sells website names, said he had supported the go-slow approach urged by law enforcement on new top-level domains and some members of the US congress. Generic top-level domain sale begins on web
  • After the Civil War, small-arms technology evolved rapidly, but a penurious Congress and an intractable ordnance board balked at rearming an entire army.
  • In my opinion, the US Congress has now revealed itself to be the most dangerous, ignorant and uneducated bunch of morons in the world.
  • Just ask the Republican members of the US Congress how they feel about foreign manufacture of US developed high technology.
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