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How To Use Updating In A Sentence

  • Hopefully you have purchased a Security Suite (antivirus, firewall, antispyware, etc) from a RELIABLE vendor (like McAfee) and have it properly configured and automatically updating … if so, you probably would not have been infected … SciFi, Fantasy & Horror Collectibles - Part 111
  • There's been an interesting mini-trend in operatic directing in the past few months: updating 19th-century comic operas to World War II settings. We'll Meet Again
  • Once I had finished updating a monthly report, I took an early lunch and met her for a coffee.
  • Most manufacturers content themselves with updating existing models.
  • Organization chart updating and announce when necessary.
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  • Networking and the cultivation of contacts are both professional skills and survival skills, as is the continual updating of technological expertise.
  • On-line updating can now be set up as a cron job to reach out to the server of your choice at the time of your choosing, check for available updates and download and install them without user interaction.
  • The centralized management, dynamic maintenance and updating, and sharing of the spatial data of land resource has always been the nodus of the land resource management informatization.
  • Most manufacturers content themselves with updating existing models.
  • Assist with updating the manual and promotional material selections every four months.
  • If you're happy with your existing cabinet layout and the cabinets are still in good condition, then updating their look by refacing them is a smart alternative to replacing them.
  • Some tasks, such as repagination, updating fields, and importing altChunk elements are difficult to accomplish when using the Open XML SDK, so if your scenario requires those areas of functionality, it's great to use the Open XML SDK together with Word Automation Services. Site Home
  • But there's a difference between updating the syllabus and emasculating it.
  • Their first step was a major cosmetic overhaul, updating the house with simplicity and consistency in mind: sanding down textured walls and ceilings, painting, refinishing wood floors, replacing chandeliers, and retiling counters.
  • Ubuntu did updating and the Verizon system was just ofer 2 K at times. if it had not speeded up it would have taken hours to do the updates. at fastest was bit over 91 K. The Jaunty Jackalope Hops Aboard Ubuntu’s Ark - Bits Blog -
  • You can also get the Ubuntu version 1.0 by adding the following repositories and updating your current vlc: deb [ppa.] jaunty main deb-src [ppa.] jaunty main mjm01010101 VLC 1.0 Release Candidate Now Available | Lifehacker Australia
  • The connection quadric exploit is a quite active application domain of present structure computation model updating technology research.
  • Meanwhile, currently unquestioned metaphysical assumptions may need updating and most importantly, scientists need to understand the limitations of their approach to a conception of the nature of the universe.
  • A repair crew have completed the updating of water traps in the centre of town, which were not level with the pavement since it was raised many years ago.
  • He was in the process of updating his log when the intercom buzzed.
  • The immediacy of radio, and its nimbleness in updating stories, was once what gave it a huge advantage over print - an advantage that, of course, the new media have captured.
  • System Upgrade: After insert this device, and identified as U disk, click this button for system firmware updating.
  • [5.232678] Driver 'sr' needs updating - please use bus_type methods
  • Updating of its contents is most timely in view of the recent interest in mathematical modelling of oil field development techniques.
  • The image using Gaspar Llamazares'photo appeared on a wanted poster updating the US government's 1998 photo of the al-Qaida leader.
  • He's also writing lots of magazine articles, updating his website, publishing every issue of The Realist online and, in his spare time, maintaining what he calls his "cottage industry"-- peddling a digitally colored edition of the infamous "Disneyland Memorial Orgy" parody, created by Mad magazine artist Wally Wood and first published in 1967 as a centerspread in The Realist. Michael Sigman: Satirist Paul Krassner Turning 80, Going Strong
  • Ultimately, responsibility for maintaining and continually updating the reference architecture rests in the hands of front-line project management and the architecture group.
  • Coordinator of VS risk management, responsible for department risk log book updating and CAPA tracking.
  • For now, however, users would do well to exercise extreme caution in updating their machines.
  • Panasonic's iA (Intelligent Auto) mode is further advanced in the FX700 with the addition of Motion Deblur mode* by updating the motion detection (Intelligent ISO Control) and brightness control (Intelligent Exposure) to gain the highest shutter speed possible. Gizmodo
  • The method and mobile station of the invention can select the proper time to initiate the subdistrict updating process to save the RACH signal channel resources.
  • And they have to keep updating it because he keeps remarrying and having more children.
