How To Use Urban center In A Sentence

  • The three-story structure is among the largest pavilions at the Shanghai Expo, and aims to provide each visitor with a glimpse of life in a Canadian urban center.
  • Ranging from the preclassic to postclassic periods, these styles reveal intercultural connections, such as that between Teotihuacan, the great classic urban center in central UCLA Newsroom: UCLA Newsroom
  • These groupings permitted Subiros to address interconnected themes such as the increasing migration to urban centers within the continent, and the diaspora from those centers to the West.
  • Because of large migration within the country, Aymara and Quechua speakers are also found throughout the major urban centers of Peru.
  • With research partners at the Center for Research on Women (CROW) at the University of Memphis and the Highlander Center in New Market, Tennessee focusing on the state of Tennessee, the SRC is focused in the urban center of metropolitan Atlanta, Georgia. Race and Nation: Bridging Racial and Ethnic Communities
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  • I mean, one kind of decentralist politics that you might endorse would be to advocate the secession of urban centers from the surrounding states and a decentralist order that’s partly based on people forming a network of poleis around these urban centers. Rad Geek People’s Daily – 2008 – September – 26
  • New Orleans was also the victim of a prolonged failure of the federal government to adopt and fund a serious strategy for revitalizing urban centers.
  • As London grew from a rambling town into a crowded urban center, its city air grew ever more foul with smoke and unhealthy sulfur dioxide gases from wood-burning and coal-burning stoves.
  • Forecasters are warning that a hurricane making landfall at or near New York City could cause catastrophic damage in the U.S.'s largest urban center.
  • The proximity of the Passaic River watershed to major urban centers has led to rapid urban and suburban expansion in this region that creates increased potential for these wetlands to be further degraded.
  • French-style baguettes, pasta, and other non-traditional Malagasy cuisine can be found in villages near urban centers.
  • Medics also found that venereal disease increased alarmingly as the troops moved closer to Philippine urban centers.
  • It's no wonder that, over the last decade, even in a time of renewed interest in urban centers, low-density suburbs grew at three times the rate of the cities they surround.
  • This structure could be set up easily in the environs of any urban center, making local strawberries growable even in otherwise unhospitable environments. The Fruit Hunters
  • Before the 1990s the stories of particular urban centers were folded neatly into larger national narratives -- and local Shanghai histories insisted that the only significance of the treaty-port era was the humiliation manifest in the city's "semicolonial" status. A Tide Of Civic Pride
  • The automobile and big discount stores in the urban centers at the fringes of the nation have greatly diminished the role of the trading posts.
  • This helps one gain an overview of the historical and theological macro-context, which overlaps the single urban center.
  • A lot of -- especially here in southern California in Los Angeles and urban centers have difficulties where English is not their first language and there is another language other than English spoken at home and so therefore they feel more comfortable communicating in another language other than English and to be able to deal in mainstream society, I think effects, has a great effect on the quality of life and services and their general well being and sort of disagree and want to delve in deeper about the Filipino's ability to cultrate and assimilate into society. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • He says the light rail will connect four of Seattle's major urban centers, and the monorail will connect the fifth.
  • Soviet architecture initially favored constructivism as shown in the administrative center of Kharkiv and then adopted a heavy neoclassicism pejoratively called totalitarian style for major urban centers.
  • Celebrating its tenth anniversary, the FPA is a non-profit partnership in the urban center of Kansas City; its mission is to create partnerships to improve lives, build relationships and revitalize neighborhoods within Ivanhoe and surrounding communities. Front Page
  • The three-story structure is among the largest pavilions at the Shanghai Expo, and aims to provide each visitor with a glimpse of life in a Canadian urban center.
  • It is paramount in revitalizing struggling urban centers and dilapidating historic districts. Howie Klein: Bobby Jindal Don't Like No Science And Don't Like No Art -- So That Makes Him A Bona Fide Redneck?
  • And I think that when cities become decrepit and gas becomes expensive, most people move to some other, more successful urban center (perhaps one that did not make the modest, not-at-all-universal list of 50 which the program is working from), rather than escaping to the exurbanite countryside. April Fools Is Early This Year?
  • I might also add that the quality of fresh produce, meats and fowl is so superior in specialty supermarkets in major urban centers in the U.S. to any place in Mexico that any comparison is ludicrous. Hard to get favorite foods
  • In South America the sacred use of the psychedelic ayahuasca has moved from the native populations of the Amazon Basin into the urban centers where it is the central sacrament in their religious praxis.
  • To put together critical creative teams, the 21 st-century organization must go to urban centers where reservoirs of talent are concentrated.
