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How To Use Urban In A Sentence

  • This does not exclude the existence of pockets of the urban population with unrealized homosexual desires.
  • Urban guerrillas detonated a car bomb in front of the company's headquarters.
  • Sometimes he goes to watch birds in the suburban marshes, where more rare species can be found.
  • The stores, usually located in suburban shopping centers, target middle-class consumers with brand-name clothing, accessories and furniture.
  • Burbank worked out in his mind and by actual experiments _distinctive methods_ of development -- _development and changes along particular, definite lines. Certain Success
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  • Given the complexities and plural nature of urban development other agencies must be closely involved.
  • He appears, at first sight, to be very like his urbane television character, the radio psychiatrist Dr Frasier Crane.
  • On the basis of the existing study we tries to resurvey and explore the urban inclusion of peasant workers using the perspective of social exclusion.
  • The calced Augustinians also made their elections -- but not so quickly that we could avoid sending to them to remind them not to allow the disturbances of other times to occur in their chapter -- by having made them beforehand through their devotion to the outgoing provincial, who managed the succession for another as worthy as he. The Philippine Islands, 1493-1898 — Volume 24 of 55 1630-34 Explorations by Early Navigators, Descriptions of the Islands and Their Peoples, Their History and Records of the Catholic Missions, As Related in Contemporaneous Books and Manuscripts, Showing t
  • Trichuris was more prevalent in urban children, Ascaris and hookworm were more common in rural children, and hookworm was particularly rare in the urban area.
  • Some may choose to wear things like the hijab, turban or kippa, but that's another story, because somehow headgear bothers a whole lot of people. Ajarat Bada: Fatwa For Tebow
  • Urban Dictionary definition of "frigging" happened to me today, except it was a work colleague and not Mum. GrodsCorp
  • The family moves out of their unnamed city to an unnamed suburban area to start again.
  • In recent years many have forsaken their turbans and beards, claiming it counts against them when trying to find a job. Times, Sunday Times
  • But it is precisely the familiarity of the urban terrain to those who live there that enables them to use it to the advantages of ambushes, surprise attacks and rapid redeployment.
  • The town itself is a wonderful example of a lived-in, somewhat shopworn, urban relic.
  • The immaculately tended gardens are an oasis in the midst of Cairo's urban sprawl.
  • While price pressure is a huge factor in who can and cannot survive on the land, it behoves us to take the longer-term view, if at all possible, to ensure that we maintain a balance between rural and urban living.
  • The expatriate's urban cityscape is assembled from large spools of colored thread, empty liquor bottles, and toy cars.
  • Buying in a smaller city or coastal town gives them a more balanced lifestyle without the cold turkey of going without any urban facilities. Times, Sunday Times
  • Women who have a history of early-onset premenstrual mood disturbances and dysmenorrhea are more likely to experience an improvement in their premenstrual mood.
  • But physical disturbances from outside the embryo can have the same effect.
  • I moved back to the window and stared again at the muddled urban view where the new intermingled with the old. ABSOLUTE TRUTHS
  • Prior to the 1992 initiative, public sculptures were never a striking feature of the urban landscape.
  • The finely detailed, louvred, inclined plane presenting an alternative to the typical suburban facades. NSW Architecture Awards Announced: Gorgeous Oz-chitecture | Inhabitat
  • It was a metaphor that predicted the nature of the many problems that have beset excessively large inner urban secondary schools in the intervening years. Times, Sunday Times
  • You could, for example, take the Urban Birds or Marine Birds tours; familiarise yourself with the amphibians living in the ponds up on Montjuïc, or inspect the biodiversity of the Parc del Castell de l'Oreneta through a magnifying glass. 10 of the best outdoors activities in Barcelona
  • The council is committed to a programme of urban regeneration.
  • The White Shadow – A unique series that took a rather real look at urban life among predominately minority teen-agers. Hulu Awards: Johnny Jay’s Final Wrap Up and Best of Hulu
  • The megastructure continues to fascinate architects and urbanists.
  • Increasingly, Labour and Conservative support has become polarized between North and South and between urban and rural areas.
  • In this light, AKP prominent names are searching for a formula which will open the doors of universities to students wearing headscarf, while preventing robe, turban and black chuddar with the new constitution. Constitutional debate in Turkey
  • They play urban refugees - an unhappily married man and a coffee-shop girl burdened by her ill father - on the threshold of potential love.
  • Police say they have arrested twenty people following the disturbances.