  • The present bibliography intends to provide a comprehensive reference guide to the publications dealing with Shakespeare on television, updating and revising misprints and inaccuracies in previous bibliographies.
  • Stats collection has been temporarily turned off, so you will not see your post count or recent posts updating on your dashboard or profile.
  • Some vendors may provide automatic patch updating for home users, and such systems may be appropriate for updating your mobile workforce and remote homeworkers with the latest security fixes.
  • He was back in the office, updating the work schedule on the computer.
  • Experts say the most popular home improvement projects are room additions, sprucing up the kitchen and updating the bath.
  • It may not be necessary to go to the added expense of updating your virus software.
  • I spend a good chunk of time trying to track down the problem - running diagnostics, defragging the hard drive, updating drivers, etc.
  • This enables me to easily get the hash value and update my page, whether that action is as simple as updating the page with the hash data itself, as shown below or whether it involves requesting data from the server based on a unique identifier stored in the hash: function HashChanged () {$get ( "content"). innerHTML = window. location.hash;} MSDN: U.S. Local Highlights
  • And they said the same things but they added that some of their weapons, thermal sights and night vision devices needed updating.
  • If there is a software issue regarding GPS, performing hard reset or updating the ROM will solve that.
  • The former will probably most appreciate the extensive explanations Oliver provides on orthography, phonology, morphology, and syntax, and her updating of the arguments with the latest scholarship.
  • Updating that speech with a few gems from the last year won't be hard. Building a Comprehensive SF&F Collection
  • It is commonly thought that it was abandoned in the 'aggiornamento', the updating begun by the Orangeville Citizen
  • Abstract searching and updating of the data bases are done centrally and then disseminated to the centers.
  • How do you measure that the ROI is on its use on a per person basis, ‘i’ being the time the person invests in updating his facebook page etc. ‘Over half of US workplaces block social networks’ « pwcom 2.0
  • She spent more than a year updating a 300-page portion of the city code called the "multifamily code," which spells out what developers can build in urban neighborhoods. The Seattle Times
  • I don't know that I "venerate" the Constitution, but I most certainly do oppose tinkering with it in the name of "updating". "A 'bill of particulars' against the Constitution."
  • Subject: GAZA story/updating As we hand off the updating of the Gaza story into this evening, please make SURE we keep at least these three grafs in our updating story: Hamas, whose charter specifically calls for the destruction of the state of Israel, is listed as a terrorist organization by the United States, Canada, Japan, Australia, the United Kingdon and the European Union and is banned in Jordan. Thursday, January 08, 2009
  • Newspapers such as Ede Stad are updating their Twitter feeds with new headlines and links back to their corresponding articles. Megite Technology News: What's Happening Right Now
  • It also announced the intention to modernise the management of common land by updating existing legislation.
  • Highly suitable for a small children's collection with modest funds for annual updating of stock. 8.
  • Meanwhile, adventurous styling elsewhere in the market began to make Volvos look unappealingly out of step and old-fashioned, in dire need of visual updating.
  • What was originally a graphic novel, updating an Orwellian tale of revolt against an authoritarian government to the Eighties, has become a movie that updates the same themes to the present day.
  • It usually takes three to five years to finish the updating work but modern conveniences like the telephone and Internet have aided their efforts.
  • Perhaps the model is in need of some updating, and no longer fulfils all of its original objectives, but replacing it with an even more flawed design is surely a retrograde step.
  • Much easier and safer is maintaining the status quo and trying to hang onto the users who, for whatever reason, are still updating their profiles. Why MySpace Is Really GeoCities 2.0
  • The first team was very responsive and cooperative in updating data.
  • He was faced with the great challenge of updating a decrepit and wasteful government system and responding to demands for increased freedom while maintaining order.
  • Please advise us of any updating or errors, which we can incorporate until 11 August.
  • Updating is easier if the information is contained on a word processor but manual records are adequate.
  • He looks with disfavor on this simplest solution because it imposes a particular geometry on space and also requires some kind of master clock to synchronize the updating of all the cells throughout the grid.
  • For people whose school Spanish is a distant memory, this course will offer revision and updating of the written and spoken language, to improve competence and confidence and form a base for further study.
  • Adding and updating events online is a task which usually falls to an overworked webmaster or website manager.
  • In updating the law on spousal rape, prosecutors in Arizona should punish that crime no differently than any other rape.
