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How To Use Urdu In A Sentence

  • To overcome this problem, the Purdue researchers developed a means to create LEDs on low-cost, metal-coated silicon wafers, whereby the the silicon substrate is metalized with a built-in reflective layer of zirconium nitride. Sustainable Design Update » Blog Archive » New Low Cost LED Technology
  • I was told Rajni is also fluent in Bengali and Urdu. Why are South Indians so smart?
  • They cheerfully hailed us in Dari, then Urdu, then broken English.
  • Researchers at Purdue University recently discovered that an antioxidant in green tea called epigallocatechin gallate can shut down an enzyme that cancer cells need to grow and divide. Earl Mindell’s New Herb Bible
  • It was not exactly a cakewalk for the actresses either: ‘There is a lot of Urdu used in the film and we had to work on our diction as well as dance for the songs.’
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  • WEST LAFAYETTE, Ind. - Purdue University researchers, working with high-performance computing experts at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, have created an automated program to "debug" simulations used to more efficiently certify the nation's nuclear weapons. Science Blog
  • The elite wanted to fraternize with the Pakistanis who had accepted Urdu as the national language.
  • As the name implies, to make a turducken, you will need a turkey, duck and chicken.
  • The reductio ad absurdum is related to a familiar form of proof in logic: You make an assumption and then derive from it a contradiction or a known falsehood by a series of valid inferences. Fun with Hair Splitting
  • Linguistically most of Pakistan's languages are spoken in other parts of the South Asian subcontinent -- Punjabi, Sindhi and Urdu and before the separation of Bangladesh, Bengali. Aparna Pande: Is Pakistan Part of South Asia? Yes!
  • He informed people of the importance of Urdu stenography and Urdu computer software.
  • Urdu uses an Arabic script, but Persian vocabulary and Hindi grammatical structure.
  • Ali is a good man, called by Ruddock a Pakistani from Quetta though he, his wife and his children speak unaccented Farsi like other Afghan Hazaras and neither Urdu nor Pashtu, the languages of Quetta.
  • 'marg' as 'mrg' (Persian for 'death') by omitting the necessary vowel, alif, between the consonants 'meem' and 'ray' in its list of Mumbai streets, a common mistake made by Urdu speakers unfamiliar with Hindi pronunciation. The Hindu - Front Page
  • Notable mountain forest birds are the Rwenzori turaco, Musophaga johnstoni and the handsome francolin, Francolinus nobilis; also the forest ground thrush Turdus oberlaenderi and the shoebill Balaeniceps rex. Virunga National Park, Democratic Republic of Congo
  • _ A bird which builds chiefly in apple - trees; I believe it is the _Turdus viscivorus, _ or missel. The Dialect of the West of England; Particularly Somersetshire
  • I know Urdu... aleph, be, pe, the, zaal, zin and everything. COME TO MECCA
  • WEST LAFAYETTE, Ind. -- Purdue University's effort to limit where people can smoke has sparked dozens of complaints and even a few fires in an overfilled receptacle, but university officials say they are still working out kinks in the system. Smoking Rules Irk Purdue Students
  • A well-prepared turducken is a marvelous treat, a free-form poultry terrine layered with flavorful stuffing and moistened with duck fat.
  • Paintings of fruits, flowers, animals, and national anthem written in ornate Urdu calligraphy embellish its forehead.
  • Euclid and Archimedes utilized two important techniques to prove theorems from their axioms: reductio ad absurdum arguments, and a method of exhaustion.
  • Dr. Smith, worked as a licensed psychologist for 20 years, headed Purdue University's counseling center and was a committed churchwoman too.
  • Most students take one class per semester; Purdue offers three semesters per year.
  • December 14th, 2008 at 6: 23 pm yes zakaria is what i would call in urdu a chudoo, politely translated to 'subservient' - just towing the official line. have you ever heard of someone saying at the introduction Alex Jones' Prison
  • It also sought abolition of the roster system for the appointment of Urdu teachers.
