How To Use Uproarious In A Sentence

  • Leave it to them to balance the uproariously bizarre with the mentally disturbed to create a wonderfully schizoid DVD package.
  • His script is peppered with mildly amusing moments, but few that are uproarious.
  • Satan laughs uproariously and answers, "Yeah, right.
  • This uproarious comedy is about three Brothers who are brought together by the will of their dying father.
  • I also laughed uproariously when two of the Jackasses, dressed in marching band uniforms, climbed into a pen with a very aggressive ram, under the pretense of trying to sooth the savage beast with music. Marshall Fine: HuffPost Review: Jackass 3D
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  • A gorgeous magic performance did spot for Zhou Jielun has laughed uproariously fully.
  • wich is down 'Endon wy," is no longer a spree for him, however uproarious the "shindy," and however ready his "gal" may be to sit on his knee and "change 'ats" to the accompaniment of cornet and concertina. The History of "Punch"
  • I honestly couldn't have told you how long I stood there in the crowd, listening to him play, but when the song finally ended, I broke into uproarious applause along with the others.
  • The humor ranges from sophomorically vulgar and ingeniously witty to uproariously racist and mischievously violent, but always ruthlessly dark.! » 2008 » July
  • It's a comedy rule, it seems, that the louder you can say a line or caterwaul in reaction to some hoary bit of high jinks, the more uproarious the moment becomes. Theater review: 'Fox on the Fairway' at Signature Theatre
  • But the crowd was getting more and more uproarious.
  • This part of the play did not receive the uproarious response I have seen the very same scene receive in other versions.
  • That contrasted with uproarious cheers at the Gibraltar pub in Buenos Aires, where a crowd of about 50 British expatriates applauded wildly.
  • They burst into uproarious laughter.
  • My seats were in the right field bleachers, notoriously the most profane, obnoxious and uproarious section in Yankee Stadium, if not in all of baseball.
  • Buncan saw the fox and caracal laugh uproariously but hardly spared a glance in their direction. The Lives of Felix Gunderson
  • Eventually I made it back to the bosom of my extended family, and related my story, expecting uproarious laughter.
  • They did every convention, from pratfalls to bad catch phrases to a live audience that laughed uproariously at the stupidest jokes - and were then accentuated by a laugh track.
  • Long about the time of year we call November, Athens exploded in an uproarious, joyous, naughty celebration - the Great Dionysia, or Festival of Dionysos.
  • Before the afternoon was out, a class of tinies had a new and uproarious catchphrase.
  • He laughs - uproariously, and poshly. Times, Sunday Times
  • He bought shirt – pins; wore a ring on his third finger; read poetry; bribed a cheap miniature – painter to perpetrate a faint resemblance to a youthful face, with a curtain over his head, six large books in the background, and an open country in the distance (this he called his portrait); ‘went on’ altogether in such an uproarious manner, that the three Miss Dounces went off on small pensions, he having made the tenement in Cursitor – street too warm to contain them; and in short, comported and demeaned himself in every respect like an unmitigated old Sketches by Boz
  • He had spent several uproarious evenings at the Embassy Club.
  • The lady felt her cheeks redden, as she remembered she had met the Duke in a most uproarious state.
  • With their propensity for schoolboy humour and scatology, they deal with the subject by uproarious laughter.
  • But it does mean that what is advertised and intended as an uproarious rib-tickler is really a far better light tragedy.
  • The farmers were not telling jokes, they were laughing uproariously at the long-haired, dippy hiker bloke.
  • The women admit everything takes twice as long because of their uproarious laughter.
  • Obama will greet the 8000 assembled guests by telecast which will receive polite applause until John McCain dons a Hitler moustache and adds a Nazi salute sending the crowd into uproarious peals of laughter. Matthew Yglesias » Hinderacker: Gandhi, Mandela are Overrated
  • Tabletop RPGs are notoriously "swingy" things, sometimes uproariously fun, sometimes mind-bendingly boring. My Secret Life
  • What unfolds is a riot of comic mayhem as mistaken identity leads to uproarious farce throughout.
  • If life were like the movies, every joke you tell would be met with uproarious laughter.
  • The BEMF Chamber Ensemble, too, played superbly, with some spectacular tootling on the sopranino recorder by Kathryn Montoya over Williams's uproarious "O ruddier than the cherry. The Seattle Times
  • This is bizarre, given that the system is such an uproarious success.
  • But almost from the moment he arrived in Baltimore to begin his new life as a Yankee, he discovered that his new world would be even more electric, if not quite as uproarious.
  • [Page 258] at the uproarious reception he got; but he stood erect in his faded and patched old khaki uniform, his battered bugle still flashed back the sunlight, and his handgrip was as firm as his father's as the boys crowded up, yelling, What's the matter with Gun-Shy Billy? The Shagganappi
  • He laughs uproariously as he finishes off the last of his papdi chaat.
  • The uproarious, bawdy image of these parties is wholly at odds with the petite, soft-spoken 41-year-old divorcee who has masterminded it all.
  • There are many Liverpool fans who will have spent the last week laughing uproariously at the madness of it all.
  • Only the week before, he had returned to his native City Road after five years in a German Prison Camp and he was given an uproarious welcome.
  • What unfolds is a riot of comic mayhem as mistaken identity leads to uproarious farce throughout.
  • uproarious stories
  • I blushed and grabbed his hand to drag him away from the loud, uproarious crowd.
  • Throughout the span of modern European political and cultural clash, the tension between these sets of ideas has bred conflagrant rebellion and uproarious revolution, new beginnings and salient renewals. The Brown Daily Herald RSS
  • The village went into an uproarious panic as people scattered everywhere in confusion and fear.
  • When the bell rang signaling the start of their one-hour of free time, a large flock of girls gathered around Millie to hear one of her infamous stories, or uproarious jokes.