  • Don't let another day pass by without evaluating and updating your existing tactics and incorporate fresh, proven tactics that will make your sales soar and put you in the winner's circle.
  • And he fears updating the Copyright Act will blow up because of the Tory's short-term penchant for slogans and electioneering. The Globe and Mail - Home RSS feed
  • If activated it will kill DLL files related to the updating components of various anti-virus programs.
  • This is why our simple kitchen updating has inspired us to retile our fireplace in the family room and tear out the master bathroom cabinetry.
  • Her current task is to undertake survey work, updating existing charts and navigational resources.
  • It could do with some (sensitive) updating, and upkeep will be pricy. Times, Sunday Times
  • Likewise, operations updating multiple tables can take advantage of transactional atomicity in their changes.
  • This means that any database of precomputed statistically significant pairs of genes could be used only through an appropriate pair filtering, and that a genome addition should reconsider all genomes previously analyzed for the updating of new gene pairs. Naturejobs - All Jobs
  • We don't know for sure what caused this problem, but updating and modernizing the national grid is important.
  • At press time, the band were hesitant to offer any previews, but if their riotous live shows have been any indication, the faint of heart may want to think about updating their life-insurance policies.
  • This in turn has ramifications for updating rules, in particular calling into question the appropriateness of conditionalization. Interpretations of Probability
  • The centralized management, dynamic maintenance and updating, and sharing of the spatial data of land resource has always been the nodus of the land resource management informatization.
  • And sometimes they send e-mail messages to Walsh and Pulver, updating the information on the size of their share-holdings.
  • Consider now how the evolving notions of a flat earth, Copernican astronomy and Einsteinian physics have subsequently changed how mankind sees its place in the cosmos, continuously updating the past explanations with something superior. Jason Silva: On Creativity, Marijuana and "a Butterfly Effect in Thought"
  • A single Test task can involve updating the test plan, creating test cases, creating test scripts, and running the tests.
  • This unreliability is not caused by sudden instabilities of search engines, but precisely by their operational stability in systematically updating the Internet.
  • Some garbage collection algorithms require significant cooperation from the compiler or runtime environment, such as updating reference counts whenever a pointer assignment is performed.
  • He looks with disfavor on this simplest solution because it imposes a particular geometry on space and also requires some kind of master clock to synchronize the updating of all the cells throughout the grid.
  • Except for the lovely outdoor night scene for Juliet's funeral, with its twinkling stars, some updating might be good.
  • Pearl also required full real-time integration; any dependency on batch updating was unacceptable.
  • I've been farting around with firewalls, spyware and updating my anti-virus software this week, which in addition to some ISP hassles has kept me away from blogging.
  • If the data has been modified without updating the checksums, then the checksums will fail to add up.
  • We had no hand in altering or updating the series. Is long the new short?
  • So ignore the at-best tokenistic updating for these cannibalistic shenanigans and relish the sheer beauty of the songs. Times, Sunday Times
  • It may not be necessary to go to the added expense of updating your virus software.
  • The radar beam which tracks the Patriot missile carries instructions updating it on which way to go to head off the enemy.
  • Driver 'sd' needs updating - please use bus_type methods nf_conntrack version 0.5.0 (1024 buckets, 4096 max) ohci_hcd: 2006 August 04 USB 1.1 'Open' Host Controller (OHCI) Driver OpenWrt : News
  • An administrative oversight resulted in delays in updating the parking permit system, causing many residents to be overcharged for the renewal of their permits in December.
  • The ATF's Meidad Goren is the programme's longest-serving instructor and will be updating HRH on the work of the task force.
  • Still can lose furrow area flexibility and corneous layer to add thick cortex to depart additionally, this also can drive circumjacent skin to undertake updating.
  • As we approach the decade mark next month, the readership around here at GitM continues to dwindle, which is primarily my fault for not updating as much as I'd like. Megite Technology News: What's Happening Right Now
  • We won't be publishing another print edition of Online until January 6, but rest assured we'll still be updating the website with all the latest news.
  • In some cases these firewalls come with a predefined set of rules that constitute the blacklist that they evaluate data against, whereas in others network administrators are responsible for creating and updating the ruleset. DPI: simplified and demystified
  • Carrying out remedial repairs and updating of central heating systems are among the group s priorities.
  • Driver 'sr' needs updating - please use bus_type methods
  • You have to get it for yourself, by updating your skills constantly and staying alert to new opportunities.
