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How To Use Uproot In A Sentence

  • Pakistan should cooperate with India in uprooting this. Understanding Mumbai, India and terrorism : Law is Cool
  • We know of young people who have been uprooted from their homes and placed in provincial centres where they are used as fodder in the great experiment. Times, Sunday Times
  • Electricity is still in short supply and 12,000 trees have been uprooted, apparently. Times, Sunday Times
  • Rising waters would uproot prosperous farmers from the fertile riverbanks, forcing an estimated 100,000 people to move to higher ground where they could no longer plant corn and wheat.
  • A hunter-gatherer couple stand by an uprooted tree. Times, Sunday Times
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  • The floods left a tide of mud and uprooted trees.
  • Sporting thin, jagged leaves upon a succulent, fleshy stem, the herb is easily uprooted and replanted due to its shallow root system.
  • As the sun beats down on Africa, a woman in a veld in the Eastern Cape of South Africa is hunched over her task - uprooting a species of flowering plant.
  • Amidst all that humbles and scathes; amidst all that shatters from their life its verdure, smites to the dust the pomp and summit of their pride, and in the very heart of existence writeth a sudden and "strange defeature," -- they stand erect, -- riven, not uprooted, -- a monument less of pity than of awe! The Disowned — Complete
  • Many Eastern and Southern Indian nations were uprooted and forced to remove themselves beyond the Mississippi River.
  • She even tried to get us to move over there and live with her in her mansion, but my dad didn't want to uproot his family.
  • Trees had been uprooted, telegraph poles broken, roofs torn off, advertising hoardings smashed and lorries turned over.
  • Trees, rocks and soil had all been uprooted, and flickering tongues of flame dotted the landscape.
  • Israel has implemented a scorched earth policy and uprooted nearly 400,000 olive, citrus and almond trees.
  • The player, meanwhile, is forced to uproot his family and move to another team because he didn't anticipate that such a situation could happen when he signed the deal in the first place.
  • Anchors and anchor chains cause serious damage to reef corals and will uproot sea grasses.
  • The trees, which have been chopped down, but not uprooted, have been replaced by new turf.
  • Buses and lorries were overturned, tens of thousands of trees were uprooted and seals were washed away. Times, Sunday Times
  • They tried every way possible to reestablish the refugees uprooted by flood in new homes.
  • To facilitate animal traction, migrants cut down big trees, cleared bamboo bushes, and uprooted stumps.
  • They have tightened security measures to control the influence of extreme political sects among the uprooted multitudes.
  • A number of tools were stolen from sheds and the vandals uprooted vegetables and plants, throwing them around.
  • Thousands of trees were uprooted, blocking roads and crushing cars. Times, Sunday Times
  • As bombing raids attacking Britain's cities increased during World War Two, thousands of children were uprooted from their families and sent to the safety of the countryside.
  • According to officials who visited the settlements - everything has been destroyed, uprooted, ripped out, or looted.
  • The hurricane blew with such force that trees were uprooted.
  • Practitioners had to ask: How much should we uproot and eradicate in order to re-create?
  • He decided not to uproot his family when elected despite being tagged a "silvertail" by critics.
  • The storm's winds were strong enough to uproot trees and to knock people off their feet.
  • Homes and businesses were flooded, cars were washed away and trees uprooted. Times, Sunday Times
  • How would they take to being uprooted from their contented life in California? Times, Sunday Times
  • When the skies open up over the desert, watercourses alter, rivers gouge out deep channels and tracks, roads break up, trees are uprooted and our dramatic countryside changes yet again.
  • Electricity is still in short supply and 12,000 trees have been uprooted, apparently. Times, Sunday Times
  • We know of young people who have been uprooted from their homes and placed in provincial centres where they are used as fodder in the great experiment. Times, Sunday Times
  • Once Moon-Watcher heard the unmistakable sound of a bush, being uprooted; the elephants and dinotheria did this often enough, but otherwise they moved as silently as the cats. 2001 A Space Odyssey
  • Aftershocks and heavy rains continue to trigger mudslides on mountain slopes where the quake has uprooted forests, loosened topsoil or created barrier lakes.
