How To Use Up in the air In A Sentence

  • Ultimately, one of the dog's hind legs shoots up in the air, as its head goes down.
  • There's this particularly annoying position called the plough, (I secretly call it the pretzel), where you lie on your back and bring your legs up in the air and then over your head behind you. A Work in Progress
  • Those Journos not "prioritized" were forced to line up in halls, down stairs, and out in the street to attend the screening of Up in the Air. Erica Abeel: Corporate Culture on Trial in Toronto
  • Holding the block, extend your legs straight up in the air so they your torso and legs make a 90-degree angle.
  • Be sure your arms stay in line with your shoulders and in a vertical plane (straight up in the air).
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  • While her political future may be up in the air, Sarah Palin's populist star wattage remains undeniable as she basks in an undimmed political limelight for a core of supporters bored by what they describe as a lackluster Republican Party leadership and angry at the Obama administration's expansion of government and imposition of power. The Washington Times stories: Latest Headlines
  • The other actors sang me the usual and then they gave me the 'bumps', where they had to hold my arms and legs and throw me up in the air.
  • It was at that point that the screw thread stripped and the pressure blew the whistle up in the air.
  • Alsop likes buildings on stilts, that start a long way up in the air and allow landscape to flow beneath.
  • A live feed, which presumably had no copyright issues, was generated from a video camera pointing up in the air and uplinked via a satellite dish in their back garden.
  • This morning, it's a dead bird on the small porch, legs up in the air, claws gripping nothing, stomach distended.
  • The institute is run by Rob Miron and Jason Suppa, both of whom spend most of their lives up in the air, leading tree climbs and working as arborists. Taking Tree-Hugging to New Heights
  • The concern is not only picking up the umbers and spreading them but it's been really hard for firefighters to get up in the air, to make any headway with this fire. CNN Transcript Oct 22, 2007
  • The ball looped high up in the air.
  • If the toe is up in the air, either the club is too long or the lie angle too upright.
  • The new George Clooney film Up in the Air charted that course, taking six years to make it into production, only to find that its story of a corporate downsizer facing a crisis of conscience was even more relevant in a time when few people are taking their jobs for granted. Art coincidentally imitates life in historic, timely 'Invictus'
  • We are sure that there is sb in the house because we see smoke rise straight up in the air.
  • It went straight up in the air like a cartoon hat.
  • Pepsi stretches out into a sphinxlike position, with his backside up in the air and his front legs stretched forward. Rescuing Sprite
  • We are sure that there is sb in the house because we see smoke rise straight up in the air.
  • Ten or 15 years ago when I was faced with a tricky left-winger the first thing I had to do was boot him up in the air. Tackling is still nowhere as hard as in the bad old days
  • Wilmington on DVD: Up in the Air, Precious, King Lear, Capitalism: A Love Story, Old Dogs italy bird searchthebest president peacock peafowl pavone naturesfinest berlusca flickrsbest indianbluepeacock parcofaunisticodabruzzo casteldisangroaq thanks self bathroom helsinki power personal president pipes johanna 2008 obama bodypolitic yeswecan messageforobama chicago topf25 hope illinois senator president topv5555 change topv11111 2008 campaign topf100 obama whitesox 08 election2008 barackobama thereseflanagancom yeswecan theaudacityofhope presidentbarackobama 08obama obama08 whitesoxfan presidentobama yeswedid justchicagoart obamawhitesox whitesoxobama SwampBubbles - News, Politics, Reports
  • I jumped up in the air, letting out a loud whoop of joy.
  • Cuthbert’s kirkyard, whare ane may sleep as if they were in a down-bed, till they hear the lavrock singing up in the air as high as the The Fortunes of Nigel
  • Note how these animals sometimes walk with their tails up in the air.
  • Crossing an intersection, this car came out of the blue and whacked my car up in the air. The Sun
  • Her turn as an up-and-coming corporate downsizer opposite George Clooney in "Up in the Air" has awards-season prognosticators shouting, "Oscar! ‘Up In The Air’ Director Jason Reitman ‘Wrote This Role For’ Anna Kendrick » MTV Movies Blog
  • In fact, the authors write in their preface, ‘Our objective was to write a book that you could pick up in the airport, read during a couple hours' flight, and deplane at a new mental as well as physical destination.’