  • I do hope you won't mind me butting in here: I think the fenestration is of less importance than the existence of the Turdus Merula just visible under the fourth fence rail on the right. The Langton Messiah
  • Small Luxury Hotels hi by köpekler on May 7, 2009 - 8: 33am was very successful and all I have read a good article, thank you köpekler k9 köpek alman kurdu köpek resimleri thank you by kevin1 on May 10, 2009 - 9: 01am How the Internet Put Barack Obama in the White House
  • There the women are free to work and hold positions of power, while the men are kept sequestered in prisons called mardanas this is a play on words: in Hossain's time, women were relinquished to a part of the house called zenana, and mard is the Urdu word for man. NPR Topics: News
  • Mumbai-based phonologist Ibrahim Darvesh, who has evolved an easy method of teaching Urdu, counts a host of celebrities among his students, including actor Aamir Khan. The Times of India
  • My friend told the gentleman by the side of the road, whom he considered a sufi saint [usually called vali in Urdu] our difficulty. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • Acceptance of originalism, it is charged, would necessitate the reversal of crucially important landmark decisions and thereby provides a reduction ad absurdum of originalism.
  • Varro Tyler, dean and professor emeritus of pharmacognosy (natural product pharmacy) at Purdue University, notes that most of the carminative oils in peppermint and other mints are relatively insoluble in water.
  • Urdu dailies and monthlies are published in America especially in California.
  • UPDATE: Oscar Penaranda also notes that "prau" a prau can be a womb as how his mother carried him during WWII as they fled Manila to return to their home in the Island of Leyte, as well as that "prau" is the provenance, according to folktale, of Princess Urduha's historical and original name. Archive 2007-02-01
  • He owns a personal library which receives several Urdu dailies, weeklies and monthlies published in different parts of the country.
  • We proceed from A to B via a rather startling reductio ad absurdum.
  • She has command over many languages but her prime work is to translate English poetry into Urdu and vice versa.
  • An entire manuscript of Urdu written in Roman is a precious treasure of the Lahore Museum.
  • The next option is rookie Nick Hardwick, a former walk-on at Purdue who has played center one year.
  • Hello, good post by kpss on May 4, 2009 - 4: 23pm thank you, kpss kpss ders notları kpss soruları hi by köpekler on May 7, 2009 - 8: 34am was very successful and all I have read a good article, thank you köpekler k9 köpek alman kurdu köpek resimleri Pride and Participation: Election Day Exhibitionism Thrives
  • [72] Another _reductio ad absurdum_ or _ad impietatem_, cf. _supra_, p. 98, note b. The Theological Tractates and The Consolation of Philosophy
  • Arabic, Yoruba, Bhojpuri, Urdu and other languages are used in religious contexts, and the traditional Christmas music called parang is sung in Spanish.
  • Siddiqui said Urdu which is spoken not only in India and Pakistan but in the entire world can be utilised for promoting composite culture and communal harmony.
  • Several of the areas endemic birds have very limited ranges; for example, the Taita thrush (Turdus helleri, CR) and Usambara akalat (Sheppardia montana, EN), occur only in a few square kilometers of forest in the Taita Hills and West Usambaras, respectively, while the Uluguru bush-shrike (Malaconotus alius, EN) lives only in a single forest reserve in the Uluguru Mountains. Biological diversity in the Eastern Afromontane
  • The name means ‘style’ in Urdu, and the restaurant occupies the same duplex that used to house Girafe.
  • When you write an English word in Urdu, all the t's and d's are retroflex - indicated by a little sign over the top called ‘toy’ - it looks like the flat sign in western musical notation.
  • Purdue's football team has been to four straight bowl games, including the 2001 Rose Bowl.
  • He owns a personal library which receives several Urdu dailies, weeklies and monthlies published in different parts of the country.
  • It was Mr Mahmood Farooqui who made suggestive (I would hold back the word 'insinuative' for now) comments about the enormous richness of Urdu belittling (read his texts carefully and you would realize what he is trying to do) Punjabi. Kafila
  • The research team found that forests with greater numbers of invasive earthworms tend to have litter and soil organic matter enriched in the plant material lignin, which is typically harder for bacteria to decompose, said Purdue biogeochemist Timothy Filley. Earth News, Earth Science, Energy Technology, Environment News
  • He was a 1949 astronautics and aeronautics graduate of Purdue University in West Lafayette, Ind. His first marriage, to Patricia Sweet, ended in divorce. Walker M. "Bud" Mahurin, a top flying ace, dies at 91
  • From the shadows came a disembodied voice in Urdu.