  • The storm's winds were strong enough to uproot trees and to knock people off their feet.
  • Do they move house or job and therefore uproot children from friends and familiar surroundings?
  • Hundreds of houses were washed away, trees were uprooted and all the bridges across the river were torn down. Times, Sunday Times
  • Powerful gusts uprooted trees, twisted steel towers and knocked down bridges, rendering many roadways impassable.
  • Homes and businesses were flooded, cars were washed away and trees uprooted. Times, Sunday Times
  • Some personal effects, including a full packet of cigarettes and a cigarette lighter were found close to one of the uprooted trees.
  • His iron public spirit, his inevitable devotion to duty, unconscious and instinctive and uncensorious, combined with a guilty sense that her youth and beauty had been uprooted by him, and put into a dusty distant soil. Balloons
  • More than 6,000 trees were uprooted and many electricity poles were knocked down.
  • The role played by lateral roots and root hairs in promoting plant anchorage, and specifically resistance to vertical uprooting forces has been determined experimentally.
  • Even if you were offered a job, not many people can afford to uproot their family to move.
  • Identify and uproot irrational beliefs that lead you to place unrealistic demands on yourself.
  • Whole neighbourhoods were uprooted and displaced. The Times Literary Supplement
  • He said, ‘It takes a deep-going plough to uproot the heaviest clods of earth.’
  • It doesn't automatically give us the power to uproot trees and cast them into the sea.
  • A horn that Hutchinson felt in his bones as much as in his ears signaled their arrival at the stones, an ellipsoidal stretch of pave stones whose huge mass prevented them from being uprooted by the surrounding trees. Analog Science Fiction and Fact
  • The trees, which have been chopped down, but not uprooted, have been replaced by new turf.
  • Countless houses have been bulldozed and olive trees uprooted in collective reprisals.
  • When thunderstorms aren't uprooting forests or rearranging acres of farmland, the South often suffers hailstorms, flashfloods and torrentially ghoulish winds during this season.
  • EPA officials recently awarded $6.6 million in Great Lakes Restoration Initiative grants designed specifically to put unemployed people to work - uprooting invasive plants, stabilizing stream banks and creating habitat for the endangered Kirtland's warbler and massasauga rattlesnake. Front Page
  • It took her husband time to get used to the idea of uprooting, and she admits her grown children had concerns. Front Page
  • With winds up to 90mph it is quite likely trees will be uprooted and power lines and buildings damaged. The Sun
  • In extreme scenarios, a flood becomes a massive debris flow known as a lahar-a deadly tsunami of mud, boulders, and uprooted trees that can gouge 100-foot-deep gullies, flatten forests, and jump longstanding banks. Undefined
  • Cooder denounces the ‘paving over and the malling up’ of Los Angeles working class history, particularly on its Chicano Eastside where tens of thousands have been uprooted by stadiums, freeways and jails.
  • A mutated "biotype B" insect emerged in Napa Valley in 1980 and did an estimated $6 billion of damage before wide-scale uprooting, burning and replanting was completed in 1995. The Economist: Daily news and views
  • Without collective advancement there can be no genuine individual advancement, but only uprooting.
  • The trunk is powerful enough to uproot trees or tear great limbs from their upper branches.
  • Similar estimates derive from observed forest destruction, scaled from the uprooting of trees in nuclear weapons tests.
  • Dozens of cultivation tools are at the organic producer's disposal, he added, from rotary hoes to new machines that simply vibrate soil to uproot newly sprouted weeds.
  • ‘These boys were uprooted from their families, from their homes,’ she said.
  • Affection twined with their life, which no shocks of feeling can uproot, which little quarrels only trample an instant that it may spring more freshly when the pressure is removed: affection that no passion can ultimately outrival, with which even love itself cannot do more than compete in force and truth. Shirley, by Charlotte Bronte
  • Epidemics wiped out villages, uprooted tribes, and undermined resistance to European territorial incursions.
