
upper surface

  1. the side that is uppermost

How To Use upper surface In A Sentence

  • The investigation revealed that it was likely that the airplane gradually accumulated a thin, rough glaze/mixed ice coverage on the leading edge deicing boot surfaces, possibly with ice ridge formation on the leading edge upper surface, as the airplane descended from 7000 feet mean sea level (msl) to 4000 feet msl in icing conditions, which may have been imperceptible to the pilots. - Business News
  • On either side of the joint, the synovial membrane passes downward from the femur, lining the capsule to its point of attachment to the menisci; it may then be traced over the upper surfaces of these to their free borders, and thence along their under surfaces to the tibia (Figs. 351, 352). III. Syndesmology. 7b. The Knee-joint
  • _expand and open out from each other_, some bending round and terminating their action on the upper surface of the hemisphere, and others meeting, as it were, above in their progress outwards, uniting their forces to give an increased charge to the carrier ball, at an _increased distance_ from the source of power, and influencing each other so as to cause a second flexure in the contrary direction from the first one. Experimental Researches in Electricity, Volume 1
  • Six steps, alternately black and white, vertically elongated, extend up into the sky, the upper surfaces broken by slits that suggest embrasures.
  • Needles are 2-6 cm long, flattened, strongly waxy and silvery-white on the lower surface, green above, mostly 2-ranked, spreading horizontally, not concealing the upper surface of twigs, the needles 1-ranked and spiraled higher on the tree; resin canals marginal, located near the lower epidermis; stomatal rows absent on the upper surface at midleaf, 5-7 stomatal rows on each side of midrib of lower surface. Grand fir
  • It is scarcely more previous than the underlying limestones, and why a solution that could penetrate and leach ores from it should be stopped at the upper surface of the blue limestone is not obvious; nor why the plane of junction between the porphyry and the _blue limestone_ should be the special place of deposit of the ore. Scientific American Supplement, No. 446, July 19, 1884
  • As I was doubtful whether this was due to the cells on the upper surface of the lobes, or to the sensitive filaments, being acted on by exosmose, one leaf was first tried by pouring a little of the same solution in the furrow between the lobes over the midrib, which is the chief seat of movement. Insectivorous Plants
  • Its upper surface is convex and is marked along the middle line by a shallow sulcus; the anterior two-thirds are rough and studded with papillæ; the posterior third is smooth and tuberculated. XII. Surface Anatomy and Surface Markings. 2. Surface Markings of Special Regions of the Head and Neck
  • The upper surface of the arms are covered with a dense coating of granules and segmental bands of hooks.
  • The = pileus = is first umbilicate or depressed, becoming depressed or infundibuliform, irregular, eccentric, the margin repand, and sometimes lobed, and lobes appearing at times on the upper surface of the cap. Studies of American Fungi. Mushrooms, Edible, Poisonous, etc.
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