  • Up in the air it was the twentieth century but in the blizzard on the ground it was the Middle Ages.
  • But he's willing to learn new tricks from his son, such as kickflips and other ollie variations - that is, popping the board up in the air.
  • John Henry Days begins with a brief, impressively vivid description of an airplane trip, a radically condensed version of Mr. Kirn's Up in the Air; the title of Mr. Kirn's novel even makes an appearance: Mr. Whitehead's junketeer is "always up in the air. Air Miles and Press Junkets, Consumerism and Coincidence
  • At that moment Michael was lying squirming on his back a dozen feet away, his legs straight up in the air, both fox-terriers worrying with well-stimulated ferociousness. CHAPTER VII
  • I think it's up in the air, at this point," said the 21-year-old biochemistry major, who caucused for Mitt Romney in 2008. Michael J. Hunt: 'Mom, Dad: I'm Undecided'
  • This means an arrogant faith in victory or success; the image is a bunch of guys tossing their caps up in the air and shouting, ‘Whipping them lily-livered toads will be a piece of cake!’
  • left everything up in the air
  • She was sitting in a hospital bed, her plastered leg up in the air.
  • Kiara stuck her nose up in the air and marched past him, uncovering the ping-pong table along with its paddles and balls.
  • The third represented the upper half of a human figure, ending in an escalloped line like the waves; the face was rubbed and featureless, and both arms were held very stiffly up in the air. The Complete Father Brown
  • After a show, when it was just the two of us alone together, he would leap up in the air three times to tell me how much he liked the work.
  • Well after a while we woke the Boston fish up & we all went home & I was feeling pretty good on acct. it being such a nice night & all the stars being out & etc. & when I got home I said Prudence guess what hapend & she says I can guess & I says Prudence I have been elect it a minit man & she says well go on up stares & sleep it off & I says sleep what off & she says stop talking so loud do you want the naybers to wake up & I says whos talking loud & she says o go to bed & I says I am talking in conversational tones & she says well you must be conversing with somebody in Boston & I says o you mean that little blond on Beecon St. & Ethen she went a 1,000,000 mi. up in the air & I seen it wasnt no use to try & tell her that the reason I was feeling good was on acct. having drank a Boston swelt hed to sleep without feeling any affects & I bet the next time I get a chanct I am going to get snooted right because a fello gets blamed just as much if he doesnt feel the affects as if he was brought home in a stuper & I was just kidding her about that blond on Beecon St. Some women dont know when they are well off Ethen & I bet that guy from Bostons Tom Duffy I mean wife wishes she was in Prudences shoes instead of her having married a man what cant holt no more than a qt. without being brought home in a stuper. A Parody Outline of History
  • We are sure that there is sb in the house because we see smoke rise straight up in the air.
  • Touch the floor with one hand and jump up in the air. The Sun
  • It was about the rush of chucking my money up in the air and seeing if it came back to me. Times, Sunday Times
  • We bounced up to 10 feet in the air, catching a glimpse of the mountain peaks and landing on a cushy inflated mattress to spring up in the air again.
  • He threw his hands up in the air, and a piece of meat shot out of his hand and across the room, splatting against the wall.
  • I even took a super-secret spycam photo by super-secret, I mean that I stuck my hand up in the air in a non-obvious way and nonchalantly aimed my Treo towards the pulpit. My Church Visit, in which I am Taught to Show Love for Gays by Denying Them Wedded Bliss. | Mind on Fire
  • It was about the rush of chucking my money up in the air and seeing if it came back to me. Times, Sunday Times
  • In Korea, young girls play a game of jacks, tossing small stones onto the ground, throwing a ball up in the air, and and trying to pick the stones up before catching the ball.
  • The iron rimmed wheels of the stagecoach threw a plume of fine dust high up in the air, and the boxy, badly sprung vehicle jounced and bounced on the rutted, hard packed earth that made up the last mile of the road.
  • After they are dropped, they open up in the air and disperse bomblets by parachute.
  • When he was up in the air he was engaged, his spirits prospered and his intellect was keener than a needle.
  • And locally, there are poker derbies and other fly-in events, so there's always something to be up in the air about.
  • There are a lot of upbeats, up in the air, which is great for dancing but really hard for an orchestra.
  • At this stage his future is very much up in the air as is the possibility of him remaining a United player.