  • Using the term "clustering," he pointed to hot spots in California, Texas, and New Mexico -- as well as to the urban centers of Detroit, Miami, Washington, D.C. and New York City -- that shared similar patterns of toxic release. Marcia G. Yerman: Dr. Robert D. Bullard: Justice for Our Children
  • Furthermore, urban centers today now spread far beyond traditional city limits, with suburban and now "exurban" sprawl invading what were until recently rural landscapes. Charleston Daily Mail - Opinion
  • Development of an urban center and plaza - a public open space with an academic building and retail stores - required 10 different funding sources.
  • Intense deforestation is constrained to the few roads that do exist or around urban centers such as Iquitos, Puerto Maldonado, and Rio Branco. Southwest Amazon moist forests
  • Over one million people (about 43% of the total) live in Kingston, Saint Andrews, and Saint Catherine, the main urban centers, while Trelawny Parish has the lowest density with 83 inhabitants/km2. Water profile of Jamaica
  • In South America the sacred use of the psychedelic ayahuasca has moved from the native populations of the Amazon Basin into the urban centers where it is the central sacrament in their religious praxis.
  • Modern industry has been concentrated in a few urban centers.
  • Every Croatian household, from the largest urban center to the most remote village, has a television.
  • Blacks in large numbers started leaving the South for northern urban centers in the 1920s.
  • Desert terrain, boscage and fields in Normandy, destroyed urban centers, a naval facility in Norway, and other locations will be presented to the player throughout the course of the game.
  • New urban centers tend to be located in regions with moderate climates - ie on the land more suitable for crops.
  • Some recent studies, however, while not extensive enough to justify a conclusion, seem to indicate that in some of the largest cities the church is losing its hold, and that more and more the population of our largest urban centers is becoming churchless, if not without religion. Sociology and Modern Social Problems
  • These tend to be the more recently constructed homes built farthest from the urban centers and mass transit systems. Redefining Dumb « PubliCola
  • In Het huisje aan de sloot (The Cottage by the Creek, 1921), she describes the wretched state of Jewish life in the so-called Mediene (Dutch Jewry outside the main urban centers like Amsterdam) and the hostility of non-Jews towards people they saw as foreigners. Modern Netherlands.
  • Few could afford polygamous marriages, although polygamy varies both between rural areas and urban centers, and between ethnic groups.
  • Like one of Henry Fielding's squirearchs, Noel planted his library not in some clattering urban center, but in his serene country seat.
  • Early entry forces will likely enter theaters through populated urban centers, engaging enemies using asymmetrical means.
  • Hip-hop rose in urban centers, launched by breakdancers and carried forward by emcees, DJs and graffiti artists.
  • So far, the project, which targets rural communities in poor areas of urban centers, has been implemented in three districts.
  • Few could afford polygamous marriages, although polygamy varies both between rural areas and urban centers, and between ethnic groups.
  • Frederick Jackson Turner's famed 1893 work, "The Frontier Thesis, " was nostalgia for a past world: all of the new industries were concentrated in urban centers.
  • And while we're currently experiencing a large deposit of sun in the fall of our global warming discontent, the click-clackers of urban centers are causing egregious errors in style by making a run on the bank by drawing summer clothes from their closets: Emily Bracken: Style Guide for Global Warming
  • Modern industry has been concentrated in a few urban centers.
  • Towns like Celebration do nothing to renew existing urban centers; instead, they create alternatives for rich folks.
  • Much like our own United States of America -- a land which includes the most refined and developed urban centers in the world, and at the same time claims home to wonders of nature which remain untamable: the canyons of Colorado, the Redwoods of California, the Great Smoky Mountains of Tennessee -- this is a land that remains much the same as it was before man ever got his hands on it. Rabbi Shmuley Boteach: To Beard or Not to Beard, That Is the Question: Musings on the Fall of Matisyahu's Facial Locks and Other Natural Disasters
  • Considering more than 80% of all commuter trips are between areas outside downtown, priority should be given to more flexible, less costly systems such as rapid commuter bus lines, bus rapid transit, as well as subsidized dial-a-ride and jitney services that can work between suburban centers. Mass Transit: The Great Train Robbery
  • And the commerce is a primary measure to prompt the urban center energy.
  • Modern industry has been concentrated in a few urban centers.
  • Unable to sell their house for enough money to pay off the balance of their mortgages, these households will remain in place until demand stabilizes (or until their mortgages are paid), reducing the outflux from urban centers.
  • In urban centers in the United States with large Hispanic communities, the neighborhood botanica or herb shop often does a brisker business than the local pharmacy. Earl Mindell’s New Herb Bible
  • The white people have fled the urban center and the tax districts have been structured so that the affluent areas benefit themselves and the struggling areas get kind of redlined.

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