  • Something like one of these multimillion dollar condos would have doomed Edwards, but 28,200 square feet in exurban North Carolina is solid. Matthew Yglesias » Edwards’ Big House
  • Milk churns and dairymaids are making a comeback on a Sheffield housing estate where South Yorkshire's first urban dairy will start producing cheese commercially next month.
  • Prior to European settlement (pre-1850), a wide variety of disturbances characterized the region, ranging from frequent small-scale and localized events such as treefall gaps to rare, large-scale events such as stand-replacing fires and epizootic outbreaks. Eastern Cascades forests
  • Hip-hop, cowboy wind, and the wind wind wind, occupation, fur, all-match, hippie, ladies fashion, Korean, Japanese, what is it Fashion is the urban special logo, is a city in the vast city of special psychological needs.
  • Hip-hop rose in urban centers, launched by breakdancers and carried forward by emcees, DJs and graffiti artists.
  • Sleep disturbances are very common in the weeks leading up to a heart attack. Christianity Today
  • This catalyzing event sets off an international promenade to uncover the secrets of the polypore, as newfound clues lead the duo through the urban landscapes of New York, Los Angeles, Paris, Barcelona and Tokyo. - Financial News
  • I discarded my robe and turban. Times, Sunday Times
  • Yet several works were commissioned for smart urban dance, music-theatre and performance-art events; five of the 22 tracks are clever transcriptions of Shostakovich piano pieces.
  • British influence, with wooden jalousies, wide porches, and patterned railings and fretwork, dominated urban architecture in the colonial period.
  • I believe very strongly in many of these ideas but they can be hard to communicate, especially when the discourse is peppered with terminology like "peri-urban," "phytoremediation," and "bioregional ecologies. Dave Snyder: The Good, the Bad and the Fungi on a Rooftop Farm
  • Two: even our sleepy suburban cove had been invaded by traffic.
  • Eventually we found the exit and climbed a steep, suburban street into some hills, rising above the great cloverleaf of the freeway into a development of newly built houses.
  • The GOP consultant who designed the ad gleefully called the mugshot “every suburban mother’s greatest fear.” The Volokh Conspiracy » The Perils of High Public Office
  • Only in the 1680s was any serious attempt made to challenge the prescriptive rights of rural and urban elites to exercise power.
  • The metropolitan grouping reflects urban areas and a fully functioning tiered health care system with ready access to tertiary care.
  • For a young family with relatively low borrowings, this could mean moving straight from a small urban townhouse to a detached four-bedroom with three acres. Times, Sunday Times
  • Barcelona used its Games in 1992 to implement a wide-ranging urban renewal plan, transforming a decaying industrial city into a sought-after tourist destination.
  • ‘Community is celebrated, especially by urban community leaders and activists,’ Patterson writes, but ‘the truth is that Afro-Americans lead the nation in their unconnectedness to community support groups.’
  • Suburban schools gleam with modern gadgetry, while inner city schools lack basic textbooks.
  • Urbantschitsch has provided detailed measurements of the malleus, incus and the stapes.
  • Since this century was also an era of rapid urbanization, the question of how courts and capital cities got along with each other is of considerable interest. The Times Literary Supplement
  • When young people cause disturbances in public how often do us adults intervene? Times, Sunday Times
  • Intense deforestation is constrained to the few roads that do exist or around urban centers such as Iquitos, Puerto Maldonado, and Rio Branco. Southwest Amazon moist forests
  • The ban will likely include large Christian crosses, Jewish yarmulkes, Muslim hijabs and turbans worn by Sikhs.
  • Lactose intolerance can be defined as a gastrointestinal disturbance, but the two terms are not synonyms. Lactose Intolerance Doesn't Cause Bad Breath
  • City residents also condemn migrant workers for the sharp rise in the urban crime rate.
  • And credit for his undogmatic approach is due in part, he thinks, to his former boss, the trail-blazing Dutch architect and urban planner Rem Koolhaas. Building a Better Future
  • With elegant, modern decor, it is a luxurious urban oasis in the heart of the city. Times, Sunday Times
  • The industrialized world now contributes about $ 1 billion per year through bilateral aid programs to relieve urban congestion.
  • We will improve self-governance among urban residents and build new-type and well-managed communities featuring civility and harmony.
  • Meanwhile, the fleet footed and well connected have profited from surging exports, a bubbly urban real estate market and, occasionally, government boosterism.
  • The immaculately tended gardens are an oasis in the midst of Cairo's urban sprawl.
  • Equally important to urbanization, the nation's population was increasing.
