How To Use Uppity In A Sentence

  • I don't think it's anything to get uppity about.
  • And the number one reason why republicans think President Obama should be impeached is … (insert drum roll) 1-He’s an uppity negro Think Progress » ‘Impeach Obama’ billboard ‘not meant to allege any impeachable offense.’
  • Meanwhile Georgia Rep. Lynn Westmoreland calling the Obamas "uppity" -- a slur that is one more downed beer away from being nigger -- barely got a register out of the left. John Ridley: Obama Gets Tough. Too Little, Too Late?
  • They start cursing what they call "uppity Catalans," accusing Barcelona - the capital of Catalonia - of turning the world against bullfighting. NPR Topics: News
  • To prevent them from getting uppity, it is necessary to create this tremendous, power consuming virtual reality.
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  • they're snobs--stuck-up and uppity and persnickety
  • YET ANOTHER endless, mind-numbing forty-seven page long blurb from victoria, who day in and day out thinks her uppity, doctorly opinions are welcome, relavant, superior, not coma-inducing... "Anna Nicole Smith embodied America... its overabundance; its exploitability, and its propensity to exploit."
  • He loves tweaking those uppity East Coast, smarty-pants liberals. Republican senator won't meet with Sotomayor
  • What are people actually saying when you hear the word uppity in association with Senator Barack Obama? CNN Transcript Jul 31, 2008
  • Thank you, Scott Brown, for setting that uppity newsgirl straight, and keeping women in their place. The Couric countdown continueth |
  • And there, of course, is the return to the central agenda: it's all the uppity republicans' fault after all.
  • They've been really good actually, even Mike and Terry who could have been uppity and awkward but weren't, which I appreciate.
  • We've already seen "uppity" - are we going to see some Repub drop an N-bomb before the end, with others jumping in to legitimize it as part of the political discourse? TPM Track Composite: Obama Ahead By Six Points
  • A particularly uppity man ‘sees himself as the intellectual of the team’.
  • Or called him "uppity" -- on at least two occasions. Archive 2008-01-01
  • The sub-humans that drive the media culture are so loathful of themselves that they will come to hate Obama for thinking he is better than they are; or that he doesn't need them; or they just get tired of the uppity black guy. Latest Articles
  • As I mentioned in my pre-election article, one southern politician even called him "uppity" -- and then denied that that had a racial connotation. Sasha Abramsky: The Long Exhale
  • She smiled, but she was an Angels fan and wasn't about to start encouraging an uppity little Yankees fan's affections, which only served to inflame him further.
  • If Obama gets the nomination, the issues will not matter to me, who cares about war, taxes and the economy, or abortion rights only the fact the my candidate was beaten fairly by some "uppity newcomer" who was able to somehow "bamboozle" the majority of democratic primary voters. Obama campaign makes general election plans
  • Yet rather than looking at the persistently disadvantaged economic position they're in and getting uppity, women have fallen silent.
  • He got/became very uppity when his fashion designs were criticized.
  • He seem to think that the Christians, having had 50 years to recuperate from the Decian persecution, were getting uppity and needed to be brought to hand. Superversive: Gondor, Byzantium, and Feudalism
  • If you just tried to show normal dignity, you were viewed as uppity.
  • In each, Douglas struggles against uppity, unsympathetic women who threaten his masculinity, disrupt his career and his cosy family life, and sexually harass him in the office.
  • As Ron Christie demonstrates in his recent book, Acting White: The Curious History of a Racial Slur, the notion that blacks who sought social, cultural or intellectual advancement were "acting white" was a slur that originated during slavery and Reconstruction as a way for whites to keep down so-called "uppity" blacks. The Racial Biases of Duke Hating
  • Katherine wasn't just smart, she was a tiny bit uppity, too: she almost got herself thrown in jail for arguing with him about some issues.
  • You just don't want to give those people any uppity ideas.
  • As the undisputed heavyweight champion of the world, he rightfully believed that the title position put his place in the uppity-stratospheric levels shared by other internationally famous, extremely wealthy and very powerful male WASP sports figures of his day (think Babe Ruth or John L. Sullivan). The Daily News - News
  • Brock's book seeks to vindicate Thomas's claim that he was "lynched" for his "uppity" conservative views. The Hill-Thomas Mystery
  • Somehow I was led to believe that she was all uppity but she wasn't at all.
  • I think the word uppity was invented so they'd have something to call you. Homebody
  • And I'd really like to know what my cat has to be so uppity about.
  • I'm sure we could find lots of testimony that would make him look really smug, self serving and uppity.
  • It's time to intervein on McCain,,,, and Palin,, that racist dog whistling is exactly what David Duke and those other friendly neighborhood folks in the white robes say to make sure some wacko gets the message and takes care of the uppity nigger. McCain: "Who Is The Real Barack Obama?" McCain Supporter: "Terrorist!"
  • Even good publicity could make a banker uppity, disloyal and limelight - seeking.
  • Crystal chandeliers are lit above them, a host of marble columns stand around them, and portraits of Habsburg royalty stare out at these uppity horses clippety clopping on a sand-covered palace floor. Waltzing Fever Is Afoot
  • Dare the uppity saleswomen at Saks or Gucci treat her with disdain?
  • The actress, on the other hand, was uppity, wouldn't sign autographs, kept to herself and was new at her job.
  • It's assumed that he'll be a bit less uppity with future clients.
  • getting a little uppity and needed to be slapped down
  • It means I'm getting uppity, thinking maybe I'm better than you.
  • So when Olbermann asks Obama to respond to an ugly use of the word uppity, Obama just laughs when we expected anger. Linda Bergthold: The War of the Lizard Brains
  • Were Wallace's limbs, on poles above Scottish gatehouses, meant as a sign to Edward's Scottish allies that they could deal likewise with uppity plebeians?
  • There's a broad difference between using the term niggardly - which has a totally different meaning and etymology to that of the N word - and saying that a black man is "uppity. Live-blogging night 4 of the Republican Convention.
  • Animal societies have proscribed behavior, and if you step outside of it too often or get too uppity you are ostracized.
  • And he feels entitled to pass judgment on Cambridge cops or on pediatricians … As we learned in the campaign last year, "arrogant" is the new "uppity. Knowing His Place
  • One cannot change this all in a moment, but one can balkanize Wikipedia's uppity, insipid lynch mob into an etiolated and sapless agglomeration. Historical Christian Hairstyles
  • Perhaps more to the point, in a country formed by migration, uppity workers are always at the mercy of the next wave of incomers.
  • Sykes was uppity, cunning and work-shy, while Hattie - magnificent in stature - was timid and trusting by nature, and easily suckered into her brother's misbegotten schemes.
  • All those uppity schools that allow people use their money to get a better education from the use of church resources should be closed.
  • ‘Personality tests can show if someone could be uppity to their boss,’ she said, pausing to chuckle.
  • Papa used to say if you don't want to work don't open the store but he didn't rule out the option of slamming the door on someone's toes if they got uppity with you.

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