  • Purdue, which led the Big Ten in fewest points allowed with an average of 53.5 per game, held Oral Roberts to 6-for-17 shooting in the first half and sailed to a 21-4 lead with 9: 05 left before halftime when Erin Lawless put a jumper through the net. - Women's Basketball - Oral Roberts vs. Purdue
  • The man next to him in the back put the handheld radio to his mouth and quickly transmitted in Urdu. FALLOUT
  • I can speak passable Urdu, but my Anglo-Indian is certainly sufficient to confuse an American commander. NIMITZ CLASS
  • But now, turducken is a holiday tour-de-force, the third most-searched-for holiday item in 2003, trailing only "turkey" and "fried turkey" in the Thanksgiving holiday category.
  • The weather-beaten signboard contains the same information in Urdu and Gujrathi also.
  • In Urdu, words have suffixes for future tense but none for the past.
  • With fork and knife in hand, slowly approach the brown, crisp turducken and marvel at what you have brought into the world.
  • is the home of Cajun Stuff, the world's foremost provider of turducken.
  • I doubt that even the most gender fluid person changes hir identification “hour-by-hour, minute-by-minute”, and the writer’s use of such reductio ab absurdum is frankly offensive. Cis centrism and the Equality Bill
  • Teaching of Urdu at the college/university level may be related to meet demand for Urdu school teachers and government translators, but not to the supply of unemployable graduates.
  • There is also a paucity of texts and supporting popular science literature available in Urdu.
  • Supervaluationism requires rejection of inference rules such as contraposition, conditional proof and reductio ad absurdum (Williamson Vagueness
  • There are so few reporters left in town that sniping is reducto ad absurdum. Chasse was kicked or stomped in the back (Jack Bog's Blog)
  • Have you heard about the research coming out of Purdue, on desorption electrospray ionization? HOUSE RULES
  • Species with limited distributions include the Taita thrush (Turdus helleri, CR) and Taita apalis (Apalis fuscigularis, CR) which only occur in a few square kilometers of forest in the Taita hills. Eastern Arc forests
  • Dr. Talbot spoke Urdu and Hindustani and became intimately familiar with Indian culture by studying at what is now Aligarh Muslim University in India and also at a Vedic ashram. Phillips Talbot, witness to history in India and Pakistan, dies at 95
  • The word hijra is an Urdu word meaning eunuch or hermaphrodite. The Hijra Subculture: India's Transvestites
  • In the light of reductio ad absurdum on mathematics this paper tries to testify that the systematic fluctuation in magnitude-frequency curve is possible for specific seismic zones.
  • Gary Godsey, a redshirt freshman better suited to play tight end, stepped in and delivered a win over Purdue.
  • Most of these men were semi-literate, speaking only Malayalam and ignorant of the territory and hence strangers to the Urdu speaking Pakistanis.
  • At Purdue, the school was beseiged with calls after the football team's offensive linemen decided to let a local newspaper to shoot them dressed in Speedos and shoulder pads as a way of illustrating their role as "lifeguards" for then-quarterback Drew Brees. I'm Ready for My Beefcake Photo, Coach
  • By this point, everything you need to make a turducken is at hand.
  • A well-prepared turducken is a marvelous treat, a free-form poultry terrine layered with flavorful stuffing and moistened with duck fat.
  • Next, an unexpected visit from W. He wants to see the turducken, so I open the range, and we are blinded by smoke!
  • Some century-old chemistry could have a strong impact on important issues in biosensors and other nanotech devices, according to a Purdue University research group.
  • I have only attended one nikah, in Lahore, Pakistan, when an American Urdu student married a young Pakistani man.
  • Always looking for new ways to reduce the use of light bulbs with something other than the mercury-laden fluorescent ones, the Purdue team has used the common techniques of reactive sputter deposition and organometallic vapor phase epitaxy to come up with viable LED technology that will finally make our incandescent technology obsolete. Vacation, the environment, and high-tech
  • And the 'bhai' would either be speaking Urdu or wearing ankle-high lungi and skull cap and speaking chaste Ramnad Tamil. The Hindu - Front Page
  • In order to complement the three meats in turducken, the traditionalists maintain you need three stuffings.