  • This explains why the initial idea about the constitutive elements of civil society here was fairly urban-biased and middle class-related.
  • Pretty soon the place was populated with everybody from gypsies to prime ministers to people with turbans running around - it was indeed an Orson party.
  • The standards of housing and education are often lower in the older urban cores .
  • The early success and popularity of rural reforms encouraged the introduction of economic change in urban areas.
  • An exceptionally creepy two-parter begins tonight with various crudely dismembered body parts of young women getting washed up in the Thames or chewed by urban foxes. Times, Sunday Times
  • This difference in prescribing between rural and urban areas was found almost exclusively in patients not attending a hospital diabetic clinic.
  • Angola is relatively urbanized because in the 1980s many people sought refuge in the safer urban areas.
  • Like much of urban Trinidad, this appears to be a functional if unaesthetic sprawl of small businesses, shops, fast-food outlets, homes, temples, mosques and Hindu prayer flags.
  • Will their taxes repave our pot-holed roads or halt the spread of suburban shanties caused by a grotesque housing shortage? The Sun
  • Urban arterial road is the main undertaker for the urban transportation. The transportation capacity can be improved by combining and controlling many intersections in one trunk road.
  • The urban project site, amid low-rise storefronts and mid-rise medical buildings, was definitely not a garden spot.
  • That is, a flying disk that will "locate defiladed combatants in complex urban terrain" and annihilate them using a bunker-buster warhead. Pentagon to Cities: Drop Dead
  • Though I’d argue that what you term stylistic urban fantasy also offers a wider range of protagonists than the stereotypical straight white “can-do” male. The new urban fantasy. Same as the old urban fantasy?
  • What is possible for a large suburban congregation is out of the question for a tiny congregation in a rural situation.
  • The timing was perfect: The suburban lifestyle was taking hold, the cocktail party was replacing the urban barroom, making passable, munchable food as essential as ice cubes. One Big Table
  • In suburban areas, there are usually suitable trees in nearby gardens. The Sun
  • She examines the interplay between changing gender divisions and urban change.
  • Unknown to the vast majority of urban-dwelling Scots, this magnificent beast is the subject of one of the most bitter controversies ever to affect wildlife in this country.
  • The Vespa scooter became emblematic of sophisticated urban culture across Europe.
  • In places where there is no water for farming, men migrate to urban areas in search of work leaving women behind to fend for the old, and the infirm and the children.
  • Hao Town of walnut, persimmon, black urban and rural areas of china clay, are all known.
  • With the sustained and steady economic growth in China, China's urbanization has stepped into the stage of full-scale acceleration, said Chinese Vice Minister of Construction Qiu Baoxing Tuesday.
  • On its ground floor, executive director Amy Tobin showed me some salvaged-wood tables, benches, and a lustrously smooth black-acacia countertop created by Paul Discoe, an ordained Buddhist priest whose Oakland-based company, Live Edge, utilizes lumber from urban street trees that have been cut down due to storm damage, disease, and other reasons. Anneli Rufus: Rainwater Toilets and Slag: Touring Berkeley's Greenest Building
  • Many canonists hold that the subdiaconate, being of merely ecclesiastical institution, was formerly amounted one of the minor orders of the Church, and infer that before the time of Urban II (1099), Abbots could have given that order. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 1: Aachen-Assize
  • But all in all, what with the weather and a degree of jadedness occasioned by a bit of sleep disturbance, it's not been a thrilling day.
  • This is true even in the Urban 4-H programs where most of the young shooters or their parentsare not neccesarily primarily interested in hunting perse. The Volokh Conspiracy » Changes in the Gun Culture over the last 25 years
  • Forms of peddling would change and evolve, but street selling remained part of the urban economic, social and cultural fabric in urban America well after the wave of anti-noise regulation discussed here.
  • Doctors already know to avoid them in patients who are particularly susceptible to heart rhythm disturbances. Times, Sunday Times
  • The immense man, brandishing his recovered certificates, plunged forward to encounter them, shouting in Arabic, hustled them back, kicked them, struck at the camels with a stick till those in front receded upon those behind and the street was blocked by struggling beasts and resounded with roaring snarls, the thud of wooden bales clashing together, and the desperate protests of the camel-drivers, one of whom was sent rolling into a noisome dust heap with his turban torn from his head. The Garden of Allah
  • It was somewhere to unwind, away from the hustle and bustle of urban life. Times, Sunday Times
  • The fresh tale follows the familiar style of the original - the eponymous hero magically transported from a suburban fancy-dress shop to a new world.