  • This uproarious comedy is about three Brothers who are brought together by the will of their dying father.
  • This led again to an uproarious scene in the House.
  • A gang of filthy-faced, snotty-nosed ragamuffins laughed uproariously to see her screaming. Uprising
  • What she must have made of us lot - we got more uproarious as the evening progressed.
  • I love seeing the smile on people's faces when they hear something they like, and the uproarious applause that usually follows.
  • The last meeting of the Municipal Corporation saw more uproarious scenes than any other previous meeting and ended without any discussion on the agenda items.
  • He bought shirt-pins; wore a ring on his third finger; read poetry; bribed a cheap miniature-painter to perpetrate a faint resemblance to a youthful face, with a curtain over his head, six large books in the background, and an open country in the distance (this he called his portrait); 'went on' altogether in such an uproarious manner, that the three Miss Dounces went off on small pensions, he having made the tenement in Cursitor-street too warm to contain them; and in short, comported and demeaned himself in every respect like an unmitigated old Saracen, as he was. Sketches by Boz, illustrative of everyday life and every-day people
  • Some of the men now coming over it with the police had travelled it with Wolseley a few years previously and would have vivid recollections of the flies and mud and portages and the need of manufacturing skidways over the bogs, but they would also recall the irrepressible and uproarious spirit in which they used to sing of their additional accomplishments in the rollicking "Jolly Boys" chorus: Policing the Plains Being the Real-Life Record of the Famous North-West Mounted Police
  • Two weeks later, having beaten the Yankees in an uproarious division series, they lost the American League Championship Series in six games to Cleveland, and the Mariners went home.
  • ‘Our general is no more,’ was all he said, though loud enough for all the men to hear, and it was soon ensued by an enormously uproarious cheer from the troops.
  • Burn's suppers range from formal gatherings to uproariously informal rave-ups of drunkards and louts.
  • She could also be light-hearted and uproariously funny.
  • Sheffer -- who knew what makes business men laugh -- pinned his simple faith to three main subjects, convulsive of the diaphragmatic muscles, building up each series upon the inherent humor to be extracted from physical violence as represented in the perpetrations and punishments of Ruff and Reddy, marital infidelity as mirrored in the stratagems and errancies of an amorous ape with an aged and jealous spouse, and the sure-fire familiarity of aged minstrel jokes (mother-in-law, country constable, young married cookery, and the like) refurbished in pictorial serials through the agency of two uproarious and imbecilic vulgarians, Bonehead and Buttinsky. Success A Novel
  • Such defiantly provocative work, and the uproarious punk music which accompanied it, won him cult status.
  • I didn't expect him until dinnertime. He just about scared the bejabbers out of me as he sneaked up behind me and burst into this sudden, uproarious laughter.
  • And the future, the value of residential, the developer of housing in the green again, we run out laugh uproariously .
  • Those whacky gardening folk and their uproarious naming schemes!
  • This uproarious comedy about the questionable normalcy of a 1950s nuclear family under inspection by one of Eisenhower's agents only gets better the more it indulges its own silly irreverence.
  • The film is directed by Michael Winterbottom, and the end result is an outstanding and frequently uproarious telling of the Factory Records tale.
  • I didn't expect him until dinnertime. He just about scared the bejabbers out of me as he sneaked up behind me and burst into this sudden, uproarious laughter.
  • On stage, employees were singing and performing comedy sketches while their colleagues in the audience wolfed down dim sum and applauded uproariously.
  • With that he placidly resumed his walk, and was soon seated in the stern-sheets of a whaleboat manned by uproarious Kanakas, himself daintily perched out of the way of the least maculation, giving his commands in an unobtrusive, dinner-table tone of voice, and sweeping neatly enough alongside the schooner. The Wrecker
  • Suddenly her head went back, her mouth opened in a long, agonized wail, and became peal after peal of uproarious laughter. THE THORN BIRDS
  • Vincent Canby in The New York Times wrote, “The intentions of McCabe and Mrs. Miller are not only serious, they are meddlesomely imposed on the film by tired symbolism… [that] keep[s] spoiling the fun of what might have been an uproarious frontier fable.” STAR
  • The ancient Saxons celebrated the return of spring with an uproarious festival commemorating their goddess of offspring and of springtime, Eastre.
  • The uproarious bun throwing and surreptitious chatting up of 18th century public spaces gave way to the hushed cathedral of the 19th century concert hall.
  • The Brits, with their propensity for schoolboy humour and scatology, deal with the subject by uproarious laughter.
  • When I admitted the truth, the Collie laughed uproariously for what I thought was an unnecessarily long time, then cast aspersions on my parents.
  • But inside, my laugh was so uproarious that it looked as if I was going to be sick. GYPSY MASALA
  • Thus it was that Bruce missed his wontedly uproarious welcome as he cantered, at sunset one July day, into a smashed farmstead where his friends, the "Here-We-Comes," were bivouacked for the night. Bruce
  • One uproarious jape later, they had a story that, with a little embellishment, would keep them in drink for months, and possibly even form the basis of their next novel.
  • Shakespeare's lyrics to music of the old English school, such as his uproarious "Let me the cannikin clink," and his dainty "Tell me where is fancy bred. Contemporary American Composers Being a Study of the Music of This Country, Its Present Conditions and Its Future, with Critical Estimates and Biographies of the Principal Living Composers; and an Abundance of Portraits, Fac-simile Musical Autographs, and
  • In the case of The Closet, we're dealing with a movie that is often cute and occasionally funny, but is not especially clever or truly uproarious.
  • The village went into an uproarious panic as people scattered everywhere in confusion and fear.
  • The noise of talk and laughter was uproarious.
  • The boys returned to uproarious applause to end the concert, and did so in style.

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