  • When you say it like that, the fallacy is almost self-evident; we hardly need spell out the reductio ad absurdum. Dawkins the Meme-Daddy
  • Islam and the Arabic language have bequeathed the Arabic alphabet for languages like Farsi, Urdu, Old Hausa and others.
  • Purdue swooped in and got it instead, and will sit atop the West bracket.
  • With fork in hand you are ready to face the turducken's six layers of intimidation.
  • Orders have also been issued to fill the vacant posts of assistant Urdu teachers for higher education.
  • With Sen. John McCain securely closing the door on his presidential ambitions, Todd Purdum of Vanity Fair is out with a profile of the man whose 2008 presidential loss has come to define him as bitter and obstinate. The Real McCain, A Shape-Shifter And Self-Preservationist: Vanity Fair
  • Vests under the dinner jackets must have been uncomfortable to wear in the Indian heat, so the sahibs tied a bandana around their waists (kamar in Urdu) and began calling it a cummerbund.
  • Urdu, Persian, Hindi, Bengali, Tamil, Tagalog, Chinese, Malayalam, and other languages are spoken in Dubai by its many foreign residents.
  • On the first day of turducken, you created sausage and oyster stuffing, cornbread stuffing and good ' ol Stove Top stuffing.
  • I asked him, How?! and he's like, "Aap English mein urdu bolti hain!!! Bloggers.Pakistan
  • … Are you also aware that 100s of thousands of hours of tapes of intercepted telephone calls, etc. remain untranslated because the various American intelligence agencies do not have enough translators competent in Arabic, Farsi, Urdu and other languages of the Middle East, Pakistan and Afghanistan? Think Progress » Kristol: 9/11 Happened Because Clinton Didn’t Authorize A Warrantless Domestic Spying Program
  • Cooks, a co-founder of Purdue's Center for Analytical Instrumentation Development, and his research team created the analysis tool using technology Cooks developed called desorption electrospray ionization, or DESI. Media Newswire
  • Several times he had told the story in Clive's presence, sometimes in Bengali, sometimes in Urdu, sometimes in English. COME TO MECCA
  • The Ghadar Party established its own press and published small pamphlets in Urdu, Punjabi and Hindi which were distributed among students and the soldiers stationed in all cantonments in the NWFP, Punjab and the United Provinces.
  • Sure, this excessiveness is probably the result of one-upmanship between rival Cajun cooks, but to truly understand why turducken inspires madness, you need to harness this gluttony and aim it square at the kitchen.
  • An important point that can be made about Shahid's poetry is that it drew as much upon English poetic traditions as it did on Urdu literary forms.
  • It noted there was only limited promotional material in Urdu or any other Asian language.
  • The origin of the term purdah is: "Purdah or Pardaa Persian: پرده, Urdu: پردہ, Hindi: पर्दा, literally meaning "curtain" is the practice of preventing men from seeing women. Fascinating purdah hits the headlines
  • A sword glinted close to Richard -- 'Death to the Angevin devil!' he heard, and turning received in mid shield De Gurdun's sword. The Life and Death of Richard Yea-and-Nay
  • Later, Brouwer pointed out the following consequence of the validity of ¬¬¬A ‡” ¬A: the proof method of reductio ad absurdum, which is not generally correct (not The Development of Intuitionistic Logic
  • •Amanda Sheffield, Purdue University; home: Elyria, Ohio; major: synoptic meteorology; researched the microphysics of clouds. All-USA 2nd, 3rd and honorable mention teams excel
  • She said orders have been issued for Urdu nameplates and route plates which will be seen very soon.
  • Reductio ad absurdum is straightforwardly translatable to уменьшение до глупости in Russian, for example. The Volokh Conspiracy » PC
  • He owns a personal library which receives several Urdu dailies, weeklies and monthlies published in different parts of the country.
  • Urdu dailies and monthlies are published in America especially in California.
  • BULDUR, or BURDUR, chief town of a sanjak of the Konia vilayet in Asia Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 4, Part 3 "Brescia" to "Bulgaria"
  • Urdu is a downtrodden language for our nation, surprisingly so because it is the national language of our country.