  • The front desk takes care of everything from laundering sheets to updating furnishings.
  • She wishes to express her sincerest thanks to all the people who telephoned her and called to her to assist in the updating of records.
  • Error updating journal: Poll error: Unknown type on lj-pq tag. Oh great lj overmind
  • It is possible to subscribe to an updating service, but adopting your own scheme is perfectly adequate and is not expensive.
  • Contractors are also updating the pool side and changing facilities, after bathers complained of scraping themselves on rough concrete around the pool when climbing in and out.
  • This year there's an updating of Handel's Saul by Olivia Fuchs; Donizetti's opera seria Maria di Rohan, directed by Stephen Medcalf with Mary Plazas in the title role; and – to mark the bicentenary of the birth of Ambroise Thomas – a rare staging of his most celebrated opera Mignon, conducted by the festival's artistic director Andrew Greenwood. This week's new live music
  • You could create an ongoing system by continually updating the network and removing old data.
  • The application developer can focus on business logic and let the service handle the implementation details of updating a persistent data store.
  • Not so anymore. People in basements, in small towns in foreign lands, and even kids with GPSs are creating and updating data.
  • It may not be necessary to go to the added expense of updating your virus software.
  • Oh, gosh, that reminds me, I meant to say, I've been updating my wishlist…
  • I then called intuit only to find out that their system was updating and messed up my efile. Undefined
  • Sligo County Council staff are in the process of updating manholes and water traps in the town over the past few weeks.
  • Updating a scheme can be as simple and economic as painting, replacing or removing unit doors, or updating accessories such as knobs and handles.
  • Undoubtedly Melanie will be updating us on this startling development. wahida shaheen On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
  • It was announced towards the end of last month that refurbishment aimed at updating the clock had been completed.
  • I spent a laborious ten minutes updating my particulars, then pressed Save.
  • It also announced the intention to modernise the management of common land by updating existing legislation.
  • Bexley Council is currently consulting people about its plans to spend £4m during the next five years on expanding and updating the library service.
  • When CIS was updating its website, it organised dummy runs to ensure that its systems were working properly.
  • I'll be back each weekend, so should be able to update the story then, but don't really see a high possibility in updating more often than that… sorry!
  • He was back in the office, updating the work schedule on the computer.
  • My profoundest apologies for not updating for such an abominably long time.
  • No one on my reading lists is updating their sites anymore, so that doesn't give me anything to do during the day.
  • During this time updating and regular reporting procedures were developed and the necessary programs written.
  • criminal records need regular updating
  • On the downside, MS-DOS is now so well hidden that it's a bit of an uphill task to create a boot diskette for tasks such as BIOS updating.
  • This is an outline of the way speed can be achieved during normal updating.
  • Updating of its contents is most timely in view of the recent interest in mathematical modelling of oil field development techniques.
  • Development of updating procedures for and analysis of Pakistan interindustry relationships (Special report series) by A. Q Khan OpEdNews - Quicklink: Pakistani scientist (AQ Khan) says government knew about nuclear shipment to North Korea
  • After updating him on all of her adventures she bid him good nite and promised to keep in touch no matter what.
  • What does all this photo-sharing and status-updating mean for the environment? Jennifer Grayson: Eco Etiquette: Should I Delete My Facebook Account?
  • In a modern updating of the story, which is set in ancient Rome, Ms. Urquiola has created a soaring, distinctly Urquiola-like space, set off by a veil-like latticed platform. Design With a Poetical Touch
  • Land resources inventory short-periodically, database building and updating is the basical task and important prerequisite of land optimum utilization and scientific management.
  • - Updating anaesthetic record - Sitting down • Can't tag syringes • Can 'equip' anaesthetists ACIS 2008 RFID in the Anaesthetic Triangle 19 Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • But here I am, updating my résumé and preparing grad school applications and there's nada.
  • Negotiations with Transco started in 2000, and the company is updating a feasibility study into removing the gasholder.
  • Responsible for status monitoring of purchasing contract and purchasing order, on site inspection for equipment, updating the payment status.
  • Distribute your updates, by updating a single file.
  • When Alfred died in 1997, Ray was the only white coffin bearer at his funeral, and later Ray set about updating the book, which was republished last year.
  • The editor shows methods that are marked as deprecated and even comes with a clean up tool for automatically updating your code base, if possible.