  • Forecasters predicted uprooted trees, power cuts and damage to buildings would result. Times, Sunday Times
  • Buses and lorries were overturned, trees were uprooted and seals were washed away. Times, Sunday Times
  • It's been 20 years this fall since we were uprooted from Calgary and moved to the City of Bridges.
  • And then we uproot a tree and put it in our sitting room. The Sun
  • A hundred thousand people were uprooted from their homes and moved to this city in the middle of nowhere.
  • For weeks, they have been uprooting their troops and tanks, forced to withdraw under intense international pressure.
  • How would they take to being uprooted from their contented life in California? Times, Sunday Times
  • A metallic roar cuts through the stillness, and out of the murk further up the valley a gigantic shape rears, an uprooted sapling clutched in its metal talons.
  • Homes were flattened with families inside, trucks thrown in the air, and trees uprooted by tornados up to a mile wide. The Sun
  • Up to a million people were displaced, their lives uprooted and their communities destroyed.
  • People need to replant what has been uprooted and give back what has been taken away.
  • Consequently, they search for new ways to eradicate disparities in income, seeking additional means of uprooting poverty.
  • There were tractors ploughing the soil, many of the shrubs had been uprooted and it was buzzing with activity.
  • Despite superior numbers and firepower, Russian troops have been unable to uproot the rebels from their mountainous hideouts.
  • Forecasters said 80mph winds and heavy rain could uproot trees and flatten flimsy buildings. The Sun
  • Females are smaller, but both male and female are tremendously powerful, possessing the ability to tear branches from bushes and uproot small trees.
  • This moment uproots another in unblenched voice, tree-strode pitch. Times, Sunday Times
  • The floods left a tide of mud and uprooted trees.
  • Thousands of trees were uprooted, blocking roads and crushing cars. Times, Sunday Times
  • A nationwide high wind warning was issued and motorists were urged to beware of uprooted trees. The Sun
  • ‘The trees to be chopped down were identified, but the work to uproot them was not completed,’ sources say.
  • Buses and lorries were overturned, tens of thousands of trees were uprooted and seals were washed away. Times, Sunday Times
  • Homes and businesses were flooded, cars were washed away and trees uprooted. Times, Sunday Times
  • We could make settlements safer by changing cropping patterns but it's impractical to ask farmers to uproot their sugarcane and tea bushes.
  • Please, do not take this wrong, I do support and condone your part in uprooting and exposing those who claim to be other than they are or were. SHAWN PAUL AKERS
  • The United Nations now says almost 115,000 people have been uprooted by the fighting in Georgia.
  • Trees were uprooted and telegraph lines collapsed. Times, Sunday Times
  • The trunk is powerful enough to uproot trees or tear great limbs from their upper branches.
  • Orchards and mulberry groves were uprooted to pave the way for more cotton.
  • People and uprooted trees were carried out to sea, while stingrays and sharks were left stranded in fields and parking lots.
  • The road widening will uproot 46 oak trees and damage wildlife habitat.
  • Some trees were uprooted entirely and crashed into the road. Times, Sunday Times
  • Halsted called this procedure the “radical mastectomy,” using the word radical in the original Latin sense to mean “root”; he was uprooting cancer from its very source. The Emperor of All Maladies
  • Sociologists and doctors agree that to uproot an old person may cause severe trauma.
  • Michael's grumpy, careworn mother, an uprooted representative of the old immigrant Baltimore, lives out her days with them and adds to the friction.
  • The uprooted and the dispossessed must look for ways to rebuild their lives. Times, Sunday Times
  • Two uprooted palm trees blocked their way at the foot of the stairs.
  • The Deans were a classic American archetype: pioneers constantly uprooting themselves in search of a better life. Satch, Dizzy & Rapid Robert
  • War, as profitable as it can be, is just one highly revealing token of how an implicit axiology grounded in money cannot but uproot life.
  • Eclipses are very effective in finding weak, outworn situations and in uprooting them in the blink of an eye.