  • Yahdiler ellerindeki Tevrat'a, ayrca limlerinden ve atalarndan iitip durduklarna gre yaknda bu blgede zuhur edecek bir peygambere iman edeceklerini ve bu peygamberin desteiyle putperestlie son vererek Araplar ortadan kaldracaklarn syleyip duruyorlard. Archive 2009-11-01
  • The research from Purdue, led by analytical chemistry professor Graham Cooks, developed a technique called desorption electrospray ionization, or DESI, that eliminates a part of the mass spectrometry process, and thus speeds up the detection of substances to less than 10 seconds, said Williams. Drug Hunting Just got Easier | Impact Lab
  • For Thanksgiving Day, I was supposed to have turducken with a couple peeps, but the restaurant we went to ran out of it, so we had deep-fried turkey instead.
  • It is a smart green coloured train with Urdu lettering.
  • The Purdue alumnus is the first player in NFL history to make the Pro Bowl as a cornerback, safety and kick returner. - Woodson remains at the top of his game
  • When Urdu was the dominant language there was no feeling of communalism.
  • For sixteen fruitful days in the fall of 1974 he had stayed in Almelo on a special assignment to URENCO, where he had helped with the translation of secret centrifuge plans from German into Dutch, and in his spare time had walked freely through the buildings, taking copious notes — in Urdu. The Wrath of Khan
  • The word "welcome" is sprawled across five panels in 16 languages, from Russian to Urdu, in the Park Ridge school's rotunda. News -
  • On the level of language, Rushdie translates Hindi and Urdu demotic speech patterns freely into English and inflects the language of his characters with dialect patterns particular to the class, region, or community they belong to.
  • For a month, I had heard nothing but Urdu (the local language), Balti music, and eaten Pakistani food.
  • Just next door in Pakistan, the international media is setting up shop, massively augmenting the local journalists, most of whom write and speak in the Urdu language.
  • Then the ad absurdum comparisons, if Stewart is Twain, then Colbert is Zola! -
  • Nine languages are Dogri, Kashmiri, Ladaakhi, Pothwari, Balti, Gojri, Dardi, Punjabi and Urdu.
  • This 24-hour Urdu channel is also telecasting Ramzan-based programmes.
  • He got married to Viji at the Khurdungla Pass, the world's highest motorable road, 18,382 ft above mean sea level in February.
  • A new generation of ultrasmall transistors and more powerful computer chips using tiny structures called semiconducting nanowires are closer to reality after a key discovery by researchers at IBM, Purdue University and the University of California at Los Angeles. Nano Tech Wire
  • Pakistan's Moin Khan sprinkled his boy-soprano encouragement to Mushtaq Ahmed and Saqlain Mushtaq with cries of "Shabash, shabash", Urdu for "Bravo, bravo". My glove affair with keepers of the lost stumpers' art
  • (PhysOrg. com) -- A new generation of ultrasmall transistors and more powerful computer chips using tiny structures called semiconducting nanowires are closer to reality after a key discovery by researchers at IBM, Purdue University and the University of California at Los Angeles. - latest science and technology news stories
  • The real problem with reparations is the reductio ad absurdum. Matthew Yglesias » Who Cares About “Climate Debt”?
  • Gandhi actually wanted "Hindustani" which is actually a mix of Urdu (the language spoken by Pakistanis) and Hindi. Why are South Indians so smart?
  • This is why Purdue won every single lawsuit filed against it for "addicting" particular patients. Maia Szalavitz: The Media's Not Telling the Whole Oxycontin Story
  • The intelligence agencies are woefully short of people fluent in Arabic, Farsi, and Urdu, and this is remediable.
  • A few words of Urdu, after trying out Pushtu on guards who were obviously from the south, not local. THE LAST RAVEN
  • It is, rather than argument, an invitation to see the universal moral impulse beneath the satire, and to demonstrate it by a reductio ad absurdum — an invitation to apperceive the universal value. The Volokh Conspiracy » Defining Snark:
  • Purdue University researchers, working with high-performance computing experts at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, have created an automated program to "debug" simulations used to more efficiently certify the nation's nuclear weapons. - latest science and technology news stories
  • I know Urdu... aleph, be, pe, the, zaal, zin and everything. COME TO MECCA
  • Plant experts at Purdue University have confirmed the presence of a damaging, funguslike tomato disease called late blight in Indiana near the Kentucky line. Top Stories
  • Urdu Academy is almost non-functional due to lack of grants.
