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  1. goddess of love; counterpart of Greek Aphrodite
  2. (Greek mythology) the Muse of astronomy

How To Use Urania In A Sentence

  • He is not only faithful to the truth in large things, he is accurate in small matters also; and where he makes use of any statement he always shows that there is justification for it; although, by the way, I can only guess at his reason for calling Attila a "Turanian" —a word which carries a pleasant flavor of pre-Victorian ethnology, and might just about as appropriately be applied to Tecumseh. VI. Productive Scholarship
  • Thus astrologers with a dominant Neptune or Uranus tend to attract Neptunian or Uranian subjects respectively. Vivian Rising
  • Located primarily in the hills and mountain ranges of central and eastern Iran, with a small area in Pakistan, this ecoregion represents part of the Irano-Turanian geobotanical region, an especially active center of plant speciation. Kuhrud-Kohbanan Mountains forest steppe
  • Most beds would have collapsed beneath Conan's considerable weight alone, but the beds in Turanian brothels were build to stand heavy usage, as well they should. Archive 2010-02-01
  • Uranian sufficient and equivalent conditions, though an apogean humanity of beings created in varying forms with finite differences resulting similar to the whole and to one another would probably there as here remain inalterably and inalienably attached to vanities, to vanities of vanities and to all that is vanity. Ulysses
  • Urania is represented by the armillary sphere, Euterpe by flutes, Thalia by the rebec, Melpomene by the hunting horn, Terpsichore by the cittern, Erato by the jingle ring, and Polyhymnia by the organ. Architecture and Memory: The Renaissance Studioli of Federico da Montefeltro
  • Urania smiled, and felt meritorious in that, after being chosen as one of the four for this very 'Zampa,' she had failed ignominiously as a timist, and had been compelled to cede her place to another pupil. The Golden Calf
  • Forced to flee her homeland because she spurned the advances of a king and slew him instead, she rode west across the Turanian steppes and into the shadowed mists of legendry. — - The Nemedian Chronicles Dynamite Entertainment Sneak Peek for the Week of November 25, 2009 | Major Spoilers - Comic Book Reviews and News
  • By proofs exactly of the same linguistic kind as those by which the modern Spanish, French, and other Latin dialects can be shown to have all radiated from Rome as their centre, the old traditions of the eastern origin of all the chief nations of Europe have been proved to be fundamentally true; for by evidence so "irrefragable" (to use the expression of the Taylorian professor of modern languages at Oxford), that "not an English jury could now-a-days reject it," Philological Archæology has shown that of the three great families of mankind -- the Semitic, the Turanian, and the Archaeological Essays, Vol. 1
  • The muscles of Conan's bullneck stood out as he twisted his head to look upward; the spired Turanian helmet grated against the stone as he moved. Conan of Cimmeria
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