  • But then there are dainty green graffs in Saint Cuthbert's kirkyard, whare ane may sleep as if they were in a down-bed, till they hear the lavrock singing up in the air as high as the Castle; whereas, and behold, these London kirkyards are causeyed with through-stanes, panged hard and fast thegither; and my cloak being something threadbare, made but a thin mattress, so I was fain to give up my bed before every limb about me was crippled. The Fortunes of Nigel
  • We are sure that there is sb in the house because we see smoke rise straight up in the air.
  • Surfing for porn up in the air, it is called bastardizing the whole concept of mile high club. not sure I want that… WiFi TV in The Air
  • Although Strong Hope's immediate future is up in the air, four of his stablemates were in action Sunday morning in preparation for their respective next starts.
  • Then he pointed the gun straight up in the air and pulled the trigger.
  • All she could see was old Mary's boots sticking up in the air.
  • His feet stuck up in the air.
  • The main reason I feel this is that when you date, pretense and airs are, well, up in the air.
  • Flummoxed by his true-false final exam, a student decides to toss a coin up in the air.
  • The last puffs left us, and in the hushes, between the rumbles of the nearing thunder, the voices of the men aloft on the yards came to one's ear as if they were right beside one instead of being hundreds of feet away and up in the air. CHAPTER XXVIII
  • So yes, there were hazards, and clouds of smoke pouring up in the air, but I can't regret those fall evenings by dancing flames under impossibly clear West Texas skies.
  • All the crowd cheered and threw their hats up in the air.
  • It was about the rush of chucking my money up in the air and seeing if it came back to me. Times, Sunday Times
  • His elbows fold and his wrists rehinge very quickly, which throws the ball up in the air on a higher trajectory. TheGolfChannel Headlines
  • Touch the floor with one hand and jump up in the air. The Sun
  • Martindale's hand was up in the air like a schoolboy waiting for the teacher to call on him.
  • Plans for the picnic are still up in the air since we can't decide where to go.
  • We are all fragile, kept up in the air by the most capricious winds. Times, Sunday Times
  • My stomach dropped out from underneath me more than once as we were thrown up in the air and even completed a full revolution.
  • The men at once threw their oars "apeak", as they say; that is, raised them straight, up in the air, and waited for further orders. Fighting the Whales
  • The saddle and the man were girthed on the ridge bone of a great trampling Flemish mare, with a nose turned up in the air like a camel, a huge fleece of hair at each foot, and every hoof full as large in circumference as a frying pan. The Fair Maid of Perth
  • At times, Adamma leapt up in the air with knees still bent and spread her arms wide.
  • Milwaukee reconsiders preferred contractor: Midwest Fiber Network's plans to fiberize and unwire the Wisconsin town are now up in the air -- pun intended -- as the city council pulls its support for a non-bidder deal. Wi-Fi Networking News
  • She can lave a note half turned up in the air, and go off and lave it, and ye 'd think she'd forgot where she left it, but never a fear o' ma, two days afther she 'll rache up for it and bring it down and slip off into the choon agin, nate as nate. Sowing Seeds in Danny
  • Touch the floor with one hand and jump up in the air. The Sun
  • We are all fragile, kept up in the air by the most capricious winds. Times, Sunday Times
  • Eva stood, flinging her arms up in the air, her bracelets jingling like tiny silver bells.
  • The last thing I wanted to do was get out by whacking one up in the air. Times, Sunday Times
  • But Olinda harbours a terrible secret: up in the airy valley, down in the rushy glen, one daren't go antiquing.
  • Wolves have launched an inquiry into how Mrs Butler was hurt by a firework that should have flown straight up in the air.
  • Track position is magnified at this place because we've got the valances on the ground, we've got the spoilers way up in the air.
  • I looked up and saw that loadmaster backlift, and it was like he was from a different planet, because we'd been there so long just with ourselves in this extreme isolation, and it was such a godsend, and I looked up and saw the American Air Force, and thought I wonder how many people have locked up in the air and seen the American Air Force and thought now maybe I'm going to survive. CNN Transcript Apr 17, 2003
  • Smoke from factories, gasoline fumes from automobiles and poisonous chemical gases combine to form a pernicious soup in the air.
  • All those guys get their shots up in the air and subsequently a lot die in the amarine layer. Hairston Never Got the Memo
  • Mr Cooper, who had been in front of his brother, said he heard a noise and looked back to see Andrew with his hands up in the air.