  • Yes, I do feel if Urdu has to survive as a literary language it has to increase its vocabulary.
  • A quilt in the guest room of a slightly shabby British B&B is elaborately embroidered with the Latin slogans Argumentum ad crumenam (an appeal based on wealth), Argumentum ad absurdum (an appeal based on absurdity) and Argumentum ad captandum (an appeal based on popular passions). This week's new exhibitions
  • The substantial reason for rejecting a philosophical theory is the 'absurdum' to which it reduces us. The Concept of Nature The Tarner Lectures Delivered in Trinity College, November 1919
  • Are you also aware that 100s of thousands of hours of tapes of intercepted telephone calls, etc. remain untranslated because the various American intelligence agencies do not have enough translators competent in Arabic, Farsi, Urdu and other languages of the Middle East, Pakistan and Afghanistan? Think Progress » Kristol: 9/11 Happened Because Clinton Didn’t Authorize A Warrantless Domestic Spying Program
  • In his paper on the evolution of the Urdu novel, he made an important connection of story telling with the age old tradition of dadi ammas - the elderly women in the family who used to tell little children stories.
  • Turducken can be long and rather tricky to make.
  • Dickinson et al. (1991) listed eleven other bird species that typify the pine forests, including one tit (Parus elegans), a nuthatch (Sitta frontalis), and thrush (Turdus poliocephalus). Luzon tropical pine forests
  • Dammit, I speak Pushtu as well as you do, and Urdu even better - wasn't I an agent with Sekundar Sahib? Fiancée
  • After protest and agitation led by UP Urdu Teachers' Association, Urdu teachers started getting full salaries from 1997 onwards.
  • An Urdu speaker, he lived in Turkey from the age of 6 to 13, and he speaks Turkish fluently.
  • Purdue University suspended a fraternity for five years and disciplined two others in April for various infractions during a party and during a fight at the student union.
  • She waxes eloquent in accented English while he speaks chaste Urdu.
  • But then, instead of calling the etymon "Hindi-Urdu cakor" or "Hindustani cakor," they invented a completely spurious distinction between what look to the untutored eye like two different preforms, apparently because their transcription system for Hindi uses c for the unaspirated \ch\ (presumably using ch for the aspirated consonant), whereas the one for Urdu uses ch for the same phoneme (and presumably chh for the aspirated one). CHUKAR.
  • The author is Delhi based Research Scholar in International Studies and can be reached at December 14th, 2008 at 6: 23 pm yes zakaria is what i would call in urdu a chudoo, politely translated to 'subservient' - just towing the official line. have you ever heard of someone saying at the introduction Alex Jones' Prison
  • Her mother was brought up by ayahs, Indian nurses, and spoke Urdu as her first language.
  • It is early yet. hi by köpekler on May 7, 2009 - 8: 35am was very successful and all I have read a good article, thank you köpekler k9 köpek alman kurdu köpek resimleri Daschle's Health Care Response Video: Interesting, Or Not?
  • He spoke little Urdu and the captain had only a rudimentary grasp of English. Times, Sunday Times
  • Languages: Punjabi 48%, Sindhi 12%, Siraiki (a Punjabi variant) 10%, Pashtu 8%, Urdu (official) 8%, Balochi 3%, Hindko 2%, Brahui 1%, English (official; lingua franca of Pakistani elite and most government ministries), Burushaski and other 8% Pakistan
  • He has collected nearly 30,000 entries and provided exact, equivalent or approximate words in Urdu.
  • It has recently been argued in fact, that the reason Bayle distances himself in this way is that he is offering a reductio ad absurdum of Catholic fideism based on philosophical skepticism.