  • That expenditure our sons will incur just on their motorcycles and mobile phones," the turbaned, grey-bearded Mr. Singh says. On Punjab's Farms, 'Everybody Has No Jobs'
  • No, what is required is something contemporary, a song that at least emerged from the confusion of modern, urban Scotland, that sings of the streets rather than the rivers and sheepfolds.
  • Extensive wetlands in Sonora have been decimated by irrigated agriculture and urbanization.
  • One day, Karzai wore the grey karakul hat from the north, the next day the black and white silk turban from his Pathan homeland in the south.
  • It refers to urban decline and work on rural and coastal areas.
  • The details are a bit hairier as they involve isentropic lifting this morning, an upper-level disturbance later today and finally the approach of a cold front this evening. Houstonist
  • I am always disgusted by the number of people using their car for intraurban movements, while we have a very reasonable public transport system. The Energy Post
  • We need to weave more elements of nonhuman nature into our urban and suburban worlds.
  • Urban legend says that he is a graduate of Harvard, the only perfect score of people, in fact, he got a B in the fourth grade, while others are very rare perfect score in order to graduate.
  • By the 1960s, urban sprawl had created enormous megalopolises.
  • Do 20mph zones in urban areas save lives? Times, Sunday Times
  • Apparently I have a ‘groovy urban boho life spent cruising bagel shops, watching films in Swahili and listening to music sung in ancient tribal click languages’.
  • Iraqis talked about Hammurabi and Ashurbanipal as if they were relatives who just stopped in for tea last week. Day of Honey
  • Other reports have cited severe and uncontrollable pain or bleeding, major injury with shock, impending birth, and uncontrollable mental disturbance.
  • Eclecticism flourished in the 19th century and survived, though much debased, in gated communities and suburban tract housing.
  • And a man who ran alongside a tow truck, pleading to get his vehicle back after it was towed from a fire lane, died when he slipped and was run over by the truck and then his own Chevrolet Suburban. Boing Boing: July 24, 2005 - July 30, 2005 Archives
  • At one point, a tiny disturbance was noted on the far horizon, and the group began to panic, thinking that an enemy force was hunting them down.
  • Woodlands are the butcherbird's natural habitat, but like many similar species they have adapted well to urbanisation and can be found in leafy suburbs.
  • Schneider manages an apartment complex in suburban Denver.
  • The barogram of the 29th was remarkable for its waviform trace, and it may be that the air-waves propagated by such a disturbance can be transmitted a very considerable distance.
  • But the sharp decline in peasant disturbances in the pre-war years pointed to peaceful development.
  • Well-adapted to urban environments, grackles, crows, ravens, blackbirds, and jays thrive everywhere we do.
  • His proposed solution to the sprawling mess of subtopia was not to restrict building but to increase urban densities. The Times Literary Supplement
  • One part of Tokyo, Sumida, was faced with urban flooding during rain as 80 per cent of its surface area was concreted.
  • For example, in earlier studies, sleep disturbances have been associated with a compromised immune system.
  • It refers to urban decline and work on rural and coastal areas.
  • The initiative led to an improvement of the urban environment in Belogradchik after an illicit dumping site was turned into an eco park.
  • The tram network provided transport links between the streets that made up the main lines of the urban network, as well as important residential and economic areas.
  • Indian food (such as chapattis, a flat bread; samosas, vegetable or meat-filled pastries; and masala, a spiced rice dish), is widely available in all urban areas.
  • With bonfires outlawed in urban areas, gardeners must cart their refuse to a dump.
  • They are doing this as a hobby to give shape to their empty suburban lives, not out of love for others.
  • Surely such an incongruous question was never put in an Arab town in the heart of Africa by a sheikh dressed in bernouse and turban, with a jewel-hilted yataghan at his side, sitting cross-legged on a cushion. For Fortune and Glory A Story of the Soudan War
  • This is an urban tragedy that needs concrete action, not just concern.
  • In 1994 in the New Territories, lineage leaders complained about urban and colonialist meddling when the government decided to let women inherit land when the deceased had no sons and died intestate.