  • All the crowd cheered and threw their hats up in the air.
  • The men at once threw their oars "apeak," as they say; that is, raised them straight up in the air, and waited for further orders. Fighting the Whales
  • They also practice bottom feeding and are observed in the lagoons with their immature tail stocks and flukes sticking straight up in the air.
  • And Charlie Brown, turning the appellation optimist into someone sure to be scorned, because he so wants to believe and wants so much to kick that elusive football, comes charging down the field one more time, only to have the diabolical Lucy pull the ball once again, as Charlie Brown goes flying up in the air. Michael Russnow: The WGA Strike for Dummies: Why Is It Taking So Long?
  • It would fly up in the air and you had to hit it again as far as you could.
  • She thinks she's it, her nose up in the air or looking down it at you.
  • Players have been released, leaving a threadbare squad, and the future of the academy is up in the air. The Sun
  • To make the gesture, players form the 'A-OK' sign over both eyes to form "goggles" with their thumbs and forefingers, and to denote the change in the score stick the other three fingers up in the air. College Basketball's Big-Play Goggles
  • Her arms were thrown up in the air in exasperation, she turning away momentarily.
  • That would force the guys to really play shots and not just mindlessly lob the ball up in the air all the time.
  • Though Johnson keeps busy giving lessons at his family's farm near Asotin and traveling around the country to sell ultralights, hang gliders, and trikes, he looks forward to the next project that will have him up in the air with the birds.
  • You'd turn on the water, and it would shoot straight up in the air.
  • We are sure that there is sb in the house because we see smoke rise straight up in the air.
  • Regarding Oscar potential, the nominees include two favorites in Kathryn Bigelow (The Hurt Locker) and James Cameron (Avatar), two likely contenders in Jason Reitman (Up in the Air) and Quentin Tarantino (Inglorious Basterds), and possible longshot Lee Daniels (Precious). The Directors Guild of America Suggests Bigelow, Cameron, Reitman, Tarantino, and Daniels Were the Best Directors of 2009 –
  • But we've been told it did happen, narratively speaking, so we can either throw our hands up in the air and bewail the whimsies of writers with no sense of reality, or we can deal with it by asking how could it happen? Archive 2010-01-01
  • We are all fragile, kept up in the air by the most capricious winds. Times, Sunday Times
  • He was pointing his rifle straight up in the air.
  • She can lave a note half turned up in the air, and go off and lave it, and ye'd think she'd forgot where she left it, but never a fear o 'ma, two days afther she'll rache up for it and bring it down and slip off into the choon agin, nate as nate. Sowing Seeds in Danny
  • I'm willing to grant that A Serious Man is a comedy, but not if Up in the Air is a drama. jason b lots of 'dexter' love in the tv noms. only problem is that its putting lithgow up against emerson for 'lost'. as long as one of em gets it, i'm happy. 67th Golden Globes Nominations Announced | /Film
  • Then a kind of handstand where you fling your legs up in the air. TrinidadExpress Today's News
  • NOEL: Well, the car turned side ways in the road, and went kind of nosed down in the rushing water and the back was up in the air, and it was against a barbed wire fence. CNN Transcript Aug 17, 2007
  • HHH expells a massive loogie straight up in the air, which ends up on Orton's back. Liveblogging WrestleMania 25
  • Use the loft of the club to get the ball up in the air.
  • It is all up in the air until the AAT redetermines the matter.
  • How we express ourselves in worship remains up in the air. Robert H. Schuller 
  • I was staring out the windshield when I noticed his arm rising up in the air and slowly inching behind the headrest of my seat.
  • He had been pencilled in for a racecourse gallop at Newbury next weekend but those plans may now be up in the air. The Sun
  • In "Up in the Air" Ryan Bingham (George Clooney) is a corporate downsizer who fires people for a living. Erica Abeel: Stealth Politics
  • The last thing I wanted to do was get out by whacking one up in the air. Times, Sunday Times
  • If I don't work to a routine then I feel everything is up in the air!
  • I love making pastry, bringing my hands high up in the air as I rub the tiny cubes of cold butter and soft lard into the flour.
  • Ms. Prahalis has "shhh" tattooed on her index finger, the one she sticks up in the air after nailing a shot. A High-Pressure Homecoming
  • plans are still up in the air

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