  • While the tripartite meeting was on in New Delhi, the ‘Adivasi Vikash Parishad’ of Dooars and ‘Amra Bangali’ - a communal outfit - called a bandh in dooars area which brought life to complete standstill from Siliguri to Alipurduar. No Headway in Tripartite ���Gorkhaland��� Meet but Solace for Gurung
  • While English is the official language, French, Creole, Bhojpuri and Urdu are widely spoken.
  • August 31, 2008 at 11:58 am no problemo senhor! lessee… Rum-ah-dahn Kah-ream , yus datz rite, aifinkso o an Salaam wud be Sah-lahm (itz akshoally Arabic not Urdu) teh formal greetin wud b : Salaam Aleikum (translated more or less as Peace be yours)(or Peace be unto you) reply wud b Aleikum Salaam (and unto you, peace) Iz ready now? Iz ready now? - Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger?
  • The readymade can be seen as a limit case of the aesthetic - its near reductio ad absurdum - which forces us to reflect on the relation of art to the commodity, of the aesthetic to the appetitive.
  • To advertise the hotline number, posters in Urdu and English will be circulated in Warrington.
  • According to the Purdue University Online Writing Lab, there is one case when it's permissable to use an apostrophe to pluralize something. Archive 2009-01-04
  • A few words of Urdu, after trying out Pushtu on guards who were obviously from the south, not local. THE LAST RAVEN
  • The proctor will administer tests and act as liaison with Purdue University.
  • The purity of birdsong is owed in large part to rapid, controlled changes in the shape of the birds 'upper vocal tracts, according to a new study of Northern Cardinals by scientists at Indiana University Bloomington, Purdue University and Australian National University. Metabolism Screwup Day
  • Just three or four years ago, food scientist Agung Tandjung at Purdue University in Indiana finally discovered why these pericarps pop open prematurely. Book Give-Away Contest: Week 3 winner, final week begins!
  • Mix a powerful imagination with a logic in absurdum, and the result will be either a paradox or an Irishman. Nobel Prize in Literature 1969 - Presentation Speech
  • This is not a word-to-word translation, for the Urdu language is such that a literal translation cannot do justice to the original.
  • Notable mountain forest birds are the Rwenzori turaco, Musophaga johnstoni and the handsome francolin, Francolinus nobilis; also the forest ground thrush Turdus oberlaenderi and the shoebill Balaeniceps rex. Virunga National Park, Democratic Republic of Congo
  • Got my leaflet today … I see I can get copies of it in audio, large tye braille english welsh french polish bengali chinese urdu arabic punjabi somli and gujarati but no other euro lanuague or mexian or spanish … .. hell there isnt even an option for chav .. for shame .. on May 6, 2009 at 12: 19 pm SUPD Cheap Trick, Well Done. « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
  • The two-page-long letter, written in Hindi peppered with Urdu, is in the form of a notice to the Indian government and a warning to India's Hindus. Translation of Message From 'Deccan Mujahideen'
  • Assuredly, the absolute reductio ad absurdum of this courtiership, was reached when the Queen was extolled for behaving as any reasonable woman would: -- Mr. Punch`s history of modern England, Volume I -- 1841-1857
  • A single serving of turducken has 1,639 calories, 107.2 grams of total fat, 577 milligrams of cholesterol, 539 milligrams of sodium and 156.9 grams of protein.
  • Purdue University has dropped its bid to build an applied-science campus in New York City, citing what it calls insufficient financial backing from the city. Purdue Scraps Bid Plan
  • Claudia Kramatschek gives a very instructive insight into Pakistani literature - pardon, into Urdu, Sindhi, Pashto, Punjabi and Balochi literature.
  • To such established methods may now be added a range of new possibilities like the Purdue (Tsao) technique to solubilize cellulose, or microbial digestion with microorganisms, such as Aspergillus terreus, described by H.R. Srinivasan. Chapter 29
  • After a couple of days, when I'd got the old Urdu bat rolling familiarly off my palate again, I even browned up and put on a puggaree* (* Turban.) and coat and pyjamys, and loafed about the Bund bazaar, letting on I was a Mekran coast trader, and listening to the clack. Fiancée
  • I think I'll call it electric boogaloo from now on, to remove all doubt that what I'm doing is ultimately absurd, credo te absurdum
  • The entire nation tuned in to watch his presentation of the 1994-1995 budget interspersed with Urdu couplets and sly digs at the opposition.