  • I was updating her about the current situation when I got yet another call.
  • As you may have surmised from the infrequent updating, the NICU is keeping me busy.
  • So, I've been doing some updating of the links down the left-hand side, trying to spruce the place up a bit. Archive 2010-02-01
  • But within about two months, that list was obsolete and nobody bothered updating it.
  • I'm sorry I've been so slack with updating.
  • This includes updating the file or record format using data structures or the RPG built-in function %FIELDS.
  • It is constantly evolving, updating, redefining itself.
  • Please advise us of any updating or errors, which we can incorporate until 11 August.
  • Most manufacturers content themselves with updating existing models.
  • [418.838480] Driver 'sr' needs updating - please use bus_type methods
  • He was back in the office, updating the work schedule on the computer.
  • The club began work this week on updating and rebranding the current facilities to incorporate the new logo and make the ground more welcoming.
  • I know it's a little longer than normal since my last update (2 days, wow!) but I didn't get round to updating yesterday.
  • Since the publication of the Manning Centre study, Ekos has been updating a variety of indicators germane to the question of whether Canadian attitudes are indeed" blueing "-- or becoming more conservative. - News for the rest of us
  • Nov 23 14: 59: 05 tigger kernel: [475.861599] Driver 'sr' needs updating - please use bus_type methods
  • They would put cash gifts towards updating the stone at the grave where Evelyn was buried with her husband and daughter.
  • The money will be spent on updating equipment for the school and other necessary improvements.
  • Coordinator of VS risk management, responsible for department risk log book updating and CAPA tracking.
  • By now, it's widely known that Lucas freely engages in updating, altering, and repurposing his former works.
  • Less evident is a web cam running in the background and updating every ten minutes.
  • Meanwhile, the Halifax will be updating us on November house prices.
  • She was debate team president, and always updating us on the coming events in the group.
  • Until now, boaters with navigation software had to purchase their charts from a vendor or pay a vendor for a subscription to a chart updating service.
  • Updating the technological rules would give businesses the green light they need invest here and create jobs -- jobs that are more likely to migrate offshore the longer Congress dallies. J. Bradley Jansen: Time to Safeguard Electronic Communications
  • He was back in the office, updating the work schedule on the computer.
  • In 1997, the World Council of Churches met in Aleppo, Syria, and proposed scientifically updating both calendars. Catholics, Orthodox Agree: Pope Remains a Sticking Point
  • If news sites waited around before updating their visitors, before long they'd have none to update.
  • It may not be necessary to go to the added expense of updating your virus software.
  • The Qatari sheikha paid Fenton for "developing and managing" the campaign website, "including regularly advising and updating the site with new content," according to the contract documents. Israelated - English Israel blogs
  • The company has spent thousands of pounds updating their computer systems.
  • For example, in the five months between the last edition of this book's List and almost100 sites needed updating.
  • If you are considering updating your Novell network from a previous version or moving away from the much less secure and troublesome offering from Redmond, then you should take a gander at this book.
  • The magazine buzzed him in his L.A. hotel room and chatted about the new film, the band's score and the art of updating soundtracks.
  • Updating its graphics, sounds and other features with the latest technology these casinos even though online but are now giving all close to reality experience with fun, thrill and excitement that is simply endless and unparallel. Online Gambling, the place where the sun of fun never sets | Poker Hands
  • Then other clients come for horaries, or for natal readings, or updating their progressions.
  • The scale of the effort would have precluded updating the flow chart when new experience was gained or after equipment modification.
  • We will be regularly updating this database, publish certain "slices" and overviews by sub-genre, or by year - and ultimately incorporate it with our "Wonder Timeline" of Science Fiction and Fantasy. The Ultimate Guide to Modern Writers of Science Fiction and Fantasy
  • So what does all this photo-sharing and status-updating mean for the environment? Jennifer Grayson: Eco Etiquette: Should I Delete My Facebook Account?
  • A chunk of the cash has already been ear-marked for continuing work on updating the West Coast main line along with cross city links in Edinburgh and a new rail service to Glasgow Airport.
  • However, the rapidly changing light-truck market meant a quick restyle and interior updating wouldn't last against a flood of competitors.
  • Is the church merely updating its musical liturgy, or has it fallen victim to the nearly omnipotent power of popular culture?
  • The radar beam which tracks the Patriot missile carries instructions updating it on which way to go to head off the enemy.

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