  • I've never had to uproot my wife and uproot my life and relocate just for safe living conditions.
  • Similar estimates derive from observed forest destruction, scaled from the uprooting of trees in nuclear weapons tests.
  • With every line of his statement, epic memories of past greatness were dishonoured and uprooted.
  • Their workmen had trespassed onto the Gregorys' property, uprooted shrubs, removed rockery stones and trampled down plants.
  • The elephant passes through the wilderness, treading shrubs, bending and uprooting trees, fording rivers and lakes easily; the rat can gain access to the bolted granary.
  • Syndicalism, on the contrary, is indubitably laborist in origin and aim, owing next to nothing to the "Classes," and, indeed,, resolute to uproot them. Proposed Roads to Freedom: Socialism, Anarchism and Syndicalism
  • One elephant put an electric fence out of action by dropping an uprooted tree on it.
  • The novel finds a sad, touching disparity between the migrations of birds and the forced marches of uprooted men.
  • Or what has gotten cold and what reheats now, and what in flames is and what comes down and what is torn up and uprooted and torn down demolished and abolished, and "democraty-ized" not, but what will you "swear to" not, but what will you like for me to have done for you today? InJesus :: Online Community :: Last posted message
  • When thunderstorms aren't uprooting forests or rearranging acres of farmland, the South often suffers hailstorms, flashfloods and torrentially ghoulish winds during this season.
  • It was accompanied by a rapid temperature drop, and a squally wind change strong enough to uproot trees and unroof about 50 houses.
  • Tornados uprooted trees, demolished buildings, and lifted trailer homes into the air. Times, Sunday Times
  • Hollywood is the graveyard for all the uprooted cultural artifacts of a superannuated tradition.
  • The farmeress (if I may be permitted to add a new word to our vocabulary) was uprooting her garden flowers and throwing them away. Janey Canuck in the West
  • Their trunk is employed to pull branches off trees, uproot grass, pluck fruit, and to place food in their mouths.
  • When the skies open up over the desert, watercourses alter, rivers gouge out deep channels and tracks, roads break up, trees are uprooted and our dramatic countryside changes yet again.
  • Again, whether or not any such overt decision was made by whites in this regard, the result was the same -- a gradual uprooting of blacks, circumstantially forcing them out of the District. Glenn Beck's Decision To Scratch Plan To Promote His Book May Have Been Wise
  • Despite a flourishing career as a freelance writer and a home in rural New England, he felt the Irish connection so strongly that he uprooted his family to move here.
  • This sin needs to be uprooted from our hearts, which is a painful process.
  • This vine has also been planted in Galicia and Rueda, where it is being uprooted in favour of local varieties, and in the increasingly vinously significant Canary Islands where it is the main white variety.
  • Work commitments forced her to uproot herself and her son from Reykjavik.
  • Wind-related mortality, resulting from broken or uprooted boles, accounted for less than 50% of the mortality in relatively intact stands.
  • With every line of his statement, epic memories of past greatness were dishonoured and uprooted.
  • With winds up to 90mph it is quite likely trees will be uprooted and power lines and buildings damaged. The Sun
  • Terrorist movements have frequently consisted of members of the educated middle classes, but there has also been agrarian terrorism, terror by the uprooted and the rejected, and trade union and working-class terror…. The Riddle of Terrorism
  • Leonardite is great, it last a very long time, adds a slow release form of carbon, matches the gravel's color, sinks easily poses no issues if you disturb and uproot plants.
  • Their trunk is employed to pull branches off trees, uproot grass, pluck fruit, and to place food in their mouths.
  • You may get into trouble if you uproot the whole plant; and there's no point. Times, Sunday Times
  • Trees were uprooted and telegraph lines collapsed. Times, Sunday Times
  • As for the indigenous people, a small fraction were better off, but most were uprooted from their traditional lands whose fragile ecosystems had been destroyed.
  • As a result the club has closed off the upstairs until further notice. A poplar tree was also uprooted by the wind, falling across a pavement on Thornham Drive in Astley Bridge.