  • Then I said it for her in Bengali and Shahid said it in Urdu like they say it in the pictures and she tried to learn the Urdu. COME TO MECCA
  • Bank of America still got billions in installment loans from the government, under the stewardship of Ken Lewis. hi by köpekler on May 7, 2009 - 8: 35am was very successful and all I have read a good article, thank you köpekler k9 köpek alman kurdu köpek resimleri exchange rates by dp on May 8, 2009 - 2: 42am Daily Digest: America Has a Few (Thousand) Things to Ask Obama
  • All infused new life and elegance into Urdu prose.
  • The Omani dialect generally is close to modern standard Arabic, although coastal dialects employ a number of loanwords from Baluchi, Persian, Urdu and Gujarati (two Indo-Aryan languages), and even Portuguese.
  • Printing 22,000 copies in Hindi and 15,000 in Urdu, one of the oldest glossies in India might have finally come of age.
  • Mock the gods as you cut into the turducken, 2. defying nature by carving directly across the middle, where that pesky skeletal structure used to be.
  • They have to process every variety of English slanguage, plus Hindi, Urdu, Afrikaans, Tamil and Punjabi, and decide whether it's unnecessary, detrimental, stupid or just plain old banter.
  • The researchers used an instrument called a transmission electron microscope to watch how nanowires made of silicon "nucleate," or begin to form, before growing into wires, said Eric Stach, an assistant professor of materials engineering at Purdue University. Lockergnome
  • Chief proctor and Head of the Department of Urdu of Government Raza PT College, Khan had devoted his life to the service of Urdu.
  • He served in the Intelligence Corps during the War and was married at least twice, firstly to Margaret J. Thorburne in 1947 and then to Joan Purdue formerly Lea in 1953. Paperback Cover Cavalcade 4
  • She wore Indian dresses and spoke Urdu and Persian with fluency and French and English with a poor flow.
  • Urdu is perhaps the politest of written tongues and lends itself most readily to indirectness; but since he did not expect to read a catalogue of exact facts, he was not disappointed. In The Time Of Light
  • PakistanPunjabi 48%, Sindhi 12%, Siraiki (a Punjabi variant) 10%, Pashtu 8%, Urdu (official) 8%, Balochi 3%, Hindko 2%, Brahui 1%, English (official; lingua franca of Pakistani elite and most government ministries), Burushaski and other 8% Languages
  • As a redshirt freshman last season, Stubblefield led Purdue with 64 catches.
  • Hopefully, everything will be back to normal before I sit down to enjoy the traditional Goldstein Thanksgiving turducken.
  • A lot of times, it's evidence that will take you to your next step in the investigative lead, so it will tell us who this person has been in touch with or who they've been emailing or texting," said Richard Mislan, Ph. D., a cyber-forensic researcher at Purdue University in West Lafayette, Ind. To help dig up digital evidence and catch criminals, cyber-forensic researchers use a device called a flasher box. Undefined
  • The Rupee (₨ or Rs.) (Hindi and Urdu: Rupiya, from Sanskrit rupyakam meaning coins of silver) is the common name for the currencies used in India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Mauritius, and Seychelles; in Indonesia the unit of currency is known as the rupiah and in the Maldives the rufiyah, which are cognate words of Hindi Rupiya. - Articles related to Won, rupee fall most among Asian currencies
  • At Purdue, Tiller was always looking for what he described as "dancing bears" up front who could handle the team's complicated blocking schemes. The NFL's Mount Passmore
  • Titled "It Came from Wasilla," by Todd S. Purdum, there's little left out and unexamined, although often with unattributed quotes from people within the remnants of the McCain campaign, the Alaska Republican Party, and insiders in the national GOP and the media who came to know the governor of Alaska as she ran as the vice presidential candidate last year. Palin Comparison
  • Last year James Farlow of Indiana University-Purdue suggested that dinosaurs 'metabolism may have varied by season: warmblooded in winter and coldblooded in summer. New Theories And Old Bones Reveal The Lifestyle Of The Dinosaur
  • She had to sit down to read it, and from her puzzled expression the telegram could easily have been in Sanskrit or Urdu. 52449_CLARA

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