  • One of my favourites, this is a light hearted piece inspired by a chance encounter at a private party with a man then at the height of his power in the country; I was fascinated beyond words by the effect he had on the would-be urbane and aspiringly sophisticated! Archive 2007-05-01
  • Campanella begins by looking back to when planning was a profession known for visionaries such as Frederick Law Olmsted, Daniel Burnham, and John Nolan, and then describes how in the postwar years planners "aided and abetted some of the most egregious acts of urban vandalism in American history," i.e., urban renewal. Frank Gruber: Planning and Building for the Future, Dead: Round Up the Usual Suspects
  • Most men covered their heads with flat wool caps or skullcaps or turbans in a variety of sizes and colours.
  • Picking up his big, green turban from beside his rug, I bound his arms to his sides and then, going forth, got baggage-cords from the _oont-wallah_ and likewise his _puggri_, and Moussa Isa bound his feet and hands and knees. Driftwood Spars The Stories of a Man, a Boy, a Woman, and Certain Other People Who Strangely Met Upon the Sea of Life
  • Oh to be a Modern Urbanist - this is the kind of person who'll probably wearing the Levi's / Philips clobber.
  • The natives so embraced the pageantry and the promise of the new faith; and centuries later, testament to that Christian hegemony is the ubiquity of an iconolatry, none as dispersed into the bowels of urban and rural religious life as the icon of the Santo Nino.
  • It affords a possible mechanism through which may be produced the recognized glaucomatous effects of certain nerve disturbances. Glaucoma A Symposium Presented at a Meeting of the Chicago Ophthalmological Society, November 17, 1913
  • The lorette carried within her persona all the connotations of urban display and luxury consumption.
  • Granted, Tyson's may be fixed over the next 30 years by extending the Washington Metro, but the street layouts, set up for maximum automobility, that define the urban space are problematic and limit possibilities. The End of Suburbia
  • Several other typical mesophytic forest species, both shade-intolerant and shade-tolerant, have declined, perhaps due to an absence of large-scale disturbance needed for their regeneration.
  • The soldiers were decoyed to a border region while the Viet Cong mounted a major offensive in the urban areas.
  • But in other ways the tree sparrow is very different from its urban relative. Times, Sunday Times
  • Beneath the city's dense urban forest, low walls of Arroyo Seco stone and clinker brick front brown-shingled homes with porches set under graceful overhangs.
  • Suburban planning was in its infancy.
  • More and more people are swapping their suburban house for a peaceful rural haven.
  • It is unlikely that the remaining unsampled areas of the developing countries in tropical climates, or other highly populated parts of Europe, could significantly increase the overall urban bias above 0.05C during the 20th century. The 1930s are getting Colder « Climate Audit
  • Community plans, future urbanizing area plans, suburban cities' general plans are nearly all written and waiting for implementation.
  • A photo exhibition, ‘French Urbanscapes’, by Atul Sharma, a lawyer and lensman, shot on his many journeys to France, is one of the forthcoming events.
  • This is sweetly sentimental suburbanism. Globe and Mail
  • The subject is arranged around the city/country axis - half the plays are twitchy, snippy, morally grey urban comedies, and the other half are la-la land everything-is-nice-in-the-countryside pastorals.
  • We need some enlightened planning to redesign and rebuild all our depressed urban areas in a way that may prove more cost beneficial than all the other remedial measures put together.
  • This would bring it within the urban rateable area and could assist in the granting of Class 1 Urban status to the town.
  • The Dutch forces' camp in suburban Samawah was attacked on April 22, with one of the mortar shells landing inside the compound.
  • Scratch beneath its surface and Croydon has much more to offer than urban blight and the odd supermodel. Times, Sunday Times
  • The setting becomes an urban blight.
  • It is what drama is all about: a highly polished mirror reflecting the realities of a messy, urban world. Times, Sunday Times
  • This is a terrain in brutal transition: the boomburbs circling the edge of the metropolis only recently existed as country towns or rural settlements far away from the urban fringe.
  • Most of the useful data maps that can be created with plot-latlong resolve details at the city or suburban area of detail.
  • Not far from downtown Austin, urban infill translates as contemporary homes that are all sharp ... - Articles related to Typhoon Melor waves crash on Japan before landfall near Kyoto and Tokyo
  • Over one million people (about 43% of the total) live in Kingston, Saint Andrews, and Saint Catherine, the main urban centers, while Trelawny Parish has the lowest density with 83 inhabitants/km2. Water profile of Jamaica
  • The striking features of Negro evening dress consisted in astonishing turbans with marabou feathers, into which add accessories of squib shape and other forms were inserted. A Renegade History of the United States
  • One gentleman is so dedicated to locating obscure dispensers that he actually uses city transit to visit remote suburban garage sales.