  • Hundreds of houses were washed away, trees were uprooted and all the bridges across the river were torn down. Times, Sunday Times
  • Many foreigners have gone through the process of having their lives uprooted and transplanted back to their parents homeland.
  • At first we see only what is uprooted and ploughed in, -- the daisy drabbled, and the violet crushed, -- and the first trees planted amid the unsightly furrows stand dumb and disconsolate, irresolute in leaf, and without flower or fruit. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 15, No. 87, January, 1865
  • They can be over one mile wide and destroy or uproot entire towns. The Sun
  • The bins were overflowing and paving slabs in the drive had been uprooted. The Sun
  • One morning in 2001 he found that his trees had been uprooted. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Gallagher family has been uprooted from the Chatsworth estate in Stretford and relocated to the projects of Chicago, with a new cast led by William H Macy as Frank. TV review: Shameless US; Planet of the Apemen
  • They can be over one mile wide and destroy or uproot entire towns. The Sun
  • Whole communities and long settled social orders have been suddenly uprooted by externally imposed political economic change.
  • Rough, because of the emotional issues of separation and abandonment and being uprooted.
  • Elsewhere in Britain motorways and minor roads were closed as lorries overturned, trees were uprooted and chimney stacks were toppled by 90 mph gusts.
  • She uprooted herself from the farm and moved to London.
  • But now that it's over, the kibbutzniks and uprooted settlers have to find ways to live together.
  • Could one have had a situation where the 2900-year old trees were destroyed but not uprooted by the 2900-year advance; they were covered up by paleosol in a subsequent retreat, but without trees re-advancing to that elevation in the Roman WP or MWP. Thoughts on Alpine Glacier Stratigraphy « Climate Audit
  • Well I hope she keeps her seat available if she don't succeed in uprooting this clone of BUSHS 'from the governor's seat. Barbour hopes Hutchison stays in Senate
  • Once prosperous merchants, bankers, moneylenders and currency exchangers, they were uprooted from their homes and occupations in the early 90s.
  • ‘Steinbeck's potent blend of empathy and moral outrage was perfectly matched by the photographs of Dorothea Lange, who had caught the whole saga with her camera - the tents, the jalopies, the bindlestiffs, the pathos and courage of uprooted mothers and children. ‘
  • Emergency services were deluged with calls at the weekend as strong winds blew through the county causing structural damage to buildings, uprooting trees and turning over vehicles.
  • The bins were overflowing and paving slabs in the drive had been uprooted. The Sun
  • Whoever uprooted that tree ought to be ashamed of themselves.
  • The war uprooted many people
  • Hundreds of trees were uprooted or stripped of leaves. Times, Sunday Times
  • Likud rejects the idea of uprooting Jewish settlements or sharing Jerusalem with the Palestinians, she said, adding that "if two states for two peoples was such a magic solution, the Palestinians could have been celebrating their eighth independence day. News | WM |
  • Whole neighbourhoods were uprooted and displaced. The Times Literary Supplement
  • With every line of his statement, epic memories of past greatness were dishonoured and uprooted.
  • The elephants had killed the trees by uprooting and debarking them.
  • Terrified residents watched as roofs were ripped off, chimneys crashed down and trees were uprooted. Times, Sunday Times
  • Moving house is rarely easy, and the strain of uprooting is incomparably greater for people who can barely move themselves. Residential care: In a decrepit state | Editorial
  • There were tractors ploughing the soil, many of the shrubs had been uprooted and it was buzzing with activity.
  • What could be the most outstanding in Dr. Sayegh's introduction is the Biblical concept of the "Exodus" that spread throughout more than thirty centuries coupling this expression of Jewish history from one side and Biblical myths on the other, considering this so-called fallacious "Exodus" in its foundations, sources, meaning stands ashamed in front another factual, actual and felt exodus in millions of proofs, which is the exodus of three quarters of a million Palestinian Arabs forcefully and savagely uprooted by the force of arms and Zionist terror. Palestine Blogs aggregator
  • And then we uproot a tree and put it in our sitting room. The Sun
  • However, in 1989 a series of storm-force winds boxed the compass and it was these that uprooted many trees on Dartmoor.