  • Many villages in the regency are devoid of young people as they have all migrated to Medan, Jakarta, Surabaya and other urban areas due to a lack of jobs at home.
  • Without a lot of money(Sentencedict), the mayor won't be able to stop urban decay.
  • In South America the sacred use of the psychedelic ayahuasca has moved from the native populations of the Amazon Basin into the urban centers where it is the central sacrament in their religious praxis.
  • Disturbances in this ration can alter cardiac rhythms, transmission and conduction of nerve impulses, and muscle contraction.
  • The crowd made way for the shepherd and his following, and as they drew near to the raised platform the two white cats, who were Edred and Elfrida, looked up and saw in the middle and biggest chair a splendid, dark-faced man in a kind of fringed turban with two long feathers in it, and in the two chairs to right and left of him, clothed in beautiful embroidered stuffs, with shining collars of jewels about their necks, Father and Uncle Jim! The House of Arden
  • Burbank spent seventeen years hybridizing the common oxeye daisy with the English daisy, the German daisy, and the small but brilliantly white Japanese daisy. Jane S. Smith: Daisies, Weddings, and Making the Ideal Real
  • The robed and turbaned figures moving slowly across a sepia ground on the first screen are drawn from an 1895 film.
  • For the intellectuals and the urban lower middle class, the new situation was a rude awakening of disillusionment and broken promises.
  • It is composed of species adapted to the urban environment and is influenced strongly by the availability of seeds.
  • Once considered an adventurous shopping experience, these price slashers are now in easy proximity to the suburban jungle.
  • Urban exploration is a relatively harmless hobby. The Sun
  • The subtleness of colors fascinates Paul Koloszar, a horticulturist at the Civic Garden Center of Greater Cincinnati, a not-for-profit horticulture resource center in an urban setting. Fall in the Midwest: Colors are subtle but lasting
  • For urban dwellers, the best part of treasure hunting would be larking about in countryside. Times, Sunday Times
  • Since gaining independence in 1964, the country has experienced a continuing shift toward urbanization which is reflected in its architecture.
  • The state defines unlawful assembly as a threat of ‘tumultuous disturbance of the peace.’
  • ‘Just Folks’ is yet another Roth reversal: FDR's Civilian Conservation Corps was the actual (if benign) means of rusticating urban boys in the 1930s.
  • Or it can be used to compare different areas, such as the difference in fire statistics between urban and rural areas. Computing
  • Fearey had all the charm and urbanity of the trained diplomat.
  • The warning to teenagers - whose ages range from about 14 - follows scenes of disturbance outside a fast food restaurant in the High Street.
  • -- [MS.] [103] The calpac is the solid cap or centre part of the head-dress; the shawl is wound round it, and forms the turban. The Works of Lord Byron. Vol. 3
  • Rykwert, The idea of a town - The Anthropology of Urban Form in Rome, Italy 1999, p.126: "As the egg was a picture of the whole universe, so the telluric mundus became a representation of what the Pythagoreans were the first to call cosmos. Archive 2009-07-01
  • The game is centered on rookie homicide detective Lazarus Jones, who is called out to a disturbance in an abandoned high school with his partner.
  • Currently, he says, enough waste biomass is being generated by lumbering, by farming, and as urban waste to meet 10 percent of U.S. transportation needs.
  • These have safeguarded the countryside and helped to secure urban renewal for more than half a century. Times, Sunday Times
  • Studies on tempo suggest that urban areas have a faster pace of life than rural places. Times, Sunday Times
  • Federal recognition will give the tribe access to loans from the Housing and Urban Development department.
  • He knew that plenty of people want an urban townhome.
  • He would watch for the telltale disturbance of phosphorescence in the water which meant the fish were rising on the ebb tide.
  • A group of urban youngsters has turned a vacant piece of ground into a viable vegetable farm using hydroponics.
  • Dr Pitman and his colleague Dr John Durban helped a BBC film crew capture their behaviour for the TV documentary series Frozen Planet, to be shown later this month.
  • Rom. 16:9 Greet Urbanus, our fellow worker in Christ, and Stachys , my beloved.
  • The two pints of milk left at her suburban villa were untouched in the shade of the porch. Times, Sunday Times
  • She is middle-aged, with a good marriage and a beautiful suburban home. Times, Sunday Times
  • The domestic space and the urban environment generate a fair amount of music and sound in their own right.
  • Urban sanitation : Sound urban garbage treatment rate of 90%, the general comprehensive utilization of industrial solid waste and hazardous waste harmless, the main processing rate of 85%.

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