  • He kicked at a clump of ragwort with his toe and left it uprooted, to perish: was that part of the plan? GRACE
  • Whoever uprooted that tree ought to be ashamed of themselves.
  • the vestiges of political democracy were soon uprooted
  • In the meantime, audacious scribblers arise, as from our own bosom, who not only obscure the light of sound doctrine with clouds of error, or infatuate the simple and the less experienced with their wicked ravings, but by a profane license of skepticism, allow themselves to uproot the whole of Religion. Commentary on Genesis - Volume 1
  • Streetlights toppled over, trees were uprooted and some cars were overturned.
  • Psychiatry was invented by a man named Freud and was based on his theory that people had no way of knowing why they were unhappy or behaved peculiarly, because the origins of the problem were hidden from them, lurking in what he called the subconscious, and only a trained, expensive specialist could uncover and uproot them over the course of a long, expensive treatment. WASN'T THE GRASS GREENER A Curmudgeon's Fond Memories
  • Forecasters said 80mph winds and heavy rain could uproot trees and flatten flimsy buildings. The Sun
  • Elsewhere in deforested Haiti, wind gusts uprooted a palm tree and flung it into a mud hut, killing one person and injuring three in southern Les Cayes town, the Red Cross said.
  • In the Speak-See Ball, huge shelves of land were being uprooted and tossed through the air like confetti.
  • Soldiers are accused of beating local residents - women as well as men - who have not obeyed the orders to uproot their vegetable gardens and fruit trees.
  • Trees were uprooted by 100mph winds at the height of the storms and drivers had to be rescued from cars caught in flash floods. Times, Sunday Times
  • The main concern is with the vertical upward forces which act on the plant, producing an uprooting tendency.
  • The damage ranges from a house being unroofed at St Mary's to trees being uprooted throughout the state.
  • Uprooted trees were strewn across roads, homes were wrecked and cars submerged. The Sun
  • Putting forth a great effort,he uprooted the tree.
  • Instead, I recommend you join the global struggle to uproot this vile system.
  • The women were forced to constantly uproot their families and move to another part of the country in the hope that they would be able to live in peace.
  • ‘On that day, a crime was committed against a people, who were uprooted from their land and whose existence was destroyed and who were forced to flee to all areas of the world,’ he said.
  • The solution Young plants uproot easily. Times, Sunday Times
  • These bikes uproot heather and, if they run over Iron Age ancient burial mounds, the damage would be irreversible.
  • Next on the agenda for the Park Committee is the uprooting of two deodar cedar trees close to the rose garden.
  • Outside of its formidable-looking fortress, it had little else to recommend it being mostly covered with the scraggry brush known as dwarf-shrub, so named because it looked somewhat like a dwarfs thick, russet beard and because once it dug its way into the coralite, it was almost impossible to uproot. The Hand of Chaos
  • Instead, the palm trees are uprooted and rotting on the sand, which is hidden by rubble and rubbish.
  • But it is not just hunger that has uprooted these desperate people from their homes.
  • My family are very settled in the area and at this stage of my career my wife and I are not prepared to uproot the children and take them to a different school.
  • The industrialization of agriculture after the Second World War, with its attendant use of chemicals and uprooting of hedgerows, has destroyed the habitat of many familiar plants and animal species.
  • This would entail uprooting people and resettling them somewhere else.
  • They are psychologically losers, uprooted de-territorialized individuals who can become imaginary heroes of a virtual ummah through their own death. Nathan Gardels: Key Host Territory of Anti-US Jihadists is the Virtual Ummah, Not Yemen
  • The exuberant, deadly light embraced the dank alley as it sped toward Zarl, uprooting the earth once trapped by cement and gravel.
  • Buses and lorries were overturned, trees were uprooted and seals were washed away. Times, Sunday Times

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